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1、比较级和最高级比较级和最高级英语句子中,英语句子中,将比较两个主体的方法叫做将比较两个主体的方法叫做“比较句型比较句型”。其中,其中,像像“A比比B更更”的表达方式称为比较级。的表达方式称为比较级。 最高级表示三者或三者以上最高级表示三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用最高级。的人或物进行比较时,用最高级。 1“A + be +形容词比较级形容词比较级 + than + B” 意思为意思为“A比比B更更”。 如:如:This tree is taller than that one. 这棵树比那棵树高。这棵树比那棵树高。 在含有在含有连词连词than的比较级中,的比较级中,前后的比较对象必须是

2、同一范畴,即同类事物之间的比较。前后的比较对象必须是同一范畴,即同类事物之间的比较。 在比较级前面使用在比较级前面使用much,表示程度,表示程度“强得多强得多”。 如:如:A watermelon is much bigger than an apple. very, quite一般只能修饰原级,不能修饰比较级。一般只能修饰原级,不能修饰比较级。 注意:注意:2“比较级比较级 + and + 比较级比较级”或或“more and more +原级原级”表示表示“越来越越来越” 如:如:It becomes warmer and warmer when spring comes. 春天来了,天

3、气变得越来越暖和了。春天来了,天气变得越来越暖和了。 It is getting cooler and cooler. 天气越来越凉爽。天气越来越凉爽。 The wind became more and more heavily. 风变得越来越大。风变得越来越大。 Our school is becoming more and more beautiful. 我们的学校变得越来越美丽我们的学校变得越来越美丽 3在含有在含有or的选择疑问句中,的选择疑问句中,如果有两者供选择,前面的形容词要用比较级形式。如果有两者供选择,前面的形容词要用比较级形式。 如:如:Who is taller,Tim

4、or Tom? 谁更高,谁更高,Tim还是还是Tom? 4. “the +比较级比较级, the+比较级比较级”,表示表示“越越越越”。 The more money you make, the more you spend. 钱你赚得越多,花得越多。钱你赚得越多,花得越多。 The sooner,the better. 越快越好。越快越好。 5. 表示倍数的比较级用法:表示倍数的比较级用法: . A + be +倍数倍数+ times + the + 形容词对应名词形式形容词对应名词形式+ of + B. 如:如:The new building is three times the hei

5、ght of the old one. 这座新楼比那座旧楼高三倍。这座新楼比那座旧楼高三倍。(新楼是旧楼的四倍高新楼是旧楼的四倍高) . A + be +倍数倍数+ times +as +原级原级+ as+ B. 如:如:Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。(亚洲比欧洲大三倍亚洲比欧洲大三倍) . A + be + 序数词序数词 +比较级比较级+ than + B. 如:如:Our school is twice bigger than yours. 我们学校比你们学校大两倍我们学校比你们学校大两倍。 6.形容词

6、、副词的最高级形式主要用来表示形容词、副词的最高级形式主要用来表示三者或三者以上人或事物的比较,三者或三者以上人或事物的比较,表示表示“最最”的意思。的意思。 句子中有表示范围的词或短语。句子中有表示范围的词或短语。如:如:of the three, in our class等等。等等。 如:如:He is the tallest in our class. 他在我们班里是最高的他在我们班里是最高的。 7.“否定词语否定词语+比较级比较级”,否定词语否定词语+ so as结构表示最高级含义。结构表示最高级含义。 Nothing is so easy as this. =Nothing is e

7、asier than this. =This is the easiest thing. 形容词形容词的比较等级构成方式:1.一般单音节adj 的比较级多在原形上加-er,最高级加-est. 多音节adj在原形前加more,最高级加mostRememberRemember原级比较级最高级smallsmallersmallestbeautifulmore beautiful most beautifulpopularmore popularmost popular2.辅音字母加y结尾时去y变i再加er eg. friendly friendlier friendliest3. 以不发音的e结尾时

8、加r/st. eg. fine finer finest4. 重读闭音节结尾的词,如末尾是一个辅音字母,双写这个辅音字母,再加-er/est.eg. big bigger biggest5.不规则adj的比较级与最高级如下:原级比较级最高级goodbetterbestbadworseworstmany/muchmoremostoldolder/elderoldest/oldestlittlelessleast四. 单项选择。1. Lucy is very short, but she is _ than her sister. A. shorter B. longer C. taller D.

9、 older 2. Frank is _ friendly than his brother. A. a little more B. a few more C. much D. a little 3. Sam is _ at Chinese than Jim. A. good B. well C. better D. gooder 4. This one is too large. Can you show me a _one? A. larger B. large C. small D. smaller 5. Do you think March is _ than January? Ye

10、s, its _ warmer. A.better, a little B. well, much B.C. worse, very D. nicer, quite 6. Im _ quieter than Susan. A. little B. few C. a little D. a few 7. The watch is not _ beautiful as that one. A. very B. too C. so D. more 8. His French isnt so good as _. A: he B: him C:his D: hers 9. Its much bette

11、r than _ classes. A. have B. has C. to have D. having 10. Her bag is newer than _. A. mine B. my C. me D. I11. The _, the better. A. much B. many C. more D. most 12. Do you know who is _ of the twins? A. shorter B. heavier C. the older D. the funny13. The weather in North China is colder than _ in South China. A. B. this C. the one D. that 13. Which one is _, this one or that one? A. good B. bad C. bestD. worse14. He is _ than me. A. older B. elder C. young D. more younger15. I think your room is _ bigger. A. a lot B. a lot of C. lots of D. more



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