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1、Unit 7 Food Festival 菱淄婪峦咎啼孵馁泪帽累抚润勇瓶淄疑酌办孵纤邵酌绩暂诡幸钻闽右浆裕Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Object Clauses()But Im not sure whether/if I can cook it well.Can you tell me if/whether its polite to eat with your arms or elbows on the table in America?Do you know whether or not its impolite to sm

2、oke during a meal in France?Comparative and Superlative Degrees of Adverbs()Jane arrives early. Michael arrives earlier.Kangkang arrives earliest.Grammar玫益袁熔弥葵自车琼流窗炭涟萤赃妻刨佃耪峨辟级担痒朽忠塔湛挠荤寡田Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)FunctionsFirst . Second . Next . Then . After that . Finally . Well d

3、one!Would you mind if we learn to make it from you?Of course not.Remember not to drink too much.版榔晾刷奢倚淹啡近欢胎衷暑过喝朴游概仁猛佐窑慈氓襟拦瓜蝶误腾炽味Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Would you please tell me something abouta formal western dinner ?忱嚷轨絮渺归而栏匠膳谆黄竟儒挑炕份株鞋嫌惨仙郝巷峦乎裁龟钡剥珐坟Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Unit7T

4、opic2SectionD (3)seafood n. 海鲜southern adj.南方的,南部的in the southern part of China =in the south of China 在中国的南方在中国的南方历怯州恋揩纪尿叠码桓任鬼勘拓挫军讲凹喂翼堡涅遍罕场排续著完奠羽簇Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)AreaEating habitsNorth America / Australia / EuropeChinaParts of IndiaThailandKoreaThere are two or more co

5、urses for every meal and people use knives and forks to eat.All Chinese people use chopsticks to eat.People use their fingers to pickup the food.People use spoons or chopsticks to eat, but it is not polite to use both of them atthe same time.People eat with a spoon and a fork and they dont use knive

6、s at all.瘟纯茵勾仗缸缀诬灾墨畸肚辅讫郸猿睁封声级慰铝膛炙靶涌件检枫撮桓丑Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)1.People around the world have different eating habits. 全世界的人们有不同的饮食习惯。 around the world=all over the world=throughout the world 全世界 E.g:那是众所周知的 It is known around/throughout /all over the world.2. .,there are two

7、 or more courses for every meal and people use knives and forks to eat. .,每顿饭有两道或两道以上的主菜,人们用刀叉吃饭。 course 可数名词,意为“一道菜”。 E.g:主菜是烤鸭。The main course is the roast duck.3.In parts of India, people use their fingers to pick up the food. 在印度有些地方,人们用手指头拿食物吃。 pick up 拿起,捡起;接某人;取某物;搭便车。 E.g:电话铃响了,我拿起了话筒。 The p

8、hone rang and I picked it up. 我的哥哥会开车来接你的。 My brother will pick you up in the car. 泞扫敞作辜禁捻孙惮棕顿淫桥涅言找棺秀腕绝镊菠柿幻盎砂核贴躲勉匹碘Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Listen and follow. Eating Habits People around the world have different eating habits. In North America, Australia and Europe, there are tw

9、o or more courses for every meal and people use knives and forks to eat. In the southern part of China, people eat rice a lot, while in the north people often eat noodles. In the central and western parts, people are far away from the sea, so they dont eat much seafood. But all Chinese people use ch

10、opsticks to eat. In parts of India, people use their fingers to pick up the food. In Thailand,people eat with a spoon and a fork and they dont use knives at all. In Korea, people use spoons or chopsticks to eat, but it is not polite to use both of them at the same time.巾眺褒掣桅捶娘桓钞栽噪弘因皮垒就夏损擅兢放看教谰蓝热底显坯杯

11、力椰Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)different eating habitsNorth America, Australia, Europe, courses , knives, forks.southern part of China, rice, north, noodles, central, western, dont, seafood, chopsticks.parts of India, fingers, pick up.Thailand, spoon,fork, dont use knives.Korea, spo

12、ons, chopsticks, not polite, both.塑庐凳儒象狙骏燎露劝谤匠钱讳级痊藕匿昂符弱筛负断螺顺拎存桓掐遏勒Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Talk about eating habits in different parts of the world according to 1.Example:A: Can you tell me if there are two or more courses for every meal in North America, Australia and Europe?B:

13、 Yes, I think so. A: Do you know if people in the south of China often eat noodles?B: No, I dont think so. But sometimes they do.环撰佩辣厕怒吉捉阻贯牌蓑堕羚滩绣莽贮护宙剐店迭敛憾奥射绑偏砧惠买Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Unit7Topic2SectionD (3) Suppose you are Beth.Report the following interview notes to your partner.2BethTomIs the mos

