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1、2023春季北京完型阅读精讲精练Cloze 2022年北京市中考英语真题Our Christmas GooseOn a cold morning that December, my brother Rick and I were sent to Uncle Tommies onthe other side of Little Mountain to get a goose for Christmas dinner. This long journey over themountain was hard but worth it.That morning, dark clouds were co

2、ming together overhead. I knew it was going to snow onthe 1.When we arrived, Uncle Tommie was already waiting for us. Boys, Im not 2 youoff/ he said, “but the wind is picking up. Youd better get the goose and head for home soon.”After a quick thank-you and goodbye I took the goose and we left. Halfw

3、ay up themountain, it began to snow heavily. I held the goose 3 to me.By the time we reached the top of the mountain, it showed more heavily. And the windseemed to blow straight through my coat. I stepped in front of Rick. You must be cold. Openyour coat!”“Are you crazy? Rick asked. Til lose what li

4、ttle warmth I have! When he saw I was4, he slowly opened his coat.I placed the warm goose inside his coat. Rick sighed happily ( 舒了 口 气) .My plan was5.On the way down, I started to shiver ( 发抖) .Rick said. Dave. its your turn now.He passed me the goose. For a long moment, I just stood and 6 my freez

5、ing ( 冰冷的)hands on his body. We passed the goose back and forth ( 来回地)between us all the way.Finally, We got home.Sitting at the table, we explained how the goose kept us from freezing. uWe cant have himfor dinner! This goose helped 7 our lives/91 said.Later, we named the goose Charley and he lived

6、out his life in the yard, bossing around thechickens and another goose we bought to keep him company. A life as the most important birdwas fitting for our 8.1 . A . mountainB . islandC . lakeD . beach2 . A . payingB . rushingC . showingD . calling3 . A . lightlyB . secretlyC . highD . close4 . A . f

7、rightenedB . regretfulC . seriousD . surprised5 . A . workingB . continuingC . improvingD . changing6 . A . raisedB . driedC . warmedD . examined7 . A . spareB . saveC . treasureD . give8 . A . leaderB . bossC . guideD . hero积累好词佳句1 . 请根据句意选出黑体词汇的最佳释义。 head A. (v.)朝( 某方向) 行进 B. (n.)负责人(DSally, 15,be

8、came the head teacher of her school. As my mom and I headed to the restaurant from our car,a girl about my ageand her mother came up to us.(2) boss A. (v.)发号施令 B. (adj.)拔尖的,数一数二的Hes a real boss man. He has been one of the worlds best doctors through hisown efforts. We dont like him because he always

9、 bosses others.(3) company A. (n.)陪伴,作伴 B. (n.)宾客,来宾 He*s coming with me for company . We*ll have company tomorrow,so we need to make preparations.(4) pick up A .拾起,捡起 B.( 开车) 接人;搭载 C .得到;学会 D .重新开始;继续 E .变得更猛烈Lets pick up where we left off yesterday. It must be done today.I asked my mother to pick

10、me up at the school gate at 6:00 pm so that we couldvisit Grandparents together.( 3) The knowledge and skills that you need will be picked up along the way inachieving your dream. Pm planning to pick up rubbish with my friends in our community park thisweekend. The wind has picked up. All the studen

11、ts go back home quickly.2 . 请写出相关派生词。(1) heavily (adv.)超出一般规模地;重重地(adj.)重的(2) warmth (n.)温暖;暖和一(adj.)温暖的(v.)使暖和一(adv.)温暖地 slowly (adv.)慢速地;缓慢地一(adj.)缓慢的(n.)缓慢;迟钝(4) happily (adv.)快乐地;高兴地f(adj.)快乐的;高兴的- (n.)幸福一(adj.)不快乐的一(adv.)不快乐地(5) lightly (adv.)轻轻地;轻松地f(n.)光;电灯(adj.)轻的;轻松的;少量的f(adj.)不发光的;无光的;暗的一(

12、v.)减轻;发亮;使照亮;使轻松一(n.)照明设备,舞台灯光一(n.)打火机;驳船;点火者(6) frightened (adj.)受惊的;害怕的一(n.)惊吓;惊 骇 ( v .)使惊恐一(adj.)可怕的;惊人的一(adj.)令人恐惧的一(adv.)令人恐惧地(7) regretful (adj.)后悔的;遗憾的f(n.& v .)遗憾;对. . 感到遗憾f(adv.)懊悔地;遗憾地(8) surprised (adj.)感 到 惊 讶 的 一 (n.& v .)意想不到的事;使惊奇,使感到意外一(adv.)吃惊地,诧异地f(adj.)令人吃惊的,出人意料的-(adv.)令人吃惊地 lea

13、der (n.)领导者;领袖一(v.)带路;通往f(n.)领 导 (adj.)领导的; 主要的一(n.)领导地位;领导才能3 .请根据括号中所给词组或句型翻译下列句子。(1)玛丽匆忙赶到公共汽车站,却发现许多人站在她经常等车的地方。(only to find sth.,wait for)(2)如果你做错了什么事,你最好告诉别人真相。不要试图为自己找借口。(Youd better do sth., make up excuses fbr)(3)当我开始学英语时,我在使用语法方面有困难。经过努力,我很擅长它。(begin to do sth./begin doing sth.)(4)当我到达火车站

14、的时候,我本该乘坐的火车已经离开了。(by the time,be supposed to take)(5)上周轮到我作报告了,我花了很长时间做了充分的准备。(It is/was ones turn to do., make full preparation)(6 )记笔记可以防止你忘记重要的信息。 (keep sb. from doing)Reading 2022年北京市中考英语真题What does it mean to be green? Green is more than just a color. It also means taking specialsteps to prote

