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1、课课时时跟跟踪踪检检测测Unit 2Unit 2Section Section 语言点一语言点一语言点二语言点二语言点三语言点三识识记记掌掌握握理理解解拓拓展展应应用用落落实实识识记记掌掌握握理理解解拓拓展展应应用用落落实实识识记记掌掌握握理理解解拓拓展展应应用用落落实实返回返回返回返回返回返回返回返回返回返回A根据英文根据英文释义和首字母提示写出和首字母提示写出单词1 (vt.) to make ideas, feelings, etc.known to sb.2 (adj.) based on facts, not on ideas or guesses3 (adj.) able to b

2、end easily without breaking4 (n.) a part of a tree that grows out from the trunk5 (v.) say something to someone in order to have funconvey concreteflexiblebranchtease返回返回B根据根据词性和性和汉语意思写出意思写出单词6 adj.含含盐的;咸的的;咸的 n盐7 adj.无无穷的;无止境的的;无止境的 v&n.结束束8 n翻翻译;译文文 n翻翻译人;人;译者者 v翻翻译9 adv.最后;最后;终于于 adj.最后;最后;终于于 n事

3、件;大事事件;大事saltysaltendlessendtranslationtranslatortranslateeventuallyeventualevent返回返回10 v转化;化;转换;改造;改造;变换 n改改变;改;改观;转变11 n悲悲伤;悲痛;懊悔;悲痛;懊悔 adj.悲悲伤的;的;难过的的12 n最低限度;最少量;最小数最低限度;最少量;最小数 n最大限度;最大量最大限度;最大量transformtransformationsorrowsorryminimummaximum返回返回返回返回1convey vt.传达;表达;达;表达;输送;运送送;运送教材教材P10原句原句Oth

4、ers try to convey certain emotions.而有些而有些诗,则是是为了了传达某种感情。达某种感情。Words cannot convey my feelings at the moment.此此时言言语无法表达我的感受。无法表达我的感受。返回返回convey ones feelings/ideas .表达感情表达感情/想法等想法等convey sth.to sb. 把某物把某物传达达/传送送给某人某人convey sth.from .to . 将将从从运运 到到返回返回We will convey your present to your father if poss

5、ible.如果有可能的如果有可能的话,我,我们将把礼物将把礼物转送送给你父你父亲。Your luggage will by helicopter the airport your hotel.你的行李将用直升你的行李将用直升飞机由机机由机场运到旅运到旅馆。be conveyed fromto返回返回语境串境串记Premier Wen Jiabao conveyed his sorrow for the dead and ordered the necessities should be conveyed immediately to the earthquakehit areas.温家宝温家宝

6、总理理对死者表示了哀悼,并命令立即把必需品运送到死者表示了哀悼,并命令立即把必需品运送到地震灾区。地震灾区。返回返回2tease vi.&vt.取笑;招惹;取笑;招惹;戏弄弄 The dog may bite you if you keep teasing him. 要是你不停地招惹那条狗,它也要是你不停地招惹那条狗,它也许会咬你。会咬你。 At school the other children always teased me because I was fat. 在学校里,在学校里,别的孩子的孩子总是取笑我,因是取笑我,因为我我长得胖。得胖。返回返回tease sb.about sth.

7、因某事而嘲笑某人因某事而嘲笑某人laugh at 嘲笑嘲笑make fun of 取笑取笑make a fool of 嘲笑嘲笑play a trick/tricks on 捉弄捉弄play a joke/jokes on 开开的玩笑的玩笑返回返回She used to tease me my hair.她她过去去总是嘲笑我的是嘲笑我的头发。It seemed that God played a great joke on her she was graded just 50 this time.似乎老天跟她开了一个天大的玩笑似乎老天跟她开了一个天大的玩笑这次她只考了次她只考了50分。分。It

8、s cruel people who are disabled.嘲笑残疾人是不人道的。嘲笑残疾人是不人道的。to make fun ofabout返回返回3branch教材教材P11原句原句A fallen blossom Is coming back to the branch.落下的花落下的花朵回到了回到了树枝上。枝上。(1)n.枝条;枝条;树枝;支流;支枝;支流;支线;部;部门;分支;分店;分支;分店形形象象记记忆忆返回返回仔仔细观察下列句子,写出察下列句子,写出branch 的含的含义The big fallen branch cut off the traffic of the ro

9、ad. As far as Im concerned, the river has three main branches. He told me that our New York branch was dealing with the matter. 树枝枝支流支流分部;部分部;部门返回返回(2)vi.(指指树)分枝;分枝;(指河流、道路指河流、道路)分岔;分岔; 分出支流分出支流I dont know the road branches at the bottom of the hill.我不知道我不知道这条路在山麓分岔。条路在山麓分岔。返回返回4transform vi.& vt.转化

