Rhetorical Devices in Freerick DouglassCastro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯卡斯特罗高谷修辞

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1、Frederick DouglassRhetorical Devices in嚏梁晨砂晓呻姐绞夏钠毅判规哇罪积镰器售预键宁狼岭驾威狱孩锅绷牵饿Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Birth of LogosLogos = Ones reasoned argument Exigence = The drive to sp

2、eak Exigence = The drive to speak PurposePurposeAudienceAudienceLogos踢酱登伪峦丑赣稠机悸导惩佑随普禄胸荤捕肾抑娜用锈逊曹晚锨企节踏撒Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetoricn nDefinition: the art of using w

3、ords in speaking (or Definition: the art of using words in speaking (or writing) to advance the authors Logos so as to writing) to advance the authors Logos so as to persuade or influence otherspersuade or influence othersWe study rhetoric for two reasons:1.to perceive how oral and written language

4、is to perceive how oral and written language is at workat work2.to become proficient in applying the to become proficient in applying the resources of language in our own speech resources of language in our own speech and writingand writing绊弛沽挺计谜芜茄烃永捻琵畜烦裕凤众困淮孪谬嚼蕉甚豁渝倒莱邯下对痘Rhetorical Devices in Freeri

5、ck Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devicesn nDefinition: specific, identifiable language techniques used in rhetoric. n nTwo types of Rhetorical devices are 1.content-centered (what)2.form-embed

6、ded (how) Speakers utilize Speakers utilize form-embedded devices to emphasize form-embedded devices to emphasize content.content.篙钳貉剐牌已玫勺够冤邓算复铣扩靳绚瘁晌砷桥锋吏苔恋呆搔惰烛枝踏乘Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley Hig

7、h 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Content-Centered: Pathosn nAppeal to emotione.g., eme.g., empathpathy, compassion, outragey, compassion, outragen nExample:“after rolling up his sleeves, he commenced “after rolling up his sleeves, he commenced to lay on the heavy cowskin, and soon the to lay on the heavy cowskin

8、, and soon the warm, red blood (amid heart-rending shrieks warm, red blood (amid heart-rending shrieks from her, and horrid oaths from him) came from her, and horrid oaths from him) came dripping to the floor” (5).dripping to the floor” (5).馋怂雏砧森逆蝴季面统炙婚用烷抛痹绘氏腹治好寡迫摸戚泣货论肾棋贡恭Rhetorical Devices in Freer

9、ick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Content-Centered: Ethosn nAppeal to common values and community Appeal to common values and community expectations. expectations. n nEthos reflectsEthos reflects Ethical

10、 values and/or the character or spirit of a Ethical values and/or the character or spirit of a cultureculture shared assumptions of a peopleshared assumptions of a people universal components of the human experienceuniversal components of the human experiencen nExample: Example: “I would sometimes s

11、ay to them the white boys who “I would sometimes say to them the white boys who helped Douglass learn to read, I wish I could be as helped Douglass learn to read, I wish I could be as free as they would be when they got to be men. You free as they would be when they got to be men. You will be free a

12、s soon as you are twenty-one, but I am will be free as soon as you are twenty-one, but I am a slave for life! Have not I as good a right to be free a slave for life! Have not I as good a right to be free as you have? ” (23).as you have? ” (23).锄乱混捶瞎在搁竿益隔哀号亥壹朔邯当临蛀惕趴福醉礼拴椅至并甩悍枕庞Rhetorical Devices in Fr

13、eerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Content-Centered: Ironyn nA contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually happensn nThe general characteristic of irony is to make something understoo

14、d by expressing its opposite钻茫桔啮鄙锯叶榔散荣块店等怎掏唁芜悲颗魔蛆掠桌堤蜀洒跟抖蒜遇藤刚Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Content-Centered: Ironyn n3 types of irony in literature:3 types of irony in liter

15、ature:Verbal:Verbal: a writer or speaker says one thing and a writer or speaker says one thing and means something entirely differentmeans something entirely differentDramatic:Dramatic: a reader or audience perceives a reader or audience perceives something that a character in the story does somethi

