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1、Knowledge Organisation天马行空官方博客:http:/ ;QQ:1318241189;QQ群:175569632Todays programmeOur aim is to present ideas and discuss concepts so that we will have a common understanding of terms such as data, information, knowledge, classification, knowledge management, etc.天马行空官方博客:http:/ ;QQ:1318241189;QQ群:1

2、75569632Presentation is divided in three parts:1st: Basic concepts and definition of terms2nd: Simple introduction of classification3rd: Knowledge ManagementInformationDifferent definitions are given by different people (as seen in the history of information):Information is a clueInformation reduces

3、 uncertaintyInformation is something one did not know beforeDataAnother important term used interchangeably with information but with the information profession there is a basic difference:Data are simply facts and figures generatedData are not actually evaluated and hence they do not help us to mak

4、e decisionsExamplesIFU collects data about all the women participantsname, age, qualification, country, etc.IFU collects data about all the papers presented during this three monthstitle, main subject, presenter, etc.These are simply facts & figures DataInformationOn the other hand, when we process

5、data it becomes informationInformation is processed dataInformation is evaluated dataExamplesIf IFU wants to compile the women data by country, it is generating informationby age groupby subject of presentation Then information is generated in all aspectsInformation (continued)Once information is ge

6、nerated, IFU may decide from which countries to take more for the next time on which of the subjects to concentrate more for the next timeTherefore we can conclude that Information is data of value for decision makingDataProcessedInformationDecisionData - Information - DataOne thing worth noting her

7、e is what once has been information can be data for another purposeKnowledgeKnowledge is another term used interchangeably with informationWe simply make distinction by saying:Knowledge is information stored for future use stored informationKnowledge ClassificationWe cant share knowledge, if we dont

8、 speak a common language (Thomas H. Davenport)ClassificationIn earlier days accumulated knowledge of human beings has been recorded in the form of booksIn the initial stages, the quantity of knowledge were relatively small. So access/searching was easyLittle attention was paid to the arrangement/org

9、anisation of knowledgeWhy Classification?In later stages, the amount of knowledge/information increased and arrangement/organisation was necessary in order to have easy search and access.Accordingly the idea of classification was developed (see page 22: History of Information)Classification Definiti

10、onThe grouping together of like things according to some common quality or characteristicsLibrary classification:arrange items in a logical order on library shelvesWhy Classification?Classification is a reduction of information/knowledgeSubject order is the most useful way to arrange intellectual ma

11、terialsTo this end, there are different classification schemes developed by different people, so that materials can be accessed by subjectTraditional classification schemes/methods20th centuryNew Informations technologies spread the information in different countries very fastInformation can diminis

12、h the gap between cultures or emphasise the differences within small social groupsA lot of people have information access, others remain technologically illiterate or ignorant about knowledgeLibrary and information services are part of a social structure of communicating information and must be adap

13、ted to todays context Documents in general, books in particularly, are very important for the communication of knowledge and informationInvestigation on scientific communication shows that scientists and researches prefer to get their information from other sources, like scientific journals, electro

14、nic papers and so on.So we need to think how to organize information in different levels, in a democratic way that could be used as a social resource to satisfy human needs in all kind of communityProfessionals need to take attention to both, the traditional users of information and the type of rese

15、arches that are at the same time a consumers and publisher of information.History of ClassificationThe traditional way: organization of knowledge in print documents, mainly books on the librariesKnowledge here may be understood like a structure of facts or ideas in which each element is related to t

16、he othersBasically the knowledge is transferred or taught to the new generation trough Disciplines. Therefore disciplines usually determine the way users approaches to informationInformation is usually in the form of printed records or in a visual way that will be read or accessed by the information

17、 users in a library or in a terminal computer.Knowledge Classification SchemesWe cant share knowledge, if we dont speak a common language (Thomas H. Davenport)Classical library classification schemesTRADICTIONAL CLASSIFICATIONS- Knowledge is based on the universal scientific disciplines structuresTh

