2023湖南英语中考复习题--八 动词

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1、2023湖南版英语中考专题八动词五年中考考点一动词1 .( 2021 衡阳改编,32) He loved them so much that he ordered the best falconer( 训鹰师)tothem to fly.A.train B.keep C.feed答 案 A考查动词词义辨析。 句意他非常喜爱它们以至于命令最好的训鹰师来训练它们飞翔。train训练; keep保持; feed喂。故选Ao2 .( 2021 益阳改编,36) One night, about one oclock in the morning, Mark*s mother himplaying co

2、mputer games in his room.A.questioned B.talked C.found答 案 C考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天晚上, 大约凌晨一点, 马克的妈妈发现他正在房间玩电脑游戏。find sb. doing sth.发现某人正在做某事,符合语境。故选C。3 .( 2021 湘潭改编,32) In the forest, he met an old man who had lived there for a long time. Hehis story with the old man.A.shared B.left C.took答 案 A考查动词词义辨析。 根据语境

3、可判断设空处所在句意为“ 他把他的故事与那位老人分享。 share sth. with sb.表示“ 与某人分享某事” 。故选A。4 .( 2020 株洲改编,37) It is really hard for people to the six-year-old who would give away atoy for only a smile.A.receive B. refuseC.report答 案 B考查动词词义辨析。 句意:对于人们来说拒绝这个只要你微笑就送给你玩具的六岁的孩子很难。refuse意为“ 拒绝” ,符合语境。receive接到; report报告。故选B。5 .( 2

4、020 召 B 阳, 32) 1 my summer holidays doing a part-time job to make some money.A. started B. enjoyed C.spent答 案 c本题考查动词词义辨析。句意:我花费暑假的时间做兼职工作来赚一些钱。start开始 enjoy喜欢; spend花费。spend+时间+( in) doing sth.表示“ 花费多少时间做某事” 为固定搭配,故选C。6 .( 2020 常德改编,24) When he heard that a service dog could allow him to ride the b

5、us, heto get one at once.A.wanted B.believe C.refused答 案 A考查动词词义辨析。 句意:当他听说工作犬能够让他坐公共汽车时他想立刻得到一只。want想要; believe相信; refuse拒绝。根据句意应选A 项。考点二动词短语1 .( 2022 岳 阳 , 26) The Monkey King is not a normal monkey; he can himselfdifferent animals and objects.A.tum.offB. turn. upC.tum.into答 案 C考查动词短语辨析。此处表示美猴王可以把

6、自己变成不同的动物和物体。turn into意为“ 把 变成, 故答案为C。2.( 2021 益阳,25) My father always tells me never to when I am in trouble.A.give up B.put on C.help out答 案 A本题考查动词短语。此处表示“ 永远不要放弃 。give up放弃; put on穿上; help out帮助 摆脱困难。故选A。3 .( 2021 岳B 日 , 26) Its impolite to anyone with your chopsticks.A.look at B.point at C.arri

7、ve at答 案 B 本题考查动词短语辨析。look at看着; point at指着; arrive at到达。此处表示用你的筷子指着任何人都是不礼貌的: 故选B。4 .( 2021 株洲,30) AH the students in Grade Three are going to the banks of the XiangjiangRiver.A.tum up B.give up C.clean up答 案 c本题考查动词短语。句意:三年级的所有学生打算去清扫湘江河岸。turn u p 调高, 出现; give up放弃; clean up打扫干净。根据句意可知本题选择C。5 .( 2

8、021 衡阳改编,9) The farmer replied, uIts very easy. I just the branch where the falcon( 猎鹰) rested.A.set off B.cut off C.took off答 案 B考查动词短语辨析。 句意:农民回答道:“ 很简单。 我只是砍去了猎鹰休息的树枝J seto ff出发cut off切掉; take off( 飞机) 起飞。根据句意可知选B。6 .( 2020 岳阳,26) The school the sports meeting because of the bad weather.A.put off

9、 B.put up C.put on答 案 A本题考查动词短语。句意: 因为天气不好,学校推迟了运动会。put off推迟; put up张贴; put on穿上。根据句意可知答案为A。三年模拟A组 基 础 练单项选择1.( 2022 岳阳模拟) In order to sell his products more easily, the farmer a small businessonline.A.set upB.set outC.put away答案 A 根据“In order to sell his products more easily”可知, 此处指“ 创 办 网 店 set u

10、p 创建; setout出发; put away把 收拾起来。故选Ao2 .( 2022 邵阳一模) 一Why does Mr. Black look so upset?一Because his boss yesterday. He has to find a new job.A.pick him upB.took him onC.kicked him out答 案 C句意: 布莱克先生为什么看起来如此沮丧? 因为他的老板昨天把他开除了。 他不得不找一份新工作。pick sb. up( 开车) 接某人; take sb. on聘用某人; kick sb. out开除某人。根据语境可知, 此处表

