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1、Unit Thirteen 了解各国商务礼仪的差异了解中国商务文化的特点了解谈判的技巧Teaching Objectivesbusiness etiquette hierarchical order business culture in Chinanegotiation tips Teaching Emphases Text Fast Reading IFast Reading II Content Pre-reading questions 1.How much do you know about international business etiquette? 2. In your o

2、pinion, what makes a successful business meeting?TEXT Business Etiquette UPPREV.NEXT Business etiquette consists of significantly more important things than knowing which fork to use at lunch with a client. Unfortunately, in the perception of others, the devil is in the details. People are a key fac

3、tor in your business success. Many potentially valuable alliances are lost because of an unintentional breach of manner. In communication, most behavior that is considered discourteous or disrespectful could have been avoided if good manners had been practiced. We find that most negative experience

4、with someone was unintentional and they could have been easily repaired if you keep an open mind and communicate honestly. There are many rules and guidelines for etiquette and it s necessary for a businessperson to learn them. Among the guidelines, the most important thing is to be courteous and th

5、oughtful to the people around you. Consider other peoples feelings. Address conflicts situation-related instead of person-related. Say sorry when you step on toes. If you stick with the basics that you have learned in kindergarten, you will not go too far wrong. The following are helpful guidelines

6、for dealing with people in working and social situations: It is about people Do you think a secretary is not an important role? Dont differentiate by position within the company. In fact, secretaries actually have tremendous power to help your career. Make a point to meet them and show your apprecia

7、tion. Often visit people working next to you. When you visit other sites, linger over a cup of coffee and introduce yourself to people nearly. If you arrive early for a meeting, introduce yourself to other participants. After introducing, talk little about yourself and your hobbies, pets, etc. not t

8、oo much, just enough to get others to open up about themselves. Keep notes on people. This helps you create a people database with names, addresses, phone numbers, birthdays and childrens named-information that is appropriate for your situation. Peers and Subordinates The key factor for forty percen

9、t employees failures in their first job is their inability to build good relationship with peers and subordinates. Social rank or class is a corner stone of social interaction in many cultures. The corporate climate is no exception. People think it is more important to show respect and practice etiq

10、uette around superiors than around peers and subordinates. However, the current economic and social climate is one of rapid advancement through technology. It is very likely for a salesman to become a coworker overnight. Dont treat people differently according to their corporate standing. Show respe

11、ct to everyone regardless of position. Even the people at the top will suspect your motives if you treat VIPs with impeccable courtesy and snap at counter clerks. In a new era of international business, a businessperson must master different business etiquettes in different countries. The following

12、tips of some countries and areas business etiquettes may be helpful for you. Australia. As we all know, in some countries it is customary to begin the meeting with a small talk. But in Australia it is appropriate to get to the point different from many other cultures. Remember: while conducting busi

13、ness with Australians, be direct. Say what you have to say. China. The best advice for you to participate in a Chinese meeting is to go with the flow. The Chinese business culture may appear rather slow moving to Westerners. When westerners are conducting business with Chinese, they are expected to

14、allow their Chinese hosts to set the tone by allowing them to initiate greetings, seating suggestions, and negotiations. In china, people place emphasis on rank. Thus, youd better select a senior team member to be your spokesperson. Hong Kong. In Hong Kong companies, meetings are scheduled in advanc

15、e. Before arriving at the meeting, send a list of all delegates attending, in ranking order with titles next to their names. In Hong Kong, hierarchical order and position are paid special attention to, so your group should enter the room in hierarchical order and sit across from the Hong Kong person

16、 who holds the same position to your own. Like the mainland of China, there is a social conversation at the beginning of the meeting and a Hong Kong Chinese leader will move the talk to business. Indonesia. Indonesian businesspeople are slow and deliberate when it comes to making decisions. During t

17、he meeting with Indonesians, be patient and diligent. If you try to rush them to make a decision, you will be regarded unfavorably. Being thoughtful helps you to maintain harmony with your partner. If the Indonesians with whom you are meeting make few comments, dont view their silence as a negative

18、response. Indonesians are naturally soft-spoken, so avoid being loud or harsh-sounding when taking. Japan. Before a Japanese meeting, write down what you are going to say beforehand, so when discussing business everyone will have this information in front of him or her. Remember to take notes when l

