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1、初中七年级下册英语写作专题训练50题含范文一、材料作文1 . 假如来自美国的Kitty是你的好朋友,根据所给要点提示,写一篇短文,谈谈Kitty喜爱的中国节日和她目前的生活方式。( 不 少 于 7 0 词)人物Kitty, 1 4 岁,成绩优秀,但体质不好。喜爱的节日及原因. . .生活方式常吃汉堡包,很少喝汤,不喜欢蔬菜和水果。在两餐间吃甜食。不常锻炼计戈IJ想当舞蹈家,少吃汉堡包【 答案】例文:My best friend is Kitty. She is from America. She is 14 years old. She is good at lessons,but she i

2、s not very strong. Her favorite Chinese festival is the Mid-autumn festival becauseshe likes the mooncakes best. On that day, she enjoys admiring the moon with her parents.She often eats hamburgers, but she seldom has soup. She doesnt like vegetables or fruits. Shelikes eating dessert between two me

3、als. She doesnt often exercise. She dreams of becoming adancer, so she decides to eat fewer hamburgers.【 详解】1. 题干解读:本文主要是介绍自己的朋友,主要介绍她喜爱的中国节日和她目前的生活方式。表格中给出r 相应的细节要点,写作时不要遗漏,也可适当增加细不。2. 写作指导:本文以一般现在时为主,人称用第三人称。写作时要把表格中的细节都要涵盖,可多用简单句,使文章语句通顺,不要出现汉语式英语,而且要保证无单词拼写和语法错误。2. 假设你是李华,七年级上学期的学习生活即将结束,在这半年的初中

4、生活中,你一定结识了很多新朋友吧!那么谁是你最好的朋友呢?请根据要求,以“My BestFriend”为题写一篇英语短文向大家介绍你最好的朋友。内容包括:1 . 介绍你的好朋友的基本情况( 包括年龄、生日、最喜欢的运动和食物等) ;2 . 介绍你的好朋友最喜欢的科目,并说明原因;3 . 你为什么喜欢你的好朋友?作文要求:1 . 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。2 . 语句连贯,词数60个左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。My Best FriendHi, Im Li Hua. Im in Grade Seven now. This term, I make

5、some new friends.【 答案】例文My Best FriendHi, Im Li Hua. Tm in Grade Seven now. This term, 1 made some new friends. AndWang Lei is my best friend. He is 14 years old and his birthday is on October 18th. He likessports and basketball is his favorite sport. He always plays it with me after school. Fruit a

6、ndvegetables are his favorite foods. He likes vegetables for dinner, so he is healthy. At school,he likes P.E. and science best. He thinks they are interesting. I like to play with Wang Leibecause he always helps me a lot.【 详解】1. 题干解读:题目要求根据提示要点,介绍自己的最好的朋友的情况,可以适当的发挥,写作时要运用正确的英语表达,要选用恰当的词汇和短语。2. 写作指

7、导:写作时要与已给出的开头融合起来,本文应该用第一人称、第三人称来介绍内容;时态采用一般现在时;在介绍内容时,力求语言准确,内容完整,保证行文连贯,条理清晰。3. 一年中有四季,每个季节都有它的独特之处。某英文网站正在开展以“MyFavorite Season”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿,描述自己最喜爱的季节,介绍你喜欢的原因及通常你在这个季节可以做什么。提示词语:cool, fly kites, go hiking, ride bikes提示问题: What is your favorite season? Why do you like it? What can

8、 you do in this season?My Favorite SeasonThere are four seasons in a year, and every season isdifferent._【 答案】例文My Favorite SeasonThere are four seasons in a year, and every season is different. My favorite season isspring. In spring, the weather gets warmer and the days get longer. The trees and gr

9、ass turngreen, and all kinds of flowers come out. The scenery is as beautiful as a painting. I can dolots of outdoor activities. Sometimes I climb the hill with my parents, and sometimes I flykites with my friends in the park. When it rains, I like going out for a walk. The rain makesthe air fresher

10、 and it makes me feel relaxed. I think its wonderful.“A years plan starts with spring. Lefs go outside to enjoy the beautiful nature.Thats all. Thank you for listening!【 详解】1. 题干解读:题目要求根据提示要点,写出自己最喜欢的季节、喜欢的原因及在这个季节能做的事情等,可以适当的发挥,写作时要运用正确的英语表达,要选用恰当的词汇和短语。2. 写作指导:写作时要与已给出的开头融合起来,本文应该用第一人称来介绍内容;时态采用一般

11、现在时;在介绍内容时,力求语言准确,内容完整,保证行文连贯,条理清晰。4. 假设你叫王浩,英语学习很棒,请以“Howto Learn English”为题,给大家一些学习英语的建议。内容包括:1 . 要认真听老师讲课,课上尽量讲英语;每天记住8 1 0 个单词。2 . 课后经常听英文歌曲,读英文报纸,看英文电影,并且和同学用英语交谈;有问题请教老师。3 . 把错题写在你的笔记本上。注意:1 . 词数:100词左右。2 . 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。How to Learn English【 答案】例文How to Learn EnglishMy name is Wang Hao.Im go

12、od at English.Here is some advice on how to learnEnglish.First,we should listen carefully in class and we should speak English as much aspossible.We can try to remember eight to ten new words every day.Second,we can listen to English songs,watch English movies and read Englishnewspapers after class.

13、They are great ways to learn English.And we can talk about them withour classmates in English.When we have problems,we can also ask our teacher for help.Last but not least,we can write down our mistakes in our notebooks.Then we can writedown the correct answers next to them.I hope my advice is usefu

14、l to you.【 详解】1. 题干解读:本篇书面表达属于材料作文。要求以王浩的身份写一篇关于如何学习英语的作文,题目是“How to Learn English”。作文内容需要包含所给的三个关于学习英语的建议,建议内容包括:认真听老师讲课、上课尽量讲英语、每天记住8 10个单词、课后经常听英文歌曲,读英文报纸学生们在此基础上对每个内容再进行适当地拓展,把文章写得更具体、更充实。2. 写作指导:写作时应注意以下几点:第一点:写作时应使用一般现在时和第一人称展开描述,要做到主谓一致;注意格式规范,符合作文的语境表达。第二点:文章内容要先介绍自己并说明自己写这篇文章的目的,再从三个学习英语的建议

15、内容展开,并在此基础上选用合适的连词、短语和句型来进行串联和拓展。第三点:文章做到思路清晰,层次分明,要点齐全;行文要语句通顺,符合逻辑关系;无语法、单词拼写和标点错误。5 . 班级即将开展“ 友谊日” 分享活动,你决定介绍好朋友Peter周日一天的活动情况,请根据表格内容提示写一篇短文,在班级分享会上介绍给同学们。要求:1. 短文应包含表格中的所有要点,并做适当拓展;2 . 短文中不能出现真实的人名和校名;3 . 字数60词左右,字迹端正,卷面整洁。Hello everyone!Peter ,s dayIn the morningget up, have breakfast,.In the

16、afternoongo to the zoo (animals,.) ,.In the eveninguse the computer (emails,. . . ) ,.【 答案】参考例文:Hello everyone! Today I will share my best friend Peters Sunday with you. He usuallygets up at 7:00 a.m. and has breakfast at 7:20 a.m. He does his homework from 8:00 a.m. to11:00 a.m. He has lunch at 12:

17、00. After dinner, he usually has a rest. He likes pandas verymuch, so he usually goes to the zoo in the afternoon, where he can see many differentanimals. In the evening, he uses the computer to chat with his pen pal Amy by e-mail. And hegoes to bed at 10 p.m.【 详解】1. 题干解读:这是一篇材料作文。要求根据表格中的内容提示写一篇短文介

18、绍你的好朋友Peter周日一天的活动情况。注意要点齐全,可适当发挥。2. 写作指导:本文主要采用第三人称和一般现在时来行文。根据所给的内容提示,按照时间的先后顺序介绍Peter一天的活动情况,可适当使用连词,使文章上下文衔接自然。注意保证内容全面,条理清晰,层次分明。6 . 学校杂志正在进行一项活动调查。请你写一篇短文,谈论你和你的朋友分别喜欢的一项活动,比如看电视、打篮球、看电影、去博物馆等。内容必须包括以下方面:1) . What activity do you and your friend like?2) . How often do you and your friend do it

19、?3) . Why do you and your friend like it?字数:80左右 答案】My favorite activity is reading. I read books before bedtime every day. I likereading because books can introduce a new world for me.My friend likes playing basketball. He thinks playing basketball is good for his health andkeep his body strong. An

20、d he can not only make many friends, but also learn to work inteams. He plays basketball with his classmates after school on the playground. He almostplays it for about half an hour every day.【 详解】题干解读:题目要求写一篇英语短文谈论自己和朋友分别喜欢的一项活动,要包含所有要点提示,可适当发挥。写作指导:本文应用第一人称来叙述;时态采用一般现在时,可分两段写作,第一段交代自己喜欢的活动,第二段写朋友喜

21、欢的活动。喜欢原因以及进行活动的频率需要叙述完整,保证条理清晰。7 . 学生安全是家庭、学校和社会共同关注的问题,作为中学生,我们应该有效的自我保护,远离伤害。请你自拟标题写一篇80词左右关于如何保证自身安全的文章。要求如下:1 . 包括交通安全、水火安全、网络安全等三方面内容,可根据需要适当发挥。2 . 语句通畅、语法正确、书写规范。3 . 试用2-3个从句。4 . 文中不得出现本人和学校的真实信息。【 答案】范文:How to keep ourselves safeAs middle students, we should keep ourselves safe at school and

22、 out of school. Here issome advice on how to keep safe.First, we are supposed to follow the traffic rules. For example, never listen to musicwhen we are riding a bike. Second, we should keep ourselves away from the fire. If we areindoors when the fire is on, we should be calm. At the same time, we s

