Chinese Food and Drink

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《Chinese Food and Drink》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Chinese Food and Drink(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Chinese Food and DrinkKey Sentences: (流暢精句)(流暢精句)1.It is said approximately, there are over 32 famous styles of cuisinekwizi:n in China. 在中國大概有32 種有名的菜系。2.Experts have come to agree that Sichuan, Shandong, Guangdong or Cantonese, and Jiangsu cuisines are the four most distinctive ones. 美食家通常將中國菜歸類為川

2、菜、魯菜、粵菜和淮南菜四大菜系。3.Tea is popular everywhere in China. China has a long history of tea producing and tea drinking.茶在中國到處都有,中國在對茶的生產和飲用方面有著悠久的歷史。4.There is a popular saying in China: “ There is nothing more delicious than jiaozi.”中國有句很流行的話:“好吃不如餃子。”Chinese Food and DrinkKey Sentences: (流暢精句)(流暢精句)5. T

3、ea has never ceased being part of life in China, with farmers in even the poorest regions enjoying streaming cups.茶文化在中國這塊國土上從未停止過,即使是最貧窮的地區的人們也熱衷品茶。6.Mans dietary habits are undergoing a revolution.人類的飲食習慣正在經歷著一場變遷。7.With increasing per capita income, the development of agriculture and economic gro

4、wth since the late 1970s, the Chinese have had more concern about food quality than quantity.20世紀70年代末以來,隨著人均收入的增加、農業的發展和經濟的增長,中國人開始更加關注食品的質量而非數量問題。Chinese Food and DrinkVocabulary: (妙詞連珠)(妙詞連珠)fried shredded pancake炒餅fried rice炒飯fried noodles炒麵Sichuan noodles with peppery sauce擔擔麵cut noodles刀削麵stea

5、med sponge cake發糕rice served with meat and vegetables on top 蓋(澆)飯lightly fried dumpling鍋貼ravioli餛飩half-cooked rice夾生飯thin pancake made of millet flour,etc煎餅dumpling wrapper餃子皮filling for dumpling; stuffing餃子餡dough pulled into strips for noodles拉麵mantou饅頭rice flour米粉cooked glutinous rice糯米飯Chinese F

6、ood and DrinkVocabulary: (妙詞連珠)(妙詞連珠)highland barley flour青稞面Chinese wafer雲片糕northern-style(northern flour) dishes北方菜customary dish常見菜fried dish, saut炒菜egg蛋類菜肴local ( native ) dish 地方菜beancurd豆腐類stew燉菜typical local dish風味菜complimentary dish奉送的菜poultry家禽類菜肴pan-fried dish煎菜aspic膠凍菜Beijing(Pekinese) di

7、shes京菜standing dish每日例菜savory dish開胃菜national dish民族風味菜famous dish名菜southern-style (southern flavour ) dishes南方菜sumptuous food and dishes prepared for the Lunar New Year年菜Chinese Food and DrinkVocabulary: (妙詞連珠)(妙詞連珠)meat 肉類菜肴delicacies from land and sea山珍海味delicacy of the season時菜rinsed parboiled food涮菜rich dish 味濃的菜non-Chinese dish西菜entree小菜(兩正菜間)smoked dish熏菜food to go with wine or liquor下酒菜game野味



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