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1、Part TwoHistory of AmericaChapter I Colonization of North AmericaChapter II The American War of IndependenceChapter III The Growth of the NationChapter IV The American Civil WarChapter V The US Imperialism and the First World WarChapter VIII America in the 1990s and the 21st CenturyChapter IColoniza

2、tion of North America(1607-1776)First settlement of English colonistsThe independence of AmericaIndians: The “first Americans”Origin of the name ”Indians”Christopher ColumbusIndians Main residence 1 millionNorth AmericaMajorityCentral & South AmericaSocial StructurecultureMeans ofsurvivaltribesShari

3、ng of propertyTribe confederacyDecorative artbasketrypotteryweavinghuntingfarmingRelations of American Indians with European settlersfriendship hostilityAmerican Indians helped the early Europeans to surviveThe first Thanksgiving in North America.American Indians were killed and driven to mountainou

4、s and barren areas known as Indian Reservations, as a result of interests in land and cultural conflictsThe Discovery ofAmericaAmerigo Vespucci1507Confirmer Christopher Columbus1492Discoverer Vs America named after himItalians The Discovery of AmericaImportance of the discovery 1. widened horizon2.

5、opened up fresh ground for the rising bourgeoisie3. promoted the development of commerce, sea navigation and industry4. provided the way for the rapid development of early capitalismColonization of North AmericaSpanish explorers Balboa 1st to cross the Isthmus of Panama Magellan 1st to sail around t

6、he earth1520importance?English explorersFrench explorers John Cabot claimed the 1st piece of land 1497in the New World for EnglandHenry VIIFrancis Drake attacked Spanish shipsQueen ElizabethCartier explored the upper part of America 3 1534-1542timesChamplain found Quebec in 1608Early explorationsCol

7、onization of North AmericaResults of the early exploration1. Two great continents discovered2. better idea of the size of the earth formed3. creation of nations in south and north America possible4. large areas of the land claimed for the kingsSpainSouthern part of NA; whole SA except BrailEngland E

8、astern shore of present USFranceSt Lawrence &Great Lakes; the Mississippi ValleyThe Founding of the 13 ColoniesWhy?To seek freedom of religious belief and better living “Mayflower” 1620ThanksgivingThe Founding of the 13 ColoniesThe first English colony in America was founded at Jamestown, Virginia,

9、in 1607; known as the mother stateBetween 1607 and 1733 the British established 13 colonies along the east coast of North America, which is divided into 3 sections.The Map of U.S.AColonial Life in GeneralTake a quick glance at this part on P56 and find out how their life reflect the Puritan work eth

10、ics.Puritan EthicsSelf-relianceindividualityPerseverance in Faith adversity was simply a way for God to testify his electHardworking hard work was required for survivalRespect for learning everyone needed to be literate for the reading of the BibleModerationself-centeredness was forbidden as God was

11、 above everythingThe American War of Independence What were the causes of the War of Independence?Britains colonial policyThe economy in the 13 colonies developed very fast The British government was to bring the development under control and to collect more taxes from the colonies. (lack of money,

12、why ?1763 decisions raising the import taxes and taxing more goods closing the frontier to further settlement placing an army of 10000 men in America to “protect” American coloniesThe Stamp Act印花税法案印花税法案(1765)& Townshend Acts汤森法案汤森法案Result : the colonies were heavily loaded with debt Resistance to S

13、tamp ActStamp Act Congress formed to protest against the Act“No taxation without representation”( 无代表, 不纳税)Stamp Act repealed (废除) 1766Townshend ActAll goods imported into the country must be taxedWhos interest would be harmed?American merchants and their businessHow was the War of Independence star

14、ted?The “Boston Tea Party”In 1773, when ships of tea reached Boston to be distributed, several dozen Boston residents boarded the ship at night and threw $75,000 worth of tea into the harbor. This came to be known as the “Boston Tea Party”.The start of the warIn 1775, about 1,000 British soldiers we

15、re sent from Boston to seize the military supplies of the American militia. When they arrived at Lexington they were met by the armed militiamen. Suddenly a shot was fired and the War of Independence began.Where theres oppression, theres revolution.BostonBostonThe Battle of Lexington ( 1775 )The Bat

16、tle of Lexington ( 1775 ) The first shot starting the revolutionThe first Continental Congress1774Date: September 1774Place: PhiladelphiaDelegates: from 12 colonies except GeorgiaResult: passed Declaration of Rights and GrievancesThe second Continental Congress1775Date: May, 1775Place: PhiladelphiaR

17、esult: The Congress founded a Continental Army under the command of George Washington. The Declaration of Independence Declaration of IndependenceOn July 4, 1776, the Congress formally declared the independenceThe Declaration states: “We hold these truths to self-evident: That all men are created eq