14、t popular food in your restaurant hot dogs?Yes,it is.Are the sausages in your hot dogs different from those in others?Yes,they are.Are dumplings your favorite Chinese food?No,they arent.Do you like Chinese food?No,not at all.Example: I ask Tom if/whether the most popular food in his restaurant is ho

15、t dogs.And he says it is.杨筛耽冰研沥忽统焦孟诽抽暴辣炒仑被站奖备乏漠糊容跨坤尔四万弗邱臆Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)3Look at the pictures and write a passage about how to cook chicken soup.cut upwashput.intoboiladd salt, green onionsready, enjoy瘪作秩野付猾柱忙麻狭先哩侵翘帧柿阁橙宗墅臃养手离井穷惭衍流厩亚烦Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Unit7Topic2Se

16、ctionD (3)Table Manners in Different Countries1.Prepare some hats with country names, such as Japan and Cuba on them. 2.The students wearing the hats will do some eating actions.The other students guess and discuss. Whats he / she doing? Is it polite to do this during dinner in Japan / Cuba .? Is it

17、 polite to put arms or elbows on the table in Japan / Cuba .?3. Write a passage about table manners in different countries.曲渊舀岔达略窍溃惦愁溜烩碧拽还赐避句柿占宠痰奔冰牧害济捂实迸除棚Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)( ) 1. Dont worry. My father will _ us up in the car if it rains tomorrow. A. bring B. take C. pick

18、( ) 2. I dont know _ its polite or not to eat with our arms or elbows on the table in America. A. if B. whether C. that( ) 3. -Would you mind if I learn English from you? -_. I am very glad to teach you. A. Of course not. B. Youd better not. C. Sounds great. ( ) 4. All Chinese use chopsticks_. A. ea

19、t B. to eat C. eating( ) 5.In the _ part of China,people eat rice and fish a lot. A. south B. southes C. southern单项选择。单项选择。CBABC烃柠滇倦异袜揣涉隶迄哀多亿彩颊珐阁摩熄项滞感嫂蓉平芝蕾艳杨骋萨眉Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)综合短文填空。合短文填空。 When you go to a dinner party in the U.S.A, youd better bring a small present. I

20、ts nice to bring some d_, such as juice, beer or something like that. You should a_ on time or no more than five minutes late. Dont get there e_. If you are going to be more than fifteen m_ late, you should call them or let them know. Try to be relaxed and p_. If you dont know h_ to use the knife an

21、d fork, dont be nervous. You can watch other people and f_them. If you still have no idea, ask the person n_to you. If you like the food, you should say what you t_ of it. Of course, you should thank the host a_the meal. Usually a thank-you card is sent after the party.rinksrrivearlyinutesoliteowoll

22、owexthinkfter绒赂曝章规忠肄查资摇钳授瘪更坠袱遵狱赡褒举厢删喜慰寞餐颂纂镐君军Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Example: Chicken soup is very delicious, and its good for our health. Would you like to eat some chicken soup? Well, lets cook it together. First, cut up chicken. Next, wash the chicken and put it into a deep

23、pot 70% -80% full of water. Then, boil the chicken for about 2 hours. Finally, add some salt, green onions and so on. Now the chicken soup is ready and you can enjoy it. 坯批唯帝留漱君揍菠忿违孜甘诅督让诡点物菱孵瘫秀逮椅士箱赶眨途忱庐Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)1. Some new words: southern,seafood,pick2.Some phras

24、es: eating habits, in the southern part of, pick up, at the same time3.To review object clauses: But Im not sure whether/if I can cook it well. I ask Tom if/whether the most popular food in his restaurant is hot dogs. Do you know whether or not its impolite to smoke during a meal in France? 1.Talk a

25、bout different eating habits around the world: In North America, Australia and Europe, there are two or more courses for every meal and people use knives and forks to eat. In Korea, people use spoons or chopsticks to eat, but it is not polite to use both of them at the same time.2.Talk about how to

26、cook chicken soup.夯我压侄刃埋届诵健锗杉切绒捂倡锐琳杂兆蒂派袒好淡椒拽狸名烁猿么敌Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)1. Read and retell the passage of 1.2. Write a passage about table manners in different countries.3.Finish Section D in your workbook.4.Review Topic 2 and preview Section A of Topic 3.淤狸盈歧依档蔷狗能鲤涤逻铲厌竖纯即窟置贡朔甫苫颗班笋谢柯电铁襟初Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Thank you !诡阅肇画康遏计彪剖塔悍蘑眩拇始异犊鸯尽氯吭仑次辨跳矿珐绳减捧波毛Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)Unit7Topic2SectionD (3)



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