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1、1 .Ifs been nice talking/meeting. 功能: 见面即将结束时表达亲切的问候搭配:Its been nice doing sth 或 Nice doing sth with sb扩展句式:l.Nice having you!很高兴你能来!2. Fancy seeing you here! 真想不到在这儿遇见你.常用范例: l.Its been nice talking with you today.2. Nice cooperating with you!合作愉快!对比: Nice to talk with you./Nice to meet you .功能: 此句

2、型用于初始见面的问候扩展句式: Pleased /Nice /Happy/ Good /Great to meet you.情 境 记 忆 :,Tom,nice to meet you!Tom:Nice to meet you too You are really excellent!BilkAhJm flattered.Your performance is also wonderful!Tom:Oh,sorry, Im afraid its time I got going. Very nice meeting you!Bye bye!Bill:Bye,see you next time

3、!又假如人家称赞你表现出色,你可以说rm just lucky ( 我幸运罢了)或 Pm not sosure about that ( 恐怕不像你说得那么好) 、 Im flattered ( 过奖了 ) 等, 例如: Yourworks marvelous. ( 你做得很好。) Pm flattered.”你还可以打趣的回答人家恭维:Flattery will get you nowhere ( 奉承我,是无济于事的)。2Im excited to meet you here功能: 表示某人做某事的态度.搭配: Pm+ excited +to do+sth 或:Im+ excited +w

4、ith/about sth 或Fm+ excited + 从句扩展句式 l.Fm delighted to meet you.2. Fm crazy about music. 我为音乐痴狂.常用范例 l.rm excited to meet you here.2.1 was excited when I got the good news.情境记忆: Tom:Whaf s the good news,Mary?You look soexcited!Mary:Please have a guess!Tom: By the way you burst into the room, I can te

5、ll that maybeyou are admitted into your ideal university, right?Mary:Yeah,Peking university! I cant help being so excitedand I always believe Im a lucky dog!Tom:Congratulations!3 .What a pleasant surprise.功能: 表示惊奇, 高兴. 或遗憾等感情搭配: What a+名词( 可数) + !扩展句式: 1.What a shame!2. What a pity!常用范例l.What a plea

6、sant surprise!真没想到会遇见你!2. What a sunny day!情境记忆:A: Jim! What a surprise! A,吉姆!太令我惊讶了 !B:I don*t believe it.What are you doing here in Beijing? B.太高兴了,你现在北京干什么? 一A:Oh,I just spent a few days with my parents.Now Pm on my way back to ShanghaiA.我只是陪我爸妈几天。现在我正准备回上海B:Gee,ist been a long time. B.吉,好久不见了A:I

7、t sure has.Say,! hear you started your own computer business. A是的, 听说你开电脑公司了B:How did you know? B.你怎么知道的?A:My mother.She keep s track of all my old friends. A.我妈说的,她和我的老朋友都保持联系Asking after sb 问候某人4. How are you doing?功能:用于向候对方生活、工作状况等搭 配 How+be+主语人称+doing?扩展句式: l.How,s it g o in g ? 日子过得怎样? 2. How飞e

8、verything?一切都好吗?3. How are things going with you?你过得怎么样?4. How飞 life treating you/ with you?生活怎么样?常用范例: 1. How are you doing with your study?2. Hows everything at home?情境记忆: Tom: Hi,Bill, Long time no see!How are you doing recently?Bill:Well,not yoo bad yet.What about you?Tom:All right 很好/Much bette

9、r 好多了/Pretty good 很好/Quitewell/Very well /Cant complain 还过得去/ Could bebetter,but not bad. 没有预期的那么好, 不过还不坏./Sos o 马马虎虎/Same as ever同以前一样.Expressing thanks ( 表示感谢)5. Im grateful to.功能:表达感激之情搭配: 主语+be 动词 + grateful +to+sb.扩展句式:1.I can never thank you enough. 我对您永远感激不尽.2.1 do appreciate your timely help

10、. 我的确很感谢您的及时帮助.常用范例: l.Fm really very grateful to you.2. Vm grateful to you for your kindness.我非常感谢您的好意情境记忆: A:Whats wrong,Madam?You look worried!B: Im grateful to you for your kindness if you could help mewith the heavy box.A:Thafs all right.lt was the least I could do. 这没 什 么 , 实在微不足道 , 不 过 尽 力 而

11、已 ( 当对方遇到很大麻烦或以前曾对你有帮助时. )6. rd like to.功能:用于表达意愿或建议,或用于向朋友介绍另一新的朋友,听起来十分亲切。任何时候都显得语言得体。我们都知道Td like to 是 我想 的意思, 那么Tdlikeyou to” 也就不难理解了,它意为 我想请你” ,用于你向别人提出请求。搭配:一般都是先接称谓、称呼、职位等,再接人名。扩展句式: Sb would like to do sth 或 sb would like sb to do sthMay I introduce you to.?常用范例: L Fd like to have a self-int

12、roductiom我想作个自我介绍。2 .rd like you to meet my friend, Paul.我想介绍你认识我的朋友,保罗。3 . Pd like to have a cup of tea. 我想喝杯茶情境记忆:A: Is there anything I can do?Fd like to help if I can.我可以帮你做点什么吗?B: I cant think of anything at the moment.现在我还想不起什么。A: Well,maybe I could run errands or something.我也许可以帮你跑跑腿。B: You c

13、ould if I needed something.如果我需要的话你可以帮忙。A: I feel so useless just hanging around with nothing to d o .整天无事可做我感觉很无聊。B: Dont worry.In a couple of days therell be too much to do.不用担心。 过几天会有事情做的。 .7. rd rather.我 宁 愿 功能:1 . 这个句型表示” 更愿意做. . ”,would rather意思是“ 宁愿、宁可、更、最好、还是为好 ,后接动词原形, 常省略为d rather,表示优先选择的一

14、种方式2其否定形式是would rather not do sth。 would rather没有人称和数的变化,所有的人称一律用would rathero3. 如果在两者中进行取舍,表示“ 宁愿而不愿,与其宁可” 的意思时,则可用 would rather.than.wouldrather ihan的句型搭配: Id rather+ ( not) do +sth或 Fd rather+sb+done( do 的过去式)扩展句式: 1. would rather.than或 would.rather than.l.Would you rather.(or.)?常用范例:1. Pd rather

15、 not go out tonight, its too cold.今 晚 我 宁 愿 不 出 去 ,太 冷 了 。2 .Fd rather you stayed a little longer.3 . Fd rather have the green than the red one.我宁愿要红色的,而不要绿色的。情 境 记 忆 :A: Hey, look at my new shirt. What do you think about it?嘿,看我的新裙子,怎么样?B: How beautiful ! Where did you get it?很漂亮! 从哪儿买的?A: I bought

16、 it on a street market. A real bargain!在街市上买的,真的很便宜。B: Fd much rather buy expensive but good quality clothing, because it is not only nicebut lasts a long time.我宁愿买贵而质量好的衣服,因为那既好又耐穿8. Td prefer我更愿意. . .用法透视:这个句型的意思是“ 认为更可取,宁愿” 也可以加上表 示 “ 喜 欢A胜 过B”。搭配:LId prefer to (do) .than (do)2 .1 would much pref

17、er to do sth.扩展句式:1. I prefer to do sth2 .1 prefer A than B3.My preference / choice would always be.常用范例:1.1 prefer to watch TV at home than go to the cinema.我宁可在家看电视而不愿去看电影。2. The children would walk there rather than take a bus.孩子们宁愿步行去那里而不愿乘公共汽车。情境记忆: 一Would you like some tea or coffee?Ed prefer

18、a coffee. =rd rather have coffee than tea.一您想喝点茶吗? 我想喝点咖啡。/ 我想喝点咖啡,不想喝9.1 wonder if我想知道. . .?功能: 当你不知道某件事情又想知道的时候, 便该用上“wonder 这个句型了。它可用来有礼貌地提出一项要求。要注意的是,它的进行时形式也表示同样的意思,但一定要用过去进行时。搭配“I wonder if.+ 从句扩展句式:1.I was wondering how 2. .1 wonder whether.常用范例:1. I wonder if it would be convenient to visit

19、you next Monday.我想知道我下星期一去拜访你是否方便。2.1 wonder whether Mr. Wang could arrange a meeting with me.我想知道王先生可否安排与我会面事宜? .3.1 was wondering if the manager would agree with my design.我想知道经理是否会赞同我的设计?情境记忆: Salesman: Excuse me, Miss, I wonder if I could have a few minutesof your time?推销员:请问小姐,能不能占用你几分钟时间?Woman

20、: Why?妇女:什么事?Salesman: Well, Id like to introduce you to the new supermodel computer推销员:我想向你介绍这款电脑的超级模型。Woman: Im sorry but Im in a hurry now.妇女:对不起,我很急.Salesman: Thafs no problem 噢,没关系的、10. Im afraid .功能:用这个句型,这个句型通常用来表达一些不好的情况和事实,或表示某种疑虑和歉意即使是在拒绝别人的时候,也会让对方感觉舒服一些。搭配:接宾语从句,that可以省略。扩展句式: 1.be afrai

21、d (+that) + 句子2. be afaid to do害怕做某事3. be afraid of+sth/doing sth.害怕某物/ 某事的后果比如I am afraid to go to school.我害怕上学。害怕的是去做这件事情。比如 He is afraid of tigers.他害怕老虎。I am afraid of failing the test.是害怕不及格这个后果常用范例: LFm afraid I have to go now=I must be leaving now.我恐怕得走了。 -see you/Good night!2.Fm afraid we wil

22、l have to change our appointment. 恐怕我们得改变我们的约会了.3. Im afraid I cant agree with you.我恐怕不能同意你的意见4 Pm afraid you dont see my point.我想你没明白我的意思5 I*m afraid Ive taken too much of your time.对不起,占用了你很多时间。情境记忆 A: Excuse me. Tm afraid you*re in my seat. Youve moved my books.对不起,你坐的是我的座位,你把我的书拿开了。B: Oh, dear.哎

23、呀。A: You must have realized somebody was here.你一定知道这里是有人的B: Oh, well, I looked around. There wasn*t any other space. I waited awhile and nobody came .Im sorry if I*ve taken your place.我找了一下,一个空位都没有。我又等了一会,见没人来。如果我占的是你的座位,对不起了Asking if sb approves询问某人是否赞成11. How / What do you think of.?你认为怎么样?功能:这个句型

24、用来询问对方对某事的看法, 也可以说How do you like.。 当然对这样的问题不能简单地用yes或no来回答,而要具体说明理由。扩展句式:l.Whats your opinion of .?2. Whafs your view ?常用范例:1. What do you think of your new job?你认为你的新工作怎么样?2. What do you think of the Hot pot here?你觉得这里的火锅怎样?与hot p ot相关的例句A little pot is soon h o t.壶小水易开,量小易动怒情 境 记 忆 :A: How long h

25、ave you been in China?你来中国多久了?B: A few months.几个月。A: How do you think of living here?你觉得这儿的生活怎么样?B: Great! Im having a great time.不错!我很开心12. As far as .is concerned 就而言,功能:这个句型用来引出个人的观点与看法,也可以说 s。 far as isconcernedn扩展句式:l.I n my opinion.2. As I see.3. From my point of view,4. As to me or As for me常

26、用范例:1. As far as Im concerned, I dont mind that you make a mistakein the new job as a greenhand.就我个人而言,我不介意新手 在工作当中犯错误 .2. The coat is fine as far as color is concerned, but it is not very good quality.这件上衣就颜色来说还不错,但质量不太好。 .3. So far as hes concerned, nothing is as important as his daughter.对他来说,什么也

27、比不上他女儿重要。情境记忆:A: Have you seen the movie, Scream?你看过电影 惊声尖叫了吗?B: Yes. It gave me the creeps.看了。它让我浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。A: Come on, it wasnt that bad.算了,哪有那么惨啊。B: Yes, it was. As far as Pm concerned, Im never going to see another movie likethat again.真的。对我而言,我再也不想看那种电影了13.As far as I.就我所功能:as far as的意思是“ 根据 而言” ,

28、这个句型中可以根据情况加入各种不同的动词。扩展句式:1 .as far as I remember / recall / collect.:就我回忆. .,2.as far as I know / tell.:就我所知. .,3 .as far as I can see.: 依 我 所 见 .,4 .as far as I can feel.:就 我 的感觉. 。常 用 范 例 :1. As far as I recall, there used to be a clean river near my village at that time.就 我 回 忆 ,那 时 我 们 村 边 有 一

29、条 清 澈 见 底 的 小 河 。2. As far as I can see, hes a big liar.就 我 所 知 ,他 不 过 是 个 大 话 精 。white lie字 面 是 白 色 的 谎 言 ,在 西 方 白 色 都 被 人 们 认 为 是 纯 洁 的 象 征 ,象婚礼服是 白 色 的 ,所 以 谎 言 都 带 上 纯 洁 的 修 饰 ,意 思 就 是 无 恶 意 的 谎 言 ,善意的谎言T反 之 ,black lie则是用心险恶的谎言White Lie in Black应 该 是 介 于 善 意 和 恶 意 之 间 的 谎 言 的意思情 境 记 忆 :A : Have

30、you seen Mary?你见过玛利了吗?B: No. As far as I can remember he was supposed to be on a business trip to London.没有啊, 我记得他应该去伦敦出差了。A: Yes, but he was supposed to be back by now.是的,可他该回来了。B: Maybe youll call his home.或许你该给他家打电话14.1 cant figure out.我搞不懂. . .功能:“figure out”是理解的意思,这句话的含义相当于”1 dont understando扩展

31、句式:1. 1. figure sb/sth o u t这个词组表示“ 理解某人,某事物;弄明白” 。比如说,A.Ive never been able to figure him ou t.我一直无法理解他。B.I cant figure out why he quit his jo b .我琢磨不透他为什么要辞掉工作.2.figure sth o u t这个词组还可以表示“ 演算出,计算出“ ,比如说,Have you figured out howmuch the holiday will cost?你算出度个假要多少钱了吗?常用范例:1.1 cant figure out how to

32、 break the news to them.我想不出怎么把这事跟他们说。2.1 cant figure out what color to paint the house.我想不出用什么颜色刷这房子。情境记忆:A: Hurry up. Were going to be late.快点!我们要迟到了。B: I am hurrying.我已经很快了。A: What are you doing?你在做什么啊?B: I cant figure out which dress to wear.我不知道该穿哪件衣服15.1 cant follow you.我没听懂。功能:如果对方说话语速太快或内容艰深

33、,你不太能跟得上,就用这句话告诉他吧。扩展句式:1.1 cant catch you.2.1m not quit catching you .常用范例:1. 1 cant follow you when you speak fast.你说得太快了,我没听懂。2. Hold it. I cant follow you.等一等,我没听懂。3. Do you follow what Im saying?你听懂我在说什么了吗?情境记忆:A: Do you speak English?你会说英语吗?B: Yes, a little.会一点。A: Can you tell me how to get to

34、 the Jade Buddha Temple?你能告诉我玉佛寺怎么走吗?B: Pm sorry. I cant quite follow you. Would you please speak a bi t moreslowly?对不起,我听不懂你的话。请你说得慢一点行吗?16.The time has come for us to.功能: 用过去时形式的从句表示该做的事还没有做。在朋友家呆久了该离开了,用这样的表达方式听起来会比较委婉。搭配及扩展句式:l.Ifs time for sth 或 Its time to do sth 或 Ifs time for sb to do sth2.

35、It is high(about) time that we did sth虚拟语气, 表示建议, ” 到该干的时间了”常用范例:Llts time for school . 该上学了.2. If s time to go to school3.1fs time for me to go to school.我该上学了.4.1fs high time that I went to school.1. It*s about time that he learned to look after himself.现在该是他学会照顾自己的时候了。2. Now you are talking, and

36、about time too.你这话说对了,早就该这么说嘛。情境记忆: A: I have a complaint to make. The bill you sent me was incorrect. Whats more,it isn*t the first time我要投诉。你们寄给我的帐单错了。况且,这也不是第一次了。B: Well, I must apologize, madam. We have new computers here, youknow.啊,我向您道歉,夫人。我们这里刚用了新电脑。A: Dont you think its about time you got th

37、em working properly?难道你们不认为是时候让它们正常工作了吗?B: I agree entirely. I assure you it wont happen again.我完全同意。保证不会再发生这种事了17. It takes some time to get to .功能: 花费某人某些时间去做某事搭配: 1. It takes sb. some time to do sth.常用范快! I: Lit takes me twenty minutes to get to school on foot every morning.每天早晨我步行到学校要花费二十分钟。2Jt

38、will take three hours to finish the work.完成那项工作需要花费三个小时。情境记忆: Boy:How do you get to school?Girl: I take the train.Boy: How long does it take?Girl: Oh, around forty minutes. How about you?Boy: I take the subway.Girl: How long does that take?Boy: Oh, around thirty-five minutes.Asking for and offering

39、help 请求提供帮助18. Could/would you give me a hand/do me a favor?功能: “give a hand”的 意 思 是 “ 出 手 帮 忙 : 这 个 句 型 可 用 来 要 求 帮 助 。扩展句式:1.Can you give me a hand?你 能 帮 助 我 吗 ?2. Can you lend me a hand?3. Could you help m e?你 能 帮 助 我 吗 ?4. Would you please do me a favor?能 帮 我 个 忙 吗 ?常用范例:1 Hes always willing to

40、give a hand to anyone who asks. 任 何 人 有 求 于 他 ,他 总 是 乐 于 帮 助 。2. Everybody gave a hand, so that the work was finishedahead of schedule.每 个 人ip帮 了 忙 ,因此工作提前完成情 境 记 忆 :A: Can you give me a hand with the dishes?你 能 帮 我 洗 碗 吗 ?B: Sure. Should I wash or dry?当 然 。我 应 该 洗 还 是 应 该 擦 干 ?A: I wash and youll d

41、ry.我 来 洗 ,你 来 擦 干 。B: OK. Lets do it.好 。我 们 干 起 来 吧 。. Asking the Way 问路19. Can you tell me the way to .?功能: 问路扩 展 句 式 :1.Can you tell me the way to .?2 .Can you tell me where . is?3 .How can I get to.?4 .1s this the right way to .?常用范例:L Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the station?劳驾, 请问去车站怎么

42、走?2. How can I get to the nearest chemisfs, please?请问去最近的药房怎么走?要注意的是“Excuse me.”这个习惯用法,在用英语交际时,应注重礼貌。Excuse m e.是很常见的一句礼貌用语,意思是“ 劳驾或者请问” ,常用于向陌生人询问,请人让路,要求插话时为了引起别人注意的一句话。当别人对你提供的帮助表示感谢时,你可以说“You are welcome.”或者“My pleasure.”。意为:不客气,不用谢。情境记忆:A:Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the railway station

43、?B:Turn left at the second crossing when you are across thiscrossroad过了这个十字路口在第二个交叉口往左拐.A:rm sorry. I have no idea where it is .对 不 起 ,我不知道它在哪.B: Go down this street. Then turn left.沿 这 条 街 走 下 去 ,然后 朝 左 拐 。A:How long will it take me to get there?到那儿大概需要多长时间?B: Ifs about fifteen minitues walk. 走过去大概

44、十五分钟吧.A:Thank you very much for your kindness and help.非常感谢您 的 好 心 帮 助 !20. Give my regards to .向. . . . 问好真诚祝福“ 能使你所爱的人快乐是世界上最大的幸福。”(Making the one you love happy is themost satisfying feeling in the world.)学会真诚地给予亲朋好友祝福,既能让他们感到幸福,也使自己陶醉于幸福之中。功能: 这是让对方代自己向别人问好时的用语。也可以说send my regards tone扩展句式: l.AI

45、I the best with your.2.Send him my best wishes.请代我向他致意3 .Have a great time in your .o4 .Good luck in the exam!常 用 范 例 :1. Do give my regards to Mary.请 一 定 代 我 问 候 玛 利 。2. Please give my sincere regards to all the members of your family.请 代 我 向 你 全 家 致 以 诚 挚 的 问 候 。情境记忆:A: How are your parents these

46、days?最近你父母身体好吗?B: Oh, they*re fine, still very active and enjoying their retirement.哦,都很好。他们依然很活跃,退休生活过得很襦快。A: Oh, good. Thafs nice to hear. Please give my best regards to them whenyou*re back home.那太好了。这真让人高兴。你回家时请代我向他们问好。B: Sure, thank you.一定。谢谢你21. Do you happen to know .功能: 用于提出问题 你碰巧知道吗?happen为

47、不及物动词,通常指偶然事件的“ 发生” 。“happen to s b . 可用来表示“ 某人发生某事 ,happen的主语不能用表示人的词语,它的主堂通常由accident或 it, what, this, thing something等代词担任。如果表示事先安排或有准备的事件,则用take place,其主语常是表“ 运动,活动,会议” 的名词。happen和 take place都不能用于被动。(2) “happen to do”表示“ 碰巧. . .” 。搭配 Do you happen to know sth/sb?或 Do you happen to know+从句?扩展句式:

48、LCan you tell me a bit more about.?2.Can you tell me something about.常用范例: 1.I happened to be out when he called.2. Do you happen to know the dean of my department?情境记忆: A: Who is the greatest teacher in your mind?B: As far as Im concerned, Mr Li is the greatest teacher in my heart.A:Which Mr Li?The

49、 dean of your department?B:Yes,do you happen to know him?A:If s incredible!He is my father.B:Really?But you never tell me about that!22 .1 have mixed feelings about.功能: 表达内心的困惑或迷茫之感.搭配: I have mixed feelings about ., + 名词或动名词扩展句式:I am kind of confused about.常用范例: I have mixed feelings about my life.

