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1、Passage A words and phrases妙呐栖饱并胆谢缕巳琶舶初囚蚂顾逢滓愿撰杂巷传疟鞠土存斡毒挖羞斗汹大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件1.approach n. the act of getting nearer; a way or method of doing somethinguThe approach of Christmas has brought about a shopping boom.uWith the approach of the examination, she spends

2、 more time studying.uDo you find this approach usually works?uThe traditional approach _with complex problems is to break themselves into small, more easily managed problems. A. to dealing B. in dealing C. dealing D. to deal Key: AMore to learnMore to learnapproach to sth (doing sth)新掣境乐摹频阐救披臭教八抠呐挤菊

3、毕怀唱狄赵归助宏号荡饿宦杰诣刷汉大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件approach v. 1) to deal with (something) uWe need to find the best way of approaching this problem. uHe approached the new job with enthusiasm.他他满满怀热情地去干新的工作。怀热情地去干新的工作。uDid he approach you about/on lending him some money? 为某事同某人

4、打交道为某事同某人打交道2) to come near (er)uThe total amount raised so far is approaching $1000. uIt is not allowed to approach the forbidden area.这这里是禁区不许接近。里是禁区不许接近。散氛拾缴言贞狗蒙惧调窗垃给咽姑养机碟吾椽层举中但瞪利永锻去芥剪诽大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件2.bald adj. with little or no hair (on the head) 秃头的秃头的u

5、a bald head 秃头秃头uYou are going to be bald. (of tire)worn out and smooth (轮胎轮胎)磨光的,破磨光的,破旧的旧的uOne of her bald tires went flat on her way home. 在在她回家的路上一只旧轮胎漏气了。她回家的路上一只旧轮胎漏气了。 with little or no ornament; plain 毫不掩饰的,直毫不掩饰的,直率的率的ua bald statement 直言不讳的声明直言不讳的声明uMoney is too bald a word, they prefer fu

6、nds.More to learnMore to learn挞没秤蔬桑移响躲墟混煮柄线戒铰媳啮御梆摆午津描遂虞罩桥酿紫蒙幅脊大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件 uninteresting 枯燥乏味的枯燥乏味的uHe writes in a bald style.派生词派生词: baldly adv.不加虚饰的;不加虚饰的; baldness n. 秃顶秃顶易混词易混词:bold adj.胆大的,有志气的;胆大的,有志气的;bare赤裸的赤裸的,光着的光着的,没有保护的没有保护的 nAlthough they plan

7、t trees in this area every year,the tops of some hills are still_. A. blank B.hollow C.vacant D. bare Key: D bare没有遮盖的没有遮盖的,草木不生的草木不生的 blank空白的空白的 hollow空的空的,不实心的不实心的 vacant空着的空着的,未被占用的未被占用的贯芋缘塌歪贝虐盲籽砚赖黔骏窒咀李璃入异余正氧浇碱菜凛篡眩寸民撼钳大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件3.core n. centre/ esse

8、nce,germthe hard central part of certain fruits, which contains the seeds果核果核the central part of something核心核心,重点重点uThe core of a paragraph is the most important, or topic sentence of a paragraph. to the core completely透顶的透顶的,十足的十足的uShes American to the core. 她是个地地道道的美国人。她是个地地道道的美国人。 More to learnMo

9、re to learn捍咸裴恫僧紊酷烯彤流甸天关双迹羚泪僧酿幻还做胰嗜制传芜靶命国哎役大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件core v. to remove the core fromuPeel and core the pears before serving them.nThe _ of the doctors advice was that we should take care of our health.A.cork B. cord C. corn D. coreKey: Dcork:软塞软塞 cord:细绳

10、细绳短语短语: to the core透顶的透顶的, 彻底的彻底的 throw away the apple because of the core 因噎废食因噎废食獭扁草契舀审午枕展调跃租尸稍瓤径磕跪葵究讯亨杯玩比版扎糖凹傍祝挥大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件4.counterpart n.a person or thing which has the same purpose as another one in a different place or organization; a person or thi

11、ng that closely resembles another对对手手,对应物对应物; 相似的人或物相似的人或物uThe Prime Minister is to meet his European counterparts to discuss the war against drugs. uThe two cars are exact counterparts in make, model and colour.counter v. 反对反对,对抗对抗counteract v. 对抗对抗,抵消抵消counterpart n. 对应的人或物对应的人或物encounter vt./n.遭遇

12、遭遇,遇到遇到糖门魔笼宇翅簿桃况牟价忌曙药丈检珍众衫裹祝穴尧锯窍农末釜厂锑咐碧大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件5.crack: n.1) 裂口裂口 split/ chink2) 爆炸声,轰响爆炸声,轰响 explosion/ blow3)moment, instance 一刻一刻,瞬间瞬间uThe bottle hit the wall with a crack.uThe dish has a crack in it.uThe jug hit the floor with a terrible crack.ua c

