商务英语综合教程上册Unit 5World Tourism Organisation

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《商务英语综合教程上册Unit 5World Tourism Organisation》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《商务英语综合教程上册Unit 5World Tourism Organisation(60页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit Five World Tourism OrganizationUnit 5 World Tourism Organization Introduction As As a a leading leading international international organization organization in in the the field field of of travel travel and and tourism, tourism, World World Tourism Tourism Organization Organization serves ser

2、ves as as a a global global forum forum for for tourism tourism policy policy issues issues and and a a practical practical source source of of tourism tourism know-how. know-how. It It has has three three membership membership categories categories full, full, associate associate and and affiliate

3、affiliate members. members. It It is is involved involved in in global global and and regional regional activities, activities, which which aims aims to to facilitate facilitate world world travel travel through through elimination elimination or or reduction reduction of of governmental governmenta

4、l measures measures for international travel. for international travel. Unit 5 World Tourism Organization Text Exercises Related Technical Terms GrammarUnit 5 World Tourism Organization 1 1 The World Tourism Organization (WTO) is the most widely recognized and one of the leading international organi

5、zations in the field of travel and tourism today. It serves as a global forum for tourism policy issues and a practical source of tourism know-how. Its membership includes138 countries and territories and more than 350 affiliate members representing local government, tourism associations, educationa

6、l institutions, and private sector companies, including airlines, hotel groups, and tour operators. With its headquarters in Madrid, WTO is an intergovernmental body entrusted by the United Nations with the promotion and development of tourism. Through tourism, WTO aims to stimulate economic growth

7、and job creation, provide incentives for protecting the environment and heritage of destinations, promote peace and understanding among all the nations of the world.Text Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 2 2 The World Tourism Organization had its beginnings as the International Union of Official Tou

8、rist Publicity Organizations set up in 1925 in The Hague. It was renamed the International Union for Official Tourism Organizations (IUOTO) after World War II and moved to Geneva. IUOTO was renamed the World Tourism Organization (WTO), and its first General Assembly was held in Madrid in May 1975. T

9、he Secretariat was installed in Madrid early the following year at the invitation of the Spanish government, which provides a building for the headquarters. In 1976, WTO became an executing agency of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP); in 1977, a formal cooperation agreement was signed wi

10、th the United Nations itself. Text Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 3 Although its members include many developed countries including Canada, the United States, Australia, Germany, and France WTO generally aims to promote and develop tourism with particular emphasis on the interests of the developi

11、ng countries. WTO has three membership categories full, associate, and affiliate members. Its 109 Full Members in 1989 were the national governments of countries, and there were an additional 4 Associate Member territorial governments (including Puerto Rico). WTOs affiliate members are international

12、 and regional tourism bodies such as theText Unit 5 World Tourism Organization Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), European Travel Commission (ETC), and Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) and private sector companies, associations, and educational institutions. 4 4 Three main groups are respon

13、sible for the policies and programs of WTO. The WTO Secretariat consists of the Secretary General of WTO and the full-time WTO staff located in Madrid. The General Assembly, held every two years, brings together all members to consider WTOs policies and programs. The General Assembly has created six

14、 Regional Commissions representing Africa, the Americas, Europe, Middle East, the PacificText Unit 5 World Tourism Organization and East Asia, and South Asia, who oversee the implementation of WTO programs in their respective regions. The third WTO body is its Executive Council, consisting of one me

15、mber for every five Full Members. This Council meets at least twice a year to take whatever measures are necessary to implement the decisions and recommendations of the previous General Assembly. 5 5 WTO is engaged in many activities. The transfer of tourism know-how to developing countries is a maj

16、or task. Here WTO contributes decades of experience in tourism to the sustainable development goals of nations throughout the world. WTO projects are based on the policy of sustainability, ensuring that the economic benefits of Text Unit 5 World Tourism Organization tourism development are not offse

17、t by damage to the environment or to local culture. 6 6 WTO is well known for its statistics and market research. Research has been one of WTOs most important contributions. Their work here has set international standards for tourism measurement and reporting, measured the impact of tourism on natio

18、nal economies, produced forecasts, examined trends, and made the results available in publication. Text Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 7 7 Human resource development is another WTO goal. In cooperation with its network of 14 Education and Training Centers throughout the world, WTO sets standards