50、情境记忆: Tom:Hi,BiH,you look worried.Whafs up?Bill:Nothing serious.Tom:Tell me ,but your face has told it all.Bill: : I have mixed feelings about my study.Tom:Don9t worry. You know,Rome was not built in a day.Bill:Ok .1 will try my best to make progress step by step.23 .What had surprised me was the fa

51、ct that.功能:表达十分十分出人意料的意思。搭配:宾语从句。接陈述语气从句。扩展句式: LTo my great surprise.2.1 am surprised that.3.What surprises me most is that. 最令我惊讶的是. . .常用范例l.What surprises me most is that he is a spy.让我惊讶的是他居然是个间谍。2.What surprises me most is that you live next to m e.最让我惊讶的是你住在我隔壁。情境记忆: Tom:Hi,Bill,have you read

52、the newspaper last weekend?比尔,你看了上周的报刊了么?BilkOf couse. What had surprised me was the fact that tha Beijingparalympics had moved the whole world.当然, 最使我吃惊的是北京残奥会撼动了全世界!Tom:Yeah,you know, I was so excited that I couldnt fallasleep.是啊,我激动得夜不能寐。24.1fs hard to believe that .功能:表达十分出人意料, 使人难以置信的意思。搭配:宾语从句

53、, 接陈述语气从句。扩 展 句 式 Amazing!Its in credible!常用范例: L hard to believe that I didnt get into trouble for being late forclass today.2.1f s amazing that I won the first prize in the competition!情境记忆:Tom:I just heard that Mark and Fran broke up.Mary: Oh no! They seemed like such a nice couple.Tom: I know, b

54、ut I got it straight from the horses mouth. Fran said she sawMark with Christina.Mary: Really? Its hard to believe(swallow).Mark doesnt seem the type.Tom:Looks can be deceiving. What are we going to do about the party? Theyreall invited.Mary: The partys tonight. I dont think there is anything we can

55、 do. Except beprepared for fireworks!Useful language itemsl.to break up: to end a relationship.分手,关系破裂2.straight from the horse*s mouth : to receive information from someone directly. 听某人亲口说的3.hard to swallow: difficult to believe.难以置信looks外貌,相貌25.But the point is.功能: 用于表达言论,论证等有力. 中肯的观点,搭配: The poi

56、nt is that. + 从句扩展句式: 1. My point is that.2.The point is.3.1 dont see any point in.我觉得没必要这里的point表示 意义这个句型的意思是 做. 是没必要的,没意义的常用范例:1. This is the first point I want to make。这是我要说的第一 * 点 .2.Thafs just the pointo 对了,这才是要害!情境记忆: Tom:As I see,the point is that we must persist in taking exercises if wewant

57、 to keep healthy.在我看来要想保持健康就必须坚持锻炼身体。Bill: I appreciate your point of view, but.we also need to keep abalanced diret.我很赞同你的观点,但是我们还需要饮食均衡。L26. Could I have a word with you?我可以私下和你谈谈吗?功能:你如果有某些事要与某人私下说一下,尤其是一些你不希望大家都听到的话,你可以用这个句型。对方一听到你这么说,就会跟你到没人的地方去。也可以说 rd like a word with you.扩展句式: Can I talk wit

58、h you privately?常用范例:1. Could I have a word with you? Sure,我可以私下和你谈谈吗?2. As a matter of fact, Td like a word with you.实际上我想和你谈谈。3. Mr. Johnson would like a word with you.约翰逊先生想和你谈谈。情境记忆:A: Could I have a word with you?我可以跟你谈谈吗?B: Sure, what七that?当然,什么事?A:This meafs raw!I told you I wanted it well-do

59、ne.这肉是生的! 我告诉过你我要肉烧得熟一点.B: Pm terribly sorry,sirWould you like it cooked a little more?对不起,先生.您愿意把它再煮一下吗?A:Ok, quickly please!27. Do you mind if您介意.吗?功能: 当你想做某件事,但这件事可能会妨碍到别人,或这件事与别人有关,你不愿自顾自去做时,可以问一下对方do you m ind,再接你想做的那件事。Do youm ind之后般跟从句,但也可跟动名词或名词短语。搭配:扩展句式: LD。 you mind if. .2. . Would you mi

60、nd telling me.常用范例1. Do you mind me smoking here? ?你介意我抽烟吗?2. Do you mind if I smoke here?3. Do you mind my smoking here?情境记忆A: Do you mind if I sit here?你介不介意我坐在这里?B: Of course not, help yourself.不,你请坐吧。A: What are you doing?你在干什么?B: Fm busy prepareing the exam,我正忙着准备考试.28.Im so pleased with .功能: 表

61、示对某人某事的满意搭配:1. Im so pleased with sb or sth2Tm so pleased to do sth.be pleased to do sth.很高兴做某事扩展句式 LI am angry with2.He is strict with.常用范例: l.Fm so pleased with your excellent performance.2.My father is very strict with me.父亲对我管教严格.情境记忆: A: How do you think of your performance.Mary?B:Ifs hard to s

62、ay,and I just know that I have finished it as I wish.A: To tell you the truth, we are all pleased with your excellentperformance. Well done and congratulations!B: Really? I can hardly believe!29. As a matter of fact.不瞒你说.功能: 这个句型的含义接近“in fact,意思是” 不瞒你说;其实;实际上工 做插入语单独使用。1 .用来加强语气或表示强调,意为:事实上; 其实。如:I

63、dont have a car. As a matter of fact, I cantdrive.我没有汽车, 事实上我开车都不会。2 . 用来引出与听话人期待相反的事实,意为:事实上恰恰相反。如:He doesn,t mind. As a matter of fact, hes verypleased.他不在意,相反他还很高兴扩 展 句 式 :l.To tell the truth,2.The fact is.常用范例:1. As a matter of fact, we were just talking about you when you came in.不瞒你说,你进来时我们正谈论

64、你呢。2. As a matter of fact, I was the one who did it其实,那件事是我做的。情 境 记 忆 :A: I wish I would not have said the sharp words to him. He must hate me very much.真希望我没说那些过分的话,他一定恨死我了。B: He doesnt mind. As a matter of fact, he*s very pleased.他没介意。事实上,他还挺高兴的。A: Really? Oh, thank Goddness!真的吗?噢,谢天谢地注:以上用法中的as a

65、 matter of facl也可以换成infact而意义不变30.1 can make it.我能做到。功 能 释 义 :这里的make是 成功,做成” 的意思。这句话用来表达信心很合适。扩展句式:1.I can achieve it.常用范例:1. Give me a chance. I can make it.给我个机会,我会做到的。2. If you try your best, youll make it.如果你尽力,你就会成功。情境记忆:A: Do you think we can get to the airport by 8:00?你看我们能在八点前到达机场吗?B: We sh

66、ould make it, if there isnt too much traffic.如果交通不太拥挤,我们可以赶到。A: Is it the rush hour now?现在是高峰时间吗?B: Yes, but dont worry. Wetll make it.是的。不过别着急,我们会赶到31. I mean,.功能:我指的是、我理解的是、我的意思是这样的.如果在一段话之后加一个I mean,则是含有强调我真的是这个意思, 我是认真的.搭配: LI mean + 从句扩展句式 l.What I want to say is.2J didnt mean to .3.You know wh

67、at I mean? 你明白我的意思吗?4.Do you mean. 你的意思是吗?5.1s that what you mean?你是这个意思吗?6.So what you are trying to say is. 那么,你想说的是,7.actually what I want to say is ;其实我要说的是8.what I really want to say is常用范例:LI didnt mean to offend you. 我不是故意冒犯你的.2.Do you mean if s my fault?你是说这是我的错?情境记忆:A:I wish I hadnt hurt Li

68、ndas feeing like that yesterday .You know I nevermeant to.B:The great thing about Linda is that she she doesnt hold any grudges. Bytomorrow shell have frogotten all about it.hold any grudges对某人过去的行为耿耿于怀32. The Summer Palace is famous for its.功能:介绍某人或某物以而著名搭配: be famous for /as扩展句式 l.be well- known a

69、s2 . be well-known for3 .be well-known by常用范例: l.China is famous for the Great Wall.2.Yao Ming is famous as a basketball player.情境记忆:A:What are you going to do this weekend.这周周末你要做什么?B: I will be on a business trip abroad.A:Which country?B:France.Do you need something back.A:I know it is famous for

70、its perfume and fashionable clothes.B:Ok,It is my pleasure.A:Thank you.Have a good trip.33. Fm basically content with .功能: 表达对某事某人的满意与不满搭配: be content with扩展句式 Im basically satisfied with .常用范例: LThe boss is basically content with her work.2.I m basically satisfied with the service in this resteraun

71、t.情境记忆:A: what are you doing?B: Packing upoA : What is wrong on t earth ?B: I am fed up with our boss especially his hot tempero He is always complainingA: You can try your best to please him。B: No mater what I do he never satisfied with my effortso34. If 1 1 be very pleasant to .功能:做某事是很令人高兴的搭配: be

72、 pleasant to do扩展句式:Lit is nice to do sth It is+adj+to do sth2. If 1 1 be very pleasant/delightful to常用范例:l.ItH be pleasant to have a trip to Harvaii.2. It is difficult to learn English well.3. Itll be very pleasant to have a picnic on the beach.情境记忆:At the airportA:Hello, Fm Jame Smith.Are you Miss

73、 liu?B:Yes, Pm liu Mei.Nice to meet you, Mr Smith.A:Nice to meet you .Let me help you with your luggage.B:Oh, thanks.I can make it myself.Do you mind helping me with this little box?A:It will be pleasant to help you.35. Fm rather . to hear that 功能:听到某个消息很高兴或很沮丧等表示某人听到某事后对此所表示的态度和感情。搭配:Im rather + 形容

74、词+hear that.扩展句式I am adj to hear +that从句1.1 am sorry to hear that.2.1 am very glad to hear that.常用范例 LPm rather sorry to hear that you lost your dog.2.Fm rather happy to hear that you passed the exam.3Im rather excited to hear that my father will be back next m情境记忆:A:HelloB:Hello.A: Long time no see

75、.What is up those days?B:I got a cold last week. I had been stayed at home for a week.A:I am sorry to hear that.Now are you better?B:Much better now.Thanks for your care!.36. Fm a bit. about doing sth.功能:表示某人做某事的态度及感情.搭配: .Fm a bit + 形容词+ about doing sth扩展句式:1. Pm a bit. with/at sth or doing sth.2.1

76、 was very nervous at the thought of.3.1 was very upset when .4.1 feel somewhat +adj + of doing sth常用范例 LPm a bit unhappy about her complaining2 Im a bit upset at his failure in finishing the task.情境记忆:A:Hi,lynn.I saw you at registration yesterday.i sailed through.But you werestanding in a line.B:Yea

77、h. I waited for an hour to sign up for a distance learning course.A: Distance learning?Never heard of it.B:Well,ifs new this semeter. If s only open to psychology majors.But I bet if 1 1catch on else where. Y esterday over a hundred students signed up.A:Dont you ever have to meet eith your professor

78、?B:Yeah.A:Fm a bit courious about it and it sounds pretty non-traditional to me.lt mustreally help with their schedules.37.Whafs special about this or that.功能:表示询问某事物的特性或表示想要知道某事物的特殊功能或用途。搭配:lwhat is special about something.2. Whafs special about this or that.扩展句式:l.What makes it special?2. What mak

79、es it different?3.Its a special case. 那是一个特殊情况.4.Whafs today飞special?今天的特价菜是什么?常用范例: l.Whafs special about this pen?2. What makes this car special?情境记忆(l)A:Hands off! You are never allowed to touch my pen .B:oh, What is special about it? Does it have magic power?Hands o ff是一个很口语化的句子,表示的感情也很强烈,不许其他人动

80、你的东西A: What kind of place are you looking for?B:I think I 11 try to get into one of those high rises near the unversity.There isnothing really special but at least they are new and functional.A:I heard those buildings are pretty noisy .the wall are thin and you can heareverything going on in the oth

81、er apartment.B: Oh,That will never do.i need some place quiet to finish my thesis.I guess rilhave to look at some more ads.A: Why dont you try some of those apartments at Windsor?They are supposedto be nice.B: Oh,arent they awfully expensive?A:Not really.The problem with being out there is the bus d

82、oesnt run that way.38. Til bet.功能: 表示对某事十分确信, 有把握.搭配: ril bet.+that 从句扩展句式 l.Fm quite positive that.2.Fm a hundred per cent certain that.3Im quite convinced that.4.Fm quite sure that.常用范例 l.ril bet that I can pass the final examination2. Im a hundred per cent certain that you can make it ifyou do yo

83、ur best.情境记忆:(1) (1) A:FI1 bet against your winingB:Oh.really?Then ril bet ril bring it .Watch and learn.Bring i t指的是在比赛中我会取得冠军的种说法。Dont worry .Ill bring it.Watch and learn表示走着瞧或是跟着学。(2)A:Hi Steve!How are things?B:HLMary!Good4hanks.Whafs new with you?A:Oh,I was just wondering if you wanted go out to

84、nightoB:well, I was thinking of going to the university library to do a bit of study.Whathave you got in your mind?A:I thought we could just go for a walk,maybe down to that park near the beach.B:Tonight?You must be jokingllf s too cold!A:Oh,yes ,its too cold,but I still want to go out somewhere.Tha

85、t new Tom Cruisefilm is on in town.I bet itll be fantastic!How about that?B:Okay.What time does it start?A:It9s half past eight or something.39. Honestly speaking,.功能: 表达自己的看法或意见, 一般作为插入语.搭配: adv+speaking扩展句式 1.Frankly speaking.2 .Generally speaking3 .Personally speaking常用范例Generally speaking,you di

86、d a good job. 总的来说, 你表现很好.2 . Frankly speaking,! hate to talk with him because he always likes tobeat about the bush.坦白地讲, 我不喜欢和他说话, 因为他总爱绕圈字.情境记忆: A: HeyKaren,you are not really reading it,are you ?B:Pardon?A: The book,you havent turned a page in the last 10 minitues.B:No Jim.I suppose I havent I n

87、eed to get through it,but I keep drifting away.A:So,it doesnt really hold your interest?B:No,not really. Honestly speaking,! wouldnt bother with it,but I have to readit for a seminar.40. It is too. for sb. to do sth.功能: 表示对某人来说去完成某件事是很困难的.搭配: It is too+形容词+ for sb. to do sth.扩展句式 LI cannot make it.2

88、.1t is kind of a problem for me.常用范例 1. It is too difficult for me to communicate with foreigners in English.2. It is kind of a problem for me to finish the work by the end of thismonth.情境记忆:A:How are your new neighbors,Kelly?B:They seem nice enough, but they have a son who is driving me crazy.A:Wha

89、t do you mean?B: He comes home every night around 10 with his car window rolled down andradio blaring.lt stops as soon as he turns his car off,but by then,the kids arewide awake.A:Have you tried talking to them?B:We havnt even really met them yet,except to say a quick hello.A:Maybe you could go over

90、 sometime and mention that it is hard for you to sleepat night.B:Thaf s the idea and I should do it soon.The longer I wait,the harder it will beto do politely41.1 suppose功能: 表示“ 我想, 我认为 , suppose近似于think,但含不确切之意, 比think,少根据, be supposed t o 应该, 理应.用祈使语气或现在分词表示“ 假使“ , 等于if.搭配: I suppose+to do sth /th

91、at 从句扩展句式1.1 think .2.1 believe.3.1 suppose so.常用范例:L I suppose him in the office.我认为他在办公室.2.Lefs suppose what you said is true.让我们假定你说的是真的.情境记忆:A:Well,I wouldnt know what there is to buy if we didnt have advertisementB:Yes,thats true- 一 up to point.Advertisements provide information we need.Ifsomeo

92、ne has produced a new article,naturally the seller wants to tell us about it.A :Ho we ver,every manufacture says their product is the best,or at least tries togive us that infromation.Only one can be the best,so the others are misleadingus,arent they?B:Well,in a way,I suppose,but we dont have to bel

93、ieve them,do we?A: Maybe not.The cost of advertising is added to the price of the goods.You and I andall the other people who buy these goods pay for the advertising!B:Ok,I suppose we get something for our money some information.42.1 figure功能:意思是“ 我断定”搭配: 后跟从句。扩展句式I s u p p o s e为“ 我猜测,我猜想” 的意思。例如:I

94、 suppose they all havearrived.我猜想他们都已经到了。常用范例:LI figured we will be the final winner.我断定我们是最后的赢家。2 .1 figure I can pass the final exam.情境记忆:A:Have they moved?他们转移了没? B:They figured it was better to staywhere they were.他们断定还是呆在原地好。43. Why not.?为 什 么 不 ? 怎 么 样 ?功能: 用于表示建议而并非是询问原因.搭 配 :Why not do sth.扩

95、展句式 l.Why dont you do.?常 用 范 例l.Why not come with me?为 什 么 不 跟 我 一 起 去 呢 ?2.Why dont you tell him the truth?为 什 么 不 告 诉 他 真 相 呢 ?情境记忆:A:Hello?B:Hi,Um Im calling about.uh.the apartment that was advertised .Is thatstill available?A:Yes,it is.B:Now,thats a two-bedroom?A:Thafs right.Ifs a two-bedroom,a

96、kitchen,a living room,and the living roomcan also be used as a dining room.Why dont you come and see for yourself?B: yeah,Id like to see it. Uh,whats the rent on that?A: If s four hundred dollars a month.B:A11 right, 161 1 drop by this afternoon and have a word then.44.Could you give me some advice

97、on .?情境记忆:。功能: 请求提出建议和劝告, 意思是, , 你 能 给 我 一 些 关 于 的 建 议 吗 ?搭 配 :后 一般 跟 动 名 词 和 名 词Lgive a piece of advice2.take or follow ones advice扩 展 句 式:l.Do you think I should.?2. Do you think I ought to.?3. What do you think I should do?4. What would you advise?5. Could I ask for your advice on my ?6. Could yo

98、u give me some suggestion on/about.?常用范例:1. Could I ask for your advice on my composition?能 否 请 您 对 我 的 作 文 做 些 指 导 ?2. What would you advise to solve the problem?我该怎样来解决这个问题呢?3. Could you give me some advice on learning French?你能给我一些学习法语的建议吗?情境记忆A:I always do not want to eat.我经常不想吃东西。B:You may best

99、omach disease. 你可能得胃病了。 A:Could you give me some advice?你能给我一些好的建议吗? B:Ok. 当然(2)A: Im longing to hear about this tour.Janet,you must be terribly excited.B:Yes,Fve never been to America and Im looking forward to it .But A: But what?B:W叫 Im a bit worried about driving on the other side of the road and

100、 havingto,so I decided it would be better to go on a more organized holiday.A:What do you mean by “organized”?B: well,every thing is arranged by a tour operator. You know,you are takenaround and shown where to go and wthat to do.45. If I were you, I would 如果我是你. . .功能: 这是虚拟语气中最常用的说法,要注意要用w ere,而不是wa

101、s。这是一个里设句,用来给别人提建议: If I 后面接动词的过去式,表示虚拟,后面一句表不意愿。搭配: 接一个表示意愿的从句。扩展句式:lIf I were in your shoes, I would.2. If I did.,1 w ou ld.如果我. . . . 我会. . .常用范例:1.1 wouldn*t wear a sweater in such hot weather if I were you.换做我是你,我不会在这样的大热天穿毛衣。2. If you were me, would you study English or go to the movie?如果你是我,你

102、会去学英语还是去看电影?3 . If I were you, I would have given u p .如果我是你,我早就放弃了4. If I had enough money, I would buy a new house.如果我有足够的钱,我会买一套新房子情 境 记 忆 :A: I cant decide what I should do.我无法决定该怎么做。B: What*s the problem?什么事啊?A: Should I study English or go to the movie?我到底该去学英语还是去看电影?B: Thats easy. If I were y

103、ou, I would go to the movie这 很 简 单 ,如 果 我 是 你 ,我会去看电影.46.Tell you what 听我的功 能 :听我的, 闲谈之中提出刚刚想到的好主意搭配:Tell you what+句子扩展句式 Tell me about it.常用范例 l.ril tell you what J really think it is wondful.2.1 tell you whatwhy dont you put the table against the otherw all?听我的 为 何 不 把 桌 子 靠 在 另 外 一 堵 墙 上 呢 ?情境记忆

104、A:Awesome! Beijing Olmpic Games is wondful.B:Yeah.ril tell you what I have never seen such a splendid games.Awesome和splendid都 可 以 用 在 口 语 中 表 示 称 赞 或 是 惊 叹 。血 可 以 单 独 使 用 。47. Youd better.功能:表示建议或劝告, 意思是“ 你最好”搭 配 :You5d better +do( 动 词 原 形 )sth .扩展句式 l.You need to你 还 是 You need to stay at home.2 .Yo

105、u are supposed to .3 .Why dont you ?为 什 么 不 Why do not you use the newdictionary?为 什 么 不 用 新 字 典 呢 ?4.1t would be a good idea if you .*So much the better!更 妙 !* Better late than never!迟 做 总 比 不 做 好 !常 用 范 例:l.Yoif d better see a doctor.你最好找大夫看看.2.1t would be a good idea if you travel aroundthe count

106、ry.在国内旅行一趟对你来说是个好注意情境记忆:A:I want to play basketball this weekend我想周末去打球。B:It is impossible.You hadbetter finish your 1 1。111 。 永.这恐怕不太可能,你最好完成一下你的作业。48.What do you usually do.?功 能 :用 于 询 问 对 方 职 业 ,工 作 ,爱业余好等搭 配 :What do you usually do+时间状语.扩展句式 l.What do you do?2 .Whats your job?3 .Whas your hobby?

107、常用范例 1. What do you usually do in your spare time?2. What do you do for living?情境记忆 A:Linda9 What do you usually do in your spare time?B:Well I have a lot of things to do.I often work out in health clubs.Sometimes Igo dancing with my friends.What about you?A:I like music very much,such as Jazz,rock&

108、roll,folk,etc.I listen to musicwhenever I can.Do you enjoy music ,too?B:Yea, but I dont like it as much as you do.I prefer reading,especially horrorfiction.A:What about photography? Do you like it?B:Yes, but photography is an expensive hobby.A:You bet.I spend almost all my salaries on it.But I take

109、pleasure in it.49. What makes you choose.?你为什么要选.功能:意思是“ 你为什么要选”扩展句式l.Why do you have to.?你为什么要例如:常用范例 l.What makes you choose to be a teacher?2. Why do you have to go broad?你为什么要出国呢?情境记忆: :A:Have you finished this question?Give your anwser.你做完了吗?公布你的答案。B:I choose D.我选 D。A:What makes you choose D?你为

110、什么要选D呢? B:It is more fit.它比其他的都合适(2)A: Whats your job at the moment?B:Pm working as a secretary in a big company.A:Then what makes you want to give up your job?B:Actually.I like my present job very much.But the headquater of the companywill move to anather city.So I have to quit.A:I see.Miss Brown,c

111、an you manage all the modern office appliances?B:I think I can,and Fm confident that I can do my job satisfactorily.50. There is nothing wrong with .功能: 是指“ 某事或者某物没有问题”搭配: 后跟名词或者动名词。扩展句式 1. It is safe and sound.2. Nothing is wrong with it.: Nothing is wrong with my watch.我的手表没有问题。常 用 范 例:1 .There is

112、 nothing wrong with the education style.教育体制一点问题都 没 有 。l. There is smeothing wrong with my foot.2. There is nothing wrong with my bike.情境记忆:A:What is the time now?现在几点了啊? B:It is 6:00.六点了。A:It isimpossible.不可能。B:There is nothing wrong with my watch.我的手表没有问题。51. It might be a good idea to do .这 也 许 是

113、 个 好 主 意 功 能it作 形 式 主 语 ,真 正 主 语 为 后 面 的 不 定 式 ,用 来 表 达 某 一 看 法 。搭 配 :后 接 不 定 式 。扩展句式:That飞a great idea!这 主 意 不 错 啊 !常用范例:It would be a good idea if you travel aroundthe country.在国内旅行一趟 对 你 来 说 是 个 好 注 意 。常用范例情境记忆:A:There you are! My car is dead and I cant get it going.Do you haveany advice?B: Remem

114、ber when I suggested that you join the auto-club?That was my bestadvice.A: Well, If s too expensive to join,and thaf s no use now.B:So do you have gas?A:Plenty.I have hardly driven this week.B:Hmmm.Have you been playing the stereo?B:I sure have.Why do you think the batterys dead?A:It sure looks like

115、 it.B:What do you suggest?A:I think it might be a good idea to push the car up the hill and roll-start it.B:Thafs a great idea!Will you help me push it?A:No problem!52. The best way to do sth. is to .功能:表建议, 意思是“ 做某事的最好的办法是”搭 配: 后跟 动 词 后 接 不 定 式 或of+动 词 的ing形式扩展句式 l.The best way to do sth. is to 2.

