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1、 想并视私争帽澈酣僵柜语童凿锻鸣棒懦购艾集虐盘徊脯懊敞季葵滨躇看旋Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Warm-upturn leftturn rightNo left turnNo right turn召婶炳泊围间换益膜芦银贫泻斧迸慰皆裴趴常或几纵书甭谅毋怠比崇嘻纺Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Ask and answerHow do you usually come to school?Can you tell me the advantages of cycling?1.Cycl

2、ing can help us save energy.2.It doesnt cause air pollution.3.Its easy to park bikes.积跨伪凡杖玄瓤宫人侧智栖姥虱估豪所帧击榜斗览迎裤符稻有留犁蕉摩仲Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Find out the reasons of the accidentThen talk about what should he/we do when riding bikes?段秽康厌恋你锥突碟蘸氟敛魔窃顷姜豁肚唁禁邓亦奏颖挨凑瘁来鲍毒苫崔Unit6Topic3Secti

3、onB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)1.We should never ride _ _. 2.We should wear bicycle _ when riding.3.We should have _ on the bike or wear _ clothes while riding at night. 4. We should learn more _ _. 1btoo fasthelmetslightslight-coloredtraffic rules仪啦怖燎牲靛宠冯啡旁穗字葵惧泞金镜凶烩脆氢窄裴祷阅档驮拽李汐咒亿Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)U

4、nit6Topic3SectionB(2)1aLook, listen and say. Find out the “if” clauses. 杉掘舟猛简铸荫层穴斜蝇挫瑰锻轧舔丫酶己郊愚泽渠钢惟霍遭萄分傻拢蔷Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2) If you ride at night,you should have lights on the bicycle or wear light-colored clothes. 订对眷空窝环阜阜呢添填汁屈虫瑟疡匙绦堰更啼蹬牢践九腆奸瓤担张梯赞Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit6To

5、pic3SectionB(2) If you ride at night,you should have lights on the bicycle or wear light-colored clothes. 松盾你礼垮础酥瞳虱抗历啪啄卷填功贤它竭垒嘴秘寿烧伙特哼规羽尸截翟Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)If we break the traffic rules, we may get a fine and even be in danger.忙付诣稀替涸蛮逝雾聂催檄果澄敖计贴促科擞层右库机泛疽哺另酣昨思着Unit6Topic3Sect

6、ionB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)If we break the traffic rules, we may get a fine and even be in danger.馏蜒靴琢待亚虾鸵爽绘针酵募骄篱诣烫逞诣串箕咯溃炳酵乖案萝怕坝锑致Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)If people obey the traffic rules,there will be fewer accidentsLearn more sentences揣炭返树隘满糠参毫佐沤翁疤中拓临饱致笺蝎薪硼涎咕加郝耍许几间函啡Unit6Topic

7、3SectionB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)If people obey the traffic rules,there will be fewer accidentsLearn more sentences恬粤衡对篷炊析饰皋复姬浴拱钵开肄淡跌泅壁句酗宰才秋馁拯摧主传扫妒Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)You will be safe if you wear helmet.疤窜湘咏蓉沿害崔催谜歉摊拔粥嚣旨婆咽氯蕊沾桌笛眶兴坐秦宴矽冉味倪Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit6Topic3Section

8、B(2)You will be safe if you wear helmet.稍膀惯丰策膳郝靶敞衣正厅农艘屑层汤特靡十壕征痔门元糕警娃靴疆综诣Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Summarize the usage of the “if” clauses1.If people obey the traffic rules,there will be fewer accidents 2. If we break the traffic rules, we may get a fine and even be in danger.3. You

9、 will be safe if you wear a helmet when riding.洒索缮霸冷驰碴皑羌蠕猜皆颧褪敢囤涟讥献挝赤晦勃铅备柒伯烁黔贾酥襟Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)2abreak the rulesget a fine Look at the pictures. Discuss the results of breaking the traffic rules with if. The expressions under each picture may help you. cross a busy roadbe

10、 in dangerIf you break the rules, you will get a fine. If you cross a busy road, you will be in danger. 莆敷名虎努善册孟箩窥痔平忙螺翰涎记醋珍签钟而募肤暑楚菲渊阵廊棉瘟Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)2amake a wrong turncause troubleIf you make a wrong turn, you will cause trouble.not drive carefullyget hurtIf you dont

11、drive carefully, you willget hurt. Look at the pictures. Use if to discuss the results of breaking the traffic rules. The expressions under each picture may help you. 极尺酋畦唇浊价铣抑浊踌进芒圣集羌享惹秆艰豪域客辖炒气士挂委吨挂龙Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Look at the pictures. Use if to discuss the results of br

12、eaking the traffic rules. The expressions under each picture may help you. drive too fasthave an accident If you drive too fast,you may have an accident.蹄上懊桌憾疯酝牛孤知冗商譬搔惧腻峪垛鸦诲钩适迪冉犬襟评茎巢狰枉耙Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)have an accidentget hurt If you have an accident, you may get hurt. 淌引硷

13、符扯悠妆姬昧链寇墩谦溶铰准翻豌邵祖漳辛满蝉玉屡秒掸患来刚儒Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Practice: use the if clauseIf we study hard ,we will get a gift.=we will get a gift if we study hard.怪蛤纶琉巨海秧窜插蜗淤亚稗览龟婆唯呆筒梁蕾鳖弄雇烽断鞋衍挽译帆茸Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)If you get a present, you will be happy丑虹说域晃臣啤阴砾邓扫

14、禽何儿睫辰咨瓦盐宵踊缚庇插整痉职铡悔拇铲跑Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)If you are happy, you may help others.块极捍缠栋屏腋蠕寥懊火巾腻径子赠妥蘸跟落允察勤单瓣陷园驹列扔杨召Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)If we help each other ,our world will become better and better.很腔伎猛纸嘛斡铬强复虾白古唁进莹猛披膀歪唤僳萄熙汇昭孺旋娶摈藐担Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit

15、6Topic3SectionB(2)SummaryWe learn “if” clauses: If we break the traffic rules, we may get a fine and even be in danger.If we ride at night, we should have lights on the bicycle or wear light-colored clothes. We can Talk about traffic rules and signs: We should never ride too fast.We should wear bicy

16、cle helmets when riding. 琅浇追愉且晕桥愉萨垒桌络收浸许沸掇缚吠预卸炸芽蓝悼颊疚抱载墒贼娱Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Homework1. Review the key points in Section B. 2. Learn more about the adverbial clauses of conditions and make more sentences. 3. Talk about it:How should we stay safe on the roads? 4. Preview Section C. 饺鉴氛女芭宴琅湛丢倚能滇拳镭型带桨颓巴弊席劈始梢士豁迸恒慧讥耳荚Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)TipsTipsObey the traffic rules ,starts form you and I.乎拦裳坚不搪嘲本抿障方扎预蹬叠令妖嚏优赢百午述全洽苹鳖军资劫亏纽Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)Unit6Topic3SectionB(2)



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