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1、2023年陕西公共英语考试考前冲刺卷( 8)本卷共分为1大题5 0小题, 作答时间为1 80分钟, 总分1 0 0分,6 0分及格。一、单项选择题( 共5 0题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1 . The author says that South Africa is doing better thanChina b e c a u s e .A. it has more medical experts in AIDS than China.B. its government shows more enthusiasm.C. it devotes more money to

2、 this cause.D. it s population of patients is decreasing.2 . This passage may be.A. a report on the annual meeting of the UN.B. a research report by a socialist for the government.C. an arguing paper on a publication .D. a pamphlet delivered to the public.3 . The author write this passage mainly toA

3、. bring up some facts about AIDS preventing and curingin the world.B. urge Chinese government to do something about AIDS.C. compare two countries in the AIDS-related work.D . say something about the development in the AIDSpreventing method.4.I t can be inferred from the passage that China fallbehind

4、 South Africa because .A. there are not enough medical experts in AIDS.B. the government5 s attitude toward AIDS problem isstill to be changed.C. of the lack of experience.D. china have not enough money.5 .The author suggested that Taiwanese should .A. develop a good relationship with China.B. take

5、advantage of America and EU to threat China.C. keep the stability of the situation.D. remain silent whatever happened.6 . The word “stigmatize in paragraph 3 is closest inmeaning to.A. criticize.B. abort.C. depreciate.D. disregard.7 .According to the passage, which of the following istrueA. America

6、could have do something to end the cold war.B. Taiwan wou1d have developed slower if it were notfor the change of the government.C. China is developing faster than Taiwan now.D. EU is in more close relation with China today.8 .The authors attitude towards the future of ChinasAIDS problem might be de

7、scribed as one of.A. worried.B. indifferent.C. optimistic.D. frustrated.9 . Compared to America, the author believe that whichof the following factor contribute most the EU,sexpectation that China has a peaceful relationship withTaiwanA. Political reasons.B. Economical reasons.C. Friendship with bot

8、h China and Taiwan.D. The world5 s peace.10.The author mentioned Father Christmas and the fourhorses of the apocalypse in order to.A. compare Father Christmas with the four horses of theapocalypse.B. stress how fat people now on the earth.C . prepare the appearance of horse“ in the nextsentence.D. m

9、ake the passage road interesting.11. The author,s attitude towards the problem of growingfat can be best described as.A. worried.B. indifferent.C. objective.D. pessimistic.12. According to the passage, which of the followingcontribute most to the growth of the weight of thepeople on the earthA. No s

10、erious wars occurred.B. Lack of consideration for the diseases associate withgrowing fat.C. Growth of the food supply.D. Lack of medical treatment for the problem of growingfat.13. It can be inferred from the passage that”Malthusians“ in paragraph 3 may be someone who.A. worries about all the things

11、 whatever big or small.B. comes with warning that food will not feed all thepeople on the earth.C. likes to teach the public to eat less food.D. a economist who show deep concern for the peoplewithout food.14.The author points out that Chalmers,s theory needsto be improved in which of the following

12、aspectsA. the motive of some behavior of America.B. the underlying intention of America,s support ofglobalization.C. the reason why America seeks to its transcendentposition.D. the fact the America is not purely imperial.15.The word dubious in paragraph 4 means.A. uncertain.B. unreasonable.C. import

13、ant.D. unique.16. It can be inferred from the passage that the Sovietcollapse because of.A. the overexpansion of military into polities.B. the rebellion of the civil.C. the inability of the government.D. the disappearance of democracy.17. The author5 s opinion about the remark of ChalmersJohnson in

14、The Sorrows of Empire might be best summarizeas one of.A. surprising but somewhat reasonable.B. reasonable but still needs to be improved.C. too absolute.D. too pessimistic.18. According to the passage, which of the following isthe most important character shared by both satelliteand “sateHite“ coun

15、triesA. Revolving around a center body.B. have no orbit of their own.C. dependent.D. smaller than others.19. In the Xuzhou survey , how many children have extraprivate lessonsA. 250.B. 25.C. 10.D. 3.20.The word institutions” (Para. 12, line 2) hereprobably refers toA. communities.B. governments.C. s

16、chools.D. researching groups.21. In the parents5 view, entry to a good universitydepends uponA. having some early art training.B. attending the best primary and middle schools.C. getting a good job.D. the parents5 prestige and position.22. With which of the following statements wou1d theauthor be le

17、ast likely to agreeA. The Internet provides us with perfect educationalinformation.B. The Internet provides us with limitless resources.C. We can obtain the latest information from foreigncountries through the Internet.D . The information on the Internet is no longeravailable only for a few people.2

18、3. Parents in their forties want their children to getthe best education becauseA. the parents missed out on their own education whenthey were young.B. it is their responsibility to help their children.C. their children are cleverer than they were.D. they don t want them to go to the rural areas.24.