116、The best way of doing sth is .常用范例 l.The best way to succeed is to keep a “never surrenderattitude!2.The best way of losing weight is taking more excercises.情境记忆:Mary:Watch out!There5s a car coming!小心!有车来了!John :Oh,if s so dangerous !I just was too hurried!But for you,the car wouldhave hurt me!噢,太危险

117、啦!我刚才太匆忙了!要不是你,我就被装着啦!Mary:Remember that the best way to get safe is to look at both sides when youacross the road!请记住,当你通过道路时获得安全的最好方式是两面都要看!John :Exactly,PH make it!没错,我会记住的!扩展句式:Lit is best to do.:It is best to work hard now.最好现在努力的学习。常用范例:A:I can not find a better way to be healthy.我不知道怎样才能更健康。B

118、:The best way to be healthy is to do more exercise.要健康最好的方法就是锻炼。情境记忆:A:Excuse me.Whafs the best way for me to improve my English?打扰了, 请问提高英语的最好方法是什么? B:Keep practicing.If you dont practice ,nothing else will be able to help you.多练.如果你不练, 没有什么可以帮助你.A:How long will it take me to speak good English?我要花

119、多长时间才可以讲一口流利的英语?B: A while I think.After another year you will have very good English skills aslong as you keep working at it.要花点时间的.但只要你坚持练习, 一年后你的英语就相当不错了.A: Then I 41 sound like a native speaker,right?那我可以像当地人讲得那么好了吗?B:Not really.You will be able to communicate clearly,which is the point after al

120、l,but to soundlike a native speaker is a difficult job.And that goes for anyone learning another languagereally.不一定, 你能清楚地进行沟通才是重点.说得地道是很难的, 学其他语言也是同样的道理.A:Should I read everyday?我应该每天都读英语吗?B:Most certainly.And read aloud.The best way is to find someone to speak to.当然啦, 大声读. 最好的方法是找个人和你练.53. Like I

121、said , .功能:“Like I said”是正如我所说的意思,相当于As I say.扩展句式Just as what sb. says,这个句式表示“ 正如某人所说” 。比如说,A:Just as he says,I am a loser.正如他说的那样,我是个失败者。B:Like I said,it is a sunny day today.如我所料,今天是个大晴天。常用范例:LLike I said,everything goes well.如我所愿,一切进展顺利。情景记忆:A:Have you seen him?你见到他了吗? B:Yes.是的, 见到了。A:What do yo

122、uthink about him?觉得他人怎么样? B:L汰e you said,he is a gentleman.如你所说,他是个绅士。54.Once you51 1 find .功能:表示“ 当你. . . ,你就知道了. . . ”扩展句式:Once.,当你的时候Once you are successful,you will thanks yourteacher.当你成功的时候,你就会很感谢你的老师。常用范例:Once meet her,you will find she is a real beauty.当你遇见的她的时候,你就会发现她是个真正的美人。情境记忆:A:I promis

123、e go to school is a boring thing in my life.我敢说上学是我一生中最枯燥的事。B:Once you are matrue,you will find go to school is moreimportant.当你成熟之后,你就会发现上学是件很重要的事。55. If only .功 能 :用来描述一种假想的情景, 但愿, 要 是 就 好 , 常引导虚拟语气的条件句或感叹句.搭 配 :If only+主 语 + 动 词 的 过 去 完 成 时 , 主 语+would例句: l.If only I were younger!要是我年轻点就好了!2.1f w

124、e had arrived in time,we would not have missed the train!要是我们按时到, 就不会误车.对比扩展句式: only i f 只有( 后用主谓倒装) 只要, , 引导用陈述语气的真实条件句例句:1 .Only If you study hard,you will pass the test,只要你努力学习, 就会通过考试.2. .Only If it clears up, well go.只要天一放晴, 我们就去.常用范例: 1. If only I had known!2.1 f only she hadnt married him!3.o

125、nly if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed toleave the room!情境记忆:l.A:oh,my god! Vm not myself n o w !天啊,我现在烦透了 !B:You look so upsetlWhafs wrong with you?你看起来是那么不安,出了什么事了吗?A:I missed the concert last night,you know,zhou jie lun is my favourite singerllfonly I hadn missed the last bus!

126、我错过了昨晚的音乐会,你知道,周洁伦是我最喜欢的歌手!要是我没有错过最后一班车该多好啊!B:Don,t be so frustrated,youll see him sooner or later!不要那么沮丧嘛, 你迟早会见到他的!56. Im crazy about.功 能 ; 用 广 表 达 利 M 常喜欢强烈的情感This is such a popularsentence pattern in America. Americans are always talking about what they arecrazy about.这是在美国非常流行的句型。美国人总是谈论他们着迷的事情

127、。搭配: 记住这个句型后面要用动名词,不能用不定式!扩展句式: l.be curious about2.Be worried about3.1 enjoy.我热爱. . .This is a great sentence to use when you meet a new friend. If you share the thingsyou enjoy you may discover a new friend who has the same interests!当你遇到新朋友时, 这是个很好用的句子。如果你们俩有相同的爱好, 你会找到一个志趣相投的新朋友。常用范例:( l) l.rm c

128、razy about eatin g.( 我特爱吃)2: Pm crazy about sp orts.( 我特爱运动。)3: Pm crazy about making m oney.(我特爱赚钱。)(2): Pm worried about y o u .(我很担心你。)(3): Tin curious about what yoifve d o n e.(我对你所做的感到很好奇。)(4)1 am nuts about.(5)1 am keen on.(6)1 feel like doing .情境记忆(1)A : What do you like to do in your spare

129、time?空余时间你喜欢干什么?B: Pm crazy about surfing the Internet.我痴迷于网上冲浪。(2)T: john, its surprised to me that you should get such a low grade this time.giveme a reason,please?约翰, 这次你竟然考这么低的分数, 很是令我惊讶啊! 给我一个理由,麻吗?J:Pm sorry about that!at that time my mind went blank.我很抱歉!当时我脑海里一片空白。T: I hear youve been crazy

130、about the game from internet! right?我听说你一直迷恋网络游戏!是不是这拜?J:Yes,but Ive realized my false and ill be far away from it!give me anotherchance,please!是的,但我已经意识到我的错误了,我会远离它的。请再给我一次机会!T: Fm looking forwarding to you!我正期盼着你呢!57.1 cant wait to do.功能: 迫不及待的去做某事.搭配: I cant wait to do sth扩展句式 1.1 cant help doing

131、 禁不住 He is a naughty boy,but somehow you canthelp liking him.2.1 cant help but do 不得不? I couldnt help but realize thatsomething was wrong.我这才真的意识到出事了.常用范例 1. I cant wait to play basketball as soon as I finish the homework.我一完成作业就迫不及待去打篮球.2.May good luch wait upon you ! 望你交好运! 护卫伴随.情境记忆: A:Oh boy,din

132、ner time!太好了, 开饭了!B:It sure is, and heres your dinner!没错, 这是你的晚餐.A:Broccoli?Again?We have this every night.椰菜? 又是椰菜? 我们每晚都吃这个.B:It*s fresh in season at the moment,an packed full of vitamins and minerals现在这个季节椰菜很新鲜而且里面含有丰富的维生素和矿物质啊.A:But is tastes terrible.但是味道太差了.B:When did you become so fussy?You5v

133、e never turned your nose up at dinnerbefore .你什么时候变得这么挑蓟啦? 以前吃饭的时候你从来不埋怨的啊.A:And Im not now,I just feel that 3 weeks of broccoli every day is a littleexcessive,thafs all.我现在也没有埋怨啊, 只是我觉得连续三个星期都吃椰菜有点过分而已.B:Perhaps I feel that 12 years of cooking every day is a little excessivetoo.Maybe we both need a

134、 break from things也许我觉得连续十二年都做饭也有点过分.我们不如都暂停一下吧.A:Hmmmbroccoli!Great,my favorite,yumll cant wait to eat it againtomorrow!恩椰菜! 好, 我的最爱, 好味道! 我迫不及待想吃下一顿的椰菜!58.whaf s the problem with.?功能: 用于询问” 有什么问题? ” problem问题, 习题, 指被提出的问题, 特别指疑难的, 困难的问题.比如数学几何厌业等或令人困惑的事solve the problem.question指需要解决或解答的问题, 如劳动, 考

135、试等方面的问题.answer thequestion.搭配: whats the problem with sb or sth?扩展句式 l.whaf s the problem with sb or sth?2 .whaf s the matter?3 .whaf s the trouble?4 .whats the wrong with you?常用范例: l.whaf s the problem with your ear?2 .whaf s the trouble with you ?情境记忆A:So whaf s the problem with your laptop?你的手提电脑

136、出了什么问题?B:I can boot it up,I can only get into the BIOS.电脑启动不了, 我只能运行基本的输入输出系统.A:Which operating system are you running?你现在能运行什么系统?B:I dont know,I dont know much about computers.! cant even partition thehard drive.I have no idea how to fix this problem.我不大清楚, 我不太董电脑 ,STRONG . 我甚至不能对硬盘进行分区呢, 更不知道如何解决问

137、题.A:Well, we have repair specialists who are able to perform a diagnosis on everycomponent until they eventually track down the problem, 我们这里有修理专家,他们能诊断每一零部件然后找出问题所在.B: So, am I able to leave it here with you?那么, 我能把它留在这里吗?A:Sure,we?ll do everything within our capacity to fix it.Pll give you a callw

138、henwe have some idea of whats going wrong.当然, 我们会竭尽所能帮你修好它, 我们找出毛病后会打电话给你.59.Im looking forward to it.功能: 表示期待见到某人或盼望做某事.搭配: Im looking forward to sth or sb or doing sth.扩展句式 Im expecting to do sth常用范例 1. Pm looking forward to meeting you.2. Fm expecting to have a trip to France.情境记忆A:Its nice to se

139、e you again.很高兴能再次见到你.B:I wish I could say the samelOnly joking !How have you been?我也想这样说!开玩笑而已啦! 近来怎么样?A:A as well as usual.The kids all have grown up and moved out,so its just thetwo of us now.While youre around,why dont you dr op by for dinner onenight?跟平常没两样, 孩子们都长大了而且也搬出去住了. 所以现在只有我们两个而已你晚上有空的时

140、候就来我家吃顿便饭吧?B:That would be great.when is a good time for you?那太好了, 你认为什么时间最好呢?A:Any day next week.Just pop around when you feel like it. 下星期任何一天都可以春来得话就来吧.B:I II be good to catch up again.一定来, 到时我们便可以通通最近的消息.A:It sure will.Anyway,! have to take off,Remember to come around for dinner.这当然了. 不管怎样, 现在我要

141、走了, 记得到时要来吃饭啊.B:Fm looking forward to it.See you next week. 我盼望着呢, 下礼拜见.60. That sounds great!功能: 表示赞成, 听起来棒极了!搭配: 单独使用.扩展句式 l.That sounds very reasonable.l.Thafs an excellent idea!3. It seems to be better. 情况似乎好转.4.1t seems so./So it seems. 似乎是那样常用范例: 1.That sounds very sensible!听起来很切合实际.2.His heal

142、th seems to be better. 他的健康状况似乎有所好转.情境记忆:Tom:the summer holiday is approaching.do you have any plans?暑假就要到啦,有什么计划吗?Mary: Id like to Hannan Island with my girlfriend.lt might be a good idea toenjoy a romantic experience.我想要和我的女朋友一起去海南岛旅游。 享受一次浪漫的经历或许会是一个好多主意!Tom: That sounds great!The world outside i

143、s indeed attached to us.While i mustlook after my litter sister at home.听起来不错嘛!外面的世界确实令我们向往!不过我只能在家照顾我的小妹妹啦Mary:What a pity!But i will take more photos to show you!那太可惜啦!不过我会多照一些照片给你看的!61. It has nothing to do with .功能: 表示与. 有关或无关. 和不往来搭配:It has nothing to do with sb or sth扩展句式 1. It has something t

144、o do with2.be connected with与有关系, 与有亲戚关系例如:She is connected with the Smiths. 她与史密斯一家有亲戚关系.常用范例LI have nothing to do with the accident.我和这次意外事件没关系.2.1 advise you to have nothing to do with that man.我劝你不要和那个人来往. 情境记忆:A:Now is an important part of my educational career.I must choosewhich university to

145、attend. 现在是我学业的一个重要时刻, 我得选择大学了.B:Ifs also up to them to accept you,isn,tit?How are your marks?这也得看他们是否接受你啊, 是吧? 你的成绩怎样?A:My marks are quite above average,but I;m losing interest in school.我的成绩优良, 但我不是很想上学了.B:Why?为什么?A:Because in many ways,it has nothing to do with working life.Fve hearduniversity st

146、udents complaining about the workload and the pressure,but its allfluff.The schools just want to keep the students busy and under pressure,! guessthey figure thaf s preparation for the real world. 因为学习很大程度上与工作无关. 我听说很多大学生抱怨大学压力大, 而且学的东西没多大用处. 学校只想置学生于繁忙和压力的状态中, 我想, 学校认为这是给学生们今后进入社会作准备吧.B:The real wo

147、rld can be tough. Why not teach them how to cope with it?现实社会要更残酷, 为什么不教教他们如何面对社会呢?A:They would be better teaching the skills necessary to cope with it,instead.Goodexam marks mean nothing if the students cant it after graduation.! also thinkuiversities should offer more real work experience and on t

148、he job training教学生一些应付社会的技巧可能会更好些, 如果学生毕业时没有能力, 高分数又算得了什么. 我还想大学应提供更多的实习和在职培训.B: Well,thats got to help. 对, 这应该更有用处.62.Neither did I.功能:表示两者都不, 前者不. , 后者也不.搭配: 否定句+ 脂让110川女(112丫5助动词或情态动词) + 另一主语, 表示也不.扩展句式:肯定句+So+ be( have,助动词或情态动词) + 另一主语, 表示也.常用范例:LIf you wont go ,neither will I. 如果你不去, 我也不去.2.She

149、 likes apples,and so do I. 她喜欢苹果, 我也喜欢情境记忆:A:Wow!I didnt know this film was going to be so hot.喔, 我没想到这部电影那么火辣.B:Neither did LIf I knew I wouldiTt have come to see it. 我也没想到. 如果我早知道的话就不来看了.A:Really?Why not?There,s something with a bit of smut occasionally.真的? 为什么? 电影里偶尔会有淫秽的镜头.B:Is that right?Don,t

150、yu find thatit distorts your view of things?刃口样对吗? 你不觉得这样会扭曲人们的观念吗?A:Hmmm.Maybe,maybe not. But these types of films are very big businesstoday.People will pay a lot of money to see this type of thing.Is this consumeristage,thats reason enough. 恩,也许是, 也许不是. 但佥类电影是很大的商机, 人们愿意付钱看这些东西. 在这个消费者至上的时代, 这个理由

151、已经足够了.Maybe,maybe not.is sitting on the fence,or remaining undecided.也许是, 也许不是” 就是举棋不定, 拿不定主意63.1n this/that case,.功能: 表示假设, ” 假如这样或那样的话”搭配:In this/that case+从句扩展句式:LAs the case stands=Actually 事实上2 .In any case无论如何, 总之3.1n case+句子/in case of+名词, 假使, 如果发生万一.4.1 n no case 决不5. In the case of就来说, 至于 常

152、用范例:1, As the case stands,she has lost all her money.事实上, 他的钱全都损失了.2. In any case,! will never give up my study. 无论如何, 我不会放弃学业.3. In case he comes , let me know.如果他来了,告诉我一声.4.1n case of fireball 119,如遇火灾, 就打 119 电话.5.1n no case are you to leave your post. 在任何情况下都不能离开你的岗位.6. In the case of playing ba

153、sketball,you are no match for him.就打篮球而言, 你不是他的对手.情境记忆 A:Having a Chinese dinner.A:Welcome Mr.kelly,please help yourself.B:Thanks for inviting me.A:Do you need cutlery,or can you manage with chopstick?B:Cgopsticks are fine.Mm,this is deliciousjs this pork?A:It sure is,all I did was chop it up and fr

154、y it with ginger.B:The Chinese do use knives then.So tell me why I never see one on the table.A:There9s no need.B:In China a knife is considered to be a cooking and preparation utensil9not onefor eating with.for this reason its left in the kitchen.A:Anyway, everythings cut up already when its cooked

155、,so all you need to do at thetable is help yourself.B:well, chopsticks will be perfectly fine,unless we have soup coming.A:Ah,in that case well bring out some spoons.Coming-in this dialogue means to be served. 上菜, 上汤的意思.64:What about.?功能: 表示征求意见或询问消息时用: 怎么样? ” 如何好吗?搭配:What about+名词/ 代词/ 动名词?扩展句式:How

156、 about.?常用范例:l.My little dog is very clever, what about yours?2 .How about going out for a walk?3 . How about a cup of tea?情境记忆A:What would yu like to buy?你想买些什么?B:rm just looking仙anks!谢谢, 我只是随便看看.奥B:Looking Pm just lookingjf I need any help ril let you know. 我只想随便看看,如果我需要帮助我再叫你.A:What about the ora

157、nge one?Here,feel th equality. 橙色这件怎么样? 来,看看这质量.B:Look,Fm going to give yu some free advice today.firstly,when a customer somein, just acknowledge them,and offer your help.Rushing over to them will justchase them out of your shop.你看, 我将免费赠送一些意见给你. 首先, 顾客进来时,和他们打招呼, 并提供你的帮助. 跑过来只会把他们赶出你的商店.A:uhuh . 奥

158、!B:And if they do need help,suggest things that they seem interested in.Oh,anddont hover around while they are browsing.If s very un-nerving. 如果他们的确需要帮助, 就建议他们买他们看起来喜欢的东西. 奥, 还有当他们浏览物品时别站在左右, 这是挺另人讨厌的.A:I see. 我明白了.B:Next time I come back I hope yu remember what I have said.And pass it on toyour bos

159、s.下次我再来你们商店时我希望你能记住我所说的, 并把话传给你们的老板.B:Oh,I dont work here J jus t like to hang around and help . 奥, 我不在这儿工作,我只是随便逛逛, 帮助下有需要的人65. I have no plan to do sth.功能: 表示有没有计划去做某事.搭配: I have no plan to do sth扩展句式:11 plan to do2 I intend to do3 Im going to do4 Whafs your plan for sth常用范例:1 Whaf s your plan for

160、 the May Day holiday?你计划好五一假期没有?2 I intend to take part in the English Speech competition.情境记忆: A: What are you up to tonight?今晚你有什么节目吗?B:No plans yet. You?还没有,你呢?A:I am thinking of seeing “lord of the Rings”我想看噱界 指环王”B:Again? Maybe Pd like to see it again too.还看?或者我也再去看一遍吧。A:OK.lef s make a plan.I9

161、mpick you up at 6:30 and weUl go straight there.Themovie starts at seven ,so we cant mess around.好的,我们这样定吧。 6 点半我来接你然后我们直接去电影院,电影7 点开始,我们不能磨蹭。B:What about dinner?晚饭怎么办?A:I was planning to grab a hamburger on the way.我打算在中途吃个汉堡包就行了。B:Lefs go a little earlier and have something decent to eat. 我们不如早点去,

162、那样可以找点像样的东西吃。66.Are you used to.功能: 习惯于做某事, 可用于过去, 现在, 将来等多种时态。 be可用get, become代替搭配:be used to doing.扩展句式:1.used to to sth. 过去常常做某事( 现在不做了) , 只用于过去时态.2.Be used to do sth 被用来做某事, 不定式表目的, 可用于多种时态.常用范例:l.He,s quite used to hard work(working hard)他习惯于艰苦工作。2.He used to get up early. 过去他总是起的很早。 ( 现在不这样)3

163、.He has been (will be)used to getting up early.他已经( 将会)习惯于早起。4 .Wood is used to make paper. 木材被用来造纸。情境记忆:A:Mr Chan ,youve been living in Canada for more than three yearsnow.Do you feel differently about the culture now than when you first arrived?陈先生你在加拿大已有三年了,比你初到这时,你对这里的文化的认识改变了吗?B:Not really.I me

164、an ,Canada is basically as I expected.Well,perhaps a littlecolder.没有,加拿大如我期待那样,不过就是有点冷。A:So didnt you come up against the dreaded culture shock?那你没遇到什么你害怕的文化冲突吗?B:No .1 was quite familiar with western culture before I left homeland I havekept an open mind about things. 没有, 我出国前就比较熟悉西方文化,而且我也是一个没有任何偏

165、见的人。A:So a open mind can help to prevent culture shock?是否说没有偏见有助于避免文化冲突呢?B:Help?Ifs the only way,my friend!If one is prepared to learn and grow,andappreciate different people and what they can offer,there should be no shockinvolved.There are always things to adjust to,but thafs life!有助于?这可是唯一的方法啊!如果

166、一个人想学习和 成长,并想欣赏不同的人及他们的行为方式,就不应存在任何的冲突。应尽量改变,去适应,这就是生活。A:So what would you recommend for some one preparing to take a trip toChina?那你对那些想去中国旅行的人有什么建议?B:Read up on Chinese culture,it goes back a long way .Dont take thingspersonally when they occurjust keep in mind that people in a different countryma