11、示“ 开除二故选Co3 .( 2022 郴州二模) My deskmate and I are going to a talk show at the end of this semester.A.put upB.put onC.bring up答 案 B 句意我的同桌和我打算在这学期末举办一场脱口秀。 put up张贴; put on举办; bring up养育。因为宾语是a talk show,所以要用put ono故选Bo4 .( 2022 岳B 日 二 模) No one can be a winner all the time, so we shouldnl those who fa

12、iled.A.care aboutB.share withC.laugh at答 案 C句意: 没有人能一直是胜利者, 因此我们不应该嘲笑那些失败的人。care about关心 ; share with与. . . . . . 分享; laugh at嘲笑。根据句意可知答案为Co5 .( 2022 邵阳模拟) Life is like a journey with trouble, but with care and wisdom, you can anyproblem you face.A.work outB.come outC.go out答 案 A句意: 生活就像充满困难的旅程,但只要带

13、着谨慎和智慧, 你就可以解决你所面对的任何问题。work out计算出,解决come out出来go out出去。根据句意可知答案为A。6 .( 2022 郴州模拟) 一I havent your phone number yet. Could you say it again?一Certainly. Its 0735-2110022.A.put upB.written downC.thrown away答 案 B由“Could you say it again?”和“IHs 0735-2110022. ” 可知第一个说话人没有写下电话号码。put up张贴write down写下; thro

14、w away扔掉。故答案为B。7 .( 2022 株洲二模) My alarm clock didnt this morning. As a result, I was late for themeeting.A.go onB .go outC.go off答 案 c句意: 今天早上我的闹钟没有响。 因此,我开会迟到了。 goon继续; go out出去; go o ff发出响声。根据句意可知答案为C。8.( 2022 邵阳一模) It me two hours to finish my homework tonight.A.spent B.took C.cost答 案 B固定用法“it ta

15、kes/took sb.+一段时间+to do sth.”表示“ 做某事花费某人多长时间” , 故选 B。9.( 2022 岳阳模拟) 一There is little milk in my fridge, but Pm afraid I might forget to buy some afterwork.Dont worry. I will you then.A.promise B.re mind C. introduce答 案 B句意: 一我冰箱里面没多少牛奶了,但我恐怕下班后可能会忘记买牛奶。不用担心。到时候我会提醒你。promise承诺; remind提醒; introduce介绍。

16、根据句意可知选B。10 .( 2022 邵阳模拟) Jim didnt at the meeting yesterday, because he had a bad cold.A.turn upB.give upC.stay up答 案 A句意: 吉姆昨天没有在会议上露面, 因为他得了重感冒。turn u p 露面, 出现; give u p 放弃; stay叩熬夜。根据句意可知答案为A 项。11 .( 2022 长沙一模改编) One day, as I pulled the school bus over to drop off a little girlz she handedme an

17、 earring and said I should keep it because somebody may beit and want to get it back.A.asking forB.looking forC.paying for答 案 B句意: 一天, 当我把校车靠边停下来让一个小女孩下车时, 她递给我一只耳环, 说我应该留着它, 因为可能有人在找它,想把它拿回去。ask for请求; look for寻找; pay for支付。根据“andwant to get it back”可知, 应是有人在寻找它。故选Bo12.( 2022 安徽改编) 一You can between

18、 joining the dancing club and going to the chessclub.I consider going to the chess club,for I like playing chess better.A.decideB.guessC.hide答 案 A考查动词词义辨析。decide决定; guess猜测; hide躲藏。 结合空后的“between joiningthe dancing club and going to the chess club”和答语可知, 是在两者之间做决定,故 选 A。13 .( 2022 福建) 一May I your pe

19、n? I can*t find mine.一Sure. Here you are.A.repairB.makeC 上 OITOW答 案 C考查动词。根据“cant find mine.”可知, 要向别人借钢笔, 故 选 C。14 .( 2022 河北改编) 一Michael, this shirt.Ohz it looks nice on me!A.try onB.put downC.take off答案 A 考查动词短语辨析。try on试穿; put down放下; take off起飞。由“it looks nice on me”可知,此处是试穿这件衬衣。故答案为A。15 .( 2020

20、 株洲) P l e a s e the computer, Lily. Its time for you to go to bed.A.turn off B.turn up C.turn on答 案 A句意请把电脑关掉, 莉莉。到你睡觉的时间了。turn o ff关闭; turn u p 调高( 音量) ; turno n 打开。根据句意可知答案为A。B组 提 升 练单项选择1.( 2022 株洲模拟) Lily cant come here today, for she has a lot of problems to .A.deal withB.keep up withC.agree w

