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1、第三节情绪描写正如在上一节中提到的, 情绪描写不同于心理描写, 心理描写主要是在刻画主人公的内心戏,即脑海里的画面和想法。而情绪描写更多的是在刻画人物的喜怒哀乐。情绪描写又有不同层次的描写方式。 在内层可以直抒胸臆, 例如直接说“Im 佗eling sad.”来表示“ 我很难过”。 在表层可以通过身体动作来传递情感。 在外层可以寄情于景, 例 如 “ 你若安好,便是晴天”表达了一种美好的祝愿。1 .内 层 ( “ 直抒胸臆”)内层的情绪描写主要有八种常用的句型, 每种句型都会有多个变体。 这些句型主要借助形容词、名词和副词来行文。其中,副词的用法相对单一,不单独展开;而名词相比形容词的用法更灵

2、活,句式也更丰富,以下则从形容词和名词这两方面展开列举一些常用句式。(1 )形容词句式雅句式1( 感到) ,某人Feeling+情绪,sb. .(Being)+情绪,sb. .例 1 :他感到筋疲力尽,上床睡觉去了。 Feeling exhausted, he went to bed. Being exhausted, he went to bed. Exhausted, he went to bed.例 2 : 他感到非常焦虑,踱来踱去。 Feeling anxious, he paced up and down. Being anxious, he paced up and down. A

3、nxious, he paced up and down.例:Sanji如此开心,以至于感觉自己好像身在天堂。 Sanji was so happy that he felt as if he had been in heaven. So happy was Sanji that he felt as if he had been in heaven.染句式2某人如此以至于( 感觉好像)Sb. was so+情绪+thal he/she (felt as if.).So+情绪+was sb. that he/she (felt as if.).(2 )名词句式句式1 : 情绪的起因令某人的是,

4、To sb.s + 情绪名词,sb.例 1 :令她非常开心的是,她还看到了一些浆果丛。To her great joy, she also saw some berry bushes.例 2 : 令他们宽慰的是,他们的儿子安然无恙地回来了。To their relief, their son returned safe and sound.句 式2:情绪的后果出于某种情绪,某人Outof+情绪,sb.例 1 :出于害羞,他选择了沉默。Out of shyness, he chose to be silent.例 2 : 出于好奇,他们穿过了通道。Out of curiosity, they w

5、ent through the tunnel.例 3 : 出于好奇,她跟在这个黑衣人后面,而后竟然发现黑衣人溜进了自己家里。Out of curiosity, she followed the man in black, only to find that he slid into her house.某人地/ 某人因为而谓语/ 非谓语/ 形容词+with+情绪.例 1 :她高兴地跳了起来。 She jumped with joy. With joy, she jumped. She, with joy, jumped.注:本 例 中 with jo y 为状语,作为修饰性成分,其位置相对比较

6、自由。例 2 : 他失望地叹了 口气。He sighed with disappointment.例 3 : 她的脸因兴奋而发光。Her face lit up with excitement.例 4 : 他因为生气而说不出话来。He was tongue-tied with anger.例 5 : 他害怕得不得动弹,一个字也说不出来。Frozen/ Numb with fear, he couldnt utter a word.例 6: “ 也许, ”她带着一丝渴望说,“ 你的女儿可以和我的孩子一起享受这个J“Maybe, she said with a hint of wistfulnes

7、s, tfcyour daughter could enjoy it with my own youngchildren.句式3:情绪的把持某人深感Sb. was overwhelmed/ overcome/ seized/ consumed with+情绪例 1: 他激动得不知所措。He was overwhelmed with excitement.例 2 : 我被一种强烈的恐怖感占据内心,手心出汗。I was seized by a strong sense of horror, my palms sweating.例 3 : 当我抓住手中的标枪时,我的内心被一种奇怪的感觉占据了。As

8、I grasped the javelin in my hand, I was seized with a strange feeling.句式4 :情绪的溢出某人充满了Sb. was filled/bursting with+情绪.Sb. couldnt contain sb.s+情绪.例 1 :看到这些,他怒不可遏。Seeing this, he was filled/ bursting with anger.例 2 : 她抑制不住内心的喜悦。She couldnt contain her joy.句式5:情绪的外露某人的声音/ 眼神/ 表情/ 行为中带着明显的There was appa

