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1、大学英语四级翻译技巧大学英语四级翻译技巧1拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎一、题型简介一、题型简介在四级新题型考试中,翻译题所占分值为5%,时间为5分钟,由5个句子组成,要求考生将句子的一部分由中文翻译成英文。它考查的内容主要包括两部分,一是意群的表达,二是句法。2拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎二、应试技巧二、应试技巧1)首先,确定考点关键考点关键(词组或语法结构),寻找可能的英文相应表达;2)然后,利用相应的语法结构或功能连接方式(connectives)将词组连接起来;3)最后,结合待翻译的文字在

2、句子中所处的位置与功能,根据句法结构理顺语言。3拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎三、翻译常见问题和应对政策三、翻译常见问题和应对政策 1).理解表达不到位是翻译的最大问题。2).理解关键在于理解句子的语法结构。 3)表达关键在于用符合英语语言的习惯来做适当调整。 4)加强句法和和词汇基础,持之以恒。 4拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎四、翻译标准方法步骤四、翻译标准方法步骤1).标准:准确、通顺、完整。2).方法:以直译为主适当意译。3).步骤: 通读全句,准确理解。 分析成分,划分意群。 选择词义,贴

3、切表达。 适当调整,书写译文。5拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎五、五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译某些特殊句型、结构的翻译pA.定语从句与同位语从句的区别:定语从句与同位语从句的区别:p1).定语从句先行词可以是任何名词,而同位语从句先定语从句先行词可以是任何名词,而同位语从句先行词相当有限,例如:行词相当有限,例如:conclusion, fact, news, idea, belief, message, hope, evidence, opinion, problem, thought, understanding p2).同位语从句中同位语

4、从句中 that 不在从句中充当任何成分,定不在从句中充当任何成分,定语从句语从句 that 充当一定句子成分。充当一定句子成分。pB. 定语定语 1).分词短语作定语分词短语作定语 2).不定式作定语不定式作定语 3).介词短语介词短语作定语作定语4).形容词做定语形容词做定语 上述成分做定语时,一般来说,应把定语翻译在中心上述成分做定语时,一般来说,应把定语翻译在中心词前面。词前面。 6拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎p The problem lies in how people look at those students _(专心追求知识

5、的). pwho are kownledge-oriented/absorbed in acquiring kownledge/absorbed in pursuing knowledgep超级单词sth.-oriented追求,orient n.东方adj.东方的,上升的vi.向东 vt.使适应、确定方向。oriented导向的,其实这里可以很多种译法。7拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎p13. Im not accustomed to such luxury, _ (它简直是浪费钱).pwhich is just a waste of mone

6、y8拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎五、五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译某些特殊句型、结构的翻译pC.倒装结构:倒装结构:pHere comes the bus.pHere you are.p完全倒装:谓语动词全部移到主语的前面完全倒装:谓语动词全部移到主语的前面 The child ran away. Away ran the child. 作用:有动感p)一些标志副词 Out/in/off/up/down/away/here/therep2)开头是状语9拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎五、五、 某些特

7、殊句型、结构的翻译某些特殊句型、结构的翻译p部部分分倒倒装装:把把助助动动词词或或者者是是情情态态动动词词放放在在主主语语的前面的前面p(1).表示表示“也(不)也(不)pI like this book. So does he. (so/neither/nor 放在句首,后面用不完全到装放在句首,后面用不完全到装)p(2).as引导让步状语从句时,从句的表语可以放在最前面:Great as Newton was, many of his ideas (have been challenged) today and are being modified by the work of scien

8、tists of our time. Much as he likes her, he does get annoyed with her sometimes.10拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎五、五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译某些特殊句型、结构的翻译p(3).含有否定意义的词放在句首,要用部分含有否定意义的词放在句首,要用部分倒装倒装: Never/little/few/hardly/scarcely/seldom/in no way/ no longer/ on no account/ under no circumstancep(4).关关

9、于于only:加加状状语语放放在在句句首首,后后面面要要用部分倒装用部分倒装:pOnly under special circumstances are freshmen permitted to take make_ up tests.11拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎pIf you wont agree to our plan,_( 他们也不会同意 ). pneither will theyp Only after I slapped him on the back _( 他才发现我并高兴得叫起来 ).pdid he notice me an

10、d shouted with happiness 12拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎五、五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译某些特殊句型、结构的翻译pD. 比较结构比较结构 1). Asas 2). not so as 3). rather A,than B 与其说B,不如说A 4). less A,more B 与其说A,不如说BpThere engines are_ (不如我们制造的那些发动机功率大) . pless powerful than the ones we have made pE. 并列结构并列结构 两个或两个以上的并列成分有明显的连

11、词标记或标点符号连接,如: and, or, but, both and, neithernor, not but, not onlybut also等。13拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎五、五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译某些特殊句型、结构的翻译pF. 否定结构否定结构 p1).部分否定:部分否定:若否定句中出 all,both,every,each 等类似词语,则表部分否部分否定定。 2).形状否定:形状否定: 例如: His contribution can not be exaggerated. 他的贡献极大。 You can never