167、y have a different way of doing things.And most importantly,be willingtolearn.By learning from different cultures,one can only benefit. 学习中国的悠久的文化,但是别认为所发生的事都是在针对你个人。要谨记:不同国家的人的处事方式会存在不同。最重要的是,抱着学习的态度。学习不同的文化,你只会受益无穷。67.1 forget to do.功能:表示“ 忘记去做某事( 还没做广搭配:I forget to do sth .扩展句式:LI forget doing st

168、h忘记已经做过某事2.1 remember to do sth.3.1 remember doing sth.常用范例:l.Don,t forget to turn off the light when you leave. 走的时候不要忘记关灯.2.1 forget turning off the light我忘记我已经把灯关了.3.1 remember to take the medicine at the right time.我记住要按时服药. ( 还没吃)4.1 remember taking the medicine at the right time. 我记得已按时服过药了. (

169、 吃过了)情境记忆:A:Miss.Would you like to go in front of m 小姐你想排在我前面吗?B:Why, thank you.当然,谢谢。C:Hang on ,buddy,were all back here waiting,but can you let that woman jumpthe queue like that?嗨, 伙计,我们都在后面排着队呢,你怎么能让这位小姐插队呢?A:Fm just being courteous. 我只是出于礼貌。C:To who?It might be a nice gesture for her,but now th

170、e rest of us all have towait even longer.That wasnt very courteous,was it,buster?对谁有礼貌口阿?对她可能是礼貌,但这样我们就得排的更久了,这就不是礼貌了。是吧,老兄?A:I never even thought of that. 我从没想过这个问题。B:Speak nicely. Any way,Fm not movingnow 请尊重些,我还没动呢。D:How may I help you?你想买什么票?B:Td like two tickets to Star Wars please.两张星球大战的票。D:T

171、haf s $14cash.l4 美元。B:Cash?现金?D:This line is for cash only. 这条队伍是现金付款的。B:But I only have a credit card. 但我只有信用卡。D:Then youll have to go to the end of theOther queueo那你只得到另一队尾去排队。B:When you let me into this line,you didnt offer me the courtesy of telling methis was the cash 0111y.你让我排这一队时, 你可没通知我这是个现

172、金付款的队啊。A:Pm sorry that I forget to tell you about it.Maybe someone in the other line willlet you jump the queue.But donU count on it .哦,对不起我忘记告诉你了。或许在那队的人会让你插队,但别太指望了。68.1 try to do .功能:我试着去做搭配:try to do+( 动词原形) 努力去做某事, 但不成功. 扩展句式:I try doing. 一表示试着做做, 以便看一下有什么结果.常用范例:1.I try to please my parents wi

173、th excellent study marks.我努力以优异的成绩赢得父母的满意.2.1 try makinga cake myself.我试着自制蛋糕.情境记忆: A:I try to go shopping on Beijing road yesterday.我昨天试着去逛北京路。B:How did you go?You can、speak a word of Chinese.你怎么去的?你一点中文都不懂。A:It was easy enough to look around,but I couldn9t really bargain 至 ! J处看看还是可以的,但我不能讨价还价。B:D

174、id the shop assistants get out the calculator to show you the figures?商店的人有没有那一个计算器向你报价?A:They sure did.But I couldnt communicate exactly what I was after.他。 真的这样做了,但是我不能很准确地告诉他们我到底想要什么。B:Maybe you should learn some of the language.Dont let language be a barrierfor you.也许你该学点中文,不要让语言成为你的障碍。A:WeIl,in

175、 the end I found a guy who could speak English .He sold me these pantsIm wearing now.Language was not a barrier in this case.最后我找至!J 个会说英语的人,他卖给我几条裤子,现在穿着就是。在这件事上,语言并不是什么障碍了。69.1 guess.功能:用于表示“ 我猜想”搭配:1.1 guess sb to be.I guess that she is over thirty.2.1 guess + 从句 I guess her to be over thirty.扩展句

176、式:I think我猜想, 我认为常用范例:l.Guess what I have in my hand.猜猜我手里有什么.2.1 guess that she is teacher judging from her appearance. 从 夕 卜 表 来看,我猜想她是个教师.情境记忆:A:So are you reasy to see the Great Wall?你打算去长城观光吗?B:Fve already seen it. 我去看过了。A:But arent you excited to be seeing it again?但你不想再看一次吗?B:Somewhat ,but th

177、ings are never the same the second time around. 某种程度上想,重游故地,感受总是不同的。A:So I guess you know your way around Beijing then. 你对d匕京的路还挺熟的吧?B:Not really,! only stayed for a few days,that one time. 不太熟,我那次只呆了几天。A:so you could say the same thing about the Wall.There must be a lot more forthe wall to offer yo

178、u,surely?那么你可说对长城也不熟了,长城会给你更多的东西。B:Well,well see.Since youve been in China .What have you done?是的,你来中国后,都做了些什么?A:Fve been studying mainly,but in my vacationsj have seen a lot of the famoustourist attractions.Studying here has been a great experience. 主要是学习,但度假时,我到过许多著名的旅游胜地,在这儿学习也是个挺棒的经历。70.Whats yo

179、ur favorite.?功能:用于询问对方“ 最喜欢的是什么? ”搭配:Whafs your favorite+名词?扩展句式:1. What .do you like best?2 .What are you interested in?3 .What kind of.are you keen on?4 .which .are you fond of?常用范例:1. Whafs your favorite sport?2 .What kind of food are you keen on?情境记忆:A:Theres an art collection on display this we

180、ek.We should go and take a look本周有艺术展,我们去看看吧。B:whaf s the medium?什么方面的?A Sculpture.Its a collection of modern impressionist works.雕刻。是现代印象派作品展。m not that keen on modern art.To me it all seems like a big con噢,我不怎么喜欢现代艺术,于我来看,他们全都是骗人的把戏。A:Come on ,people all need toexpress themselves artistically. 人们都

181、需要从艺术的层面上来表现自己的。B:So whaf s your favorite form of art?那么你最喜欢的艺术形式是什么?A:Music,I guess,but I love painting and drawing.I draw whenever I have sparetime.音乐吧,但是我喜欢画画,我的空余时间都用来画画。A:You should show me some of your work some time.Id be very interested tosee what you have come up with.那有机会你要给我看看你的作品啊, 我很有兴趣

182、看你到底搞出什么名堂来。71. What if.?功能: 这是一个非常好用的超级句型, 他主要有两大用法: 一是用来假设某事的发生, 意为” 如果. 那会怎么样? ”二是用来对未来提出建议, 意为 你说怎么样? ”此外, 他还可以用来表示一种威胁: “ 要是又如何? ” 希望大家把这个句型变成自己的“ 口头禅” , 在生活中随时运用!搭配:What if+句子?扩展句式:If + 句子,what will happen ?常用范例:(l)A:Dont waste your money on another lottery ticket.别把钱浪费在彩票上了. .B:Why not?What i

183、f I win?为什么不? 我要赢了呢?(2)A:ril never forgive you for saying that.你 这 么 说我永远都不 会 原 谅 你 . ,B:What if I said I was sorry?我道歉怎么样?情境记忆:下面这段话是虚拟语气的最经典对话, 生活当中经常会有错误, 经常充满着遗憾,遇到这种情况你怎么办?A:Don?t worrv about it,David.Theres nothing we can do now.别放在心上了, . 现在我们也没有办法.B:I cant help it.Dave.If Td been thinking,thi

184、s wouldnt have happened.我就放不下, 要是我一直想着, 这事就不会发生.A:We all make mistakes.I se no point in standing here talking about it.我们都会犯错误的, 我们没有必要站在这儿讨论这个.B:What if I hadnt gone on that trip?要是我不去那趟旅行又怎么样呢?A:Ifs not really your fault.I didnt remember ,either.这真的不是你的籍, 我也没有记住.B:Theres no excuse for it,Dave.I ha

185、d known about it for several weeks.这不是借口, 我几周前就知道了.A:Well, its too late to do anything now.Why dont we dropit and leave it that?哎, 现在讨论太迟了. 我们为什么不就让它这样好了?B:If we had written it down on the calender,we wouldnt have nade this mistake.如果我们把它写在日历上, 我们就不会犯这个错误.A:we can do that next time,but it wont help

186、us now .Lets go home.我们下次这样做吧, 但现在也于事无补. 我们回家吧.72.1 promise 功能:向某人保证或承诺做什么的意思搭配: 通常用在句末表肯定扩展句式1.1 swear .2.You have my word./I give you my word.常用范例1. Til make it up to you, I promise.我会补偿你的,我保证。2 . The Lion King狮子王Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance 9 Ipromise.我敢说世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平

187、衡中生存。3. You cant change the past, I promise.我敢说过去的事是不可以改变的。4. Yes, the past can hurt. But I promise, you can either run from itor learn from it对,过去是痛楚的,但我保证你要么可以逃避,要么可以向它学习。情境记忆: A: How do you relax?你是怎么放松自己的?B:on holidays I usually go to a spato refresh myself, 我在假期经常去泡温泉A: You mean the hot springs

188、?Do they help?温泉? 有用吗?B:Yes,the hot spings contain various minerals and micoelements,which helpimprove your health and protect you from diseases,! promise. 有用,温泉里有彳艮多矿物质和微量元素,我敢说这能增进健康,预防疾病。Useful language items1 refresh oneself放松某人自己2 mean sth/to do sth 指的是什么/ 打算干什么3 hot springs 温泉4 contain包含含有5 pr

189、otect sb from sth保护某人免受什么样的伤害73. If you do sthr youll功能:如果你做什么你将会怎样搭配: 接从句扩展句式:l.If it rains , we will2.1f you dont do sth , you will.常用范例 1. If you do your best,! am sure everything will turn out right soon, 如果你尽力去做,我肯定你很快就会好起来。2.1f you dont do your best, you will not make any progress如果你不努力, 你将不会取

190、得任何捷步.情境记忆: A:Listen to me,you had better go on a diet. 听我说,你最好节食。B:Why? I am not fat!为什么?我不胖啊!A:You are gaining weight these days,and you are the only one who wont admitit你最近在发胖只是你自己不承认罢了。B:So what should I do?那我该怎么做?A:If you do more regular exercises and eat less fat,you will feel better 如果你多做些运动少

191、吃点你会感觉好点。Useful language itemsIhad better to do sth 最好做什么2go on diet 节食3gain weight 增 月 巴4do exercises 做运动74. you dont have the right to do sth.功 能 : 表示你没有权利做什么搭配: 接动词不定式扩展句式: Lyou dont have to do sth2.1t is not necessary to do sth3.1 have the right to do sth常用范例:1.I have the right to hold my opinio

192、ns.我有权持有我的观点2.1t is not necessary to do everythings for her. 没必要为她做任何事。情境记忆: A: oh my goodness!what a terrible mess you have made!我的老天,看你弄的一团糟!B:What is wrong?怎么了?A:I cant imagine that this is a girPs room.just look at your desk piled up withbooks,magazines and newspapers. . 我简直不能相信这是女孩子的房间。看你的书桌,堆满

193、了书,杂志和报纸B:You dont have right to control my life . I have right to live in a way which Ilike. 你没权利管我的生活。我有权按照我的意愿生活。A:But remember ,he who cant sweep his own house cant achieve somethingmarvelous.但请记住一屋不扫何以扫天下。Useful language items1 what a terrible mess you have made!看你弄的一团糟!2 piled up with sth 堆满什么

194、3 he who cant sweep his own house cant achieve something marvelous但请记住一屋不扫何以扫天下75.1 am annoyed.功能:表示某人由于什么原因而感到烦心搭配: 接从句扩展句式 I feel very unhappy/sad/regretful /mad/. because.常用范例 1.1 am annoyed by one of your classmates because he always says somedirty words.2.1 am annoyed for that I failed in the e

195、xam.情境记忆: A:I am stongly against television commercials!我强烈反对电视广告!B: Why?为什么?A:They are complete rubbish! I feel annoyed because they hardsell goods,imposetheir stupid ideas on oue minds,and waste our time with their nasty propaganda!它们全是垃圾!他们强硬推销商品往我们脑子里加那些愚蠢的观点,真让我烦!还浪费我们的时间看这些广告!B:But you cant de

196、ny the fact that some of them are of high quality 但你不能否认有些广告质量很高A:Maybe 9but we have no choice but to accept themlthat annoys me!也许吧,但我们除了接受别无选择,这点令我生气!Useful language items1 be stongly against 强烈反对2 hardsell强硬推销3have no choice but to 别无选择76. What is your .?功能; 询问对方的意见,建议或看法搭配: 接名词扩展句式 l.Whafs your

197、opinion about.?2 .Whats your idea?3 .Do you have any opinion on.?常用范例:1. Whafs your opinion aboutindividualism,freedom, equality,hard work,frugality?你对个人主义,自由, 平等,勤劳,节俭有什么看法?2. Do you have any opinion on the globalization?你如何看待全球化?情境记忆: A:Do you have any opinion on American value? 你怎样看待美国人的价值观?B:The

198、 core of American value is individualism. It means personalmotive,personal alternative and personnal fulfillment by self-reliance. 美国人的价值观的核心是个人主义,它指自主动机自主选择通过自力更生达到自我实现A:As for our Chinese ,we talk about collectivism而我们中国人恪守集体主义。Useful language itemsIcore of-的核心2by self-reliance通过自力更生77.1 cant make

199、 up my mind whether to . or to .功能:做抉择时用,表两者难选其一搭配: 接动词原形扩 展 句 式 :I cant determine whether to .or to.常用范例:LI cant make up my mind whether to find a job or to go further studyafter graduation.2.1 can、determine my fate,but I can try my best . 我无法决定自己的命运, 但我可以事事尽力.情境记忆A:Whafs up ? You look upset.B:You

200、know Pll graduate after one year.And I cant make up my mindwhether to find a job in a company or to study further.A:As I see, if you get a good chance to work,naybe its better to workfirst.After all,we have to work sooner or later.B:Yeah,you can say that again!But I want to go further study and some

201、day I canbe more qualified.A:A11 rightjt depends on you.78. Nothing is more important than .功能: 用于表示比较, 比更重要, 或没有重要. 比较需要至少两个对象, 在平常作决定的时候, 比较四一种有效的方法.搭配:Nothing is more important than+sth or doing sth.扩展句式 is less important than.常用范例:1. Nothing is more important than self-respect. 没有什么比自重更重要了.2.For

202、 me, Speaking is less important than Listening to others对我来说, 聆听别人比总是表达自己更重要.情境记忆:A:Whats the matter,Anne?Why are you so upset?Anne,怎么了, 为什么这么沮丧?B:I heard theres an English Winter Training Camp9and I dont know whetherto take it or not because I wanna stay at home eith my parents. 我听说有一个英语冬令营, 我不知道是否

203、参加, 因为我想呆在家里陪我的父母.A:Personally, I prefer taking English courses to staying at home with nothing todo.从我个人来说, 与其在家无事可做, 不如参加英语培训.B:Do you mean sharing my time with my parents is less improtant thanaccquiring knowledge?你的意思是学知识要比花时间和父母呆在一起重要?A:You got me wrong!Youve got plenty of time to hang around w

204、ith yourfamily,but this is a valuable opportunity.Besides,it will do you good in the longrun.你误会我了! 和父母相处总有时间. 但这次机会难得. 况且, 从长远来看, 对你还是有好处的.B:Would you consider learning English if you were in my position?如果你是我,你会考虑学英语去吗?A:In my opinion,studying English is more important and worthwhile. 在我看来,学英语更现实而

205、且也值得.B:Thanks.Fll think about what you said.谢谢你, 我会考虑你的建议的.79. It goes without saying功能: 表示肯定, 毫无疑问】不用说”搭配:It goes without saying+句子扩展句式 l.No doubt that.常用范例 Lit goes without saying thatpractice makes perfect. ” 毫无疑问, 熟能生巧.2 No doubt that.nTime reveals all things.毫无疑问, 万事日久自明.情境记忆:A:Hi,Mary,Have you

206、 seen a movie called Matrix” 嗨, 玛力, 你有没有看一部电影叫, , 黑客帝国, , ?B:Well,yes.It goes without saying that it was the most top-grossing movie thisyear.But I think the plot was illogical and surreal.这个, 是呀. 毫无疑问它是本年度最赚钱的影片. 但我认为剧情有点不合逻辑, 而且有点超现实.A:Just because if s hard to understand,it doesnt mean its illogi

207、cal.Then,whatsyour favorite movie?就因为很难理解, 并不能说它不合逻辑. 那你最喜欢什么片子?B:If you ask me,I give uforrest gump” two thumbs u p .如果你问我的话, 我最喜欢” 阿甘正传”A:I think this movie is ridiculous. 我认为这部片子很可笑.B:Youre wrong if you think its ridiculous.As far as Im concerned/TorrestGump” is the best movie Fve ever seen.Forre

208、sf s successful story just made usbelieve whoever can make things happen as long as he sticks to it.如果你认为可笑那你就错了, 我认为“ 阿甘正传” 是我所看过的最好的片子.阿甘成功的经历也让我们相信无论是谁, 只要坚持就能成功.A:I think we have opposite view on this.我想我们在这一点上意见相反.8O.Even if.功 能 : 引导让步状语从句, 意为” 即使, 纵然”搭 配 :.Even if+句子, + 从句扩展句式:1 Even though.2.

209、Although/Though.常用范例:I wll help you,even if I doiTt sleep.即使我一夜不睡觉, 我也要帮助你.2.Even though he was ill,he didiTt stop working.即使他生病了, 他都没有停止工作.情境记忆:下面这篇对话非常地道, 能脱口而出一定会让别人刮目想看A:Fve been waiting for an hour ! where have you been?我都等了一个小时了! 你去哪儿了?B:I got stuck in traffic on the way back from Joes office.

210、我在从乔的办公室回来的路上遇到了塞车.A:Okay, Tell me exactly what Joe said.dont beat aroud the bush .Give it tobestraight . 好吧确切地告诉我乔都说了什么, 别拐弯抹角, 直截了当地说出来.B:Hold your horses!Flell you in a minute.Let me catch my breath.I just got hereand I told you triffic was terrible. 耐心地等待一下! 呆会儿就告诉你, 让我先缓口气. 我刚到这儿, 而且我告诉你了, 交通阻塞

211、.A:You can do that later.Tell me.What did Joe say?你呆会儿再休息, 告诉我, 乔说了什么?B:Do yo u really want to know ?Even if its bad news?你真想知道吗? 连坏消息也想知道?A: Of cours I do.Just tell me. 当然, 你就说吧.81.1 suggest.功能: 该句型通常用于提议, 意为“ 建议 命令 要求 “ 应当做搭配:(1)表建议时. . . I suggest+名词/ 代词/ 动名词或+that从句( 谓语should +动词原形) 可省略should(2)

212、表“ 表明 “ 暗 示 时 I suggest+名词/ 代词 th at从句( 谓语动词不用虚拟语气)扩展句式:1.I advise.2.1 insist.3.1 demand.4 .1 propose.5.1require.常用范例: LHe suggested (going for )a walk, 他提议去散散步.2 .He suggested that the work should br started at once.他建议立即开工 .3 .Her yawn suggestes that she is sleepy. 她打哈欠表明她困了.4 .The police suggests

213、 that the thief might be one of the family members.警察当局提出窃贼可能是一名家庭成员.5 .Fd propose you write a report about the event. 我建议您写一份关于这次事件的报告.情境记忆: A:Welcome to Germany!欢迎您到德国来1B:Thank you . 谢谢!A:How was your flight?Enjoyable I hope.一路飞行怎样? 还愉快吧?B:It was OK.So tell me,what is special about Germany?还好. 告诉我

214、, 德国有些什么特别的吗?A:We have a long history,you know.Germany is rich in culture.你知道, 我们德国有悠久的历史和灿烂的文化.B:In china we also have a long history. We also have our fair share of culture. 在中国, 我们同样也有悠久的历史和灿烂的文化.A:WelI,I suggest having a seat and trying our beer.Germany is famous forbeer . 是的, 我建议咱们坐下尝尝我们庙啤酒. 德国

215、的啤酒很出名的.B:Yes,I have heard.Many countries have a product they are the most famousfor.China,for examplejs famous for tea. 哦, 我听说过的. 很多国家都有他们很出名的产品; 例如, 中国的茶叶就很有名.A:And France is famous for its wine!法国的酒也很出名.B:Yes.so,Whats the capital city of Germany?是的, 德国的首都城市是哪?A:Berlin.Since the Berlin wall came d

216、own, the country has been unified underthe one government seated in Berlin. 柏林. 自从柏林墙倒塌以后, 这个国家就统一了, 唯一的首都在柏林.B:So have you travelled much in Europe?你常去欧洲旅游吗?A:I have travelled a lot ,and so can you .A day spent driving can take youthrough many interesting countries.We can travel together if you lik

217、e.我经常去欧洲旅游, 你也可以啊. 开车花一天时间你就可以游历好多有意思的国家. 如果你想的话, 我们可以一起去旅游.82.Owing to .J .功能: 表原因 由于”搭配: Owing to+名词/ 代词, 主语+谓语+.扩展句式: 1.Because of( 因为, 由于作状语)2 .Due to,(因为, 由于, 作表语或状语, 不可以置于句首)3.On account of( 因为, 作状语)常用范例:1.I could not attend the meeting owingto illness. 我因病不能出席会议.2.Because of these,he failed.由

218、于这些事情, 他失败了.3 .The flight was cancelled due to the fog. 班机因雾停航.4 .We stayed inside on account of the rain. 因为下雨, 我们就呆在室内.情境记忆: A:Honey ,what do you think love is?亲爱的, 你认为爱是什么呢?B:Owing to that love has many meaingsj think love is different for differentpeople.因为爱有很多层含义, 我觉得不同的人对爱有不同的阐释.A:Honey,Fm jus

219、t tryingto put my feelings into words.亲爱的, 我只想告诉你我的想法.B:Go on. 那就说吧.A:Whaf s the way to express real love?I mean, really strong love.怎么才能够表达真正的爱呢? 我指的是很强烈的爱.B:Tee hee.Um, you can call it true love,or say you are crazy about the one youlove , 哦, 你可以称之为真爱, 或者说你为你所爱的人痴狂.A:No, I mean real love.Love more

220、 than a spring moring.Love more than a cooldrink on a hot day.real love.不, 我是说真正的爱. 比爱春天的早晨. 夏天的冷饮更甚的爱, 真爱.B:( Hes so romantic) Then you say you are head over heels in love.( 他很浪漫) 那就是说你为之神魂颠倒了.A:Honey,L. 亲爱的, 我B: Yes?怎么了?我我1?:丫 0?丫 0?怎么 A:Fm head over heels in love with my, my car!我实在是太爱我的汽车了!Boh,m

221、y God!啊, 天那!83.lt depends on.功能: 表示“ 取决于” 由来决定”搭配: It depends on sth /sb/从句扩展句式: L it up to.2.1t relies on.常用范例: 1. It depends on your own decision.2. If s up to whether they invite you .情境记忆: A:Hi,Bush.How have you been?How5s your test going?嗨, 布什, 最近怎样? 考试考的怎样?B:Well,if s a long story.Fm trying,bu

222、t for me,English seems to be a life-longpain . 哎, 一言难尽. 对我来说, 英语一直是个痛.A:Would you mind telling me more about it?Maybe I can help.能和我讲讲吗? 或许我能帮上忙.B:Fve been learning Enhlish for quite a long tima.But spoken English is still aheadache for me .How long will it take if I want to improve my oral English?