23、hould call 119 andcover our mouths with wet cloth. Be sure not to take a lift. Besides, we should keep ourselvesaway from rivers. Dont go swimming by ourselves. If someone is drowning, call for help.Finally, we also need to keep ourselves safe on the Internet. We cant tell others ourinformation incl

24、uding our address, real names, phone numbers and so on.In a word, we should try our best to protect ourselves.【 详解】题干解读:题目要求自拟标题写一篇关于如何保证自身安全的文章;要求包括交通安全、水火安全、网络安全等三方面内容。写作指导:此作文时态用一般现在时;采用第一人称口吻。此作文可采用3 段落格式:第一段:开门见山,引出下文如何保护自身安全;第二段:从交通安全、水火安全、网络安全等三方面内容描述如何保护自身安全;第三段:总结全文,中学生要尽力保护自己。8. 假如你是无锡阳光中学

25、(Sunshine Middle School)的学生李明,你想参加21世纪报青少版Teens中 SCHOOL TIME栏目的征文活动,请根据以下流程图的提示,用英语写一篇短文,介绍你的学校生活。lUpduce yourself your school life is you think of yourSchool; favorite actixities. last school gchool and school life.注意:1: 对所有要点逐一陈述,适当发挥。2:词数80左右,文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。Hello, everyone.【 答案】One possible ver

26、sionHello, everyone. My name is Li Ming. I study at Sunshine Middle school in Wuxi. Welearn many subjects at school. I like English best.There are a lot of clubs in our school. I go to the Reading Club every Tuesday. There is asports festival and an art festival every year. Last month, we went on a

27、school trip toHuangshanhu Park. We flew kites and sang songs there.I think our school is very nice and our school life is very colourful.【 详解】1. 题干解读:本文是一篇材料作文。要求根据流程图的提示,用英语写一篇短文,介绍你的学校生活。注意语句通顺,要点齐全。注意时态的使用和灵活运用所学单词、短语以及句型,使文章更加生动形象。2. 写作指导:本文时态为一般现在时为主,人称为第一人称。写作时先认真审题,看清题目中的要求和要点;然后根据提示内容,列出写作要点

28、及每个要点中可能要用到的表达。之后紧扣要点,动笔写作,在写作过程中,要做到内容完整,表述准确,语言的表述符合语法的要求,最后要仔细检查有无单词拼写错误、标点符号误用等,还要检查语法结构是否合理,有无重复、啰嗦的语言,大小写是否正确,词数是否符合要求等。9 . 你已经是初三的学生了,和刚入学相比你有哪些改变?请 以 “Howl havechanged”为题根据表格提示,写一篇短文描述你所发生的变化,可适当发挥。词数80个左右。Two years agoNowshorttallshyoutgoingdidnt eat vegetableslove carrots and tomatoesbe le

29、ss interested in Englishdo well in English【 答案】例文:How time flies! Now I am a student in Grade Nine. Everything has changed. So have I!I was thin and short two years ago. At that time, I didnt eat vegetables. Now I lovecarrots and tomatoes and Im taller and stronger than before. I used to be shy and

30、quiet, butnow Im brave and outgoing with the help of my teachers and classmates. Whafs more, Ipractice speaking English with my classmates every day and I do well in English now. In fact,I used to be less interested in English. Its my English teacher who helps me a lot.Im so glad that I have changed

31、 a lot and become better. Thanks to the teachers andclassmates, I have learnt so much! Never will I forget the valuable middle school life!【 详解】1. 题干解读:该题目属于记叙文写作,叙述自己两年来的变化。第一段引出话题,总起全文;第二段按照题目所给要求分别叙述两年来的变化,注意句式结构尽量丰富;第三段为总结段,表达对于自己种种变化的感受。2. 写作指导:本文应该用第一人称来叙述,时态主要运用一般现在时和一般过去时,用一般现在时描述现在的情况,用一般过去

32、时态描述过去的情况,结尾段可兼用现在完成时表达感受。写作时注意不要遗漏要点,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词和句式,同时要注意正确使用关联词,以使行文更加自然流畅。10 . 众所周知,水是生命之源,了解水的重要性及保护水、节约水是每个公民的责任。正值福州争创全国文明典范城市之际,请根据以下图表,以“ProtectingandSaving Water”为题写一篇短文,谈谈我们应该如何保护水、节约水,在环保方面为创建文明典范城市尽自己的一份力量。要求:1 .必须包含所有提示信息,并可适当发挥:2 . 意思清楚,表达通顺,行文连贯,书写规范;3 . 请勿在文中使用真实的姓名、校名及提示信息以外的地名。In s

33、hort.Protecting andSaving Waterthe importance of water:drink, cook, cleancant live without waterwhat to do:report water pollutionreuse and recycleturn off the tap. . . ( 补充一至两点)Protecting and Saving WaterAs we know, water is very important to living things. Every day, we【 答案】例文:Protecting and Saving

34、 WaterAs we know, water is very important to living things. Every day, we need water to drink,to cook and to clean. Plants need water for their growth and animals need water to drink.They cant live at all without water. Then what should we do to protect and save water?Firstly, lefs do something to f

35、ight against the water pollution. We should report thewater pollution to our government if it happens. Secondly, we should reuse and recycle waterin our daily life. For example, we can use the water we wash vegetables to water the flowers.Also, we must turn off the tap as soon as we finish using it.

36、 lastly, we can call on the peoplearound us to realize the importance of water.In short, by doing so, we can make our city environment more beautiful and our lifemore healthier.【 详解】1. 题干解读:该题目是说明文,开头已给出,要求根据图表中的内容写一篇关于保护水资源的短文,可适当发挥。2. 写作指导:本文主要采用第一人称来叙述;时态上用一般现在时。写作时要适当使用一些副词和连词,注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系,结

37、构清晰,表达具有条理性。1 1 .书面表达上周你们班去了扎龙自然保护区进行观鸟,写一篇短文,描述你的见闻和感受. 要点如下:1 . 保护区覆盖了 4000多平方公里的面积. 是世界上最重要的湿地之一. 有很多珍稀鸟类,40%的鹤住在扎龙.2 . 在那天,有很多学生记录了鹤的种类. 我们学到了很多关于鸟的知识,也明白了保护湿地的重要性.3 . 湿地越来越小,鸟类处境危险. 我们必须Last week, my class went to Zhalong Nature Reserve to go bird watching. 答案Last week, my class went to Zhalong

38、 Nature Reserve to go bird watching.The reserve covers an area of over 4000 square kilometers. Its one of the worlds mostimportant wetlands. ThereYe a lot of rare birds there.40 percent of the cranes live inZhalong. That day many students recorded the types of cranes. We learnt a lot ofknowledge abo

39、ut birds. And we also understood the importance of protectingwetlands. Now wetlands are becoming smaller and smaller and the birds are in danger. Wemust do something to protect them.【 详解】这篇作文要求我们根据提示来介绍上周你们班去了扎龙自然保护区进行观鸟的情况,题目中给出了具体的写作的内容,我们应将这些内容用正确的英语表达出来。首先应注意在短文中要包括题目中给出的所有信息,不能遗漏要点,并注意表达的层次和条理。

40、其次要注意使用正确的时态和人称,通过分析可知,这篇短文应使用一般过去时态,这是一个写作的难点。最后要注意英语的表达习惯,英语句式与汉语在语序和词性上的使用是不同的,要注意不能逐词翻译,写汉语式的英语。12. 你是否还记得上小学的地方以及曾经和你朝夕相处的老师与同学? 他们都是怎样的? 请以“My Past Lifb”为题,写一篇不少于70词的英语短文给大家介绍一下吧。参考词汇: be bom, Primary School, first teacher, first friend, be strict, friendly【 答案】例文My Past LifeHello, everyone. T

41、m glad to tell you something about my past life.I was born in a small but beautiful village. When I was 8 years old. I went to primaryschool. There were only 22 teachers and about 200 students in it. My first teacher was MissWang. She was kind to us and her classes were very interesting. She was als

42、o our friend afterclass. We all liked her. There were 25 students in my class. We got on well with each otherand helped each other. I really miss them now. I hope they are happy and healthy for ever.【 详解】1. 题干解读:本文是一篇材料作文。要求以“My Past Life”为题,写一篇短文,讲述自己上小学时候的事情,内容包括上小学的地方以及曾经和自己朝夕相处的老师与同学都怎么样等;注意要点要齐

43、全,可适当发挥。2 .写作指导:本文主要采用第人称来展开写作,时态主要用一般过去时。写作时要认真审题,根据提示的内容,列出写作要点及每个要点中可能要用到的表达;然后紧扣要点,动笔写作;可以围绕主题准确使用一定的语法、词汇、短语和句型等;语言的表述要符合语法的结构,造句应该符合英语的表达习惯;层次要分明、条理要清晰。13. 健康对每个人来说是很重要的事情,保持健康需要有良好的生活习惯。请根据思维导图的提示,结合自己如何保持健康的方法,以“How can we stay healthy?”为题,写一篇英语短文。eal healthy foodtake exercise every dayhave

44、enough sleepget on well with othersdon t smoke or drinkdont miss breakfast要求:1 . 应包含思维导图提示中所有要点,可适当进行拓展;2 . 词数;8 0 词左右;3 . 书写工整规范;4 . 标题、首末段已给出,不计入总词数,无需抄写在答题卡书面表达作答区域;5 . 文中不得提及真实的人名、校名等相关信息。How can we stay healthy?What can help us to stay healthy? There are some things that we should do and someth