18、ual; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of gov

19、ernment becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, ”Thomas Jefferson “我们认为下述真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等,造物主赋我们认为下述真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等,造物主赋予他们若干不可让与的权力,其中包括生存权、自由权和追求幸福的权予他们若干不可让与的权力,其中包括生存权、自由权和追求幸福的权力。为了保障这些权利,人类才在他们中间建立政府,而政府的正当权力。为了保障这些权利,人类才在他们中间建立政府,而政府的正当权力则是经被

20、统治者同意所授予的。任何形式的政府一旦对这些目标的实力则是经被统治者同意所授予的。任何形式的政府一旦对这些目标的实现起破坏作用时,人民便有权予以更换或废除现起破坏作用时,人民便有权予以更换或废除”Thomas Jefferson (1743 1826)Thomas Jefferson (1743 1826)Anti-FederalistsThe chairman of the committeeThe third president of U.S.A(1801-1809)The Declaration of IndependenceThe Declaration of Independence

21、July 4. 1776July 4. 1776George Washington (1732-99)George Washington (1732-99) George Washington was appointed (1775) commander in chief of the Continental army. After victory (1783), he presided over the council which drafted (1787) the U.S. constitution, and was unanimously elected president.I I N

22、 N G G O O D D WW E E T T R R U U S S T T The Battle of SaratogaThe Battle of Saratoga Date: 17th October 1777Place: Saratoga in New York StateCombatants: British and German troops VS. the AmericansResult: Turning PointThe Battle of SaratogaThe Battle of SaratogaThe significance of the war1. A new r

23、epublic emerged.2. It marked a new beginning of American history.3. It encouraged the people in other colonies to fight for independence.The Confederation and ConstitutionThe Articles of the Confederation in 1781 The founding of the United StatesThe formation of two-house CongressThe American Consti

24、tution of 1787FederalistsdisputeAnti-federalistsThe peopleThe bourgeois democratic personages Bill of Rights1791, 1st 10 amendmentsThe Confederation and ConstitutionThe constitution of 1787Established Dictatorship of the American bourgeoisBig capitalistsBig slave ownersChapter IIIWashingtons Adminis

25、tration1st President George Washington Secretary of StateThomas JeffersonSecretary of TreasureAlexander HamiltonSecretary of WarHenry KnoxAttorney-GeneralEdmund Randolph司法部长 The Administration of Thomas JeffersonThomas Jefferson The 3rd president A very important statesmanA patriotIn 1803, Jefferson

26、 bought Louisiana (from whom?)In 1788, 13 colonies become the United States of AmericaBy 1796, a few more states have been created.America buys Louisiana from France in 1803The Louisiana Purchase (1803)By 1837, new states have been created around the Mississippi.By 1850, Oregon and California become

27、 states. 1843: One thousand people travel to Oregon1848: USA wins Texas in the Mexican War1849: California gold rush1862: A new law gives free land to settlersThe war with England between 1812-1814Causes:British navys blockade of the sea route for tradingBritish governments removal of the seamen fro

28、m American shipsThe desire for territorial expansion of American frontiersmenThe second War of IndependenceThe war with England between 1812-1814Results:Burning of the presidents residenceEventual defeat of the British troopsSigning of the Peace Treaty of Ghent in 1814The war with England between 18

29、12-1814Significance:It pushed the US on the way of further development.Peoples recognition of a strong national governmentPeoples strong feeling of national unity and patriotism Attention shifted to the development of the west part of the continentThe U.S.-Mexican War1846-1848Mexico lost half of her

30、 territory Chapter IVThe American Civil War The Situation Before the Civil War1. Three Great Tidesa.“Westward Movement”b. Two economic systems in the North and the South North Capitalist Economy South Plantation c. The Growth of the working class The Situation Before the Civil War2. The Slave Proble

31、mNegro slaves were first brought to America at the beginning of the 17th century to meet the needs of laborers.Uncle Toms CabinUncle Toms CabinUncle Toms CabinUncle Toms Cabin1852Harriet Beecher Stowe An antislavery novel which had great political influence.So this is the little lady who made this b

32、ig war.“ -Lincoln The Situation Before the Civil War3. The Political ConflictsThe Republicans (wanted to wipe out the evil system altogether)VSThe Democrats (insisted on leaving the questions to the people in each territory to decide themselves)free and slave states (1860)free and slave states (1860

33、)The Civil War (1861-1865)The Civil War (1861-1865) Abraham Lincoln was elected president and opposed the expansion of slavery.Some southern states formed the Confederate States of America in 1861.“Republican”Union armyUnion army Vs.Vs. Confederate armyConfederate army23 states (3/4) Industrial supe

34、riorityAbundant facilitiesMerchant marines, navyWealthy (2/3) 11 states Agricultural Military. Preparing for the war. Superior military leadership. Robert E. LeeFighting on its own soilFall of Fort Sumter Started Civil WarFort Sumter A fort in Charleston harbor, South Carolina, where the troops of t