223、 我英语学了好长时间, 但口语一直是我头痛的问题.A:Thaf s an interesting question.lt all depends on the extent of your conteibutionand the way of learning 个问题很好, 那要取决于你所付出的分力程度和方法.B:Pm eager to hear your opinions. Can you be more specific?我想听听你的见解. 能再具体一点吗?A:Some people seem to think learning English is practicing grammar

224、rules andlearning lists of words.Thafs wrong. Language is for the exchange of ideas forcommunication.有些人认为学习英语就是练习语法和背单词. 错! 语言是用来交际的 .B:Wow!Thafs brilliant!Do you believe thafs the way learning English shouldbe?哇! 真棒! 你认为学英语就应该那样学吗?A:Definitely! The way to learn English is to practice speaking it a

225、s often aspossible , 毫无疑问! 学习一门语言的方法就是尽量多的练习去说.B:Yes,I see.Fm very grateful to you for these useful points. 我明白了. 非常感谢你的这些有用的建议.A:If s my pleasure.Good luck in your further studies俄愿意帮忙祝你学习好运!84.1 assure you that.功能: 表示十分确定, ” 使放心使确信”搭配: I assure you of sth 或 that 从句扩展句式: LFm sure about.2.1 guarante

226、e .常用范例:1.I assure that I can finish the work by the end of this month. 我保证月底前完成这项工作.2.1 assure you of his ability to do it. 我向你保证他有能力去做这项工作 .情境记忆: A:Miss Brown, what time is Mr Smiths flight expected to arrive atKennedy Airport?布朗小姐, 史密斯先生的飞机什么时候到达肯尼迪机场呢?B:Around 2 p.m,sir.Will you go eith the comp

227、any car to meet him?大约下午两点左右. 你会坐公司的车去接他吗?A:Yes,so rd better leave here no later than noon.How about theaccommodations at the Hilton for Mr Smith and his party?当然啦. 所以在中午以前我就得离开. 那史密斯先生的膳宿和宴会安排得怎么样啦?B:I made the reservations for them last week and checked again yesterday to besure that everything is

228、 ready.我上周向他们预订了房间, 昨天我又确认了一下, 以保证一切就绪.A:Induding the banquet room for tonight5s reception?包括今晚接待他的宴客厅也准备好了吗?B:Thafs right.The manager assured me that everything will be exactly as wehave requested. 对, 那儿的经理向我保证了一切都会按照我们的要求去准备.A:Excellent.I want everything to be the very best.不错! 我想要一切都处于最佳状态中.B:Fm

229、sure it will be.That manager has never let us down yet, 我相信会的, 那儿的经理从没让我们失望过.A:We want to make a good impression .Not juat to be sure that this business dealis a success,but to pay back the wonderful hospitality we received from them inTokyo last year. 我们想留下好印象. 不仅仅是想达成这次生意, 更是回敬去年我们在东京受到的热情款待.85.No

230、ne of them is功能: 表示否定意义的“ 没有” 没有任何东西”搭配: .None of+代词( 后面谓语可复数也可单数) , 他总是用在一定的范围之内.扩展句式: LNeither of.2. No one is.常用范例: LNone of us are afraid of difficulties.2 .Neither of them knows me.3 .No one told us about it.4 .None of your business!不管你的事! 少管闲事!情境记忆: A:Sometimes I think television is too biased

231、.None of them arecompletely objective.有时我想电视报道有所偏颇, 做不到完全的客观.B:Thsf s unavoidable,but I think :How would you keep up to date withouttelevision?这是不可避免的, 但你想想, 没有电视你怎能得到最新的消息呢?A:Newspapers or the radio I guess.I just wish TV was more objective.报纸或 收音机啊. 我希望电视能更客观些.B:Look,you can still learn a lot from

232、 watching television,you just need to besmart when you are watching.Filter the information and decide if you believewhat you are hearing or not. 但还是能从电视当中知道很多东西的. 看电视的过程中,你总得聪明些, 过滤一些不必要的信息,并决定你相信什么.A:The internets a lot worse. 因特网就更糟了.B:Really?Why?是吗? 为什么?A:There9s no one monitoring it.Anyone aroun

233、d the world can put informationonto the net for anyone else to see.The information on the internet is mostlyunsubstantiated and you can never know who has written it,or why.A lot ofpeople get conned online.因为没人监控, 所有人都能把信息放上去,因特网上太多信息无法查证, 你很难确认是谁写的, 或者为什么要这样写. 在网上收发信息的人太多了.B:Again,you need to think

234、 carefully.If you dont trust others online,have nothingto do with them. 你得再想清楚点, 如果琵网上你不愿相信别人, 就别理他们.86.There is no use doing .功能: 表示做某事是没用的.搭配:There is no use doing .扩 展 句 式no use to do sth2 .There is no use doing .3 .Use is a second nature.4 .Once a use,forever a custom.常用范例no use persuading her t

235、o give it up.2.There is no use talking about it.情境记忆:A:Hey,whats up?喂, 怎么了?B:My girlfriend has left me, and Im not too happy about it.我女朋友总艮我分手了, 我有点不开心.A:There are plenty more fish in the sea.Why did she leave?天涯何处无芳草! 她为什么要离开你?B:I forgot her birthday.She told me the date do many times,but I never

236、wrote itdown.I tried to make it up to her but shes not interested. 我忘记她的生日 了. 她告诉过我好多次这个日期,但我从来没有写下来. 我想弥补, 但她没有兴趣.A:Remember stitch in time saves nine.So what are you doing now?记住, 亡羊补牢, 犹为未晚. 那你现在打算怎么办?B:Buying her a gift,if I spend all my money on this ring,naybe shell forgive me.给她买件礼物,如果用我所有的钱买

237、下这个戒指送给她, 她或许会原谅我的.A:Trust me.Dont put all eggs in one basket.You said she is gonejf she doesnttake it,there will be no use buying it.相信我, 不要孤注掷,你说她已经走了, 如果她不收的话, 这个戒指就白买了.87The more.,the better.功能: 表示“ 越越”搭配:The+比较级,the +比较级扩展句式:1比较级+and+比较级. 越来越colder and colder2.more and more+比较级越来越more and more

238、beautiful常用范例:LThe earlier you start,the sooner you will be back.2.The more you practice,the better your English will be.情境记忆: A:What do you do dor a crust?你做什么工作?B:Fm an investment consultant,我是投资顾问.A:So you really know how to handle money,right?那你肯定很会理财, 对吗?B:I know hoq to handli other peoples mon

239、ey.I cant say Im doing that wellmyself though. 我知道如何处置其他人的金钱, 但我不能说我很懂得如何处理我的 .A:Can you imagine a world without money?WouldiTt it be great?你能想象如果没有钱世界会如何?B:Impossible!Life as we knowit would not exist without money. 不可能没有金钱,我们现在的生活就不存在了.A:Thaf s what I mean.Things would be much better. 正如我愿, 世界会更美好

240、.B:Without money,how could you arrange for someone to do services?Everyoneshould be too busy trying to survive for society to ever develop .没了金钱, 你怎样安排别人为你服务? 每个人都将忙于生存以致社会难以继续发展 .A:I could pay for things with food or something, 我可用食物或其他东西来买东西 B:Then the thing that you pay with would become the equi

241、valent of money.If shuman nature.You cant escape money.So,the reasonably you use,the better yourlife will be. 那你所付出的东西就成了等价物, 这就是人类天性. 你不可能逃避金钱.因此, 你使用金钱越合理, 你的生活就会越美好.88.1 havnt heard.功能: 表示 我还没听说”搭配: I havnt heard of /about sth 或 from sb/that 从句扩展句式:L I havnt heard of /about sth2.1 havnt heard fro

242、m sb1. I havnt heard that.常用范例:1. I havnt heard of /about the event.2.1 havnt heard from you for a year.3.1 havnt heard that she went abroad.情境记忆:A:Hello,is that Mark?你好, 是马克吗?B:How are you ? I havnt heard from you in ages.你好, 我好w没有你的消息了.A:Fve been overseas.So have you been busy lately?我出国 了. 你最近忙吗?

243、B: Pre tty busy.So are you back for good?比较忙. 你是从此就回来了 ?A:Yes.I was just wondering when yoifd have time to go fishing. 是的, 我刚刚还在想你是不是有时间去钓鱼呢.B:well,Fm not working on the weekend,so we could grab some beerjce on ourflshingrods,and head out to the river.我这个周末不用工作, 那样我们带上钓鱼杆,还有啤酒和冰, 然后去河边.A:That sounds

244、 goodJIe missed you my friend. 太好了! 真想你, 我的朋友.B:Same here.我也想你啊!89.1 tend to do .功能: 表示” 倾向于做某事”搭配:I tend to do ( 动词原形)扩展句式1.: .tend to do还表示“ 有助于”2.1 tend towards doing sth常用范例:LIm thinking of the meassures tending to improve workingconditions.2.1 tend towards supporting him to be the monitor.情境记忆:

245、 A:Mum,look at the puppy we found.Can we keep him?妈妈, 看看我找到的这只小狗, 我能把它留下来吗?B:Mmmm,theras no tag on his collar.weHl have to have a family meeting todecide . 它脖子上没有任何的标签, 我们最好开个家庭会议来决定.A:Is Dad coming to the meeting?父亲来参与会议吗?B:Of course he is,what a stupid question!他当然来, 多愚蠢的问题呀!A:But he hates dogs.但他

246、社十分讨厌狗.c:Ok,Fm home.How飞 everybody?我回来了, 大家好吗?A:Dad look!Can we keep him?看, 爸爸, 我能把它留下来吗?C:Absolutely not!当然不能!A:But hes so cute and cuddly.但它十分讨人喜欢.B:Dad said no and I tend to agree with him.爸爸说不同意, 我倾向于他的意见.not take that dog please.我是不会收留这只小狗的.A:But Dad,I可是, 爸爸 C:I said no.Give me the animal. 我说不行

247、, 把小狗给我.A:I caift stand this,you never even discussed it with us. 我再也不能忍受了, 你从不会和我们商量任何事情的.C:Ifs not your dog,it为 这不是你的狗啊, 这是A:I hate family meetings,no one listens to me ! 我讨厌家庭会议, 根本没有人倾听我的意见!9O.We are in big trouble功能: 表示陷入困境, 遭遇麻烦”搭配: We are in big trouble of doing sth.扩展句式:l.We get into trouble

248、使自己陷入困境或难堪的境地2.We go to the trouble of sth /to do sth 不辞劳苦地去做某事.3. We have trouble in doing sth.在做某事方面有困难常用范例:L I have some trouble in translating the article. 我在翻译那篇文章时有点费劲.2. He got into trouble. 他招惹了 麻烦.3.She went to the trouble of going there. 她不辞劳苦地去那儿.情境记忆:A:Oh no ,oh no!啊! 天那1B:Whafs up,you s

249、cared me half to death. 什么事? 你吓了我半死.A:The oil light has come on 9and we?re miles from anywhere. 油量警告灯亮了, 我们现在前不着村, 后不着店, 咋办?B:Pull over quickly,otherwise you could seize the motor. 马上停车, 不然会烧坏发动机的.A:OK,Pve stopped.well.what a lot of bother.I have no spare oil.好啦, 已经停下来了 . 这次麻烦了, 我没有备用的汽油啊.B:Thafs pr

250、etty silly.You should always carry some oil and water,especially outhere in the middle of nowhere.Now we are in some prettybig trouble.真笨! 你应该时刻带一些汽油和水, 尤其在这种两头不着边的地方. 现在我们遇上大麻烦了.A:Do you have your cell phone?Call the auto club for help. 带手机了没有? 打电话到汽车俱乐部要求帮忙了.B:I can call them but they wont come ou

251、t this far to help.我可以打电话, 但是这么远他们不会来的.91.How dare you do.功能: 表示 敢或竟敢做某事”搭配:.1表示“ 敢、不 带to的不定式2 竟敢 + to do sth扩展句式:1.I dare say可能, 也许, 侧重” 不肯定”2.1 dare to say我敢说, 侧重” 肯定”常用范例:l.Who says he dare not do it?谁敢说他不敢做这事?2.She dares to walk at night.她敢走夜路.3.1 dare you to say that again?我谅你也不敢再说!4.Try it if

252、you dare. 要是你敢的话就试试看.常用范例:A:what do you feel like doing tonight,honey?亲爱的, 你今晚想做什么呢?B:Td like to go for a walk.想去散步.A:Where to?去哪里?B:Maybe we could walk down to the shops,! feel like ice cream. 也许我们可以至!j商店去, 我想吃雪糕.A:But you are fat enough as it is!Hey, only joking baby!但你已经够胖的了啊, 嘿,讲笑而已啊.B:How dare

253、you talk like that ?你怎么敢这么说? !A:Ok,Fm ready to go.好的, 我准备好可以走了.B:Tve changed my minddon want to go anywhere 我改变主意了, 我哪都不想去.A:But a minute ago you wanted ice cream. 但一分钟一前你还说想吃雪糕呢.B:well,now I dont feel like it现在不想 了啊.A:OK,we could stay at home instead and enjoy each others company. 那我们就呆在家里, 相随相伴吧.B

254、:rm not in the mood for that either.我也没那个心情啊.92.1 might.功能: 表示可能, 不确定相当于may,但更带迟疑, 婉转, 谦逊等色彩.might.无人称变化, 后接动词原形.搭配:.1 might+do sth扩展句式:1.I may do sth.may表示实际的, 马上能应验的具体的可能性2.1 can do sthcan表示理论上的, 按常理推断的抽象的可能性.常用范例:LIm afraid it might rain tonight.2.1 may fly ti New York next week.3.One can travel

255、to Holland by boat or by air.情境记忆:A:Come on ,go out for a walk with me!快来, 出来和我散个步吧!B:I cant.I have to finish my homework and then have ny piano lessons不行, 我要做功课, 稍后还要上钢琴课呢.A:Do you have to confine yourself to your lessons?你就得把你自己绑在功课上吗?B:Maybe.My life is full of painstaking work.也许吧, 我的生活充满了艰苦的劳作啊.

256、A:I f s up to you.To me life has three parts:study,work and relaxation.The lastone always might enhance the efficiency of the other two.Whafs more,relaxation itself is process of learning how to taste life sentiments!这得看你 自 己的. 对我来说生活有三个部分, 学习, 工作和休闲. 休闲可以提高前两者的效率, 而且放松身心本来就是一个学习领略生活情趣的过程!B: Perhaps

257、 you are right.93.1 have a complaint.功能:用于表达抱怨搭配:I have a complaint of /about sth扩展句式:1. I have a complaint to make.2. Ive got a complaint about.常用范例:l.Pm afraid I have a complaint about the shirt.2.1 hate to complain but I have to say something th e bad services inyour canteen.情境记忆:A:You were right

258、.The live show was much better. 你说得对, 现场表演要好多了.B:Ifs more exciting to see something done for real. 在现场看表演更加刺激.A:I have a complaint though. Some of the lead actors forgot their lines.lt reallymessed up the performane at the beginning. If they can remember theirlines, 让would make an even better show.

259、当一些主要演员忘记他们的歌词时我也有微辞. 这把表演一开始就给搞砸了. 如果他们能记住歌词的话,表演会更加好的.B:Well, from the curtain going up till the final encore,! have no complaints.Iwould even consider coining back for another show. 从开始到最后谢幕, 我都很满意, 我甚至考虑下一场表演也来看.A: A live performance is pretty expensivethough.We should at least seesomething diff

260、erent.Fve heard that the lighting and effects in Phantomof the Opera are not to be missed.但是现场表演有些贵我们至少要看到一些不一样的东西. 我听说灯光和特效在, , 幻影剧院, , 也 不 容 错 过 .B:Ok., Phantom of the Opera it is!好吧, 就去幻影剧院.94.1 cant afford to .功能: 表示 担负得起( 的费用, 损失, 后 果 等afford常接在can ,could, be ableto之后.搭配:I caiTt afford to do st

261、h扩展句式:1.I can afford sth /to do sth常 用 范 根 !last, we can afford a house.2 . We cant afford to buy a new car.3 .We cant afford to waste time and money.情境记忆:A:WilI you be going home for Christmas this year,Nancy?南茜, 今年你会回家过圣诞节吗?B:I want to go ,but I doiTt know if I can afford the ticket. 我想要回的, 可是我不知道

262、到时是否有足够的钱买机票.A:You live in Portland,don*t you?你住在波特兰市, 对吗?B:Thas right.And the plane fare is very expensive. 对的, 飞机票很贵的.A:why dont you go by train?It would be scheaper than the plane.为何不乘火车去呢5那会比飞机便宜.B:Yes,but I dont care for trains very much. 是的, 但我不太喜欢坐火车.A:How about the bus?Thaf s not very expens

263、ive,either. 巴士如何? 那也不太贵的.B:Fm never comfortaable on a bus,and it takes such a long time.我坐巴士从没觉得舒服, 而且时间又长.A: well,you can do one of two things,then.Either start saving your money for theplane fare ,or start walking now好了, 那你可以在这两件事中择其一来做, 要么开始省钱买机票, 要么现在就开始徒步行走.95.is of great importance功能: 表示” 具有非常

264、大的重要性”搭配:be+形容词+ 抽象名词5+副词+ 与抽象名词同词根的形容词扩展句式:1,be of great importance=be greatly important2.be of value=be valuable3. play an important role in.常用范例:LSport is of great importance to our health.2.Water plays an important role in humans life.情境记忆:A:Job rates are up,thafs a good sign. A:就业率上升了, 这是个好信号.B

265、:It sure is.The experts predict we have seen the end of this recession.With jobrates going up productivity should also increase.By next quarter we should haveexports back on track. B旃确是, 专家预测, 我们已急盼到了这次经济衰退的尽头了. 随着就业率的上升, 生产率也随之增长. 到下个季度, 我们就可以增加出口了.A:Why do recessions occur? A:为什么会出现经济衰退?B:I dont k

266、now,but it is certain that as the world develops its global economy,thecondition of one country will certainly have a big impact onmany others.Oneregion experiencing a slow down can cripple many other countries around theworld. B:我也不清楚, 但肯定的是随着经济的全球化, 一个国家的经济状况无疑会对其他国家造成很大的影响. 一个地区的经济发展减慢会拖慢其他国家经济的发

267、展.A:So do you keep up with the economic news? A:那你关心经济新闻吗?B:I do.lt seems to me that China is going to play an improtant role in the Asianregion. B:关心, 看起来中国在亚洲正扮演着越来法重要而角色A:What makes a good economy? A:什么因素会促进经济发展?B:A good work force,who are well educated and work hard.The highly educatednations us

268、ually do the best on the global stage.B:接受过良好教育并工作勤奋的出色劳动力. 教育水平高的国家通常在国际舞台上表现出色.96.On (the)one hand.,on the other hand.功能: 一般用于论证某个观点或解释某件事情时显得很有条理” 一方面, 另一方面”搭配:On (the)one hand+句子,on the other hand+句子扩展句式:LFirstly ,Secondly3,Thirdly.2.Besidesv./What5s more.常用范例:LShe is an excellent girl.On one ha

269、nd,she is very kind-hearted;on theother hand ,she is hard-working.情境记忆:A:Ross,is it possible for you to work on the project I gave you yesterday?罗斯, 我昨天给你的计划你能做吗?B:Sorry,Pete.rm afraid I cant do it this time.对不起, 彼得. 恐怕我这次做不了.A:Why ?But I think youre cut out for this project. 为什么呢? 但我觉得你最适合这个项目.B:Le

270、t me explain why I think I cant promise you to do it .让我跟你解释为什么我不能答应你做这个项目.A:A11 right .Fm all ears. 好, 我洗耳恭听.B.Not that I dislike this task,but that I dont like believe we can make it.不是我不喜欢这个工作, 而是我认为我们不能做成.A:why do you think we caiTt ?为什么你认为我们不能?B:Well.What Im trying to say is that :on one hand,t

271、his is a money -burningproject ;and on the other hand,the truth is that we dont seem to have enoughmoney.这样的. 我想说的是, 一方面, 这是一个很烧钱的项目; 另一方面, 事实是我们没有足够的钱来做.A:According to the survey ,it shows that we can financially carry this project但根据调查表明, 我们在经济上能够承担这个项目.B:Tve been doing like these projects for yea

272、rs.My experience gives me anegative point of view on this project.I think we need to give it another thought.我做这种类似的项目好多年了. 经验告诉我这次项目我们做不了. 我想我们需要再认真考虑一下.A:Ok.ril take your words into consideration.Lef s hold a meeting next Mondayto see whether we can do it or not, 好, 我会认真考虑你说的话. 我们下周一开个会讨论一下是否做这个项目

273、.97.would it be possible to do.功能: 表示 做某事可 能 吗 ?搭 配 :would it be possible to do( 动 词 原 形 )扩 展 句 式:1 wouldnt it be possible, to do.2. wouldnt it be wonderful to do . /if+从 句 ?常 用 范 例 :LwouldiTt it be wonderful if you meet some old friends?2. would it be possible to go abroad?情 境 记 忆 :A:Hey,Benny!I wa

274、s afraid you werent going to make it!嗨,Benny!我还以为你不来 了 呢 ?B:A re you out of your mind?I wouldnt miss this party for anything!你 疯 了 吗 ?我无论如何都不会错过这次晚会的.A:Fm glad to hear it.I was going to save some cake foy you if you didnt make it.很高兴听你这么说. 如果你赶不过来, 我会给你留些蛋糕.C:Hi,clara!Wowllt sounds like the party is

275、 jumping already. 嗨,clara!哇! 好像晚会马上就要进入高潮了.A:Oh,Henry!Yes.Hows it going?Come on in.Come on in .噢,Henry!是的. 你好吗? 快请进.C:Thank you .1 brought some salad for the party. 谢谢, 我为晚会买了些沙拉.A: Thank you.Oh,Nancyat the door.Hi,Nancy!谢谢. 噢,Nancy 来了. 嗨,Nancy!D:Hey,girl.May I came in?嗨 , 我 可 以 进 来 吗 ?A:Of course.W

276、e in .where is Todd?当然, 欢迎. 请进, 请 进 .Todd 在哪儿 ?D:Todd wanted to come,but he got stuck at the office.But he will give youbuzzpretty soon to apologize for it. Todd非 常 想 来 , 但是他单位有事来不了. 他会打电话向你致歉的.A: Oh,Thats too bad.Well miss him here.Oh,Dick is arriving.Hey,stranger!哦,太遗憾了. 我们真希望他能来. 哦,Dick到了! 嗨, 稀客!