18、ere are other types of classification, more philosophical or more practical schemesDecimal system of Bibliography Classification, use the decimal numbers symbol to represent the information through ten Classes of subjectingThose systems are used all over the world, as Dewey Decimal Classification DD

19、C and Universal Decimal Classification UDCBrief Introduction in UDCThe first publication of UDC was in 1905, when Paul Otlet and Henry Marie Lafountaine, adapted the Dewey system as a basis for much more detailed which was scheme suitable used in a vast card index of books and periodicals articles o

20、n classified order ” A universal bibliography of records knowledge”.Like Dewey the UDC has been translated into many different languages, and it is used in many European, Asian and South American countries, especially by technical- scientific and university libraries. The UDC has the basic generic h

21、ierarchies of the universal knowledge used by ten classes of Dewey, and add some technique of synthesis, and theory of the Ranganathan Classification, by providing a series of sings and auxiliary tablesThe ten classes of knowledge are represented by a decimal number divided by the decimal point . fo

22、r each three numbersThe UDC main classes0General subjects, to enclose Library Science and Computer science1 Philosophy and Ethics2 Religious subjects3Social Sciences4 is in blank5 Pure science6 Practical sciences7 Arts8 Language and literature9 Biography, Geography and History subjectsUDC SIGNSThe c

23、olon : that indicates the relationship between any parts of subjects and the apostrophe are the more used signs of synthesis. There are others signs to joint subjects like +, /, .The auxiliary tables are used to give details of the subject, using a lot of sign, like, Place (1/9), Time ” . ”, Form (0

24、), Language = .For instance: Feminism in Germany in the century XX, a periodical written in Portuguese language 369 (430) ”19” (05) = 869.0UDC EDITIONSThis schemes try do be as more complete as possible. But its almost impossible approach all the knowledge and the new information that rises minute b

25、y minute from all over the worldMoreover some times this scheme emphasizes some aspects more than others do, depend on the context or the time that that this scheme was developed and even the type of editionThe UDC has different sizes and specializations schemes editionsWomen in the UDC contextThere

26、 is a little reference to women and most of it is related to marginal woman behavior in the classes Moral, Lays and Costumes. For instance:Prostitution 176.5Slavery womens traffic 3.261Criminality, dangerous women 343.914Nearly nothing is found about the womans active member of society. Feminism 396

27、 and woman vote 342.83. We can find a number about women vote, but there isnt any mention about women in the political life.UDC UP-DATESome aspects of the faults of this scheme that has a hierarchy structure nor invalid your importance like an instrument of knowledge organizationThis scheme tries to

28、 be more up to date and more flexible so, adopted some Ranganathan theoriesIt can be up to date by suggestions of Documentation and Information Science office from the countries that uses UDC The general revision of the UDC has became a responsibility of the International Federation for Information

29、and Documentation (Fdration Internationale dnformation et de Documentatio; FID)The subjects in a classification systemThe subjects in a frame scheme of classification can appear in Array and Chain. In Array there is a coordinate of independent classes, like the ten classes of Dewey and UDC In the ch

30、ain there are a hierarchical subordination of the small subjects to the bigger classes. For instance in the UDC we have class 3 Social Science, 34 Law, 343 Criminality and 343.914 dangerous women.A mathematical Indian, head of the library of Madras, creates the Colon Classification, a very philosoph

31、ical system of bibliography classification using the technical of subject synthesis.COLON CLASSIFICATIONRanganthan introduced the use of the signs to make the synthesis of the subjects in his classification systemThe colon . is the most used sign.The Colon Notation, e. g. the mark numbers, uses sign

32、 and letters to specified the subjects numbers.For Ranganathan one subject can appear in one or more facets and categories. The five categories of Ranganathan are PMST: Personality, Matter, Energy, Space and Time.This is a type of FACETD system, very complex, not very well used, but the Ranganathan