19、for tourism education. The newly developed Graduate Tourism Aptitude Test (GTAT) is an example of their efforts to encourage standardization of curricula and to make degree in tourism more internationally comparable. WTO also offers seminars, distance learning courses, and practicum courses for tour

20、ism officials from member countries. Text Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 8 8 WTO attempts to facilitate world travel through elimination or reduction of governmental measures for international travel as well as standardization of requirements for passports, visas and so forth. They also work to i

21、mprove the promotional efforts of member governments through effective media relations and serve as a clearinghouse for international tourism information. 9 9 In addition to these global activities WTO engages in regional activities. Each region of the worldAfrica, Americas, East Asia and the Pacifi

22、c, Europe, Middle East and South Asia receives special attention from that regions representative as the WTO RepresentativesText Unit 5 World Tourism Organization meet with top tourism officials from each of the countries in their region to analyze problems and help seek solutions, act as a liaison

23、between tourism authorities and the UNDP to create specific development projects, organize national seminars of topics of particular relevance to an individual country, such as Tourism Promotion in Mexico or Ecotourism in Kyrgyzstan, and hold regional conferences on problems that are shared by many

24、countries so that members can exchange experiences and work toward common goals, such as Safety and Security in Eastern Europe or Aviation and Tourism Policy in the Caribbean. Text Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 10 10 They are also involved in regional promotion projects. The Silk Road and the Sl

25、ave Route are two projects, being implemented in the cooperation with the United Nations Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Launched in 1994, WTOs Silk Road Project aims to revitalize through tourism the ancient highways used by Marco Polo and the caravan traders who came after him. The

26、Silk Road stretches 12,000 km from Asia to Europe. Sixteen Silk Road countries have joined forces for this project: Japan, Republic of Korea, DPR Korea, China, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Georgia, Greece, Text Unit 5 World Tourism

27、Organization and Egypt. Joint promotional activities include a brochure and video, familiarization trips, and special events at major tourism trade fairs. The Slave Route, initiated in 1995 as part of the United Nations International Year of Tolerance, aims to boost cultural tourism to western Afric

28、an nations. Its immediate goals are to restore monuments, enhance history museums, and launch joint promotional campaigns in selected tourism generating markets, which will motivate foreign visitors to learn about the history of these countries and discover their roots. The project is expected to ex

29、panded in the future to include other nations in southern and eastern Africa, as well as countries in the Caribbean.Text Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 11 11 WTO is primarily financed by members contributions. Full members pay an annual quota calculated according to the level of economic developm

30、ent and the importance of tourism in each country. Associate members pay a fixed annual contribution of US$20,000 and affiliate members pay US$1,700 a year. WTOs budget for the two-year period 19961997 totaled US$18,099,000. Membership dues accounted for 90 percent of the budget, with the reminder c

31、oming from UNDP support cost, investment income, and sales of publications and electronic products. Text Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 1. WTO: World Tourism Organization Notes 世界旅游组织,总部设在西班牙首都马德里(世界旅游组织,总部设在西班牙首都马德里(Madrid),中国于中国于1983年年10月正式加入。月正式加入。Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 2. It serves

32、 as a global forum for tourism policy issues and a practical source of tourism knowhow. Notes 在在这这句句话话中中,serve as 意意为为do work as, give service as类类似似例例句句如如:He has served the company for 50years, first as office boy and eventually as managing director.Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 3. WTO aims to

33、stimulate economic growth and job creation, provide incentives for protecting the environment and heritage of destination, and promote peace and understanding among all the nations of the world. Notes 世界旅游组织致力于刺激经济增长,创造就业机会,奖励世界旅游组织致力于刺激经济增长,创造就业机会,奖励环境和文化遗产保护行为,促进世界各国和平相处、相互环境和文化遗产保护行为,促进世界各国和平相处、相

34、互理解。理解。 在这句话中,谓语是由在这句话中,谓语是由aim to do (致力于致力于) 引出的三个不引出的三个不定式短语组成,为平行结构,层次清楚地表明了世界旅游定式短语组成,为平行结构,层次清楚地表明了世界旅游组织的三个目标。组织的三个目标。Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 4. IUOTO: the International Union for Official Tourism Organization Notes 国际官方旅游组织联盟,世界旅游组织的前身。国际官方旅游组织联盟,世界旅游组织的前身。Unit 5 World Tourism Orga

