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1、三年级英语( 下)单元测试题Lesson 1Lesson3听力部分一、 听录音,给下列图片标序号。()1 、A. niceB nineC nineteen()2 、A. canB cakeC candles()3 、A sickB sixteenC six()4 、A watermelonB pearC pineaple()5 、A muchB manyC great三、听录音, 选出与你所听单词属于同类的词。() 1、ApenBpearC pizza()2 、AelevenBcandleC many()3 、AthirstyBorangeC hot dog()4 、AcarBhowC muc

2、h()5 、AamByouCdo四、听录音,给你听到的句子选择正确的答句。)1 A No, I m not.)2 、A All right.)3 、A Fm twelve.)4 、A Theyre pineapples.)5 、A Fifteen dollars.B I like sandwiches.B No, thanks.B You5re twelve.B I ts a pineapple.B Eight pears.笔试部分一、 看图写单词。二、 找出拼写错误的单词。()1 A waterelonB bananaC apple()2 、A thereB theseC thrre()3

3、、A birthayB cakeC candle)4 、A carB capC clea)5 、A sixteenB seventeenC eightteen三、单词归类。Sandwich pineapple twenty hungry hot dog orangethirteen thirsty pizza watermelon eighteen sick breadpear fifteen full水果:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _食物:_ _

4、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _数字:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _形容词:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _四、单项选择。)1 、Are you full? Yes, _ _. A TmB

5、 I amC I am not)2 、I want water.AaB anC some)3 、How _ apples?A muchB many C old( )4 、How many _ you want?( )5 、_ _ _ _ _ I help you? A can五、你一定能把相应的对话连起来,( )1、Happy Birthday!( )2、Count them.( )3、Have some more.( )4 Lets clean up.( )5、How old is your brother?六、情景对话。A are B is C doB Can C What快快行动吧!A.

6、 No, thanks.B. All right.C. Thanks.D. Ok. .eleven, twelve.E. Hes fourteen.( ) 1 、当你想知道对方是否饿了,应该怎么说?A、Are you sick? B、Are you hungry? C、Are you full?()2 、当你想建议对方再多吃点时,应该怎么说?A、Count them. B、Clean up your room. C、Have some more.()3 、当你想知道对方的妈妈多大,应该怎么说?A、 How old is your mom? B How old are you? C、 How o

7、ld is yoursister?()4 、当别人对你表示感谢时,你应该怎么说?A、Thanks. B、Youre welcome. C、Thats all right.()5 、当你去购物时,应该怎么询问价格呢?A、 How much? B、 How many apples? C、 How many do youwant?七、 根据图片提示的情景,上2、7选择正确的句备选栏: A、How old are you? B、How many do you want?C、How much is it?D、I 4 m three years old.E、198 dollars.F、Two orange

8、s.你认为你的试卷可以得儿颗星?赶快用彩笔给他们涂上颜色。Lesson 4 Lesson6Name Class Mark听力部分你能听懂并做对以下的题吗?相信你一定行!一. 小朋友们,你们能从以下的单词中选出你所听到的那个词吗?快来试试吧,看谁最聪明,要加油哦!()1、A.boxB.yellowC. hat()2、A.sunB.moonC. star()3、A.redB.blueC. yellow()4、A.shirtB.skirtC. hat()5、 aboutC. put on()6、A.twentyB.thirtyC. time()7、

9、arC. pineapple()8、A.turn onB.get upC. turn off()9、A.boxB.coatC. late()10、A.turnB.helpC. about二. 小朋友们, 相信你们一定会做上面的题吧, 那么我相信你们也一定会做下面的题的。请听音给下列的句子排顺序。() 1 I have a hat.) 2、I t5s ten thirty.) 3、A hat? What color is it?) 4、I get up at eight.)5 I ts yellow. And I have a clock, too.) 6、I t5s late. I get u

10、p at six.) 7 、What time do you get up?) 8、A clock? What time is it?三. 小朋友们,你们一定喜欢各种不同颜色的物品吧, 那么接下来,就让我们听录音,给下列的物品图上正确的颜色吧。四、听录音请将图片与相应的词组对应连线。(10)小朋友,干得好!接下来,我们进行一场笔答比赛,我相信你一定是冠军!四 、 小朋友,用你的火眼金睛,找出以下每组里的哪个单词与其它的单词不是同类,别忘记要将它的序号要填在题前括号内哦!() A. tenB. dollarC. elevenD. thirty() A. orangeB. waterC. pear

11、D. apple() A. hatB. pantsC. skirtD. banana() A. moonB. blackC. yellowD. red() A. how muchB. how dogD. how many五、小朋友,你们认识以下的词组吗?你们能把它们的英汉意思互相写一下吗?试试吧,你们一定做的到。at seven thirtyput onmany starswhat timehere you aregood night起床一个帽子五个香蕉几岁小朋友们,让我们帮以下这些单词回到各自的家吧,请你一定要认真哦,可千万不能让它们走错路,回到别人家哦。好的,请把单词归类

12、吧!bread yellow socks seventeen shirt pizzashoes nine sixteen red hot dog blackL数词:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2 .食品类:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

13、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3 .颜色类:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4 .衣服类:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _五 . 小 朋 友 们 ,

14、请你选出正确的译文。( )1 .这是什么?A. What is it? B. What is this? C. What is that?( )2 .这双鞋多少钱?A. How about this shoes? B. How much are the shoes?C. How many are the shoes?( )3 .我喜欢黑色的帽子。A. I like the yellow hat. B. I like the black hat.C. I like the blue hat.( )4 .把衬衫图成红色。A. Color the shirt green . B. color the

15、 skirt red. C. color the shirt red.八. 小朋友们,你们能把下列的单词排顺序,使之成为你所熟悉的一句通顺的话吗?快来试试吧!别忘记加标点哟!1. yellow Color it2. are They green watermelons.3. me Show blue that cap4. you a tiger Can draw5. get time I fs to up九、阅读理解。Look! How nice! The sky ( 天空) is blue. The tree ( 树) is green. Two birdsare in the tree.

16、They are black. The flowers ( 花) are red.根据短文内容,连线!skygreentreebluebirdsredflowersblack三年级单元测试卷( 期中)I . 听力部分。(40)听录音,选出你所听到的单词和字母。(10) 1. A. Dd B. Bb C.EeZ3.4.5.6A. HhB. JjC.GgA. XxB. SsC.VvA. WwB. MmC.NnA. LIB. liC. EeA. blackB. blueC. bread)7.)8.A.shoesA. threeB. socksB. thirtyC. sixteenC. thirtee

17、n)9.A. shirtB. skirtC. pants)10.A. writeB.readC. great听录音, 为下列图片排序。(10)( )三、听录音,判断下面的句子是否与你所听到的内容相符是) 否 。( 10)( ) 1. Color it yellow and black.( )2. - How about you?一 Oh! I fs nice.( )3. I have a red nose.( )4. -How much are they?-They are 20 yuan.( )5. -Are you hungry?-No, I m full.四、听录音,选择你所听到的句子。

18、(10)( ) 1. A. How about this one ? B. How old are you?C. How much is it?( ) 2. A. Good afternoon .C. Good evening.( )3. A. They9re here .C. Here you are.( )4. A. I ts pretty.C. I fs good.( )5. A. Show me that blue cap.C. Show me that yellow cap.五、听录音,找答语。(10)( ) 1. A. I want a cap.( )2. A. Yes, I ca

19、n.( )3. A. Oh, its nice.( )4. A. You9re welcome.( )5. A. Theyre socks.B. Good morning.B. Here it is.B. I ts nice.B. Show me that black hat.B. I dont like red.B. No, I dont.B. Here you are.B. All right.B. This is a skirt.I L 笔试部分。一、 请按照英语字母顺序默写2 6 个字母。(10)二、 找出不同类的单词。(10)()1. A. appleB. bananaC. brea

20、d()2. A. pizzaB. milkC. orange()3. A. sixteenB. nineteenC. yellow()4. A. pearB. twentyC .watermelon()5. A. hatB. redC. green()6. A. coatB. skirtC. blue()7. A. whiteB. A. orangeB. pineappleC. twelve()9. A. niceB. prettyC. like()10.A. thirtyB. hungryC. help三、根据图片内容,正确选择空格上的字母。(10)无、选择

21、填空。(5)() 1 .1 want _A. an)2. -How old_ water.B. a C. some_ your little brother?(-He is six.A. am)3. What areA. These are)4. I canA. much)5. Put _A. offB. isthese?watermelon.B. These are.see _ stars.B. many_ this cap.B. onC. areC. They areC. aC. up三、情景交际,把正确答案的序号填在题前括号内。(10)( )1.你渴了,想喝牛奶,应说: OA. I m

22、hungry . I want some milk .B. I m thirty. I want some milk.( )2. 询问别人的年龄,应说: oA. How are you? B. How old are you?( ) 3 .别人借给你东西时,你应说: oA. Here you are. B. Thank you.( )4. 你想问衬衫的价钱时,应说: oA. How much is the shirt? B. How much is the coat?( )5. 你想问一件东西什么颜色时,应说:A. What color is it? B. What is it?四、仔细阅读短

23、文,判断正误。( 5)Good morning! My name is Amy. I m 14. I have a friend. Her nameis Sarah. She is 15. My English is Miss White. I like her very much.( )1. My name is Sarah.( )2. My friend is 14.( )3. Sarah is an English teacher.( )4. Amy likes Miss White very much.( )5. Sarah is Amys friend.EEC小学英语三年级( 下)第

24、 79 单元测试卷Na me : Mark:听力部分(50分)一、听录音,圈出听到的单词:( 每 题2分,共10分)1. Sunday Saturday 2. where there 3. cat hat 4. not hot 5.coatgoat二、看图听录音,判断内容是否与图片一致,一致画笑脸,不一致画哭脸。( 每 题2分,共10分)2.3.三、听一听,连一连。这些朋友们在一起玩捉迷藏游戏,你来找一找,他们都分别藏在哪里了?( 每 题 3 分,共 12分)1. Lisabehind the doorunder the chair2.Xiaolannext to the table百 und

25、er the table3. Jack四、认真听问题,选出正确的回答:( 每 题 2 分,共 8 分 )4. Tutu1 . (2. (3. (4. () A. Yes, I do.) A. Yes.) A. OK.) A. Great.B. Yes, I can.B. Thank you.B. Me, too.B. Ifs on the book.五、把物体放到指定的位置:用箭头线标示出来。( 每 题 2.5分,共 10分)笔试部分(50分)一、请把站错队的单词圈出来,并把它们在四线三格内写一遍,看谁写得最漂亮 !( 每 题2分,共8分)1. Sunday tablechair2. snow

26、snowball coat3. make go cold4. behind where what二、我是小小电脑高手。下面的电脑被病毒袭击了,请你认真找出并清理病毒。( 每 题2.5分,共10分)三、给小太阳排序,在四线三格上写出正确的句子。( 每 题2分,共10分 )四、连一连。下面是一些反义词,请你帮着连一连。( 每题1分,共6分)comebighungryhotnothissmallgocoldfullthat五、请你帮助这些缩写词找到自己真正的朋友,并正确填写在横线上。( 5分)can not = is not = Let us =do not = They are =备 选 栏 do

27、nzt isnt Lets Theyre cant六、句子大挑战:( 共11分)1 . 将下列每一天的单词补充完整:( 每空0.5分,共5分)TutuJackLisaPangpangXiaolanMikeMiss WangSundayM_ ndayT_sdayW_nesdayTh_sdayFr_ dayS_ t_ rdayplaydrawcleanthetablegooutskatesingrun2 .看例子,请照样子将句子补充完整。( 每空1分,共6分)例子:Hello! I am Tutu. I play on Sunday.(1) I am Lisa. I on .(2) I am Xi

28、aolan. I on .(3) I am Miss Wang . I on评价台:你能获得几颗星?用喜欢的颜色表示吧!细心 认 真 书 写 漂 亮三年级单元测试卷( 期末)I .听力部分。一、 听录音,标序号。( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。() 1. A. underB. appleC. ruler()2. A. wonderfulB. thankC. Wednesday()3. A. thirtyB. blueC. skirt()4. A. coldB. hatC. chair()5. A. colorB. watermelon C. candle()6.