9、rent+情绪+in sb/s voice/eyes/expression/behavior.从某人的声音/ 眼神/ 表情/ 行为判断,很明显某人陷入了之中Judging from sb/s voice/eyes/expression/behavior, it was evident that sb.was trapped in+情绪例 1 : 她眼神中有明显的恐惧。There was apparent horror in her eyes.例 2 : 从 Johnny的声音判断,很明显他陷入了悲伤之中。Judging from Johnnys voice, it was evident th

10、at he was trapped in sorrow.句式6 :情绪的变化某人的情绪加深了Sb. s+情绪+deepened.某人的情绪1战胜了情绪2Sb.s+情绪 l+overcame+情绪 2某人的情绪1 耗尽了,取而代之的是情绪2Sb.s+情绪 1+faded/drained away and was replaced with+情绪 2.例 1:随着时间的推移,他的罪恶感加深了。His guilt deepened as time went by.例 2: Tommy对成功的渴望战胜了恐惧。Tommys longing for success overcame his fear.例

11、3 : 他的兴奋耗尽了,取而代之的是绝望和忧虑。His excitement drained away, and was replaced with despair and worry.句式7:情绪的升腾某人感到一股强烈的在内心升腾、奔涌。Sb. felt a great sense of+情绪+ welling up in sb.s heart and surging through sb.该句式中动词well表示涌起,surge表示涌动,连在一起则表示某人感到一股强烈的情绪在心中升腾、奔涌。其中放入不同的情绪名词,可应用于不同的场景:例 1: Wendy感到一股强烈的恐惧在她心中升腾、奔涌

12、。Wendy felt a great sense of horror welling up in her heart and surging through her.例 2: Jessica感到一股强烈的嫉妒在她心中升腾、奔涌。Jessica felt a great sense of jealousy welling up in her heart and surging through her.当然,情绪不可能是无中生有、独立存在的。类似于程序员输入一个程序,处理器才能进行运算,机器才能运转起来。需要有来自外界的刺激,才能产生心理活动和情绪变化,进而产生行为结果。若给本句式中例1添加上外

13、界刺激,可以写为:例1- 1:看到一把斧子破门而入,Wendy感到一股强烈的恐惧在心中升腾、奔涌。Seeing an ax piercinw through the door, Wendy felt a great sense of horror welling up in herheart and surging through her.若给本句式中例2添加上行为结果,可以写为:例2-1: Jessica感到一股强烈的嫉妒在心中升腾、奔涌,她把易拉罐扔向那个女人。Feeling a great sense of jealousy welling up in her heart and sur

14、ging through her, Jessica threwthe can at the woman.此外还可以把a great sense o f换 为a mixture of A and B来表达两种情绪的混杂: 某人感到一股混杂着和的情绪在内心升腾、奔涌Sb. felt a mixture of+情绪 l+ and+情绪 2+ welling up in sb/s heart and surging through sb.例3 :当她看到远处的直升机,混杂着激动和委屈的情绪在Jane内心升腾、奔涌。Seeing the helicopter in the distance, Jane

15、felt a mixture of excitement and grievance welling upin her heart and surging through her.2 . 表 层 ( “ 眉目传情”)本部分可以参考第一节“ 动作描写”中关于身体各个部位的表达,比如: palms get sweaty手心出汗t紧张、害怕 tremble from head to toe浑身颤抖一紧张、害怕 scratch ones head挠头一困惑、尴尬ones jaw dropped下巴掉了 一 惊讶、错愕be on pins and needles如坐针毡一焦虑、不安 get a lump

16、 in the throat/ones throat tightened 喉咙哽咽伤心、感动在这些表达中,又以与“ 心”相关的表达最为灵活,比如: Those words chilled my heart.那些话让我心寒。 The scene warmed my heart.这一幕让我心暖。The song softened my heart.歌声柔软了我的心。What he said pierced my heart.他说的话刺痛了我的心。3 . 外 层 ( “ 寄情于景”)本部分详见环境描写4 . 情绪描写语料( 1)喜悦名词delight高兴( 的事)joy IWJ兴;乐趣happine