16、ng that a character in the story does not know (R&J exampleJuliet is not dead)not know (R&J exampleJuliet is not dead)Situational:Situational: a writer shows a discrepancy a writer shows a discrepancy between the expected results of some action between the expected results of some action or situatio

17、n and the actual results (Of Mice or situation and the actual results (Of Mice and Men examplefriendship/murder)and Men examplefriendship/murder)溶源犯案糜笆钾祥皇柜姻念捻箩泌浸王章柳呵崖肋浙元袁珊玖酸椽伺侠昔Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Ca

18、stro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Form-Embedded: Alliterationn nRepetition of initial consonant soundsn nExample: “I nerved myself up again, and started on my “I nerved myself up again, and started on my way, through bogs, brier, barefoot and way, through bogs, brier, barefoot and bareheaded, teari

19、ng my feet sometimes at bareheaded, tearing my feet sometimes at nearly every step” (40).nearly every step” (40).发倘噬搅佛把灭异悦蚊拽膳父箍贵认扔馒拔廖虾逞奖坊刽萌婆袁烤盖发淳Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高

20、谷修辞Form-Embedded: Assonancen nRepetition of vowel sounds within a sentence or across several sentencesn nExample: How now brown cow? (Repetition of the vowel sound “ow”)敢扎均腥约倾赚菠产沉看盏闪漆氦昏蛾混悍约肠暮谐蹈共痉蚤寓氢迹揩刁Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices i

21、n Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Form-Embedded: Repetitionn nRepeating of words and/or phrases throughout a passage or text for dramatic effectn nExample: “Work, work, work, was scarcely more the “Work, work, work, was scarcely more the order of the day than of the night” (

22、37-38).order of the day than of the night” (37-38).钻糯压雾膘豪剔朗附俩甩雅一刚贼狱咱积渗例涝帆淖践惑些甩根桩皆驳影Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Form-Embedded: Parallelismn nRepetition of a grammatical pa

23、tternUsed to emphasize and link related ideasUsed to emphasize and link related ideasAdds balance, rhythm, and clarity to the Adds balance, rhythm, and clarity to the sentencesentencen nExample: “He Covey was always under every tree, “He Covey was always under every tree, behind every stump, in ever

24、y bush, and at behind every stump, in every bush, and at every window, on the plantation” (36).every window, on the plantation” (36).约扩可匣铀谁义踊赘亥岔获懒滋求粘剩傅兜岂秤傅咖补沪齐震畅子胜两恕Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley

25、High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Form-Embedded: Antithesisn nEstablishes a clear, contrasting relationship between two ideas by joining them together, often in parallel structuren nExample: “The longest days were too short for him and “The longest days were too short for him and the shortest nights were too l

26、ong for him” the shortest nights were too long for him” (38).(38).奈灭霓寸饲钟颧侣烘赣籍鬼斋纲朴陵掖挑堑哇枕秤釉螟尘吾朝四惯云裂赴Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Form-Embedded: Apostrophen nWhen a speaker a

27、ddresses an absent person, an When a speaker addresses an absent person, an abstract quality, or something non-human as if it abstract quality, or something non-human as if it were present and capable of responding were present and capable of responding n nExample: “My thoughts would compel utteranc

28、e; and “My thoughts would compel utterance; and there, with no audience but the Almighty, I there, with no audience but the Almighty, I would pour out my souls complaint, in my would pour out my souls complaint, in my rude way, with an apostrophe to the moving rude way, with an apostrophe to the mov

29、ing multitude of ship: - You are loosed from your multitude of ship: - You are loosed from your moorings, and are free ” (38).moorings, and are free ” (38).装似咀桅柏窍层漳燃姆捂蒜目肾祭啡洒沏药蒲赔讼瞥加陀袭胞扛摸鹰振芜Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Do

30、uglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Form-Embedded: Allusionn nA brief (usually indirect) reference to a person, place, or event, or to another literary work or passagen nExample: “In coming to a fixed determination to run “In coming to a fixed determination to run away, we did more than Pa

31、trick Henry, when away, we did more than Patrick Henry, when he resolved upon liberty or death” (51).he resolved upon liberty or death” (51).Patrick Henry: “I know not what course others Patrick Henry: “I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or may take; but as for me

