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1、Cultural relics Doyouknowwhataculturalrelicis?Canyougivesomeexamplesoftheculturalrelicsbothathomeandabroad?Whatisaculturalrelic?Aculturalrelicissomethingthathassurvivedforalongtime,oftenapartofsomethingoldthathasremainedwhentherestofithasbeendestroyed;ittellspeopleaboutthepast. The famous cultural r

2、elics in China ForbiddenCitySeventeen arches bridgeNine dragons wall MausoleumofthefirstQinEmperorandtheTerracottaWarriorsMogaoCavesThe Great WallTheGreatWallisoneofthewondersoftheworldthatcreatedbymanbeing!Manoftensays:“ThemanwhohasnotclimbedTheGreatWallisnotthetrueman.The Great Wall in China不到长城非好

3、汉!不到长城非好汉!Amanwhodoesntgotothegreatwallisnotatrueman. The famous cultural relics in the world Triumphal Arch(凯旋门)It is located in pairs It is located in pairs , France, FranceIt s the biggest arch It s the biggest arch in the the world.It is grand and It is grand and beautiful in the beauti

4、ful in the night light.night light.Triumphal Arch(凯旋门) FranceTAJ MAHAL(泰姬陵)It is located in India.It is the grave a king built for his wife.It showed the deep love of the king and queen.Stonehenge -EnglandThe Leaning Tower of Pisa-Italy(意大利-比萨斜塔)It is the famous Italy building.Because it leans to th

5、e earth it got the name leaning towerIt actually used for telling people time. The Pyramids in EgyptThe Eiffel TowerParisSimilaritiesA long historyWorld famousMade of stonesBuilt by many peopleSymbols of their countries and culturesTell us stories about ancient timesDiscussion:Discussion:2.Do you th

6、ink to whom the cultural relics belong?All cultural relics belong to all people and whole society.3.If you find a cultural relic, what will you do with it?1.Can you tell the value of the cultural relics?From the cultural relics we can know what people did in the past, and we can know the cultures at

7、 that time, and maybe we can know the technology of making them InOctober,1860,theYuanmingyuanParkwasdestroyedbytheAnglo-FrenchJointForcesorthearmiesofFranceandBritain.Get to know about theEight Wonders in theWorld.The Great Wall不到长城非好汉!不到长城非好汉!不到长城非好汉!不到长城非好汉!Amanwhodoesntgotothegreatwallisnotatrue

8、man.埃及金字塔埃及金字塔(The Pyramids of EgyptThe Pyramids of Egypt) 建造时间:建造时间:大约公元前大约公元前( (年年) )建造地点:建造地点:埃及开罗附近的吉萨高原埃及开罗附近的吉萨高原放大见下一页放大见下一页埃及金字塔(埃及金字塔(The Pyramids of EgyptThe Pyramids of Egypt)大约公元前大约公元前( (年年) ) 建造地点:埃及开罗附近的吉萨高原建造地点:埃及开罗附近的吉萨高原阿耳忒弥斯神庙(阿耳忒弥斯神庙(The Temple of The Temple of ArtemisArtemisDiana

9、Dianaat Ephesusat Ephesus)建造时间:大约公元前年建造时间:大约公元前年建造地点:希腊城邦埃斐索斯,现在的土耳其西海岸建造地点:希腊城邦埃斐索斯,现在的土耳其西海岸宙斯神像宙斯神像 (The Statue of ZeusThe Statue of Zeus)建造时间:建造时间:大约公元前大约公元前457457年年建造地点:建造地点:希腊奥林匹亚城希腊奥林匹亚城巴比伦空中花园巴比伦空中花园 (The Hanging The Hanging Gardens of BabylonGardens of Babylon) 建造时间:建造时间:大约公元前大约公元前600600年年

10、建造地点:建造地点:巴比伦,现在的伊拉克巴比伦,现在的伊拉克巴格达附近巴格达附近亚历山大灯塔亚历山大灯塔建立时间:公元前建立时间:公元前280280年年地点:亚历山大城附近法罗斯岛防波堤南端地点:亚历山大城附近法罗斯岛防波堤南端摩索拉斯陵墓摩索拉斯陵墓 (The MausoleumThe Mausoleum at Halicarnassus at Halicarnassus)建造时间:建造时间:大约公元前年大约公元前年 建造地点:建造地点:现在的土耳其西南地现在的土耳其西南地区区 罗德港巨人雕像罗德港巨人雕像 ( (The Colossus of The Colossus of RhodesR

11、hodes)建造时间:公元前建造时间:公元前世纪世纪晚期,或世纪早期晚期,或世纪早期建造地点:爱琴海,建造地点:爱琴海,希腊罗德港希腊罗德港菲律宾大梯田菲律宾大梯田( (The Terrace)The Terrace)建造时间:建造时间:? ?建造地点:?一直存有争议!建造地点:?一直存有争议!何人建造:?何人建造:?PalacesGivethechangingformsofthefollowing:cultural-(n.)survive-(n.)state-(同义词)同义词)culturesurvivor/survivalcountry/nationThemans_issurprising