29、A. whatB. whereC. when()7. A. snowB. snowballC. snowman()8. A. onB. inC. at()9. A. behindB. next toC. under()10.A. thirtyB. fortyC. fifty听录音,为所听录音选答语。() 1. A. I ts Thursday.B. I ts three.()2. A. Yes, he canB. Yes, I can.()3. A. Theyre skates.B. I ts an apple.()4. A. Yes, I do.B. Yes, I am.()5 .A. Wo

30、w! I fs a big nose.B. No, I am.四、听录音,选择正确的答案。()1 .1 am _years old.A. 11B. 12 C .13() 2. Today is _A. MondayB. Tuesday C. Friday()3. Jack is _ the chair.A. inB. on C.under()4 .1 have two _A. breadB. cakes C. watermelon( ) 5. apples, and watermelon for you.A. Six, two B.One, six C. Six, one五、听录音,为下列的句

31、子排序。) How many do you want?() How much are they?() OK! Here you are.() Thank you.() I want some pears.() Five .() Can I help you?() Two dollars.() Heres the money.()You are welcome.I I .笔 试 部 分 。一 、词 语 归 类 。A. arent B. dont三 、根 据 问 句 ,选 择 合 适 的 答 语 。Sunday coat yellow thirty pants Tuesday shirtwhite

32、 white fifty twelve Friday black数 字 类 :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _衣 服 类 :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _颜 色 类 :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _星 期 类 :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

33、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-、选 择 填 空 。() 1. - What time is it?一 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ten thirty.A. I ts B. They are C. Hes() 2 . Please turn _ the light.OK. Good night.A. off B. on C. in() 3 . Lets _ Hide-n-Seek.A. draw B. play C. sing() 4 . Where _ you?- Oh, I m behind the door.A. am B. are C. is() 5. Le

34、fs _ a snowman.A. eat B. make C. have() 6 . 一 What _ is it today?一 I fs Friday.A. color B. day C. time() 7. I ts time to _ goodbye.A. say B. call C. sing() 8. Can you _ a tiger?A. draw B. help C. drink() 9 . -What are these?- - Theyre _ .A. watermelon B. watermelons C. water() 1 0 .1 _ like red.C. a

35、m not( ) 1. Are you hungry?( ) 2 . How old are you?( ) 3 . Can you skate?( ) 4 What time do you get up?( ) 5 . Do you like snow?A. Tm nine. B. No, Tm full. C.Yes, I do.B. D. No, I cant. E. At 9 oclock.四、 情景对话。( )1. 当你想知道儿点时,你应该说:A. What time is it? B. What time it is?C. What is it?( ) 2 .当你想知道你的连衣裙在

36、那里应该说:A. Where is Sue? B.Where is my dress?C. Where are your socks?( ) 3 .当你想知道今天星期儿时应该说:A. What day it is? B. What day is it today?C. What day today?( ) 4 .当你要建议大家堆雪人时应该说:A. Lefs make a snowman. B. Lefs make a snowball.C. Lets play with snow.( ) 5 .当你想知道对方儿岁时,你会说:A. How are you? B. How old are you?

37、C. How much is it?五、阅读短文,判断正误。Look! There is a big table. I fs blue . Five apples are on the table. Theyre red.Tow watermelons are on the table, too. Theyre green. The sun is red. I fs in the sky.Oh! Three birds are coming. They are playing. They are black.()1. The table is blue.( )2. Four apples is

38、 blue.( )3. Tow watermelons are on the table.( )4. The sun is red.( )5. Four birds are black.英语四年级下册单元练习题(1-3)Class Name Mark第一部分听力测试(40分)一、听录音,选出你听到的单词。 ( 10分)二、听录音,选择合适的回答。 ( 10分)1()A. thisB. thoseC. these2()A. bagB. capC. map3()A. makeB. takeC. like4()A. rideB.ideaC. slide5()A. homeB. moonC. come

39、1( :) A. Yes, I am.B. No, its not.2( :) A. I fs a dumpling.B. Theyre dumplings3( :) A. Thanks.B. Youre welcome.4( :) A. I have a fever.B. Thats a good idea.5( :) A. Time to go home.B. I ts four thirty.三、听录音,选出同义句。 ( 10 分)1( ) A .No, it isnt. B. No, Tm not.2( ) A. Youre sick. B. Youre right.3( ) A. T

40、hats not a bad idea. B. Thats OK.4( ) A. Thats all right. B. Thank you.5( ) A. Whats this? B. Whats wrong?四、听短文并填空。 (10分)Jack: Hi, Kate.Kate: Hi, Jack.Jack: Are you today?Kate: No, Tm not.Jack: Lets go to t he .Kate: Thafs a good . Lets go.Jack: I want to on the roller coaster.Do you want to with me

41、?Kate: No, I want to drive the .I t looksJack: The roller coaster is r e a l l y , come on.Kate: I m sorry. Fm.备选单词:bumper car, fun, scared, ride, idea, park, come, exciting, busy第二部分笔试测试(60分)一、按要求写单词或短语。(10分)1.Spring Festival( 英译汉) .3 .make(现在分词)5.Lets( 完整形式)7.happy( 反义词)9. have( 三单)2.these( 单数形式)4

42、.your( 反身代词)6Tm( 完整形式)8. we( 宾格) _ _ _ _ _10. cold( 反义词) 二、把下列单词补充完整并写出汉语意思。(1。 分)l.la_2.w_ d_ ful( )3.b_)4.w_g()5.t_ m_ rr-( )6.P一 k()7. sc _d( )8.dr_v_()9.th_ty( )lO.r lly()三、选择。(10分)1()-What are these? -_ _ dumplings.A. These areB. They areC. Those are2() Help _ to dumplings.A. youB. yourC. yours

43、elf3() I s it Spring Festival? 一Yes,A. it isntB. it isC. is it4()-Whats the matter? -You _ _ sick.A. seeB. isC. look5()-Can she go with us?-1 hopeA. thatB .eitherC. so6( ) 一 you busy tomorrow? -Yes, I am.A. Are B. I s C. Am7( ) - Do you want to come?-A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I can.8( ) Wh

44、at time is it? - .A. I ts blue. B. I fs two yuan. C. I ts four thirty.9( ) I s this a roller coaster?A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, she is.10( ) The bumper car is . I am when I drive it.A. exciting, excited B .excited, excitingC. excited, excited四、请你把下面的单词重新排列,组成一个完整的句子。( 20分)1. are, they,

45、 what_They?2. at, we, look, the, night, at, lanternsnight_.3. on, make, we, Monday, dumplingsW e_.4. there, up, lookup .5. like, it, Spring Festival, isIt.6.1, fever, a, haveI _.五、阅读短文并试着用文中的句子回答问题。( 10分)The Spring FestivalThe Spring Festival is the most important( 最重要的) festival fbr the Chinesepeop

46、le. I fs a traditional( 传统的) festival in China. I fs on January or February.Before the Spring Festival comes, the people often clean their homes , wash theirclothes ,paste the antithetical couplets( 贴对联) and put on the lanterns( 挂灯笼) . Onthe Spring Festival, the people get together( 聚到一起)and have a

47、big meal( 大餐).Weeat dumplings for the meal. The children are happy. They can play the fireworks( 放烟花)and get the iucy money( 压岁钱) .1. What is the Spring Festival?2. When is the Spring Festival?3. What do we eat on Spring Festival?4. What can children do on Spring Festival?5. Are children happy?英语四年级

48、下册单元练习题(4-6)Cl as s Name听力部分一、听录音,为下列图片排序12 3 4 56_二、选择你所听到的句子() 1 A. I like summer.B. I like fall.() 2、 A. What about a watch? B. What about a robot?()3 A. To the park.B. To the zoo.( ) 4 A. Where are you going? B. Where do you work?( ) 5、 A This is from your aunt.B. This is for you.三、听录音,选词填空( ) 1

49、 . 1 want to buyA. him B. her C. a watch D. new shoes( )2. - Where are you? To the.A. go B. going C. library D. department()3. 一Whose is it? It s birthday.A. birthday B. Friday C. my uncle s D. my mom, s( ) 4 . I like . It s.A. spring B. fall C. cool D. cold( )5. He like winter. It s too.A. doesn t

50、B. don, t C. cold D. cool笔试部分一、把正确答案的序号填在题前的括号内( ) 1. w_ t_ h A. a , c B. c , e C. a , a( ) 2 r_ b_ t A. e , e B. o , o C. b , b( )3. bl_ A. a , f B. c , e C. o , w( )4. s_ m_ er A. u , m B. a , n C. a , m( )5. w_ nter A. b B. a C. i二、按要求完成下面各题1 . make ( 现在分词)2. can t ( 完整形式)3. like ( 第三人称单数) 4. he

51、( 宾格)5. cold ( 反义词) 6. Be quiet ( 中文)7. do not ( 缩写形式) 8, 快乐( 英文)9. let s ( 完整形式) 9. 春天( 英文)三、连词成句,注意单词标点及大小写1 . season, like, do, which, you2. very, she, spring, likes, much3. is, from, your, this, aunt4. out, the, all, blow, candles5 . r o b o t s , h e , m a k i n g , l i k e s四、你会选吗?请选出一个最佳答案1 .

52、 Do e s i t s n o w h e r e w i n t e r ?A . a t B . o f C . i n2 . I l i k e w i n t e r . I t s t o o c o l d .A . d o B . c a n t C . d o n t3 . I m l o o k i n g a w a t c h .A . t o B . f o r C . o f4 . T h i s i s y o u r a u n t .A . f r o m B . o n C . i n5 . I w a n t t o b u y a p r e s e

53、n t .A . h e B . h i m C . s h e五、阅读理解Mr B r o w n l i v e s i n a n i c e h o u s e i n a s m a l l t o w n ( 城镇)w i t h h i s w i f e( 妻子),Mr s B r o w n . F r o m Mo n d a y t o F r i d a y h e w o r k s i n a n o f f i c e ( 办公室)n e a r ( 附近) h i s h o u s e . H e i s f r e e ( 休息) o n S a t u r

54、 d a y s a n d S u n d a y s . H eh a s a n i c e g a r d e n( 花园)b e s i d e h i s h o u s e . H e l i k e s g r o w i n g( 种植)f l o w e r s( 花)a n d h e o f t e n w o r k s i n t h e g a r d e n o n S a t u r d a y s a n d S u n d a y s . T h ef l o w e r s a r e v e r y b e a u t i f u l a n d Mr

55、 s B r o w n l i k e s t h e m v e r y m u c h . S h e o f t e nh e l p s Mr B r o w n .( ) 1 . MrB r o w n l i v e s i n w i t h h i s w i f e .A . a c i t yB . a s m a l l t o w n C . a b i g t o w n( ) 2 . H ew o r k sd a y s a w e e k i n h i s o f f i c e .A . f o u rB . f i v eC . s i x( ) 3 .