15、ct the environment. Buying a green product is a small step everyone can take.Deciding whether a product is green, however, isnt always easy. We need to consider the wholelife cycle of the product even after its of no use. Here is what we may keep in mind.The materials of a product are usually our fi

16、rst focus ( 关注) . What is it made of? Are thereany harmful chemicals in it? Green products are made of more natural materials which are freefrom harmful chemicals, so they can be good for our physical health.Packaging is important. How is a product packaged? Is it over packaged? Wed betterchoose gla

17、ss, metal and paper packaging, as these can be reused or more easily recycled ( 回收利用) . We can also look for less packaging or even choose unbagged products whenever possible.Location ( 地点) matters. Where was a product produced? Where are we buying it? Thinkabout how much energy was used to get it t

18、o us try to choose local products. When it comes tofood, it is a good idea to order directly from local farmer, shop at markets and buy fruits inseason. Buying from stores near our houses is also a good choice, because we can go therewithout driving a cai*.Look into what the company tells us about t

19、heir product. Its easy to say that a product is“green or all natural but the words may be too good to be true. So, much of the informationabout a product should be taken with a erain of salt. After all, companies try to make usbelieve that their products are environmentally responsible.The greenest

20、thing is certainly the one we dont buy. Things like food and clothing arenecessary fbr life. But many others are not. Better than buying is choosing to leave anunnecessary product in the store and doing without. It sends a message to the producer, keepsmoney in our pockets, reduces ( 减少) waste and k

21、eeps the planet healthy.1. The writer would suggest choosing a product that isA. over packaged B. delivered from abroadC. locally produced D. made of unnatural materials2. The words “be taken with a grain of in salt” Paragraph 5 probably mean “”A. be easily understood B. not be completely believedC.

22、 be widely spread D. not be quickly forgotten3. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. Buying GreenB. Recycling WasteC. Keeping Healthy D. Reducing Energy Use积累好词佳句1 .请根据句意选出黑体词汇的最佳释义。(1) cycle A. (n .)自行车 B. (n .)周期After taking a visit to the factory,we learn about the li

23、fe cycle of this kind ofproduct.(2)1 like to ride my cycle to go to school for its not only good for my health butalso good fbr the environment.(2) free A. (adj.)不含有害物的 B. (adj.)随便给出的When a friend seriously asks you fbr advice,you should not give a freeanswer,but should give a real idea after seriou

24、s thinking.Mothers food is always free from harmful oil, because she hopes we can eathealthy food and grow up healthily.(3) matter A. (n.)(统称) 物质 B .(v .)事关紧要;要紧;有重大影响(2018 阅读理解 C) Some primary school children have been raised in homeswith more green space around. They are likely to come with larger

25、 volumes of white andgrey matter in certain areas of the brain. (2020昌平第一学期期末阅读理解B) It wont matter how m any times yousay youre sorry,or how many years pass, the hurt will still be there.2 .请写出相关派生词。(1) harmful (adj.)有害的f(n.& v.)伤害,损害f(n .)危 害 一(adv.)有害地(2) physical (adj.)身体的f(n .)物理学f(adv.)身体上;肉体上(

26、3) reuse (v .)再次使用f(v .)使用;应用;利用f(n .)用户一(n .)习惯用法 一(adj.)有用的;有益的一(adv.)有用地一(adj.)无用的一(adj.)习惯于;用过的,旧的(4) recycle (v .)回收利用,再利用f(adj.)可回收利用的(5) directly (adv.)径直地-*(adj.)直接的(v .)投 入 -*(n .)方向,方位 f(n.)导演(6) environmentally (adv.)与环境有关地f(n.)环境f(adj.)环保的(7) responsible (adj.)有责任心的f(v .)回应f(n.)(尤指) 调查对象

27、f(adj.)反应敏捷的(8) unnecessary (adj.)不需要的;不必要的f(adj.)必需的;必要的一(adv.)必要地f(n.)必要性(9) producer (n.)制片人;生产者一(v.)使产生;生产f(n.)产品;产物 (n.)生产:制造3 .请根据括号中所给词组或句型翻译下列句子。(1)当有人和你意见不同的时候,切不可发脾气。因为这样做是无用的。(disagree with, lose your temper, its of +n.+ to do sth.)(2)请记住,每个人都有责任保护地球。 ( keep in mind, be responsible for)(3

28、)中国结是由红黄相间的绳子做成的,用来表达美好的祝愿。(Chinese knots, be made of, express good wishes)( 4 )多读书对我们的写作有好处,可以开阔我们的视野。所以我们应该尽可能多读书。(be good for, open up our minds.)(5 )为了表示对别人的尊重,我们最好先听别人表达。 (had better)(6 )如今,计算机和手机被广泛用于搜索信息。 ( be used to do sth.)(8 )丽莎十岁时就开始沉迷阅读了。 (be taken with)(9 )学生有更多的空闲时间做运动是必要的。 ( be neces

29、sary for)英译汉Buying from stores near our houses is also a good choice, because we can go there without drivinga car.1. ( 2021 阅读理解 C) New research suggests that a gardening program in schools can increasechildrens vegetable intake.2. ( 2021 阅 i卖理解 C) The study found that vegetable intake of the children who grew their ownproduce increased greatly across the year.3. ( 202 阅读理解 C) Not only are there benefits to health, increasing the variety of vegetableschildren are exposed to may also make mealtimes much easier.



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