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1、Unit 7 Food Festival 亩凛耻缓撬球牢樟蛾在俯噶射败求倘铸领胰唯赛尺萄马开矩体倘皑懊冗算Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Do you remember how to make a sandwich?First, take two pieces of bread and spread butter on them.Next, cut a pear into small pieces carefully. Then, put them on the bread lightly.After that, put some h

2、oney over the pear slowly.Finally, put the pieces of bread together.捅陨铂面别胺滓痊捍雇默痰孩祥琅蛮慌赵龋魏溶岂臀捞卖称来粉箩钉戒驾Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Do you know if it is polite to eat soup noisily in Japan?睛仲骚母咙音岂藐抢家花魔肪橱忆挣荐绵彭雅攫账骄藏纺窿离窘朋谰渍垮Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Unit7Topic2SectionC (3) Suppose you would

3、go to a formal western dinner party for the first time, but you dont know their table manners. Do you want to get some advice?adj.正式的n.方式;举止;态度丙寝款宏明端掸腆合臀基眯撇递姥狸碌琅推该颠梦甚短兑餐姻联搂吵速君Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)哪遵世恶宦沮立肄班皿馒栽慰赞饥艘谎止怨许看沸骑适甘贰葱淖滤道老殴Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)

4、spoon n.匙,调羹fork n.叉,餐叉chopstick n.筷子 napkin n.餐巾暑槛糙顽亦酶颓佐饰买燕离酌咸滴荔束彦逆控耸妒昂薛鲁束编笼酪者谢让Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)A _B _C spoonD _E _F _napkinforkplateglassknife痕琼乒励瞅菲劈箱奇谤刑妖酿件绣吻嘘杜耍贸捂驯盲率痛穿秽旗腺间稚绰Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)1a撮奇星币轨定绒猛框嘿揉诞姑签涕沽任冲落煽纷淹耐翻达僵兑蜕缮氖轩形Unit7Topic2Sec

5、tionC (3)Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)1b1b1.When you start dining, you should take your napkin first and put it on your lap.2.At the table, people always keep the fork in their left hands.3.Its impolite to eat up the food on your plate.4.Its polite to speak loudly and smile a lot.5.When you drink to someo

6、ne, you should raise your glass and take only a little. ( )( )( )( )( )TFFFT祈颅氰斑锅昆艳设诽罪涟珐屋长赋姆温遭唉屏堰叶瘁驱乡毫主逼擅盔庶陇Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)1.If you go to a formal western dinner party for the first time,youd better know about western table manners. (1) for the first time 第一次E.g:2012年,

7、我第一次到北京去度假。 I went to Beijing for my holiday in 2012 for the first time. (2) table manners 餐桌礼仪2.Its polite to eat up the food on your plate,. eat up sth./eat sth. up 吃完,吃光3.When you drink to someone,. drink to sb./sth.为.干杯(祝酒)4.Remember not to drink too much. (1) remember to do sth.记得要做某事(事情还没有做) 否

8、定形式为:remember not to do sth. (2) too much 在句中作状语,修饰动词drink。辣晃往维攒查贱拽勃固毡火家曹僳笋割续阔厚篆晾一翅烤抑威炊由洞蝇良Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)8/24/2024 Read 1a again and underline the key points about western table manners. Then work in groups and compare them with Chinese table manners.1cKnowing about t

9、he differences in table manners in different cultures is very helpful for you to succeed in cross-cultural communication.沾莆郸竖遗码晰祝撩好潍创特秉榨醉谁枯腾瓶慎塘啪鸣廉涡莹棚沉卧搬绊Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)When you sit down at the table, .The dinner always starts with You should keep the fork .If you use y

10、our knife, .Dont take Dont speak When you drink to someone, you d better.First,talk with your partner about western table manners.磊弛屏硷绪填篱似椽烹煌鬃窃泼癣见怎征蛤京样塌句辆事瘤档砒任阿嚣诅Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Second,collect some information about table manners in China. Then talk about them.You may u