35、nization 5. PATA : Pacific Asia Travel Association Notes 亚亚太太地地区区旅旅游游协协会会,成成立立于于1952年年,是是具具有有广广泛泛代代表表性性和和影影响响力力的的民民间间国国际际旅旅游游组组织织,以以促促进进亚亚太太地地区区旅旅游游业业发发展展为为宗宗旨旨,在在整整个个亚亚太太地地区区以以至至世世界界的的旅旅游游开开发发、宣宣传传、培培训训和和合合作作等等方方面面发发挥挥着着重重要要作作用用,受受到到该该地地区区旅旅游游业业界界的的普遍重视。普遍重视。 Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 6. In

36、 cooperation with its network of 14 Education and Training Centers throughout the world, WTO sets standards for tourism education.Notes 在在 这这 句句 话话 中中 , set standards for意意 为为 : to fix or establish standards for 类似的句子如:类似的句子如: The government has set strict limits on pay increases.Unit 5 World Touris

37、m Organization 7. The project is expected to be expanded in the future to include other nations in southern and eastern Africa, as well as countries in the Caribbean. Notes 在在这这句句话话中中,be expected 意意为为:be believed that something will happen 类似的例句如:类似的例句如: His weakness after illness is to be expected.

38、 Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 8. Associate members pay a fixed annual contribution of U.S.$ 20,000 and affiliate members pay U.S.$1,700 a year. Notes 准会员支付固定年费为准会员支付固定年费为20,000美元,观察员组织每年支付美元,观察员组织每年支付1,700美元。美元。Unit 5 World Tourism Organization I. Answer the following questions according to the

39、 text. 1. Where is the headquarters of World Tourism Organization? 2. What does the World Tourism Organization aim to do ? 3. What are the three main groups which are responsible for the policies and programs of WTO? 4. What activities is WTO engaged in? 5. How is WTO financed? Exercises Unit 5 Worl

40、d Tourism Organization II. Word Study. Wordsin-Wordsim- gloriousmoralarticulatepatientcapablebalancecautiouspoliteExercises 1. The prefixes in and im are used to form words of the opposite meaning. eg. possibleimpossible formal informal Now complete the following:Unit 5 World Tourism Organization Ex

41、ercises WordsinWordsim gloriousingloriousmoralimmoralarticulateinarticulatepatientimpatientcapableincapablebalanceimbalancecautiousincautiouspoliteimpoliteKeyUnit 5 World Tourism Organization 2. Fill in the blanks. 1. He has not the technical _to attempt this repair job.2. We ve got to try and _our

42、salesmen to fulfill the marketing goal.3. The desert _away as far as the eye could see.4. If you want to _that you catch the plane, take a taxi.5. Helen _ the company _ private secretary to the managing director.6. North Sea oil _a high proportion of our export earnings.know-how, ensure, budget, sus

43、tain, facilitate stretch, serve as, involve in, account for, motivate Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 2. Fill in the blanks. 7.The sales director is preparing the companys advertising _for 2007.8.The knowledge that a rescue team would be searching for them _ the trapped miners.9. The new undergrou

44、nd railway will _the journey to the airport.10. If I were you I would not get _their problems.Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 1. knowhow 2. motivate 3. stretched 4. ensure 5. serves 6. accounts for 7. budget 8. sustained 9. facilitate 10. involved in Key Exercises Unit 5 World Tourism Organization

45、 3. Multiple Choice. Exercises 1. With an application form enclosed, we shall be glad if you will _ an irrevocable letter of credit. A. arrange to open B. be arranged to open C. arrange for the opening D. arrange for open2. _ pessimistic, it may be several months before we see a strong upturn. A. Be

46、 B. Being C. Very D. To be3. We would ask that we _ to pay your account by four monthly remittances of US$5,000, with a final adjustment in the fifth month. A. allowed B. allowing C. be allowed D. having to allow 4. I trust you will be able to accept our proposal as the quickest way of _ your accoun

47、t. A. clear B. cleared C. clearing D. making clearUnit 5 World Tourism Organization 3. Multiple Choice.5. The slowdown in the regional economy is likely to _ people from making large deals on long terms. A. discourage B. decrease C. disturb D. reduce6. The management has decided to have the offices