277、E :Hey,stranger! Long time no see.嗨 , 稀客. 好久不见.A:TelI me about it. wouldnt it be wonderful if you meet some old friends?是 啊 ,快 进 来 看 看 老 朋 友 吧 !E:Sounds good.Thanks for inviting me,Clara. 好啊. 谢谢你的邀请,Clara!A:Are you kidding me?Ifs my pleasure to have you around.你在逗我吧? 很高兴你能来.98.Don,t mention it.功能: 用

278、于答复别人道谢时用, , 不用客气, ,搭配: 单独使用.扩 展 句 式:LIts my pleasure. 乐意效劳.2 .No bother at all. 不费啥事.3 .You are welcome不用客气常用范例: LA:Thank you for your timely help.B:No bother at all.2.A:Im terribly sorry for having kept you waiting for such a longtime.Please forgive!B:Dont mention it.情境记忆A:Have you made western st

279、yle tea before?你以前没泡过西方茶吗?B:No.But I have milk,hot water and a tea bag. 没有. 但我这儿有牛奶, 开水, 袋泡茶 .A:Ok,listen . 好的, 你听我说,B:Can I just stick them all in the cup?我能把他们一起放入杯子里吗?A:No.Put the bag in first不, 先把茶袋放进去.B:Then the milk?然后放牛奶?A:No,then add the water.If you pour the milk now ,the tea will taste ter

280、rible.Theorder of the steps is very improtant. 不, 先加开水. 如果现在就把牛奶倒入的话, 茶就会很难喝. 先后顺序很重要.B:Ok,but the cup is full. 好的, 但是茶杯已经满了.A:I failed to mention ,leave a little space for the milk.YouUl have to pour offsome of the water.我忘了说, 要给牛奶留点地方. 你得把开水倒掉点.B:Now the milk?现在加牛奶?A:Right!Bag,water,milk.Many thin

281、gs in life follow a strict procedure. 对! 先放茶袋, 再加开水, 再放牛奶, 生活中的许多事情都是有章可循的.B:Thank you very much for teaching me so much. 非常感谢你教会了我这么多.A:Dont mention it. 不用客气.99.Compared with. J prefer.功能: 用来比较搭配: Compared with sth /sb扩展句式:1.Compared to sth 与比较2.By comparison,3.1n comparison with sth,4.Beyond compa

282、rison 无与伦比常用范例: L Compared with many women , she was indeed very fortune.2. By comparison,Tom os much more mature than Bob.情境记忆A:Ok ,what do you want to listen to?你想听什么音乐呢?B:I want to hear something relaxing.我想听点轻松一些的.A:In that case,my new trash metal CD may not fit the bill. 这样的话, 我那张新的重金属唱片就不合适宜了.

283、B:I was thinking of something like Simon and Garfunkle.Something melodious.我看是不是听点性像西蒙与加芬克尔之类的悠扬一些的?A:Hmmm.the most melodious music I have is by AC/DC.Whos your favoritegroup then?恩, 我这里旋律最优美的是AC/DC 了, 那你最喜爱的组合是谁?B:Compared with POP,I prefer to listen to classical stuff.But no heavy matal.与流行歌曲比较, 我

284、更喜欢古典的, 但绝对不听重金属的.A:I dont think Fve got much that youll like.Um,do you like rap and hiphop?我想我没有你太多喜欢的东西. 那你喜欢说唱和霹雳舞. 吗?B:Terrible stuff!I fail to hear the originality,or the point,in those styles ofso-called music! If you are goingto put it that way, put on AC/DC. 噢, 更糟糕! 我在那些所谓的音乐中听不到原创性, 也听不出要领来

285、如果你真的什么都没有了,就放AC/DC的吧.lOO.Have you ever.功能: 表示; 曾经过没有 , ” ever . ” 用于否定, 疑问句, 条句状语从句.搭配: Have you ever + 过去分词扩展句式: LHave you ever heard of.2.Have you ever been to .常用范例: 1. Have you ever been to Tibet?2.1 have ever thought so .情境记忆:A:The internet is all the rage at the moment.时下因特网非常火热.B:It has been

286、 for many years now.这已有一段时间了.A: Our company couldnt exist without the internet Jt just wouldnt bepossible . 没有因特网就没有我们的公司, 不过没有因特网是不可能的.B: Have you beer met anyone online?你在网上碰到过什么人吗?A:No.I use computers all day at work,Pm not particularly keen on getting homeand then using a computer again.不, 我整天用电

287、脑工作, 我可不想一回到家就再打开电脑.B:But doiTt you work from home?但你难道没在家工作过吗?A:When I do J send the work back to the office over the net.But I dont wastemy time chatting.我常通过网络把工作发回到办公室, 而我是不会把时间浪费在聊天上的.B:I do .1 can speak to people from aroud the world and the computer translatestheir text straight into English.

288、但我会我会和来自全球不同国豪的 朋友聊天,电脑会自动把文字翻译成英文.A:So rather than try and learn a new language,you rely on the computer to doall the work. 所以你不是通过学习一种新语言来聊天, 而是靠电脑来帮你完成翻译工作.B: Give me a bresk,we cant learn every language you know,and I cancommunicate with people I would not normally be able to do , 别来这一套了, 你知道我们是

289、不可能学完每一种语言的. 我能和在平常状态下难以交流的人聊天.A:when computer translation is reliableenough for business,then Fil beinterested.For me the interneds a business tool,not a toy.当网上的翻译足够成熟可供商务使用时, 我会更感兴趣的, 对我来说, 因特网是商务工具而不是玩具.对话讲解一个与世隔绝的地方In the following dialogue, Mary(M) and Sharon (S) are chatting about their plans

290、 for anupcoming vocation.M: Im really looking forward to vocation.S: So am I and its just around the comer. Have you made up your mind where you wantto?M: Somewhere off the beaten track, in the middle of nowhere. Tve been cooped up inthis office for so long that I desperately need to get away from p

291、eople.S: So what do you have in mind?M: I dont know. Maybe a national park. Yellowstone or the Tetone.S: You mean camping?M: Oh, yeah, tent, campfire, the whole thing.译:下列对话,玛丽和莎拉正在险滩即将到到来的假期中他们的计划。玛:我在热切的盼着假期。莎:我也是。也快到了。决定你要去哪儿了吗?玛:一个人烟稀少,与世隔绝的地方。我被关在这间办公室太久了,以致我迫切想远离人群。莎:那么,你打算做什么?玛:不知道,或许一个国家公园,黄

292、石国家公园会提顿山脉吧。莎:你意思是野营?玛丽:嗯,是,带着帐篷,燃起篝火,和大自然相关的一切。词语解释:1. up-coming; happening soon.马上发生的2. To look forward to: to eagerly await,期待3. To make up (ones) mind: to decide 决定4. Off the beaten track: where few people go 人烟稀少的5. In the middle of nowhere: very isolated 与世隔绝的6. To be cooped up to: shut inside

293、,关在里面7. Yellowstone:位于美国南部的大型国家公园,黄石国家公园8. (the Grand) Tetone: a mountain range south of Yellowstone which alsofonns a national park,位于黄石国家公园南部的提顿山脉, 他也形成了一个国家公园。相关话题:听了玛丽和莎拉的对话,你是不是也迫不及待得像走出剑门到大自然的怀百种彻底放松的身心呢?的确, 现在生活节奏越来越快, 城市中的白领更是如此。在难得的假期中,大家一定要出去走走呦, 给大家推荐去北京的长城走一下吧! 说起长城还有一个著名的谚语, 不知道您乂没有听说过:

294、不到长城非好汉一he who doesnt go to the Great Wallis not a true man.结束:好了,通过对海,我们学习了儿个有用的日常短语病学会了怎样表达自己想好好地在假期放松一下, 还有我们补充的一个关于长城的谚语。 不要忘了在下面练习呦!祝大家假期玩得愉快!补充材料补充材料1、旅游景点名称故宫博物院the Palace Museum天安门广场 Tiananmen Square长城 the Great Wall午门 the Meridian Gate紫禁城 the Forbidden City颐和园 Summer Palace庐山 Lushan Mountai

295、n布 达 拉 宫Potala Palace桂林山水 Guilin Scenery with Hills and Waters秦始皇兵马俑 Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses Figures金 字 塔paramid第 二 讲 工作讲解 对 话 投身于其中的工作Linda is giving her friend, Anne, advice on what job to get.Linda: Any luck with the job search?Anne: No much.L: What have you done?A: Im looking around.

296、 Made a few calls to some organizations downtown. Theresthis environmental group which needs a PR manager. Tve looked intothat one, but you know, the payment is too low.L: Sometimes youve got to sacrifice a little pay for a job you can put your heart into,Anne.A; Its not easy though.L: You know how

297、much youve concerned for wildlife go for it. Launch a new career.Have you looked into the benefits that come with the job?A: Yeah, theyre good. Three week paid vocation, nursery, and a health plan. Its notbad. I just want to keep looking.译:琳达,再给他的朋友安排一些关于做什么工作的建议。琳:找工作有进展吗?安:不是太大。琳:做了什么努力?安:我正在找呢。给城

298、镇的一些组织打了几个电话。有一个需要公关部经理的环境小组。我已经详细看了一下,但是,你也知道,薪水太低。琳:安,有时候,为了你心爱的工作不得不放弃高的报酬。安:不太容易啊。琳:你知道你对野外生活是多么热爱,去干呢?开始一种新的职业,你调查国和工作相关的一些福利了吗?安:是,福利挺好。三周一休息,有托儿所,还有医疗保险,挺不错的。我正打算继续调查呢。词或词组讲解1 P.R: Public Relations.公共关系,公司里的公关部。2 to launch: v. to begin. 开始。3 child care: a nursery where the pre-school children

299、 of employee are cared for duringthe work day,托儿所。4 to put your heart into( something) to dedicate yourself. 投身于相关话题:工作是我们生活中必不可缺的一部分。 它不仅提供我们必要的经济基础, 好给我们的精神满足,不论你干什么工作,都应该会全心全意地干好它。做好工作,心态最重要,朋友,你找到你开心的工作了吗?如果没有,不用着急,睁大眼睛,或许,下一份工作正是你寻找已久又令你心情愉快的工作呢?我们听过这个谚语:”上无难事,只怕有心人。“ 那么用英语说起来,纠正好用上我们今天学的这个短语。T

300、here is nothing difficult unless you put your heart intoit!总结:好了,今天我们学了一个很有用的短语,通过这个小对话,我们知道了找工作的一些方法,以及工作是好心态的重要性,同时又学了一个使用的谚语。让我们一起把它记住,并运用到我们的生活当中,让我们每个人都做生活的强者,工作上的快乐者。补充材料1、迟到表达法和准时表达法behind timebe delayed / overduebehind schedulebe latebe punctual ( 地铁准时)be on time ( 上课、开会准时)2、工作中的压力保持积极向上的心态工

301、作中喝杯水和同事聊聊天会减轻很多压力fish这本书中的四个理论:让别人快乐把工作当游戏投入到工作中转变自己的心态3、在办公室工作还是在家里工作?为什么?在办公室:工作氛围、团结合作、效率高、沟通交友第三讲娱乐方式解析对 话 我 也 愿意和你聊天John and Sam are talking about their hobbies.John: Im sorry, Sam. I dont want to go to the folk concert.Sam: How about going to the theatre?John: I hate going to the theatre.Sam:

302、 Well, what do you like doing?John: Traveling, swimming, going to the cinema. And you?Sam: I like painting, sailing, watching football and talking to you.John: I like talking to you, too.Sam: Do you want to go to an exhibition? There is one at the XinghaiExhibition Hall tomorrow.John: Thats a good i

303、dea. Lets do that.译:约翰和萨姆在谈论他们的爱好。约:对不起,萨姆,我不想去听民间音乐会。萨:去看戏怎么样?约:我讨厌看戏。萨:那你愿意干什么呢?约:旅行,游泳,看电影,你呢?萨:我喜欢绘画,帆船运动,看足球赛,再就是和你聊天。玛:我也愿意和你聊天。萨:你愿意去看展览吗?明天在兴海会展中心有一个新展览。约:好主意,就这么着吧。词语解释:1 folk concert:民间音乐会2 exhibition:展览相关话题:高尚、健康的情趣圆恩陶冶人的情操,促进身心健康,也是文明社会文明人的标志。培养健康,有益、向上的爱好,将给自己的工作、生活增添不少的情趣。你可以这么陈述你的兴趣与爱

304、好。1 I am interested in meeting VIPs (Very Important People)我对与名人交往感兴趣2 我热衷于古典音乐:Fm keen on classical music.3我喜欢流行歌曲:I fancy pop songs.4 我特爱吃牡蛎:I really go for oysters.5 我迷恋滑冰:I am wild/mad/crazy about skating.6 我酷爱莎士比亚的作品:I have a passion for Shakespeares works.总结:好了,今天我们学习了兴趣和爱好的表达法,知道了萨姆和约翰各自的喜好,

305、并学习了相关的表达兴趣和爱好的集中表达方法。 那么, 你的爱好是什么呢?可否让我们分享你的爱好呢?大家是否听过有关兴趣的一个谚语呢?Interest is the best teacher.兴趣是最好的老师。最后祝大家都能找到自己的喜好。因为它会使你受益终身,也会其乐无穷。补充材料1、电影相关的对话吉姆Are you crying?你在哭?玛丽I get a lump in my throat whenever I see a tragic movie.我一看悲剧电影就不好受。吉姆Tragic movie? Its Forrest Gump, for gods sake!悲剧?饶了我吧,这 可

306、 是 阿甘正传呀 !玛丽But their love is touching!可他们的爱情很感人嘛!吉姆Nah, youre just too emotional.不,你就是个爱哭鬼。玛丽Im not!2、户外运动的项目:目前在我国开展的主要户外休闲运动有登山、攀岩、蹦极、漂流、冲浪、滑翔、滑水、攀冰、穿越、定向、远足、滑雪、潜水、滑草、高山速降自行车、越野山地车、热气球、溯溪、拓展、飞 行 滑 索 等 。探险活动:登山、攀岩、穿越、溯溪、探洞、漂流等休闲活动:徒步、野营、自助旅行等户外运动的好:close to nature;team sporta great variety of choi

307、ces第四讲打电话对话讲析你打通电话了吗?Below Jane is explaining to Mary how she tried to contact her boyfriend day andnight without success.J: I was trying to reach Jimmy all day yesterday. His line was always busy. I tried tokeep him, but that didnt work earlier.M: well, did you ever get through?J: yeah, but by the

308、time I get hold of him it was well past mid-night. I thought hedbeen on the phone forever, but he said hed left the phone off the hook while he gotsome work done. I was livid.M: You finally got to talk to him, right?J: Well, sort of people kept calling me on the other line. I dont know why all these

309、people happened to call at that hour. Anyway, we began fighting and soon -getthis- all I could hear was the dial tone. He hanged up on me.M: Youre kidding me.J: Im serious. He had the nerve to cut me off mid-sentence, too. I couldnt believe it.译:简正在向玛丽解释怎样千方百计和她男友( 打电话)联系却总是失败。简:我昨天一整天都在试着找到吉米。他电话总是

310、占线,我试着打传呼给他,但也起初无济于事。玛:噢。你打通电话了吗?简:是的。但我和他联系上是一是深夜了,我以为他永远在打电话,但他说当他把工作做完方电话时没放好,我很生气。玛:你最后还是跟他说话了,对吗?简:嗯,有关。有人用外线给我打电话了。我不知道为什么这些人都在那个时间碰巧打电话。不管怎样,我俩开始打架,一会一听着,我所能听到的就乘 嘟嘟嘟” 声,他挂我电话了。玛:你在开玩笑吧?简:真的。他居然有胆中途也挂我电话,不可思议。词语解释:1 to beep: to contact someone via his/her beeper or pager.打传呼2 well past: far p

311、ast; a long time past, ( in this case, midnight).在这里指深夜了。3 wild: adj. Very angry 非常生气。4 dial tone: the sound that indicates that the line is free for dialing( in this case, it meanthe call is over)电话可以通话时的信号声。 ( 四一是电话已打完)5 to get hold of: to contact or find 联系上或找到6 off the hook: when a phone is impr

312、operly left so that the line is occupied though noone is using the phone.没有将电话挂好7 sort of: a little.有关8 get this: in other words, listen to this 换句话说 听着相关话题:通过本对话,我们知道了简生气的原因。如今打电话交谈取代面对面的谈话已是非常普遍的事情。在英美国家,电话普及率很高,很多家庭装有不止一部电话。此外,在公共场合,公用电话随处可见,电话已经成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的通讯工具。现在学几个留言传话的句子,供大家日常生活中使用。1 您能替我给他

313、留个口信吗? Can you leave him a message for me?2 您想留个口 信吗? Do you want to leave a message?3您过会再打过来好吗? Will you call back later?4请您告诉她我来过电话好吗? Would you tell him I rang?5 我怎么称呼? ( 请问贵姓)。Who should I say called/is calling?总结:好,今天我们学了关于打电话的一些习惯用法和常用的表达句子。大家可以在下次打电话时,试着用上它,这样既办了我们要办的事,又练习了今天我们所学的内容,一箭双雕,何乐而不

314、为呢?第五讲饮食对话讲解你想做点吃的吗?In the following dialogue, a husband (H) and wife are discussing what the familyshould eat.W: Do you want to eat out tonight? I dont have the energy to cook.H: Honey, Im not up to going out.W: Do you want to cook something?H: Why dont we just order something?W: Pizza three times

315、in one week? Fm a bit tired of it, dear.H: All right, there9s bound to be something ready-made in the fridge. Try the freezer.W: Come on. Lets get some variety in our diets, can we? I mean, with all the TVdinners and instants noodles you and the kids have been eating, I wonder how youcant get sick o

316、f them.H: All right, TH try cooking new for you tonight.译:下列对话中丈夫和妻子正在讨论家里应该吃点什么。妻子:你想去外面吃饭吗,今晚?我没力气做饭了。丈夫:宝贝,我不想去外面吃。妻子:你想做点吃的吗?丈夫:我们为什么不订意大利烤馅饼呢?妻子:一星期吃三次?亲爱的,我有点吃厌了。丈夫:好吧,冰箱里肯定有现成的东西看看冷藏箱。妻子:得了,我们不能换个饭样?我的意思是,你和耗资已经吃了那么多的冷冻快餐和方便面。我想知道你怎么就吃不烦它们。丈夫:好吧,今晚我试着做道新菜给你们。词语解释:1 pizza n. an Italian dish ma

317、de primarily of bread, sauce and cheese. 意大利式考馅饼2 bound: theres bound to be sth. means there must be sth.肯定有3 ready-made: no cooking necessary. 现成的4 TV dinner: a ready made meal heated up and eaten, usually in front of thetelevision.冷冻快餐5 instant noodles: noodles that can be cooked in an instant wit

318、h hot water 方便面6 to be up to :to be willing 愿意7 to be/get tired of: to be no longer interested in.厌倦8 to be/get sick of :similar to the above idiom, but stronger 厌倦,但语气强烈相关话题 通过以上对话,我们知道,夫妻俩呢,一个不想做饭,一个想吃点省劲的饭,但最后还是丈夫做了饭。不知道现实生活你是怎样安培吃饭的,使自己动手做?还是到外面吃?参加工作的人可能由于种种原因要喝酒, 这里我们学习儿个喝酒时常说的句子:1 千杯! Bottoms

319、 up.2 祝你健康! To your health!3 为友谊干杯! Let,s drink to our friendship!4 祝愿归途平安,干杯! To a safe journey home, cheers!总结:好了,今天我们学了关于做饭的对话,里面有儿个常用的日常短语,像方便面、厌倦、愿意等,希望大家在生活中常用以便记住。俗话说“ 人是铁、饭是钢 ,一饭不吃饿得慌! ” 可见,饭是多么的重要啊!这里,我们在学一个谚语:吃是为了生活,但我们生活并不是为了吃!即: We eat to live, but we don9t live to eat!所以,作为高级动物的人,应该有更高的

320、精神追求,你说呢? 一方面,为了不让自己的一生虚度; 另一方面, 为了我们的人生更加绚丽多彩! 最后祝大家吃得好,生活的有劲,过的精彩!补充材料1、中西饮食文化区别:Food: Chinese food, western foodEnvironment: noisy, peacefulWhat we say:Bottoms up, CheersNothing special, best food I can offerWhat we use:chopsticks, spoonformal: napkin, finger bowl2、胖的表达法super size person:超大之人。例如:

321、No more hamburgers, I dont want to be a super size person.heavyset:体格魁伟的。例如:He was tall and heavyset.overweight:超重的。例如:Overweight in a child should not be neglectedchubby:胖 乎 乎 的 ( 多指小孩和女子)。 例如:The baby has a chubby face.Plumpshe is very plump now.3、减肥表达法ifm on a dietYou are supposed to be slimming.

