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1、中考英语阅读理解专项训练Passage 1Horses are strong and beautiful animals. There are more than 250different kindsof horses. Some are large and others are small. Horses are able to travel longdistances while carrying a rider. They can also pull heavy 10ads( 重载) . Before cars,people used to use horses for travel a

2、nd work. Today, you dont see horses nearly asoften. But some people still keep horses and ride them.Not everyone is comfortable around horses. They are pretty big! You don*t have tobe afraid of horses, but you should be careful around them. First, approach ( 靠近) a horse at the shoulder ( 肩膀) so it c

3、an see you. A horses eyes are on the sidesof its head. Dont approach a horse from behind. Also, never stand behind ahorse. The horse can*t see you and may kick because its scared.When you want to ride a horse, a trainer can help you. First, he or she will cleanthe horses feet and shoes to remove any

4、 rocks. Next, the trainer brushes the horseso it isn*t dirty. Dirt under a saddle ( 马鞍) can make the horse uncomfortable. Nextthe trainer puts a blanket or pad on the horses back. Then he puts on the saddle,and the horse is ready to ride!46. Which of the following actions is dangerous ?A. Approach a

5、 horse at the shoulder.B Approach a horse from behind.C. Never stand behind a horse.D. Never make horses scared.47. According to the article, why should you be careful around horses?A. Because they are strong and pull heavy loads.B. Because they are large and travel long distances.C. Because they ca

6、n kick or hurt you if they are scared.D. Because they make people around them scared.48. According to the article, what can a trainer do to help you?A. Help you learn how to ride.B. Help the horse get to know you well.C. Help you clean the saddle.D. Help you get the horse ready to ride.Passage 2Hell

7、o, Happy New Year!Looking back at the past year, what were your highlights? Maybe you made goodmarks in your exams . Maybe you won a big prize in your school orcompany. Maybe you went abroad for further study. Maybe you became a parent.Whatever it was that you achieved, dont you find yourself wantin

8、g more? Thatsthe reason we keep making New Years resolutions ( 决心) 一 even though, a lot ofthe time, we can not make all of them come true!As we wish you all a very happy new year, we also wish you luck with your NewYears resolutions for 2018. Here are five tips to help you keep them. Hope theyhelp!

9、Focus on one task at a time to increase your chances ofsuccess. Dont make your resolutions too unrealistic or unavailable. Create a step - by - step plan, outlining how youre going to achieve your goals. Set daily reminders ( 提 酉 星 )for yourself on your phone or notebook to encourageyou. Focus on sm

10、all changes in behavior and habt, not the end goal itself.In last weeks Chitchat ( 闲聊) ,we asked you to tell us about your New Yearsresolutions. Let*s take a look at some of the highlights on the website.(1) Where is this passage most likely to be chosen from?A. A magazine.B. The Internet.C. A film.

11、D. A game show.(2) What does the word highlights in Paragraph 2mean?A .最精彩的部分B . 最难忘的部分C . 最难受的部分D .最惊讶的部分(3) Which of the following is NOT RIGHT according to the passage?A. It is impossible for you to make all your resolutions come true in a year.B. Youd better make a step - by - step plan in order

12、 to meet your goals.C. You should do some tasks at a time to get success.D. Setting daily reminders can keep you working hard and not giving up.Passage 3Red Star TheatreThe famous singer Jay Chou will give a concert.Time: 7.00pm9.00pm on June 1Price: 60200Mengxin Shopping CentreCome and buy cheap cl

13、othes at Mengxin Shopping Centre.Time: 8.00am9.00pm from October Ito October 7Blue Sky Cinema3D movie: Transformers 3Director: Michael BayAc tors/Actresses: Shia LaBeouf, Rosie Huntington - Whiteley, Josh Duhamel, etc.Time: 7.30pm 9.30pm from July 28to August 5Price: 80International PicnicCome to en

14、joy the delicious food from all over the world.Place: the Peoples ParkTime: 12.00noon 5.00pm this Saturday, September 10Price: 10051. Hao Shuai, who wants to relax with 80yuan on July 29, can.A. buy clothes on saleB. watch the 3D movieC. enjoy the concertD. have the international picnic52. We can bu