48、painted in such a way that the walls _ the new carpets we have bought. A. fit B. suit C. befit D. match7. We expect certain sizable orders _for within the next two months and ask if we may defer payment of your account from August 2 to October 30. A. to be paid B. to be paying C. paying D. for being

49、 8. If a businessman has not been thinking about the Net by this time, theres a serious problem. Five years from now, Internet commerce _ a big force. A. is B. being C. will be D. to beExercises Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 3. Multiple Choice. 9. The current internet hype has _ with business; r

50、ather, it is more related with the development of technology. A. anything do B. anything to do C. nothing to do D. nothing do to 10.In mass media, big advertising dollars rule. But by doing business on the Net, a small firm might just as effectively _ through search engine. A. get itself know B. get

51、 himself know C. get itself known D. get known himselfExercises 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. CUnit 5 World Tourism Organization . Translate the following sentences into English. 1.你可以从投资的角度去考虑该买哪个地段的房子。你可以从投资的角度去考虑该买哪个地段的房子。(in terms of an investment) 2.听说长假将至,各大旅游胜地纷纷闻风而动,做好了大赚一

52、听说长假将至,各大旅游胜地纷纷闻风而动,做好了大赚一 把的准备。把的准备。(make a good profit) 3.无论就人口还是面积来说,重庆都是最大的直辖市。无论就人口还是面积来说,重庆都是最大的直辖市。 (municipality directly under the central government) 4.世界上许多国家的旅游业正成为最能盈利的行业之一。世界上许多国家的旅游业正成为最能盈利的行业之一。(the greatest profit earners) 5.如何振兴老工业基地是摆在中国各级政府面前的一大艰巨任如何振兴老工业基地是摆在中国各级政府面前的一大艰巨任 务。务。(

53、confront with )Exercises Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 1. You may decide for yourself where to buy an apartment in terms of an investment. 2. In the hope of making a good profit, all the tourist resorts have been well prepared to respond to the oncoming long holiday. 3. In terms of both populati

54、on and area, Chongqing is Chinas largest municipality directly under the central government. 4. Tourism is becoming one of the greatest profit earners in many countries of the world. 5. Governments at all levels in China are confronted with an arduous task of revitalizing the traditional industrial

55、bases. Exercises KeyUnit 5 World Tourism Organization V. Translate the following sentences in the text into Chinese. 1. The Secretariat was installed in Madrid early the following year at the invitation of the Spanish government, which provides a building for the headquarters. 2. Although its member

56、s include many developed countries, WTO generally aims to promote and develop tourism with particular emphasis on the interests of the developing countries. 3. This Council meets at least twice a year to take whatever measures are necessary to implement the decisions and recommendations of the previ

57、ous General Assembly. Exercises Unit 5 World Tourism Organization V. Translate the following sentences in the text into Chinese. 4. WTO projects are based on the policy of sustainability, ensuing that the economic benefits of tourism development are not offset by damage to the environment or to loca

58、l culture. 5. Launched in 1994, WTOs Silk Road Project aims to revitalize through tourism the ancient highways used by Marco Polo and the caravan traders who came after him. Exercises Unit 5 World Tourism Organization Key 1. 第第二二年年初初,西西班班牙牙政政府府为为世世界界旅旅游游组组织织总总部部提提供供了了一一幢幢楼房,因而,秘书处设在马德里。楼房,因而,秘书处设在马德

59、里。2. 世世界界旅旅游游组组织织设设有有三三类类会会员员资资格格:会会员员,准准会会员员和和观观察察员组织机构。员组织机构。3. 执执行行理理事事会会每每两两年年召召开开一一次次,采采取取必必要要措措施施执执行行上上届届大大会通过的决定和建议。会通过的决定和建议。4. 世世界界旅旅游游组组织织项项目目基基于于可可持持续续性性策策略略,从从而而避避免免因因损损害害环境或当地文化而抵消旅游经济效益。环境或当地文化而抵消旅游经济效益。5. 1994年年世世界界旅旅游游组组织织发发起起丝丝绸绸之之路路项项目目,旨旨在在通通过过旅旅游游活活动动使使马马可可波波罗罗及及其其后后继继商商队队走走过过的的古

