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1、Unit 2Technology and HappinessJames James SurowieckiSurowieckiLearning Objectives To have an insightful understanding of the relationship between technology and happiness. To cultivate critical thinking: to see things from two sides.To appreciate the passage by applying some reading skills.To practi

2、ce English writing and oral English. To learn some CET-4 vocabulary. ContentsGlobal Reading 2After-reading 4Pre-reading3 1Detailed Reading 3 3BrainstormingWhat has technology brought us?BadGoodTechnology: Good?Convenience Easy Life Improved HealthIncreased Production Prolonged lifespanTechnology Tec

3、hnology Great Happiness?Listen and respond P30Technology: Bad?Inconvenience Telemarketing WeaponsTraffic JamsIdentity TheftTechnology Technology ?Technology:It is a double edged sword. It can be used equally for good or evil. It is both a blessing and a curse.“It was the best of times, it was the wo

4、rst of times; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us.” -Charles Dickens A Tale of Two CitiesReading PracticeRead Text B and finish the comprehension task on P46.This cli

5、p is a brief introduction to the Industrial Revolution. Watch the video and try to answer the following questions.Background Information1. Where and when did the Industrial Revolution begin? 2. What are the three factors preparing Britain for the change? 3. What happened after the spinning mule was

6、turned into a time-and-labor saving device?4. Following the textile industry, what demand did manufacturing create?Questions for Video-clip:Background Information5. How did work and economy change in Britain?6. List the inventions mentioned during the Industrial Revolution. Eli Whitneys _, 1763; Cha

7、rles Babbages_, 1834; the first_; _; and _.Background InformationAnswers to the questions:1.Britain; In the 18th century2.Domestic peace, economic health and the availability of critical iron and coal resources in Britain.3. Textile and loom factories essentially replaced home spinning and weaving.4

8、. There was unprecedented demand for new machines, mechanical components, processed materials and skilled labor.Background Information5. Work became increasingly specialized, mechanized and urbanized. An agriculture-based economy evolved into an industrial one.6. Eli Whitneys cotton gins 轧棉机, 1763;

9、Charles Babbages mechanical computer, 1834; the first steam carriage; steam ship; and steam locomotive.Background InformationAnswers to the questions:James Surowiecki Born: 1967 Birthplace: Meridien, Connecticut Best known as: An American finance journalist who wrote 2004s The Wisdom of CrowdsJames

10、Surowiecki In The Wisdom of Crowds, he argued that a diverse, independent and decentralized group of people, under the right conditions, makes the smartest choices. Global Comprehension PartsPara(s).Main Ideas112(Intro)The authors viewpoint on the relationship between technology and happiness.235 (W

11、hy)36 (Why)478(Why)The negative effects of technology have been focused on _.59(Why)People adapt to technological progress too quickly.human relationshipWe can never really keep pace with the fast-going change in technology.The downside of technology makes people consciously unhappy.Global Comprehen

12、sionPartsPara(s).Main Ideas610-11(Conclusion)_ has increased peoples sense of well-being as well as longevity, which emphasizes _.On one hand, technology has brought about tremendous social and economic prosperity and improved peoples health and life expectancy. On the other hand, people in general

13、believe that technology cannot bring happiness. Yet, people still wish to live longer.Medical technologya paradox of happinessTrue or False (Paras 1-2)1. In the second half of last century, gross domestic product per capita increased by 200 percent in US. ( )2. Media and leisure were turned into mul

14、tibillion-dollar industries for the American spent less time on work and more time on entertainment. ( )3. Material and technological advances havent made Americans happier than before. ( )4.This is a unique phenomenon in US that with the increase of their income the percentage of people who feel ha

15、ppy has fallen slightly since the early 1970s. ( )Keys to T&F1. T 2. F Americans pursuit of entertainment turned media and leisure into multibillion-dollar industries even though they seemed to work extraordinarily hard.3. T 4. F Similar data revealing this phenomenon have been found in most develop