33、theory, it was adapted to support the classifications theories studies.Library of Congress system (LC)The Library of Congress, the biggest library in the word, adopted a very paradigmatic system approach based on the warrant literature, and on the away in which the books were arranged in their subje

34、cts on the shelves.This is a very practical system combining letters and numbers, leaving blanks spaces where they expect new subjects to develop. So its a type or EXPANSIVE system.These systems are used in some American libraries, and libraries use it as Subject Headings LCSH around the world. The

35、great advantage of the library of Congress notation is that it appear on the librarys catalog cards and computer tapes produced by the MARC, Machine Readable Catalog project.CONCLUSION of the three systemsInformation can be organized using structural decimal classification; Colon, expansive schemes,

36、 and so on. This systems are efficient depending on the context where they are used. Nowadays, with the “Information Explosion” we need almost the traditional way of Knowledge organization, faster ways or organizing and retrieval information.Changes in information access make more easier, usurers ar

37、e, at the same time, consumer and information publishers. So we need more than traditional systems to organize bits of information in computer, databases and Internet.Brief Introduction of DDCClassification systems are created to facilitate access into the knowledge. As librarians responsibility is

38、to get the right information to the right person at time it is necessary to use a classification system to support user access.The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) was produced by Melwil Dewey in 1876. Originally produced for a small North American College Library.Edition: It has been continuously

39、 revised and updated to meet evolving information access needs. The 21st edition, the latest published, appeared in four volumes in 1996Usage: DDC is widely used throughout the world. Currently used in 135 countries and has been translated into 30 languages.DDC is also used in the National Bibliogra

40、phies of the UK, Canada, Australia, Italy and other countries.Main classes of Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme000Generalities100Philosophy200Religions300Social Sciences400Languages500Pure Sciences600Applied Sciences700The Arts800 Literature900History, Geography, BiographiesMain ClassesThe world o

41、f knowledge is divided into 10 main classes according to its subject matterSimilar items are grouped togetherNew subject concepts can be added to each when necessary.There are some options and spaces in the schedulesNotationThe subject divisions identified are generally assigned a coded notation to

42、represent the subject contentsNotation consists solely of digits and decimal points.Numbers are presented with a minimum lenght of three. The numbers longer than three have a decimal point after the first three digitsWhile a longer number represents a more specific concept, and a shorter number repr

43、esents a more general concept.200 Religions210 Christian Religion220Literature of Christianity230Christian theology, Christian doctrinal theology240Christian moral and devotional theology250Local Christian church and Christian religious orders260Christian social and ecclesiastical theology270Histori

44、cal, geographical, persons treatment of organised Christian church280 Denominations and sects of the Christian church290Comparative religions other than ChristianityAuxiliary TablesTable 1Standard SubdivisionsTable 2AreasTable 3Subdivisions of Individual LiteraturesTable 4Subdivisions of Individual

45、LanguagesTable 5Racial, Ethnic, National GroupsTable 6LanguagesTable 7PersonsAuxiliary TablesIn DDC there are seven auxiliary tables:standard subdivisionsAreas subdivisions of individual literaturessub divisions of individual languagesracial ethnic national groupslanguages and personsThese are inclu

46、ded as generally applicable categories, may be applied at any point throughout the scheme.Table 1: Standard Subdivisions Summary01Philosophy and Theory02Miscellany03Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias, Concordances04Special topics of general applicability05Serial Publications06Organisations and management0

47、7Study and teaching08History and description of the subject among groups of persons09Historical and geographical treatmentExamples of the hierarchies from the Dewey Schedules000Generalities005 Computer programming, programs, data 005.3 SoftwareExample700 The arts790 Recreational and performing arts7

48、91 Public performances791.4 Motion pictures, radio, television791.45 Television791.457 ProgramsHierarchical SystemDDC is a hierarchical classification systemEach concept is indicated by a number that identifies it and indicates its position in the hierarchyBiasesThere are some inadequancies and bias

49、es in the scheme.The Christian religion has been given the most important place under 200 religion classes while 200 - 290 devoted to Christianity, comparative and other all religions have been placed in the 290ConclusionThough there are some inadequancies and biases, a great many libraries in the w

