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1、Chapter One Basic Knowledge of Business Letter WritingSection Nine Exercises 练习L Translate the following expressions into English.1 .Commercial Counselor 2.import and export 3.export list 4.enquiry5.sample 6. price list 7.catalogue 8. Chamber of Commerce 9. market price10. agreement 11 .clients/cust

2、omers 12. commodities fair 13. competitive price14. EMP(European Main ports) 15. deal exclusively 16. manufacturer 17. article number18. delivery 19. specification 20. trial orderIL Please improve the followinq sentence to them more idiomatic.1. We are sending you the information you asked for in yo

3、ur letter of June 4.2. We have received your letter of May 10.3. We are pleased to tell you that your Order 167 was dispatched yesterday.4. We sent you this morning our latest catalogue you requested in your letter of May 5.5. We hope you will consider our proposals.6. We hope to hear from you soon.

4、7. You informed us in your letter that you could not offer us Gallnuts as they were out of stock.8. In reply to your letter of the 23rd last month, we are pleased to confirm the following order.9. Please take note of the Lot Number of bales so that the parcel may not be mixed up on landing.10. Sampl

5、es will be sent and offer made upon receipt of your specific enquiry.11. In reply to your letter 23rd May, we regret to inform you that we are now not in a position tooffer you the quantity as required.12. Thank you for your quotation dated September 5, 2007. We intend to place a trial order withyou

6、.13. You will no doubt open the relevant L/C at the end of May.14. We feel sure that you will be entirely satisfied.15. Will you please send us your latest catalogue and pricelist?16. We wish you could effect insurance on the goods with PICC.17. Please send me a copy of the agreement.18. Your produc

7、ts are not up to our standard.19.1 regret I cannot agree to your suggestions.20. We have semimonthly direct sailings from Hong Kong to San Francisco.III. the followi,iR 加 uroDerform as they should be set out 加 a letter. Open OpenV Point out the mistakes in the following addresses and rewrite them.VI

8、. Please write a letter according to the foHowing particulars.A.B.C.Mr. Henry TaylorLondon City BankMr. John Smith150 Bench Street12 Queen Street16 Front StreetLondon, E. C. 3London, E.C.5Liverpool L6 3FYEnglandEnglandShanghai Light Industrial Products Corp.11 Jiefang RoadShanghaiTel: 02143715589Oct

9、.28, 2008The Pacific Trading Inc.87 Broadway ST.New York, NY 10408Dear Sirs,Thank you for your interest in our products. In reply to your request, we enclose our illustratedcatalogue and a pricelist showing details of our products.We look forward to hearing from you.Yours truly,( Signed)Wang XiangMa

10、nagerENCL: as stated.Chapter Two Establishing Business RelationsSection One Introduction 概述可以说没有客户,就没有业务,与潜在客户建立业务关系不仅对于新成立的公司很重要,对于那些想要扩大业务范围,增加营业额的公司来说,同样很重要。如果家新公司,既我方一家公司,想要在国外打开市场,买入或者卖出产品,那么,他首先必须做的就是他要明白与谁做业务,通常,这类信息可以通过以下渠道获得:1) 通过写信交流;2) 参加出口商品交易会;3) 出席国内外举办的展览会;4) 互派贸易代表团。上述所有途径中, 写信使用最为广泛

11、。 通过写信可以从银行、杂志、报纸电视广告、业务关系介绍、市场调查、商务参展、商会、商务参展、中间人、自我介绍等等来获取所需要的所有信息。从上述任何渠道获得想要得到的公司名称和地址之后, 就开始着手写信与之联系。 这类信是第一次寄出去的信,也可称之为“ 初次询盘” 。通常这类信函最初告诉阅信人他的信息来,主要包括下列内容:1) 信息来源;2) 意向;3) 经营范围和子公司、分公司,如有的话;4)公司的财经和成信情况。如果想要进口买入,可以要求看样品,价格单等。写信人可以简明扼要地说明想要购买和想要买出何物。结尾时,通常要表达想要合作和期待早日答复的原望。收到这类信函后要立即回信,不能延误,并写

12、得有礼貌,以便给对方留下一个良好的印象。这就是外贸业务信函最重要的功能。对于外贸公司来说业务往来非常重要, 因此, 交易商不仅要尽力巩固与已有客户的业务关系,也要不断寻求新的客户。Section Two Soecimen Letters (12 封信)信函范文Specimen Letter 1 Wishing to establish relations敬启者:我们从中国对外贸易杂志上得知贵公司名址,我公司是一家国营企业,力求扩展海外贸易。然而,我们在南非还没有任何 业务往来,对你方提出的任何建议我们都会认真考虑。随函所附我们最新的插图目录和最新价目表及有关的销售条款, 供你方参考, 我们将很

13、高兴办理你方对我们产品的具体询盘。如你方需要进一步了解有关我们公司或我们的有关产品的情况,也务必请来信。盼即复。 启Specimen Letter 2 Writing self-introduce letters敬启者:承新加坡中国商务参赞陈华先生介绍, 得知你号专营各种电器产品的出口业务, 并力求扩展对外贸易。为此特联系你方,以便在我地市场推销你们的产品。我号经营进口业务以达二十多年, 在新加坡各地有广泛的业务关系。目前我处对电器产品的需求不断增长,相信你号在我地的成交数字,将会相当可观。当前我们对电动缝纫机尤感兴趣,请寄这类商品的最新目录、价目表,并请告知有关的销货条款,不胜感激。盼早复,

14、希望收到你方好消息。 启Specimen Letter 3 Importer writes to exporter敬启者:事由: 缝纫机我方对你们去年在斯里兰卡中国经济贸易展览会上展出的电动缝纫机留有深刻的印象。 据告这类产品是由你们公司出口的。我公司有一客户拟购一批缝纫机,为此,请寄上开400台三斗缝纫机的形式发票一份,并请报包括佣金在内的最低价,回信时,请说明最早交货期,以供参考。盼早复。. .启Specimen Letter 4 Exporter writes to importer (1)敬启者:我们从你刊登在“ 对外贸易” 杂志上的广告得悉你公司名称, 特此去函,望与你公司建立业务关

15、系。我公司专门中国轻工业产品的出口, 这些产品在世界市场上久享盛誉。 兹附上目录单一份供你参考。如有兴趣,请即与我公司联系。 启Specimen Letter 5 Exporter writes to importer (2)敬启者:承科伦坡商会介绍,得悉你号名址,并获悉你号拟进口中国生产的轻工产品。 我号生产所附插图目录中的各种轻工业用品, 希望这些产品会引起你们的兴趣。 信内尚随附我们最新的价目表,以供参考。如你方拟购这类产品,请即告知,以便报价。同时,如你方需要进一步了解有关我们公司或我们的有关产品的情况,也务必请来信。 盼即复。并望不久能与你方开展业务往来。. . .启Specimen

16、 Letter 6 An exporters reply to an importer敬启者:经 由ABC公司的介绍,我公司获悉贵公司有意与棉布出口商建立业务关系,我公司正好经营这类商品。我公司是该商品的主要生产商之一 ,从事棉布出口已有50多年的历史。我公司产品种类齐全,款式多样,畅销亚洲市场。今回复你方,希望与你方建立直接的业务关系,随函附上我方所有产品目录及价格单。值得注意的是,我方将为所有订单提供5%的佣金。相信经过双方努力,我们将建立起良好的业务关系。盼早复。. . .启Specimen Letter 7 A replv to an importer敬启者:贵公司6月2 3日询问将中

17、国产电器产品进口到英国的传真已经由中国驻北京的对外贸易部转交给我公司。我公司是一家国营企业,力求扩展海外贸易。然而,直到目前我们在英国还没有任何业务往来, 很希望与贵公司在该行业进行业务往来。 随函所附我们最新的插图目录和最新价目表及有关的销售条款,供你方参考。我方将认真办理贵公司的任何询盘。如你方需要进一步了解有关我们公司或我们的有关产品的情况,也务必请来信。盼即复。 启Specimen Letter 8 A reply to the importer敬启者:我们从纽约一朋友处得悉贵公,司的地址,现特去函与你公司联系,希望与你建立 业务关系。我公司与这里许多最大的轻工业产品销售商有良好的关系

18、。如能从你公id得到优惠报盘,我们确信能大量销售中国货。请告有关你公司出口商品的必要详情。启Specimen Letter 9 Writing letters of Credit Enquiry of a new customer敬启者:我公司现收到大西洋电子有限公司的订单一份,订货总值达56,500美元。该公司提供贵行作其奏信证明人。为此,我们想知道该公司是否可靠,值得信任。请提供这方面的资料,不胜感激。你方所提供的任何信息都将严予保密。如有机会,我们将乐意回报类似服务。现随附回邮信封一个,供复信之用。. . . . . . . 启Specimen Letter 10 Favorable r