16、ed countries.Questions (Paras.3-5)1. In what sense is Richard Easterlins paper a truly groundbreaking work?2. What is the relationship between money and happiness according to Richard Easterlin? Do you agree?3. How usually does a lottery winners sense of well-being change? 4. Why do people tend to t

17、ake technological innovations for granted?Answers to Questions1. The topic his paper is concerning has seldom been examined by other economists and social scientists.2. At least after a certain point, money cant buy happiness.3. Usually he is very happy, but soon the excitement will disappear, and h

18、is sense of well-being will become the same as before.4. Technology develops very fast, any miraculous innovation will soon become common or frustrating when it doesnt work well, and its hard for people to remember what things were like before without the technological innovation.Blank Filling (Para

19、s. 6-7)Downside of technology Specific bad technologies: a._, b._, c._. Negative impact: 1. Increasingly fragile _, 2. Disrupt _, break _, 3. Gradual _.Blank FillingDownside of technology Specific bad technologies: a. telemarketing, b. traffic jams, c. identity theft. Negative impact: 1. Increasingl

20、y fragile privacy, 2. Disrupt relationships, break community, 3. Gradual isolation.Language Points GDP? GNP? gross domestic product VS gross national product gross: a. general, total His gross annual income is just $40, 000. 这个包裹连盒子总重量是十公斤。 The gross weight of the package is 10 kilos, including the

21、box. gross incompetent gross injustice gross language =completely incapable =obvious injustice =offensive, disgusting language triple v. & adj. & n. World fuel output and consumption has tripled since World War . a triple partnership /alliance a triple murderer The amount of alcohol in the drivers b

22、lood was triple the legal maximum. =three times as much asLanguage Points life expectancy =the length of time that a person or animal is expected to live 女性的预期寿命比男性长。 Women have a longer life expectancy than men. One fortune teller says Ms. Gao has a life expectancy of 72 years.Collocations: 预期寿命短 /

23、 预期寿命长 low life expectancyhigh life expectancyPart divisionLanguage Pointsvs. longevity boom: n. & vt. This countrys economic development has contributed a lot to the boom in the world trade. By the turn of the century, the QQ has been booming among Chinese netizens. The baby boomer? It refers to th

24、e person born during the baby boom, a sudden large increase in the birthrate, after the Second World War from 1947 through 1965. Language Pointsboom vs doom vs loom vs gloom soar vi. rise rapidly or to a very high level We had a soaring temperature a couple of weeks ago, and a plummeting temperature

25、 three days ago. Her spirits soared. (Figurative) become excited, high-spiritedLanguage Points But its been left largely unexamined by economists and social scientists.A. What does “it” refer to here?It refers to the relationship between happiness and technology.B. leave 使保留,使处于(某种状态)Leave the door

26、open. The door is left open. be left +adj. Leave me alone. I dont want to be left alone.Language PointsC. Paraphrase this sentence. But economists and social scientists have hardly examined the relationship between happiness and technology at all.Language PointsThe truly groundbreaking work on the r

27、elationship between prosperity and well-being was done by the economist Richard Easterlin, who in 1974 wrote a famous paper entitled “Does Economic Growth Improve the Human Lot?”Translate this sentence into Chinese.经济学家理查德伊斯特林在经济繁荣和幸福的 关系方面进行了具有开拓性的研究,并于1974年发表一篇题为“经济增长改变人类命运吗?”的著名论文。Language Points

28、at work: having an effect on sth.The pills are at work, and he is sleeping like a log now.经济学家们正在研究通货膨胀在经济中的作用。Economists are now studying the inflation at work in the economy.Language Points Does our fast assimilation of technological progress mean, then, that technology makes no difference?1.assim

29、ilation: assimilate 消化吸收 透彻理解 / (使)同化It takes time for students to assimilate this text.New arrivals find it hard to assimilate into the community.新来者感到难以被同化到这个社会/社区。Language Points2. make no difference: not matter at allA. No matter how hard you tried, it made no difference as it was too late.B. Yo