19、istening to others discussing business. It may takes a long time to establish business relationship officially with Japanese, so when doing business with Japanese have a much more realistic attitude about what to expect. Philippines. At the beginning of the meeting there is usually a small talk or a

20、 meal together. Before the meeting you can also see people getting together for a sports outing or the like. When others are talking, listen intently without interrupting. If you break in while someone else is talking, you will be considered offensive. Singapore. Stand when someone higher in rank en

21、ters a room. Dont eat until they begin eating. When sitting in a chair, keep your feet flat on the floor instead of crossing your legs in front of the hierarchical superiors. When an elder person or superior is speaking, avoid challenging, or disagreeing. Otherwise, you will cause them to lose face.

22、 As a result, you will lose the respect of others. A Singaporean may actually mean yes when saying perhaps, agrees to your proposition and then offers to be of assistance. Some phrases such as It may not work out, My schedule may not permit me.” sound like yes but in fact they mean no. South Korea.

23、It is part of the South Korean meeting ritual to begin by offering guests a beverage. Accept a drink when its offered to you, even if you only choose to sip rather than drink it. If a South Korean is bothered or confused by something that has been said, he or she will likely not express this concern

24、 verbally, but instead will expect you to know it from his or her body language or facial expression. When planning meetings, be sure to build in several breaks for smoking. Smoking is very common in South Korea, so this courtesy will be much appreciated. Taiwan. Avoid discussing money too early in

25、a business relationship with Taiwanese. Although the Taiwanese emphasize the importance of profit, this society encourages concern for the good of the whole. So dont give precedence to money issues. Agreements are not the final decision. It is very common to continue a negotiation after signing an a

26、greement. Thailand. Thais are less formal than others when conducting business. However, obvious breaches of Thai etiquette will be considered rude. Ask your Thai partner whether they have questions directly because in Thailand, blunt questioning is considered bad form. Before making any final decis

27、ions, the Thais will want to meet several times with you and your team. Vietnam. Business meetings with the Vietnamese are relaxed and long, so remember to schedule ample time. You will be invited to a meal after meeting. The most senior member of the Vietnamese team will come into the room last and

28、 sit at the head of the table. In most cases, the most senior member will appoint a junior member to lead the discussion. - n. a violation or infraction, as of a law, a legal obligation, or a promise. 破坏,违犯,不履行;破坏或违反一法规、法律责任或一誓言e.g. a breach of contract / copyright 违反合同/ 侵犯版权- a breaking up or disru

29、ption of friendly relations; an estrangement. 决裂;结束或断决友好关系;脱离关系e.g. a breach in Franco-German relations 法德关系破裂Language points breachbreach UPPREV.NEXT- to do business with 与 做生意e.g. deal with foreigners 与外国人做生意- to solve, carry out 解决,处理, 应付e.g. to deal with enquiries/ complaints 处理各种询问/ 投诉- to be a

30、bout 涉及,论及,关于e.g. Her poems often deal with the subjects of death. 她的诗通常是关于死亡这个主题的。Language points deal withUPPREV.NEXT-v. to be slow in leaving, especially out of reluctance; 徘徊:尤指因不愿离开而继续逗留e.g. We lingered over breakfast on the terrace. 我们在平台上慢条斯理地吃着早餐。- to persist: 继续存留:e.g. an aftertaste that li

31、ngers. 回味无穷-to continue to look at sth or think about sth for longer than usual 持续看(或思考)e.g. His eyes lingered on the diamond ring on her finger. 他的目光滞留在她手指上的钻戒上。Language points lingerUPPREV.NEXT - in spite of: 不管e.g. We will persevere regardless of past failures. 尽管以前我们失败过,但仍要坚持下去- with no heed to:

32、 不顾e.g. freedom for all, regardless of race or creed. 不论民族或信仰的全体的自由Language points regardless ofregardless ofUPPREV.NEXT- a. having no flaws, perfect 无错误的,无瑕疵的,完美的e.g. impeccable manners/ taste 完美的举止/ 品位e.g. Her written English is impeccable. 她写的英语无可挑剔。 Language points impeccableimpeccableUPPREV.NEX