19、eply from a firm敬启者:你2007年11月12日来函所提到的这家公司,虽是一家小型企业,但却是一家颇有名气、很受尊敬的公司。该公司自从在本市创建以来已有40余年的历史。多年来,我公司一直与该公司有业务往来,该公司资信良好,诚实可信。虽然该公司不和我们做现金交易,享受我们现金结帐折扣的优惠,但他们总是准时清帐。我们给该公司的赊帐信用额总是超过你们所说的56,500美元。我方只了解这些,希望这些资料对你们有用,并予以保密。启Specimen Letter 11 Unfavorable reply敬启者:你 10月 12日的来函中所提到公司的资信,我方已予查询,十分遗憾,对该公司的赊

20、帐要求应谨慎。约在两年前,该公司由于欠款问题,曾受其供货商的投诉,事后才全数清付。从我方查询所得资料来看,该公司并不是不城实可靠,似乎是由于该公司管理无方,尤其是由于盘子放得太大,以致于近年来多数供货商对其减少供货的赊欠额度,并缩短其赊欠期限,甚至要求付现供货。以上资料应予保密,自不待言。. .启Snecimen Letter 12 Asking for information about credit conditions and management directlythrough a customer敬启者:请提供有关你处Watson & Jones Newcastle国际贸易有限公司的

21、资信情况,据我所知,贵公司与该公司已有10多年的生意往来,今冒昧地向贵公司了解该公司的资信情况,请告你对该公司资信情况的意见,以避免今后的麻烦。对你方所提供的 切情况,我方不胜感激并将严格保密,今后如需我方服务,我们将乐意回报。. 启Section Five ExercisesL Fill in the blanks with the following words.l)prompt, 2)supply, 3)captioned, 4)indicate, 5) packed,6)current, 7) refer, 8)enable, 9)conclude, 10)assureIL Fill

22、in the missing words in the following blanks with the first letter qiven.introduce, range, attach, think, interest, interested, receiving, what, quotationHL Write a letter with the following contents.Dear Sirs,On the recommendation of the Commercial Councilor in Colombo we have learned that yourcomp

23、any specializes in the export of machinery and you are keen to develop overseas trade.With a view to introducing your machinery into our market, we wish to establish businessi-elations with you.We are looking forward to get your early reply as soon as possible.Yours faithfully,IV Write a letter to D

24、EMMAN & SONS, 45 CANNON STREET, LONDON, E.C. 4, tellingthem that you wish to enter into business relations with them and includiiiR the followingparticular:Messrs. Demman & Sons45 Cannon StreetLondon, E.C.4Dear Sirs,Introduced by Mr. A.G Topworth of Swanson & Bros., Hamberg, we learn your name and a

25、ddressand that you are one of the leading importers of Chinaware in your city.As a state enterprise, we have been in this line for more than 30 years and shall be glad to enterinto business relations with you at an early date. The illustrated catalogue and price list will beairmailed upon receipt of

26、 your specific enquiries.We look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully,Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1) 速盼赐佳音。2) 我们是国营公司,专营台布出口。3)我们相信通过双方的努力,贸易往来定会朝着互利的方向发展。4)如贵公司能与我方合作,不胜感激。5)根据要求,兹另封函邮货号称025和 036样品各一份,以供你们参考。6)我们保证你方订单定会得到立即处理。7)这类业务信就是发函,也可称为“ 首次询函” 。8)本公司是日本最大的食品贸易

27、公司,在日本的主要城市都有分公司或门市部。9)你 方 11月 2 1 日寄给上海兄弟公司的信已转交给我们办理。10)因该类商品属于我们经营范围,我们很高兴与你方直接建立贸易关系。Chapter Three EnquiriesSection 幻ne Introduction 概述在对外贸易中, 询盘通常由买方提出, 不受约束, 主要是了解进口商品的基本信息, 如价格,目录,交货期等交易条款。因此,询盘信事实上就是要求获得有关价格和贸易条款的信函。进口商向出口商发出询盘信, 希望得到想要购买商品的报价或报盘, 但有时仅仅只是了解商品的基本信息。老客户的询盘信非常简单,通常只有品名,商品规格。而其他

28、询盘信却必须写的仔细,包括品名,规格,数量,支付条款,包装条款,装运期,包装条款,等等,以方便卖方报价。报盘信要写得简洁具体,礼貌得体,有理有节,该说的说清楚,不该说的就不说。例如,你只想获得一些诸如目录,价目表,报价单,或者形式发票的基本情况,因此,不用咬文嚼字去吸引读者的眼球,有时可以提及订单的大小,以便获得更加优惠的报价。初次询盘信, 写给你从来没有业务往来的公司, 首先要告知对方你是从何处得到对方的公司名称,你公司的业务范围,如经营何种商品、所需数量、通常的交易条款以及任何可以帮助供货商了解是否能为你服务的信息都要写清楚。什么是询盘?当一家公司计划进口某种商品, 他会向出口商发出询盘,

29、 希望出口商对外想要进口的商品进行报价,或只是希望得到一些信息。出口商在收到这类询盘信时会立即回复,这样一来,就开始了交易磋商。根据内容或目的, 询盘信可以分为般询盘信或具体询盘信。 如果进口商想要了解出口商可以供货的某种产品或商品的一般信息,他可以要求出口商寄给他商品目录,价目表和样品。这就是一般询盘信。如果进口商想要购买某种产品或商品,他会要求出口商报盘或报价,这类询盘信被称为具体询盘。询盘信既可以写给一家公司,也可以同时写给多家公司,这样一来,就可以对收到的报盘进行比较,或者挑选更优惠的报盘,以便与最优惠的报价进行交易。询盘信是一封写给买方或卖方,要求提供商品规格、质量、数量和价格等信息

30、的信函,在实际业务中, 今天的询盘信不仅可以以普通信函发出, 也可以通过传真、 电传或电子邮件发出。询盘信包括以下内容:询盘信包括以下内容:( 1) 如果是初次询盘,该信就必须告知信息来源,如通过什么方式、由谁告知、信息来源何处。( 2 ) 如果回复供应商的询盘信,首先要表示感谢。( 3 ) 公司经营的业务范围,打算购买什么商品,数量几规格。( 4 ) 了解交易条款,如报价、支付条款、包装、保险等,让供应商知道交易条件。( 5 ) 告知商品在市场上的整体情况。( 6 ) 索要目录、价目表和样品。( 7 ) 向对方表明想要与他进行业务往来的愿望。( 8 ) 其他情况。Section Two Sp

31、ecimen LettersSpecimen Letter 1敬启者:我方拟购甲、乙级西瓜子,请予报盘,并请航邮有代表性的样品为感。报价时,请说明最早装运期及可供量。. . . . . . 启Specimen Letter 2敬启者:我们愉快地告诉你们, 我们对各种真皮手工制的手套有兴趣。 对高质量的手套这里有稳定的需求,虽然销售数量不是特别多,但能卖到好价格。请寄一份你们的手套目录,并说明价格及付款条款。 如能寄来各种用于制手套的皮样将是极为有帮助的。. . . . . . 启Specimen Letter 3敬启者:请报中国印花棉布的每码价格及支付条款。 如报价优惠, 拟向你方购进我方目前

32、的全部所需。 启Specimen Letter 4敬启者:你们5月 4日的询价已收到, 并感谢你们对我们的产品所表示的兴趣。 今寄上份附图目录及在我们的产品中经常使用的一些皮革的样品。遗憾的是我们不能立即寄给你们全部样品,但你们可以相信,在包裹中没有的,如羚羊皮及鹿皮,也同样是优质的。我们的推销代表李先生将于下月初到特黑兰, 并将愉快地拜访你们。 他会带去我们的许多制品。当你们看到这些产品时,我们想你们一定会同意,我们所采用的材料其质量以及工艺之精美将会得到即使是最挑剔的买主的欢迎。我们也制造多种手工制的皮革手提包,我们认为你们可能也会有兴趣在目录中有充分的说明,而且同我们的手套一样都是高质量

33、的。李先生在造访时将会给你们看样品。我们愉快地等候你方定单。中国进出口公司经 理Specimen Letter 5敬启者:事由:B-268型机器部件你 2008年 3 月 15日要求我方对标题商品进行报价的来函收悉,谢谢。按要求,我方向你们提供报价单一式三份,希望你们能尽快下定单,因为我方手头定单太多。敬侯你方早日答复。. . .启Specimen Letter 6敬启者:本市Brother & C lark公司告知我们,你们是全棉床单及枕套的主要出口商。请你寄下你方经营的各种商品的详情,包括尺寸、颜色及价格,以及所用的各种材料的样品。我们是纺织品的大贸易商,相信价格适中的上述商品在本地区有良

34、好的市场。请在答复时说明你方付款条款以及单项商品的购买量不少于1000打所能给予的折扣。所报价格需包括到纽约的保险及运费。United Textiles Limited经 理Specimen Letter 7敬启者:收到你方8 月 2 0 日询价殊为欣慰。今附上你所要求的具体详细内容的附图目录及价格单。另邮寄上一些样品,我们相信在你细查这些样品后,你将会同意,这些货物是价廉物美的。对于定期购买单项商品数量不少于200打,我们可给予2 % 的折扣。用不可撤消的即期信用证付款。由于品质柔软而耐用, 我们的全棉床单及枕套很快成了畅销商品。 你们在研究了我方价格之后, 对我们为什么甚难满足需求这一事实