17、ss快乐; 幸福amusement 可笑;愉悦形容词delighted喜悦的cheerful欣喜的merry愉快的amused觉得好笑的动词sm ile微笑laugh大笑giggle咯咯笑chuckle低声轻笑g rin露齿笑sm irk洋洋得意的笑hum 哼( 小曲)我们兴高采烈地往山顶进发。她高兴地挥舞双手。看到这只小狗,她的脸上绽出笑眉。小女孩的脸上绽出一个灿烂的笑容。尽管她又冷又饿,心里却充满了喜悦/ 感激。我从未如此打心底里开心过。小叶如此开心,以至于她感觉自己好像是全世界最幸运的人。令他非常开心的是,他同时收到了两个大公司的录用。小姑娘抑制不住内心的喜悦,乐得像条小狗。答案: We

18、 headed for the top of the mountain in high spirits.答案:She waved her hands with joy.答案:Seeing the little dog,her face lit up.答案: A bright smile spread across the little girls face.答案:Cold and hungry though she was, her heart was filled with joy/ gratitude.答案:I had never felt so happy from the bottom

19、 of my heart.答案: A. Xiaoye was so happy that she felt as if she had been the luckiest person in the world.B. So happy was Xiaoye that she felt as if she had been the luckiest person in the world.答案:To her great joy,he received offers from two big companies at the same time.答案:The little girl couldnt

20、 contain her joy, like a dog with two tails.(2 )悲伤名词sadness 悲伤sorrow悲伤misery痛苦regret悔恨奔拉着脑袋,Lucy坐在河岸边,若有所思。depression 沮丧disappointment 失望desperation 绝望frustration 挫折形容词upset心烦的disappointed 失望的heartbroken 心碎的frustrated 受挫的depressed沮丧的low-spirited 情 绪 低落的desperate绝望的regretful悔恨的动词c ry 哭w eep哭泣so b 抽泣c

21、hoke哽咽sig h叹气frown皱眉她的脸颊上闪烁着泪滴。泪水模糊了我的视线。用眼角的余光,我能看到这个小女孩在抽泣。她突然纵情地在姐姐的怀抱里哭了起来。他觉得如硬在喉,忍不住哭了起来。看到这一幕,我感到喉咙哽咽了,满眼泪水。从Jack的表情判断,很明显他陷入了尴尬。答案:(With) her head drooping, Lucy sat at the riverbank, thinking about something.答案:Her cheeks were shining with tears.答案:Tears blurred my vision.答案: Out of the cor

22、ner of my eye I could see the little girl sobbing.答案:She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sisters arms.答案:Feeling a lump in his throat,he couldnt help crying.答案:Catching the sight of the scene, I could feel that my throat tightened and myeyes overflowed with tears.答案:Judging from

23、Johnnys expression, it was evident that he was trapped in embarrassment.(3 )愤怒名词anger愤怒rage暴怒madness 疯狂Fury狂怒形容词angry生气的enraged暴怒的m ad抓狂的Furious狂怒的annoyed气恼的irritated恼怒的听到这个消息,Tom因为生气而说不出话来。他怒不可遏,气冲冲地走出了房间。发现Clark的笔记一团糟,他的老师脸气得发青。他摆着一副臭脸坐在桌子后面。发现自己的鸡又被偷了,老人擦紧双拳,一脸愤怒。他冲着打破他窗户的淘气男孩挥舞拳头。“ 别动! ”Bill指着这个

24、小偷威胁道。答案:Hearing the news, Tom was tongue-tied with anger.答案: He was filled/ bursting with anger and storm out of the room.答案:Finding Clarks note in a mess, his teacher was blue in the face.答案:He sat behind the table with a very long face.答案:Finding that his chicken had been stolen again, the old ma

25、n clenched his fists, hisface burning with rage.答案: He shook his fist at the naughty boy who broke his window.答案:Freeze!” Bill pointed an warning finger at the thief.( 4 )恐惧恐惧像一顿无法消化的饭一样充斥着他的肠胃。名词fright恐惧terror恐惧horror恐惧panic惊恐形容词scared害怕的,恐惧frightened受怕的, 受terrified害怕的,恐horri fied害怕的, 恐的惊的惧的惧的等待着老师

26、公布成绩,他一动不动坐在那里,手心冒汗。一见到蛇,我就禁不住全身起鸡皮疙磨。她用绝望的眼神看向一望无垠的丛林。Carl 一动不动地站在角落,两腿微微发抖。听到警察的声音,小偷吓得僵住了,一动不动。她的声音中有明显的恐惧。听到楼梯上传来的脚步声,小男孩感到一股强烈的恐惧在心中升腾、奔涌。她被枪声吓坏了,一个字也说不出来。答案:Fear filled his gut like a meal he could not digest.答案: Waiting for the teacher to announce the test result, he sat there still, his palm