56、 H ei s n,to n S a t u r d a y s a n d S u n d a y s .A . f r e eB . b u s yC . h a p p y( ) 4 . H el i k e so n S a t u r d a y s a n d S u n d a y s .A . w o r k i n g i n h i s g a r d e n B . w a l k i n g i n h i s g a r d o nC . l o o k i n g a t h i s g a r d e n( ) 5 . Mr s B r o w n t h e f

57、 l o w e r s .A . l i k e B . d o e s n, t l i k e C . o f t e n h e l p s英语四年级下册期中测试题C l a s s Na me Mark第一部分听力测试(40分)一、听录音,按所听内容给下列图片排序。( 10分)三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。( 10分)( ) 1. A. I ts Spring Festival.()( )()()()()( )()()()二、听录音,选出所听到的单词。( 10分)()1.A. robotB. hideC. quiet()2.A. welcomeB. comeC. about()3.

58、A. festivalB. deliciousC. dumplings()4.A. beautifulB. yourselfC. lantern()5.A. matterB. numberC. headacheB. I ts my birthday.)2. A. Help yourself to dumplings.B. Help yourself to cakes.)3. A. At night we look at the lanterns.B. At night we look at the moons.)4. A. I have a bad cold.B.I have a fever.

59、( )5. A. I want to ride on the roller coaster .B. I want to drive the bumper car.四、听录音,排序。 ( 10分)( ) How delicious!( ) You look beautiful.( ) What are these?( ) Thanks.( ) Theyre dumplings. Help yourself to dumplings.( ) Oh, look up there! I fs a lantern.( ) What do you do on Spring Festival?( ) How

60、 wonderful!( ) Well.we make dumplings.( ) At night we look at the lanterns.第二部分笔试测试(60分)五、把下列单词补充完整,并写出汉语意思。 ( 10分)1- dump_( )3. m _ t _ er( )2. f _ _ tiva _ ( )4. t _ m o_( )5. s t _ache ( )6. _ x _ _ ting( )7.d e _ment ( )8,F_ _ day( )9.surp_( )10. h _ p _ en ( )六、选择。 ( 10分))1. This is you.A. ofB.

61、 fromC. for( )2.1 like _ _ robots.A. make B. making C. makes)3. Where are you ?A. goingB. to go C. go()4. Tm _ _ a robot.A. look forB. look at C. looking fbr()5. I t _ _ exciting!A. lookB. looking C. looks()6.1 want _ _ a bumper car.A. driveB. to drive C.drives()7. _ you busy tomorrow?A. areB. Are C

62、. I s( )8. Can she go us?A. and B. for C. with( )9. Theyre .A. a dumpling. B. dumpling C. dumplings( )10. What do you do Spring Festival?A. at B. on C. in七、选词填空,并注意大小写字母。 ( 10分)(do does can are is )1, - you like robots? Yes, I .2. You sick.3. - she drive a bumper car? No, she not.4. Lily scared.5. 一

63、 he want to ride on a roller coaster? -No, he not.6. we come again.7. I t four thirty.八、给每幅图选出相对应的句子。 ( 5 分)()()()()()A. We make dumplings on Spring Festival. B. I have a fever.C. At night we look at the lanterns. D. Lets go to the park.E. I want to drive a bumper car.九、按要求完成下列句子。 ( 10分)l.I s it you

64、r birthday?( 写出否定回答)2. Tm going to the department store. ( 划线部分提问)3. Thank you.( 写出答语)4. Thats a good idea.(变成否定句) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5. I fs a 5ntem, ( 变复数形式)十、词语大比拼,看谁写得多。 ( 每项至少三个) ( 15分)1 . 家庭称谓:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2 . 食品:.3 .水果:_ _ _ _

65、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4 .场所地点:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5 .疑问代词:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _英语四年级下册单元练习题( 7-9)Cl a s s Na me Mark听 力 部 分 ( 40%)一 、听句子,选出你所听到的单词。( 10%)1.(2.(post officechairrestaurantwheresupe

66、rmarkethere二、听录音,判断对错,对的打“ J ”,错的打“ X ”。(12%)hospitalbookstorecook)picturepencilpass)milkmusicsmile)ScienceChineseEnglish)workingwatchingwelcome)mathmanmany)bathroombedroomlivingroom)twentythirtyfifty弘z(z(z(z(z!z(4567od9三、听录音,选出你所听到句子的答语。( 10%)1. ( )A . Hes a policeman .B . Yes, he is.C . Yes, shes

67、my teacher.2. ( ) A . My name is Tom.B . Her name is Sarah.C .This is Sarah.3. ( ) A. He is watching TV.B. They are eating.C. She is cooking.4. ( ) A. I fs a schoolbag.B. Some books and pens.C. I fs red.5. ( ) A. I ts over there.B. Theyre in the room.C. Oh, I see.6. ( ) A. I am ten.B. There are fift

68、een.C. He is twelve.7. ( ) A. I am going to the hospital.B. I am workingC. She is a doctor.8. ( ) A. They are at the bookstore.B. He is at the post office.C. Yes, I do.9. ( ) A. I dont like spiders.B. Yes, I am.C. No, I dont.10. ( )A. We are hanging lights.B . I am tall.C. We are students.四、听答句选择问句(

69、8%)1 . ()A. Where is the post office?B. What is he doing?2 . ()A. What are you doing?B .How many lights?3 . ()A. Where are you?B.Who is he?4 . ()A. May I help you?B.How long does it take?笔试部分( 共六大题, 计6 0分)I .单词( Words)( 共计2 0分)A)按要求完成下列各题。( 10% )1. here_( 反义词)2. big_( 反义词)3. light_( 变换- 个字母变成另外一个单词)

70、4. how_ ( 变换一个字母变成另外一个单词)5. dish_( 复数)6. balloon_( 复数)7. photo_( 复数)8. play the_ _ _ _ _ ( 弹钢琴)9. smile_( 现在分词)10. swim_ _ _ _ ( 现在分词)B)找出下列单词不同类的单词。( 10% )) 4. He is sleeping in the .1-()A. pizzaB. dumplingsC. lightD.cake2.()A. quickB. longC. shortD. policeman3.()A. thirtyB. pencilC. twentyD. fifty

71、4.()A. bedroomB. candlesC. dining roomD. kitchen5. ( ) A. hang B. smile C. taken、选词填空,将正确答案的序号写在题前括号内。( io%)( ) 1. How many_ ?A. apple B. candles C. dog( )2. They are _photos.A. sending B. having C. taking( )3. Now turn _ the lights, please?A. on B. in C. atD. photosA. kitchenB. bathroomC. bedroom)5

72、. she is cooking in the .A. living room B. kitchen C. dining room)6. He is working in room.A. her B. my C. his)7. Do you like watching TV?A. Yes, I dont. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I do.)8.1 want this to China.A. send B. to send C. sending)9. W here is the post office?A. I ts over there. B. I ts nice. C.

73、Thanks.( )10. Where are the photos?A. I ts on the desk.B. theyre on the table.C. They9re on the table.i n、连接相应的问句和答句。( io% )1. Where is the bookstore?2. How many dishes are there ?3. Where are you?4. May I help you?5. What are they doing?A. twenty.B. I dont know.C. I n the living room.D. They are ma

74、king dumplings.E. Yes, please.I V、按要求完成下列各题。( 10%)16. 1 am reading a book.( 对划线部分提问)17. There are five spoons on the table . (对划线部分提问)_ are there?18. Do you have a cap?( 作否定回答)19. sleeping, he, is , bedroom, in , the (.)( 连词成句)20.1 want to buy a cap.(变成否定句)V、重新排列下面的句子顺序(5%)( ) Sorry, I dont know.( )

75、 Excuse me, Where is the post office?( )Thank you.( ) Oh, There is a policeman.( ) You can ask him.阅读短文,判断对错,对的打“ J ,错的打“ X ”。(5%)Hello! This is the photo of my family. I ts on the wall. Look! This is my grandpaand grandma . They are farmers. My father is here. Hes a doctor. Hes strong. Mymother is

76、a teacher. Shes thin. Oh, this is my sister. Shes quiet. Shes 10. Shes agood student.Who is he? Guess! Yes, its me. I like music and books.1.1 am a girl. ( )2. My father is tall and strong. ( )3. My sister is a good teacher. ( )4.1 like reading books and listening to the music. ( )5. There are 5 mem

77、bers in my family. ( )四年级英语期末复习试卷Class NameMark听 力 部 分( 4 0 %)一、听 句 子 ,选 出 你 所 听 到 的 单 词 。( 10%)ABC1.()overaskabout2.()manyquicklyhere3.()eatingsleepingwashing4.()driveb汰etired5.()milkmusicsmile6.()watchclockcoaster7.()workingwatchingwhere8.()robothotcost9.()bathroomdining roomliving room10.()sevent

78、y-foureighty一fivefifty-six-、听 录 音 ,将时间和动作连线(10%)A. 1.:20B. 9:30C2:00 D. 2: 50 E: 10: 001. go to the park 2. watch TV 3. make robots 4. wash face 5. go to bed三 、听 录 音 ,选 出 你 所 听 到 的 正 确 答 案 。( 10%)1.( )I fs timeto .A .go to the park . B . go swimming. C . go home.2.( )How manyballoons are there?A . f

79、ourty-twoB . twelve.C .thirty three.3.( )Who is he?He is aA. policeman.B. doctor.C. student.4.( )W hats thematter ? I have aA. headache.B. toothache.C. stomachache.5.( )Which season do you like? I like_A. spring.B. summer.C.sun.四、听 问 句 选 择 答 句( 10%)1 . ()A. I ts four thirtyB. I am ten.2 . ()A. He is

80、 washing his face.B . She is eating.3 . ()A. I n the bedroom.B. To the book store.4 . ()A. Thank youB. Me too.5 . ()A. I ts my birthday.B. I ts like New Years Day.6 . ()A. Yes, it is.B. No, is not.7 . ()A. I have a fever.B. I am cooking.8 . ()A. Yes, he can swim.B. No, he can swim.9 . ()A. I ts my u

81、ncles.B. I ts a chair.1 0 .()A. They are lanterns.B I ts a picture.笔试部分( 共六大题, 计 60分)I . 单词( Words) ( 共计20分)A) 将下列词组补充完整。5. drive2. how3. very_ 4. go _5. wash6. up _ ( 反义词)7. photo_( 复数)8. it( 复数)9. write _ _ _ _ _ ( 现在分词)10. skate_ _ _ _ _ ( 现在分词)B )将下面的单词按要求归类。( 10% )aunt fall uncle warm long shor

82、t grandpabedroom candles dining room kitchen wintersummer photos dishes亲戚称呼_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _季节 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _房间形容词_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

83、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _日常用品_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I I 、选词填空,将正确答案的序号写在题前括号内。( 10%)( ) 1. What is he doing ? Hes in the living room.A. play B. washing face C. playing( )2. Where is the post office

84、? I fs.A. in the bedroom B. over there C. under the tree.( )3. How long does it take? I t about 10 days.A. takes B. take C. taking( )4. He is sleeping in the .A. kitchen B. bathroom C. bedroom( )5. Where they going? They are to the library.A. are , going B. are , go C. do, going( )6. She is working

85、in room.A. her B. my C. his( )7. Which do you like? I like fall.A. seasons B. season C. picture( )8.We can in summer.A. swimming B. swim C. swims( )9. We have snow winter.A. at B. On )10. What do you do Spring Festival?A. on B. in C. atI ll 连接相应的问句和答句。( 10%)1. What is the matter?2. Where are y

86、ou going?3. What is the Spring Festival?4. May I help you?5. Where is Jim?I V、按要求完成下列各题。 ( 10%)16. What do you do at night?( 回答问题)A. To the hospital.B. I have a sick.C. I n the living room.D. I ts like New Years Day.E. I want to send this to China.17. Do you like Spring? ( 回答问题)18. I s it your b ik