10、;转换;改造;变换转化;转换;改造;变换教材教材P11原句原句Never looking back,Transformed into stone.化化为石,不回石,不回头。Whether Kong Xiangdong is changing his appearance or transforming his music, he is a pioneer in music today.不管孔祥不管孔祥东是在改是在改变他的形象他的形象还是是对音音乐进行改革,他行改革,他都是当今音都是当今音乐界的先界的先锋。返回返回We must work hard so as to China an advan

11、ced industrial country.我我们必必须努力工作以便使中国努力工作以便使中国变成先成先进的工的工业国。国。We are living in a time of social transformation.我我们生活在一个社会生活在一个社会变革的革的时代。代。transform A into B使使A变成成Btransformation n. (外外观或性或性质的的)改改变;变革革transforminto返回返回返回返回点此进入返回返回返回返回返回返回1make a of列出列出的名的名单2make 讲得通;有意得通;有意义3nursery 童童谣4stay 熬夜熬夜5tak

12、e it 放松;不放松;不紧张;从容;从容listsenserhymeupeasy返回返回6run out 用完用完7be made of 由由构成构成8be popular 受受欢迎迎9 particular 尤其;特尤其;特别10be translated 被被译成成ofupwithininto返回返回返回返回1take it easy ( take things easy)松懈;从容;放松;不松懈;从容;放松;不紧张教材教材P10原句原句if we hadnt taken it easy .如果我如果我们没有放松警惕没有放松警惕If we hadnt taken it easy, we

13、would have passed the exam.如果我如果我们没有松懈的没有松懈的话,我,我们就通就通过考考试了。了。There is nothing serious; you can take it easy.没什么没什么严重的事,你不用重的事,你不用紧张。The doctor told me and not to worry too much.医生告医生告诉我放松点,我放松点,别太担心了。太担心了。to take it easy 返回返回take it easy, take ones timetake it easy意为意为“放松;不要紧张放松;不要紧张”。指心理上。指心理上“别紧别

14、紧张张”,相当于,相当于“dont be nervous”take ones time意为意为“不慌不忙;从容不迫不慌不忙;从容不迫”或或“拖拉;慢拖拉;慢吞吞吞吞”。指时间上不用慌张,因为。指时间上不用慌张,因为“Theres enough time left.”自填助自填助记 ;we have enough time.Im tired.I want to for a while.Take your timetake it easy 返回返回2run out of用完;耗尽用完;耗尽教材教材P10原句原句.if we hadnt run out of energy.如果我如果我们没有精疲力竭

15、。没有精疲力竭。In a mine accident, the trapped miners were running out of energy when help came.在一次在一次矿难中,被困中,被困矿工就要精疲力竭工就要精疲力竭时,救援来了。,救援来了。Many young people their money by the end of each month.许多年多年轻人到月底就把人到月底就把钱花光了。花光了。run out of返回返回run after 追赶;追逐追赶;追逐run across 偶然遇偶然遇见run into 撞上;撞上; 偶然遇到偶然遇到It was ye

16、sterday that he ran across one of his old friends.昨天他偶然遇到了他的一位老朋友。昨天他偶然遇到了他的一位老朋友。返回返回语境串境串记Tom was running after Jerry when Jerry ran into a pole.Both of them ran out of their strength.汤姆正在追赶杰里,姆正在追赶杰里,这时杰里撞上了一根柱子,它杰里撞上了一根柱子,它们的力的力气都耗尽了。气都耗尽了。返回返回run out of, run out run out of“用完用完”,是及物动词短语,表示主动含义,

17、主,是及物动词短语,表示主动含义,主语一般是人语一般是人run out“用完用完”,是不及物动词短语,其主语通常为时,是不及物动词短语,其主语通常为时间、食物、金钱等名词间、食物、金钱等名词自填助自填助记She has her money and her patience is also .她把她把钱用完了,她的耐心也要耗尽了。用完了,她的耐心也要耗尽了。running outrun out of 返回返回3be made up of由由构成;由构成;由组成成 教材教材P10原句原句Another simple form of poem that students can easily wri

18、te is the cinquain, a poem made up of five lines. 另外一种学生容易写的另外一种学生容易写的简体体诗是由五行是由五行组成的,叫做五成的,叫做五 行行诗。 Society is made up of people of widely differing abilities. 社会是由能力迥异的人构成的。社会是由能力迥异的人构成的。返回返回The medical team is made up of/is composed of/consists of two doctors and five nurses.这支医支医疗队是由两位大夫和五位是由两位大

19、夫和五位护士士组成的。成的。make up构成;构成;组成;成;编造;化造;化妆make up for 弥弥补;补偿返回返回Thirtyfive boys and twentyseven girls make up the class.35个男孩和个男孩和27个女孩个女孩组成了成了这个班。个班。The teacher asked the students a poem about the friendship.老老师让学生学生们创作一首关于友作一首关于友谊的的诗。She determined to work twice as hard as before to make up for the