322、Pm trying to lose some weight.我在减月巴第五讲饮食对话讲解你想做点吃的吗?In the following dialogue, a husband (H) and wife are discussing what the familyshould eat.W: Do you want to eat out tonight? I dont have the energy to cook.H: Honey, Im not up to going out.W: Do you want to cook something?H: Why dont we just order

323、 something?W: Pizza three times in one week? Fm a bit tired of it, dear.H: All right, theres bound to be something ready-made in the fridge. Try the freezer.W: Come on. Lets get some variety in our diets, can we? I mean, with all the TVdinners and instants noodles you and the kids have been eating,

324、I wonder how youcant get sick of them.H: All right, Til try cooking new for you tonight.译:下列对话中丈夫和妻子正在讨论家里应该吃点什么。妻子:你想去外面吃饭吗,今晚?我没力气做饭了。丈夫:宝贝,我不想去外面吃。妻子:你想做点吃的吗?丈夫:我们为什么不订意大利烤馅饼呢?妻子:一星期吃三次?亲爱的,我有点吃厌了。丈夫:好吧,冰箱里肯定有现成的东西看看冷藏箱。妻子:得了,我们不能换个饭样?我的意思是,你和耗资已经吃了那么多的冷冻快餐和方便面。我想知道你怎么就吃不烦它们。丈夫:好吧,今晚我试着做道新菜给你们。词语

325、解释:1 pizza n. an Italian dish made primarily of bread, sauce and cheese. 意大利式考馅饼2 bound: theres bound to be sth. means there must be sth.肯定有3 ready-made: no cooking necessary. 现成的4 TV dinner: a ready made meal heated up and eaten, usually in front of thetelevision.冷冻快餐5 instant noodles: noodles that

326、 can be cooked in an instant with hot water 方便面6 to be up to :to be willing 愿意7 to be/get tired of: to be no longer interested in.厌倦8 to be/get sick of :similar to the above idiom, but stronger 厌倦,但语气强烈相关话题 通过以上对话,我们知道,夫妻俩呢,一个不想做饭,一个想吃点省劲的饭,但最后还是丈夫做了饭。不知道现实生活你是怎样安培吃饭的,使自己动手做?还是到外面吃?参加工作的人可能由于种种原因要喝酒

327、, 这里我们学习几个喝酒时常说的句子:1 干杯! Bottoms up.2 祝你健康! To your health!3 为友谊干杯! Lets drink to our friendship!4 祝愿归途平安,干杯! To a safe journey home, cheers!总结:好了,今天我们学了关于做饭的对话,里面有儿个常用的日常短语,像方便面、厌倦、愿意等,希望大家在生活中常用以便记住。俗话说“ 人是铁、饭是钢,一饭不吃饿得慌! ” 可见,饭是多么的重要啊!这里,我们在学一个谚语:吃是为了生活,但我们生活并不是为了吃!B |J : We eat to live, but we do

328、n9t live to eat!所以,作为高级动物的人,应该有更高的精神追求,你说呢? 一方面,为了不让自己的一生虚度; 另一方面, 为了我们的人生更加绚丽多彩! 最后祝大家吃得好,生活的有劲,过的精彩!补充材料1、中西饮食文化区别:Food: Chinese food, western foodEnvironment: noisy, peacefulWhat we say:Bottoms up, CheersNothing special, best food I can offerWhat we use:chopsticks, spoonformal: napkin, finger bow

329、l2、胖的表达法super size person:超大之人。例如:No more hamburgers, I dont want to be a super size person.heavyset:体格魁伟的。例如:He was tall and heavyset.overweight:超重的。例如:Overweight in a child should not be neglectedchubby:胖 乎 乎 的 ( 多指小孩和女子)。 例如:The baby has a chubby face.Plumpshe is very plump now.3、减肥表达法im on a die

330、tYou are supposed to be slimming.Im trying to lose some weight.我在减月巴第五讲饮食对话讲解 你想做点吃的吗?In the following dialogue, a husband (H) and wife are discussing what the familyshould eat.W: Do you want to eat out tonight? I dont have the energy to cook.H: Honey, Im not up to going out.W: Do you want to cook s

331、omething?H: Why dont we just order something?W: Pizza three times in one week? Fm a bit tired of it, dear.H: All right, there9s bound to be something ready-made in the fridge. Try the freezer.W: Come on. Lets get some variety in our diets, can we? I mean, with all the TVdinners and instants noodles

332、you and the kids have been eating, I wonder how youcant get sick of them.H: All right, Til try cooking new for you tonight.译:下列对话中丈夫和妻子正在讨论家里应该吃点什么。妻子:你想去外面吃饭吗,今晚?我没力气做饭了。丈夫:宝贝,我不想去外面吃。妻子:你想做点吃的吗?丈夫:我们为什么不订意大利烤馅饼呢?妻子:一星期吃三次?亲爱的,我有点吃厌了。丈夫:好吧,冰箱里肯定有现成的东西看看冷藏箱。妻子:得了,我们不能换个饭样?我的意思是,你和耗资已经吃了那么多的冷冻快餐和方便面。

333、我想知道你怎么就吃不烦它们。丈夫:好吧,今晚我试着做道新菜给你们。词语解释:1 pizza n. an Italian dish made primarily of bread, sauce and cheese. 意大利式考馅饼2 bound: theres bound to be sth. means there must” be sth.肯定有3 ready-made: no cooking necessary. 现成的4 TV dinner: a ready made meal heated up and eaten, usually in front of thetelevision

334、.冷冻快餐5 instant noodles: noodles that can be cooked in an instant with hot water 方便面6 to be up to :to be willing 愿意7 to be/get tired of: to be no longer interested in.厌倦8 to be/get sick of rsimilar to the above idiom, but stronger 厌倦,但语气强烈相关话题 通过以上对话,我们知道,夫妻俩呢,一个不想做饭, 一个想吃点省劲的饭,但最后还是丈夫做了饭。不知道现实生活你是怎样

335、安培吃饭的,使自己动手做?还是到外面吃?参加工作的人可能由于种种原因要喝酒, 这里我们学习几个喝酒时常说的句子:1 干杯! Bottoms up.2 祝你健康! To your health!3 为友谊干杯! Lets drink to our friendship!4 祝愿归途平安,干杯! To a safe journey home, cheers!总结:好了,今天我们学了关于做饭的对话,里面有儿个常用的日常短语,像方便面、厌倦、愿意等,希望大家在生活中常用以便记住。俗话说“ 人是铁、饭是钢,一饭不吃饿得慌! ” 可见,饭是多么的重要啊!这里,我们在学一个谚语:吃是为了生活,但我们生活并不

336、是为了吃!B |J : We eat to live, but we don9t live to eat!所以,作为高级动物的人,应该有更高的精神追求,你说呢? 一方面,为了不让自己的一生虚度; 另一方面, 为了我们的人生更加绚丽多彩! 最后祝大家吃得好,生活的有劲,过的精彩!补充材料1、中西饮食文化区别:Food: Chinese food, western foodEnvironment: noisy, peacefulWhat we say:Bottoms up, CheersNothing special, best food I can offerWhat we use:chopst

337、icks, spoonformal: napkin, finger bowl2、胖的表达法super size person:超大之人。例如:No more hamburgers, I dont want to be a super size person.heavyset:体格魁伟的。例如:He was tall and heavyset.overweight:超重的。例如:Overweight in a child should not be neglectedchubby:胖乎乎的( 多指小孩和女子) 。 例如:The baby has a chubby face.Plumpshe is

338、 very plump now.3、减肥表达法im on a dietYou are supposed to be slimming.Pm trying to lose some weight.我在减月巴第 八 讲 生 病 、看病对话讲解听起像流感Below the patient (p) is seeing the doctor (Dr).P: Doctor, I feel really sick.Dr: Whats the problem?P: Pve had a chronic head ache for a week now, and Fve been vomiting a lot.D

339、r: Sounds like the flu.P: No, Ive had the flu before and it never felt like this. I almost fainted last night. Iwas very dizzy.Dr: What else have you been experiencing?P: Drowsiness as I said, Tm always exhausted. Fve developed a nasty cough. And Imay have a fever.Dr: Okay, have you had any appetite

340、?P: Very little. Im miserable, doctor.Dr: Just relax. Off the top of my head, it sounds like a bad case of the flu, but I wantto take a few tests to make sure.译:下面一个病人正在看病病人:医生,我感觉病得很重。医生:什么时候?病人:到现在为止,我有慢性头痛,而且吐了好几次。医生:听起来像流感。病人: 不,我以前有过流感,但从来不这样。我昨晚几乎昏倒了,我的头非常晕。医生:还有其他经历吗?病人:正如我说的,昏沉,我总是疲惫不堪,我咽喉肿痛

341、,又有非常糟糕的咳嗽,我可能发烧。医生:好的,你又食欲吗?病人:很少,医生,我很痛苦。医生:要放松,直觉认为它有点像是流感中的一个严重的例子,但我想做些检查来确定。词语解释:1. Chronic: adj. reoccuring over a long Period of time. 慢性的2. To vomit: v. to throw up or empty ones stomach.呕吐3. Dizzy: adj. light -headed.轻微头痛的。4. Drowsiness, a. the feeling of being very sleepy, drowsy or tired

342、.昏沉5. Appetite: n. the mood to eat.食欲6. Off the top of (ones) head: quickly and without much thinking.凭直觉相关话题:俗话说,人吃五谷杂粮,难免生杂病。生病了,就要去看医生治病。在英美国家,看病一般都要预约,如预约的是私人诊所,到了预约时间就可以看病; 如果是大医院,到了预约时间也还是要持号等候。下面看怎样描述症状:1 .我浑身发痒/ 左臂发麻:I feel itchy all over/numb in my left arm2 .我头痛/ 胃痛/ 背痛/ 心口痛/ 牙痛:I have ahe

343、adache/stomachache/backache/heartache/toothache3 .我扭伤了脚踝/ 手腕/ 腰/ 脖子:I sprained my ankle/wrist/waist/neck.总结;好了,今天我们学了怎样向医生描述自己的病况和怎样表达自己的身体不适,希望大家能掌握并运用其于实际生活中,但不管怎样,我们还是衷心希望大家身体永远健康,万事如意。All the best!第9讲 金 钱对话讲解你知道我手头很紧Below two friends Anthony (A) and David (D) are chatting about their financialpr

344、oblems.A: You know, David. I am really hard up. I do not think I can go though with this trip.I have got the usual bills to get through, and a steep overdraft.D: I can not help you much. I am really in the same boat. This job is enough to get by,you know, make ends meet, and after that I am broke. I

345、 even made trip to the banklast week to try to make out a loan.A: You did? What s happened?D: Well, it did not come through. I applied, but they took a while to review my(history) credit-history-that is my bad credit history-and forget it.A: What?D: Of course. I was turned down.A: What did you need

346、loan for?D: I figured I could use one to pay off credit card and invest with the leftover.译:两个朋友,安东尼( 安) 和大卫( 大 ) 正 在 谈 论 他们 的 金 钱 问 题 。安:大卫,你知道我手头确实很紧。我认为都熬不过这次旅行了。我用定期的钱来过担忧很深的透支。大: 我不能帮你太多, 事实上我面临同样的问题。 我目前的这份工作只能凑合过,你知道,挣的钱刚够花,然后身无分文,我甚至上周试着去贷款。安:你做了?然后呢?大:唉,条件不够,我申请了,但是他们花时间还对我的银行存款纪录那是我糟糕的纪录还是

347、忘了它吧。安:什么?大:理所当然的,我被拒绝了。安:你用贷款干什么?大:我想我可以一部分用来还清贷款,并用剩余的钱作投资。词语解释:1. Hard up: little money,手头很紧.2. To go through: to do as planned. 经历3. To get through: to get out of the way. 通过4. In the same boat: facing the same problem.面临同样的问题5. To make ends meet: to spend as much money as one makes or earns.挣的钱

348、刚够花6. To get by: to survive. 混过7. Overdraft: n. the amount of money by which one has overdrawn ones account. 透支8. Broke: without any money.身无分文9. To apply for a loan: to try to get a loan.获得贷款10. Leftover: n. the remainder.乘(J余11. To be turned down: to be refused.被拒绝相关话题 今天我们学了关于连个朋友的财政困难, 通过他们的问题,我

349、们应该学会怎样计划花钱,不能像他们那样“ 花钱是” “ 有了狠,没了恋” 由于需要我们记住的短语较多, 我这里就不再做更多的补充了。 但是可以让大家记住这么个谚语:钱是好的奴隶,但是坏的主人。即: Money is a good servant but a bad master.总结:好了,通过今天的学习,我们要从中学会安排好自己的金钱计划是非常重要的。我们都原力争做金钱的主任,最后祝大家钱财滚滚来!补充材料1、关于钱的谚语Money answers all things.金钱是万能的。Money bums a hole in his pocket.钱到袋里留不住。Time is money.

350、时间就是金钱。Money can make a mare g o .有钱能使鬼推磨。Money slips through his fingers.他胡乱花钱。He spent money like water.他花钱如流水。Knowledge is money.Q u e s t i o n : i s money?2、挣钱表达法I must go to earn some money/ make some moneyHe is the breadwinner of the family.3、topic:Saving for a rainy day or overconsuming?第 10

351、讲 运动对话 讲 解 我正在找合适的滑雪服Below Brown (B) and Jack (J) are going to the mountains to do (sth.) skiing.B: We are going up to the mountains for a little skiing tomorrow.J: It is supposed to get quite cold in the next week. Youd better prepare.B: Yeah. I am looking for the right ski-suit. Do you know where

352、I could get one?J: Try the sport shop on Main Street. They have got a good selection of stuff. Whereare you going?B: Up to Mount Jackson. I figured we could give it a try.J: Oh, really? You know I was skiing there last year and the wind was deadly. I meanit cut through you.B: Frigid, huh?A: Yes.译:布朗

353、和杰克正打算去山上滑雪。布:我们明天要去山上滑雪。杰:据说下周天会有点冷,你最好准备一下。布:是,我正在寻找合适的滑雪服,你知道能在哪里买到吗?杰:去主街的运动装商店看看,那里有很多东西供你选择。你要去哪儿啊?布:去杰克逊山上,我想我们可以试试。杰:真的吗?你知道我去年去那儿滑雪了,那儿的风特别冷,我的意思是它就像在切尼的身体。布:非常的冷,是吗?杰:是。词语解释:1. ski-suit: an outfit won while skiing 滑雪服2. stuff: things 东西3. frigid: very cold 非常冷的breeze: a light wind 和风、微风gal

354、e: a very strong gust of wind 大风altitude: height of a mountain 高度相关话题亲爱的朋友, 你登过山吗?滑过雪吗?这些对于年轻者来说都是很有刺激和挑战性的户外活动。其中的乐趣和妙不可言也只有那些有此经历的人才能体会出。“ 鹅毛大雪” 可以说是:heavy snow当你回家时正好碰上“ 倾盆大雨 其英语词是:It rains cats and dogs.好了,记住了!总结:通过对话我们知道了滑雪的刺激,并学会了几个新单词,希望大家在课下能记住,还要学会补充的一个成语“ 倾盆大雨” 用英语怎么说。千万不要被它的字面意思给蒙骗了!最后祝大家

355、快乐!第11讲 购 物对话 讲 解 我 买 的这辆二手车被人敲竹杠了Below John (J) is telling Steven (S) about the bad used car he just bought.J: I really got ripped off on this used car I bought, Steven.S: Really what is the problem?J: There is something wrong with the engine. It can not be the battery because I havetried to jump t

356、o start it at least five times and that has not worked.S: The problem could be the starter motor. How did it start at the dealership when youbought it?J: I did not buy it through a dealership. I found the ad in the paper and bought it out ofsome guys garage.S: Well, I take it. The car was working th

357、en?J: Well, enough to make it back to my house. But by morning the thing was dead.S: You got a pretty lousy deal.译:约翰( 约) 在告诉史蒂夫( 史) 关于他朋友刚买的糟糕的二手小轿车。约:我买的这辆二手小轿车让人敲竹杠了,史蒂夫。史:真的吗?怎么回事?约:发动机有点毛病,它不能是电池的毛病,因为我至少试了 5次推车启动,但是那无济于事。史:可能是启动器的问题,那当你从汽车经销部买的时候是怎么发动的?约:我不是从汽车经销部买的,我从报纸上看广告然后从一个人的车库买的。史:噢,我在想

358、那车当时能开得了吗?约:足够到我开到家,但第二天早上就糟透了史:你买了 1部质量相当差的车。词语解释1 battery: n. a device that stores electricity 电池2 dealership: n. a store that deals or sells cars 汽车经销部3 lousy: adj. of poor quality 质量差4 to get ripped off: to pay much more than something is worth.被人敲竹杠5 to jump start: to get a motor running by phy

359、sically pushing it down a hill 推车启动6 to take it:我知道了相关话题 从对话中我们知道约翰的倒霉事, 看来不能贪小便宜吃大亏。随着现在人们生活水平的提高,私人轿车越来越多,在大城市更是车满为患。车价的变化是朝定夕改, 仔细想想, 人生也是有起伏跌落, 我们就补充一个这样的短语吧!人生一世难免有沉浮之时。Life has its ups and downs.总结:好了,我们今天学了关于二手车质量不好的表达和几个相关的词语,对于给大家补充的那句话是很有道理的,大家不妨在课后记住,也是很有用的。英语学好,不但记,还要说,学点记点说点,积少成多嘛!今天我们就

360、先学到这里,对了,要把“ 被人敲竹杠” 记准确哦!祝大家玩得开心 !补充材料1、TopicOnline shopping or shopping centers2、讨价还价专用英语购物承诺:上网订购 set an order on line交一半订金 pay half of the deposit不讨价还价No bargain三天内送货上 IJ home-delivery service within 3 days促 销on sale讨价还价:Can you come down a little?Can you give me a discount?Lets meet halfway.Deal

361、!Can I use a coupon?东西太贵:Its sheer robbery!Its highway robbery!Ifs sky-high.I cant afford it.You are ripping me off.便宜、质量糟糕的货品:it is really a bargain.It is a steal.It is a pair of junk shoes.It is a lemon car.第12讲 电影对话讲解他们的名字就在嘴边Below Nancy (N) is telling her friend, Rick (R), about a film festival

362、that she recentlywent to.N: I went to a fantastic film festival over the weekend at the Modern Art Museum.R: They have a festival there?N: Yeah, a small one. All short films, mostly less than ten minutes. I tell you ahandful of them were brilliant. It is too bad you did not come.R: I did not even kn

363、ow about it. What was there?N: There was one screening of a full-length French film, though I have forgotten thename. It was quite good, though a bit bizarre.R: Who directed it?N: Oh, his name is on the trip of my tongue. Maybe I will remember it in a minute.One of the works was sort of a documentar

364、y. It had more of a recurring idea than anyplot.R: What was it about?N: Gang violence in Scotland, a powerful message. But there was some really lightstuff as well. Like some flick on Cuba made by a bunch of Swedes, I think, which wasso funny.译:南西正在向她的朋友里克讲关于她最近去看得电影节。南:我上周在现代艺术博物馆看了一场非常精彩的电影节。里:他们在

365、那里举行了一场电影节?南:是,一场小的所有的,所有的短片电影中,大多少于十分钟。告诉你有很多棒极了。你没有去看真可惜。里:我一点都不知道,那儿都有很什么?南:有部超长法国电影,但我忘记名字了。它非常好,尽管有点怪。里:谁导演的?南:噢,它名字就在嘴边,或许,我一分钟就能想出来,其中一部分是纪录片,它比任何故事情节都有新奇的主题。里:它是关于什么的?南: ( 它关于) 苏格兰的青年暴力,一个很有力的信息。但是中间也有相当轻松的部分。我想,就像一伙瑞典人在古巴拍的电影,那是很有趣的。词语解释I. screening: showing of a film 放映电影2. bizarre: strang

366、e 奇怪的3. documentary: n. a film of real, instead of acted or fictional 纪录片4. flick: film 电影5. on the tip of (ones)tongue 话到嘴边相 关 话 题 听 了 南 西 和 里 克 的 对 话 ,你是否也和里克一样觉得遗憾呢?确实,看电影不仅能放松身心,还能学到片中的风情、艺术一举两得。哎,你知道一举两得用英语怎么说吗?告诉你:Kill two birds with one stone.经常看些关于异国他乡的电影你会收获多多哟!总结: 好了,今天我们学了几个关于电影的短语。其实有些好的

367、电影确实能让人受益匪浅, 一定要记住“ 话在嘴边” 用英语怎么说, 同时你也要把咱们补充的“ 一举两得” 记牢啊。让你一举两得的事请相信很多吧!下次,你知道有什么好的电影一定不要忘记去看了,否则,你夜会后悔没看其精彩之处的。祝大家快乐!对话 讲 解 他们的名字就在嘴边Below Nancy (N) is telling her friend, Rick (R), about a film festival that she recentlywent to.N: I went to a fantastic film festival over the weekend at the Modern

368、Art Museum.R: They have a festival there?N: Yeah, a small one. All short films, mostly less than ten minutes. I tell you ahandful of them were brilliant. It is too bad you did not come.R: I did not even know about it. What was there?N: There was one screening of a full-length French film, though I h

369、ave forgotten thename. It was quite good, though a bit bizarre.R: Who directed it?N: Oh, his name is on the trip of my tongue. Maybe I will remember it in a minute.One of the works was sort of a documentary. It had more of a recurring idea than anyplot.R: What was it about?N: Gang violence in Scotla

370、nd, a powerful message. But there was some really lightstuff as well. Like some flick on Cuba made by a bunch of Swedes, I think, which wasso funny.译:南西正在向她的朋友里克讲关于她最近去看得电影节。南:我上周在现代艺术博物馆看了一场非常精彩的电影节。里:他们在那里举行了一场电影节?南:是,一场小的所有的,所有的短片电影中,大多少于十分钟。告诉你有很多棒极了。你没有去看真可惜。里:我一点都不知道,那儿都有很什么?南:有部超长法国电影,但我忘记名字了

371、。它非常好,尽管有点怪。里:谁导演的?南:噢,它名字就在嘴边,或许,我一分钟就能想出来,其中一部分是纪录片一 ,它比任何故事情节都有新奇的主题。里:它是关于什么的?南: ( 它关于) 苏格兰的青年暴力,个很有力的信息。但是中间也有相当轻松的部分。我想,就像一伙瑞典人在古巴拍的电影,那是很有趣的。词语解释1. screening: showing of a film 放映电影2. bizarre: strange 奇怪的3. documentary: n. a film of real, instead of acted or fictional 名 己 录 片4. flick: film 电影

372、5. on the tip of (one,s)tongue 话到嘴边相 关 话 题 听 了 南 西 和 里 克 的 对 话 ,你是否也和里克一样觉得遗憾呢?确实,看电影不仅能放松身心,还能学到片中的风情、艺术一举两得。哎,你知道一举两得用英语怎么说吗?告诉你:Kill two birds with one stone.经常看些关于异国他乡的电影你会收获多多哟!总结: 好了,今天我们学了儿个关于电影的短语。其实有些好的电影确实能让人受益匪浅, 一定要记住“ 话在嘴边” 用英语怎么说, 同时你也要把咱们补充的“ 一举两得“ 记牢啊。让你一举两得的事请相信很多吧!下次,你知道有什么好的电影一定不要