15、y clothes in Mengxin Shopping Centre from October ItoOctober 7.A. oldB. popularC. expensiveD. cheap53. If you are a fan of Jay Chou, you can go to his concert in.A. Red Star TheatreB. Mengxin Shopping CentreC. Blue Sky CinemaD. the Peoples Park54. Who directed the movie Transformers 3?A. Michael Bay

16、.B. Josh Duhamel.C. Shia LaBeouf.D. Rosie Huntington - Whiteley.55. You can enjoy delicious food from all over the world at.A. 8.00am on SundayB. 9.00am on SaturdayC. 4.00pm on SaturdayD. 5.00pm on Sunday.Passage 4While I was waiting for my wife outside her office building, I saw a beggar ( 乞丐)comin

17、g to me.I hope he wont ask me for any money, I thought.He didnt. He came and sat in front of the bus stop, but it seemed that he didnt haveenough money to take the bus. Thats a pretty car, he said after a few minutes,pointing to my car. I gave him a smile and went on cleaning my car. He sat therequi

18、etly as I worked. Do you need any help? I asked.Dont we all? ” he said. The three simple words surprised me and I should neverforget. I was feeling successful and important, above a beggar in the street, untilthose three words hit me like a gun ( 枪).Dont we all?I needed help, maybe not for money or

19、a place to sleep, but I needed help. I gavehim some money not only enough for a bus, but enough to get a warm meal and aplace to sleep. Those three little words are true. No matter how much you have,you need help. No matter how little you have, no matter how many problems youhave, even without money

20、 or a place to sleep, you can give help.1. Where was the writer while he saw a beggar coming to him?A. In an office building. B. Outside an office building.C. In a taxi.2. How did the writer get his wife off work?A. By bus. B. By subway. C. By car.3. What did the writer hope when the beggar came to

21、him?A. He hoped the beggar wouldnt ask him for a warm meal.B. He hoped the beggar wouldnt ask him for a place to sleep.C. He hoped the beggar wouldnt ask him for money.4. What simple words surprised the writer?A. Dont we all? B. Thats a pretty car.C. Do you need any help?5. What can we learn from th

22、e passage?A. Beggars need money. B. No one needs money.C. Everyone needs help.Passage 5My favorite area in Britain is a country called Northumberland in the north-eastof the countiy. I like it because it has mountains, the sea and history. The mountainsare not very high. In China you would probably

23、call them hills rather than mountainsas they are less than 1, 000 meters high, but there is something wild about thesemountains you get a feeling of space and freedom. You can walk for miles withoutmeeting another person.Northumberland is full of history. There are seven castles, some of them wereru

24、ined and the others still there as they were centuries ago. You can find graves goingback to 忆 版 。 万c( 史前的,times and strange carvings on rocks which nobodyunderstands. The coast line is dramatic too, with beautiful sandy beaches. Thesebeaches are rarely crowded because the weather is unpredictable a

25、nd the North Sea isvery cold! People dont go for seaside holidays to Northumberland because of thecold sea and weather, so even in high season there arent many tourists.There is an island called Holy Island off the coast of Northunberland, you canget to the island by car or on foot when the tide is

26、out. There is also one castle Iparticularly like. It is a 14th century castle which stands on a cliff right by the sea. Thecastle is almost completely ruined, but it looks dramatic and romantic because youcan still see the gate and two of its owners. On a summers day you can lie on thebeach nearby a

27、nd let your mind wander as you look at this dream-like castle. On awinters day you can walk to the castle and watch the waves crash into the cliff,wondering how this castle has stood so long against the forces of nature.I once said to a friend of mine that I thought this castle by the sea was the mo

28、stbeautiful place in the world. She laughed and said there must be many more dramaticplaces in the world. In one way, Tm sure shes right, but for me, its not just aboutwhat a place looks like, its about what it says to you.63. In China people probably call them mountains which are 1,000 metershigh.A

29、. less than B.nearly C.more thanD.almost70. How are the seven castles in Northumberland?A. They are modern and fantastic. B. They are all completeand magnificentC. Some hasnt changed at all for centuries. D. Some are full of strangecarvings.71. Not many people visit the beautiful beach because of.A.