35、你方就不难知道了。 但你方如能在本月底前向我们订货,我们将保证迅速发货。同时我们也请你注意我们的其他产品, 如台布及台巾, 其详细情况也可以从目录上找到。等候你方首次定单。启Specimen Letter 8敬启者:事由: 台布你 6 月 10日来信收到,谢谢。欣悉你方拟与我公司就标题商品发展业务关系。经仔细研究你们的商品目录, 我们对510及 514两种货号的台布较有兴趣。 请报最低价,并请说明能供即期装运各种尺寸的台布数量。 如价格公道, 数量令人满意, 将考虑大量订购。我公司经营台布已有3 0 多年,在全国各地都有可靠的业务关系。在邻国也有联号,你们的产品在那里同样会有销路。相信你方定会

36、迅速办理我们的询购事宜,并予早日见复。. 启Section Five ExercisesI. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions.1) in, from, for, for2) at3) by, of, of, with4) from, for, for,5) of, for, in6) in, with7) by8) from, from, at9) for, on10) at, ofIL Translate the followings into English.1) We understand that you are manufact

37、urers of Chinese Sewing Machines and should like toknow whether you can supply us with 500 sets each of ButterflyBrand and “Standard” both ofTreadle Type with five drawers.2) We are interested in 400 sets of Five Rams* Bicycles and shall be pleased to have your bestoffer by telex on DEQ Hamburg basi

38、s, including our 5% commission.3) We should be grateful if you would quote your lowest price for the captioned goods. Whenoffering, please indicate packing conditions and the earliest possible date of delivery and send usthe covering literature.4) When your representative called on us last month, he

39、 showed us some samples of your newtextiles products.Can you supply the same for the moment?5) We have sent you by airmail some samples. We are sure after you have studied them you arecertain to agree that our products are excellent in quality and reasonable in price.6) The enclosed price list and i

40、llustrated catalogue will provide you with the details of the varioustypes you are most interested in.7) We understand from your advertisement in Electrics* that you are exporting Transistors andshould be glad to have your illustrated catalogue and price list together with details of your terms.8) W

41、e learn from Messrs. ABC & Co. that you can supply Fruits and Nuts. We shall be appreciatedif you can quote your best price on CFR Hamburg basis. When quoting, please state packingmethod and the earliest possible date of delivery.9) We are interested in your advertisement of the Atlas Weed Killer in

42、 the September issue of“Agriculture”. We would like you to let us have full details of your products together with therelative samples.10) One of our clients has obtained an import licence to import USS 40,000 worth of various kindsWires. Please quote us your lowest price with the best discount and

43、the date of delivery.11) We learn that you have put an Electric Typewriters on the market and should be glad to havefull details so as to place orders with you.12) We should like to know what discount you can allow us for an order for more than 1,000dozen.III. Compose a letter of eiuiuiry with the f

44、oHowing: particulars.Messrs. Arthur Grey & Son,19 Cheapside,London, E.C.2Dear Sirs,We have obtained your name and address from China Council for Promotion of InternationalTrade and learned that you are one of the leading exporters of Automatic Dishwasher in yourdistrict.We are now interested in 100

45、sets of the said article and should be pleased if you would let usknow whether you can supply us with the quantity and quality we desire. Please quote us your bestprice on CIF Guangzhou basis. When offering, please state clearly terms of payment, time ofdelivery, packing conditions together with ill

46、ustrated catalogue for our consideration.We are looking forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully,IV. Please draw a letter of general enauiry askine for all the information you need.Dear Sirs,We learn from a friend in Shenzhen that you are exporting light industrial products, especiallyelectric a

47、ppliances. There is a steady demand here for the above-mentioned goods of high qualityat moderate prices.Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue, with details of your prices and terms of payment.We should find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of these goods.Yours faithfully,

48、V. Write a specific enquiry according to the following.Dear Sirs,Re: Electric SawWe are in the market for Electric Saws. Please send us your latest catalogue, details of yourspecification and sample books as well, informing us of your price FOB Guangzhou. Please doremember to let us know your earlie

49、st possible date of delivery, terms of payment, discounts orcommissions for regular purchases. If your prices offered prove reasonable and satisfactory, weshall soon place a large order with you.Yours faithfullyVLWhen making the first enquiry, the enquiry often asks for general informationconcerning

50、 the products in question. The following materials are generally requestedl.d 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. fChapter Four Offers and QuotationsSection One Introduction 概述在业务交往中,报盘或报价都是很重要的一个步骤。报盘是按照规定的条款供应某种商品的一种承诺, 报价只是卖方愿意按什么价格供应某一种商品。报盘中,卖方不仅仅要给出所要卖的商品的价格,还要说明所有其他所有条款,以便买方考虑或接受。 但是, 如果报价单里包含其他交易条款, 那么,


52、吸引对方注意你公司其他商品。6)表达希望收到对方定单的愿望。可以是以写信的形式报盘,也可以是电报、电传或传真报盘,如果是电报报盘,通常还会再写一封信。要注意的是, 卖方在该实盘有效期内不得撤出, 只有买方才能在有效期内接受或拒绝或换盘。如果买方已接受,该报盘就具有合同意义。因此, 任何一家有信誉的卖家都不会在规定的时间内冒着损坏其信誉的危险去撤出报盘。当买方拒绝报盘或报价时,要写回信感谢对方,讲明拒绝的原因,如果不这样做的话,显得你很没有礼貌。封拒绝信要包扩下列儿点:1)感谢卖方的报盘;2)对不能接受表示歉意;3)如合适的话可以还盘;4)建议今后的合作机会。Section Two Specim

53、en LettersSpecimen 1敬启者:我们最近收到许多来信, 要求购买你们的薄型雨衣。假如你们的价格是有竞争性的,我们有理由相信能经常向你们订购。根据你们的目录说明,我们得知D.D.”系列雨衣是最适合这些客户。如你方能寄男、女式雨衣的报价,我们将非常高兴。两者的尺码都要小号及中号,以C IF科威特交货。如价格合适,我们首批将订购400件,即4种 各100件。订货后须4星期内装运。我们要特别强调价格的重要性, 因为这里的主要市场是那些大批量生产而价格又是大众化的产品。Abdulla Samih & Co.经 理2008年5月5日Specimen 2敬启者:感谢你方5月5日来信。 我们很

54、高兴得悉你方收到了客户要购买我们雨衣的一些询价。 我们的“D.D.”系列雨衣特别合适暖热的气候,而且在过去几年中,已经供应给几个热带国家的商人。他们中的许多人已经重复订购, 有些复订不止一次。这个商品之所以受到欢迎不只是因为重量轻,而且也因为所用原料已经过特殊处理,可以防止在村里上凝结过多的水汽。按你所说的数量,我们乐于报价如下:D .D .雨衣100件男式中号 每件USD14.5 USD1,450100 件男式小号每件 USD14.00USD1,400100 件女式中号每件 USD 13.20USD1,320100 件女式小号每件 USD 12.70USD1,270C IF 科威特净价USD

55、5,440支付条款:不可撤消的即期信用证装运:收到信用证后34 星期内。本报价以我方最后确认为准。我们认为你方可能对我们的其他某些产品也有兴趣, 今附上一些说明小册子和供你方客户参考的推销说明书。等候你方订单。中国进出口公司经 理2008年 5 月 15日Specimen 3敬启者:你 5 月 2 0 日询购羽绒枕的来信收悉,谢谢。该商品系由中国畜产进出口公司广东分公司经营,为此,已将你方询盘转交该公司,并请该公司直接联系你方。相信你方询盘一定会得到我兄弟公司的从速办理。. . .启2008年 5 月 3 0 日Specimen 4敬启者:你 6 月 3 0 日来函收到,谢谢。现报盘如下:品名

56、:2006年产河北绿豆数量:200公吨价格: 安特卫普成本加运费价每公吨250英镑包装:用普通旧麻袋包装装运期:2007年 9 月份支付:凭不可撤销信用证、即期汇票支付本报盘以我方确认有效。如你方认为可以接受,请尽快答复。启2007年 7 月 12日Specimen 5敬启者:收到你方2 月 10日函,现确认今日已电复,电文如所附抄件。从我方电报中,你方可得知,我们现可供50吨铜。价格低廉,成本加运费到上海价每吨600英镑,订货一个月内交货。货款以我方为受益人的不可撤销的信用证,凭即期汇票在伦敦以英镑支付。以上实盘,本月底前报到我方有效。一旦本盘过期,货物即将售出。Specimen 6敬启者:

57、你 11月 15日询购杂质含量不超过15%废亚麻的来函收悉,谢谢。现报盘如下:废亚麻30吨,明 年 1 月份装船,汉堡成本加运费每长吨马克。相信你们一定会为本报盘对你方有利,为此,请 在 12月 2 5 日本报盘到期前来电接受。至于杂质含量20-30%的二级废亚麻,仍按上次报价未变。 启Spedmen 7敬启者:谢谢9 月 1 日的询盘, 根据要求现另封航邮寄我上海印花纯丝细布的目录本一册和样本数册,希望邮件会按时到达你处,并后有助于你们选货。为在我们之间开始具体业务,现特作出下列优惠报盘,以我方确认为准。商品:8002号上海印花纯丝细布花色:第 468392A号规 格 : 30X36起定量:

58、20,000码包装:打包或装木箱,由卖方选择价格:每码54美元,成本加保险费、运费到里斯本价。交货:从 2007年 11月起分3 个月3 次平均装运付款:装船前30天开出保兑的,不可撤销的信用证见票即付。希望以上能为你方接受,等待你方来试订。 启Specimen 8敬启者:现确认你方6 月 2 FI来电要求我方报干梅实盘,并奉告我们仅有的几批货已报给别人,但是,如果你们递盘而我们可以接受的话,你们有可能得到这些货。正如你们所了解的,近来对于梅有大量需求,而需求日增必将导致提价,如果你方即答复,就可抓住行市上涨的机会。启Section Five ExercisesI. Correct the m

59、istakes in the foHowing sentences.1. We are interested to in your new models.2. We await your early reply on the above.3. We are in urgent need for 300 photocopiers.4. We shall be glade to receive your details.5. Will you quote to us for the goods mentioned in the attached sheet?6. We shall be grate

60、ful if you could send us your catalogue and other necessary information.7. Please inform us of the prices at which you can supply the goods.8. Please let us have you lowest price CIF Hamburg.9. If your prices are satisfactory, we shall place large orders.10. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

61、H Translate the followings into English.1. We have confirmed telexing you the firm offer for the following goods, subject to your replyreaching here by August I Oth.2. We are very pleased to know that there is a great demand for Groundnut Kernels in your market.We enclose a copy of our Order No. 384

62、1 for your reference.3. In reply to your fax of June 10th asking us to offer for Blanket No. 23, we are now confirmingoffering you by fax on June 2nd without engagement the followings4. Thank you for your letter of July 10. But we regret to say that your price is on the high side andthat there is no

63、 possibility of business.5. We are now making you an offer for 20 M/Ts of Bitter Apricot Kernels at Y5000 per metricton CIF EMP for prompt shipment.6. We have approached our clients and their reply is that they cannot accept your offer unless youmake a discount of 5% on the price you quoted.7. I can

64、 promise you that, if you buy our product, you will be getting quality. We spend a lot ofmoney to make sure that our quality is much better. We dont sacrifice quality for quick profits.8. Tm interested in all kinds of your products, but this time I would like to order some fireworksand mosquito coil

65、 incense. Please quote us C.I.F. Rangoon. Im going to place a trial order for1,000 units of a dozen fireworks and 500 cartons of mosquito coil incense.9. Your price is reasonable but I wonder if you would give us a discount. You know for theproducts like yours we usually get 2% or 3% discount from E

66、uropean suppliers.10. This is our office block. We have all the administrative departments there. Down there is theresearch and development section. Thats the warehouse. We keep a stock of the faster movingitems so that urgent orders can be met quickly from stock.HL Make a list of the mistakes in th

67、e foHowine ineffective letter and then write a moreeffective one.1. No subject line.2. No mention of where he got the name and address of the firm.3. Outmoded expressions: Desirous. Would be greatly obliged .if you would favor us with uswith a .4. No introduction of his company to show that it is ca

68、pable of doing substantial business.5. Wrong use of cheap rates* rather than competitive prices. Cheap1 often suggests cheap andshoddy. HWant is demanding. MWe hope you will/ We would be grateful if you would.* is better.6. Demanding a substantial discount without providing the supplier with any ind

69、ucement, nomentioning the amount of orders.7. The statement about the need to ship the goods quickly is also demanding and without givingthe reason.8. There is no cordial conclusion to the letter.9. For referenceDear Sirs,Mens ShoesWe have heard from the London Trade Board that you manufacture shoes

70、 for export to Europe .We would be grateful if you could send us details of the mens shoes that you are able to supplytogether with your price-list.We are wholesale distributors of shoes in the United Kingdom and have a large number of retailoutlets throughout the country. It is therefore very likel

71、y that if your products are up to standard,there will be a very considerable demand fbr them here and that we will therefore be able to placesubstantial orders with you. We would like to point out, however, that as there is already a widerange of budget-priced shoes from Eastern Europe and Hong Kong

72、 in this country, it is essentialthat your quote competitive prices.We also hope that you will be able to allow discount facilities on substantial orders and , therefore,would be grateful if you could let us know what special terms you can allow for orders of threethousand pairs.For your information

73、, the prices are changeful here, so it is important that you deliver the goodssoon after receiving orders. Please , therefore, let us know how long you take for shipping thegoods.We look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully,IV. You welcome the inquirv and go on to describe the siiDerior

74、itv of your products. Put theChinese in the letter into English.We now enclose our catalogue and a price-list. These goods are superior to any similar goods onthe markets. They have been in heavy demands for their unique design, novel styles andreasonable prices.We can ensure supply before Christmas

75、, and we are willing to allow you 10% off if your ordersexceed 600 pieces.V Translate the following letter int。English.Dear Sirs:We confirm email exchanged between us regarding fireworks and mosquito-repellent incense andare glad that we have come to an agreement on the price. Your last email inform

76、ed us that youcould offer us 500 units of a dozen fireworks and 300 cartons of mosquito-repellent incense,which we think is not enough. More and more clients in our country like to buy Chinese productsbecause of their good quality. If we do not take care of the supply of our market, they willnatural

77、ly turn somewhere else for their needs. So we do hope you can offer us at least 1,000 unitsof a dozen fireworks and 500 cartons of mosquito-repellent incense.We appreciate your efforts and cooperation and believe this order will lead to considerablebusiness in the future.We look forward to your earl

78、y reply.Yours faithfully,VI. Write a quotation or a firm offer covering the following contents.Dear Sirs,In reply to your letter of January 5, were giving you a firm offer, subject to your reply here by 5p.m. our time, Thursday, March 27, as follows:Commodity: Shirts for menSpecifications: 10 assort

79、ments with new designs of black, white and green colors(details incatalogue)Quality: the cotton used is superior qualityPrice: FOB Guangzhou US$ 18 to 45 according to various designs.Payment: by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft at sight to be opened 30days before the time of

80、shipmentPacking: at the sellers optionShipment: (in) MayWe hope the above terms will be of interest to you and receive your order as soon as possible.Yours faithfully.Chapter Five Counter-offersSection One Introduction 概述买方认为卖方报盘中的某些条款不能接受时,可以还盘。他们往往提出自己的条款,供卖方考虑。有时,买方主动向卖方递盘。在递盘中,买方说明按什么价格、根据什么条款购买

81、某种商品。因此,递盘实际上是买方的“ 报盘” 。如卖方认为递盘中某些条款不能接受时,也可以进行还盘。一笔交易的达成,可能要经过多次的还盘。如双方达不成妥协,其中一方放弃继续洽商,则交易告吹。还盘有时通过电报、电传或传真进行,代替书信,以节省时间。还盘的过程,有时反映两种不同立场、不同利益之间的矛盾, ,对于原则问题我国外贸企业必须坚持,要根据不同情况,采取灵活措施。在对外贸易中,答复还盘函电时,措辞要谨慎,要着眼于双方之间的友谊和今后的交易,采取冷静、公正、诚恳的基本态度,并要以对方的立场观点,摆事实、讲道理、说服对方,消除误解,增进相互的理解。Section Two Specimen Let

82、tersSpecimen 1敬启者:你 10月 10日函悉,谢谢。你方还盘歉难接受,因为我所报价格已为其他许多客户的订单证明是可行的。但是,为了满足你方这次要求,如果订量不少于1, 0 00匹,我愿给你2%的特扣。希望你会享受到这次特扣的利益。. . .启2007年 10月 2 0 日Specimen 2敬启者:感谢你方6 月 10日函,给我方3000公斤核桃仁,单价每公斤50美元。我们抱歉地奉告,贵方价格偏高。我们认为很难说服客户们接受你方的价格。况且,来自韩国和泰国的供应商的竞争是很激烈的。你方不能忽视了这一点。如你方能减价5 % ,也许能达成交易。只是鉴于双方长期的业务关系,我们才给上述