45、ings we cant do.In a word, health is important to everyone. Keep yourself healthy!【 答案】例文How can we stay healthy?What can help us to stay healthy? There are some things that we should do and somethings we cant do.First, we should eat healthy food. We should eat more fresh vegetables and fruit. Donte

46、at junk food. We cant smoke or drink. They are harmful to our health. And remember tohave breakfast every morning. Second, we should take exercise every day. Dont sit for a longtime. You should stand up after sitting for about half an hour. Third, we must have enoughsleep. Dont stay up late at night

47、. Finally, we must get on well with others. It can keep us in agood mood.In a word, health is important to everyone. Keep yourself healthy!【 详解】1. 题干解读:该题目属于材料作文写作,要求按照所给的要点提示写一篇短文,介绍如何保持健康。注意写作时要点要齐全,同时也可进行合理而又紧扣主题的发挥。2. 写作指导:本文应该用第一、三人称来叙述;时态采用一般现在时;文章开头已给出,写作时,注意承接上文,根据要点提示具体介绍保持健康的方法:我们应该做的事和不应该

48、做的事;文中一定要包含题干中列出的所有要点;可以运用一些短语和常用句型为文章增添色彩;注意单词书写的准确度,语法运用的准确度, 上下文注意连接的流畅度,以及逻辑合理。1 4 .在一堂英语课上,老师要求你们以My best friend为题做一个简短的演讲, 请你根据以下提示用英语写一篇演讲稿。要求: 1 .包含所给信息,可适当发挥;2 . 条理清晰, 语句通顺, 语法正确, 书写规范;3 . 词数在60词左右。My best friend【 答案】例文My best friendHello, my name is Carl. I have many friends. Mark is my be

49、st friend. He is 14 years old,and his birthday is on November 2nd. He likes apples very much, because they are good forhis health. He says an apple a day keeps the doctor away. At school, English and geographyare his favorite subjects. He thinks they are easy and useful. After school, he often plays

50、soccer with his friends. He says it is really interesting and relaxing.【 详解】L 题干解读:本文要求以“My best friend”为题写一篇英语作文,结合思维导图可知,要介绍好朋友的年龄,生日,爱好等。注意写作时要点齐全,同时也要紧扣主题。2 . 写作指导:本文应使用一般现在时态,人称以第三人称为主。写作时,内容上应注意描述的全面性,要涉及好朋友所喜欢的食物,学习科目,运动等,语言的表述应该符合语法结构,保证文中无单词和语法错误。1 5 .当前,健康问题一直是大家所关注的焦点,免疫力低下、肥胖等问题逐渐影响着青少年的

51、学习和生活。请你以“Live a Healthy Life”为活动主题,和大家一起探讨健康的重要性以及如何健康地生活。请你根据要点提示和要求,写一篇文章谈谈你的看法。要点:1 . 健康生活的重要性;2 . 避免不健康的生活习惯;3 . 提出健康生活的建议:保持好的心情;保持重做的睡眠:养成良好的饮食习惯。要求:1 . 根据自己当前生活实际进行写作,可适当增加细节;2 . 语言流畅,表达清晰,书写规范,80词左右。Live a Healthy Life【 答案】例文Live a Healthy LifeIts true that we can do many things when we are

52、 very rich. But we can never buy ourhealth. Health is the most important part of our life.However, there are still some bad habits in our life. Many people always stay up too lateand cant get up early in the morning. They also dont eat meals on time and like eating junkfood. Some people dont like do

53、ing exercise. These are all bad for our health. So, in order tokeep healthy, we should keep a good mood. And we should enough sleep. We should alsodevelop a good eating habit. Meanwhile, we can try to do more outdoor activities, which aregood fbr both our body and mind.【 详解】1. 题干解读:本文是一篇材料作文。以“ 过一个健

54、康的生活” 为题写一篇短文。2. 写作指导:本文主要采用一般现在时。分为两段式:第一段引出主题;第二段介绍现在人们的不健康生活习惯以及如何能过上健康的生活。写作时保持主谓一致性,做到无语法和标点错误。1 6 .书面表达以My ideal school为题,写一篇英语短文,词数在80左右。要点如下:1 .8 点半上课,这样我可以多睡一会。下午3 点半放学,我可以有更多的时间做课外活动。2 . 教室宽敞明亮,老师和蔼善良,同学友好互助。3 . 每天只有半个小时的作业,可以有足够的时间留给我的业余爱好。4 . 每周有3 节体育课,篮球是我最喜欢的运动。5 . 学校一边有个公园,另一边有个大超市,周末

55、可以去公园玩,去超市购物。6 . 学校每个月进行一次去大城市的旅行。【 答案】 My ideal schoolMy ideal school starts at 8:30a.m.So I can sleep more. Classes are over at 3:30p.m. I havemore time to do after-school activities. The classrooms are big and bright. The teachers arevery kind to us. The students are friendly and helpful to each

56、other. We only have half an hourof homework every day. We can have enough time for our hobbies. We have three PE lessonsand my favourite sport is playing basketball. There is a park on one side of our school and abig shopping mall on the other. We can go to play in the park and go shopping at weeken

57、ds.Every month we go on a school trip to a big city.【 详解】试题分析:本文是篇材料作文,材料非常简单,学生很容易把握写作要求和写作目的。考生在写作之前必须认真审题,首先要注意文章的时态,要求自己理想的学校。应该用一般现在时。人称用第一人称或学生们。注意认真阅读材料,分析英语的正确表达和句子之间的衔接。亮点说明: 本文做到了包含所有内容要点,语句通顺,标点符号运用正确。还运用了have more time to do ; go shopping;动词的-ing形式做表语等等。学习中注意总结,牢记一些固定句式及短语,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章

58、的表达更有逻辑性、更富有条理。考点:话题作文。1 7 .和朋友相处有甜蜜的时刻,必定也有不那么美好的时刻。你和你的好朋友争执过吗?争执之后,你是如何处理和朋友的关系的呢?请根据以下提示和要求,用英文写一篇文章描述你的经历。提示:1. Have you ever argued with your friend?2. Why did you argue with him/her?3. What did you do to deal with the problem?要求:1 . 语句通顺、语法正确、语篇连贯;2 . 包含提示所有内容,可适当发挥,8090词左右。【 答案】Possible vers

59、ions:Basic Version ( 基础版) :Penny is my best friend. A month ago, I argued with her. On Sunday, I went to themovies with her as usual. Then we went to a restaurant. I wanted to have a big meal, butPenny thought I ordered too much. Her words made me angry, so I left the restaurant alone.Later I realiz

60、ed what 1 did was wrong. We shouldnt waste any food. So I called Penny to saysorry to her. Penny said it was not a big deal and we became close friends again. I was veryhappy.Advanced Version ( 进阶版) :Penny is my best friend. A month ago, I had a quarrel with her. On Sunday, I went to themovies with

61、her as usual. Then we went to a restaurant. I wanted to have a grand meal, butPenny thought I ordered too much. Her words made me annoyed, so I left the restaurantalone. Later I realized what I did was wrong. We shouldnt waste any food. So I called Pennyto say sorry to her. Penny said it was not a b

62、ig deal and we became intimate friends again. Iwas very happy.【 详解】1. 题干解读:这是一篇材料作文,要求根据与朋友发生过的争执为话题,写一篇短文,学生需要围绕题目所给的三个问题,并结合自身经历来进行描述。2. 写作指导:写作时要以第一 人 称和第三人称为主,时态主要采用一般过去时。正文可分为三部分:第一部分介绍和自己发生过争执的朋友:第二部分描述所发生的争执和原因;第三部分讲述自己是如何处理的。文章做到思路清晰,层次分明,要点齐全;行文要语句通顺,符合逻辑关系;无语法、单词拼写和标点错误。1 8 .学生意外伤害事故频发,给家庭

63、、社会造成了巨大的不幸。作为中学生,我们该如何有效的进行自我保护呢?请以“How to Keep Safe”为题,根据以下提示,写一篇短文。How to Keep SafeTraffictraffic lights, electric bikes( 电动车)Swimmingrivers, swimming pool.InternetID number, code( 密码) , unhealthy websites( 网站) . . .要求:1 . 必须包含提示中的所有内容,并适当发挥;2 . 文中不能出现真实的人名、校名或地名;3 . 词数不少于7 0 ,( 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)

64、。提示词:stranger 陌生人;permission 允许 How to Keep SafeDo you know that many dangerous things? As a student, how to keep safe is veryimportant.After all, life is very important. We should learn something to protect ourselves well.【 答案】例文How to Keep SafeDo you know that many dangerous things? As a student,

65、how to keep safe is veryimportant.First, we should follow the traffic rules. When the lights are red, we shouldnt cross theroad. And we must be careful enough if we ride electric bicycles. Second, we shouldnt swimin the river by ourselves because it is dangerous. We had better go swimming with our p

66、arentsin a swimming pool. Third, we cant tell strangers our ID numbers or codes when we aresurfing the Internet. We shouldnt take risks surfing unhealthy websites, either. Whafs more,we shouldnt go out with friends without permission. When we are in danger, we can ask forhelp from our parents, teach

67、ers or the police.After all, life is very important. We should learn something to protect ourselves well.【 详解】1. 题干解读:本文是一篇材料作文。要求以“How to Keep Safb”为题,根据提示,介绍我们该如何有效地进行自我保护。注意要点齐全,可适当发挥。2. 写作指导:写作时要以第一人称来介绍,时态用一般现在时。作文可分为三段,首尾段已经给出。第一段引出话题;第二段介绍如何有效地进行自我保护;第三段收尾。要保证语言连贯,无语法和拼写错误。1 9 .假设你叫Jenny,请你根据

