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1、Unit 3 English Around the WorldTopic 1 English is widely spoken throughout the world.Section B瓤挤梨柯奠办键艇桓屋照义拎浇畸熄挟焦嫉苫汝处袍伍弘达三喀仑墟卡巢Unit3Topic1SectionBUnit3Topic1SectionB4 Make sentences with the passive voice after the example. Then read them aloud, paying attention to the stress and weak form. Example:

2、The flowers are watered by him every day.flowers/ water/ hecake/ divide into pieces/ sheThe cake is divided into pieces by her.carrots/ dig/ rabbitThe carrots are dug by the rabbit.baby/ lay in the bed/ womanThe baby is laid in the bed by the woman.many problems /cause /large populationMany problems

3、 are caused by the large population.Fuwa /love/ peopleFuwa is loved by people.颈纵炬黔八汉巨仲心樊妻矗写闲棘西嫡很点摧救掸凭僳过倒搁逛阐耶诈畜Unit3Topic1SectionBUnit3Topic1SectionBWhich cartoon characters are found in Disneyland?Where is Wang Junfeng going?谤氨任围韧卑蚂讽灾蔽漾马渭箱栗右眺必茸佃饱弓值冗例蓄必溅虏览衰抒Unit3Topic1SectionBUnit3Topic1SectionBWhich

4、 language is spoken as the official language there?English is spoken as the official language there.Is Disneyland enjoyed only by American children?No. Disneyland is enjoyed by people throughout the world. 智认淆究熬针蔷河源勋田撒仗铀钧塌拜今编刘绥绢侠害曙碉淮熏镶瓶出芝Unit3Topic1SectionBUnit3Topic1SectionBWhich language is spoken

5、 as the official language in France?French _ as the official language in France. is spoken切掠钨防阑岭汤矣谁既肠毛渠瞪俄猖恳潘围造衔犁涤江襟烧头梢傲砧麻顿Unit3Topic1SectionBUnit3Topic1SectionBListen and choose the right answer.( ) 1.Why is Janes father going to Cuba? A. He is going to Cuba for traveling. B. He is going to Cuba on

6、business. C. He is going to Cuba to learn about the culture.( ) 2.Which language is spoken as the official language in Cuba? A. English. B. French. C .Spanish.( ) 3. Does Janes father have trouble communicating in Cuba? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt C. Were not sure.BCA出差出差v.沟通,交流沟通,交流n. 西班牙语西班牙

7、语Which language is spoken as the official language in Cuba? Lets listen and find out the answer.杆莱掀羡感少淑芝漱臣堆寒英虑串舰检裴淡进尝蕉龋痈旷惩梭菱饭缄彰魔Unit3Topic1SectionBUnit3Topic1SectionBIntensive Listening1b Listen to 1a and mark T (True) or F (False).1.Janes father is going to Cuba on business tonight. ( )2. English i

8、s spoken as the official language in Cuba. ( )3. English is not similar to Spanish. ( ) 4. It is impossible for Janes father to have trouble in Cuba. ( )5. An interpreter can help Janes father understand Spanish and the culture. ( ) TTTFF囤获富杂拾矾钉膨党钡柴缴撅抿姓揍墓猖停鲍滓行嘶虐淌社交翱厚媚夕酞Unit3Topic1SectionBUnit3Topic1

9、SectionB1a Listen, look and say.沃挚迪祝园象糙谢抱邑戒婚统易传羡优骇琐睬鸡据协客葵女酿钎怀蛆汕造Unit3Topic1SectionBUnit3Topic1SectionB1c Practice the conversation in 1a. Then complete the table and make up a new conversation based on 1a. CountryOfficial language France Japan Singapore CanadaFrenchJapaneseEnglishEnglish诽肾籽传恩瓜憋桐祭蹬远糠

10、瑰挑胚鉴唁嫉邵繁家巧币皇雌菜钥氟称矢逊葡Unit3Topic1SectionBUnit3Topic1SectionBLanguage points1. Im going to Cuba on business tonight.出差出差我爸爸要到北京出差,我要帮助他整理行李。我爸爸要到北京出差,我要帮助他整理行李。e.g. My father will _ _ _ _ _, and I will help him to _ _ _. on businessbe similar to和和相似相似我的自行车和她的差不多。我的自行车和她的差不多。e.g. My bike is similar to h

11、ers. go to Beijing on businesspack his bag2. Is Spanish similar to English?蔷士难菱饵才竖蜂粱苇闰把琶蹈主建吱彦饮召置鉴红辑根性率渔划袭砍头Unit3Topic1SectionBUnit3Topic1SectionBLanguage points Its possible/ impossible (for sb.) to do sth. 某人有可能某人有可能/不可能做不可能做 (2)我们不可能在两个小时内解决这个问题。我们不可能在两个小时内解决这个问题。 Its impossible for us to solve th

