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1、the Present Perfect Tense & the Present Perfect Continuous Tense. Present Perfect Tense.Present Perfect Continuous TenseTask: Form:Form: have/has + done have/has + done the the Present Perfect TensePresent Perfect TensePartPart A A: :The boy is very happy.The boy is very happy.The The boy boy _(catc

2、h)a _(catch)a bird.bird.(Connection with the past: The boy caught a bird. Connection with the present: The boy is happy. )hascaughtLook, the window is open. Eric opened the window just now.Eric _(already open) the window.(Connection with the past: Eric opened the window. Connection with the present:

3、 The window is open.)hasalreadyopenedWeusethepresentperfecttensetotalkaboutthingsthathappenedintherecentpast,butareconnectedtothepresent.Summary (1):haslivedDaniel_(live)inBeijingsincehecametoChina.(Connectionwiththepast:DanielcametoChina.Connectionwiththepresent:DanielislivinginChina.)Weusetheprese

4、ntperfecttensetotalkaboutsomethingthatstartedinthepast,andisstillhappeningnow.camehaslived_pastnowfutureSummary (2):Theboysaretired.They_(justplay)aballgame.(Connectionwiththepast:The boys played a ball game.Connectionwiththepresent:The boys are tired.)hasjustplayedWeusethepresentperfecttensetotalka

5、boutactionsthatwerecompletedonlyashorttimeagoSummary (3): I went to Egypt in 1986. I went to Egypt in 2004. I _ (be) to Egypt twice.havebeenWecanalsousethepresentperfecttenseforrepeatedactions.Summary (4):_it ever _ (snow) in Hong Kong?No, it _ never _ (snow) there.HassnowedhassnowedWeusethepresentp

6、erfecttensewhentheexacttimeofanactionisnotclearorimportant.Weuseitwithtimeexpressionssuchas:already,ever,for,just,lately,never,recently,since,yetSummary (5):1.Weusealreadyforaffirmativestatementsandyetfornegativestatementsandinterrogativesentences. .2.Weusefor+aperiodoftimeandsince+apointoftime.3.St




10、ectContinuousTensePart B:Part B:Form:have/has+been+doingThe boy started having dinner five minutes ago. He is still having dinner now. The boy _ (have) dinner since five minutes ago.hasbeenhavingThemanstartedworkinginthefieldhalfanhourago.Heisstillworkingnow.Theman_(work)inthefieldforhalfanhour.hasb



13、ting1.Weusethepresentperfecttensetotalkaboutanactioncompletedintherecentpast,andthepresentperfectcontinuoustenseforanactionthatstartedinthepastandisstillhappening.Part C Part C ComparisonComparison_past&pastpastnowfuture_past&pastpastnowfuturePPT:havedonehavebeendoingPPCTvLi Jia _ (read) a book abou

14、t Stonehenge. (She finished reading the book.)vLi Jia _ (read) a book about Stonehenge. (She is still reading the book.)hasreadhasbeenreadingv 2.We can use the present perfect tense for repeated actions, and the present perfect continuous tense for non-stop actions.vI _Egypt many times. (repeated ac

15、tions)vThe man _ (skate) this morning. (non-stop action)havevisitedhasbeenskatingv3.We usually use the present perfect tense to ask questions beginning with how many or how much, and the present perfect continuous tense to ask questions beginning with how long .Howlonghaveyoubeenswimminginthelake?Ho

16、wmanytimeshaveyouswuminthelake?4.Wecanuseeitherastateverboranactionverbwiththepresentperfecttensebutweusuallycanonlyuseanactionverbwiththepresentperfectcontinuoustense.1)She has had the pen for 2 years.2)She has written many compositions with this pen.3)She has been writing compositions with this pe

17、n.stateverbactionverbactionverbv5.We use the present perfect tense, not the present perfect continuous tense, with the words like never, yet, already and ever. v ( ) I have never visited America.v ( ) I have already been to America.v ( ) I have never been visiting America.( ) 1. Although he has live

18、d with us for years, he _ us much impression.A.hadnt left B.didnt leave C. doesnt leave D. hasnt left Multiple choice:D()2.Howcanyoupossiblymissthenews?It_onTValldaylong.A.hasbeenB.hadbeenC.wasD.willbeMultiple choice: A Multiple choice:()3.-_DadandVicky_married?A.Howlongwere,beingB.Howlong,haveC.How

19、longhave,beenD.Howlongdid,getC( ) 4.The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once _ with each other.A. they had quarreled B. they have quarreledC. have they quarreled D. had they quarreled Multiple choice:CMultiple choice:()5.-Howlong_atthejob?-Since1990.A.wereyouemployedB.haveyoubeen

20、employedC.hadyoubeenemployedD.willyoubeenemployedBMultiple choice:()6.IwonderwhyJenny_usrecently.Weshouldhaveheardfromherbynow.A.hasntwrittenB.doesntwriteC.wontwriteD.hadntwrittenAvDiscuss the differences between the present perfect tense and the present perfect continuous tense, then tick the corre

21、ct part according to the information given .Part D: Part D: DiscussionDiscussionPresent perfect Tense Present Perfect continuous Tense Action happened in the past Action is completed Action is still happening Action connected to the present Verb Repeated actions(state verb )(state verb )(onlyactionv

22、erbs)(stateverbs&actionverbs)Makeupdialogueswiththepresentperfecttenseandthepresentperfectcontinuoustense.Practice:Thank you!Thank you! vIn this period weve learned about the Present Perfect Tense and the Present Perfect Continuous Tense. Then we spent quite much time in learning the usages of these two items of grammar. So todays homework is:1)Go through what we learnt today and get familiar with them.2)Finish the exercises on Students Book, Page 11 ( A, B)Summary and Homework:



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