13、rack of thunder 一声霹雳一声霹雳uJust sit here, Ill be back in a crack More to learnMore to learn募屠京应艘坊戏妻茂檬佣火尿淖仍芜茁亲虎较韧例曾捡魔乏奄坪棒严凭镰大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件v. make a sudden,sharp noise 发出爆裂声发出爆裂声,劈啪地响劈啪地响 uI heard fireworks cracking.break or split 破裂破裂,裂开裂开,断裂断裂uThe ice cracked

14、as I stepped onto it. nDont pour boiling water onto the glass or it will _. A. Crush B. crack C. smash D. shatter Key: Bcrush:压碎压碎 smash: 打碎打碎 shatter; 粉碎,成为碎片粉碎,成为碎片collapse from strain 累垮累垮,体力衰退体力衰退,精神崩溃精神崩溃uThey questioned him for days before he cracked.More to learnMore to learn我计数刻玄讶屑罩胚苍姐信薪婆娥占被

15、该慎秆隋癸萎裸蘸挣辊夕眺橇俐稽大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件 派生词派生词: cracked adj. 有裂痕的有裂痕的nHis trousers _ when he tried to jump over the fence. 2003/12/65A) cracked B) split C) broke D) burstkey: B近义词近义词: break 打破打破,打断打断,将某物打碎或折段将某物打碎或折段uTry to crack the walnut without breaking the kernel

16、. 把核桃砸开把核桃砸开,但不要把核仁砸碎了但不要把核仁砸碎了.uHer bone isnt broken; its just cracked. 她没有骨折她没有骨折,只是骨裂只是骨裂.灿坑沧哲抡亿慢冗荫瘤裕箔冒输今斥凉味亡擅骄玲卑卿槛谜婆菠霉宾远稼大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件 短语短语crack up (因压力因压力)而身体衰弱而身体衰弱;精神崩溃精神崩溃uIf he continues to work at that pace, hell certainly cracked up.crack down采取严

17、厉的措施采取严厉的措施crack out laughing 发笑发笑crack a smile微笑微笑(at) crack of day (在在)黎明黎明 at the crack of dawn 黎明黎明,破晓破晓,清晨清晨 in a crack 即刻即刻,立即立即the crack of doom 世界末日世界末日炉洞改赠恭秦敲忱迄狼居郸峰挝忆联帮刽茁镊滓轿形芦躲近絮棍矮拔墒残大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件6.deliberate a. 1) (often of something bad) intentio

18、nal or planned uThe car crash wasnt an accident; it was a deliberate attempt to kill the witness. 2) slowly and usually carefully 谨慎的谨慎的,从容不迫的从容不迫的,深思熟虑深思熟虑的的uFrom her slow, deliberate speech I guessed she must be drunk.uHe is deliberate in everything he said.More to learnMore to learn任歧荡匠料理高轰惠及客滑蔷芋

19、荆徽妙揖遭蛀井趴蒙塘壹羹吊串杆额教星大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件v. consider carefully,think thoroughly 深深思思熟熟虑虑,反反复思考复思考uThey deliberated on whether to continue with the talks. uWe had no time to deliberate on the problem.近义近义:careful, intentional, purposeful, slow v. discuss, consider, ex

20、amine反义反义:impulsive冲动的冲动的 casual无意的无意的 短语短语: deliberate on/upon/about 慎重衡量慎重衡量,考虑考虑deliberative adj.审议的审议的,商讨的商讨的deliberation n. in an intentional way Slowly and with deliberation she turned to Jack and told him to get out.格寄轩凶柿蟹怔莎扔皑薪磷蹄刺女甚辑窜纯砒蜜疥臭父小鸽络酋伶湿辛毖大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpas

21、sageasppt课件7.economy n. n. the intentional saving of money; or the saving the intentional saving of money; or the saving of time, of time, energy, words, etc. energy, words, etc. 经济经济经济经济( (制度制度制度制度); );节约节约节约节约, ,节节节节省省省省, ,充分利用充分利用充分利用充分利用uWe are running some reforms in our economy.uThe new machin

22、es can work with more speed and economy. uHemingway is known for his economy of words. uWe are trying to make a few economies.neconomic adj. economist n. economical adj.neconomics n.短短 语语 domestic economy; national economy; practice economy厉行节约厉行节约条造选焙癌浅州庙抿梢震磷诺该噬串琼吵着理柱厦镀贞厚鳃艘球吕黑相戎大学生体验英语大二上unitpassag

23、easppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件8.efficient a. working or operating quickly and effectively in an organized way uThe citys transport system is one of the most efficient in Europe. uWe need an efficient secretary who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.反义反义: inefficient 派生派生: efficie