12、be careful enough. 你必须多加小心。 14拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎pMost people tend to believe that the newer, the better, _ ( 尽管并不总是这样 ).pthough that is not always the case15拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎五、五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译某些特殊句型、结构的翻译pF. 否定结构否定结构 p3).形式肯定,内容否定形式肯定,内容否定 He is anything but

13、 / except a scholar. 他绝不是一个学者。 Swimming here is far from / not at all dangerous. 在此游泳毫无危险。 He is the last person I want to meet. 他是我最不想见的人。16拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎五、五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译某些特殊句型、结构的翻译pG. 形式主语形式主语p翻译方法固定,可当作短语直接翻译在句子最前面。 It is reported that 据报道It is estimated that 据估计 It is

14、conjectured that 据推测 It must be admitted that 必须承认 It can not be denied that / There is no denying that 不可否认 It can be said without fear / exaggeration that 可以毫不夸张地说 17拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎p_ ( 据说 ) the painter used his aunt as the model in that painting.pIt is said that18拍拍在线才智 QQ

15、523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎五、五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译某些特殊句型、结构的翻译H. 强调结构:还原强调部分,直接翻译。强调结构:还原强调部分,直接翻译。It is _(重要的不是谁来统治我们重要的不是谁来统治我们), but how he rules us. not who rules us that is important19拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎五、五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译某些特殊句型、结构的翻译I.情态动词的完成式。情态动词的完成式。The room is in a terrible

16、mess; it _ (肯定没肯定没打扫过打扫过) . p4.cant have been cleanedp情态动词+have done表示推测,must/can/may/might/could/should/pneed/ought to各用于不同句型中20拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎五、五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译某些特殊句型、结构的翻译J. 非谓语动词非谓语动词I dont mind your_(你延期做出决定你延期做出决定) the decision as long as it is not too late. delaying mak

17、ingmind作及物动词,后面通常接名词、代词、V-ing形式、复合结构、从句等。I have had great deal of of trouble_.(跟得上班上跟得上班上的其他同学的其他同学) keeping up with the rest of the class.trouble可以用在句型“have trouble doing sth. ” 做某事有困难“中,这时,trouble可以用difficulty来代替。When I _(发现他骗我发现他骗我) I stopped buying thins there and started dealing with another sh

18、op.caught /found him cheating mefind/catch+宾语+宾补,如I found him standing by the river.Your losses in trade this year are nothing _ (与我相比与我相比). compared with mine21拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎pHis remarks left me _( 想知道他的真实目的 ). p wondering about his real purposepleave sb doing 让继续处于某种状态;lea

19、ve sb to do sth 让某人干某事22拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎五、五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译某些特殊句型、结构的翻译K. 虚拟语气虚拟语气If you had_ ( 听从了听从了我的劝告,你就不会陷入麻烦我的劝告,你就不会陷入麻烦) followed my advice, you would not be in trouble now.虚拟语气在虚拟语气在if 引导的条件句中的用法引导的条件句中的用法I suggested he _ (使使自己适应自己适应) his new conditions. should adapt h

20、imself to要用虚拟语气的相关动词如:insist,demand,order,ask,advise等。 23拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎五、五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译某些特殊句型、结构的翻译L.状语从句状语从句The little boy next door has been beating his drum for a whole morning, which got on my nerves so much _( 以至于我无法集中注意力学习以至于我无法集中注意力学习 ).that I have no way to concentr

21、ate on my studyThe scientist tried to convince us that a tiger would not attack us _( 除非它走投无路除非它走投无路 ).punless its corneredp超级单词超级单词unless除非,如果不除非,如果不;corner名词作名词作角落、角落、绝路绝路,作为及物动词时表示,作为及物动词时表示无路可走无路可走.p_(每当天气不好时每当天气不好时), he takes whatever umbrella he can find.pwhenever the weather is bad24拍拍在线才智 QQ

22、523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎五、五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译某些特殊句型、结构的翻译M.名词性从句名词性从句_ (给我印象最深的给我印象最深的) were her liveliness and sense of humor.What impressed me the most25拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎五、五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译某些特殊句型、结构的翻译N.独立主格结构。独立主格结构。_ (随着时间的流逝随着时间的流逝), they forgot their bitter sufferings. Wi

23、th time flying As time fliesWith the passage of time_ (很多朋友不在), we decided to put the meeting off.With many friends absent 26拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎五、五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译某些特殊句型、结构的翻译O . 时态时态,语态语态By the time you get to New York, I_(已经动身去已经动身去) London. shall have left for27拍拍在线才智 QQ52345836

24、7 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎五、五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译某些特殊句型、结构的翻译N. 短语短语be entitled toas far as sb. is concernedprefer to do rather than doobject tolet aloneturn a blind eye toturn to for helpplay a part/role in adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯于使自己适应或习惯于28拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎五、五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译某些特殊句型、结构

25、的翻译lose contact with/lose touch with vary from to 各不相同 be used to+doing/noun be devoted to at the cost of(以为代价),其含义和用法与at the expense of相同。另at all costs意为不惜一切代价. “attributeto”,“把归因于”是大学英语四级考查率极高的一个语言点。letdown(使失望) 29拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎五、五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译某些特殊句型、结构的翻译take into accoun