83、还盘。市价正在下跌,希望你方取赞许态度加以考虑,并早日来电接受我方的还盘。启Specimen 3敬启者:事由: 200打 “ 青年”牌圆珠笔笔你 10月 10日对标题商品的报盘以及样品均已收到,谢谢。请 给 10%的佣金,而不是5 % ,并请接受即期付款交单的支付方式,因为我和其他供货商都是按这样的条款进行交易的。相信你定会早日来电确认上述条款,以便我正式下单并寄你详细的装船须知。启2007年 10月 2 1 日Specimen 4Encl.敬启者:事由: 200打 “ 青年”牌钢笔你 10月 2 1 日函悉,谢谢。现确认我10月 2 8 日传真,内容请详见附件。关于你要求10%的佣金和凭即期

84、付款交单支付一事,歉难同意,因为我和其他客户交易,都是按5%佣金以及凭不可撤消信用证的支付条款进行的。为此,请重新考虑我方条款,尽力和其他客户取得一致。启2007年 10月 2 9 日Specimen 5敬启者:你 7 月 3 日函和2000令油光纸的订单均已收到,谢谢。近来对这种纸张的需求量很大,我已经不接受12月份交货的订单,为此,歉难满足你9 月交货的要求。但是, 考虑到我们长期的业务关系,同时涉及的数量也不大,如你方客户能接受9 月交货的话,我们愿按下列价格条款接受你的订单:阿姆斯特丹成本加运费价每令 英镑, 11月份交货的日期是有点远, 但这是在目前的情况下,我们只能做到这样的程度了

85、。如认为我方报盘可以接受,请在本月底前传真告知,以便最后确认。启2007年 10月 2 5 日Specimen 6敬启者:从 4 月 2 0 日来信,得知你方认为别的供货商报价较低,不接受我方报盘,实在令人失望。我定价合理,很难接受你方还盘。至于其他供货商发盘的货,质量上是否和我们的类似,或者是否可以我们的相比,颇为怀疑。因此,请提请你方客户注意,并请劝说他们不但要考虑价格,而且更要考虑质量。盼早复。. . .启2008年 5 月 1 日Specimen 7敬启者:你 2 月 10日按CIF价报200公吨羊毛的来信收悉,谢谢。但是很抱歉,我要求报成本,保险加运费的价格条款。由于我已和伦敦劳埃德

86、保险公司办妥预约保单的保险手续,每次保险,只需在装运时,把有关情况通知他们就可以了。而且, 该保险公司给我比较优惠的条款。 通常我们能定期从该公司领得一笔相当可观的保险费回扣。请提供有关中国人民保险公司经营保险业务范围等方面的详细情况,以供参考。盼早日见复。启2008年 2 月 2 6 日Specimen 8敬启者:事由: 你 0789号订单项下5,000个麻袋事宜你 I 月 2 3 日要求按发票金额加30%投保标题货物的来信收悉,谢谢。按惯例,对有关货物一向是按发票金额加10%投保。但我愿应你方所请,对该货按发票金额的130%投保,超额的保险费由你负担,特此告知。. . .启Section

87、Five ExercisesI. Read the foHowine offer letter and use its info门nation t。complete the offer sheet.1. Woolen sweaters in different colors and patterns2. 200 dozen3. US$13 per dozen4. US$260005. 10 d/s after LC6. London7. By irrevocable LC8. In strong polybags put in standard cartons for export9. 5th

88、 AprilIL Translate the following sentences into English.1) The quality of our products is well known and universally acknowledged.2) This offer is firm, subject to your immediate reply reaching us not later than the end of thismonth. There is a little likelihood of the goods remaining unsold once th

89、is offer has lapsed.3) Your inquiry is having our immediate attention and we hope to make you an acceptable offer ina few days.4) We are pleased to advise that we are able to supply you with Forever Brand Bicycles, whichhave already met with a warm reception abroad.5) All items we have offered are m

90、ade of very best quality leather and can be supplied in a rangeof designs and colors wide enough to meet the requirements of fashionable trade such as yours.6) We enclose another copy of our catalogue as we feel you may be interested in some of our otherproducts, which include Leather Gloves and Pur

91、ses, described and illustrated on pages 2025.7) Enclosed are two originals of our Sales Confirmation No. CF137. Please counter-sign andreturn one copy for our file.8) We wish to draw your attention to the fact that the goods under the captioned SalesConfirmation have long been ready for shipment.9)

92、Much to our regret, we have heard nothing from you up to the present.10) Please open the covering L/C in accordance with terms and conditions laid down in the saidSales Confirmation.11) It is hoped that you will expedite the opening of your L/C so as to fulfill the terms of thecontract.12) Owing to

93、the reasons stated above, we are unable to effect shipment in January as required.13) Please amend the credit to read: Partial Shipment Allowed1 in addition to the extension of thetime of shipment and validity to July 10 and 25 respectively.14) It is imperative for you to instruct your bankers immed

94、iately to airmail the original of L/CNo.21865 to Bank of China, Guangzhou.HL Point out which of the following expressions are fi门n offers.Firm offer: 1), 4), 7)Non-firm offer: 2), 3), 5), 6)IV Read the five offers and fill in the Information Form.1 Ladies Cotton Jacket black/pink 900/dz CIF June/Jul

95、y 100% irrevocable LC N2 scrap steel plate 3/8” $120 pers/t CFR immediately L/C N3 pure cotton FAQ 1995 crop RMB8000 per m/t CIF Aug./Sept. as usual F4 white sugar 2500 tons $300 per ton CIF 20d/s after order sight LC F5 folding chairs & tables NMR 5 NMR 6 $550 per set $580 per set FOBFOB Jan/Feb Dr

96、aft 60 days LC NV Making counter - offers.1. Area of disagreement: date of deliveryadvise if you could not quote goods for prompt shipment.2. Area of disagreement: specificationWe hope your future offer will have better chances of concluding business.3. Area of disagreement: paymentPlease advise if

97、you will grant us this favor.4. Area of disagreement: priceShould you be ready to reduce your limit by 4%, we might come to terms.VL How to reply to counter-offenLetter 1:1. The previous letter is summarized in the first paragraph.2. The writer has stressed that the prices he has quoted are already

98、as low as it is possible to makethem.3. Despite the difficulties involved, he agrees to allow the higher discount requested, but with thestipulation that it will be for an order of the value previously mentioned.4. A reason is given for allowing the additional discount, i.e. that this is a first ord

99、er, and a warningthat there can be no guarantee that it will be possible in the future fbr the reason stated.5. There is a clear statement of how long the revised terms are offered for and a consequent strongrecommendation to place an early order.6. There is a cordial conclusion which invites future

100、 orders.Letter2 :1. The first person singular is used, giving the letter a more intimate note.2. There is a suggested apology, I am afraid., which is justified, for he clearly will want toapologize for having to disappoint his customer in not being able to meet his request for morefavorable terms.3.

101、 There is an assurance that the prices have already been reduced as much as possible and thatany further reduction would affect the quality.4. Writer refers to his companys production costs, the need to use skilled craftsmen and finematerials, the inevitable increase in cost, the reluctance to make

102、the consumer carry these extracosts, but the inability actually to reduce them, which is all intended to excite the readersunderstanding and sympathy for his companys position.5. There is reference to others lower prices but poorer quality products.6. There is an assurance that his companys products

103、 have sold well elsewhere, and the reason whythey have.7. There is a suggestion to place at least a trial order, and the sympathetic and confidenceexpressed that this customer will be successful in selling his products.VIL Write a counter-offer according to the following particulars.Dear Sirs,We tha

104、nk you for your quotation March 10 for 1,000 sets of Panasonic color TV. We find yourprice as well as delivery date satisfactory; however, we would give our suggestions of analternation of your payment terms.Our past purchase of other household electrical appliances from you has been paid as a rule

105、byconfirmed, irrevocable letter of credit at sight. On the basis, it has indeed cost us a great deal.From the moment to open credit till the time our buyers pay us, the tie-up of our funds lasts aboutfour months. Under the present circumstances, this question is particular taxing owing to the tightm

106、oney condition and unprecedentedly high bank interests.In view of our long business relations and our amicable cooperation prospects, we suggest thatyou accept either “cash against documents on arrival of goods or drawing on us at 60 dayssight.Your first priority to the consideration of the above re

107、quest and an early favorable reply will behighly appreciated.Yours sincerely,Chapter Six Conclusion of BusinessSection One Introduction 概述A 接受 接受或确认实际上是买方或卖方毫无保留的同意。 他们通过洽谈, 愿意按照双方协商同意的条款签订合同。卖方所报的实盘, 经买方接受,交易即告达成;或者卖方所报虚盘,经买方接受,交易也即达成;或者买方主动向卖方递交实盘、或递交经其本人确认的订单,两者都包括所有必需的贸易条款,经卖方接受后,也就达成了交易。多数是买卖双方

108、通过大量函电的交往,才达成交易的。在这样的情况下,买方最后向卖方提交正式订单时,还必须确认经双方协商同意的条款,以便卖方接受而达成交易。接受、确认后,通常由作为卖方的我公司做出合同或外贸常用的销货确认书,由双方会签后执行。 合同或销货确认书必须包含经双方洽谈同意的所有有关条款,合同还要包括向检验、索赔、仲裁、不可抗力等常规条款。如有争论,合同或销货确认书是凭以裁决的唯一合法文件。B 合同 贸易合同是一份由买卖双方同意按照所商定的条款进行交易、 并具有法律效力的协议书,它可以是正式的,口头的或书面的。根据我国经济法,进出口贸易合同只能是书面形式才具有法律效力。下面是我国常用贸易合同:1)购买合同