30、the soft sands B.the cold sea and weatherC.the warm sea D.the island nearby72. Which of the following is NOT True about the reason why the author likes the 14thcentury castle?A. It was built in the 14th century on a cliff right by the sea.B. It looks very dramatic and romantic with two towers but no

31、 gate.C. The author can let his mind wander as he looks at this dream-like castle.D. The author can walk to the castle and watch the waves crash into the cliff.73. From the last paragraph in the passage, we know.A.the authors friend agreed on his opinion about the castle.B.the author doesnt think th

32、ere are many more dramatic places in the world.C.the authors friend pays no attention to the beautiful scenery.D.what the author cares is not only the scenery but also the feeling he can getfrom it.74. You can get the passage from the following materials EXCEPT.A.science fiction B.journalsC.newspape

33、rsD.magazinesPassage 6After its Golden Sea Route journey to Japan this summer, Superstar Virago (69)will start brand new winter routes from November 30, 2017 to February 28, 2018 forcustomers. This is the time to escape from the cold weather in Shanghai 0The new routes will have seven(70) popular de

34、stinations across the East PacificOcean. It provides a variety of winter travel choices. Shanghai Wusongkou (71)International Cruise Terminal will continue to be the homeportoAs a leader in the Asia-pacific cruise market Star Cruises always beendenvloping greatexperiences for their guests. The four

35、well-designed winter routes will show landmarkscenery from Osaka and Okinawa, Japan to Manila and Laoag in the Philippines.To cater to customers1 desires for popular destinations, and their different holidayplans, the four new routes are aimed at helping guests find new and exciting locationsand all

36、ow them to enjoy an unforgettable holiday.Scan to explore more service information on IDEALS69. From the advertisement, we can see is the name of the cruise toJapanA. Golden Sea B. Superstar Virago C. East Pacific D. Asia Pacific70. There are popular desestimations according to the new routes.A. fou

37、r B. six C. seven D. eight7 l.The homeport of the new winter route is still inA. Wusongkou,Shanghai B. Osaka,JapanC. Okinawa,Japan D. Manila,the Philippines72. The customers on the cruise trip can do the following EXCEPTA. enjoy an unforgettable holidayB. see beautiful scenery along the routeC. esca

38、pe the coldD. drive the cruise ship across the East Pacific Ocean73. The underlined phrase cater tonmcansA. meet B.explore C. consider D. recognize74. If you want to know more about such kind of service, you canA.visit the office IDEALShanghaiB.make a phone call to IDEALShanghaiC. a letter to IDEALS

39、hanghaiD. search the website IDEALSPassage 7Welcome to Adventureland!Everyone loves Adventureland! The parks and exhibitions were built for you toexplore, enjoy, and admire their wonders. Every visit will be an unforgettableexperience. You will go away enriched, longing to come back. What are you go

40、ing todo this time?The Travel PavilionExplore places you have never been to before, and experience different ways oflife. Visit the Amazon jungle village, the Turkish market, the Tai floating market, theBerber mountain house and others. Talk to the people there who will tell you abouttheir lives, an

41、d things they make. You can try making a carpet, making nets, fishing.The Future TowerThis exhibition shows how progress will touch our lives. It allows us to look intothe future and explore the cities of the next century and the way well be living then.Spend some time in our space station and climb

42、 into our simulator( 模拟装置) fbr thejourney to Mars!The Nature ParkThis is not really one park but several. In the Safari Park you can drive amongAfrican animals in one of our Range Cruisers: see lions, giraffes, elephants in the wild.Move on to the Ocean Park to watch the dolphins and whales. And the

43、n there is stillthe Aviary to see.The PyramidThis is the center of Adventureland. Run out of films, need some postcards andstamps? For all these things and many more, visit our underground shopping center.Come here for information and ideas too.5 l.The Travel Pavilion is built to help visitors .A. r

44、ealize the importance of traveling B. know about mountaincountriesC. learn about different places in the world D. learn how to make things suchas fishing nets52. If you are interested in knowing about what peoples life will be, you mayvisit .A. the Travel Pavilion B. the Future Tower C. the Safari Park D. thePyramid53. If you want to get a toy lion to take home, where can you go?A. The Travel Pavilion. B. The Nature Park. C. The Future Tower. D. ThePyramid.



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