68、下面提供的有关参考信息,写一篇80词左右的英文报道,介绍一下你的朋友Maria的日常活动情况。参考要点:1 .外貌性格:Maria跟我个子一样高,但是她比我聪明外向,她学习更努力;2 .生活习惯:她很健康,每天坚持锻炼;一周吃4-5次蔬菜;从不吃垃圾食品;3 . 兴趣爱好和一些经历:喜欢旅游,爬山去年夏天,Maria去了一个农场;她看到了很多动物,喂养了小鸡,摘了一些苹果她玩得很开心, 计划进行更多的户外活动。My name is Jenny. I have a good friend, Maria.【 答案】例文:My name is Jenny. I have a good friend,

69、 Maria.Maria is as tall as I. But she is smarter and more outgoing than me. She studies harder.She always helps people in need. She is very healthy and exercises every day. She eatsvegetables 4 or 5 times a week and she never eats junk food. She thinks it is harmful tohealth. She likes traveling, cl

70、imbing mountains and so on. Last summer, Maria went to afarm. She saw many animals, fed the chickens and picked some apples. She had a good time.She plans more outdoor activities.【 详解】1. 题干解读:该题目属于材料作文。要求我们作为Jenny,根据题干提供的参考信息,介绍一下朋友Maria的日常活动情况。2. 写作指导:本文应该用第三人称来叙述故事内容;时态采用一般现在时和一般过去时为主;写作时需要包含材料中提到

71、的内容:外貌性格、生活习惯、兴趣爱好和一些经历等。可适当进行补充,注意不能有单词和语法错误等。2 0 .书面表达请根据要点,用英语写一篇短文,词数80左右,不要逐字翻译,第五要点的省略号处用 12句话扩展。1 . 上个周末,Nancy随父母回到无锡拜访祖父母。2 . 无锡己有了很大的变化,过去它曾是太湖之滨的一个小镇,如今是一个现代化的都市。3 . 第一天他们游览了无锡的一些名胜古迹,还品尝了一些美味的食品。4 . 第二天,他们泛舟太湖,还为他们的亲朋好友买了一些礼品。5 . Nancy 希望. .【 答案】例文:Last weekend, Nancy came back to Wuxi to

72、 visit her grandparents.Wuxi has changed a lot. It used to be a small town near Taihu Lake. Now it has been amodern city. On the first day, they visited some places of interest in Wuxi. They tasted somedelicious food too. On the second day. They went boating on the lake. They also bought somenice pr

73、esents for their friends and relatives.They had a good time. Nancy hopes she can visit Wuxi again soon.【 详解】1. 题干解读:这是一篇材料作文。本文主要是根据题干提示描述Nancy的旅行经历,可适当增加细节,使文章更加顺畅。2. 写作指导:本文以一般过去时态为主。第一段总述;第二段描述无锡的变化以及她的旅行过程;第三段描述旅行的感受。要注意主谓一致等问题,写作中要适当使用连词,注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。2 1 .新的一年马上就要到了,李华制定了新年决心,计划在新的一年中有新的气象。

74、请根据表格中的信息,以第一人称的形式说说李华的新年计划,并谈谈为什么制定这样的计划以及如何实施。写作要求:1 . 文章需要包括表格内所有的信息;2 . 可适当发挥但不得出现真实的个人信息( 人名、地名、学校名等) ;3 . 词数:80左右( 开头已给出, 不计入总词数) 。New Years resolutionsWhyHowTake up a new hobbyGet a lot of exerciseImprove English【 答案】参考范文:New Year is coining, so I am going to make some New Years resolutions.F

75、irst, I want to take UD a new hobby. I Dian to learn to play an instrument because I likemusic very much. Im going to practice it every day. Next, I want to get a lot of exercise tokeep fit. Im going to run every morning. Then, I want to improve my English because I wantto get good grades. Im going

76、to read English books and wrile diaries in English. Finally, Iwant to be a school magazines reporter because I like talking with people. Im going to writearticles.I think I am able to keep them and I hope I am going to improve my life.【 详解】1 . 题干解读:该题目属于记叙文写作。内容是李华制定了新年计划,要求根据表格中的信息,介绍一下他制定这样的计划的目的和

77、实施方案。2. 写作指导:本文应该用第一人称来叙述作文内容;时态采用一般将来时和一般现在时为主; 写作时应承接短文的开头;要注意运用first, next, then, finally等词来介绍计划的内容。最后一段介绍作者能坚持计划并能提高自己。22. 你的好朋友李萍进入九年级来,在外貌、性格、时间管理方面有很大的变化,通过老师的帮助和自己的努力学习,各科有了很大的提高,但英语学习还是有点困难。请用英语介绍一下李萍的改变以及如何帮助她提高英语成绩,字数80字左右。要点如下:1 .过去又矮又瘦,性格内向,喜欢拖延。2 . 现在中等身材,活泼开朗,珍惜时间。3 . 过去不爱英语,现在喜欢英语,想提

78、高英语成绩。4 . 谈一下你的看法及帮助李萍提高英语成绩的建议。参考词汇:delay拖延 cherish珍惜 of medium build中等身材 improve提高【 答案】One possible version:Li Ping is my good friend. She is a student in Grade 9.In the past, she was short and thin, introverted and liked delaying. But now, she is ofmedium height, lively and cheerful, and cherishe

79、s time very much.She didn*t like English in the past, but now she likes English and wants to improve herEnglish. So, I often help her. First, I tell her that it is important for her to listen carefully inclass and she is supposed to ask more questions to the teachers and classmates. At the sametime,

80、 I advise her to listen to the English radio in the morning and recite some good articles.【 详解】1. 题干解读:该题目属于材料作文。在写作时,开头应该先介绍李萍;第二段介绍李萍性格的变化;第三段叙述李萍在学英语上的变化以及你的建议。2. 写作指导:本文应该用第一、三人称来叙述故事内容;时态采用一般现在时为主,用过去时叙述李萍过去的情况;描述你的建议时,应该有具体的措施;并且整篇文章需要叙述完整,保证条理清晰。二、电子邮件23. 假如你是李雷,刚转入一所新的中学,你的朋友Tom很关心你在新学校的情况,请

81、根据提示及要求给他写一封电子邮件,告诉他你的近况。邮件的开头、结尾己给出,不计入总词数。内容提示:1 .学校生活忙碌而有趣。每天7:50上学,5:30放学。上午四节课,下午三节课。2 .最喜欢周四,因为周四有你最喜欢的音乐和体育课。要求:包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。50词左右。Dear Tom,Yours,Li Lei【 答案】例文:Dear Tom,I have a good time at my new school, Yucai Middle School. Here, the life is busy butinteresting. Every day I get to school

82、 at 7:50 a.m. In the morning I have four lessons and inthe afternoon I have three lessons. My favorite day is Thursday, because I can have music andP.E. You know theyre my favorite subjects. School finishes at 5:30 p.m. After school Ialways play sports with my classmates. I like my new school.Yours,

83、Li Lei【 详解】1. 题干解读:题目要求根据内容提示写邮件告诉朋友Tom自己在新学校的近况,要包含所有提示要点,可适当发挥。2. 写作指导:写作时要用上已给出的邮件格式,正文以第一人称为主,使用一般现在时。可采用一段式,在文中写清楚学校生活如何、上学和放学时间、每天多少节课,要介绍自己喜欢哪一天并说明原因。做到无单词拼写和语法错误。2 4 .假如你是李平,收到笔友David的邮件,请你根据David的邮件,给其回信。80词左右。To: Li PingFrom: DavidHi Li PingHow is it going? These days, our English teacher

84、asked us to read someChinese books. Can you share a Chinese book with me? And tell me what it is and whatthe main idea is. Besides, dont forget to tell me why you like it and what you can learnfrom it. Td be happy if you can tell me about it as much as you can.DavidTo: DavidFrom: Li pingDavid_ Yours

85、Li Ping【 答案】例文:David,Fm glad to hear from you and happy to share a Chinese book with you. Journey to theWest is a Chinese classic fantastic novel. It mainly describes a long journey to the WesternHeaven to fetch the Buddhist sutras. After experiencing eighty-one disasters, the monk andhis four disci

86、ples finally reached their destination.I like the book because the stories in the book are interesting. And throughout thejourney, the four brave disciples worked together to protect their master. So I think teamworkis very important.I hope you can like the book.Yours,Li Ping【 详解】1. 题干解读:该题目是书信类书面表达

87、,根据收到的邮件内容进行回复,格式按照邮件格式。2. 写作指导:介绍书中的基本内容时,时态主要使用一般过去时,人称使用第三人称,介绍喜欢这本书的原因以及自己的感悟时,时态主要使用一般现在时,人称使用第一人称;邮件内容包含书的基本介绍、喜欢这本书的原因以及自己的感受,保证内容完整,结构清晰条理。25. 假如你是Ja n e ,表姐Susan邀请你下周和她一起去购物。请根据下面提示写一封邮件,告诉表姐,下周你很忙不能和她一起购物。并说明你下周要做的事情,以及你什么时间可以和她去购物。写作要点:1 . 首先道歉并说明你不能和她去购物的原因:2 . 下周你要做的事:从周一到周五,白天要上学;晚上要写作

88、业;周五晚上,帮助妈妈做家务;周六要为考试学习;3 . 周日可以和她一起去购物。写作要求:1 . 不得使用真实的姓名和学校名;2 . 可适当发挥,使内容完整,行文连贯,要求字迹工整,语言精练,条理清楚;3 . 70词 左 右 ( 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数) 。Dear Susan,How are you doing?Best wishes!Yours,Jane【 答案】One possible version:Dear Susan,How are you doing? Im sorry, I cant go shopping with you because I will be very

89、 busynext week. From Monday to Friday, Ill have to go to school every day and I must do myhomework every evening. On Friday evening, I might have to help my mom do somehousework. On Saturday, I need to study fbr an exam. I will be free on Sunday and Id like togo shopping with you then, is that OK?Be