33、T-n. polite behavior. 谦恭有礼;有礼貌的举止行为e.g. I was treated with the utmost courtesy by the staff. 我受到了工作人员极有礼貌的接待。Language points courtesycourtesyUPPREV.NEXT- take part in ; became involved in 参加, 参与e.g. 1. She didnt participate in the discussion. 她没有参加讨论。 2. We want to encourage students to participate

34、fully in the running of the college. 我们想鼓励学生完全参与学院的管理工作。Language points participate inUPPREV.NEXT- v. to set going by taking the first step; begin 开始, 展开最初的工作, 开始e.g. initiate trade with developing countries 开始与发展中国家的贸易Language points initiateUPPREV.NEXT- a. of or relating to a hierarchy. 属于或有关于宗教职位

35、等级制度的e.g. a hierarchical society/ organization 分等级的社会/ 组织Language points hierarchicalUPPREV.NEXT - a. done with or marked by full consciousness of the nature and effects; intentional: 蓄意的:在明显完全意识到性质和后果的情况下干的;故意的:e.g. mistake the oversight for a deliberate insult. 把疏忽错当成蓄意的侮辱- arising from or marked

36、by careful consideration: 深思熟虑的:源于慎重考虑的,以仔细考虑为特征的:e.g. a deliberate decision. 深思熟虑的决定- unhurried in action, movement, or manner, as if trying to avoid error: 谨慎的:行动、移动、举止方面不慌不忙的,仿佛努力避免错误:e.g. move at a deliberate pace. 以小心谨慎的步伐移动Language points deliberatedeliberateUPPREV.NEXT-to enter premises forci

37、bly or illegally: 强行进入,非法进入e.g. a prowler who was trying to break in 企图非法闯入的小偷- to interrupt a conversation or discussion 打断谈话,打断讨论e.g. She longed to break in on their conversation but didnt want to appear rude. 她很想打断他们谈话, 但又不愿显得粗鲁。Language points break in UPPREV.NEXT- n .the prescribed form of cond

38、ucting a formal secular ceremony 典礼, 举行正式非宗教典礼的指定形式:e.g. the ritual of an inauguration. 就职典礼 - a detailed method of procedure faithfully or regularly followed: 例行公事,老规矩,习惯:忠实地或规律地遵守详细的程序方法:e.g. My household chores have become a morning ritual. 家务已经成了我早晨的例行公事Language points ritualritualUPPREV.NEXT- n

39、. any one of various liquids for drinking, usually excluding water. 饮料Language points beverageUPPREV.NEXT- n. the fact, state, or right of preceding; priority: 领先:领先的事实、状态或权利;优先权:e.g. Those applications arriving first will receive precedence. 最先到的申请者将有优先权- priority claimed or received because of pre

40、eminence or superiority: 优先权:由于其重要性或较高地位而要求或得到的优先权:e.g. Our company will continue to assert its precedence as the worlds leading manufacturer of pharmaceuticals. 我们公司由于在世界药品生产中的领先地位而将继续断言其优先权Language points precedenceUPPREV.NEXTbusiness etiquette商务礼仪,在商务活动中,为了体现相互尊重,需要通过一些行为准则去约束人们在商务活动中的方方面面,这其中包括仪

41、表礼仪,言谈举止,书信来往,电话沟通等技巧,从商务活动的场合又可以分为办公礼仪,宴会礼仪,迎宾礼仪等。 Language points UPPREV.NEXTdatabase数据库,是按照数据结构来组织、存储和管理数据的仓库,它产生于距今五十年前,随着信息技术和市场的发展,特别是二十世纪九十年代以后,数据管理不再仅仅是存储和管理数据,而转变成用户所需要的各种数据管理的方式。数据库有很多种类型,从最简单的存储有各种数据的表格到能够进行海量数据存储的大型数据库系统都在各个方面得到了广泛的应用。Language points UPPREV.NEXTBusiness etiquette consist

42、s of significantly more important things than knowing which fork to use at lunch with a client.consist of: to be made of or formed from something 由组成,由.构成The team consists of four Europeans and two Americans.Its a simple dish to prepare, consisting mainly of rice and vegetables.Language points UPPRE