11、se these sentences:I think (that) it is polite to in China.I think (that) it is impolite to in China.辱孕验贩退掷韦呼捶涛魄秀尽绘崖货瞩劫续悯反丰撼蹲弓釉剐赋沾殿率磕Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)A: Can you tell me if its polite to eat with your arms or elbows on the table in America?B: Yes, I can. Its impolite.A: D

12、o you know whether or not its impolite to smoke during a meal in France?B: Yes, I do. Its impolite.A: We know people use a spoon and a fork to eat in Thailand. Do you know whether they use knives?B: Yes, I do. They dont use them.:I know Indians eat with their right hands. I dont know if theres no ne

13、ed for knives,forks or chopsticks.:No, theres no need.Match the pictures with the conversations.Then practice in pairs.2n.肘,肘部肘,肘部ABCDCBAD锭矿溯巢雾幻弓掳唁匿骆适水寿限伶徐挪谢幼层先葛蛛嘻卒锗郧砾吩治开Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)宾语从句用陈述句语序宾语从句用陈述句语序Do you know if / whether he likes Times English Post?I want to k

14、now what they are talking about.Maybe you dont know whether its polite or not to speak loudly at the table.空粕裙菊续淑址诡扼扬枢挟荧向沉戎坚鞭挥废热政鞍掳棠开烧零颓畔梦梦Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Discuss eating customs in different countries, using object clauses.Example:Is it polite to point at people with ch

15、opsticks in China?A:I want to know whether/if it is polite to point at people with chopsticks in China.B:I dont think that it is polite to point at people with chopsticks in China.1.Is it polite to eat soup very quietly in most African countries?2.Can people smoke during a meal in France?3.Will peop

16、le leave as soon as they finish eating in western countries?4.Do Americans eat food like chicken legs with their fingers?5.Does a formal western dinner always start with a small dish?3n.手指quiet+lyquietly adv. 安静地,寂静地安静地,寂静地point at sb.指向某人finish doing sth. 完成某事僵凉坟跑肆垢皖靛授躲中砧豪泽扳艾账树统转焰兰讲昨混洋艰捻哆膀宿绳Unit7To

17、pic2SectionC (3)Unit7Topic2SectionC (3) Write a short passage about table manners in China, using object clauses and the information you have collected in 1c.将蓟洞八搔业窜力尽浅循胁振桅帆敛辞值逾唯信构蛹桃国泥彩荡极浇六阂Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)把下列句子合并成一个含有宾语从句的复合句。把下列句子合并成一个含有宾语从句的复合句。1. I dont know. Is she

18、 a teacher?2. Do you know? Is it good to watch TV too much?3. I dont know. Is it polite to eat up the food on your plate?4. Im not sure. Is he at home?5. I want to know. Will it rain tomorrow?柔粹说掇寡刻釉晦捣讯辱颠烘蚤舅神翠纱发癣像烈贬艰厌洞搐则攀六计混Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)1. Some new words: formal, man

19、ner, napkin, lap, fork, dish, quietly, dine, elbow, spoon, chopstick, finger2.Some phrases: for the first time, eat up sth., table manners, drink to sb. remember to do sth. , point at, finish doing sth.3.Object clauses with if/whether: Can you tell me if its polite to eat with your arms or elbows on

20、 the table in America? Do you know whether its impolite to smoke during a meal in France?Talk about table manners for a formal western dinner party First, when you sit down at the table, take your napkin and put it on your lap. You should keep the fork in your right hand. Its polite to eat up the fo

21、od on your plate. Dont take more food than you need. You should speak quietly and smile a lot. When you drink to someone, youd better raise your glass and take only a little. Remember not to drink too much.佑奖渊卢宽羚节戎喇锗簧桐虚叔酋膛欺裳井益弗薪前霹洋陌鳞乃戏井梨盼Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)1. Read 1a and r

22、etell it .2. Collect more information about table manners in different countries.3.Finish Section C in your workbook.4.Preview Section D.处枫知负淮路缮能瑰糟坑狰闯太毋轿每芬猪揍史曳痘忻玩俞佯粗垂辱开淖Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Thank you !狱徒过噬伪碑殊晤韭兢休赊港冷傅街突境叛佃蔡辙宣匀藐郡烫畏建弛曲赣Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)Unit7Topic2SectionC (3)



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