90、st wishes!Yours,Jane【 详解】1 .题干解读:这篇作文要求考生根据提示的要点,写一封电子邮件告诉苏珊,下周不能和她一起去购物的原因。2 . 写作指导:审题可知,这篇短文应以第一人称和一般将来时为主来叙述。写作时承接开头,要紧扣要点提示,道歉并简单说明不能和她去购物的原因,然后重点写下一周要做的事情,最后明确能去的时间。行文要格式正确,注意主谓一致,保证无语法和单词拼写错误。2 6 .假如你是张华,在某中学学习的小学同学王伟发了一封电子邮件向你请教如何学好英语。请你根据以下要点用英语给他回一封电子邮件。内容包括:1 . 看英语电影、听英语歌曲、读英文杂志、报刊等,猜测生词意思

91、。2 . 经常用英语给外国笔友写电子邮件。3 . 把单词写在卡片上,利用卡片记忆单词等。注意:1 .词数:80左右;2 . 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3 . 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Wang Wei,I received your email yesterday. In the email, you asked me how to improve yourEnglish. Now Id like to give you some advice.Here are my suggestions. I hope they are useful to you.Yours,Zha

92、ng Hua【 答案】例文Dear Wang Wei,I received your email yesterday. In the email, you asked me how to improve yourEnglish. Now Id like to give you some advice.Watching English films and listening to English songs are great ways to learn English.Its also a good idea to read English newspapers and magazines.

93、Just guess the meaning of thenew words while listening or reading. Also, how about making a pen friend from England orAmerica? Then you can practise using English by writing emails to him or her. Why not writefour or five words on a card and put it into your pocket? Read and remember the words wheny

94、ou are free.These are my suggestions. I hope they are useful to you.Yours,Zhang Hua【 详解】题文解读:本文是书信作文,给王伟回一封信,告诉他如何学好英语。写作指导:本文时态主要是一般现在时,人称以第二人称为主。叙述内容要连贯、清晰,表达要清晰。确保无语法、单词拼写、标点正确。27. 假设你叫李华,你的笔友Peter给你发来邮件,请你根据他的邮件内容,用英语给他回一封邮件。注意:(1)词数:100词左右( 文章开头已给出,不计入总词数) ;(2)文中不可出现真实人名和校名等相关信息;(3)文章必须包含所提供的主要

95、信息,并作适当发挥。Dear Li Hua,Hows everything going? I know that Chinese students had a long holiday from October1 to October 8. What did you do in those days? How did you feel? Well, in our country, wewill have a long holiday between December 19 and January 5. My family has decided totravel to China. Where

96、 can we visit? What can we do? What Chinese gifts can I bring back tomy classmates? Please give me some advice( 建议) . Thanks.Yours,PeterDear Peter,Thanks for your last e-mail. Everything is fine with me.Yours,Li Hua【 答案】例文Dear Peter,Thanks for your last e-mail. Everything is fine with me.During the

97、National Day, my family and I went to Beijing. We climbed the Great Walland visited Tiananmen Square. Although we were tired, we were very happy. We tasteddelicious food. We had a good time. I also suggest that you come to Beijing. It is the capitalof my country. You can get there by plane. There ar

98、e many places of interest, such as GreatWall, Forbidden City and Bird-Nest. You can also go to the Summer Palace. If you want to goshopping, you can go to Sanlitun. One of the most famous food is Beijing Roast Duck, youcan take it to your classmates.Yours,Li Hua【 详解】1. 题干解读:本文是一篇书信作文。在信中向Peter分享国庆节的

99、假期经历,以及给出对方有关来中国去哪里游玩和带什么特产的建议。2. 写作指导:本文采用的是第一人称和第二人称,时态采用一般过去时和一般现在时,在描述假期经历时用的是一般过去时。注意要保持主谓一致性,逻辑性要强,无语法和标点错误。三、话题作文2 8 .疫情形势下,我们暂时去不了远方,但是可以驻足观赏身边的风景,享受当前安定美好的幸福。作为中学生的你,现在的生活是怎么样的呢?请和大家描述你现在美好的生活吧!校园生活几点起床?如何上学?参加什么课后活动?周末生活最常去的几个地方?做什么?感受注意:1 . 短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥;2 . 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;3 . 词数:6

100、0-70个。( 短文开头已经给出,不计入总词数) Now we cant take a trip toplaces far away because of novel coronavirus, but we can enjoy our happy life and spend timein our neighborhood. As a middle school student, I【 答案】例文:Now we cant take a trip to places far away because of novel coronavirus, but we canenjoy our happy

101、life and spend time in our neighborhood. As a middle school student, I get upat six every day. After breakfast, I ride a bike to school. In the afternoon, I take part in manyinteresting outdoor activities, such as playing basketball, swimming and so on. On weekends,I often go to the library to read

102、books. Sometimes I go to the Childrens Palace. I sing songsand dance with my friends. I really enjoy the time there.【 详解】1. 题干解读:本文要求谈一谈在疫情期间校内外生活。校园生活介绍几点起床、如何上学、参加什么课后活动;周末生活介绍最常去的几个地方、做什么。2. 写作指导:本文用第一人称、一般现在时写作。书写时要围绕主题展开叙述,做到中心突出,内容完整连贯;要注意正确使用短语和单词拼写。2 9 .几日前,澳大利亚的同学来我校参观。其中一个名字叫Julia的澳洲女生和你成为

103、了好朋友。请以“My Australia friend”为题,根据所给信息,完成写作。要求:1 .用完表格中的所有信息,省略号部分自行发挥。2 .文中不得出现真实的姓名、学校。3 .词数不得少于80词,注意书写。Looks大眼睛,长直发,圆脸Qualities幽默耐心School life在所有科目中,最爱法语,认为学习语言很有趣。有大量的时间进行课外活动,每周练习两次打网球The trip上周,耗 费12个小时坐飞机抵达南京昨天我带她参观了南京的名胜古迹,她把照片发在了自己的主页上Her feelings aboutNanjingJulia is my friend from Austral

104、ia.She_【 答案】例文:Julia is my friend from Australia. She has a round face, big bright eyes and long straighthair. She has a good sense of humour. Shes always patient, too.Among all the subjects, she likes French best, she thinks learning foreign languages isfun. In the school, she has lots of time for

105、after-school activities and practices tennis twice aweek.Last week, it took her twelve hours to get to Nanjing by plane. Yesterday, I took her tovisit the places of interest in Nanjing. She posted the photos on her home page.She thinks Nanjing is very beautiful, and it is a city which has strong cul

106、turalatmosphere. She loves Nanjing.【 详解】1. 题干解读:该题目属于记叙文写作,主要介绍“ 我的澳大利亚的朋友” 。根据材料内容,文章需要从外貌、性格、学校生活、旅行以及南京之旅的感受等方面来介绍朱莉娅。2. 写作指导:本文应用第三人称来对茱莉亚进行介绍;时态应采用一般现在时为主,用一般过去时介绍南京之旅;写作时需注意涵盖材料中要点,注意写作的顺序,保证条理清晰。30. 一位好朋友是我们一生的财富,会让我们受益终生,请你以“My best friendand I”为题,用英语写一篇短文。提示:1. What do you have in common an

107、d how are you different from each other?2. What did you do together last weekend?3. What are your favorite TV shows? What do you think of them?要求:i . 语法正确,语句通顺,可以适当发挥。2 . 文中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名。3 . 词数不少于80My best friend and I【 答案】例文My best friend and IMy best friend is Li Ying. We are similar to each oth

108、er. Both of us are tall and have longstraight hair. But we also have something different. She is talented in music, and she can singall kinds of songs. She is more outgoing, so she has more friends. I am good at all myschoolwork and Im more serious and hard-working. She took me to the music club las

109、tweekend. I like comedies best because they make me happy.【 详解】1. 题干解读:本文是一篇话题作文。要求以“My best friend and I”为题,结合提示问题进行写作,注意要点齐全,可适当发挥。2. 写作指导:写作时要以第一和第三人称来介绍,时态综合使用一般现在时和一般过去时。作文要分别介绍自己和朋友之间的相似和差异,上周末一起做了什么,最喜欢的电视节目是什么以及你觉得它们怎么样。要保证语言连贯,无语法和拼写错误。31. 请你以“My trip to 为题,根据以下提示和要求用英语写一篇短文,记叙你的一次旅行。提示:1.