43、V.NEXTIn communication, most behavior that is considered discourteous or disrespectful could have been avoided if good manners had been practiced.条件句中的虚拟语气根据不同的时间有三种不同的形式。(1)表示与现在事实相反的情况: if+主语+过去时+其他+主语+should/would/could/might+do+其他 If I knew his telephone number, I would tell you. (2)表示与过去事实相反的情况

44、 if+主语+had done +其他+主语+should/would/could/might+have done+其他 If he had taken my advice, he would not have made such a mistake.(3)表示对将来情况的主观推测 if+主语+were to do+sth.+主语+should/would/could/might+do+其他 if+主语+did/be(were)+sth.+主语 +should/would/could/might+do+其他 if+主语+should+do+sth.+主语 +should/would/could

45、/might+do+其他 If he should come here tomorrow, I should/would talk to him. If there were a heavy snow next Sunday, we would not go skating. If she were to be there next Monday, I would tell her about the matter. Language points UPPREV.NEXTIt is very likely for a salesman to become a coworker overnigh

46、t.It is likely: 可能It is very likely that a salesman becomes a coworker overnight.A salesman is very likely to become a coworker overnight.Language points UPPREV.NEXT1. How can you avoid disrespectful manners? In communication, it can help you to avoid disrespectful behavior by practicing goon manner

47、s and keeping an open mind and communicating honestly.I. Answer the following questions based on the text.I. Answer the following questions based on the text.ReferenceI. Answer the following questions based on the text.I. Answer the following questions based on the text.2. Why is a secretary importa

48、nt to your career? Because a secretarys opinion about you is likely to be required by the decision-maker.ReferenceI. Answer the following questions based on the text.I. Answer the following questions based on the text.3. Why do so many people fail in their first? Because they are incapable of buildi

49、ng good relationship with peers and subordinates.ReferenceI. Answer the following questions based on the text.I. Answer the following questions based on the text.4. What is special on Singapores business They show significant respect to people higher in rank.ReferenceI. Answer the following question

50、s based on the text.I. Answer the following questions based on the text.5. What a South Korean will do if he is bothered in a meeting? He or she will express this concern with body language or facial expression.Reference1. alliance2. Hierarchical 3. Ritual4. Impeccable5. database6. Etiquette7. Prece

51、dence8. Ample9. deliberate10. breacha. arranged in a hierarchyb. an organized set of data that is stored ina computer and can be looked at and used in various waysc. the formal rules of correct or polite behavior in society or among members of a particular professiond. enough or more than enoughe. a

52、 group of people, political parties, etc, to work together in order to achieve something that they all wantf. a failure to do something that must be done by lawg. (of a movement or action)done slowly and carefullyh. the condition of being more important than somebody else and therefore coming or bei

53、ng dealt with firsti. without mistakes or faults; perfectj. a series of actions that are always carried out in the same way, especially as part of a religious ceremonyII. Read the following terms and match each with its II. Read the following terms and match each with its proper definition.proper de

54、finition. 1. 1. e e 2. 2. a a 3. 3. j j 4. 4. i i 5.5. b b 6. 6. c c 7. 7. h h 8. 8. d d 9. 9. g g 1010.f.f Thais are less formal than others when conducting business. However, obvious breaches of Thai etiquette will be considered rude. Ask your Thai partner whether they have questions directly beca

55、use in Thailand, blunt questioning is considered bad form. Before making any final decisions, the Thais will want to meet several times with you and your team.III. Translate the following passage into ChineseIII. Translate the following passage into Chinese 泰国人在做生意的时候,不像其他国家的人那么正式。但是,如果公然违背泰国的礼仪,那也被

56、认为是很粗鲁的。要直接问他们是否有问题。因为在泰国人看来,拐弯抹角的提问是很不好的一种形式。泰国人要在和你及其你的团队会面数次后才会做出最终决定。Reference1. 商人经常认为,交谈时流利与沟通比语法更重要。 Business people often think that fluency and communication take precedence over grammar when talking.2. 有时,很难对物品的颜色和声音进行口头描述。 It can sometimes be difficult to give a verbal description of thin

57、gs like colors and sounds.3.我们不因工人的背景和种族不同而区分对待。 We do not differentiate between our workers on the basis of their background or ethnic origin.4. 演出结束后,我们在酒吧逗留了一会,希望能一睹演员们的风采。 After the play had finished, we lingered for a while in the bar hoping to catch sight of the actors.5. 他谨言慎行。 He was deliber