26、t=take into consideration 把把考虑在内考虑在内the more, the more句型常表示句型常表示越越就越就越, cannot+enough句型中该句型形式上是否定句型,实际上表达的是肯定意义,意思是再也不过分;越越“There is no doubt that despite =in spite ofregardlesswhethe or30拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎pThe substance does not dissolve in water _ (不管是否加热).pwhether (it is) hea

27、ted or not31拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎五、五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译某些特殊句型、结构的翻译attribute to put off=postponecall off=cancel would rather thanrather than =instead ofhave access totake the risk (of) impose tax on resort to force but for32拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎pbe aware of papprove of

28、 pkeep an eye onpat intervals pmany as wellpnot so muchas和not so much as pNothing is morethan和Nothing is so as结构 pcannottoo结构,cannottoo意为It is impossible to overdo或者,即无论怎样也不算过分。not可换用hardly,scarcely等,too可换用enough,sufficient等33拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎pnone other than 意为不是别人正是。(表惊讶)peg:

29、The winner of the speech was none other than Tom who doesnt talk much in daily life.no other than意为正是或只有peg:It is no other than my mother.p Nothing but 只有pNothing but a miracle can save her life. 只有奇迹才能挽救她的生命。panything but点也不,决不是 34拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎六、实战练习六、实战练习u以下是样题所提供的以下是样题所提

30、供的5个翻译句子,我们根据其内容来推个翻译句子,我们根据其内容来推测可能考查的知识点:测可能考查的知识点:(87).The substance does not dissolve in water _(不管是否加热不管是否加热)。本句意为:不管是否加热,这种物质都不会溶解于水。本句意为:不管是否加热,这种物质都不会溶解于水。u前半句所给的信息并不重要,考生凭四级词汇知识可以前半句所给的信息并不重要,考生凭四级词汇知识可以理解理解substance(物质物质)和和dissolve(溶解溶解)两个单词的两个单词的意义。考虑提示部分的汉语,意义。考虑提示部分的汉语, “不管不管是否是否”即即“whe

31、ther or ”,很容易找到这个对应结构。关键,很容易找到这个对应结构。关键点在于对点在于对“加热加热”的理解,是主动还是被动处理,从上的理解,是主动还是被动处理,从上下文意义推断出是下文意义推断出是 water被加热,所以我们采用被动方被加热,所以我们采用被动方式,即式,即whether (it is) heated or not,填入部分,填入部分作让步状语从句,作让步状语从句,it is可以被省略。可以被省略。35拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎六、实战练习六、实战练习u考查重点:考查重点:从句知识:尤其让步状语从句,注意复习从句知识:尤其

32、让步状语从句,注意复习whether or, though, no matter how, as等表达的用法。等表达的用法。分词用法:注意辨别现在分词和过去分词,同时分词用法:注意辨别现在分词和过去分词,同时考虑动词被动语态的运用。考虑动词被动语态的运用。36拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎六、实战练习六、实战练习u88).Not only _ (他向我收费过高他向我收费过高),but he didnt do a good repair job either.本句意为:他不但向我收费过高,而且东西修理得不怎么本句意为:他不但向我收费过高,而且东西修

33、理得不怎么样。样。u本句中要考虑两个层面,首先是动词本句中要考虑两个层面,首先是动词“收费收费”的对应词,的对应词,应当是应当是“charge”。“过高过高”则往往使用则往往使用too high或或too much, 由于主体内容是金钱而不是温度,我们用经由于主体内容是金钱而不是温度,我们用经常搭配的常搭配的“much”。更加巧妙的用词是。更加巧妙的用词是“overcharge”,恰好可以把意思归并到一起。还要考虑的是本句中恰好可以把意思归并到一起。还要考虑的是本句中 “not onlybut”结构中出现了否定词前置到句首的现象,结构中出现了否定词前置到句首的现象,自然是倒装句的标志。结合后半

34、句的一般过去时形式,我自然是倒装句的标志。结合后半句的一般过去时形式,我们不得不把助动词们不得不把助动词did提炼出来,按照倒装结构翻译成提炼出来,按照倒装结构翻译成“Not only did he charge me too much”或者或者 “Not only did he overcharge me”。37拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎六、实战练习六、实战练习u考查重点:考查重点:倒装句结构中的否定词前置现象。类似的知识点还倒装句结构中的否定词前置现象。类似的知识点还要注意要注意Never/Neither/Hardly/Scarcely等

35、等否定词在句首的倒装情况。否定词在句首的倒装情况。38拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎六、实战练习六、实战练习u(89). Your losses in trade this year are nothing _(与我与我的相比的相比)。本句意为本句意为“你在生意中的损失与我的相比不值一题。你在生意中的损失与我的相比不值一题。”u翻译时有两个知识点容易出错,首先,翻译时有两个知识点容易出错,首先,“与与相比相比”考查词组知识,四级程度同学应当掌握考查词组知识,四级程度同学应当掌握“compared with”或者或者 “in comparison