19、 The text implies thatA . professional people should pick out properinformation from the Internet for schools.B. professional people should instruct teachers andstudents to use the Internet.C. educators should be active in using computer.D. educators should have their own email address.25.The author

20、s attitude towards a large quantity ofinformation on the net isA. satisfied.B. indifferent.C. furious.D. worried.26.The “contract system” isA. a method of university entry.B. a way of encouraging children to work hard.C. an agreement between children and their teachers.D. a way of guaranteeing the y

21、oung people a good job.27. What is the Chinese newspapers5 attitude to theparents described in this articleA. Sympathetic.B. Critical.C. Approving.D. Neutral.28. How did the graduate, s parents react to theirchild,s pure American accentA. Unhappy.B. Satisfied.C. Surprised.D. Suspicious.29. What does

22、 the writer probably think of the debateabout English teaching for immigrant childrenA. It is absolutely necessary.B. It is thought-provoking.C. What is argued about is sometimes not related toreality.D. The two sides arguments do make sense.30. What did the boy say about his early use of thelanguag

23、esA. He would choose properly which language to use.B. He had to use English most of the time.C. His parents wanted him to use his native tongue.D. Somebody told him what he should do about it.31. What does the phrase from various comers of thiscountry“ probably meanA. From different parts of the co

24、untry.B. From across the country.C. From many streets of the country.D. From a lot of houses of the country.32. What the Chicago Public schools prefers to inlanguage education isA. the gradual approach.B. the immersion.C. English teaching first.D. the dabate over the issue.33. In the writer5 s opini

25、on, people judge others byA. the type of work they do.B. the place where they work.C. the time they spend at work.D. the amount of money they earn.34. According to the writer, in the future work willA. matter less than it does now.B. be as important as it is now.C. be better paid than it is now.D. o

26、ffer more satisfaction than it does now.35. Working conditions generally remain bad because.A. the workers are quite satisfied with them.B. no one can decide what to do about them.C. managers see no need to change them.D. office workers want to protect their position36. What does the writer think is

27、 needed to solve ourindustrial problemsA. A reduction in the number of strikes.B. Equality in salaries.C. A more equal distribution of responsibility.D. An improvement in moral standards.37. What advantages does the writer say managers haveover other workersA. They cannot lost their jobs.B. They get

28、 time off to attend courses.C. They can work at whatever interests them.D. They can make their own decisions.38. What is mainly discussed in the textA. The on line information for school teaching.B. Some problems of the Internet use.C. Who is responsible for the Internet safety.D. How to evaluate th

29、e on-line resources.39. From here, you can see the bridgeconstruction.A. inB. onC. underD. with40. There are students playing basketball in theroom.A. score ofB. scores ofC. two scoresD. two score of41.t he determined captain, all the passengers onboard wouldnt have been saved.A. It had not been for

30、B. 14ad it not been forC. If it had not forD. Not had been for42. On reaching the top floor I suddenly realized thatI my book on the service desk.A. leavesB. leftC. had leftD. was left43. When he was in the countryside, he visit thepoor peasants.A. used toB. was used toC. is used toD. had used to44.

31、 I writing the article by the time you get back.A. shall finishB. must have finishedC. have finishedD. shall have finished45. The famous novel is said into Chinese.A. to have translatedB. to be translateC. to have been translatedD. to translate46. Seldom my boss in such a good mood since Icame to wo

32、rk in this company.A. I sawB. have I seenC. I have seenD. do I see47. I dont think there is in the book on the desk.A. something importantB. anything importantC. important somethingD. important anything48. He failed the exam, proved that he hadnt beenworking hard enough.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. of which49 .The police are the traffic accident thathappened yesterday.A. looking down uponB. looking forward toC. looking intoD. looking after50 .一 of his parents liked pop music. 一 So theydid. It is noisy.A. AllB. NoneC. BothD. Neither



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