109、和销售合同,合同中附有一般条款,通常由于大宗交易;2)购买确认书或销售确认书,由于是简便式合同,通常用于小额交易;3)协议书,如代理协议,独家代理协议;4)订单,由进口商或最终用户签定:5)意向书,通常用于代理;6)备忘录,与合同一起使用,包括对双方己经同意的合同条款进行解释。一份正式的合同由三部分组成:约首、约文和约尾。约首通常包括合同名称、合同号码、缔约日期、缔约时间、缔约地点、缔约当事人、当事人的合法依据等。必须特别注意合同中的缔约地点,因为,一旦出现贸易纠纷,缔约地方的当地法律就适用于纠纷的解决。约文是合同中最重要的部分,包括合同的主要条款,充分反映买卖双方的责任和义务。 通常包括商品

110、名称、商品质量、商品规格、数量、价格条款、包装方式、装运日期、支付方式等。在确认书中或者简便式合同中,主要有上述这些条款。详细合同还要包括装运单据、保险、商检、索赔、理赔、不可抗力等,根据不同情况可酌情处理。Section Two Specimen LettersSpecimen 1敬启者:你 2 月 12日传真收悉,现按双方同意的条款,确认售与你方50长吨松香。 兹随函附寄第CF123号销货确认书一式两份,其中一份请签退我方,以便存档。启2008年 2 月 13日Specimen 2敬启者:你 9 月 6 日确认订购下列货物的传真收悉,谢谢。40长吨滑石块价格:C IF 利物浦价每长吨美元包

111、装:用单层麻袋包装,每袋净重约50公斤虽然目前市场价格有上升,但为了促进交易,我们仍按以前成交条款接受你方这次订货。现应你上函所请,随函附去第231号销货确认书一式四份,请签署后退回一份。 我方定将妥善办理你方的订购事宜,请放心。. . .启2007年 11月年日附件:Specimen 3敬启者:参照我上月2 3 日函及你本月6 日电,兹确认下列订货事宜:品名:茅台酒酒精含量:4560%容量:每瓶500克数量:100打价格:CIF安特卫普价每打美元包装:用木箱装,每箱装24瓶装运期:2000年 10月份有关信用证即将航邮,请收到该证后,即以第一只可以装运的船只装运上列货物。请从速办理,预致谢意

112、。启2008年 6 月 8 日附件:如文Specimen 4敬启者:现随函附寄第350号正式订单一纸,向你方订购1, 500张骡皮。这批货系我公司( 中间商)自己出资购买的,打算分销给几家有意购货的客户,他们一向从阿根廷采购皮革,但我们认为能劝说他们试用你们的皮革。如果你方首批来货的质量能令人满意的话,我们保证将继续向你订购。. . .启2007年 8 月 1 日Specimen 5敬启者:我们很高兴已向你方订购花生油200公吨, 现随函附寄订单一份, 请查收。有关信用证将于几天内电开你方。对这批订货,我方客户同意分运, 这样将使你方可以从4 到 6 月份三个月装运。如你方能按一定比例,分月装

113、运,而不是把200公吨整批货物集中在同一个月内装运, 将大大有利于我们的客户。 有关的客户都是我市最大的食用油进口商, 他们很可能在本月份将再次向你们订货。谢谢你方的协作,希望今后有更多的业务合作。启2008年 2 月 7 日Specimen 6敬启者:我们希望提及最近来往传真并很高兴确认与贵方达成了 一笔80 公吨花生仁的交易。现随函附寄我方的9181号销售合同一式两份,请会签并寄回一份给我方以便存档。我们相信贵方将早日开出有关信用证。 关于额外的数量, 我方正在办理并将在下周某个时间给你方报盘。启Specimen 7敬启者:我们确认向你们销售下列货物,并按下列条款签订合同。数量:3000吨

114、规格:美国常规标准罐装燕麦价格:CIF纽约价每吨50美元重量:净重皮重装运:即时装运,直达目的港,不允许转运。付款条件:凭装船单据以不可撤销的信用证付款。保险:海险由我方承担。条款: 有争议的问题, 我们同意由仲裁。 如果货物10天内不抵达目的港, 不接受索赔。说明:会签后请将原件复制一份寄回,以证明你方已接受。启附件:详见附件Specimen 8敬启者:你 6 月 18日来函收到,谢谢。此后,又经双方多次电传的交往,导致我们向你方购买下列货物:5,000张牛皮,成本加运费伦敦价每张50英镑这批5,000张牛皮须分2,000张,3,000张两批包装,并须分开两张提单装运,因为这批牛皮是分别运交

115、两家不同的客户的。请按所附订单所给的批号刷印包件,这点务请注意,以免货物上岸时混淆不清。启2008年 6 月 2 8 日Section Five ExercisesI. Solve the supplv problems.1. approach another manufacture in this instance. We are sorry not to be helpful, but hope you willunderstand our position.2. offer you a special discount of 5% on your orders placed before

116、 the end of March. Please let usknow if you agree to this offer by cable.3. keeping your order before us. Should our supply position improve, we will get in touch withyou immediately.4. recommend you our new Model XXL580 instead. We wish to inform you that there is a betterdemand for this new model,

117、 because it is not only similar to the old one but also superior in quality.Besides, it gives more satisfactory service to customers.)IL Sending the Sales Confirmation.1. Seller2. To countersign the S/C3. 2 copies are enclosed4. means add another signature to a document already signed by the Seller

118、to give it moreauthority5 . ( 省略)HL Countersienature.1. S/C. This shown by the phrase properly executed.2. The writer will pay the bill.(A bill is always paid by the Buyer.3. S/C4. properly; rewarding; routed; executedIV Translate the followini sentences into English.1) Thank you for your letter of

119、March 11 and your Order No. C2/32 attached thereto (enclosedtherewith).2) We confirm having accepted your order for 5 M/T Dried Chilies, new crop, at $ 80 CFRDamascus for May shipment.3) Enclosed is our S/C No. AG-9960 in duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return to usfor our file.4) Despi

120、te the current high bid, but in order to promote the development of future business, wewould like to accept your order in accordance with the conditions of your past orders.5) I would like to repeat the offer: 15 Tunnel Frilling Rigs, specifications detailed in the technicalinformation, at 57,000 ea

121、ch FOB European Major Ports. The deal will be concluded on the thisconditions.6) All the shipping documents should be prepared well in order to present to the banks fornegotiation, which will last one week sometimes.7) We are very pleased to conclude the business and hope there will be more chances

122、forcooperation between us in the future.8) We should invite your attention to the point that the terms of the L/C must be in strictaccordance with those in the contract so as to avoid subsequent amendment in the future.9. We confirm having accepted your order for 5 M/T Dried Chillis, new crop, at $8

123、0 C&F Londonfor May shipment.10. Enclosed is our S/C No,AG-9460 in duplicate, one copy of which please sign return to us forour file.11. We believe that the good business relations between us will lead to many more transactions onthe basis of equality and mutual benefits.12. We have received your le

124、tter of July 20, 2007 together with an order for 1,000 SewingMachines. Enclosed please find our S/C No.345 in duplicate, one copy of which please sign andreturn to us for our file.13. We confirm having accepted your Order No.85 for 100,(X)0Yards of Cotton Prints, ArtNo. 1002. Please let us know the

125、color and assortment and open the covering L/C in our favoraccording to the terms contracted.14. The 5% discount can be deducted from the L/C and after shipment we will send you a check tocover the 3% commission.15. 3% is too low, I think. You see, we have a lot of work to do in promoting the sales,

126、 such asadvertising on radio or TV printing booklets, leaflets, catalogues and so on. It all costs. 3% is notenough.V . Write a letter based on the following particiilars.Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of March 15 enclosing your order for 500 Tractors.On receipt of your letter, we contacted our

127、 manufacturers at once but they declined you orderowing to heavy commitment and shortage of raw materials. However, after our efforts atpersuasion, we have succeeded in getting their consent to accept the order fbr delivery in fiveequal lots, i.e. 100 Tractors each month commencing from January next

128、 year. We telexed you thismorning accordingly and are now awaiting your confirmation. We are aware that you are in urgentneed of Tractors and we are approaching other manufacturers for possible supply of earlierdeliveries. Please do not hesitate to send us your specific enquiry to which we will pay

129、our promptattention.Yours faithfully,VL Put the following letter into English.Dear Sirs,We have duly received your Sales Contract No.5623 covering 50 tons of Walnutmeat we havebooked with you. Enclosed please find the duplicate with our counter-signature. Thanks to mutualefforts, we were able to bri