30、u can have a single or double room, it makes little difference to the price.C. Whether he comes or not makes every difference on her.Language PointsTelemarketing, traffic jams, and identity theft all come to mind.1. What are “telemarketing”, “traffic jam” & “identity theft”?Telemarketing means sales

31、people try to sell products to you on the phone. Traffic jam means your car is stuck in heavy traffic. Identity theft means your personal information is stolen.Language Points2. Translate this sentence into Chinese.我们我们马上会想到马上会想到电话推销、交通阻塞以及身份资料失电话推销、交通阻塞以及身份资料失窃等情况。窃等情况。Language Points3. come to min

32、d =make (one) suddenly think of The moment when he locked the door, it came to his mind that he left his wallet in the room. 看到这幅图,你第一个会想到什么东西? At sight of this picture, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? “When it comes to , all come to mind.” Use this sentence pattern to create a sent

33、ence.Language Points But for the most part, modern critiques of technology have focused not so much on specific, bad technologies as the impact of technology on our human relationships. 1. What do modern critiques of technology mainly focus on? the impact of technology on our human relationships.2.

34、not so much as 与其说不如说,不是而是 He isnt so much ill as depressed. (连接词语词组) Its not so much that the machine is out of order as (that) I have not learned to operate it. (连接分句) Language Points3. Paraphrase this sentence. However, current criticism on technology have mostly centered on the bad effects of te

35、chnology on our human relationships rather than certain / particular, harmful technologies.Language Points fragile: a. 1.易碎易损的;2.不牢固脆弱的;3.虚弱的 The porcelain plates are so fragile that we must handle them with care.Two ambulance attendants picked up his fragile body and put him onto a stretcher. Frien

36、dship based on interest is fragile.1.1.易碎易损的易碎易损的2.2.不牢固脆弱的不牢固脆弱的3.3.虚弱的虚弱的Language Points The notion that technology disrupts relationships and fractures community gained mainstream prominence as an attack on television.1. Sentence structure? The notion that technology disrupts relationships and fr

37、actures community gained mainstream prominence as an attack on television.Language Points2. Mainstream prominence? prominence: the state of being important, well-known The phrase: the state of being well-known, important among majority 3. Translate this sentence into Chinese. 技术会扰乱人际关系、破坏社区交往 这样一种看法

38、成为主流关注,被当做一种对电视的批评。Language Points 4. prominence: n. the state of being prominent prominent: adj. 1.重要著名的 2.显著突出的 这则报道刊登在头版的显著位置上。 The story was given a prominent position on the front page. Some young writers born in 80s have recently come to prominence. 一些80后的青年作家们近来已经崭露头角。Language Points5. disrup

39、t: vt. 扰乱 打乱 使中断 disrupt traffic disrupt public order 引起交通混乱 扰乱治安 吵闹的手机铃声不止一次打断了演讲。 Loud cell music disrupted the speech more than once. Our company aims to help you move your house with minimum disruption to your life. 我们公司的宗旨是帮你搬家,并尽量减少搬家给您的生活带来的打扰。Language Points6. fracture: A. n.& v. 断裂 破裂 折断 B.

40、 使(社团组织等)分裂 老妇人摔下楼梯,右腿两处骨折。 The old lady fell down the stairs, and her right leg fractured in two places. =had two fractures in the right legs (vt. & n.) He speaks a sort of fractured English. 他英语讲得结结巴巴。(-ed: adj.)Language Points Today, technological change is so rapid that when you buy something, y

41、ou do so knowing that in a few months theres going to be a better, faster version of the product, and that youre going to be stuck with the old one. 1. “you do so ”refers to ? You buy the things (while) knowing that 2. Sentence structure? Change is rapid.Language Points3. What to do with the old pro

42、duct? Be struck with it, that is, we probably have to keep it even if we dont like it any more.Language Points 4. be stuck with: a. 陷入,困于,难住 b. 摆脱不了,甩不掉,不得不与.一起 Jill asked me to take care of her little son, so I had to be stuck with the naughty boy for a whole weekend, which almost drove me crazy. W