373、忘记去看了,否则,你夜会后悔没看其精彩之处的。祝大家快乐! !第13讲 生气与安慰对话讲解你对我离开一会儿又要大发脾气了Below Jane (J) is tell her boyfriend, Mike(M), how she is disappointed in him.J: I have had it with the way you take off for days on end, Mike. At least begin to tellwhere you are going.M: What are you telling about? I was only gone overnig

374、ht.J: You could at least tell me what you are up to.M: I am sorry, I did not phone because I got a bit carried away chatting and plus, Icould not find a phone.J: Do not waste your breath.M: What, you think I am lying? You are going to throw the fit over the fact that I liketo get away once in a whil

375、e.J: Away from me?M: No, Jane, away from it all. Work, the whole scene at home.J: So, where was it this time?M: Look, I took a ride with a few buddies to Hoboken.译:简在告诉他男朋友迈克,对它是多么的失望。简:我讨厌你连续儿天离开得方式,迈克,至少你应该告诉我你去哪儿了吧!迈:你在说什么?我只不过是玩乐一通宵。简:你至少告诉我你正在做什么。迈:对不起,我没给你打电话是因为当时我正在热聊天,而月. ,我找不着电话。简:别白费口舌了。迈:

376、什么? 你认为我在说谎?你又对我离开一会大发脾气了。简:离我远点儿!迈:不,简,不说它了。工作,整天在家。简:那么,这次去哪儿了?迈:我骑自行车和几个朋友去赫伯肯那了。相 关 话 题 吵 架 就 像 生 活 中 的 调 节 剂 ,生活海洋里时常溅起的浪花。对哈中的两人是因为迈克无故离开而使他女朋友简大发脾气并厉声责问他去了哪里。看来,吵架只要不大动肝火还是可以接受的,但是过火了,会伤及对方的感情。同时,也伤害自己。如果你是个慷慨的人,为了双方的感情,你不妨先退步,并告诉 他 ( 她 ) 说 :“ 今天到此为止吧!“ 这句话用英语说成“Lets call it today!”记住了啊!词语解释1

377、 buddy: friend 朋友2 Hoboken: a small city in New Jersey near New York City 纽约附近新泽西州的一个小城市。3 to have had it :to be sick of something 讨厌某事4 to take off: to leave 离开5 on end: in a row 连续的6 up to doing:正在做。7 carried away: consumed with sth.陶醉的8 to waste(ones)breath to speak with no result; 白费口舌9 to throw

378、 a fit: to be very angry and act on it 大发脾气总结:今天我们学了关于两人吵架的对话,在气头上的人说话都比较冲,所以会大发脾气。 我们应给尽量少和别人争吵,因为它确实会影响和朋友们的友谊或和恋人们的感情。你不妨大方地告诉他“ 今天到此为止吧! ” 它不是说明你屈服于别人,而是显示了你的大度、宽容、博大的胸怀。好了,祝大家心情愉快! !1、安慰别人表达法Pluck up your courage.Cheer up.Keep your chin up.Every dog has his day.Every cloud has a silver lining.T

379、omorrow is another day.There can be miracles when you believe, and you never know what you can achieve.Believe in yourself.2、让某人让某人失望Let sb. DownDont let your parents down.让某人失落Disappoint sb.Never disappoint your parents.让某人丢面子Dishonor sb.You dishonored me. (Mulan)3、冷静表达法:Calm down.冷静Keep your shirt

380、 o n .冷静( 劝架时也可用)keep calm 冷静keep cool 冷静take it easy 别着急keep a cool head 保持冷静Maria has a very even mood.玛丽亚头脑非常冷静。第14讲 作业对话讲解 不要引诱我,理查德Below two students, Richard (R) and Matthew (M) have bumped into each on campusand are chatting about their plans this night.R: Whats up, Matt. Where are you headin

381、g?M: Where do you think?R: Youre going to the library? Its midnight!M: Fve got a huge paper due tomorrow and I havent even opened a book. What9reyou doing?R: Were all meeting up at The Saloon for a few drinks. Why dont you come for around?M: Dont temp me, Rick. Fve really got to quit waiting for the

382、 last minute. Ive got anall-nighter to get through. And you? Youve got nothing?R: I lost a 10-paper today. The computer erased it.M: Thats awful.R: Yeah, a days typing in vain. Im going to ask for an extension.译:下面两个学生,理查德和马修斯在校园里碰到,并聊起了今晚各自的计划。理:怎么了,马修斯?你要去哪里?马:你说呢?理:你要去图书馆?都已经午夜了。马:明天就得写篇长作文,而我一本书

383、都没有看。你要干什么去?理:我们都准备去沙龙酒吧聚会喝点酒,你也过来坐会吧。马:别引诱我,理查的。我已经退到最后期限了。我已经打算熬通宵呢。你呢?你不用写吗?理:我今天丢了一份10页论文,电脑删除了。马:真糟糕。理:是,一天的打印付诸东流。我打算问问能否延长交卷时间。词语解释1. bump into : come across , meet 碰见、遇至U2. Matt: short for Matthew 马修斯的简称3. to head : to go to 去4. The saloon : the name of a bar5. All-night: When one works thro

384、ugh the night or all night to complete a project orstudy for an exam.为准备考试或完成项目而通宵学习。6. last minute : the few moment or hours before something is due 最后期限7. in vain : for nothing 徒劳8. extension : to extend the due date 延长交卷期限。相 关 话 题 美 国 高 等 教 育的一个优点就是强调把写作文和参加集体活动作为一种考试。大学学生,特别是那些文科学生,经常以长短不一的作文形式作

385、为省级的种手段。英语中,“ 文科” 是:liberal arts;理科” 是:scientific arts.如果完不成作业, 老师可能会惩罚, 但惩罚的作用不是罚, 而是让学生记得下次把作业完成。所以有这么个习语:“ 惩罚不是目的,它只是实现目的的一种手段” 。英语即:Punishment is not an end , but a means to the end.仔细想想也完全是, 为了我们的将来,确实应该把老师布置的作业完成,这也是一种办事不拖拉的好习惯,将来会让你受益终身的。总结: 通过以上的对话和相关话题的介绍,我们对美国的高等教育有了一定的了解。其实作为学生的我们也不难体会到这种

386、教育上的差别。客观地说,中国的教育状况值得教育界专家深思。 我们现在提倡的由应试教育向素质教育的转变,恐怕就是教育方法的弊端已到了一定的程度, 这些是我们一班人非力所能及的,只是提出一些自己的看法。 希望大家记住今天所学习的单词、 短语和补充的一句话。祝大家开心!补充材料1、熬夜表达法Stay up lateSit up all nightWork till to the midnightBum the midnight oilAll-nighter2、学习的各种压力CourseworkPaperDissertation ( 博士 论文)Pop quizFinal examMid-termPr

387、esentationParticipationSeminarSurvey & researchCall the rollSpeechLecture3、topicIs assignment good for students?第 15讲学习对话讲解我确定你已经成功在望了Below two colleagues, Linda (L) and Joyce (J) are considering graduate school as away to change careersL: I dont know if I want to stay at this job much longer, I nee

388、d a change.J: Have you thought about grad school?L: In fact, I have. I might go for a Masters.J: In what?L: Education. I want to get out of the office and back into the classroom.J: What schools are you thinking about?L: Ive had a change of heart towards my Alma Master since I graduated. I couldntmi

389、nd going back.译:两位同事琳达和杰西正在考虑上研究生作为改变职业的一种方法。琳:我不知道,我能否保持这份工作多久,我需要更换一下。杰:你想过上研究生吗?琳:事实上想过,我可能会攻读硕士学位。杰:哪方面?琳:教育。我想走出办公室重返校园。杰:你打算去什么学校?琳:自从我毕业后,我已经改变了对我母校的看法,我不介意重新回去。词语解释1. grad : short for graduate” as in grad school”研究生简称2. Masters : Masters degree 硕士学位3. Alma Master : the school one graduated f

390、rom 母校4. to have a charge of heart: to change ones opinion or feeling about sth. or someone.改变对某人或某物的看法相 关 话 题 有 句 话 说 得 好 “ 知识就是力量” “ 知识改变命运” 在现在这样竞争异常激烈的社会,只有知识能让人立于不败之地,才能不被社会淘汰。所以人们以各种方式给自己增加知识,尽量多学知识,即使已经参加了工作。对话里提到了硕士学位,我们知道,大学四年后毕业得到学位是学士学位, 用英语即:Bachelorsdegree,再上三年就是硕士学位,再上两年就是博士学位,用英语即:Doc

391、tor飞degree. “ 知识改变命运” 用英语即:Knowledge can change fate.总结:人的一生是有限的,而知识就像宽阔的海洋,无边无际,所以有“ 活到老,学到老的” 说法。知识赋予人的不仅是智慧,还有一个人的思想修养,良好的道德观和高尚的情操。希望大家通过学习这个对话,学到儿个单词和补充的知识。“ 吾生也有涯,而知也无涯” 。好好读书吧! !祝大家快乐! ! ! !补充材料1、学习与成功TopicDo you think students who have received the college education could be more easilyto be

392、 successful after graducation, compared with those who havent?TopicOnline class or traditional face to face training class2、成功必备十大要素CourageConfidenceDevotionPerseverence (strong-will)OpportunityManagementTime managementKnowledgeCommunicationOptimism3、学习计划Suggestions on how to make an effective study

393、 schedule?补充材料1、教育话题话题:家长是否应该跟孩子一起看电视,利与弊在哪里?引申:教育孩子的方式与孩子的性格俗话说:“ 三岁看大,七岁看老” 。孩子的教育不容忽视。特别是现在的家庭孩子都以独生子女为主。 有人建议孩子需要不断鼓励和赞赏她, 而有人建议孩子从小就要不断给他打击甚至是挫折。2、淘气的孩子我侄子是一个淘气的孩子。My nephew is a naughty boy.这个淘气的男孩子真是惹人烦。This naughty boy is really troublesome.活泼的孩子有时是会淘气的。One expects active children to be misc

394、hievous at times.3、给灾区孩子的一封信Dear kids,Im sorry to hear that an earthquake happened to your hometown.The earthquakedestroyed you hometown.Lots of houses fell down and some of you cant see yourfamilies any more.Please dont feel sad.you should believe in the Party,the government and the people inthe co

395、untry.Your heart should be full of wishes because the Party,the government andthe people are with you all the time,and they take care of you.They try their best tosolve your troubles.They give away their money and many things for you,and theydonate blood for you.So you should take care of yourselves

396、.In the future,you should do something usefulfor our country to answer for their loves.第17讲 考试对话讲解那个职位是相当抢手的!Below a manager (M) is discussing a job with an employee (E) while having lunch.M: Ive taken you out to lunch, Margaret, because theres an open position in theMarketing Department and I want

397、to talk it over with you.E: Pm delighted to hear that.M: The position is essentially up for grabs, but I believe you have the upper hand ifyou are interested in the job.E: How so?M: Well, I like how you go all out on certain tasks, how you seem to pick up thetricks of the trade faster than anyone el

398、se in office. Youve been here only a year yet Isense youve gathered more experience than many of the veterans here.E: Do you really think so?M: I sure do.E: Thank you .What does the job involve?M: It requires you to be on the move representing the company at conventions andshows. Wed also be sending

399、 you abroad, mainly to Eastern Europe and East Asia.译:下面是一位经理在吃饭时喝一位雇员谈论工作。经理:玛格丽特,我想喝你一起去外面吃午饭,因为市场部有一空职位。我想和你吃饭时谈谈。雇员:听到这个消息我很高兴。经理:那个职位是很抢手的。因为我们相信你有优势,如果你对那份工作感兴趣的话。雇员:那怎么样呢?经理:我喜欢你不遗余力的工作态度,和你在办公室的工作诀窍。虽然你在这只有一年,但是你积累了比其他富有经验的人更多的经验。雇员:你真得那么认为吗?经理:当然。雇员:谢谢。工作都涉及什么?经理:它要你总是忙碌,代表公司出席促进贸易大会和场面。我们也

400、会把你送到国外,多数去东欧和东亚。词语解释1. to talk (it) over : to discuss 讨论2. up for grabs: for anyone to try to get 抢手的3. the upper hand: the advantage 优势4. to go all out: to do everything possible 不遗余力5. tricks of the trade: useful knowledge one learns over the years about the job 工作诀窍6. veterans: someone who has m

401、uch experience in some field or activity 富有经验的人7. convention: n. a large meeting for the purpose of promoting trade or ideas 促进贸易的大会8. on the move: always moving 总是忙碌相 关 话 题 “ 爬梯子” 是一个流行的表达在工作中的进步的词。 提升通常能达到此目的。 提升是当你的上司欣赏你在工作中的优秀并相信你会在更高的职位上更出色是赋予你的。 一人没有任何机会提升的工作是不可取的, 且很多人在意识到这一点后,会试着离开此工作寻找另一份的。

402、工作重要,健康更重要,大叫不要为了工作而忘记放松自己哟!总结:好了,今天我们学的几个短语是很实用的。就不给大家补充了。你爱你的工作吗?那就好好工作吧,说不定下一个被公司派到海外的职员就是你! 希望你的梦想成真!好好工作,尽情娱乐,两者不是自相矛盾的。祝大家快乐!补充材料1、topicDo students have to take tests? Is test the only way to judge a student?What do you think of the college entrance examination? (my story)2、关于补考张华Fm sorry, Pro

403、fessor Wang. I confused the time of the exam andmissed it.对不起,王老师,我记错时间了,错过考试了。老师How could you be so careless?怎么这么粗心啊?张华Fm so sorry.真的对不起。老师Ell arrange a make-up test for you. When do you have no exams?我帮你安排补考吧。你哪天没有考试啊?张华Tomorrow afternoon.明天下午。老师Come to my office at 2 oclock tomorrow afternoon to

404、take themake-up test.那就明天下午两点来我办公室补考吧。张华Thank you so much!太谢谢您了!3、关于老师What qualities should a good teacher have?ResponsibilityPatienceExperienceKnowledge - a wide range of knowledge; a walking dictionaryBeing strictBeing humorousBeing handsome?第 18讲 时间管理对话讲解我就快完成了Below a supervisor(S) is reprimandin

405、g an employee (E) at work who is late infinishing a task.S: Its about time you completed this project, Jack Ive been waiting a good week forit.E: Fm just about to finish. Ive only got the finishing touches left.S: I asked you to get a move on last week. I expect more from you, Jack. Youreslacking.E:

406、 Fve done my best. The design was complete last Thursday. The computer wasdown, and that was out of my control. And you know, the repairs on my house havecompletely fallen through. The contractor backed out and Im left with.S: I dont want a sob story, Jack. I want results.E: Sorry.S: Now, you receiv

407、ed a raise last winter. You deserved it. But whats happened?Youre simply not living up to your promises.E: By 5 oclock this project will be in your hands. Thats a guarantee.S: Fair enough. Youve got the whole afternoon. Please dont disappoint me.译:下面是一位上司和一位没有完成工作的雇员谈话。上司:杰克,你现在应该完成这项工程了吧。我已经等了整整一星期

408、了。雇员:我就快完成了,就剩最后一点了。上司:我上周就让你赶快做,我对你抱有很大期望,你撒谎了。雇员:我应经尽最大力了,图纸上周四就完成了。电脑坏了,那超出了我的控制范围,而且你知道,我的房子装修完全失败,那个签约人取消协定,我自己上司:我不想听伤心的故事,杰克,我只要结果。雇员:对不起。上司:你去年加了薪,你得到了你应得的了。但是现在发生什么了?你一点也不遵守你的诺言。雇员:我今天下午5点时准时把工程交给你。我肯定。上司:最好。你已经用了一整下午,请不要让我失望。词语解释:1. finishing touches: the last, final details 最后的2. to get a

409、 move on: to hurry 赶快3. to fall through: to collapse or fail to happen 崩溃或失败4. to back out: to retreat from a plan, agreement or promise 取消计戈U或协定5. a sob story : a sad story悲伤的事( 经常以此转移注意力)相关话题: 通过以上的对话,我们知道了杰克没能在上司规定的时间里完成任务,当上司问他时,他说了很多不能按时完成任务的理由。其实上班和上学有很大的不同,在学校你没按时完成作业老师也不过批评你一吨,让你补上;但是工作就不一样了

410、, 苛刻的上司说不定会因此炒你的觥鱼呢! 记住了, 一定要“ 今日事,今日毕 用英语就是:Never put things that can be done today, till tomorrow!总结:从这则对话中我们学到了准时的重要性。 试想一个办事拖拖拉拉的人哪个单位愿意雇用呢?所以大家应该养成按时完成作业的好习惯。 希望大家把今天学的生词组和补充的谚语记住,并运用它。祝大家快乐!第19讲 求职对话讲解你理想的工作是什么?Below two classmate, Bede (B) and Jessica (J), are talking about the ideal jobB: Wh

411、at would your ideal Job be?J: Why bother talking about it? I cant even find a decent temporary jobB: Seriously. If you could choose, what would it be?J: Well, obviously not dull. Something stimulating where I would be motivatedenough in the morning to get up with a smile.B: In which field?J: I dont

412、know. Maybe, Journalism. I think being a reporter would be great. Thehours may be long, but theyd be flexible. I could make my own schedule, work intothe night and sleep all morning if I felt like it. And the location could be anywhere.Thats what I call freedom.B: Youd free-lance?J: Maybe for a whil

413、e. Eventually Id want to join a paper and reap the staff benefitsand security I guess. I just dont want a boss whos always around.译:下面两个同学,比德和杰茜卡正在讨论理想工作。比:你理想的工作是什么?杰:为什么讨论它呢?我现在甚至找不到可以的工作。比:严肃点。如果让你选择,你会选择什么呢?杰:起码不枯燥,使人激动的一个能让我早晨起来面带微笑,并感到奋发向上的地方。比:哪个领域?杰:我不知道。或许新闻业。我想做个记者挺好的。工作时间可能长点,但比较灵活。我可以制定自

414、己的工作表,工作到深夜,睡一正上午。如果我愿意的话,而且地点哪儿都行。这就是我所说的自由。比:你要做自由作家?杰:或许一段时间吧! 最后我想开家报社并雇用员工。我只是不想旁边总有人盯看。词语解释1. decent: adj. okay, adequate 可以的,可以胜任的2. stimulating: fascinating; inspiring 迷人的, 激励的3. motivated: adj. excited; active; willing to work.兴奋的,积极向上的4. flexible: adj. easily changed or altered 灵活的5. to fr

415、ee-lance: to write independently and submit your work to publications 做自由作家6. to reap: to write or gain 收获相关话题听了比德和杰茜卡的对话, 你的理想工作是什么呢?我想不同的人对“ 理想工作” 有不同的答案,或许明星、作家、军人、老师、工程师,等等。但是无论什么工作都要认真的去做,当然也不要忘记了休息。有句话不是叫“ 只工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻” 吗?英语就是:Only work and no play, makes Jack adull boy!你说呢?总结:好了,今天我们学习了关于“

416、 理想工作” 的讨论,现在你是不是也在构想你的理想工作并准备为实现它而努力学习了呢?同时,也不要忘了放松自己。 把补充的谚语好好记下并运用它吧!祝大家梦想成真!第20讲 节日对话讲解我们是需要一些时间休息一下了A Chinese girl Li Jia (L) and her American friend Ann (A) are talking aboutAmerican festival.L: The Christmas holiday begins tomorrow, doesnt it?A: Thats right. We can have fun, and forget about

417、everything else.L: Yeah, we do need a time to rest.A: We wont have to be busy with our work until the day after New Years Day.L: By the way, what are the other important holidays in your country?A: You see, besides Christmas, theres New Years Day, Easter and ThanksgivingDay. July 4 is the American I

418、ndependence Day. Thats our National Day.L: You all try to have a good time then, I suppose?A: Exactly. We have nice food and enjoy ourselves one way or another on theseoccasions.L: We do the same thing during festivals in China. Its interesting that people mayhave different customs and traditions, b

419、ut you can always find something in common.译: 一中国女孩李佳和她的美国朋友安在讨论美国节日。李:圣诞节明天开始,是不是?安:对 ,我们可以忘掉一切,好好玩一玩。李:是啊,我们是需要一些时间休息一下了。安:我们可以忘掉一切,一直玩到元旦。李:顺便问问,你们国家还有其他什么重要节日?安:你看,除了圣诞节还有元旦,复活节和感恩节。7月14是美国的独立日,是我们的国庆。李:每逢假日你们都会痛快地玩一玩,是吗?安:一点不错,一到假日我们就吃好的,玩这玩那得。李:在中国,遇到节假日我们也是这样的。真有趣,不管各国的风俗习惯和传统有多大差别,人们总可以找到他们之

420、间的共同之处。词语解释1. New Years Day 元旦2. Easter复活节3. Thanksgiving Day 感恩节4. National Day 国庆节相关话题通过李佳和安的对话, 我们了解了美国的一些节日。 你知道他们的具体日期吗?我们来系统地看看这些节日。Jan 1: New Year9s Day 元旦,新年Feb 12: Lincolns Birthday 林肯诞辰Feb 14: Saint Valentine9s Day 情人节April 1: FooFs Day 愚人节May Mothers Day ( 5月的第二个星期日) 母亲节June- Fathefs Day

421、( 6月第三个星期日) 父亲节Nov 1 : Hallowmas & Halloween 万圣节及万圣节前夕Nov- Thanksgiving Day ( 11月第四个星期日) 感恩节中国的5日:元 宵 节 ( 农 历1月15日):Lantern Festival端 午 节 ( 农历 5 月 5 日):the Dragon Boat Festival中 秋 节 ( 农历 8 月 15) : the Moon Festival ( Mid autumn Day)总结:好了,今天我们学习了很多节日的名称,中国的美国的,你是否想起除了这些以外的节日呢?确实,每个节日都有它的个故事,你是否了解他们的来

422、历呢?希望大家在闲暇时间来记住这些节日,很有用哟!祝大家开心! !补充材料1、topicHow do you often spend your Spring Festival?春节怎么过?儿时的春节和现在有什么不同?Food (peanuts, candies, etc.)ClothingToys and firecrackers, fireworksActivities (pay the new year visit, dragon dance)2、a poem for my mother on Mothers dayA poem to my motherM is for the milli

423、on things she gave me,O means only that shes growing old,T is for the tears she shed to save me,H is for her heart of purest gold;E is for her eyes, with love-light shining,R means right, and right she*ll always be,Put them all together, they spell MOTHER,”A word that means the world to me.What gift do you give to your mother often?3、topicA long holiday or several short holidays?A long holiday - studentA short holiday - employeeWhat do you do in your holiday?Visit your friendsTravelGathering with family membersA crash trainingReading books at home



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