87、e ? ( 作肯定回答)19. is this your from aunt ( .) ( 连词成句)20. are ,making , dumplings , we , in the kitchen ( 连词成句)V 、句子中有一处错误,请将序号写在括号内,并改正。改正的词写在横线上。VI 阅读短文,判断对错,对 的 打 错 的 打 X ”。( 5%)( 5%)() ShehaveAa ffever. _B C() Letstoask him. _ABc) Theyiswatching TV.ABc() Time.foiLgo home.ABc() He _ ike.playing foot

88、ball.ABcMike is my friend. Hes thirteen. He is English. We are in thesame( 同一个) school. But We are not in the same class. His father ,Mr.Black is a driver. He is forty. His mother is not a driver. She is a nurse. She is forty- three. Mike has a sister. Her name is Alice. She is twenty - two.She isan

89、ewteacher at our school.l.Johnismygood friend. ()2.MikeandIare in the same class.()3.MrBlackis aworker. ()4.Aliceismyfriend sister. ()5.Aliceisastudent. ()1 一3 课练习题听力材料一、AB ABC二、1 I s it your birthday?2 What are these?3 You look beautiful.4 Whats the matter?5 What time is it?三、1 No, ifs not.2 You lo

90、ok sick.3 .Thafs a good idea.4 Thanks.5 Whats the matter?四、听短文并填空。Jack: Hi, Kate.Kate: Hi, Jack.Jack: Are you busy today?Kate: No, Fm not.Jack: Lefs go to the park.Kate: Thats a good idea. Lefs go.Jack: I want to ride on the roller coaster.Do you want to come with me?Kate: No, I want to drive the bu

91、mper car.I t looks exciting.Jack: The roller coaster is really fun, come on.Kate: I m sorry. Tm scared.期中测试题听力材料:一、1. fever 2. surprise 3.grandma 4.robot 5.clock6.afraid 8.roller coaster 9.bumper car lO.delicious二、1 .quiet 2. welcome 3.dumplings 4. lantern 5.matter三、1. I ts Spring Festival.2

92、. Help yourself to dumplings.3. At night we look at the lanterns.4. I have a fever.5 .1 want to drive the bumper car.四、1. You look beautiful.2. Thanks.3. What are these?4. Theyre dumplings. Help yourself to dumplings.5. How delicious!6. What do you do on Spring Festival?7. Well.we make dumplings.8.

93、At night we look at the lanterns.9. Oh, look up there! I t9s a lantern.10. How wonderful!四年级英语期末复习试卷听力材料一 、听句子,选出你所听到的单词。About quickly eating tired milkCoaster watching robot dining room fifty-six二、听录音,将时间和动作连线1. I go to the park at 2:50.2 .1 watch TV at 9:30 .3. I make robots at 12:00.4. I wash fac

94、e at 7: 20.5. I go to bed at 10: 00三、听录音,选出你所听到的正确答案。1. I ts time to go home.2. How many balloons are there? Forty-two.3. Who is he? He is a student.4. Whats the matter ? I have a headache.5. Which season do you like? I like summer.四、听问句选择答句l.What time is it? 2.What is he doing?3. Where are you goin

95、g? 4 Happy birthday!5. What is Spring Festival? 6. I s it your birthday?7. What are you doing? 8. Can you swim ?9. Whose chair is it? 10. What are these ?英语五年级下册单元练习题(1-2)Cl a s s Na me Mark听力部分一、认真听录音, 选出你所听到的单词, 将其序号填写在题前的括号内。10分1 . ()A: hungryB: thirstyC: drink2 . ()A: sleepyB: tiredC: bored3 . (

96、)A: saladB: creamC: pizza4 . ()A: practiceB: pilotC: plane5 . ()A: alwaysB: usuallyC: never二、听句子, , 选择正确答语。10分( )1、A、Yes, lefs.B、No, I dont.( )2、A、For here, please.B、No, thanks.( )3、A、Dont be so sad.B、That sounds great.( )4、A、Thats fantastic.B Thafs too bad.( )5、A、Go to bed and get some sleep. B、Let

97、s go out to play.三、听短文,填空。10分My name is Jane. I am a girl. I like to. I usually go swimming at the. Sometimes I help my mo m. I want to be an. Do you likeapeln_? Do you want to make friends with me ?笔试部分一、看图,把下面的字母重新排序,组成正确地单词。1 1Ceko ahmubregr12分 F 吟 7zpziazlaopnoviinl二、按要求填空。10分sandwich - three (

98、三个三明治)apple pie - - - ( 一个苹果派)orange juice - - - ( 两个橘子汁)artist- - - ( 一个画家)French fries- - - ( 四份薯条)三、选择合适的短语填入句子,使句子完整通顺, 注意书写。5 分1、I want to .2 I want to be _3、She is.4、your dinner .5、They cook.! practicing the violin wonderful spaceships | Enjoy :an engineer 四、连线,并仿照例子写出句子。10分1、thirs

99、ty go to see a doctor2、tired have lunch3、sleepy get some sleep4、bored take a rest5、hungry go out to play6、a bad cold xdrink some water例: 1、 - - - - Whafs wrong with you?-I m ( very) thirsty.- ( Lefs) Drink some water.2、3、4、5、6、五、选择正确的序号填写在题前的括号内 10分( ) 1. -What do you usually do on the weekend?-1 us

100、ually the violin.A:fly B: help C:practice( ) 2 . -What do you want to be?-1 want to be engineer.A:a B: the C:an( ) 3. - violin is this?- I fs Codys.A:Who B: Whose C:What( ) 4 . - How is it ?A: Just great. B: Ok , lefs. C: Me, too.( ) 5. She is a She plays the .A: pilot violin B: doctor violin C: vio

101、linist violin( ) 6 . -1 want to be an artist.A:Thats too bad. B: Dont be so sad. C: That sounds great.( ) 7 . How this coat?A: about B:do C:long( ) 8 . - Do you want to be a?A:swim B:swimming C: swimmer( ) 9 . -Whats wrong with him?-He a bad cold.A: is B: have C: has( ) 1 0 . How making a birthday c

102、ake ?A: is B: do C: about六、句型转换:10分1. Thats Okay with me .(译成中文)2. go Lets to out play ?( 连词成句)3. I want to be a pilot.( 对划线部分提问)4. Does he wear glasses?( 作否定回答)5. Do you want to be a cook?( 做否定回答)七、阅读理解 8 分I n the RestaurantWaitress- Can I help you ?May- Yes, please. We d like .Tom- I d like a hamb

103、urger, some chicken and a strawberry milkshakes.How abut you, May?May- Thafs Okay with me.Waitress- Anything else? What would you like to drink?May- A Coke.Tom- And I d like a glass of orange juice.May- OK. Wait a minute, please. Td also like an ice cream.Waitress- For here or to go?Tom- For here, p

104、lease.I .在下列句子前标上T或 F。( )1 . Tom and May are in the restaurant.( )2 . May wants a Coke.( )3 . Tom likes a hamburger and chicken.( ) 4 . They wantt o eat at home.I I .回答问题。1 . What food does Tom want ?2 . What food does M ay want?3 . Where do they eat?4 . I s there any ice cream in the restaurant?八、小

105、练笔 5分用你学过的单词、句型写一写关于职业的句子吧,看谁写的多,写的对。英语五年级下册单元练习题(3-4)Cl a s s Na me Mark听力部分(30分)一、听音,写 出Sam家里人的职业,并补全句子。( 5分)1. His grandfather is a.2. His mother is a.3. His aunt is a.4. His uncle is a.5. His father is a.二、听音,并判断图片与录音内容是否想否, 相符画“分)” ,不 符 画“/X ( 5三、听录音,选择恰当的答语。( 5 分)( ) 1. A.I mOK. B. rm nine.( )

106、2. A. Tm going to Sichuan. B. I ts east of post office.( ) 3 . A. Yes, I dont. B. Yes, I do.( )4. A. Thank you! B. Not at all.( )5. A. Yes, they are. B. They are my grandparents.四、听音,并用字母A、B、C、D、E 给下面的国旗排序。( 5 分)() () ()() ()五、听短文,选择正确答案。( 4 分)( )1.1 can in the sky.A. run B. walk C. fly( )2 .1 live

107、in a.A. house B. tree C. room( )3. We cant see any in the river.A. face B. fish C. birds( )4.are all very happy.A. The trees B. The fish C. The birds六、听音,补全对话。( 5 分) Today is the day of our class. I want to hear your plans for yourOK.一 Do you for the vocation, Sandy?一 Yes, I m going to Wonder Land w

108、ith my.一 What you, Alice?- r il the on the farm. Wonderful! Have a good time.笔试部分(70分)、参观周末清单行李根据汉语提示,完成单词。( 5分)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 农 民 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 喂 养 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 雨衣 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 学 习 _ _ _ _照相机_ 通行证1、3、4、(二、按要求写单词。(5分)do (第三人称单数) _ _ _ _ _

109、_ 2、go (现在分词) _ _ _ _ _ _ _umbrella (复数) _ _ _ _ _ _ _buy (过去式) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5、I will (缩略式) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _、选择填空。(10分) 1. 一 What are you going to do ?- - I m _to go to Australia.A. go B. to go C. going D. goes)2. My good friend lives_ Australia.A. on B. in C. at D. to)3. Are you ready_ go?A. abou

110、t B. in C. with D. to)4. Tom will stay there_ the winter.A. to B. of C. during D. about)5. Today is the first day_ this week.A. about B. of C. in D. to)6 ._ I see your ticket, please.A. Am B. When C. May D. Could)7. Who the ticket?(A. have B. has C.had D. haves)8. Are you ready_ ? -_ yet.A. to go, N

111、ot B. to go, NoC. go, Not D. go, No)9. Let_ take your raincoat.A. I B. my C. me D. mine)10. Can I _ your tickets, please?A.look B watch C. see D. read四、选词填空。( 10分)takes, visit, explore, stay,flies,have, hear, works,lives, feed1. I want to your plans.2. He is going to his uncle.3. You all good plan.4

112、. Tony is going to home.5. Mary will the animals.6. The astronaut is going to the moon.7. He care of animals.8. My father at the police station.9. My brother in Australia.10. He in a spaceship.五、情景交际。( 5 分)1、当你想问对方将要在这里呆多长时间,应该说:A. How much is it? B. How long will you stay here?2、你生病了,但是你想告诉你的朋友不要让他

113、担心,应说:A. Dont worry. B. Dont forget.3、当你要递给别人东西时,应说:A. Here you are. B. I ts your thing.4、今天下雨了,你想问你的朋友带雨伞没有,应说:A. Did you buy the umbrella?B. Did you take the umbrella?5、你要告诉你的朋友,你在海南待了一个暑假,应说:A. I stay in Hainan during summer holiday.B. I stay in Hainan during winter holiday.六、从下列A、B、C、D、E 中选出合适的答

114、语。( 5 分)1. What are you going to do tomorrow?2. How long will you stay in China?3. Where are you from?4. Who is going to go with you?5. When are you going to go there?A. For 6 months.B. I m from London.C. Mei Ling.D. I m going to buy a book.E. At 6 oclock.七、按要求完成句子。( 10分)1. Did you learn English?( 做

115、肯定回答)2. My uncle lives in Australia.( 划线提问)3. long, will, stay, how, there, you ( 连词组句)4. Are these three pieces your luggage?( 翻译成汉语)5. Shes a vet.( 变成否定句)八、阅读理解A根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( 10分)I m a student. I am from Nanning. My name is Liu Ming. I m in Class Three,Grade One. There are forty students in our