13、adj.)wooden-(n.)doubt-(adj.)mystery-(adj.)fancier/fanciestwondersclothing/people/policesecretwooddoubtable/doubtlessmysteriouswondered/wonderedheat-(adj.)design-(n.)heateddesigner light-(pt./pp.) lit/lit;lighted/lightedPracticeRewritethefollowing:1.cultural-(n.)2.survive-(n)3.prove-(n.)同义词同义



16、inEuropean_.style4.Youcanlookatyourselfina_.mirror5.Alltheguestsarewaitinginthe_room.reception6.Duringthattime,thetwocountrieswere_.Peoplewerewarnednottovisitthem. atwarFillintheblankswithnewwords(cultural-mystery):7.Hawaiiisa_oftheUnitedStates.state8.Afterthewar,Iraqisina_ofdisorder.stateFillintheb

17、lankswithcountrystatenation1.This_isinthewestofAsia.2.Therearefifty_intheUSA.3.Railwaysbelongtothe_.4.Thewhole_wasindeepsorrowwhenthey5.heardthenews.6.5.Helooksasifhewerefromthe_.countrystatesstatenationcountryCultural relics Lijiang, Yunnan, ChinaThe beauty of St PetersburgRussiaOverlooking St.Pete

18、rsburg The Neva River-northwestern Russia. It flows 46 mi (74 km) The city of St. Petersburg is at its mouth.Destroyed St PetersburgDestroyedbuildingRestoredbuildingRebuiltStPetersburgIntheAmberroomthereoncelived.AmberWhatisthis?RawamberwithinclusionsWhatisamber?琥珀是史前松树脂的化石琥珀是史前松树脂的化石。琥珀是由千。琥珀是由千万年前


20、等,尤以含有完整昆虫或植物的琥珀为等,尤以含有完整昆虫或植物的琥珀为珍贵珍贵 。amber 琥珀琥珀It has a beautiful yellow-brown colour.It feels as hard as stone.It easily melt when heated.Once it is heated, it can be made into any shape.Haveyoueverseenanythingmadeofamber?Haveyoueverheardofamber?Canyouimaginewhataroommadeofamberlookslike?Rawambe

21、r enjoy Doyouknowwhatitiscalled?DoyouwanttoknowmoreabouttheAmberRoom?the Amber RoomIt is now missingIttellsusthestrangehistoryoftheAmberRoom,aculturalrelicofthreecountries:Germany Russia and Prussia 1.How many tone of amber were used to make the Amber Room? 2.What else were used to make the room bes

22、ides amber?3.Why was the Amber Room first built?4.When and why did Frederick William I give the Amber Room to Peter the Great?.1.Seventhousandtons.2.Goldandjewels.3.ItwasbuiltforthepalaceofFrederick.4.In1716.ItwasgivenasagiftoffriendshipfromthePrussiantoRussianpeople.5.What did Peter give in return?

23、6.What did Catherine do with the7. Amber Room?7.When and how was the Amber Room supposed to have been lost?5.55ofhisbestsoldiers.6.Shetoldherartiststoaddmoredetailstoitsdesign.7.InSeptember,1941.TheNazissecretlystoletheAmberRoom.8. How old is St Petersburg now?8. 300 years old now9. Is the Amber Roo

24、m still in Russia?9. No, it isnt.5. Peter the Great made Amber Room his winter Palace.3.The Amber Room was made up of seven thousand tons of amber.2.The Amber Room has a strange history and it remains a mystery.4.The amber is as hard as stone and easy to be made into shapes. 3.The Amber Room was mad

25、e up of seven hundred tons of amber.5. Peter the Great made Amber Room his Summer Palace.1.Frederick William I was the King of Russia. 4.The amber is as hard as stone and hard to be made into shapes.1.Frederick William I was the King of Prussia.Read Read paragraphsparagraphs1. What was the Amber Roo

26、m made of ?7,000tonsofamber wereusedtomakeit.Itwasalsomadewithgold andjewels.2. The amber feels as hard as stone, how can it be made into a room? Onceitisheated,theambercanbemade intoanyshape.How the Amber Room was first built.TheAmberRoomPurposeItwasmadenottobea_,butforthe_ofFrederickI.Whathappened

27、totheAmberRoom.1716_.1770_.1941_.2003_.Frederick William gave the Amber Room to Peter the Great as a gift.Catherine had completed the adding to the Amber roomThe Nazi German army stole the Amber RoomThe rebuilding of the Amber Room was completed.giftpalace time clueRead Read paragraphsparagraphsName

28、s of placesWhat is it used for? The palace of Frederick St. Petersburg (Winter Palace)Summer PalaceKonigsbergFor the people of St.Petersburg to celebrate the 300th birthday of the cityThe places where the Amber Room has ever been?PrussiaA small receptionhall for important visitorsCatherine spent her