50、orld use DDC for classifying their booksThe reasons for it popularity are the simple notation, the policy of continuos revision, printed schedules with their relative index and availability of DDC numbers in many bibliographic servicesKnowledge ManagementWe cant share knowledge, if we dont speak a c

51、ommon language (Thomas H. Davenport)Definition of Knowledge ManagementMany definitions availableDefinition I chose:All activities in a company or organisation in the fields of structuring knowledge and making best possible use of implicit and explicit knowledge of its membersBasic needs for creating

52、 knowledge Intention/VisionAutonomyFluctuation and creative chaosRedundancyEssential diversityFive phases of knowledge creationExchange of explicit knowledge (socialisation)Conceptional converting of implicit into explicit knowledgeEvaluation of the used conceptBuilding of prototypesSharing the new

53、knowledge and transferring it to other areas Why Knowledge Management ?Information explodes, filtering relevant parts becomes more and more difficultHalf-life of information use shortensProducts are getting more complexProduct development cycles shortenProcesses are linked to each otherCompetition i

54、s globalizingLaws and social regulations restrict production and distributionKnowledge SocietiesKnowledge becomes equal to work, ground and capital as productive factorFluctuation implies making knowledge independent of individualsRestructuring, mergers and lean management have destroyed formal and

55、informal knowledge networksKnowledge determines role in societyTarget of Knowledge ManagementProviding the right knowledgeat the right extentin the right qualityat the right timeat the fewest cost for the right personModules of Knowledge ManagementDefining Know-ledge TargetsKnowledge IdentificationK

56、nowledge AcquisitionKnowledge DevelopmentFeedbackKnowledge ControllingKnowledge UseKnowledge DistributionKnowledge StorageDefinition of Knowledge TargetsDefinition: Knowledge Objective defining needed abilities and their creation Instruments: Management by knowledge objectivesBalanced Scorecard“Norm

57、wissensstrategien”Knowledge IdentificationDefinition: Creation of internal and external transparency of existing knowledgeInstruments:Visualisation by knowledge mappingCase-based reasoningCollaborative FilteringKnowledge Profiling (Yellow Pages)Knowledge BrokerBenchmarking/Best PracticesKnowledge Ac

58、quisitionDefinition: Acquisition from external sourcesInstruments:Acquisition of knowledge companiesConsultingRecruiting by knowledge objectives/ headhuntingPurchase of “knowledge conserves”Knowledge DevelopmentDefinition: Enhancing the organisational knowledge base by individual and collective lear

59、ningInstruments:Innovation management/bonus for suggestions to improve processesKnowledge LinksFuture Teams/Think Tanks/Competence CentreJob RotationKnowledge DistributionDefinition: Distribution of isolated information and experience to the whole organisationInstruments:Sempai-kohaiCollective probl

60、em solvingSpacemanagementKnowledge NetworkingGroupwareKnowledge RankingKnowledge UseDefinition: Strengthen the ability to convert knowledge into actionInstruments:Data WarehousingData MiningInteraction design of knowledge sourcesAgents (Virtual Friends) / EyesThesaurusYellow PagesIndividual Inter-/I

61、ntranet PortalKnowledge StorageDefinition: Structured storage of expertise, experience, competence and documentsInstruments:Lessons learnedKnowledge MeetingProject SpotlightDocument managementProcess analyses and descriptionWorkflow managementKnowledge ControllingDefinition: Objective evaluation of

62、the resource knowledge by separating it from its temporary, situative and personal contextInstruments:Balanced ScorecardCounting of page view/hits/etc.FeedbackMultidimensional knowledge controllingForwarding FactorsKnowledge-oriented cultureTechnical and organisational infrastructureSupport by top-managementLinking to economic use and goodwillRight amount of process orientationClearness in language and visionWorking motivation helpsCertain amount of knowledge structureMultiple channels for knowledge transfer



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