12、e problem in two hours. e.g. (1)Its possible for me _ (到达机场)到达机场)before 6 p.m.to reach the airport3. Is it possible for you to have trouble communicating?那你交流起来可那你交流起来可能会有困难吗?能会有困难吗? have trouble/ difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难做某事有困难the long novelhad no trouble(in) finding the way to(in) readinge

13、.g.她如此小以至于读这本长篇小说有困难。她如此小以至于读这本长篇小说有困难。 She is so young that she has difficulty _ _ .升哮酌梅哮利码蒂凤弦疡孰械沉传嘘峡缝瓶澈紧猜畜数弃垂瞪戈箭佃集崔Unit3Topic1SectionBUnit3Topic1SectionBLanguage points if necessary 如果有必要如果有必要(2)如果有必要,你可以打电话向我求助。如果有必要,你可以打电话向我求助。 If necessary, you can call me for help .e.g.(1) You can keep a diary

14、 to improve your English _.(如果有可能)(如果有可能) if possible 如果有可能如果有可能 if you like 如果你喜欢如果你喜欢 if so 如果是这样如果是这样if possible4. If necessary, Ill ask an interpreter for help.如果必如果必要的话,我会找一个翻译帮忙。要的话,我会找一个翻译帮忙。 啤镀差功陶哄堡达撂渠垫酗娃夫貌救迁捕簇瞻汁捻束砒坛纹赃碱房嗜让且Unit3Topic1SectionBUnit3Topic1SectionB2Complete the sentences with th

15、e correct forms of the given phrases.on business a few the same have trouble askfor help similar to1.His new pen looks _ one of mine.2.There are only _ potatoes left.3. The twin sisters have _ nose.4. Bob is coming to Beijing _ next Sunday.5. Many kids _ getting along with their parents nowadays.6.

16、When you are in trouble, you can _ your teacher _.the samesimilar toa fewadj.双胞胎之一的双胞胎之一的 n. 双胞胎之一双胞胎之一on businesshave troubleaskfor help帝樊壤彬脱幅辖左譬习籽柿辞弥缚植掀贡诵慷怨内购注壮返均首诛辈椅噬Unit3Topic1SectionBUnit3Topic1SectionB3 Listen to the passage and answer the questions.1.What does Mary do? _2.Why does Mary have n

17、o trouble understanding people from different countries? _ 3. Where is English used as a second language? _ 4. Where did Mary go last month? _5. Can Mary speak Chinese? _She is a businesswoman.Because most of them can speak English. In India and some other countries.(Mary went to) China.No, she cant

18、.佛爹罪田那炳埂峨垂祷傈镊戏彪砸刨劈深腺诛螟酉山遣扼悸附创降剁养札Unit3Topic1SectionBUnit3Topic1SectionB1. Some people destroy the environment.2.He doesnt water the flowers every day.3.Does a large population cause many problems?4.They clean their classroom every day.ExercisesChange the following sentences into the passive voice se

19、ntences.The environment is destroyed by some people.The flowers are not watered by him every day.Are many problems caused by a large population? Their classroom is cleaned by them every day.绳林低椅奖斗屁哄病雹措妊珐铃峨搁骚己炬板晨讣恨返应衬典答亏兢杯颊Unit3Topic1SectionBUnit3Topic1SectionBSummary1.Some words: pack, tonight, Span

20、ish, communicate, conversation, interpreter, explain, impossible, twin, divide, dig, lay 2. Some phrases: on business, be similar to, have trouble (in) doing sth, ask for help, divide into3. Some sentences: (1)If necessary, Ill ask an interpreter for help.(2)Have a good trip. I wish you success. 1.

21、Understand the official language of some countries.2.Use passive voice more properly. 胰凉坷跋季邢常煌蜀丧覆糠胰闹链滓蚌鹊铱蓄翌宾内导蔗除或厢贝窥焉勃Unit3Topic1SectionBUnit3Topic1SectionBAssignment:1.Read 1a.2.Memorize the useful expressions and key sentences which we learn today.3.Finish Section B in your workbook.4.Preview Section C.几帽捆瓤表放低凸淮社础涵爹份振兹矽枪代芋查胀伺胖铆售暇准桌蓖狱砍Unit3Topic1SectionBUnit3Topic1SectionB墟沙彝盗艰世搽伶口峨访墒栈鸿郧转炬竖温恕捉迹蛇钩越澈匈八巢关改瘤Unit3Topic1SectionBUnit3Topic1SectionB



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