36、with”, 但常有考生把但常有考生把 “compare with”与与“compare to”(把把比做比做)混淆,或者没有考虑过混淆,或者没有考虑过去分词形式。此外,去分词形式。此外,“我的我的”应当使用物主代词所应当使用物主代词所有格有格“mine”,此处不宜写成,此处不宜写成“my losses”。39拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎六、实战练习六、实战练习u考查重点:考查重点:词组知识:需要考生把握大批类似词组知识:需要考生把握大批类似compare with以及名词形式以及名词形式in comparison with的词组的词组或短语,

37、其中固定搭配需要使用的介词副词非常或短语,其中固定搭配需要使用的介词副词非常重要。重要。分词形式:在句子中做修饰成分与前者构成主动被分词形式:在句子中做修饰成分与前者构成主动被动关系至关重要。动关系至关重要。40拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎六、实战练习六、实战练习u(90). On average, it is said, visitors spend only _(一半的钱一半的钱) in a day in Leeds as in London.本句意为:据说,游客平均一天在利兹花掉的钱只有在伦本句意为:据说,游客平均一天在利兹花掉的钱只有在

38、伦敦的一半那么多。敦的一半那么多。u显然本句在拿显然本句在拿asas结构做文章。因为是比较关系,结构做文章。因为是比较关系,把在把在Leeds和在和在London的费用做比较,所以后半句有的费用做比较,所以后半句有明确的明确的“as”一词。空缺部分是要有一词。空缺部分是要有 “as”,还要有还要有 “half”和和“money”。关键是次序如何调理。根据比较。关键是次序如何调理。根据比较结构中的倍数原则,倍数数字放在最开始,接下去有关于结构中的倍数原则,倍数数字放在最开始,接下去有关于量的量的 as much + n. + as, 因此本句要填入因此本句要填入 “half as much mo

39、ney”。41拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎六、实战练习六、实战练习u考查重点:比较结构:本句考查同级比较中的倍数考查重点:比较结构:本句考查同级比较中的倍数关系,类似表达还有关系,类似表达还有twice as much (many) as42拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎六、实战练习六、实战练习u(91). By contrast, American mothers were more likely_ (把孩子的成功归因于把孩子的成功归因于) natural talent.本句意为:相比较,美国的

40、母亲们更可能把孩本句意为:相比较,美国的母亲们更可能把孩子的成功归因于天赋。子的成功归因于天赋。u 本句再次在词组方面进行考查,本句再次在词组方面进行考查,“把把归因于归因于”是大学英语四级考查率极高的一个语言点,有时表是大学英语四级考查率极高的一个语言点,有时表达因果关系最复杂的动词词组。应当熟练把握达因果关系最复杂的动词词组。应当熟练把握 “attributeto”的拼写和用法。此外,不要的拼写和用法。此外,不要忽略另外一个词的用法忽略另外一个词的用法,“be likely to ”表示表示“容易容易”、“可能可能”等意义,稍不小心就会把等意义,稍不小心就会把to漏掉。漏掉。总之,需要填入

41、的部分拼贴在一起就是总之,需要填入的部分拼贴在一起就是“to attribute their childrens success to”。43拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎六、实战练习六、实战练习u考查重点:动词词组,表示因果关系的考查重点:动词词组,表示因果关系的attribute to。需要熟练掌握用法的还有。需要熟练掌握用法的还有lead to, result in, result from, be to blame for, be responsible for。另外,还要。另外,还要学会使用拼写类似的词组学会使用拼写类似的词组 cont

42、ribute to,表示,表示“有助于,对有助于,对做出贡献做出贡献”。44拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎六、实战练习六、实战练习u特别提示:特别提示:仔细研究以上样题的考点,不难发现仔细研究以上样题的考点,不难发现新四级虽然放弃了专门的词汇语法结构题型,翻新四级虽然放弃了专门的词汇语法结构题型,翻译部分仍就译部分仍就重点考查了各类词组语法(倒装句、重点考查了各类词组语法(倒装句、虚拟语气、分词、从句、词组)的知识虚拟语气、分词、从句、词组)的知识,而且全,而且全是原来四级题目中的重点。准备新四级千万不要是原来四级题目中的重点。准备新四级千万不要

43、与以往的知识割裂,我们所说的与以往的知识割裂,我们所说的“万变不离其宗万变不离其宗”就是这个道理,熟练掌握就是这个道理,熟练掌握四级大纲规定的词汇、四级大纲规定的词汇、词组、语法知识词组、语法知识,并且活学活用,才不会被千变,并且活学活用,才不会被千变万化的题型吓倒。万化的题型吓倒。 45拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎七、翻译练习安排七、翻译练习安排u 1). 时间以每天时间以每天30分钟为宜。分钟为宜。 2). 借用借用英英字典英英字典养成良好的养成良好的英文思维习惯英文思维习惯。 3). 坚持每天练习:坚持每天练习:3-5分钟做翻译分钟做翻译