110、Where did you go?2. What did you do there?3. How did you feel about the trip?要求:L 在题目横线上填入你的旅行地点。如 Beijing, Jinan, Qingdao等;2 .不少于60词。My trip to_【 答案】例文:My trip to BeijingI went to Beijing by train with my family last summer vacation.I visited many famous places of interest, such as the Great Wall,

111、the Summer Palace, thePalace museum and the Birds Nest. I took a lot of photos with my camera. 1 met someforeigners and I talked with them in English. I ate Beijing roast duck, it was very delicious.I felt a little tired but I was very happy.【 详解】1. 题干解读:该题目属于记叙文写作。要求根据英文提示和要求写一篇英语短文,叙述自己的一次旅行经历,可适当

112、发挥。2. 写作指导:本文主要采用第一人称来叙述;时态上在叙述经历时用一般过去时。写作时可适当使用一些副词和连词,注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系,结构清晰,表达具有条理性。3 2 .在我们学校有很多学科,比如:语文、数学、英语、体育, 请你以“MyFavorite Subject Is 为题写- 一篇不少于70词的英语短文,文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。要求:1. 请将题目补充完整;2 .讲述与该学科相关的情况,并说明喜欢原因。My Favorite SubjectIs【 答案】 例文My Favorite Subject Is EnglishWhat subject do you like

113、 best? I like English. I want to travel around the world when Igrow up. So I must study English well.My teacher always says it is very important to learn English well. And learning Englishis very interesting. It makes me happy. We can know about the things in other countries. It isbetter for me to t

114、ravel.【 详解】1. 题干解读:本题为话题作文,要求学生介绍自己最喜欢的一个科目,讲述与该学科相关的情况,并说明喜欢原因。2. 写作指导:写作时,应先将题目补充完整,人称应用第一人称,叙述客观情况时可用一般现在时。文章应思路清晰,条理通顺,不要出现单词拼写、时态使用错误。3 3 .许多学生生活中的烦恼会使人产生压力,为了更好地发现及解决同学中存在的压力问题,你的班特意开展了以“Less Pressure, Better Lifb”为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你准备发言稿,谈谈你的一些缓解压力的好方法,与同学们分享。同学中普遍的压力与同学相处不好作业太多,担心考试和父母交流有困难如何减压和老师

115、,家长,同学沟通做运动放松自己听音乐要求:1. 至少90个词。2. 内容须包括表格中的要点,可适当发挥。Less Pressure, Better Life【 答案】One possible version:Less pressure, better lifeHello, boys and girls!Pressure is a serious problem in todays world. Students in our class are under too muchpressure. Some students cant get on well with their classmate

116、s, while others may worryabout their exams. Others find it difficult to communicate with their parents.Im always under pressure, too. My parents want me to be the top students in class. Sothey send me to all kinds of after-classes at weekend. Last Monday evening, I had a talk withmy mother, I told h

117、er I was not lazy. I really felt tired. I needed time to relax. My motheragreed with me at last. Now I often do sports and listen to music to relax myself. Sometimes,I also hang out with my classmates. So I think a conversation with parents is necessary tosolve the problem.Thats all. Thank you!【 详解】

118、1. 题干解读:该题目属于话题写作;内容是根据所给的材料,以“LessPressure, Better Life”为主题谈谈你的一些缓解压力的好方法,与同学们分享。2. 写作指导:本文应该用第一人称来叙述作文内容:以一般现在时为主;与母亲交谈的过程用一般过去时来写;首先介绍同学中普遍的压力是什么;其次介绍减压的方法有哪些。四、讲稿34. 假如世界野生动物基金会要举办一次演讲比赛,请根据以下提示,写一篇题为“Let,s Help Animals”的演讲稿,呼吁动物是人类的朋友,人们应该热爱动物、保护动物。要点提示:Situationsome animals are in danger.Reaso

119、nscut down trees, kill animals.How to protectset up., stop killing.Call on ( 呼吁)save and protect.注意:1. 句子连贯,条理清晰,字迹工整;2 . 需包含以上要点,需要增加细节,字数不少于80词;3 . 开头已给出( 仅供参考) 。Lets Help AnimalsGood morning, ladies and gentlemen. It*s my great honor to speak here.【 答案】例文Lets Help AnimalsGood morning, ladies and

120、gentlemen. Its my great honor to speak here. Animals are ourgood friends. We should treat them well. But now some animals are in danger. People kill loomany of them for their meat or fur. People also cut down many trees and take away theirhomes. Animals have no place to live in. So they are becoming

121、 fewer and fewer.We should help them and take action now. We can set up reserves for them and we muststop killing now. Everyone should save and protect them. Lets help animals and create aharmonious ecological environment.【 详解】1. 题干解读:本文是一篇讲稿作文。以“Lets Help Animals”为题,结合要点提示写一篇演讲稿。注意要点要齐全,可适当发挥。2. 写作

122、指导:写作时要以第一人称来行文,时态用一般现在时。作文可分为两段,第一段引出话题,交待动物现状以及造成现状的原因;第二段提出如何保护动物并且呼吁大家行动起来。要保证语言连贯,无语法和拼写错误。3 5 . 目前,大量的生活垃圾已成为我国建设美丽中国、绿色中国的一大制约因素,实行垃圾分类、减少垃圾污染刻不容缓。为此,你校英语俱乐部将开展以“ 垃圾分类,从我做起 为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你根据以下要点和要求写一篇演讲稿参加比赛。要点:1 . 垃圾分类(waste sorting)的重要性;2 . 作为中学生,你的做法要求:1 . 文中不要出现所在学校的校名和师生姓名;2 . 词 数 100左右,演讲

123、稿的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Good morning, everyone! As we know, people are producing waste every day. Somewaste is biodegradable ( 可生物降解的) , while some can be recycled and reused again. So itsnecessary to sort waste.Thanks for listening!【 答案】例文:Good morning, everyone! As we know, people are producing waste ev

124、ery day. Somewaste is biodegradable ( 可生物降解的) , while some can be recycled and reused again. So itsnecessary to sort waste.There are many advantages of waste sorting. It helps cut down on pollution and improvethe efficiency of recycling. It also helps save energy. Whats more, it can reduce the cost

125、ofdealing with waste.As a middle school student, I think I am supposed to play a part in waste sorting. First, Ihave learned how to sort waste. Then I sort the waste before throwing it away. And atweekends, I work as a volunteer to help people around my neighborhoods learn how to sortwaste properly.

126、Sorting waste is meaningful. Lefs take actions from now on. I believe we can make abig difference together and everyone can enjoy a better environment by waste sorting.Thanks for listening!【 详解】1. 题干解读:题目要求以“ 垃圾分类,从我做起为主题写一篇演讲稿,内容包括垃圾分类的重要性,以及自己的做法,可适当发挥。2. 写作指导:本文时态主要采用一般现在时 写作时应承接开头,先叙述垃圾分类的重要性,再讲

127、自己的做法,最后号召大家一起行动起来。注意主谓一致,无语法和标点错误,内容连贯,条理清晰。五、小作文3 6 .同学们,你们学英语已经好多年了,你一定有很多学习英语的经验吧!请给即将升入初中的学弟,学妹们一些学英语的建议吧!1._2.3._4._5._ 答案1. You can practise listening by watching English programs.2. You can practise speaking by having conversations with friends.3. You can improve your pronunciation by listen

128、ing to a tape and repeating out loud.4. You can learn grammar by taking notes, doing exercises and reading a lot.5. You can improve your writing by writing e-mails to your pen pals.【 详解】1. 题干解读:这是一篇小作文,要求罗列5 点学习英语的建议和方法。2. 写作指导:提建议时,用第二人称,时态用一般现在时,从“ 听说读写” 四方面分别介绍如何学好英语,写作时,注意语言的准确性,不要有语法和拼写错误。六、书信作

129、文37. 假定你是李华,在报纸上看到了有关Garden City遭受台风袭击的新闻报道后,为学校宣传栏“ 英语天地写一封倡议信。内容包括:1 . 倡议的原因( 发生什么和造成的后果) ;2 . 倡议的内容( 筹款、捐衣物和充当志愿者) ;3 . 发出倡议。注意:1 . 词数80-100。开头和结尾已为你写好,不计人总词数;2 . 短文须包括所给内容信息。可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear friends,Garden City was hit by a typhoon last week.Thank you for your attention and care.Yours,Li Hua

130、【 答案】例文:Dear friends,Garden City was hit by a typhoon last week. Its reported that the typhoon was so strongthat many people lost their lives and got hurt. Many houses and schools were destroyed.People there are living a hard life now.People all over the world are trying their best to help them, not

131、 excepting us. Offer yourlove to them. What you can do is only to donate a pencil, a bag, some coats that you dontwant to dress in, or a little pocket money. A little love is a great help to them. If possible, youcan work as a volunteer to help some homeless students with their life and work.Please

132、donate your love and give out your hands without hesitation.Thank you for your attention and care.Yours,Li Hua【 详解】1. 题干解读:本文要求以李华身份写一封倡议信,帮助那些在Garden City台风中受灾的人们。2. 写作指导:本文陈述地震导致的后果用一般过去时;书写要符合倡议书的格式,倡议书内容包括:倡议的原因( 地震导致人们无家可归) 、倡议的内容( 捐钱、捐物等)并发出倡议。行文要结构完整,条理清晰。3 8 .书面表达请根据以下提示内容,你( Millie) 用英语写一封邀

133、请信,词数70-80。1、邀请你的网友Daniel 一起参加你们学校10月 2 5 日,周六的旅游。2、行程:早上7: 0 0 在学校门口碰头;乘两个小时的车,到达世界公园;那里有来自全世界的一百多个景点的模型;将会有精彩的歌舞表演;将会了解到许多不同的文化。3、中午将乘船游玩,并在船上用餐。4、大 约 17: 00乘地铁返回学校。5、将会是快乐的一天,希望你能来参加。Dear Daniel,We will have our school trip to the World ParkBest wishesYours Millie【 答案】We will have our school trip

134、 to the World Park on Saturday, 25 October.We will meet at 7:00 a.m. at the school gate. It will take us two hours to get to the world parkby bus . Therere models of more than 100 places of interest from all over the world. Therewill also be wonderful song and dance shows. We can learn a lot about d

135、ifferent cultures.We will take a boat trip around the park at noon and well have lunch in the boat. At 5p.m. wewill go back to the school by underground.It will be a great day. We hope you can join us.【 详解】这篇作文要求我们根据提示来介绍邀请朋友旅游的的情况,题目中给出了具体的写作的内容,我们应将这些内容用正确的英语表达出来。首先应注意在短文中要包括题目中给出的所有信息,不能遗漏要点,并注意表