27、s sweaty.答案: When I see snakes I cant help getting goose bumps all over my body.答案: He turned his desperate eyes toward the boundless forest.答案: Carl stood still in the corner and shook slightly in every leg.答案: Hearing the polices voice, the thief was frozen with fear, rooted to the spot.答案:There w

28、as apparent horror in her voice.答案:Hearing the sound of the footsteps from the stairs, the little boy felt a great sense ofhorror welling up in his heart and surging through him.答案:Terrified by the gunshot,she was rooted to the spot,unable to utter a word.(5 )满意他们满意地点点头。名词content 满意satisfaction 满意形容

29、词content满意的satisfied满意的pleased满意的看到任务完成了,他们感到很满意。演出一结束,观众们就开始不停地鼓掌。答案:They nodded their heads with content.答案:Seeing their task finished gives them a sense of satisfoction.答案:The moment the performance finished, the audience couldnt stop clapping their hands.(6 )惊讶形容词名词surprise 惊讶shock震惊amazement 惊讶

30、astonishment 震惊他目瞪口呆地看着我。surprised惊讶的shocked震惊的amazed惊讶的astonished 震惊的open-mouthed目瞪口呆的dumbstruck惊得目瞪口呆的当看到电话账单时,我极为惊讶。M arry睁大眼睛,冲上前去,用颤抖的手把猫抱人怀中。Sami惊呆了。答案:He looked at me,open-mouthed.答案:My jaw dropped when I saw my phone bill.答案: Her eyes wide open, Marry dashed forward and grabbed/ gathered the

31、 cat into her armswith trembling hands.答案:Sami was dumbstruck( 呆若木鸡) .(7 )感动使役动词touch使感到m ove使感动形容词touched感动的m oved感动的凡在场听到她悲惨经历的人无不感动得流泪。被如此温馨的场面所触动,Mary的心融化了。他说的话触及了我心底的某些东西。Jane紧握住飞行员的双手,感激的眼泪顺着脸颊淌下。这家人相拥在一起,透过含泪的眼睛露出了笑容,而后大笑起来。看完爸爸的来信,我感到一股暖流涌上心头,在我身上涌动。答案: All those present who listened to her

32、sad story were moved to tears.答案:Touched by such a warm scene, Marys heart melted.答案: What he said reached something deep inside me.答案:Jane held the pilots hands, (with) tears of gratitude rolling down her cheeks.答案: The family hugged and smiled through misty eyes and then laughed.答案: Having read th

33、e letter from Dad, I felt a warm current welling up in my heartand surging through me.(8 )焦虑太焦虑了,Tom浑身颤抖。名词concern 担忧anxiety 焦虑agitation 忧虑形容词concerned担忧的anxious焦虑的agitated焦虑不安的restless坐立不安的nervous紧张的动词shake战栗,颤抖tremble颤抖,哆嗦他不安地用手指敲着方向盘。半犹豫半紧张,Mei Mei朝双胞胎的桌子走去。想到明天的舞会,她在床上辗转反侧,无法入睡。焦虑地坐在后座上,我的胃搅成一团。

34、她的手颤抖得如此厉害以至于她无法好好写字。走进校长办公室,他感到他的心开始怦怦直跳。她拖着一直颤抖的腿走上舞台。每次听到电话铃声响起,Nick都像热锅上的蚂蚁一样紧张不安。Tony每次比赛之前都像热锅上的蚂蚁一样紧张不安。侬子在手术室进行手术,他感到非常焦虑,在走廊里来回踱步。答案:Anxious,Tom trembled from head to toe.答案: He was drumming his fingers nervously on the wheel.答案:Half hesitant and half nervous, Mei Mei headed toward the twin

35、s table.答案: At the thought of tomorrows ball, she tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep.答案:Sitting at the backseat anxiously, my stomach twisted.答案:Her hands shook so badly that she couldnt write well.答案:Walking into the headmasters office, he felt his heart begin to pound.答案:Her legs trem

36、bled all the way to the stage.答案: Every time he heard the telephone ringing, Nick seemed to have ants in his pants.答案:Tony seems to have ants in his pants before each game.案:(Feeling) anxious,he was pacing up and down in the corridor/on pins and needles whilehis wife was being operated on in the surgery room.



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