130、dge the price gap and put the deal through.The relative L/C has been established with the Bank of China, London, in your favor. It will reachyou in due course.Regarding further quantities required, we hope you will see your way clear to make us an offer. Asan indication, we are prepared to order 80

131、tons.Yours faithfully,Chapter Seven Terms of PaymentSection One Introduction 概述支付在对外贸易中的作用十分重要,买卖交易的最终目的是要收回货款, 如果不能保证收到货款,那么,一切都没有任何意义。对外贸易中的支付程序很复杂,支付方式多种多样,每笔交易的支付方式都应在下订单时由交易双方达成协议, 在我国对外贸易业务中最常使用的支付方式是信用证。在学习这章时,同学们要熟悉各种支付方式和结帐方式, 特别要了解我国对外贸易中常用的支付方式。Section Two Specimen LettersSpecimen 1敬启者:我方

132、以往一直用保兑的、 不可撤销的信用证支付从贵公司购买电风扇, 这种支付方式使我方成本加大。从开立信用证到买主付款,资金占用约需3 个月。当前,因我方资金紧张及银行的高额利息,此种支付方式实属负担过重。如能给予更加易于接受的付款条件, 我们相信, 这样的照顾一定会有利于促进你我之间的贸易。为此,我们建议采用“ 货到后凭单付款”或 “ 见票后30天付款”方式支付。如能优先考虑上述要求,尽早给予令人满意的答复,我方将不胜感激。启Specimen 2敬启者:帐号:37612我们特致函通知您,到目前为止,我们仍未收到您对不6 月 8 日7712号发票的付款,付款总额为600英镑。如果您能立即关注此事,我

133、们将不胜感激。如果款项已于过去的儿天内支付,则不必回复,并接受我们的感谢。如果您对帐目有疑问,请与我们联系,电话:13168894756启Specimen 3敬启者:帐号:9211从我方记录中得知, 您帐户上的欠款已经超出了信用额度2,000英镑。 您帐户上目前的欠款为 2,891英镑。为了把欠款减少至双方所协定的范围内,请 于 14 H 内送总额891英镑的支票。盼早复。. . .启Specimen 4敬启者:我方已收悉你装运发票94/023号。该发票的金额应改为8,800美元。因此,你方应补偿500美元以便我方能够按最终发票和2007年 12月4 日的传真结帐。 启Specimen 5敬启

134、者:继我方1 月 14日传真,现随函附匕668/456号货物价值的最终发票和你方支付的结算表,请查收。 我们已通知我方的财会部门的职员再次寄送668/456号原始最终发票给你支付款项。有一些项目到期很长时间了,但还是一直悬而未了。我热切希望你迅速解决这个问题, 不再拖延。请即时办理此事, 我们将不胜感谢。启Specimen 6敬启者:我们已收到你行关于偿付我行议付编号203的贷记单, 希望你们注意, 你行付款数字比我行要求的2, 800美元少550美元。请查正此事,将 550美元的短款贷记我总行帐户并通知我们。启Specimen 7敬启者:你 2007年 11月 14日的来信收悉,谢谢。我们很

135、高兴收到你方定单,现我们能供应EM 127号的磁带。我们也能按排好装运期。我们不方便凭不可撤消的信用证支付,向你银行开45天的汇票。我方现正等待你方的信用证早日到达, - 收到该信用证,我方将根据定单规定按排装运。你们的任何要求都将得到我方的立即处理。. . .启SDecimen 8敬启者:关丁我方9 月 2 6 日的询价信, 现已收到你方形式发票第7659号, 并拟首次向你方订购型号EM127DN录音带5000盒,定单号为8873。我们已通知我方往来银行, 即委内瑞拉商业银行开立以你方为受益人的不可撤消的跟单信用证,其金额为8, 800英镑。该证即将由我方银行的伦敦往来行保兑。现授权你方凭此

136、信用证向我方银行按你方发票金额开立见票后60天付款的汇票。你方汇票必须随附全套装运单证,包括:全套清洁已装船提单商业发票5 份保险凭证3 份按照商定,我方银行将承兑你方按包括保费在内的发票金额向它开立的见票后60 天付款的汇票。因此你方的汇票是见票后60天付款,其金额为成本加运保费的发票总金额。该信用证有效期至明年2 月 2 0 日止。. . .启2007年 11月 14日Section Five ExercisesI. Match the words on the left with those on the right.l .C 2.h 3.f 4.g 5.o 6.k 7.m 8.r 9.

137、n lO.bll .p 12,d 13.a 14.i 15.j 16.e 17.1 18.qIL Choose the word which has a meaning similar to that of the eiven word.LB 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.C9.A 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.CHL Read the bill of exchange below and answer auestions.1. Drawer: Henan native produce .Drawee: Hanover Trust Co.2. 4

138、th DEC, 19993. two copies4. US$63J 62.005. Unite States Dollars Sixty Three Thousand One Hundred And Sixty Two Only6. The senders place is on the bottom right and the receivers is on the bottom left.7. 90 days8. LC9. USD: US dollars; No.:unmber; LC: letter of credit; CO.: CompanyIV, Read the followi

139、ng letters regarding payment terms. Identify the writer, the termproposed and the reason given. Then fill the Information Form.Letter No.Buyer/Seller Term proposed Reason1 BuyerCAD 凭单付款 Deal of small value2 BuyerT/T 电汇 Assure the time of delivery & save expenses3 SellerCIA(not COD 货到付款) Usual practi

140、ce4 SellerD/A 承兑交单To push sales5 SellerD/P 付款交单 To expand business6 BuyerConsignment Unable to make purchase on his ownV Fill in the blanks with the aDDiwriate words:method, international, letter, ideal, for, trade, gives, starts, issue(open, establish), amount, and,instructions, transaction, sends,

141、 correspondent, On, correspondent, credit, usual, confirm,undertakes, due, forth(out), with, knowing, money, secure, behalf, carried outVI . Translate the followings into English:1) . Please note that payment is to be made by confirmed, irrevocable L/C allowing partialshipment and transhipment, avai

142、lable by draft at sight.2) . Our usual mode of payment is by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit, available by draft atsight for the full amount of the invoice value to be established in our favor through a bankacceptable to us.3) . It has been our usual practice to do business with payment by D

143、/P at sight instead of by L/C.We should, therefore, like you to accept D/P terms for this transaction and future ones.4) . Your proposal for payment by time draft for Order No.l 156 is acceptable to us, and we shalldraw on you at 60 days* sight after the goods have been shipped. Please honor our dra

144、ft when itfalls due.5) . In order to pave the way for your pushing the sale of our products in your market, we willaccept payment by D/P at sight as a special accommodation.6) . Your request for payment by D/P has been taken into consideration. In view of the smallamount of this transaction, we are

145、prepared to effect shipment on this (D/P) basis.7) . If your L/C reaches us before the end of this month, we shall do our utmost to arrange to shipthe goods you ordered at the beginning of next month.8) . Please see to it that the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of thecontrac

146、t.9) . As to your Order N o .p le a se telex L/C immediately so that we can arrange shipment.10) . As we are in urgent need of these goods, please expedite shipment upon receipt of our L/C.ll) .Please amend the Credit as requested, otherwise we cannot negotiate our draft.12) .In reimbursement of the

147、se extra expenses, please draw on us.VIL Translate the foHowing letter into ChineseDear Sirs,Weve received your letter of 9th February, asking us to send you a shipment of Tea Sets forsale on D/A term.As is known to all, our payment must be made against sight draft under a confirmed,irrevocable Lett

148、er of Credit for the amount. Therefore we regret we cannot accept your request.But in view of your goodwill of pushing the sale of our products, we can exceptionally acceptthe payment by L/C at 60 days sight draft.We trust that the special accommodation given to you will enable you to make a favorab

149、ledecision.We are awaiting your reply for further consultation.Yours sincerelyChapter Eight Establishment of L/C and AmendmentSection One Introduction 概述当达成一笔交易后,买方有义务在规定时间内通过往来银行开立相关信用证。然而,在某些情况下,有时会发生买方未能按时开立信用证,或者信用证没有按时达到卖方的情况,这时就必须写一封信,或发电传,或发传真给买方,敦促他尽快开立信用证,或弄清信用证的下落。当要求开立信用证时,首先发出的信息应该是一个礼貌性

150、的信息,说明订购的货物都已准备好,但有关信用证还没有收到。如果对方没有回复第一封信,可以再发第二次信函。这一次,虽然仍克制克情绪,但要表达失望和惊讶。当卖方认为,信用证上某一条款, 或某些特殊条款以前没有见过,而且卖方也不同意接受这些条款,那么,卖方应通知买方,要求他作出相应修改。有时供货情况或装运期出现意想不到的情况,这时候,也会要求修正改信用证。不仅卖方可以要求修改信用证, 如果买方发现信用证中的某些条款需要变更时, 他也可以要求修改信用证。通常的做法是:买方应先征得卖方的同意,然后再指示其开证银行作出相应修改,可以通过信函、电传、传真或电子邮件发出修改信用的通知。此外, 信用证中规定的装