58、ate in his speech and action.IV. Please put the following sentences into English.IV. Please put the following sentences into English.Gifts You Should Never Give at the OfficeFast Reading I UPPREV.NEXT Have you ever been at one of those office parties where everywhere falls silent as someone opens a

59、wildly inappropriate gift? If you dont want to be the person who causes that kind of a scene, take heed of this list of things you shouldnt give as holiday gifts at the office. Perfume or Cologne There are two reasons you shouldnt give a colleague perfume or cologne. It may remind them of their ex,

60、or give them the idea that you want something more than just a business relationship. If they dont like their ex, that isnt going to reflect well on you. If they think you want something other than a business relationship, thats going to cause an awkward situation. Items That Violate Company Policie

61、s When youre giving gifts at a company-sponsored event - even if its not hosted at the office - you should only gift items that would be appropriate to show in a business meeting, “Safe gifts are Forever Stamps, picture frames or office knick-knacks, something for their kids, movie or restaurant cer

62、tificates, gift certificate for their favorite hobbies,” says business and career coach Laura Lee Rose. There are a lot of safe gift options that wont violate any company policies to provide a safe, secure and friendly work environment. Stuff with Strong Scents Be considerate of your co-workers and

63、avoid giving things with strong odors or irritating dyes. Oftentimes gifts that have a strong odor such as candles, perfumes and decorative centerpieces contain dyes, allergens and other concoctions that may bother people in the office place. Many times these types of beautiful arrangements are very

64、 appealing to the eye, but can be harsh for those who may be sensitive to strong smells. Insensitive Items Be aware of religious, cultural or medical issues that could make certain foods, alcoholic drinks or other items inappropriate gifts. Try to find out as much as you can about the co-worker youl

65、l be getting a gift for in order to avoid anything that might be embarrassing for them to receive. There are lots of non-threatening and useful gifts. For instance, if you are an office supply store, giving a stapler with a coupon for life-time supply of staples is a funny gag gift. If your company

66、is involved in IT or software, giving a subscription to a technical magazine or e-zine or something that will help your co-worker in their career is a useful gift.1.( ) You may cause an embarrassing situation if you send your colleague a perfume or Cologne.2.( ) Giving the appropriate gifts may cont

67、ribute to a safe and friendly working environment.3.( ) You can send gifts violating company policies at a company-sponsored event if it isnt hosted at the office. 4.( ) You will not cause an awkward situation when gifting items like Forever Stamps and picture frames.5.( ) Giving a stapler with a co

68、upon for life-time supply of staples is regarded as a useless gift. I. I. Determine Determine whether whether the the following following statements statements are are True True or or False False according according to to the text. Write “T” for true and “F” for false in the brackets.the text. Write

69、 “T” for true and “F” for false in the brackets.1. 1. T T 2.2. T T 3.3. F F 4.4. T T 5.5. F F1. Which of the following phrases can best explain “take heed of”? (the third line in the first paragraph) . A. take advantage of B. pay attention to C. put stress on D. comply with II. Choose the best answe

70、r to complete each of the II. Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences.sentences.2.What is the authors attitude towards gifts with strong scents?_ A. They are items that violate company policies. B. They can be harsh for all the people in the office place. C. They are always designed

71、 appealing to the eye. D. They should be avoided when you are giving your co-workers gifts. II. Choose the best answer to complete each of the II. Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences.sentences.3. Which of the following CANT explain why you shouldnt give a colleague perfume? A. I

72、t has strong scent that may bother people in the office place. B. It may remind them of their ex. C. It may make them feel that you want something more than just a business relationship. D. It may embarrass you if they dont like the gift.II. Choose the best answer to complete each of the II. Choose

73、the best answer to complete each of the sentences.sentences.4.What does the author advise you to do if you are giving your colleague a gift ?_ A. To talk with an experienced co-worker. B. To avoid giving a gift at the office. C. To try to find out as much as you can about the colleague. D. To avoid

74、getting gifts appealing to eyes.II. Choose the best answer to complete each of the II. Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences.sentences.5. What is the authors purpose in writing this passage?_ A. To remind people about the importance of giving the right gifts at the office. B. To s