60、古老老商商道道重重新新焕焕发发活力。活力。Exercises Unit 5 World Tourism Organization VI. Write a summary of the text in about 120 words.Exercises Unit 5 World Tourism Organization VII. Write a oneparagraph composition entitled “Global Activities the World Tourism Organization Engages in”. The first sentence is given. “

61、WTO is engaged in various activities around the world.” Complete the paragraph with five to seven sentences, using the words or phrases given below. Exercises transfer, tourism know-how, sustainable development, market research, human resource development, facilitate, world travel, international tou

62、rism Unit 5 World Tourism Organization VIII. Discuss with your partner the role that WTO plays in international tourism industry. Exercises Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 1. World Tourism Organization 世界旅游组织世界旅游组织 1975年,由国际官方旅游组织联合会改组年,由国际官方旅游组织联合会改组而成的政府间组织。其宗旨为:促进世界各国旅游事业的而成的政府间组织。其宗旨为:促进世界各国旅游

63、事业的发展;促进对人权的尊重发展;促进对人权的尊重不分种族、语言和宗教;促不分种族、语言和宗教;促进世界经济的发展。旅游组织规定每年的进世界经济的发展。旅游组织规定每年的9月月27日为日为“世世界旅游日界旅游日”。总部设在西班牙马德里。总部设在西班牙马德里。 Related Technical Terms Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 2. General Assembly 联合国大会联合国大会 one of the most important organs of the United Nations, which is responsible for

64、the United Nations in discussion, supervision, finance and voting under the framework of the Charter of the United Nations. Related Technical Terms Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 3. United Nations Development Program (UNDP) 联合国开发计划署联合国开发计划署 联合国的援助机构。联合国的援助机构。1965年年11月由月由联合国联合国“特别基金特别基金”和和“扩大的技术援助


66、的奖学金等。其资金来源主要是联合国大会期间各国政府的自愿捐款和非金来源主要是联合国大会期间各国政府的自愿捐款和非政府机构的自愿捐款。政府机构的自愿捐款。Related Technical Terms Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 4. Full members 正式会员正式会员 指履行了一切正常入会手续,参加该协会(学指履行了一切正常入会手续,参加该协会(学会、公会等)一切活动,履行和享有该协会(学会、公会会、公会等)一切活动,履行和享有该协会(学会、公会等)的一切权力和义务的正式会员。等)的一切权力和义务的正式会员。 全部会员全部会员 特指参加航运公会的

67、全部班轮公司。特指参加航运公会的全部班轮公司。Related Technical Terms Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 动动名名词词属属非非谓谓语语动动词词,兼兼有有动动词词和和名名词词的的特特征征和和作作用用。动动名名词词的的形形式式与与现现在在分分词词相相同同。由由于于动动名名词词与与现现在在分分词词的的意意义义、作作用用和和形形成成都都不不同同,一一般般还还是是看看作作两两种种不不同同的的非非限限定定动动词词。动动名名词词作作主主语语、宾宾语语、表表语语和和定定语语;及及物物动动词词的的动动名名词词可可以以带带宾宾语语,有有的的还还可可以以带带宾

68、宾语语补补足足语语;动动名名词词可可以以被被状状语语所所修修饰饰,动动名名词词还还有有时时态态和和语语态态的的变变化。化。 Grammar Gerund (usage)Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 例题解析例题解析 例例 1. _ music is interesting to some people. A. study B. studies C. studying D. studied 答案答案 C. 解析解析 studying 是动名词,在本句中作主语。担任主语的是动名词,在本句中作主语。担任主语的 动名词虽然在一定程度上名词化了,但是仍然保留了一些动

69、名词虽然在一定程度上名词化了,但是仍然保留了一些 动词的性质,动词的性质, 比如往往带有连带成分比如往往带有连带成分 宾语、状语或定语。宾语、状语或定语。 例如:例如:Popularizing the new method was not an easy job. Going to the cinema is his only amusement. Working too hard will cause illness.Grammar Gerund (usage)Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 例例2There is little probability o