43、ill you help me with this math problem? Im struck with it.Language Points Its as if disappointment were built into acquisition from the very beginning.1. acquisition- 获得习得(知识或技能)购得, 购得物 The fund will be spent on the acquisitions for the library.2. build into: 使成为一部分The government is focusing on buil

44、ding stability into the economy. 政府正致力于建立经济的稳定性。 Language Points永恒的话题的开始,伊始开拓性的、突破性的研究人类命运密不可分,密切相关普遍现象幸福感,健康快乐感起作用的原则记在脑海中an eternal subjectthe advent ofgroundbreaking worksense of well-beingkeep/bear in mindwas strongly correlated witha universal phenomenonprinciple at workhuman lotUseful Expressi

45、ons出现出现, ,发生发生健康幸福健康幸福/ /富足富足/ /福利福利平均平均 好歹好歹身份资料失窃身份资料失窃 脆弱的隐私脆弱的隐私 联网的数据库联网的数据库医疗技术医疗技术在更深层次上在更深层次上渴望渴望come alongwell-offon average for good or illidentity theftfragile privacylinked databasesmedical technologyon a deeper levelbe hungry forUseful ExpressionsFurther DevelopmentProverbs and Quotatio

46、nsGroup Discussion A Technological Invention (As suggested on page 40)Proverbs and Quotations1. Happiness consists in contentment. 知足常乐。知足常乐。2. Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage, and those who manage what they do not understand. 科技受两种人支配,一种是

47、理解他们所无法掌控的,科技受两种人支配,一种是理解他们所无法掌控的,另一种是掌控着他们所无法理解的。另一种是掌控着他们所无法理解的。 3. Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. Franklin Roosevelt, American President幸福不在于拥有金钱,而在于获得成就时的喜悦以及幸福不在于拥有金钱,而在于获得成就时的喜悦以及产生创造力的激情。产生创造力的激情。 美国总统美国

48、总统 F. 罗斯福罗斯福Proverbs and Quotations4. The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. Victor Hugo, French novelist生活中最大的幸福是坚信有人爱我们。生活中最大的幸福是坚信有人爱我们。 法国小说家法国小说家 V. 雨果雨果Proverbs and Quotations5. There is an evil tendency underlying all our technology the tendency to do what is reaso

49、nable even when it isnt any good. Robert Pirsig, American philosopher我们的科技潜藏着一个不幸的倾向,那就是去做合我们的科技潜藏着一个不幸的倾向,那就是去做合理的事,即使它并无任何好处。理的事,即使它并无任何好处。 美国哲学家美国哲学家 R. 普西格普西格Proverbs and Quotations6. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom a

50、nd prudence, our servant may prove to be our executioner. Omar Bradley, American general这是个只有核巨人和道德侏儒的世界。如果我们继续这是个只有核巨人和道德侏儒的世界。如果我们继续无知而随意地发展科技,无知而随意地发展科技, 我们的仆人也许就是我们我们的仆人也许就是我们的掘墓人。的掘墓人。 美国上将美国上将 O. 布雷德利布雷德利Proverbs and QuotationsFurther DevelopmentGroup Discussion A Technological Invention (As s

51、uggested on page 40)AssignmentsTranslation: Sentence Translation P54-55 Passage Translation P55-56Reciting: Para 7, 9 & 11Writing: The Impact of the Mobile Phone on Peoples LivesWriting China set up its first mobile phone network in 1987 and took a decade to reach 10 million customers. Now with the

52、fast development of wireless industry, as many as one in every three Chinese citizens has a mobile. Mobile phone brings us conveniences as well as troubles. Write an essay of about 150 words to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile according to the outline given below:1) a brief description of the mobile phone using in China; 2) the advantages of mobile phone; 3)the disadvantages of mobile phone; 4) your own opinion.WritingThats all for Unit 2Thats all for Unit 2



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