75、uggest the most appropriate gifts given to colleagues. C. To remind people about some items that shouldnt be given as gifts at the office. D. To suggest ways of learning about a co-worker before giving a gift.II. Choose the best answer to complete each of the II. Choose the best answer to complete e

76、ach of the sentences.sentences.Helpful Negotiation TipsFast Reading IIUPPREV.NEXT Negotiation is a part of life we all have to deal with. Being able to do so successfully can make a big difference to our outcomes. Here are some tips that have helped me. Dont get emotionally involved One big mistake

77、many amateur negotiators make is to become too emotionally attached to winning. They shout, threaten and demand to get their way. This is all counter-productive. Most deals are only possible if both people feel theyre getting something out of it. If the person across the table feels attacked, or doe

78、snt like you, they probably wont back down. Many people hate bullies, and will be more willing to walk away from a transaction if it involves one. Keep calm, patient and friendly, even if the other person starts losing their cool. Make sure you leave any pride or ego at the door. Youre much more lik

79、ely to do well that way. Never be the first person to name a figure This is an expensive lesson to have to learn, but a good one. I do a lot of contract work, and one of the first questions Im usually asked is Whats your hourly rate?. This is a high-pressure question, and I often found myself blurti

80、ng out a figure that was lower than what I really wanted. These days, Ive learned the importance of getting the other person to say a number first. Now, I respond to that question by asking Whats the budget for this contract?. Often, Im surprised to discover theyre offering me a better deal than I t

81、hought they were. Ask for more than you expect to get Once the other persons given their figure, even if its much better than you expected, say something like I think youll have to do better than that. Dont be arrogant or aggressive. Just say it calmly. When they enquire about your expectations, ask

82、 for more than you expect to get. Few people will walk away from a deal once its commenced, and you can let the other person feel as if theyre winning by lowering your unrealistic expectations a bit at a time. Let them believe the final decision doesnt rest with you Once a negotiation starts, most p

83、eople want to get it over as quickly as possible. Let their impatience beat them. One great way of doing this is to let them believe the person theyre negotiating with isnt actually you, but some other “authority figure” Say something like Well, Ill have to talk it over with my boss / spouse / partn

84、er before I can give you a definite yes. A skilled negotiator will always want to talk to the person who has the final decision, but dont let them do it. Say the person with the authority over the deal wants you to sort things out but still needs to have the final say. Tell them youll discuss it and

85、 get back with an answer tomorrow. Ask them to make sure thats their best offer you can take to your authority figure. This is also a great strategy for preventing people rushing you.I. Answer the following questions based on the text.I. Answer the following questions based on the text.1. How do you

86、 understand “I think youll have to do better than that” ? It means “ I think you should offer a higher figure”. ReferenceI. Answer the following questions based on the text.I. Answer the following questions based on the text.2. How can a negotiator avoid emotion being involved? A negotiator can avoi

87、d emotion being involved by keeping calm, patient and leave and leaving any pride or ego at the door. ReferenceI. Answer the following questions based on the text.I. Answer the following questions based on the text.3. How can a negotiator get more than he expected? In order to get more than you expe

88、cted you should ask for more than you expect to get.ReferenceI. Answer the following questions based on the text.I. Answer the following questions based on the text.4. Why should a negotiator avoid being the first person to name a figure? If you are the first person to name the figure you will find

89、yourself blurting out a figure that is lower than what you really want. ReferenceI. Answer the following questions based on the text.I. Answer the following questions based on the text.5. What benefits can a negotiator get by letting the other person believe he doesnt have the right to make the fina

90、l decision?This strategy will help you avoid being rushed and give you more time to make final decision. Reference1. ( ) An experienced negotiator doesnt bully his partner into agreeing with him.2. ( ) Naming a figure too late will make you lose initiative.3. ( ) If you ask for more than you expect

91、to get, the other person will win by lowering your unrealistic expectations.4. ( ) If you can make the final decision, you will be considered important.5. ( ) An efficient negotiation is one that is got over as quickly as possible.II. II. Determine Determine whether whether the the following following statements statements are are True True or or False False according according to to the the text. text. Write Write “T” “T” for for true true and and “F” “F” for for false false in in the the brackets.brackets.1.1.T T 2. 2.F F 3. 3.F F 4. 4.F F 5. 5.F FHOME



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