116、class. There are two American girls. Theyare Lucy and Lily. They come from New York. We go to school five days a week. Westay home on Saturdays and Sundays. On Sundays I often my homework and help mymother do some housework. Sometimes I go to the park with my good friend. We playgames in the park.()

117、 1. Where is Liu Ming from?A. Hes from Shanghai. B. Hes from Nanning.C. Hes from American.( ) 2. How many American girls are there in Liu Mings class?A. There are many. B. Theres only one.C. There are two.( ) 3. Where do the twins come from?A. They come from London.B. They come from Australia.C. The

118、y come from New York.( ) 4. What does Liu Ming often do on Sundays?A. He often goes to the park.B. He often does his homework.C. He often watches TV.( ) 5. What do they do in the park?A. They play games. B. They play basketball.C. They play football.B 读短文并补全句子。( 5 分)I m Mable. On my vocation, I m go

119、ing to go the bookstore. Tm going to buysome storybooks and a Chinese-English and English-Chinese dictionary. I like readingstorybooks. I find them very interesting. I m going to play the piano. Playing thepiano is my hobby. Tm going to do my homework. I must study hard. I m going to goshopping with

120、 my parents and my little brother. I love going shopping. I think all ofthe girls like going shopping.1. Mable is going to the, she likes reading.2. The storybooks are very.3. Mables hobby is.4. Mable is going to, she must study hard.5. Mable will with her parents and her brother.九、作文。( 6 分)给同学们介绍一下

121、你假期的计划是什么。要求:语言通顺,书写规范,注意大小写及标点。五年级英语期中检测练习班 级 姓名听 力 部 分(30分)一、听录音,将人物与他所要去的国家连线。( 10分)Peter Billy Betty Andy Sandy Lucy Tom Robo Nancy White二、听音,为你听到的单词或短语选择正确的汉语意思。( 5 分)()1.A.柠檬汁B.苹果派C.桔汁()2.A.锻炼B.练习C.学习()3.A.古怪的B.有趣的C.神奇的()4.A.参观B.参加C.逗留()5.A.动物B.植物C.人类三、听句子,选择正确答案O( 5 分)1.1 would like to eat_.A

122、. food2. There is a snackB.drinks C.on the comer.cakesA. C.bus3.1 want to be_A. an engineer B.a farmerc.a pilot4. Who takes care of the?A. people B. sick people C. animals5.1 will stay in Shanghai for weeks.A. two B. three C. four四、听录音,补出空缺的单词。(5 分)1. The Wonder Land is a.2. Stand to Winky

123、and Tino.3. Til a picture of you.4. Are these three pieces your?5. Did you take your and umbrellas?五、听录音,填空。(5分)1. 一 What are you going to do there?-Fil the animals and go to the.2. 一 Who lives in Australia?一 M y lives there.3. Do you have a good for the.笔试部分( 70分)一、重新排列字母,组成单词,并写出其汉语意思。( 10分)i o r

124、r a p t - (m a a c r e 一 ()g g g lu a e 一 ()r o t a c a i n 一 ()k t i c t e f一()二、按要求写单词。( 10分)原形汉语第三人称单数过去式去goes忘记forgetbeishavehadthinksthought三、 选择填空(10分)1. What would you like to e a t ? l i k e a hamburger.A. I m B. rd C. Youre D. Youd2. I m very. Lefs go out to play.A. hungry B. thirsty C. tir

125、ed D. bored3. My aunt is a vet. She takes care of.A. animals B. food C. people D. animal4. What do you do after school?A. usually B. weekend C. already D. before5. Do you want to a swimmer?A. is B. be C. am D. are6. She always the violin on the weekend.A. exercise B. practice C. exercises D. practic

126、es7. I want fly planes.A. X B. to C. at D. in8. Whats wrong with you? I m.A. sleep B. go out to play C. sleepy D. bore9. How long will you in Beijing.A. stay B. take C. live D. be10.1 want to make food.A. delicious B. nice C. wonderful D. beautiful四、按要求完成下列各题。( 15分)1. There is a snack bar on the com

127、er.( 改为否定句)2. Can I help you?( 做肯定回答)3. get go to bed sleep and some ( 连词组句)4. Td like a Coke.( 划线提问)5. She is a doctor.( 划线提问)五、阅读理解。( 15分)Kens FamilyThere are three people in Kens family, they are his father, his mother and he.Kens father is an engineer. He likes reading very much. His mother is a

128、 teacher. Sheteaches in No.14 Middle School. Ken is a student. He studies very hard( 刻苦) . Helikes playing computer games very much. On the weekend, they usually go for a walkin the park. Ken loves his mother and his father, he loves his family, too.( ) 1. What does Kens father do? He s.A. an engine

129、er B. a teacher C. a driver D. a vet( ) 2. What does Kens mother do? She s.A. an engineer B. a teacher C. a driver D. a vet( ) 3. Where does Kens mother work? She works at.A. a park B. a shop C. a school D. a farm( ) 4. What does Ken like? He l i kes.A. playing computer games B. readingC. singing D.

130、 swimming( ) 5. What do they do on the weekend? They u s u a l l y .A. play games B. go for a walkC. feed the animals D. do exercises六、小练笔。( 10分)提示:要求以“My Holiday” 为题,写一篇小作文。要求:1、条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范。2、 介绍清楚你假期的行程。英语五年级下册单元练习题(5-7)Cl a s s Na me Mark听力部分(30分)一、 选择你听到的单词。(5)1. ( ) A. awesome B

131、. surprise C. building D. Egypt2. ( ) A. wonderful B. beautiful C. fantastic D. interesting3. ( ) A. straight B. street C. tree D. three4. ( )A. fever B. planet C. museum D. pyramid5. ( )A. model B. slight C. bad D. high二、听录音并根据图来判断对错,对用T , 错用F。(6)三、听录音选择正确的答案。(5)() 1. The laundry is next to the.A.

132、building B. cafeteria C. library D. restaurant( ) 2 . Where is the library?A. Go straight two blocks.B. Go straight two blocks and turn left.C. Go straight three blocks and turn right.D. Go straight two blocks and turn right.( )3.His home is from school.A. far B. far from C. not far away D. far away

133、( )4.Whafs your favorite ?A. food B. color C. season D. fruit5.How are you feeling now?A. I have a fever. B. I have a runny nose.C. I have a sore throat. D. I have a bad cough.四、听录音,选择正确的答语。(5)( ) K A. I dont feel well. B、 Fm fine, thank you.( )2. A It was fantastic. B. Take care of yourself.( ) 3.A

134、. Its Sunday today. B. Its sunny today.)4. A. yesterday)5. A. I can swim.B. tomorrowB. I can go on a picnic.五、听录音,填空。(9)Last Sunday, we back here to Ellia. Ita planet. Wi n c k us all around the land. Weto the _ _in the land. It was .We the museum. Tomorrow ril tellthe class about my trip.二、笔试部分( 70

135、)一、看图写单词。1.23二、将词组补充完整,并写出中文。1. in 2. warm and 3. out4.make a 5.have a 6 picture三、 根据句意,补充单词使句子完整,首字母已给出。1.1 felt a d of rain.2. Hows the w in Ellia.3. Which s do you like best?4. Can you see that w building.5. How was your v ?四、按照要求写出下面的单词。1. get( 过去式) 2.hike(现在分词)3.wet( 反义词) 4.pour( 现在分词)5. fly (

136、过去式) 6. cloud( 形容词)7. close to (近义词) 8. 8cool ( 改一个字母变新词)五、情景会话。() 1. 当你在点餐时你说“ 我也要这些” ,正确表达是:A. Thats ok. B. Thafs okay with me.() 2 .当你想问对方礼物店在哪里时要说:A. Excuse me, where is the gift shop?B , Where is the gift shop?( ) 3. 当你听不清对方在说什么的时候,你要说:A Open your mouth, please.B. Pm sorry.( ) 4. 当你听到你的朋友生病了,你会

137、说:A. See a doctor.B Sorry to hear that, take care of yourself.( ) 5当你想知道今天的天气情况时,你说:A Hows the weather today?B Whafs wrong with you?六,选择( )1 . Welcome China.A. to B. at C. for D. with( )2.1 that boy in the park yesterday.A. see B. sees C. saw D. seeing( ) 3 . Til take a picture _ you.A. of B. at C.

138、off D. to( )4. a beautiful city.A. What B. How C. When D. Who( )5. there a hospital near here?A. Is B. Are C. Be D. is( ) 6 . Look at those .A. cloud B. cloudy C. clouds D. cloudz( )7.Ifs going to be s u n n y a minute.A. in B. on C. at D. for( ) 8 .1 like at the pool.A. swiming B. swim C. swims D.

139、swimming( )9. Summer is good swimming.A. at B. to C. with D. for( ) 1 0 . H o w your vacation?A. is B. was C. are D. were七、句型转换1. Which season do you like best?( 根据实际情况回答)2. We fly kites in the park.( 过去式)3.1fs raining very hard . ( 一般疑问句)4 .How?s the weather today?( 根据实际情况回答)5 . Is there a gift sho

140、p near here?( 变陈述句)六、看图并回答问题。3请根据图选择合适的句子,写在横线上。I like summer best. I like winter best.I can swim a t the beach. I can go on a picnic.Its cold and windy. Its hot and sunny.We make a snowman. We fly kites in the park.七、阅读短文并回答问题。An old tiger lives in the forest. He does not want to look for food now.

141、 He oftentells other animals to bring him something to eat.He says a monkey and says, “I am hungry. Go to the village and bring me afat pig”. “Oh, Tiger”, says the monkey, u I can not do that now. There is anothertiger over there. He also wants a fat pig. He will not let me get anything for youto ea

142、t. Fm afraid of him.”The tiger is anger, and let the monkey bring him to find another tiger. They geton to a bridge on the river. The monkey says“ Look down in the water, and he islooking at you. The tiger is angry and jumps into the water to eat another tiger.( )l.The old tiger w a n t s .A. a big

143、pig B. a fat pig. C. a thin pig( )2. The monkey is afraid the tiger.A. from B. of C. about( )3.The monkey and the tiger g e t the bridge_ The river.A. to, over B. on, on C. in, in( )4.The tiger j u mp s the water.A. in B. into C. on九、写作练习。选择你喜欢的话题来练笔。A . 谈谈你喜欢的季节。B.写一篇日记( 不要忘记写上星期,日期和天气)五年级下册单元卷听力参考

144、答案1、2 单元听力原文:一、 认真听录音, 选出你所听到的单词, 将其序号填写在题前的括号内.1. A: hungry2. B: bored3. C: pizza4. C: plane5. C: never二、Listen and choose.( 听句子,选择正确答语)每个句子读两遍。1 Lefs have lunch there.2、For here or to go?3、I want to be an artist.4 I want to fly planes.5、Whafs wrong with you? Pm sleepy.三、Listen and w rite.( 听短文, 填空

145、)读两遍My name is Jane. I am a girl. I like to swim. I usually go swimming at the pool.Sometimes I help my mom cook. I want to be an artist. Do you like drawing ? Do you want tomake friends with me ?3 - 4单元听力部分一、A: What does your grandfather do , Sam?B: Hes a fanner.A: What does your father do?B: He wo

146、rks at a school. He is a teacher.A: What about your mother?B: She is a doctor.A: Whos this?B: This is my aunt, she is a vet.A: This is my uncle.B: I know he is a policeman.二、1. My uncle lives in Australia.2. I m going to learn Chinese.3. My aunt is a farmer.4. Fil feed the animals.5. We are going to