20、lost time.她决定加倍努力工作,把失去的她决定加倍努力工作,把失去的时间补回来。回来。to make up 返回返回4in particular尤其;特尤其;特别教材教材P11原句原句Did you know that English speakers also enjoy other forms of Asian poetry Tang poems from China in particular?你知道你知道吗?说英英语的人也喜的人也喜欢其他其他类型的型的亚洲洲诗,尤,尤其是中国的唐其是中国的唐诗。返回返回Is there anything in particular in the

21、 program Happy Camp tonight?今晚的今晚的电视节目目快快乐大本大本营中有什么特中有什么特别的的吗?I noticed Bi Fujians eyes in particular because they are very small and bright.我特我特别注意了注意了毕福福剑的眼睛,因的眼睛,因为那双眼睛很小且很有神。那双眼睛很小且很有神。返回返回(1)be particular about/over sth.对某事挑剔;某事挑剔;对某物某物讲究究be particular to 为所特有所特有(2)particularly adv. 特特别;尤其;具体地;

22、尤其;具体地;详尽地尽地As far as I know, she is very particular her clothes.据我所知,她据我所知,她对衣着特衣着特别挑剔。挑剔。I dont know that the plant is particular to Australia.我不知道我不知道这种植物是澳洲所特有的。种植物是澳洲所特有的。about返回返回点此进入返回返回返回返回返回返回1句型展示句型展示There are various reasons whypeople write poetry.人人们写写诗有着各种各有着各种各样的原因。的原因。典例背典例背诵She said

23、the reason why she had to resign was her poor health, but the manager didnt believe the reason (that/which) she gave.她她说她不得不辞她不得不辞职的理由是健康状况不佳,但是的理由是健康状况不佳,但是经理理不相信她不相信她给的理由。的理由。返回返回2句型展示句型展示The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory, but they are easy to learn and recite .童童谣不一定有什么意不一定

24、有什么意义,甚至,甚至(有的有的)看来自相矛盾,但是它看来自相矛盾,但是它们容易学,也容易背容易学,也容易背诵。 典例背典例背诵Many people think Harry Potter is pleasant to read.许多人多人认为哈利哈利波特波特读起来起来让人感到很愉快。人感到很愉快。返回返回3句型展示句型展示Some rhyme (like B) while others do not (like C)有些清有些清单诗押韵押韵(像像B),有些不押韵,有些不押韵(像像C)。 典例背典例背诵I like the TV program Sports World while my si

25、ster likes Animal World.我喜我喜欢电视节目目体育世界体育世界,然而我妹妹喜,然而我妹妹喜欢动物世界物世界。返回返回4句型展示句型展示With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may eventually want to write poems of their own. 有了有了这么多可供么多可供选择的的诗歌歌类型,学生型,学生们最最终也也许想自想自 己作己作诗了。了。 典例背典例背诵 With so many problems to solve, we will have a har

26、d time. 有有许多多问题要解决,我要解决,我们将会有一段将会有一段艰难的的时期。期。返回返回返回返回1Some rhyme (like B) while others do not (like C)有些清有些清单诗押韵押韵(像像B),有些不押韵,有些不押韵(像像C)。while 在本句中表示在本句中表示对比,意思是比,意思是“而;然而而;然而”。返回返回仔仔细观察下列句子,写出察下列句子,写出while的含的含义Pan Changjiang is short, while his daughter is tall. They chatted for a while and then we

27、nt to work. She listened closely while he read the letter. While I understand your viewpoint, I dont agree with you. While there is life there is hope. 而;然而而;然而一会儿一会儿当当时候候虽然;尽管然;尽管只要只要返回返回2With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may eventually want to write poems of their own

28、.有了有了这么多可供么多可供选择的的诗歌歌类型,学生型,学生们最最终也也许想自想自己作己作诗了。了。With so many different forms of poetry to choose from为with的复合的复合结构,在句中作状构,在句中作状语。返回返回返回返回The teacher entered the classroom with a book in his hand.老老师手里拿着本手里拿着本书走走进了教室。了教室。With so many people present, I felt nervous.这么多人在么多人在场,我感到,我感到紧张。With no one , she slipped out of the room.趁没人注意,她溜出了房趁没人注意,她溜出了房间。noticing返回返回With nothing to do, I went out for a walk.由于没有什么事情可做,我便到外面去散步。由于没有什么事情可做,我便到外面去散步。With the work , they went back home.工作做完了,他工作做完了,他们回家了。回家了。Do you know the woman with a baby in her arms?你你认识那位抱小孩的那位抱小孩的妇女女吗?done返回返回点此进入返回返回点此进入



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