70、f _ succeeding in the attempt. A. they B. their C. them D. who 答案答案 B. 解析解析 their 作动名词作动名词succeeding 的逻辑主语,表示动名词的动的逻辑主语,表示动名词的动作或状态是属于谁。动名词复合结构的构成是:作或状态是属于谁。动名词复合结构的构成是:“物主代词物主代词”(或名词所有格)(或名词所有格)+ 动名词。动名词。 例如:例如:Would you mind my smoking here? Your drinking so much liquor is dangerous. 如果动名词逻辑上的主语所表

71、示的是这一动作的对象时,动名词如果动名词逻辑上的主语所表示的是这一动作的对象时,动名词要用被动语态。要用被动语态。 例如:例如:He was proud of being highly praised. He couldnt stand being treated like that.Grammar Gerund (usage)Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 例例3 My job is _ in high school. A. teaching English B. teach English C. teach of English D. teaching

72、of English 答案答案A. 解析解析此句为动名词作表语。动名词担任表语此句为动名词作表语。动名词担任表语, 和和to be 加现在分加现在分 词构成的进行时词构成的进行时, 二者在形式上是一样的二者在形式上是一样的, 应注意区别。从意义上应注意区别。从意义上 说,动名词作表语,说明主语是什么,而那被说明的主语往往不说,动名词作表语,说明主语是什么,而那被说明的主语往往不 是表示人称的名词或代词,而是表示事物或动作的名词。是表示人称的名词或代词,而是表示事物或动作的名词。 例例如如:Her job is looking after the children. (主主语语是是“工工作作”)

73、 His trouble is having tried every means and being at his wits end.Grammar Gerund (usage)Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 例例4 We are considering _ a new plan. A. making B. being made C. to make D. to have made 答案答案 A. 解解析析 此此句句为为动动名名词词作作宾宾语语的的用用法法。动动名名词词既既可可作作及及物物动动词词的的宾宾语语,也也可可作作介介词词的的宾宾语语,常常用用动动名

74、名词词作作宾宾语语的的动动词词有有:consider, avoid, admit, anticipate, cannot help, keep, mean, escape, finish, give up, imagine, mention, recommend, postpone, quit, resist, risk, suggest, prevent, enjoy, regret, appreciate, stop , mind等。等。Grammar Gerund (usage)Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 常常用用动动名名词词作作宾宾语语的的词词组

75、组有有:insist on, persist in, think of, dream of , object to, suspectof, accuseof , approve of, preventfrom, deepfrom, stop. from, be engaged in, look forward to, oppose to, depend on, feel like, aim at, devote to, set about, get /be used to, be fond of, be keen on, be tired of, be sick of, succeed in,

76、 be interested in 等等等等。动动名名词词还还可可以以与与介介词词 about, against, at, before, after, besides, by, for, from, in, on, upon, without, etc. 构成介词短语,作状语。构成介词短语,作状语。Grammar Gerund (usage)Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 例如:例如: 1.Our teacher suggested spending the vacation with some of the foreign friends. 2.He m

77、entioned meeting Professor Spencer at the reception. 3.I am tired of doing the same thing every day. 4.He insisted on going there by bus. 5.She left the room without saying anything to us.Grammar Gerund (usage)Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 例例5. To survive, we need large quantities of _ water. A.

78、 drink B. drank C. drinking D. drunk 答案答案 C. 解解析析 drinking 是是动动名名词词作作定定语语。单单个个动动名名词词作作定定语语时时,通通常常前前置置,例例如如:George is a promising young man . 此此外外,动动名名词词作作定定语语时时可可以以跟跟一一个个由由 of 或或 by 引引起起的的短短语语, of 和和 by 的的宾宾语语同同时时也也是是动动名名词词意意义义上上的的主主语语。在在这这种种情情况况下下,动名词前还常常加动名词前还常常加 the 或另一个指示形容词。或另一个指示形容词。 例如:例如:The

79、 way of organizing the work is acceptable. Have you heard of the breaking out of the war? 如如果果动动名名词词为为及及物物动动词词, 可可用用by 引引起起的的短短语语表表示示意意义义上上的的主语,主语, 而而of 引起的短语可表示意义上的宾语。引起的短语可表示意义上的宾语。Grammar Gerund (usage)Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 例如:例如:The making of this wine by the natives has been a secre