136、达的层次和条理。其次要注意使用正确的时态和人称,通过分析可知,这篇短文应使用一般将来时态,谓语动词形式,这是一个写作的难点.最后要注意英语的表达习惯,英语句式与汉语在语序和词性上的使用是不同的,要注意不能逐词翻译,写汉语式的英语。应从句子整体考虑,使用恰当的词汇和句型来表达,语法规范。还应使用一些较好的句型或者短语,增强文章的表现力。39. 假设你是张伟, 你的英国笔友Frank来信告诉你, 他因长时间打游戏与父母发生了争吵,他现在很难过。请你根据以下要点及要求, 给他写一封英文回信。写作要点:1 . 打游戏浪费时间,伤害眼睛, 不利于学习;2 . 长时间打游戏是错的, 向父母道歉,与他们沟通

137、;3 . 理解尊重父母, 与他们好好相处。写作要求:1 .词数:80- 100词 ( 开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数) ;2 . 要点齐全, 可适当发挥;3 . 条理清晰, 语句通顺, 意义连贯, 书写规范;4 . 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名。Dear Frank,Ive received your letter and I know you argued with your parents.Please be happy and everything will be better.Yours,Zhang Wei【 答案】例文Dear Frank,Fve received your lett

138、er and I know you argued with your parents.I really worry about you. I think its wrong fbr you to spend much time on computergames and ifs right fbr your parents to ask you not to do so. Playing computer games notonly wastes your time but also hurts your eyes. And its not good fbr your study, either

139、. Youshould understand your parents and respect them. You should learn to get on well with them.So you must say sorry to them and communicate with them. You should not play computergames. Study harder and help to do more chores at home.Please be happy and everything will be better.Yours,Zhang Wei【 详

140、解】1. 题干解读:本文是一篇书信作文,根据要点提示,给你的英国笔友回一封信。2. 写作指导:本文时态以一般现在时为主:人称以第二人称为主。写作时涵盖要点,不要遗漏,可适当发挥使行文连贯,力求语句通顺,无单词语法错误。4 0 .随着手机和电脑的普及,很多学生沉迷于打电子游戏,因此影响了学习。你的朋友Mike也沉迷于此。作为Mike的好朋友,请根据下面的提示信息写一篇短文给他提些建议帮助他。危害: 1. 浪费时间 2.建议: 1. 培养其它的爱好,例如读书。2提示词语: a waste of time, take up a new hobby.要求: 1. 短文中必须包含所给内容及提示词,可适当

141、发挥,危害和建议至少各补充一条。2 . 短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等;3 . 词数80词左右,短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Mike,Thanks for your letter, I am sorry to hear that you are in trouble now.Yours,Jim【 答案】例文:Dear Mike,Thanks for your letter. 1 am sorry to hear that you are in trouble now.Dont worry. Let me help you. Now, Til give you some a

142、dvice on how to do better inyour study. If you spend too much time on computer games, youll waste lots of time. As aresult, you,ll have little time to do your homework. If you give up playing computer games,you may be interested in other things. You should take up a new hobby, like reading or sports

143、.You can do sports with your friends in your free time. So you should give up computer gamesand work hard.I think if you keep working hard, youll have a great time at school with your goodfriends.Yburs,Jim【 详解】1 .题干解读:题目要求根据提示要点,给朋友一些建议,帮助他远离电脑游戏,可以适当的发挥,写作时要运用正确的英语表达,要选用恰当的词汇和短语。2 . 写作指导:写作时要与已给出的开

144、头融合起来,本文应该用第二人称来介绍内容;时态采用一般现在时和一般将来时结合,提出建议可以多用情态动词;在介绍内容时,力求语言准确,内容完整,保证行文连贯,条理清晰。41.“ 世界是一本书,而不旅行的人只读了其中一页。 假如你的名字叫李华,你和你在美国的笔友Jim 都非常喜欢旅行。这次你打算给他写信,谈谈你最难忘的一个旅行目的地城市,并比较它和你家乡的不同之处。要点:L描述这座城市( 天气、交通、食物、文化等) ;2. 比较你的家乡和这座城市的不同之处( 如天气、交通、食物、文化等) ;要求:1 . 词数:80-120词 左 右 ( 开头已给出,不计入总词数) ;2 . 不能出现本人的真实姓名

145、和班级等信息;Dear Jim,Im glad to write to you. As a saying goes, 14The world is like a book. If you dont travel,you only read a page of it.”Yours,Li Hua【 答案】例文Dear Jim,Fm glad to write to you. As the saying goes, “The world is like a book. If you donttravel, you only read a page of it. I have been to Hain

146、an once, which was my the mostunforgettable experience.The weather there is neither too cold nor too hot in Februaiy It is very suitable fortravelling. You can take a plane to go there. And the traffic there is very convenient. You cantake the shuttle bus at the airport to get to your hotel. You can

147、 enjoy much delicious seafoodand fruit. There are many ethnic towns with cultural characteristics.Compared with my hometown, the weather in Hainan is much more comfortable thanthat in my hometown Dalian. They are both famous for seafood. As for the culture, Dalian ismore modern.If you have interest

148、in modern culture, I suggest you can travel to my hometown Dalian.Yours,Li Hua【 详解】1. 题干解读:本文是一篇书信作文。向笔友Jim介绍自己曾经的一段难忘的旅行经历,再对比自己家乡和这座城市的区别。2. 写作指导:本文主要采用一般过去时和一般现在时。分为四段式:第一段引出主题;第二段介绍描述自己曾经所去的这座城市;第三段对比这座城市与家乡的变化;最后一段给出自己的建议。写作时保持主谓一致性,做到无语法和标点错误。42. 假 设 你 是 P eter,请给你两年没见的小学同学Paul写一封信。请根据表格所提供的信息

149、,谈谈你的近况。Daily activities1. play basketball2. drink milk3. favorite TV show and reason(s)4.Vacation during National Day HolidayPlace: Disneyland in ShanghaiActivities: try many rides,.Feeling .注意:( 1)短文必须包括所有要点,并适当发挥;( 2)文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;( 3)词 数 : 80-100oDear Paul,Long time no see. I miss you very much

150、.Hows everything going with you? Hope to receive your letter and tell me about yourlife.Yours,Peter【 答案】例文Dear Paul,Long time no see. I miss you very much.I am stronger and healthier than before. Because I have a healthy diet and take exerciseregularly. I play basketball twice a week and I eat veget

151、ables and drink milk every day. Idont eat junk food now. I like watching TV. I like talk shows best because they not onlymake me happy but also teach me lessons.During National Day Holiday, I went to Disneyland in Shanghai. I saw Mickey Mouseand Donald Duck. I like them very much. I tried many rides

152、, and they are very interesting. Ithink it was the happiest day in my life.Hows everything going with you? Hope to receive your letter and tell me about yourlife.Yburs,Peter【 详解】1. 题目解读:本文是一篇书信作文,开头结尾已给出,需要根据表格内容介绍日常活动以及国庆节假期的活动,表格给出了一些内容,注意要点齐全,还有一些需要补充的部分,注意合理性。2. 写作指导:本文应以第一人称书写,描述日常活动时,用一般现在时,描述

153、过去的活动时,用一般过去时。注意主谓一致,过去式的变化。作文可分为四段, 第一段问候;第二段介绍自己的近况,包括饮食、运动和喜欢的节目等;第三段介绍国庆节的活动,包括去了哪里、做了什么以及自己的感受;第四段收尾。要保证语言连贯,无语法和拼写错误。4 3 .新冠疫情(corona virus)席卷全球。你(Li Jun)和美国笔友P aul写信交流抗疫的感受。请根据他的来信写一封英文回信。Dear Li Jun,Because of the virus, we have to stay at home for more than six weeks.Life has changed a lot.

154、 My family and I are really bored. You know I love travelling and Ihope to visit China one day. Can you give me some information on the following things?What did you do inside your house during the epidemic period( 疫情期间) ? Whichcity do you recommend( 推荐) if I can visit China when the virus goes away

155、? What can Ido there?Best wishes,Paul写作要求:1、词 数 8 0 左右,开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数;2、回信须包括所有问题的要点,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺;3、文中不得提及真实的人名、校名等相关信息。参考词汇:网课:online lessons 当地美食:local food 名胜古迹:places of interestDear Paul,Thanks for your letter. The corona virus has changed everyoneslife._Im looking forward to hearing from y

156、ou soon.Yours,Li Jun【 答案】例文:Dear Paul,Thanks for your letter. The corona virus has changed everyones life. I have alreadystayed at home for over two months. Luckily, we have online lessons and I can talk to myteachers about my homework on the Internet. I miss my friends at school. So when I ambored,

157、 I often listen to my favorite songs and read some novels. Why not spend more time onyour hobbies? This will help you kill some time.There are many beautiful cities for you to visit. Beijing is a good choice because it is thecapital of China. There you can enjoy many places of interests, such as the

158、 Great Wall, theSummer Palace and so on. There are a lot of restaurants which are quite famous. You can tryBeijing Duck. Tm sure you5! love it.Im looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yburs,Li Jun【 详解】1. 题干解读:该题目属于信件写作。在写作时应紧接开头继续写作,根据题目要求及来信的内容回信讲述疫情期间在家做的事情,疫情过去之后推荐保罗可以来中国参观的地方。2. 写作指导:本文时态以一般过

159、去时为主,以第一人称和第二人称为主,讲述疫情期间自己在家做的事情,疫情过去之后推荐保罗来中国参观的地方,可以参观的名胜古迹及品尝的美食,要叙述完整,条理清晰。4 4 .假设你叫赵琳,你们班同学李宏将要参加学校新一届学生会主席竞选,你认为他具有所有成为优秀学生会主席的个人品质,决定投票给他。根据下面表格里的内容,请你写一封推荐信介绍他的情况。包括以下内容:姓名出生日期与星座爱好品质李宏2002年 2 月 2 3 日双鱼 座 ( Pisces)酷爱篮球擅长绘画慷慨,勤奋,;做事锲而不舍. . . . .富有创造力和想象力,;组织能力强. . . . .注 意 :1 . 词 数 : 90左右;信件的