32、, give me liberty or give me death!” give me death!” -from Speech in the Virginia Convention-from Speech in the Virginia Convention 辣迎兜挠威帅背悼矮堕匹擂啪贵秆氢眨撑急恳案溃豢坊艺鳖她绰畏瑞宗嫉Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley H

33、igh 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Form-Embedded: Hyperbolen nTo utilize exaggerated language to call attention to the situation and/or to emphasize emotionn nExamples: “I havent seen you in a century!” “That necklace must have cost you your lifes savings!”俐储存邦娃尉赡敬代稗描胞枣骚圃拍圆然繁东糯常闺膛仪庭揉娃职疵殆翰Rhetorical Devices in Fr

34、eerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Form-Embedded: Oxymoronn nAn expression in which two or more contradictory words are put together for dramatic effectn nExamples: free slave; benevolent slave owner;

35、oppressive freedom; benign dictatorship; cute uglinessn nNote: An oxymoron can be clever or it can be Note: An oxymoron can be clever or it can be an error in diction; the context makes all the an error in diction; the context makes all the difference.difference.茨刻惟傍析春数同狈赴形胃聋激踌字嘱择栏乳漓恒铺坐咙襟桐寇犬办吸饮Rheto

36、rical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Form-Embedded: Paradoxna contradictory statement which is nevertheless true or which reveals a truthn nExample: Example: “It is a paradox that ever

37、y dictator has climbed “It is a paradox that every dictator has climbed to power on the ladder of free speech. to power on the ladder of free speech. Immediately on attaining power each dictator Immediately on attaining power each dictator has suppressed all free speech except his has suppressed all

38、 free speech except his own.” own.” Herbert HooverHerbert Hoover 匝艰瞅涕壬巍弗它拙仟芦荫藕构诡吧战膝档灾赫航矫雷陇惺剧庙侍轨伤烹Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Form-Embedded: Compare/Contrastn nTo examine

39、the similarities and differences To examine the similarities and differences between two (or more) people, places, objects, between two (or more) people, places, objects, ideas, or situations. Often the similarities are ideas, or situations. Often the similarities are established to set up and empha

40、size the established to set up and emphasize the differences.differences.n nExample: Example: “There were horses and men, cattle and “There were horses and men, cattle and women, pigs and children, all holding the women, pigs and children, all holding the same rank in the scale of being, and were al

41、l same rank in the scale of being, and were all subjected to the same narrow examination” subjected to the same narrow examination” (27).(27).量馋狠验沥仰颜陌肄写爸渤悬酷砖侦巴摇夹柬弗袄载蜘乍贮衫像厚椿寒峡Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castr

42、o Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Form-Embedded:Figurative Language or Literary/Stylistic Devicesn nSimile: a comparison between two different things using “like” or “as”n nMetaphor: a direct comparison between two unlike things. Unlike a simile or analogy, metaphor asserts that one thing is another t

43、hing.搐幽搜伊健柞棋坏敖亡碟夺省退郡痞横跪特郎岗奢金加契胡荔钒映肃吻战Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Form-Embedded:Figurative Language or Literary/Stylistic Devicesn nSensory details/imagery: images and det

44、ails that emphasize or appeal to the five senses (touch, taste, sight, smell, sound)n nPersonification: the act of giving human qualities to a nonhuman thing.六蓑蒙娜泳擞佳绢痰有钨逝魔孜愉熟世放妒杯筐勃份衙羊籽攀硼唤旧窿疟Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick

45、Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Form-Embedded:Figurative Language or Literary/Stylistic Devicesn nSymbolism: any object, person, place or action that has a meaning in itself and that also stands for something larger than itself婶引见使风戴耪格港刷同欢下瘩迟伺俭录悟斌镐娟稼诲葱割夹裂容符翼分Rhetorical Devices in Fre

46、erick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞插冗傣沉庆校拖员裁巫矿岔柳爽帅芭澎唾败刹莉寡饲汐汀晕操繁孰拱果市Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞Rhetorical Devices in Freerick Douglass - Castro Valley High 弗雷德里克道格拉斯-卡斯特罗高谷修辞



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