29、 summers thereSummer Palace place clueFrederickFrederickFrederickWilliamWilliamPetertheGreatPetertheGreatCzarCzarCatherineNaziWhat did these people do to the Amber Room? people clue1.What was given to the Russian people as a great gift by Frederick William, the King of Prussia?2.Why it is called the

30、 Amber Room and how many tons of amber were used to make the Amber Room?3.What did Catherine do with the Amber Room?4. What happen to the Amber Room during World War?Answer the questions according to the people clue.(The Amber Room was given to the Russian people as a great gift by Frederick William

31、, the King of Prussia )(Because it was made of seven thousand tons of amber, which has a beautiful yellow brown color)(She had the Amber Room moved to the palace outside St Petersburg and transformed it.)(It was stolen by the Nazi and it was taken apart and missing in World War)FrederickWilliamIPete

32、rtheGreat a. Fredrick William gave the Amber Room to Peter the Great as a gift. b. The Czar gave Fredrick William 55 soldiers. c. The Amber Room was made for Fredrick . d. The Russians removed art objects from the Amber Room. e.More details were added to the rooms design. f. The Amber Room was taken

33、 apart and moved away. g. A New Amber Room was built. h. Catherine moved the Amber Room to the palace outside St Petersburg.15632784Read the text once, then put the following statements in right order(1-8):In search of the Amber RoomParagraph1Paragraph2Paragraph3Paragraph4Paragraph5Pleasereadthepass

34、ageandcatchthemainideaofeachparagraphandwholepassage.1st paragraph: the introduction of the Amber Room(The Amber Room had a strange history and something about its design, color, shape and material.) 2nd paragraph: the gift to the Czar(the history of the Amber Room and its use in Russiathe Czars win

35、ter palace and a small reception hall for important visitors.)3rd paragraph: the relocation of the Amber Room in Catherine time(Catherine had the Amber Room moved to the palace outside St Petersburg told the artists to add more details to it.) 5th paragraph: the rebuilding of the Amber Room(Russia a

36、nd Germany have built a new Amber Room for the 300th birthday f St Petersburg.)4thparagraph:themissingoftheAmberRoom(theGermanNazistoletheAmberRoomsecretlyduringtheWorldWar,andwhatreallyhappentotheAmberRoomremainamystery)ThepassagetellsthestoryoftheAmberRoomintheorderoftimesothatwecanclearlyknowwhat

37、happenedtoit.Languagepoints1.survivevi.幸存,生还幸存,生还n.幸存者幸存者survivoreg.Thecustomhassurvivedforthousandsofyears.vt.从从中逃生中逃生,经历经历后继续存在后继续存在eg.Onlytwopeoplesurvivedthefire.Ex.经过这次地震经过这次地震,三分之二的人活了下来三分之二的人活了下来.Two-thirds of the people survived theearthquake.2.remainvi.留下,剩下,残留留下,剩下,残留link-v.保持,仍然,继续保持,仍然,继

38、续Iwenttothecity,调查调查向里面看向里面看eg.Thepolicearelookingintothecase.Theboystoodonachair,lookingintotheroom.look at look like look forlook sb. up and downlook af

39、ter look forward to sb. /sth./doing sth.look intolook outlook roundlook up瞧;看瞧;看看起来像看起来像寻找寻找上下仔细打量某人上下仔细打量某人照顾照顾期盼某人期盼某人/物物/做某事做某事调查;向里面看调查;向里面看当心当心环顾四周环顾四周查字典,向上看查字典,向上看4.belongto属属于于,是是的的成成员员,是是的的组组成部分成部分,是是的属性的属性,职能等职能等eg.Putitbacktowhich/whereitbelongsafteryouhavereadit.belongto不用于不用于被动语态被动语态和和进







46、欢的方式烹调鸡肉。她以我喜欢的方式烹调鸡肉。ShecookschickeninthewayIlike.She cooks chicken in the way that I like.She cooks chicken in the way in which I like.She cooks chicken in the way which I like.11. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on atrain.thattheboxeswerethenputonatrain.是是nodoubt的的同同位位语从句,此类从句通常用语从

47、句,此类从句通常用that来引导来引导eg.Thereisnodoubtthat we can finish our task ahead of time.Theyhadtofacethefactthat the nearest filling station is thirty kilometers away.Thereisnodoubt后后接接名名词词时时,需需用用介介词词about/of,eg.Thereisnodoubtabout/ofhishonesty.doubt也也可可作作及及物物动动词词,“怀怀疑疑,不不信信”,在在肯肯定定句句中中常常接接whether/if从句,在否定句中常接从句,在否定句中常接that从句从句eg. I doubt whether we can get the first place in thecompetition.Idontdoubtthathewilltellusthetruth.1.Try to retell the story.2.Remember the words and phrases



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