147、 the beach.三、1. How old are you?2. What are you going to do this weekend?3. Do you have some pencils?4. Here are your boarding passes.5. Who are they?四、1. m a Chinese, I live in China.2. Tom comes from England.3. Lily is from Australia.4. Peter is American. He is stay in America.5. Do you want to Ja

148、pan? Yes, I do.五、I m a bird. I fly in the sky. I like the clouds. I am very happy. I live in a tree. The tree is near arive匚 There arent any fish in the river. There are many trees here and I can see many birds here.We are all very happy.六、一 Today is the last day of our class. I want to hear your pl

149、ans fbr your vocation.OK. Do you have good plans fbr the vocation, Sandy? Yes, I m going to visit Wonder Land with my family . What about you, Alice? Fil feed the animals on the farm. Wonderful! Have a good time.期中检测听力材料一、Today is the last of our class. Peter and Billy are going to Canada. Betty and

150、 Andy want tolearn Chinese, so they will go China. Sandy and Lucy will go to Japan to see the Fuji Mountain.Tom and Robo will stay in Australia. Nancy and White will go to London.二、1. apple pie 2. practice 3. fantastic 4. visit5. animals三、1. I would like to eat cakes.2. There is a snack bar on the c

151、omer.3. I want to be an engineer.4. Who takes cares of the animals.5. I will stay in Shanghai fbr three weeks.四、1. The Wonder Land is fantastic.2. Stand close to Windy and Tino3. Fil take a picture of you.4. Are these three pieces your luggage?5. Did you take your raincoats and umbrellas?.五、 1. What

152、 are you going to do there? I will feed the animals and go to the beach.2. Who lives in Australia? My uncle lives there.3. Do you have a good plan fbr the vacation?3-4单元听力部分一、选择你听到的单词。1. awesome2. Fantastic3. Straight4. pyramid5. model二、听录音并根据图来判断对错,对用T , 错用F。1. I have a runny nose.2.1 have a sore t

153、hroat.3.1 have high fever.4 .1 have a bad cough.5 .1 saw that animal in the picture.6.I f s pouring now.三、听录音选择正确的答案。1. The laundry is next to the cafeteria.2. Go straight three blocks and turn right.3. His home is far from school.4. Whats your favorite season?5 .1 have a sore throat.四、听录音,选择正确的答语。1

154、. How do you feel?2. Welcome to Egypt.3. How s the weather today?4 .1 came back yesterday.5. I f spring. Lefs go on a picnic.五、听录音,填空。( 9)Last Sunday, we came back here to Ellia. I twas a wonderful planet. Winck showed us all around the land. We wen t to theamusementpark in the land. I t was e x c i

155、 t i n g .We v i s i t e d the museum.Tomorrow Fil tell the class about my trip.英语六年级下册单元练习题(1-2)Cl a s s Na me Mark听 力 部 分(30分)一、 听录音,选择你所听到的单词。( 5分)() 1.A. goodB.bookC.cook()2.A. guitarB. carC. mark()3.A. singsB. armsC. players()4.A. courseB. mouseC. house( ) 5. A. goatB. coatC. gold二、 听录音, 根据你所听到

156、的对话和问题选择正确答案。 ( 10分)( ) 1. A. Reading novels . B. Reading picture books.C. Reading story books.( ) 2. A. James is the tallest. B. Henry is the tallest.C. Henry is as tall as James.( ) 3. A. No, he doesnt. B. No, he isnt.C. Yes, he does.( ) 4. A. Playing the piano. B. Playing the violin.C. Playing th

157、e guitar.( ) 5. A. Something is good. B. Something is bad.C. Something is missing.三、听录音,把句子补充完整。( 5 分)1. He is playing the.2. She is a f amous.3. a pianist, you cant make a good band.4.1 want to do somet hi ng.5. My father goes to work by.四、听录音,完成短文。( 每小题1分,共 10分)Today is Sunday. No. 5 Middle School

158、 is having a 1 meeting. Students are _2the events ( 竞赛) . I n the 1,000 meter race, Li Lei is running much 3 than the other4_ and his friends are cheering 5 him. At last, he breaks 6 school record. Heis the 7 . Look! Lin Hong is 8 . Who 9 jump higher than Lin Hong ? I fsWang Dandan. She jumps10 of a

159、ll.( )1. A. sportB. sports C. sports( )2. A. enjoyingB. enjoy C. to enjoy( ) 3 . A. fastB. faster C. fastest( ) 4 . A. boyB. boys C. girls( ) 5 . A. atB. to C. for( ) 6 . A. ourB. we C. us( ) 7 . A. winB. winnerC. winners( )8. A. runningB. jumpingC. jumping( ) 9 . A. mayB. mustC. can( ) 1 0 . A. hig

160、hB. higherC. the highest笔 试 部 分 ( 共70分)请根据句意以及首字母提示写出正确的单词。( 每小题1分,共 5 分)1. May I c in ?2. We are p for the talent show.3. Fm a good p.4. W a good player, you cant win the game.5. I dont a with you.二、根据要求写单词:( 10分)I ( 反身代词)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-he ( 反身代词)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _good ( 最高级)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _many

161、 ( 比较级)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _make ( 现在分词)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _run ( 名词)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _sing ( 名词) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.bring ( 反义词)_ _ _ _ _ _with ( 反义词)_ _ _ _ _ _ _.piano ( 复数) _ _ _ _ _ _ _三、英 汉 互 译 ( 10分)1 . 组个乐队_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2 .业余歌手演唱会3 .马上, 立 即 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4. 做煎饼_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5 .吉他手_ _

162、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _6. be good at _7. something interesting-_ 8. by myself _9. a good pianist_10. participate in_四、用所给单词的正确形式填空。( 5 分)1. Mothers Day is soon, (come)2. Why dont you a bike ? (ride)3. Peter is the best. (run)4. I dont want to participate in the show by. (I )5. My p a r e n t s ( v i

163、s i t ) the Great Wall next week.五、选择:( 10分)1. Mary is good at the violin.A. plays B. playing C. to ply2.1 want to do.A. something exciting B. exciting somethingC. anything exciting3. Who, s singer?A. the best B. best C. the better4. How about a band?A. make B. to make C. making5. We need a good coo

164、k, dont we?-A. Yes, we dont. B. Yes, we do. C. No, we do.6. You are young join the band.A. too, to B. to, too C. so, so7.a good football player, you can win the game.A. With B. Without C. with8. 1 dont have any on Sunday.A. class B. classes C. classs9. 1 am practicing songs the talent show.A. for B.

165、 to C. of10. Here she.A. coming B. come C. comes六、根据要求完成下列句子。( 10分)1. Why dont you play the guitar?( 变为同义句)2. I , by, do, to, myself, dont, want, it ( 连成一句话)3. May I come in?( 作肯定回答)4. We need a d a n c e r , ? ( 变为反意疑问句,并作肯定回答)5. How of making a band?( 找出错误并改正句子)A B C七、根据短文回答问题:( 短文A 5 分,短文B 10分,共

166、15分)AA boy goes home and he tells his mother he has a stomachache( 胃疼) . “Well, sitdown and eat your cake. Says his mother. Your stomach is aching ( 痛) because itsempty( 空的) . I tll be all right when you get something in it. After a while, his dadcomes in from the office. He says, “Oh, dear! I have

167、a headache.( 头疼) “Thats because its empty. Says his clever son, Youd be all right if you getsomething in it. M( )(1) The boys stomach is aching because his hungry.( )(2) The boys mother is a doctor.( )(3) The boys father is a farmer.( )(4) The boys father is hungry.( )(5) The boy is very foolish.BMr

168、. Green is from London in the United Kingdom. He teaches English in a highschool in Beijing now. Mr. Green speaks little Chinese. He goes to Chinese classesevery week.Mr. Green likes working in China very much. He says here students are veryfriendly and study very hard.Mr. Green has a son and a daug

169、hter. His sons name is Jim. His daughters nameis Kate. They go to school here in China. They like China very much.1. Where dose Mr. Green come from?2. What dose he teach?3. Can he speak a little Chinese?4. Where does he go every week?5. Where do his children go to school?八、 写作练习。 请同学们根据所给单词的提示, 写一篇关

170、于自己业余爱好的短文。( 共5分 )12 years old guitar player runner singerparticipate Childrens Day coming soontalent show英语六年级下册单元练习题(3.4)Cl a s s Name.Mark听 力 部 分(30分)一、听对话,选择正确的答案。)1 A The first one . B The next one C)2 A Betty B Jenny C Teddy)3 A I t was too bad B I t wasnt too bad)4 A Made a mistake B Finger h

171、urts CThe last oneC I t was wonderfulLost money二、听录音,将句子补充完整。1 I hear the.2 Please the.3 I ts a to twelve .4 What do you for.5 We eat pizza on Sunday .三、听录音,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)( )1 Tim won the race .( )2 I did best in the exam .( )3 Peter runs the fastest in my class .( )4 I didnt do well this time .( )

172、5 She is Number 3 .四、听短文,选择正确的答案。( )1 Whats the date today ?A December 25th B September 10th C June 1st( )2 I won the prize in the running game .A second B first C last( )3 I lostA tennis game B swimming game C baseball game( )4 I t was a day .A happy B wonderful C terrible笔试部分:(70)一、根据汉语提示写单词。l.t(

173、轮流) 2. w( 优胜者) 3. p( 奖)4. m( 错误) 5. p( 骄傲) 6.c( 冠军)7. a q( 一 刻 钟 ) 8. 0( 预 订 ) 9.a( 地址)10. p n( 电话号码)二、找出画线部分发音不同的单词。( )1 A touch B blouse C cloud( )2 A wjnter B ride C dinner( )3 A take B map C date( )4 A car B care C park( )5 A how B cow C low三、认真读句子,圈出正确的单词。1 Whafs wrong ( with about) you ?2 How

174、( long often ) will you stay here ?3 Which season do you like ( favorite best) ?4 For here or ( for to ) go ?5 We will stay there ( during with ) the holiday .6 The policeman works ( on a t) a police station .7 My uncle is a ( cook cooker)8 My aunt is a ( teacher vet). She always helps the sick anim

175、als .9 Dont be ( so that) sad .10 I want to ( do be ) an artist.四、选择真确答案。1 ( ) She lost the game this time . I think she can do it next time .A good B better C nice2 ( ) He is the best drummer . Lefs give a big hand .A his B him C he3 ( ) He_12 years old last year . We the same .A is , are B was , w

176、as C was , were4 ( ) David looked down . H e win the race .A dont B cant C didnt5 ( ) There_ a pen and some books on the desk .A am B is C are6 ( ) Lets give her a big hand . meansA Lets help herB Lefs congratulate her on her successC Lefs hurt her7 ( ) What do you want lunch ?A on B of C for8 ( ) T

177、V is too loud now , please the volume .A turn on B turn up C turn down9 ( ) Do you want some peaches dessert ?A on B at C for10() We sometimes eat pancakes Thursday .A in B at C五、读句子,选择正确答案。( )1 Good morning .( )2 I like sandwiches .( )3 Whafs for lunch ?( )4 Pass me the water .( )5 I dont like oran

178、ges .六、根据要求写句子。onA Salad , hot dogs and a pear .B Here you areC Good morningD I fs good for you , Try one .E Me , too .1 I won the first prize . ( 变成一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)2 He is a good player in my class .(变成最高级)3 The gift shop is on my left.(对画线部分提问)4 Hungry is the best sauce . ( 中文翻译)5 I , can , violin, p

179、lay , well , very , the ( 连词成句)阅读短文并回答问题。A Little AntOnce there was a little ant. She wanted to get married, but she only wanted tomarry the strongest creature.She wanted to marry the strongest creature, but she didnt know who is thestrongest creature. She saw the wind blow houses down. So she thoug