21、ith答 案 A句意: 莉莉今天不能来这儿, 因为她有很多问题要处理。deal with处理; keep up with跟上 ; agree with同意。根据关键词problems可知,应选Ao2 .( 2022 郴州模拟) In daily life, everyone should the lies. After all, being honest comesfirst.A.pay attention toB.get used toC.stay away from答 案 C根据being honest comes first可知每个人都不应该撒谎即 远离谎言,pay attention

22、to注意; get used to习惯于; stay away from远离。故选Co知识拓展: pay attention to“ 注意” ; get used to 习惯于二这两个动词短语中的to都是介词。3 .( 2022 株洲模拟) The Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics was to July 23, 2021 because ofCOVID-19.A.put up B.put out C.put off答 案 C由because of COVID-19可知, 此处表示东京2020夏季奥运会被推迟到2021年 7月 2 3 日。put up张贴; put out

23、熄灭; put o ff推迟。根据句意可知,应选C。4 .( 2022 召 B 阳模) You should be honest. Dont any excuses for doing something wrong.A.make up B.set up C.take up答 案 A句意: 你应该诚实。不要因为做错一些事情而编造任何借口。makeup编造; set叩 建立; take u p 占用。根据句意可知答案为A。5 .( 2022 邵阳模拟) Wow, its raining so heavily. Its difficult to call a taxi.一Dont worry. I

24、ll soon.A.calm you downB.pick you upC.cheer you up答 案 B句意: 哇,雨下得如此大。很难叫到出租车。别担心。我很快就开车来接你。calm sb. down使某人镇静; pick sb. up ( 开车) 接某人; cheer sb. up使某人振作起来。 根据语境可知,这里应该是“ 开车去接你二故选B。6 .( 2022 郴州模拟) 一When shall we go picnicking?It the weather.A.takes onB.puts onC.depends on答 案 C句意: - - - 我们什么时候去野餐呢? - -

25、-这取决于天气。 take on承担; put on穿上; dependon取决于。根据句意可知本题选择C。7 .( 2022 岳阳模拟) 1 some famous scientists and they are heroes in my eyes.A.look forward toB .look up toC.get along with答案 B look forward to 期待; look up to 仰慕; get along with 与 和睦相处。 根据 they are heroesin my eyes可知,此处是说“ 仰慕一些著名的科学家工故选B。8.( 2022 株洲模拟

26、) 一Its too noisy outside to hear anything.Neither can I. We have to new ways to solve the problem.A.come up withB.end up withC.catch up with答 案 A句意: 外边太吵了,什么也听不见。一我也听不见。我们必须想出新方法解决这个问题。come up with想出; end up with以 结束catch up with赶上。根据句意可知答案为Ao9.( 2022 长沙一模) After a couple of kilometers, she drove ou

27、t of the storm. Moreover, the sunand the road ahead was dry.A.came outB.came downC.came across答案 A come out 出来; come down 落下; come across 偶然遇到。根据“the road ahead was dry”可知路面是干的说明太阳出来了。故选A。10 .( 2022 长沙模拟) On my first day at school; the other kids me because of my hearing aidand the way I talked. I w

28、as hurt deeply and I saw myself as an ugly kid.A.made fun ofB.took care ofC.made friends with答案 A make fun of 嘲笑; take care of 照顾; make friends with 同. . 交朋友。根据I was hurtdeeply”可知, “ 我” 被其他孩子嘲笑。故选A.11 .( 2022 林 E州三模) Pm things for my trip because I like to get things ready earlier.A.keeping clear of

29、B.making a list ofC.getting through答 案 B 句意: 我正在为我的旅行列一个物品清单, 因为我喜欢早点把东西准备好。 keep clear of避开; make a list o f列 的清单; get through顺利通过。根据句意可知选B。12.( 2022 江西改编) me. Til show you the way.A.FollowB.ForgetC.Leave答 案A考查动词辨析。由下文“ 我给你带路” 可知, 此处的意思是“ 跟我来” 。follow“ 跟随” , 符合题意。故 选A。13 .( 2022 天津改编)My aunt offere

30、d me a dictionary and I it happily.A.acceptedB.invitedC.mixed答 案A考查动词辨析。 从前半句“ 我的姑姑给了我一本字典,可知,accept( 接受) 符合语境, 故选Ao14 .( 2022 云南改编) 一How was your camping in the countiyside last weekend?一It was great. We a tent by the lake and had much fun.A.put upB.put offC.put on答 案A考查动词短语辨析。 此处表示“ 在湖边搭帐篷” 。put u

31、p搭建;put off推迟;put on穿上。故 选Ao15 .( 2022 海南) 一Its said that the Shenzhou-14 astronauts will say hello to us on Mid-AutumnFestival.一Wonderful! Fm it.A.getting along withB.staying away fromC.looking forward to答 案c考查动词短语。 根据Wonderful!”可知, 说话人很期待对方说的事。get along with和 和睦相处;stay away from与 保持距离;look forward to期待 。故 选C。



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