160、开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数;2 . 内容必须包括表中的要点,可适当发挥,但不要逐字翻译;3 . 条理清楚,语句连贯。Dear Sir or M adam ,w riting to recommend my classmate Li Hong as the newchairperson of the Students Union.ril vote for him. I hope you can agree with me.Yours,Zhao Lin【 答案】例文:Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing to recommend my classmate Li Hong

161、as the new chairperson of theStudents Union.He was bom on February 23, 2002 and his star sign is Pisces. He loves playingbasketball very much. He is also good at painting. Hes generous, he always helps otherstudents when they in need. He is also hard-working and he tries his best to learn all thesub

162、jects well. He never gives up easily, because he thinks nothing in the world is impossible.He is creative and imaginative enough to come up with some new ideas. He is moreorganized than any other student in our class.I think Li Hong has all the personal qualities to be an excellent chairperson. Til

163、vote forhim. I hope you can agree with me.Yours,Zhao Lin【 详解】1. 题干解读:本题为书信作文,要求根据题目所给的要点提示,写一封推荐李宏做学生会主席的推荐信。2. 写作指导:写作时人称应用第三人称,时态应用一般现在时。题目所给要点必须全部包含,切忌遗漏;写作时可以适当使用短语丰富文章表达,增加作文的可读性;写作时应避免出现单词拼写、时态语法使用错误.4 5 .假如你是Wen Hua Middle School的学生李华,你们学校即将创办一个新社团,为此在学校网站上发布通知向全校师生征集建议,请你从以下三个社团中选择一个社团,用英文给校

164、长Mr. White写一封信,说明创办该社团的理由以及该社团的特色和可以开展的活动。English ClubSport ClubAnimal Saving Club注意:(1)文中不可出现真实姓名、校名等相关信息。(2)须涵盖所提供的内容要点,可适当发挥。(3)80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Mr. White,Im glad to hear that there is going to be a new club in our school.【 答案】例文( 一)Dear Mr White,Im glad to hear that there is going to be a

165、 new club in our school. Among the EnglishClub, Sports Club and the Animal Saving Club, I am most interested in the English Club.We all know that English is more and more useful in the world. Many students feel ithard to learn it. We start the club to teach the students how to learn English well. An

166、d thereare many good ways to learn it such as taking English notes, reading English stories,magazines, newspapers, singing English songs, watching English films and so on. In this clubstudents can find their own best ways and they will be good at English by listening, speaking,reading and writing.We

167、 will learn together for one hour a day on weekdays. And we believe our clubmembers will get better grades in the future.I really hope that our school can set up the English Club. Thank you.Yours,LiHua( 二)Dear Mr White,Im glad to hear that there is going to be a new club in our school. Among the Eng

168、lishClub, Sports Club and the Animal Saving Club, I am most interested in the sport Club.We all know that students spend most time learning in the school. They dont haveenough time to do sports. Their health gets worse and worse. I think ifs more and moreimportant for students to spend more time doi

169、ng exercise. There are all kinds of sports, ballgames such as playing volleyball, football, basketball, table tennis as well as running,swimming, jumping and so on.To keep healthy, we make plans for our club members. Club members can choose theirown favourite sports, we plan to do exercise for forty

170、 minutes in the morning and thirtyminutes in the afternoon. We believe students will get healthier and stronger in the sport club.I really hope that our school can set up the sport Club. Thank you.Yours,LiHua( 三 )Dear Mr White,Im glad to hear that there is going to be a new club in our school. Among

171、 the EnglishClub, Sports Club and the Animal Saving Club, I am most interested in the Animal SavingClub.We all know that animals are our friends. We live together on the same earth. We shouldlive in peace. But now because farmers are taking away their land and forests, many animalsdont have a safe p

172、lace to live in. And often some animals dont have enough water to drink,the number of wild animals is getting smaller and smaller. We must try to protect them.We can plant more trees and let more animals have their own homes. We can stop peoplekilling animals for food and money. Lets find out what w

173、e can do to save as many animals aspossible. We also make every student know that protecting the environment is not onlyprotecting animals, but also protecting ourselves .I really hope that our school can set up the Animal Saving Club. Thank you.Yours,LiHua【 详解】1. 题干解读:题干要求给校长写一封信,从三个社团当中挑选一个,建议学校创办

174、。说明具体理由,介绍社团特色,并描述该社团可以开展的活动。2. 写作指导:本文时态采用一般现在时和一般将来时,以第一人称为主进行写作。可分为四段,第一段陈述挑选哪个社团,第二段说明理由、介绍特色,第三段描述活动具体内容,最后一段表达希望。写作时注意时态的切换,做到无拼写和语法错误。46. 假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Kate来信,告知她将给一个英文杂志的中学生交友专栏投稿,想听听你对交友的认识和建议。请根据以下要点写一封回信。1 . 朋友间要坦诚相待、互相信任、互相帮助;2 . 结合具体事例,说明处理朋友间矛盾需要有耐心、多沟通;3注意:1 .词数80-100;2 . 请不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥

175、;3 . 邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Kate,How is it going?Everyone needs friends. A friend can give us help and share our difficulties andhappiness.I hope my opinions can help you a lot.Yours,Li Hua【 答案】例文Dear Kate,How is it going?Everyone needs friends. A friend can give us help and share our difficultie

176、s andhappiness. Friends are important in our lives, but how to keep friendship is more important.Some tips below may be helpful.First, be faithful, honest and helpful to each other. Second, try to communicate with eachother more, for lots of misunderstandings can be avoided. My friends once wanted t

177、o copymy homework, but I didnt agree. He was angry with me. I told him it wasnt good to copymy homework with patience. Also, I promised to help him with his lessons. After that, we gotcloser to each other. Third, be active in activities, such as sports, games, travels and parties.Only in this way ca

178、n you get more chances to strengthen your ties with friends.I hope my opinions can help you a lot.Yours,Li Hua【 详解】1. 题干解读:本文是一篇书信作文。要求结合所给的开头和结尾,结合提示内容进行写作,谈谈你对交友的认识和建议。注意要点齐全,可适当发挥。2. 写作指导:写作时要以第一和第三人称来行文,时态用一般现在时。作文可以重点从与他人交往中所遇见的问题着手,强调朋友间在处理矛盾时要有耐心、多沟通。要保证语言连贯,无语法和拼写错误。4 7 .假设你是阳光中学八年级I 班的学生A m

179、 y ,根据国家的“ 双减” 政策,本学期课后服务学校决定开设三门选修课,你要从中选择一门。请根据以下表格内容,用英语写一封信向你的好友Cindy介绍这三门课和自己的选择。A: Travelling CourseB: DIY CourseC: Animal-protectionCourse1 .看书,欣赏世界各地名胜古迹1 .制作小礼物1. 了解处于危险中的动物2. 小组讨论,多了解各国文化2 . 制作学习用品,如单词学习卡片2 . 学会如何保护它们。你的选择: A、B 或者C选择理由: 1.2.注意事项:1 . 文章须包括所有内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;2 . 选择理由用2 -3 句适

180、当补充,使内容充实、行文连贯;3 . 词 数 在 9 0 个左右,文章开头已在答题卡上给出,不计入总词数。Dear Cindy, Tm glad to tell you that we will have three new selective courses this term.One is the Travelling Course and another is the DIY Course, the third one is the Animal-Protection Course.Best wishes,Amy【 答案】One possible version:Dear Cindy,I

181、m glad to tell you that we will have three new selective courses this term. One is theTravelling Course, another is the DIY Course, the third one is the Animal-protection Course.During the travelling course, we can read books and enjoy the places of interest from allover the world. Besides, we can d

182、iscuss in groups to learn more about different cultures. If wetake the DIY course, we can learn how to make small gifts. We can also learn to make schoolthings like word cards. There is also an Animal-protection course. There we can learnsomething about animals in danger and learn how to protect the

183、m.I think I would like to choose the DIY course, because it will make our school life moreinteresting. Tm sure fll learn more about making things in this course. I hope more studentswill attend the course.Best wishes,Amy【 详解】1 .题干解读:这篇作文要求考生根据表格提示的信息,写一封信向好友介绍学校新开的三门选修课,谈一谈自己的选择,属于书信作文。2 . 写作指导:审题可知

184、,这篇短文应以第一人称和一般现在时为主,以第三人称和一般将来时为辅展开陈述。写作时承接开头,紧扣提示的要点,既要介绍新开课程的名称和学习内容,还要写清楚自己选的课及理由。行文注意主谓一致和上下文的过渡,符合逻辑关系,保证无语法和单词拼写错误。七、启事类48. 你校即将开设一系列社团活动,请向全校同学介绍你校的社团及开设此社团的意义。要求:字迹工整;语言简洁准确;40词左右。NoticeStudents in our school are welcome to join our after-class clubs. Here is someinformation for you.【 答案】例文N

185、oticeStudents in our school are welcome to join our after-class clubs. Here is someinformation for you.If youre interested in reading, you may join the reading club. It can not only developyour reading habits, but also help you know better about the world. For sports fans, the tabletennis club is a

186、good choice. After a days study, playing table tennis is a good way to relaxand make you stronger. The English drama club is wonderful. How exciting it is to practiseyour spoken English and improve your performing skills. In my opinion, the science clubwould be popular with students. They can get to know more about science and make friendshere.Come and join us! I hope you will have a colorful life.【 详解】1. 题干解读:本文是一篇告示。要求介绍学校的社团及开设此社团的意义。注意要点齐全,可适当发挥。2. 写作指导:写作时要以第三人称来介绍,时态用一般现在时。作文可介绍一些学校的社团,并介绍参加这些社团的好处和意义。要保证语言连贯,无语法和拼写错误。



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