44、(卡表做卡表做),8-12分钟调整译文,结合词典、语法书对照答案。分钟调整译文,结合词典、语法书对照答案。 4). 可以每天做阅读中的难句一句。可以每天做阅读中的难句一句。46拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎Ex.Ex.Translate the following sentences into English.Translate the following sentences into English.1. 1. 要要要要是是是是他他他他适适适适合合合合当当当当校校校校长长长长,那那那那么么么么哪哪哪哪个个个个学学学学生生生生都都都都可可可可以以

45、以以当当当当。(no no morethanmorethan)no morethanno morethanHe He is is no no more more fit fit to to be be a a headmasterheadmaster than than any any schoolboy schoolboy would be.would be.47拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎2. 2. 至至至至于于于于她她她她的的的的父父父父亲亲亲亲,她她她她不不不不敢敢敢敢肯肯肯肯定定定定是是是是否否否否会会会会接接接接收收收收她她她她和和

46、和和她她她她的的的的小小小小孩孩孩孩。(as (as for)for)as foras fornot sure whethernot sure whetherAs As for for her her father, father, she she is is not not sure sure whether whether he he will will accept accept her and her baby.her and her baby.48拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎undermineunderminewhilewhileSt

47、aying Staying up up latelate will will undermine undermine ones ones health health while while going going to to bed early and getting up earlybed early and getting up early will benefit it. will benefit it.3. 3. 晚睡会损害健康而早睡早起有益于健康。晚睡会损害健康而早睡早起有益于健康。晚睡会损害健康而早睡早起有益于健康。晚睡会损害健康而早睡早起有益于健康。(undermine)(und

48、ermine)49拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎conveyconveyThe The ambassador ambassador personally personally conveyed conveyed the the presidents presidents message to the premier. message to the premier. 4. 4. 大使亲自向总理转达了总统的问候。大使亲自向总理转达了总统的问候。大使亲自向总理转达了总统的问候。大使亲自向总理转达了总统的问候。(convey)(convey)person

49、allypersonally50拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎5. 5. 这这这这个个个个女女女女孩孩孩孩决决决决定定定定敞敞敞敞开开开开心心心心扉扉扉扉,把把把把她她她她看看看看见见见见的的的的一一一一切切切切都都都都告告告告诉诉诉诉警警警警方方方方。(open up)(open up)open upopen upwhat she had what she had seenseenThe The girl girl decided decided to to open open up up and and tell tell the the p

50、olice police what what she she had seen.had seen.51拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎6. 6. 过过过过量量量量的的的的运运运运动动动动对对对对身身身身体体体体健健健健康康康康弊弊弊弊多多多多利利利利少少少少,所所所所以以以以我我我我们们们们必必必必须须须须控控控控制制制制运运运运动动动动量。量。量。量。(do more harm than good)(do more harm than good) P.47P.47excessiveexcessivedo more harm do more har

51、m than goodthan goodExcessive Excessive exercises exercises does does more more harm harm than than good good to to ones ones health. health. Therefore Therefore we we must must control control the the amount amount of of exercise exercise we do.we do.52拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎7. 7. 他

52、他他他几几几几次次次次试试试试图图图图加加加加入入入入他他他他们们们们的的的的谈谈谈谈话话话话,但但但但都都都都由由由由于于于于胆胆胆胆小小小小而而而而放放放放弃弃弃弃了了了了。(make a few attempts to)(make a few attempts to)make a few make a few attempts toattempts toHe He made made a a few few attempts attempts to to join join in in their their conversation, conversation, but but he

53、gave up out of timidness.he gave up out of timidness.timidnesstimidness53拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎8. 8. 就方便快捷而言,火车无法与飞机竞争。就方便快捷而言,火车无法与飞机竞争。就方便快捷而言,火车无法与飞机竞争。就方便快捷而言,火车无法与飞机竞争。(in terms of)(in terms of)in terms ofin terms ofTrains Trains cannot cannot compete compete with with planes p

54、lanes in in terms terms of of convenience and speed.convenience and speed.54拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎9. 9. 就就就就中中中中美美美美文文文文化化化化作作作作一一一一对对对对比比比比会会会会有有有有助助助助于于于于你你你你尽尽尽尽快快快快明明明明白白白白和和和和适适适适应应应应在在在在美美美美国国国国的的的的学习环境。学习环境。学习环境。学习环境。(a comparison of)(a comparison of)a comparison ofa comparis

55、on ofadapt toadapt toMaking Making a a comparison comparison between between Chinese Chinese and and American American cultures cultures will will help help you you to to better better understand understand and and adapt adapt to to your study environment in the USA.your study environment in the USA

56、.55拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎10.10. 在在在在公公公公共共共共汽汽汽汽车车车车上上上上年年年年轻轻轻轻人人人人给给给给老老老老弱弱弱弱病病病病残残残残让让让让座座座座是是是是中中中中国国国国人人人人的的的的传传传传统统统统美美美美德德德德。(yield)(yield)yield their seats toyield their seats toIt It is is a a traditional traditional Chinese Chinese virtue virtue for for the the young youn

57、g on on buses buses to to yield yield their their seats seats to to the the old, old, the the weak, weak, the the sick sick and and the the disabled.disabled.56拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎11.11.11.11.她她她她将将将将她她她她的的的的少少少少年年年年时时时时代代代代描描描描绘绘绘绘成成成成一一一一个个个个幻幻幻幻想想想想和和和和发发发发现现现现的的的的时时时时期期期期。(por