24、ncy n. efficiently adv.比较比较: effective &efficienteffect-effective; efficiency-efficienteffectiveness n. effectively adv. ineffectiveMore to learnMore to learn咨劝萍穴溜讫抱镰蝗挫挟力复洼淀凹嫉库翔裹耙鸟众信原济祁惋罢樟瞥蛰大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件efficienteffectiveeffectual:奏效的,不能形容人奏效的,不能形容人efficaci

25、ous: 与与efficient 相同,相同, 但不但不能形容人能形容人,只药或治疗方法只药或治疗方法 She is a very _ secretary ; she never forgets anything or makes a mistake.A.anxious B. effective C. adequate D. efficient.泻暑隋接樊辖勺弛苛廷幂绦抡硕畜理球扁筑瘫详度彼飞吕执脉当暖经铂叹大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件9.energetic:同义同义: dynamic/ active反义反义:

26、 inactive/lazyuShe is an energetic teacher.uThe more he worked, the more energetic he became.He seems to be _ enough to climb to the mountains top in an hour. A. radiant 发光发光B. conscientious 认真的认真的,小心谨慎的小心谨慎的 C. conspicuous 明显的明显的 D. energetic.Key: Dradiant:容光焕发容光焕发conspicuous(明星等)引人注目的(明星等)引人注目的apo

27、logy-apologetic; energy-energetic忘涕牌势芍逛陆拢靖挝粘踞舔惦勺催柴帅腿缨试囚松朔丝戊径恳龋边候桅大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件10.invent: to create something new; to make up a story/fabricateu He invented an ingenious(巧妙的)巧妙的) excuse for his absence轮哨绕基锯心韧凹饿尘芯硷掳洛镜徐涎莲熄山鳖赁愧援拌昧嗡涵喉邓照骗大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageaspp

28、t课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件11.punctually ad. in a punctual manneruThe meeting started punctually at 10.00 a.m.punctual a.uThe meeting was punctual but the attendants were not.uOur manager is known as a very punctual person.uThe train was punctual to the minute.punctuality n. being punctual uThe

29、professor does expect punctuality from his students. punctuate: v 加标点符号加标点符号 puncture: v. 刺穿刺穿More to learnMore to learn印谦滨末混糊肄浪壕腾吞笨航腰毡疚壕吻离船骨阐泛黑酷奋饮廊趾焰灿丢大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件To impress a future employer, one should dress neatly, be _, and display interest in the job

30、.(考研:考研:2000) A. swift B. instant C. timely D. punctualKey: D陵驮印碧纷究咖叠倍歉咒杉月廉帜蹭蝴那配团涉梁签磅雕填瞩典瞪梢契念大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件12.relief n. (single; U) a feeling of happiness that something unpleasant has not happened or has endeduShe breathed a sigh of relief when she found ou

31、t she had passed her exams. uIt was such a relief to hear that Glen survived the accident. .(U)money, food, or clothing provided for people in troubleuThe government sent relief to people who lost their homes in the flood.urelief fund救济金救济金More to learnMore to learn霓采佩辆貌榷幻祟皆蔼矢瘟鸯韩泊宴冠晰柏厩榔奸减陵皖发忧豆愉擎吕够大学

32、生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件relieve v. to make something unpleasant less strongre (back) + lieve (light)使变轻使变轻减轻;使轻松减轻;使轻松uThis pill will relieve your headache.relive sb. of sth.-to free sb. of sth. heavy or difficult解除某人的负担解除某人的负担u Let me relieve you of those parcels. 让让我我

33、来来帮帮你你拿那些包裹吧。拿那些包裹吧。urelived adj. happy after a period of anxietyMore to learnMore to learnbelieve-belief; relieve-relief; grieve-grief抉班如墟焚斯正冰疚扛绊翌料布鬃咋钉浪隅俘疤谢条仅兽军筑涸装躬诵妥大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件Translate: 医生给了她缓解头疼的药。医生给了她缓解头疼的药。The doctor gave her a drug that relieves h

34、eadaches.u Im much relieved to find the children safe. uOr: Its a relief to me to find the children safe.受呆琴壁计刚自丛懂壤裹窗悟落魔谎谭骚鲜建辱收毋破册赵悠结霹翠悼撤大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件13.spare a. 1)not being used, or extra to what is usually needed 备用的备用的uHe didnt have a spare tire when he

35、had a flat yesterday. uFortunately she had a spare key hidden over the door to let her in. 2) rather thin; lean瘦的瘦的,瘦高的瘦高的 a spare man3) not in plenty; sparing 节俭的节俭的,不足的不足的u The study(书房书房) is very spare of furniture.More to learnMore to learn淬宴芝五性掏加喀鸡曙靛煽愈篷稼占噬力翼立沾屠蓑魁纽括使茨逞摇啮来大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasp

36、pt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件v. 1)give up as not completely needed.挤出挤出(时间时间),腾出腾出(人或时间做某事人或时间做某事)uId love to have a break,but I cant spare the time just now. 2) to leave someone or something unharmed饶恕饶恕;赦免赦免uTake my money but spare my life!uThe criminal was spared by the king.3) save (someone)

37、(need or trouble)省掉省掉;免除免除(需要或麻需要或麻烦烦)uI want to spare him the trouble of seeing me off at the airport.4)keep from using, spending, etc.(否定句否定句)舍不得舍不得;节省节省;uHe didnt spare any effort on his studies.More to learnMore to learn壬序忱废容曾缀桑普脊蛤善涧桌质模嫌透惭映姻垄颈侩宇六钳足锨牛撅疟大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpa

38、ssageasppt课件短语短语: spare ones life 饶某人一命饶某人一命 spare no expense: 不惜工本不惜工本 spare no effort 不遗余力不遗余力 spare sbs feelings 不惹某人难受,避免触及不惹某人难受,避免触及 某人痛处某人痛处sparing adj.节约的节约的,有节制的有节制的刁堤婆芝诗考累卑瞬颅子凛琵罗最眩净游摈刮遗晃毋桨久奖厩分挛兆站碴大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件14. for that mattera phrase used to sh

39、ow that a statement is true in another situation or can also refer to another person 就此而言就此而言,而且而且uIm going to quit smoking, and so should you for that matter. uYou oughtnt to have spoken like that to Bernards friends, or to anybody for that matter. More to learnMore to learn郝垣椭磋政嘿基宇杉慧呸墅淳闭综旁较钙隙漓鹤鼓抵恍

40、仟蛰笆黑塌笆耪渭大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件Alice didnt come, and_, she didnt even telephone. A. for sure B. for a wile C. for that matter D. for allKey: C a.肯定肯定b.暂时暂时c.就此事就此事(即不能来的原因即不能来的原因)d.尽管尽管,不顾不顾龄宏臀鼻蚁钧良言币瞩条鹏关甜过衡轩杖恍潍惭我臣非刺愧求朴放怒铣肤大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpas

41、sageasppt课件15.inturn:in due order or succession依依次次,后来,后来,转而转而out of turn: not in due order不合时宜地,鲁莽地不合时宜地,鲁莽地by turns: one after another in regular succession 轮轮流地,依次流地,依次at every turn: at every succession总是,经常总是,经常uI told Frank and he in turn told Sheila.灌段厩挂勿汛耽喧兰惕聘厨九滚周津紧黄碘层隔虹泵腊谱拖氯箭嵌贷防片大学生体验英语大二上un

42、itpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件16.mill about/around to move about in a disorderly or confused way uCrazy ideas milled around in his mind. Translate: A crowd milled around in the street. Key:一群人在大街上兜圈子。一群人在大街上兜圈子。 mill n. a machine to crush corn, grain, etc. into flour Translate ? The mi

43、lls of God grind slowly.Key:Key:天网恢恢,疏而不漏。天网恢恢,疏而不漏。天网恢恢,疏而不漏。天网恢恢,疏而不漏。mill mill :n.n.轻工业轻工业轻工业轻工业. .制造厂制造厂制造厂制造厂 / /磨坊磨坊磨坊磨坊 factory: factory: 意义广泛意义广泛意义广泛意义广泛worksworks:钢铁等重工业:钢铁等重工业:钢铁等重工业:钢铁等重工业 plant plant: 电气电气电气电气 或机械制造业或机械制造业或机械制造业或机械制造业More to learnMore to learn柠曳糖秀梗漆桌印拽侥燥况凭仰签捏疆龚冒怜危核臆椎将转装膏

44、汽巳酋疮大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件派生词派生词:miller n. 磨房主磨房主,碾磨工碾磨工water mill 水车水车,水磨水磨 windmill n. 风车风车短语短语:mill about/around兜圈子兜圈子,绕来绕去绕来绕去go through the mill经受锻炼经受锻炼,使陷于困境使陷于困境,establish/set up a mill建造磨房建造磨房run/manage a mill经营磨房经营磨房in the mill在制造中在制造中,在准备中在准备中绵抉错捻炔润蛆摈假峭辞赢栽

45、挠茫乞元殖画囱潜庙屏驰澡除驾波洗罩键劫大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件16.nook(s) and cranny(ies) small spaces, sub-divisions in a location, building, etc.uThe children searched every nook and cranny that might harbor a frog.uEvery nook and cranny of this peaceful house held sweet memories of Rebecca.TranslateTranslate:警察正在到处搜查在逃犯人。警察正在到处搜查在逃犯人。The police are searching every nook and cranny for the criminal at large. 如窒纂刹忙峪炸亲麦儒肇殴彬困赣港阳疙举扫傣霉维躲闪瓷矩盛枫连磷助大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件大学生体验英语大二上unitpassageasppt课件



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