180、ht the wind wasthe strongest creature. She wanted to marry the wind.But the wind told the little ant that he isnt the strongest creature. There was atower in the forest. He had stood there for a thousand years against my force. Thetower was the strongest creature/9“Why do you want to marry me ?” the

181、 tower asked.Because you are the strongest creature in the world. You are strongest than thewind, said the ant.“You are right, I m strongest than the wind. But I m not the strongest creature inthe world. Look, how Fm damaged! Cant you guess who has done this to me ? I tsyou, ants.”At last, the littl

182、e ant married her own kind. Because they were the strongestcreature.marry/maeri / 嫁 creature / kri:tjo / 动物strongest强大的( strong的 最 高 级 ) force/f D: s /力量own / 9un/ 自己的 tower / tauo/ 塔 against / 9 geinst/ 反对damage / daemid3 / 毁坏 kind / kaind/ 种类 in the world 在这个世界1 ( ) What did the little ant want to

183、 do ?A I t wanted to find some friendsB I t wanted to get marriedC I t wanted to get home2 ( ) What did she want to marry ?A wind B tower C the strongest creature3 ( ) At last, the little ant marriedA wind B tower C ant4 将短文中画线的句子翻译成中文。七、写作。先填表格,后将表格所填的内容整理成文。YesterdayWhat day was it ?I t was_How wa

184、s the weather ?I t was_What did you do ?I _How was your feeling ?I was_英语六年级下册期中检测题Cl a s s Na me Mark一、 听录音,判断正误。1. make a band ( )3. too old ( )5. talent show ( )7. turn down ( )听力部分(30)( 8分)2. good swimmer( )4. perfect timing ( )6. phone number( )8. proud of ( )二、 听录音,选择与你所听内容相符的答语。( 10分)()1. A.

185、Yes, I did. B. Yes, I do.C. No, I dont.()2.A. I t is Monday. B. I t was Sunday. C. Today is Monday.( ) 3 . A. Three.B. At three oclock. C. Many.()4.A,345-9067B. 1325 Maple Avence . C. Linda.( )5. A. We have rice and fish. B. We usually eat pizza on Sunday.C. We dont know.三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。( 5分)( )1. A

186、. I ts my turn to get on the train. B. I ts my turn to play the game. C. I fsmy turn to buy tickets.( ) 2. A. I want to do something interesting. B. Do you want to do anythinginteresting? C. I want something to eat.( ) 3. A. Why dont you play the guitar ? B. Do you like guitar?C. I don9t like playin

187、g guitar.( ) 4. A. We are packing for the picnic. B. We are practicing for the talent show.C. We are preparing for the test.( ) 5. A. Do you want a pizza for lunch? B. Do you want pancakes for breakfast?C. Do you want some peaches for breakfast?四、 听录音,补全短文。( 7 分)Today is the day of the. Lucy and Li

188、nda in the show.Lucy is a player and Linda is a. They in the show.But we know they did t he i r . We are them.笔试 部 分 ( 共70分)四、给问题找出相应的答语( 4 分)一、 给单词补上正确的字母1. d_ ms _3. p_ ze _5. v_ lu_ _7. m_ st_ ak_ _二、英汉互译。( 8 分)组个乐队_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ten to five_在星期天_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _turn up

189、the volume_三、按要求写出相应的单词。winner( 动词) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _bring( 反 义词) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _we( 宾格) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _photo( 复数) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _write( 现在 分 词) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,并写出汉语。( 8 分)2. s_ nd _4. _rd_ _6. q_ a_ ter _8. P _ c _ _犯错误 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a good pianist_订比萨饼_ _ _ _

190、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ phone number_( 10 分)do( 第三人称单数) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _buy( 同音词) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _good( 最高级) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _make( 过去式) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _one( 序数词) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _( )1. How can I help you? ( )2. When does she go to bed?( )3. How about a pizza? ( )4.

191、How was the contest?A. I t was good . I won the first prize. B. I d like to order a sandwich ,please. C.I fs very delicious. D. At nine oclock.五、选 择 ( 10分)( )1.1 want to play basketball. Can I you?A. take B. join C. with( )2.Everybody her a big hand.A. gives B. giving C. give( )3. How much the bottl

192、e of water?A. are B. is C. does( )4. Tom wants to be a t e a c h e r , h e ?A. doesnt B. does C. is( )5. You can do your homework by.A. himself B. yourself C. themselves( )6. We often play football, but we play basketball.A. usually B. sometimes C. never( )7. What time is it?.A. three second B. a qu

193、arter to ten C. Monday( )8.1 cant the radio, please turn the volume.A. hear down B. hear up C. hears up( )9. Jenny doesnt say.A. something B. things C. anything( )10.1 a math test yesterday, but it not good.A. have was B. had is C. had was六、句型转换。( 15分)1.1 want to go to the supermarket.2. She wants t

194、o play the guitar.3. lefs hand heragive big4.1 won the first prize.5 .1 go to school by bus.七、阅读理解,判断正误。( 10分)A School DayOn the school day, I usually get up at six oclock in the morning. I leave homeat seven oclock and I usually have school at 7:30. At school ,1 usually have classes,read, and take

195、tests. I leave school at 2:45. After school I go to work in a supermarketfor one hours. I pack bags for customers ( 顾 客 ) and clean the floor. I get home atabout five oclock every day. At six oclock , I have dinner with my family and helpthem with the dishes. Sometimes I play with my little sister.

196、Then I study for schoolthe next day. I f I have time, I will talk to a friend on the telephone, then I will go tobed.( )1.1 usually get up at seven oclock in the morning.( )2.1 get to school at 7:30.( )3. At school, I have classes, read, and take tests.( )4. After school I go to work in a supermarke

197、t for two hours.( )5.1 have dinner with my friend.I fs MineA man finds a seat on the train, but there9s a bag on it. So he asks the woman besidethe seat, “I s it occupied( 占据) ? “ Yes, he will soon be back.” the woman answer. Theman is very tired. He sits down and says , “I will sit a while till he

198、comes back. Tenminutes later the train starts. Oh, the poor fellow. He loses the train, but he cant losehis bag. After these words, the man throws the bag out of the window. I ts mine.”The woman shouts out, but its too late.( )1. A man is looking for a seat on the train.( )2. The woman asks the man

199、to sit down beside her.)3. The man throws the bag out of the train.)4. The man sits down because the seat is not occupied.( ) 5. The bag is the womans.八、小练笔。请仿照第一篇阅读短文写写你一天的生活。( 5分)要求:语句通顺,意思连贯,书写整齐美观。英语六年级下册单元练习题(5-7)Cl a s s Na me Mark听力部分(30)听录音,选出你所听到的单词。( 5, )二、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。( 5, )()1. A. addre

200、ssB. agreeC.loudD. aloud()2. A. largeB. letterC. laterD. loud()3. A. mailB. missC. mistakeD. Maple()4. A. barkingB. packingC. sendingD. writing()5. A.tum offB. turn upC. turn downD. turn on( )1. A. Dont forget to send us a letter.B. Dont forget to send us an e-mail.C. Dont forget to write us a lette

201、r.( )2. A. I should help my mother every day.B. I should help my friend with Chinese.C. I should help my mother wash clothes.( )3. A. Whats the weather like there in autumn?B. Hows the weather there in winter?C. Whats the weather like there in spring?( )4. A. When are you leaving?B. When are you com

202、ing?C. When are you going?( )5. A. Did you finish writing a letter.B. Did you finish reading?C. Did you finish packing?三、听录音,判断你所听到的内容与下列句子是( 4 )否(x)相符.(5, )( )1. Which season do you like?Winter.( )2. How many bottles of milk do you want?( )3. I usually have milk for breakfast.( )4. Til be waiting f

203、or you letter.( )5. He usually goes to school on foot.四、听录音,根据问句选择正确的答语。( 5, )( )1. A. I ts cloudy and windy.B. We had a birthday party yesterday.( )2. A. I want to three slices of pizza.B. I want to three pieces of cake.( )3. A. On July 10th.B. On January 10lh.)4. A. Yes, there is.B. Yes, there are

204、.( ) 5. A. You can get there by bus.B. Take No.15 bus.五、听录音,把短文补充完整。( 10, )Jenny is sad today. She has some bad to tell xiaoxiao andQiaoqiao.Jenny tells him that she has to go back to Canada with her.“ When are you leaving? Xiaoxiao asks. On 10由 .“She hopes that Xiaoxiaoand Qiaoqiao can her someday

205、in Canada.They agree to keep inand write letters to each other.笔 试 部 分 ( 共70分)一、 词 汇 ( 20)A:将下列单词补充完整,并写出其汉语意思。( 5, )k d ret n 1 tt w t p ckB:按要求写出下列单词( 10, )1. rain ( 形容词)3. he ( 反身代词)5. tell ( 过去式)7. let、( 完整形式)9. how ( 打乱字母重组单词) 2. heavy ( 反义词)4. much ( 比较级)6. leave ( 现在分词)8. write ( 同音词)10. forg

206、et ( 过去式)C :根据句意提示,将单词补充完整。( 5, )1. I have s to tell you.2. How many s of pizza do you want?3. Please read it a.4. The letter is in the e.5. My family got together and had t dinner.二、选择正确的答案( 15, ) 1. We will be there one twenty.A. long B. by C. of D. up)2. How will it take to get there?A. long B. o

207、ften C. about D. in)3.1 have to go back to Canada my mother.A. from B. with C. of D. by()4. Fm _ _ to miss you.A. goingB. go C. goesD. went()5.1 will_ _ waiting for you .A. amB. are C. Thats this Saturday. Five_ days to go.A. moreB. much C. manyD. most()7. Thank you _ everything.A. aboutB

208、. fbr C. atD. with()8. Did you finish_ ?A.readB. readingC. to read D. re()9.1 have to _ _ to the hospital.A. goB. goes C. goingD. went()10. There are some letters J im.A. atB. in C. from D. with()11. Sarah wrote a letter_ you.A. toB. fbr C. atD. in()12. I s theremail for him?A. someB. many C. any D.