58、tray as)(portray as) P.126wonder and discoverywonder and discoveryShe She portrayed portrayed her her childhood childhood as as a a time time of of wonder wonder and and discovery.discovery.57拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎12.12. 试试验验表表明明,不不抽抽烟烟的的人人比比抽抽烟烟的的人人在在工工作作中中犯犯的的错错误误要要少少。(fewer than)

59、 Experiments showcommittedExperiments Experiments showed showed that that non-smokers non-smokers committed committed fewer fewer errors than smokers.errors than smokers. 58拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎13.13.球球迷迷经经常常受受到到人人们们的的重重视视,不不是是因因为为他他们们自自身身的的成成功功,而而是是因为他们支持的球队获得胜利。因为他们支持的球队获得胜利。(not

60、 but)be highly regardedFootball Football fans fans are are often often highly highly regarded regarded notnot for for their their own own achievement, achievement, butbut through through their their connection connection to to a a team team that that wins.wins.59拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级

61、军炎14.14.尽尽管管演演技技高高超超,这这部部长长达达3 3个个小小时时的的电电影影还还是是未未能能抓抓住住我我们们的注意力。的注意力。(despite)wonderful actinghold our attentionhold our attentionDespite Despite the the wonderful wonderful acting, acting, the the three-hour three-hour movie movie could could not not hold our attention.hold our attention. 60拍拍在线才智

62、 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎15.15.王教授是我唯一指望能救我儿子的大夫(王教授是我唯一指望能救我儿子的大夫(rely on)Professor Professor Wang Wang is is the the only only doctor doctor I I can can rely rely on on to to save save my my son.son.61拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎16.16.我们认为你的建议不恰当,应该放弃。我们认为你的建议不恰当,应该放弃。(in place)

63、 P.132give it up We dont think your proposal quite in place, so you should give it up.62拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎17.17.他到家时,发现家里只有一些老人和病人。他到家时,发现家里只有一些老人和病人。(nothing but)the aged and the sick When he arrived, he found nothing but the aged and the sick at home.63拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:

64、/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎18.18.就就这这台台发发动动机机的的状状况况而而言言,它它即即使使能能发发动动也也是是奇奇迹迹了了。(given)start Given the condition of the engine, it is a wonder that it even starts.64拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎19.19.从从就就业业来来说说,旅旅馆馆业业是是这这个个国国家家的的第第二二大大产产业业。(in terms of)employmentindustry In terms of employment, the hot

65、el industry is the second largest industry in this country.65拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎20.20.这这个个国国家家里里, ,不不管管肤肤色色如如何何,每每一一个个人人都都有有权权住住在在他他想想住住的的地方。地方。(regardless of)the color of his skin Everyone in this country has the right to live where he wants to, regardless of the color of his sk

66、in.66拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎21.21.21.21.虽虽虽虽然然然然他他他他说说说说他他他他为为为为此此此此事事事事做做做做了了了了很很很很多多多多努努努努力力力力,但但但但是是是是他他他他的的的的成成成成功功功功至至至至少少少少部部部部分分分分是是是是由于他运气好。由于他运气好。由于他运气好。由于他运气好。(in part(in part)P.151P.151the casethe casedue todue toAlthough he said he had done a lot for the case, his success

67、 Although he said he had done a lot for the case, his success was at least in part due to luck.was at least in part due to luck.67拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎22.22.将将要要讨讨论论的的议议题题非非常常关关键键,因因为为它它将将决决定定很很多多人人的的未未来来。(issue)criticalcriticaldeterminedetermine The issue to be discussed is critic

68、al, because it will determine The issue to be discussed is critical, because it will determine the future of many people.the future of many people.68拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎23.23.我将尽量避免将我的观点强加于别人。我将尽量避免将我的观点强加于别人。(impose on)try my best to avoidtry my best to avoidIll try my best to av

69、oid imposing my ideas on others.Ill try my best to avoid imposing my ideas on others. 69拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎24.24.在在那那种种情情况况下下,很很少少有有人人能能够够正正视视自自己己性性格格上上的的缺缺点点。(rarely, face up to) the defects in their the defects in their own charactersown charactersin such a situationin such a s

70、ituation Rarely can people face up to the defects in their own Rarely can people face up to the defects in their own characters in such a situation.characters in such a situation.70拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎25.25.大学生活大学生活被称为被称为人的一生中最美丽的阶段。人的一生中最美丽的阶段。( refer to as)College life is referr

71、ed to as the most beautiful period of ones life.College life is referred to as the most beautiful period of ones life.71拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎26.26.总总的的来来讲讲,他他是是一一个个很很有有学学问问的的人人,尤尤其其是是在在数数学学领领域域。但但当当涉涉及及到到政政治治时时他他就就什什么么也也不不知知道道了了。(when it comes to) P.157Generally speakingespecially

72、in the field of mathematic scienceGenerally speaking he is quite learned, especially in the field of mathematic science. However, when it comes to the politics, he knows nothing.72拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎27.27. 从从他他们们对对10001000名名没没上上过过大大学学的的工工人人进进行行的的调调查查结结果果来来看看,高考的失利对他们的生活有着很深远的影响。高