80、t. The squandering(浪费)(浪费)of all his money by his son has driven him mad. 如果如果 of 引起的短语较引起的短语较 by 引起的短语长,引起的短语长, 则应放在则应放在 by 引起引起 的短路后面。的短路后面。 例如:例如:The bringing up by Ms. Johnson of all her children who were still young cost thousands of dollars a month. 如果动名词为不及物动词,它后面的如果动名词为不及物动词,它后面的of 跟的宾语必然是它意

81、跟的宾语必然是它意 义上的主语,义上的主语, 不可能是意义上的宾语。不可能是意义上的宾语。 例如:例如: I watched the rising of the sun. The coming of Christmas make the children excited. June 1. Grammar Gerund (usage)Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 例例6. Tell him _ (不要吸烟,不要吸烟, smoke) here. _ (吸烟吸烟) is prohibited on the campus. 答案答案 not to smoke, S

82、moking 解析解析有些动词既可以带动名词作宾语,也可以带动词不定式作宾语,但有些动词既可以带动名词作宾语,也可以带动词不定式作宾语,但所表达的意义不同。所表达的意义不同。 表示一般抽象的行为一般用动名词,表示具体的某次行为,多用不定式。表示一般抽象的行为一般用动名词,表示具体的某次行为,多用不定式。 又如:又如:I like swimming, but I dont like to swim now. 在动词在动词forget , remember, regret 等后面,动名词表示已经发生的动作,等后面,动名词表示已经发生的动作,不定式表示将要发生的动作。不定式表示将要发生的动作。 例如

83、:例如: A. remember to do sth. 记得要去做某事记得要去做某事 remember doing sth. 记得曾作过某事记得曾作过某事 forget to do sth. 忘记要去做某事忘记要去做某事 forget doing sth. 忘记曾做过某事忘记曾做过某事 Grammar Gerund (usage)Unit 5 World Tourism Organization B. stop to do sth. 停下(一件事)去做(另一件事)停下(一件事)去做(另一件事) stop doing sth. 停止做某事停止做某事 C. go on to do sth. 接着又

84、作另一件事接着又作另一件事 go on doing sth. 继续作同一件事继续作同一件事 D. try to do sth. 努力去做,设法做某事努力去做,设法做某事 try doing sth. 试一试做某事试一试做某事 E. mean to do sth. 打算打算/想做某事想做某事 mean doing sth. 意味着意味着/意思是做某事意思是做某事 F. chance to do sth. 碰巧去做某事碰巧去做某事 chance doing sth. 冒险试一试做某事冒险试一试做某事 G. regret to do sth. 遗憾要去做某事遗憾要去做某事 regret doing

85、sth. 后悔要去做事后悔要去做事Grammar Gerund (usage)Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 1. Complete the sentences. 1)_(每天洗冷水澡)(每天洗冷水澡)does him a lot of good.2)It is not worth _ (跟跟6岁的孩子生气岁的孩子生气).3)_(在在空空难难中中死死亡亡了了105名名乘乘客客) shocked the world.4) They went to Manchester with the object of _ (赢得世界锦标赛赢得世界锦标赛).5)Americ

86、an businessmen have difficulty _(明明白日本对手白日本对手).Grammar Exercises Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 1. Taking a cold bath every day 2. getting angry with a 6yearold child. 3. One hundred and five passengers having been killed in the plane crash 4. winning the World Championship 5. understanding their

87、 Japanese counterpartsGrammar Exercises Key: Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 2. Put the verbs in brackets into gerund, adding proper prepositions before them if necessary. 1. I wasted a whole day _ (go) through piles of old letters. 2. We are in favour _ (abolish) the rule. 3. Most people prefer _

88、 (spend) to _ (earn). 4. I am responsible _ (he, make) a nuisance of himself. 5. Can you forgive _ (he, treat) you like that? Grammar Exercises Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 6. By selling council houses, we are able to devote more money _ (build) fresh properties.7. I attributed his failure _ (h

89、e, be) so lazy.8. Those men were engaged _ (smuggle) watches into England.9. I cant help _ (sneeze); I caught a cold yesterday. 10. I did not refer _ (see) you there because I thought you might be furious _ (have) peoples attention drawn to your movements.Grammar Exercises Unit 5 World Tourism Organization 1. going 2. of abolishing 3. spending, to earning 4. for his making 5. him for treating 6. to building 7.to his being 8. in smuggling 9.sneezing 10.to seeing, at havingGrammar Exercises Key



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