209、 much()13. I t_ _ cool and windy yesterday.A. isB. was c. areD. am()14. Why_ _ you come here and play with us?A. dont B. not C. didnt D. doesnt( )15.1 see inside the envelope .A. anything B. something C. some thing D. any thing三、句型转换。(10)l.We visited my grandparents yesterday . ( 用 next weekend 改写)2

210、.1 should watch too much TV . ( 变成否定句)3 .We will leave on March 14th.( 对划线部分提问)4 .Lily is writing a letter.( 变成过去式)5 .Did you have a big party?( 作肯定回答)四、阅读理解( 200Tom asks his friend Kate, “How many days are there in a week?”“Seven, of course.99 Answer Kate . Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursd

211、ay, Friday, Saturday.“Well, Kate, can you name five days of the week and not say Sunday, Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday?M“No, I cant, can you?” ask Kate.“Yes, I can. They are today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, yesterday, the daybefore yesterday.根据短文内容,判断下列各句是否正确。( 用 T 和

212、F 表示)( 1( F )( ) 1 How many days are there in a week?A. Five days. B. Seven days.C. Six days. D. Kate doesnt know.( ) 2、Which day is the third day in a week?A. Wednesday. B. The day after tomorrow.C. Tuesday. D. Thursday.( ) 3 Can Kate name the days of the week and not say Sunday, Monday.A. Yes, she

213、 can.C. No, she doesnt.B. Yes, she does.D. No, she can not.( )4、Can you guess “the day after tomorrow“ meaning?A.明天 B.昨天C.前天 D.后天( )5、Can you guess “the day before yesteday, meaning?A.明天 B.前天C.昨天 D.后天One day, Jack goes to a dinner party. He is wearing an old coat and trousers. Hecomes into the house

214、, but nobody looks at him and nobody gives him a seat at thetable. So he goes home putting on his good coat and new trousers and he goes to theparty again. This time, the host takes him to the good table and gives him a lot ofgood fish, meat, eggs and milk. Jack puts his good coat in a big plate and

215、 says, Eat,coat. The other people are very surprised and say, “What are you doing?” Jack says,“I am asking my coat to eat. When I m wearing an old coat and trousers, nobodygives me a seat and food. When I am wearing a good coat and new trousers and yougive me good food. So you give me these for my c

216、oat, not for me.”根据短文内容,完成下列各题。( 10)1、Where does Jack go one day?He goes to a .2、What is he wearing first?He is wearing an coat and.3、Does the host give him a seat?4、What does he do then?5、Does he get a good seat and much food?五、写作:给你在远方的好朋友写一封信好吗?注意写信的格式。( 5, )英语六年级下册期末检测题Cl a s s Na me Mark听力部分(30

217、)七、 听录音,选择你所听到的单词。( 5 分)()1.A. guitarB.pianoc.violin()2.A. everyoneB.everybodyc.everything()3.A. missB.mistakec.order()4.A. winterB.winnerc.writer()5.A. powerB.prizec.race八、 听录音,判断下面的句子是否与录音一致。( 10分)( )1. Jane is good at playing the violin.( )2. How many slices of pizza do you want?( )3. I have to g

218、o back to England with my parents.( )4. We sometimes eat pancakes on Monday( )5.1 dont want to participate in the show by myself九、 听录音,选出与你所内容意思相同或相符的句子。( 5 分)( )1. A. She usually goes to school by bike. B. He usually goes to school on foot.C. He usually walks to work.( )2. A. I ts ten to ten. B. I

219、ts ten to nine. C. I ts a quarter to ten.( )3. A. What kind of animal do you like? B. What kind of food do you want?C. What kind of pizza do you want?( )4. A. How can I get to the cinema? B. You can get there by bus. C. Take No.15 bus.( )5. A. I like math. B. My favorite subject is computer. C. Jenn

220、y is mybest friend.十、 听录音,补全短文。( 10分)I t is now, so they will the pizza one-twenty. When thep i z z a , the boys the TVMom the boys, slices of pizza do you?”笔试部分一、单词的字母已给出,请写出正确的单词,并写出汉语。( 10分)evelepon_ _ ehtwre_tsiviesizunsdoinpoagbmiiprezUemvolckap二、翻译下列词组。( 5 分)两块比萨饼 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 写信_

221、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 犯错误 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _十一点四十五一瓶汽水三、按要求写出相应的单词。( 10 分)lost( 原形) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _swim( 名词)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _have ( 第三人称单数)_ _ _ _ _ _ two(序数词)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _to( 同音词)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _child( 复数) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _they( 反身代词)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ here( 对应词)_ _ _

222、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _dance( 现在分 词) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _hurt(过 去 式) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _四、选择正确的答案,将其序号填在括号内( 5 分)()1 .当你要说昨天是感恩节时应说:A. I t is Thanksgiving Day today.B. I t was Thanksgiving Day yesterday.( ) 2. 当你要问别人是不是买了一些书应说:A. Did you buy any books?B. Did you want to buy any books ?()3. 问别人地址时应说

223、:A. Could you tell me your address?B. Could you tell me your telephone number.()4. 订餐时应说:A. I s there any mail for me? B. What kind of pizza do you want()5. 问答是否做完某事应说:A. Did you finish packing? B. When are you leaving?五、选 择 ( 10分)( )1. He playing chess.A. likes B. like C. liking( )2. Who can hel p.

224、A. she B. her C. He( )3. We can do it next time.A. better B. best C. Good( )4. Jim is good at the piano.A. laying B. play C. Plays( )5. Lets give her a big hand meansA. Lefs help her. B. Lets congratulate her on her success.C. Thanks her.( )6. Alice wants bread and milk breakfast.A. to B. for C. At(

225、 )7. We have a football game, ?A. did B. didnt C. had better( ) 8 . Do you f i ni s h?A. packing B. to pack C. for pack( ) 9. Can you see them?A. Thafs great. B. Of course. Yes, I can .( ) 10. I s there mail for me?A. some B. any C.六、句型转换( 15分)1. We visited my grandparents yesterday.( 用 next weekend

226、 改写)2. We usually go swimming on Sunday.( 一般疑问句)3. off TV have and lunch turn the ( 连词成句)4. I t takes about 15 hours to go to Shanghai by tra in .( 换线部分提问)5. Did your father learn English?( 回答问题)七、阅 读 ( 10分)Arent You Going to the Office Today?Bob works in an office. Every morning he has breakfast at

227、 half past seven, readshis newspaper, drinks a cup of coffee and then goes to work. One morning, he is stillsitting at the breakfast table and reading his newspaper at 8 oclock. He asks his wifefbr another cup of coffee. His wife is very confused( 疑惑的) and asks him, Arentyou going to the office toda

228、y?” “The office?* He jumps up from his chair, nI think Iam at the office.H( ) 1. Bob is an office clerk.( ) 2. Bob has breakfast at eight oclock.( ) 3. Bob doesnt drink coffee in the morning.( ) 4. Bob asks his wife fbr his coat.( ) 5. Bob thinks he is at the office.A Fox and the GrapesA fbx is look

229、ing for food. He is very hungry. Now he is stopping and looking up.He sees a lot of fine grapes at the top of the wall. nHow nice they are! I want to eatthem The fbx jumps and jumps , but the wall is too high. He cant get the grapes.The fox goes away and says ”I don*t like those grapes . They are no

230、t good to eat.( )1. The fbx is looking forA. grapes B. fruits C. food( )2. The fbx wants to eat them, so he.A. runs and runs B. jumps and jumps C. goes away( )3. The wall is too fbr the fbx to get the grapes.A. high B. low C. Far( )4. The fbx goes away becaus e.A. the grapes are not good B. he can*t

231、 get them C. he isnt hung( )5. The fbx.A. doesnt like grapes. B. likes grapes ,but he cant get the grapes. C. likesgrapes , he can get the grapes.八、小练笔:写写你的家庭成员,可以是你的父母,也可以是你的兄弟姐妹,赶快动笔吧,一定要注意书写。( 5 分)听了参考资料1-2单元听力材料一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词1. book 2. mark 3. sings 4. mouse 5. gold二、 听录音, 根据你所听到的对话和问题选择正确答案。 (

232、 10分)1. Man: What are you doing now?Woman: I am reading a novel. Do you like reading novels?Man: No, I dont. I like reading story books.Question: What does the man like?2. Woman: Henry is as tall as James, isnt he?Man: No, he isnt. Henry is the tallest in my class.Question: Who is the tallest? Henry

233、 or James?3. Woman: Tony draws pictures the best, isnt he?Man: Yes, it is. But Fm not good at drawing pictures.Question: Dose the man good at drawing pictures?4. Woman: What are you doing?Man: Tm practicing the violin. Fm preparing for a talent show.Question: What is the man doing?1. Something is mi

234、ssing.Question: Whats missing?三、听录音,把句子补充完整。( 5 分)1. He is playing the drum.2. She is a famous writer.3. Without a pianist, you cant make a good band.4. I want to do something interesting.5. My father goes to work by bike.四、听录音,完成短文。( 每小题1 分,共 10分)Today is Sunday. No. 5 Middle School is having a spo

235、rts meeting. Students are enjoying theevents ( 竞赛) . I n the 1,000 meter race, Li Lei is running much faster than the other boys and hisfriends are cheering for him. At last, he breaks our school record. He is the winner . Look! LinHong is jumping . Who can jump higher than Lin Hong ? I ts Wang Dand

236、an. She jumps thehighest of all.3-4听力材料:听录音,判断正误。1 When is our turn ? We are next, Lefs go . Question : When is our turn ?2 Who won the race ? Betty did . How about Jenny ? She won the second prize .Question : Who won the race ?3 How was the talent show ? I t wasnt too bad . Question : How was the t

237、alentshow ?4 You look down , Jim . What happened to you ? I lost my money . I ts veryimportant. Question : Whats wrong with you ?二、听录音,将句子补充完整。1 I cant hear the TV .2 Please turn up the volume .3 I ts already a quarter to twelve .4 What do you want for lunch ?5 We usually eat pizza on Sunday .三、听录音,

238、判断下列句子的正( T) 误( F)1 The winner of the race is Tim .2 I made some mistake in the exam .3 Peter is the best runner in my class .4 You can do it better next time .5 She is not the champion . She got the second prize .四、听短文,选择正确的答案。Today is Childrens Day . I joined a party with my friends . We played so

239、megames . I was the best runner in the game . I won the race , so I got the first prize .However , I made a mistake in the tennis game . I didnt win the prize . I think I cando it better next time . Today , I was so happy . I t was a wonderful day .期中听力材料一、听录音,判断正误。( 8 分)1. make a cake 2. good playe

240、r 3. too old 4. perfect timing 5.talent show 6. address 7. turn up 8. proud of二、听录音,选择与你所听内容相符的答语。( 10分)1. Did you stay at home yesterday?2. What day was it?3. When do you have a PE class?4. Whafs your phone number?5. What do you usually eat on Sunday?三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。( 5 分)1. I fs my turn to buy tic

241、kets.2.1 want to do something interesting.3. Why dont you play the guitar ?4. We are practicing for the talent show.5. Do you want pancakes fbr breakfast?四、听录音,补全短文。( 7 分)Today is the day of the talent show. Lucy and Linda participated in the show. Lucy isa piano player and Linda is a guitar player.

242、 They didnt win in the show. But we knowthey did their best. We are proud of them.5-7单元听力材料一、1.aloud 2. letter 3. mistake 4.packing 5.turn off二、1. Dont forget to send us an e-mail.2.1 should help my mother every day.3. Whats the weather like there in spring?4. When are you coming?5. Did you finish p

243、acking?三、1.-1 like winter,which season do you like?一Me,too.2 .-I m thirsty. I want some water.- How many bottles of water do you want?-Three.3 . - I usually have juice fbr lunch.4 .ril be writing a letter to you.5 .-How do you go to school?- I walk to school.四、l.Whafs the weather like today?2 .How m

244、any pieces of cake do you want?3 .When are you going in winter holiday?4 .1s there any mail for you?5.How can you get there?五、Jenny is sad today. She has some bad new to tell xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao.Jennytells him that she has to go back to Canada with her parents. When are youleaving? Xiaoxiao asks.

245、On July 10th.MShe hopes that Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao canvisit her someday in Canada.They agree to keep in touch and write letters to eachother.Lz工4.听XI/X17、z(z/z(x-期末听力材料一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。( 5 分)pianoeveryonemistakewriter多判断下面的句子是否与录音一致。( 10分)1. Jane is good at playing the piano.2. How many slices of bre

246、ad do you want?3.1 have to go back to England with my friends.4. We sometimes eat pancakes on Monday.5.1 dont want to participate in the show by myself.三、听录音,选出与你所内容意思相同或相符的句子。( 5 分)1. He usually walks to school.2. I ts ten to ten.3. What kind of pizza do you want?4. You can get there by bus.5. Fm good at calculating.四、听录音,补全短文。( 10分)I t is twelve now, so they will have the pizza by one-twenty. When the pizzaarrives, the boys turn off the TVMom asks the boys, “How many slices of pizza do you want?”



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