73、考的失利对他们的生活有着很深远的影响。(profound)According to the surveyhad a profound effect onAccording to the survey they made of the 1000 workers who missed out on the chance to go to university, the failure in the college entrance examinations had a profound effect on their later life.,73拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/

74、收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎28.28.由由于于成成本本的的提提高高,雇雇主主们们拒拒绝绝为为雇雇员员支支付付退退休休金金。另另一一方方面面,雇员们也不愿意一辈子待在一家公司。雇员们也不愿意一辈子待在一家公司。( (on the flip side)Owing to the cost riseOwing to the cost rise, employers refuse to pay the retirement pension for their employees. On the flip side / on the other hand, employees are unwilling

75、to stay in the same company for their whole lives.74拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎29.29.既既然然你你已已经经告告诉诉我我谁谁应应该该对对此此事事负负责责,我我就就不不再再作作进进一一步步追追查了。查了。(pursue) take the responsibility for the matterSince you have told me who should take the responsibility for the matter, I will not pursue any fur

76、ther.75拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎30.30.即即使使是是在在最最忙忙的的季季节节,我我也也要要每每天天尽尽量量腾腾出出半半小小时时时时间间锻炼身体。锻炼身体。(set aside) even in the busiest season I will try to set aside half an hour each day to do some exercise even in the busiest season.76拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎无无无无论论论论

77、我我我我们们们们遇遇遇遇到到到到什什什什么么么么样样样样的的的的困困困困难难难难, 我我我我们们们们都都都都应应应应该该该该想想想想办办办办法法法法克克克克服服服服它它它它。(overcome) (overcome) P.174P.174No matterNo mattertry our best totry our best toNo No matter matter what what difficulties difficulties we we come come across, across, we we should should try try our our best to o

78、vercome them.best to overcome them.77拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎 32.2.尊老爱幼是中华民族传统的美德。尊老爱幼是中华民族传统的美德。(traditional)Respecting the old and caring for the youngRespecting the old and caring for the youngRespecting Respecting the the old old and and caring caring for for the the young young i

79、s is a a traditional traditional Chinese virtue.Chinese virtue.78拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎 33.3.今今天天,各各行行各各业业的的人人都都在在努努力力提提高高自自己己的的知知识识水水平平以以便便跟跟上时代的发展上时代的发展。(all walks of life)keep pace with the keep pace with the development of our timesdevelopment of our timesacquire acquire more mo

80、re knowledgeknowledgeToday, Today, people people from from all all walks walks of of life life are are trying trying to to acquire acquire more more knowledge to keep pace with the development of our times.knowledge to keep pace with the development of our times.79拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物

81、超级军炎 34.4.孩子们孩子们特别喜欢特别喜欢卡通片。卡通片。(have a fancy for; take a fancy to)Children take a fancy to cartoons.Children take a fancy to cartoons.80拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎 35.35.考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们做得不错。考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们做得不错。(given that)be be lacking in lacking in e experience/inexperienced/gxperience

82、/inexperienced/green handreen handGiven that they are lacking in Given that they are lacking in e experience/inexperienced/green xperience/inexperienced/green hand, they have done a good job.hand, they have done a good job.81拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎36.36.不不管管你你是是喜喜欢欢还还是是厌厌恶恶,你你都都必必须须接

83、接受受这这个个事事实实。(detest) P.181come to terms with the factWhether you like it or hate / detest it, you must come to terms with ( accept) the fact.82拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎37.37.家家 长长 们们 抱抱 怨怨 孩孩 子子 们们 总总 是是 整整 天天 迷迷 恋恋 于于 电电 视视 节节 目目 。(fascinate)complainParents always complain that their

84、children are fascinated by TV programs all day long.83拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎38.38.在在一一个个全全球球化化的的世世界界里里,任任何何一一个个国国家家和和地地区区都都不不可可能能置置身身事外,避免外来文化和经济的影响和冲击。事外,避免外来文化和经济的影响和冲击。(escape ) globalized worldthe impact of foreign culture and economyIn a globalized world, no country or district

85、 can escape the impact of foreign culture and economy.84拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎39.39.在你方便时请及早跟我联系。在你方便时请及早跟我联系。( ( at your earliest convenience)at your earliest convenience Please contact me at your earliest convenience.85拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎40.40.由由于于好好来来坞坞全全球球化化策

86、策略略的的成成功功,世世界界各各个个角角落落的的人人们们都都可可以以看看到到美美国国电电影影和和影影碟碟,但但同同时时本本土土的的文文化化也也受受到到美美国国文文化化的的的影响。的影响。(suffer from the impact of)Hollywoods successful strategy of globalizationOwing to Hollywoods successful strategy of globalization, people in every corner of the world can watch American movies and DVDs, but

87、 meanwhile, it is unavoidable for the local culture to suffer from the impact of the American culture. the local culture86拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎41.41. 他他他他无无无无需需需需认认认认真真真真考考考考虑虑虑虑就就就就可可可可轻轻轻轻易易易易击击击击败败败败对对对对手手手手。(giving giving a a second second thought: rethink / think quicklythough