35、he Confederacy fired the shots, that began the Civil WarUnion States and Confederation StatesUnion States and Confederation StatesThe Civil WarThe Civil WarEmancipation ProclamationEmancipation Proclamation-issued by President Abraham Lincoln that freed the slaves of the Confederacy.-This transforme

36、d the war from a war to save the Union, to a war to abolish slaveryEP-The most important document in American history since the founding of the United StatesKarl MarxHomestead BillHomestead Bill(18621862)宅地法宅地法 First page of the Homestead Bill of 1862 . The law was passed (1862) by the the U.S.Congr

37、ess, under which settlers might each acquire up to 64 hectares of public land for a nominal fee ( 10), on condition of five years residence on, and cultivation of, the plot of the land. Battle of Gettysburg (July 1863) The turning point Gettysburg Address“Government of the People by the People and f

38、or the People shall not perish from the earth”民有、民治、民享的政府民有、民治、民享的政府将不致从地球上消失将不致从地球上消失Significance of the Civil War a bourgeois revolution in nature a continuation and expansion of the War of Independencethe Civil War a struggle between two social systems a far-reaching influence on the European rev

39、olutionsEffects of the Civil WarThe abolition of slavery and the emancipation of the negroes The rapid development of the countryChapter V The US Imperialism and the First World WarReconstruction era (1865 1877)Northerners + Congressmen Andrew Johnsons policies against the blacksSouth responded by c

40、reating white terrorist society - KKK (Ku Klux Klan)Reconstruction of the Southdissatisfied Reconstruction Act1867Reconstruction of the SouthSignificanceconsolidated the regime over the whole nationRemoved the greatest obstacle of the capitalist development, the slave systemPaved the way for the rap

41、id growth of capitalismLaid political foundation for the US to grow into a world powerThe Growth of US ImperialismTime : by the end the 19th centuryUS a highly developed industrial countryReached the stage of imperialismThe overseas expansionThe first target China 1844 Treaty of Wangxia1868 Treaty o

42、f TianjianOthers The US-Spanish WarTime : 1898Result : Spain defeated; had to give up Cuba and Puerto Rico; had to sell Philippines Significance: 1. the 1st imperialist war for redividing the world; 2. it marked a new stage (the US an imperialist power) 3. the US began its modern historyThe US and t

43、he First World War1914-1918Causes:1. fundamental cause: to redivide the world colonies among European imperialist powers.2. the system of military two blocks:GermanyAustriaItalyEnglandFranceRussiavsThe Central Powers同盟国 The Allies协约国协约国The US and the First World War1914-1918Time to enter the War: 19

44、17Attitude before entering: took neutral stand & sold munitions to the alliesCauses for entering: 1. Germany refused to give up its submarine warfare;2. for fear that Britain and France might lose the war and bring harm to American business interest; 3. Germany was trying to get Mexico into the war

45、against AmericaThe US and the First World War1914-1918Results: Central Powers sued for peace Paris Peace Conference 1919 Treaty of Versailles 28/6/1919 Versailles-Washington System (Europe)(Asia)A meeting to divide the spoils and redivide the coloniesChapter VIIIAmerica in the 1990s and the Early 21

46、st CenturyAmerica in the 1990sTimeeventsPresident 1991Military attack on IraqGeorge H.W. Bush1992Rodney King Riots1993Attack on Iraq1994 Attack on IraqBill Clinton1995Attack on Iraq1998Four-day attack on Iraq ;Clintons sex scandal19991.NATOs air strike on Yugoslavia led by the USA2. 20th anniversary

47、 of Sino-US diplomatic relationshipDesert StormLos AngelesSino-US RelationshipTime Leaders significance1979Deng Xiaoping & Jimmy Carter1985Li Xiannian & Ronald Reagan1997Jiang Zemin &Bill ClintonBilateral relations re-established1999Zhu Rongji 1.Joint Communique paved the way for Chinas entry to WTO

48、2.Milssile attack on Chinese Embassy in Belgrade (May 7)2002Jiang Zemin & George Bush2006Hu Jintao & George Bush2014Xi Jinping & Obama 1. The Iraq War & The Afghan War9.112001terrorismAgainst Joint attack on IraqIraq warMarch 2003US & UK believed the existence of weapons of mass destruction in IraqA

49、fghan War1st target America in the 21st CenturyTime Event Main Impact20019.11 Event1. Establishment of the Department of Homeland Security for international battle against terrorism2. Detention facility opened at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (Naval base) for holding terror suspects and Taliban members The Afghan War against Osama Bin LadenOperation Enduring Freedom (OEF) multinational coalition military operation initiated to counter terrorism2001The Iraq War2007Execution of Saddam HusseinWhats your view?



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