88、t: rethink / think quickly)P.68P.68giving a second giving a second thoughtthoughtHe He can can beat beat his his opponent opponent easily easily without without giving giving a a second second thought.thought.87拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎42.42. 在在在在根根根根本本本本不不不不懂懂懂懂得得得得驾驾驾驾驶驶驶驶的的的的情情情情况况况

89、况下下下下,他他他他居居居居然然然然把把把把车车车车开开开开上上上上了了了了公公公公路路路路。(用(用(用(用withwith结构)结构)结构)结构)With little or no knowledge ofWith little or no knowledge ofWith With little little or or no no knowledge knowledge of of driving, driving, he he drove drove the the car car onto the road.onto the road.88拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 ht

90、tp:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎43.43. 对对对对 这这这这 座座座座 桥桥桥桥 梁梁梁梁 的的的的 施施施施 工工工工 未未未未 经经经经 许许许许 可可可可 进进进进 行行行行 更更更更 改改改改 是是是是 违违违违 法法法法 的的的的 。(unauthorizedunauthorized)unauthorizedunauthorizedIt It is is illegal illegal to to make make an an unauthorized unauthorized change change in in the the construction of the

91、bridge.construction of the bridge.89拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎44.44. 我我我我会会会会平平平平静静静静地地地地接接接接受受受受这这这这个个个个事事事事实实实实,因因因因为为为为我我我我知知知知道道道道如如如如果果果果我我我我完完完完不不不不成成成成任任任任务务务务,全队就有可能面临失败。(全队就有可能面临失败。(全队就有可能面临失败。(全队就有可能面临失败。(chancechance)chances were thatchances were thatI I could could accept ac

92、cept this this fact fact calmly calmly because because I I knew knew if if I I werent werent able able to to finish finish the the mission, mission, chances chances were were that that the the team team would be defeated.would be defeated.90拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎45.45. 偏远山区里的孩子们严重缺乏

93、科学文化知识。偏远山区里的孩子们严重缺乏科学文化知识。偏远山区里的孩子们严重缺乏科学文化知识。偏远山区里的孩子们严重缺乏科学文化知识。 (lack inlack in)remote remote mountain areasmountain areaslack inlack inChildren Children in in remote remote mountain mountain areas areas are are lacking lacking in in scientific and cultural knowledge. scientific and cultural kno

94、wledge. 91拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎46.46. 在在在在董董董董事事事事会会会会议议议议上上上上他他他他建建建建议议议议把把把把这这这这项项项项轻轻轻轻松松松松的的的的工工工工作作作作留留留留给给给给身身身身体体体体不不不不好好好好的的的的玛玛玛玛丽来做。丽来做。丽来做。丽来做。(leave to)(leave to) P.90P.90leave toleave toHe suggested at the board meeting that the easy task (should) be left to Mary whose

95、 health is poor.92拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎47.47. 目目目目前前前前正正正正在在在在香香香香港港港港的的的的布布布布朗朗朗朗先先先先生生生生很很很很有有有有教教教教学学学学经经经经验验验验,他他他他将将将将在在在在春春春春天天天天来来来来我我我我校给学生上课。校给学生上课。校给学生上课。校给学生上课。(who)(who) who is in Hong who is in Hong Kong nowKong nowMr. Brown, who is in Hong Kong now, has a lot of teach

96、ing experience and will come to teach our students in the spring. 93拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎48.48. 这这这这家家家家旅旅旅旅馆馆馆馆是是是是我我我我市市市市最最最最好好好好的的的的旅旅旅旅馆馆馆馆,吃吃吃吃的的的的东东东东西西西西很很很很好好好好,服服服服务务务务质质质质量量量量也也也也不错。不错。不错。不错。(be true ofbe true of:be applied to):be applied to)This is the best hotel in our

97、 city: the food is good and the same is true of the service.the same is true ofthe same is true of94拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎49.49. 为为为为了了了了吸吸吸吸引引引引更更更更多多多多的的的的乘乘乘乘客客客客坐坐坐坐船船船船,船船船船长长长长向向向向所所所所有有有有乘乘乘乘客客客客保保保保证证证证乘乘乘乘船船船船旅旅旅旅游游游游十十十十分安全。分安全。分安全。分安全。(assure)(assure) In order toIn order

98、toassureassureIn order to attract more passengers, the captain assured all the passengers of the safety of traveling by ship. 95拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎50.50. 他他他他花花花花了了了了1515万万万万元元元元买买买买的的的的那那那那辆辆辆辆新新新新车车车车在在在在一一一一次次次次事事事事故故故故中中中中被被被被严严严严重重重重损损损损坏坏坏坏,已已已已经经经经无法修理了。无法修理了。无法修理了。无法修理了。(which, beyondwhich, beyond) seriously damagedseriously damagedbeyond repairbeyond repairHis new car, for which he paid ¥150000, was seriously damaged in an accident and was beyond repair. 96拍拍在线才智 QQ523458367 http:/ 收藏 好评送大礼物超级军炎



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