151、运日期都有一个截止日期, 为了留出足够的时间让卖方做好装运单据,以及与银行进行交涉,信用证中的装运期与信用证的有效期应相隔两周时间以上。有时卖方可能无法按时备妥获货物,或者买方因这样或那样的原因要求推迟交货,那么,买方需要延展信用证的装运期和有效期。就性质而言,信用证与可能作为其依据的销售合同或其它合同,是相互独立的两种交易。即使信用证中提及该合同,银行亦与该合同完全无关,且不受其约束。因此,一家银行作出付款、承兑并支付汇票或议付及/ 或履行信用证项下其它义务的承诺,并不受申请人与开证行之间或与受益人之间在已有关系下产生的索偿或抗辩的制约。受益人在任何情况下,不得利用银行之间或申请人与开证行之

152、间的契约关系。开证指示、信用证本身、对信用证的修改指示或修改书本身均必须完整和明确。为防止混淆和误解,银行应劝阻有关方:勿在信用证或其任何修改书中,加注过多细节在指示开立、通知或保兑一个信用证时,勿引用先前开立的信用证( 参照前证) ,而该前证受到已被接受及/ 或未被接受的修改所约束。有关开立信用证的一切指示和信用证本身, 如有修改时, 有关修改的一切指示和修改书本身都必须明确表明据以付款、承兑或议付的单据。Section Two Specimen LettersSpecimen 1敬启者:关于销售确认书第SX260项下的6000打男式衬衫,我方提请你方注意,尽管装运期已经临近,但至今我方仍未

153、收到相关信用证的任何消息。请尽力加快开立信用证,以便我方能够按规定执行订单。为了避免今后的修改,请注意信用证中的条款必须与合同中的条款完全致。期尽早望收到你方肯定答复。启Specimen 2敬启者:我们已向旧金山商业银行开立一张BY/87号一缝纫机,金额为美元的信用证,以贵行为受益人,有效期至5 月 3 0 日,信用证将由中国银行上海分行加保,该银行将凭单承兑发票所开金额。议付需凭下列单证:商业发票一式三份提单一式两份保险单一份缝纫机装运后请即通知我方。. . .启Specimen 3敬启者:事由:我方C234号销售确认书关于我方C234号销售确认书项下的5000吨小红豆,我们希望你方要引起注

154、意:交货期即将来临, 但我方至今依然未收到你方的有关信用证。 请尽力加快开证以使我们能顺利地执行订单。盼速复佳音。启Specimen 4敬启者:我们已收到关于15, 000打弹力尼纶袜的,由伦敦查特德银行开出的你方3639号信用证,金额为12345英镑。经详阅后,我们发现没有允许转船和分批装运。由于开往你港的直达轮船稀少,我们常常不得不在香港转船。至于分批装运,这将对我们双方都有利,因为我们可以马上发运我们手头上的货物而不需要等待整批货物都完成。 因此我们今天下午发邮件与你方,要求你方将信用证修改为:” 允许分批装运或转船 。由于我方货物已经包装就绪备妥待运已久,务请你方传真修改书不误为感。.

155、 . .启Specimen 5敬启者:关于我方3 月 10日和4 月 2 0 日的传真, 要求贵方开立有关标题订单项下的信用证。 非常遗憾,直到目前为止,我方仍未收到任何相关消息。我方不得不提请你方注意, 在下订单时, 你方同意一旦收到我方销售确认书就立即开立信用证。很遗憾,你方未能按照协议去做。由于货物早已备妥待运,请贵方立即采取措施从速开立信用证,以便完成这笔交易,双方获利。期盼早日收到贵方好消息。启Specimen 6敬启者:你方5 月 2 0 日季来的第222号订单及随函附寄的装船指示均已收悉,谢谢。所订货物正在生产之中,你方告知将开立以我方为受益人的、有效期至8 月 2 2 日止的不

156、可撤销信用证。敬请立即将该证寄出。一收到你方信用证,我方将按装运指示要求尽快包装及装运货物。兹保证,我方将做好完善装运,以使贵方满意。启SDecimen 7敬启者:关于NSW6180信用证7 月 7 日来函收悉,得知你方未能将标题所列信用证予以展期,深表遗憾。你们知道,这里每月只有一艘于上半月驶往你方港口的船只。就我们所知,该货轮将于一、两天内驶离此港,且舱位预订截止日期已早过。因此,我方不可能在本月内把货物装运。请按我方6 月 3 0 日信中要求,尽力将信用证展期。请即办理并传真告知。启Specimen 8敬启者:我方愿解释信用证的修改事宜。按我方收到信用证规定,应在见票后120天付款, 但

157、我方愿见票后即付。对此你方已表示同意,订单也已明确注明。因此,请按你方订单加以修改。货物将于本月2 0 日前装运。如能按我方要求立即修改信用证,我方将不胜感激。请复电。. . .启Section Five ExercisesI. As soon as the exporter receives the L/C, he should check that the terms of the credit are inconformity with the terms stipulated in the SC. In case of an inconformity, known asdiscrepa

158、ncy, the seller should report it to the buyer and request its immediate amendment.Problems of this kind often occur in the following areas: delivery, payment, prices, andchoice of words. Identify the problems and complete the letters by suegestine a solution.1. increase the amount of your LC by $600

159、LC amount is insufficient2. make the necessary amendment to the LC so that the currencies of the documents are the same,discrepancy in currency3. amend your LC as stated in your orderpayment terms differ between LC and order sheet4. amend your LC to read ” Transshipment is allowed1.discrepancy in te

160、rms of deliveryH, Examine the following L/C with the following contract t。see whether the stipulations inthe L/C are exactly the same as those in the contract. If not, please write a letter to ask forproper amendments.Dear Sirs,Your L/C No.9524/86We are glad to receive your above L/C covering our S/

161、C No.95/3456 in due course. On perusal,we find that some terms in the L/C are not in conformity with those in the S/C. We are now askingyou to amend the L/C as follows:1) Increase the amount up to US$60,800.2) Modify the shipment time “on or before 10 July” to in July”.3) Amend “30 days L/C to “sigh

162、t L/C”4) Change the packing clause “in seaworthy reinforced cardboard box into “wooden cases”.5) Change the port of destination “Boston” into “New York”.6) Amend Partial shipment and transhipment are allowed to “Partial shipment andtranshipment are allowed, is prohibited”, and delete the words throu

163、gh B/L required”7) The contract number is tt95/2456, instead of 95/3456”8) Amend the validity of L/C to “with in 15 days after the date of shipment.”For the shipment date is approaching, we hope you will amend the L/C as requested promptly.Yours faithfully,IH.Chcck the L/C and make amendments in Eng

164、lish, where necessary, according to thecontract terms given below.ABC BankDate: 20 October 2008To: Bank of ChinaShaanxi BranchWe hereby open our irrevocable letter of credit No. L-3789 in favor of Shaanxi Textiles I/E Corp,for account of Austria Trading Corp, up to an aggregate amount of DMK 30,000.

165、00 (SayDEUTSCHE MK THIRTY THOUSAND ONLY) CIF Hamburg for 100% of the invoice valuerelative to the shipment of: 100 pieces of White Rabbit Brand blanket as per Contract No.SW-2598 dated Oct. 20, 2008 from China port to Hamburg. Drafts to be drawn at sight on ourbank and accompanied by the following d

166、ocuments marked X”.(X) Signed Commercial Invoice in triplicate(X) Full set of Clean On Board Bills of Lading made out to our order quoting L/C No.3789,marked “FREIGHT PAID”(X) One original Marine Insurance Policy or Certificate for 110% full invoice value covering AllRisks and War Risk, with claims

167、payable in Austria in the currency of drafts.Partial shipments are permitted.Transhipment is permitted.Shipment must be effected not later than January 31, 2008.Drafts drawn under this credit must be negotiated in China on or before January 31, 2008.IV, Check the L/C and make amendments in English a

168、ccording to the clauses set forth in thefollowing contract.XYZ BankDate: 20th February, 2008To: Bank of China, Shanghai(Guangzhou)We hereby open our Irrevocable Documentary L/C No. A50-6781-338 in favor of China NationalTextiles Imp. & Exp. Corp, Guangzhou Branch, for account of Endo Trading Co., Lt

169、d. OsakaBranch up to an aggregate amount of US$ 220,5000 (Say Canadian(US) dollars two hundred andtwenty thousand five hundred only), Kobe/Osaka for 100% of the full invoice value covering theshipment of 5000 dozen of Mens Cotton Y/A Short(Long) Sleeve Shirts, Fabric(Garment)Washed, as per Sales Con

170、tract No. 90(l)Ja1002 dated March 3, 2008, from China.Size: S/4, L/4, M/4 per dozenUnit price: US$3,50 per pc CIFC3% Kobe/OsakaTotal value: US$220,500 (Say US Dollars Two Hundred and Twenty Thousand Five Hundredonly)Port: to Kobe/Tokyo(Osaka)Drafts to be drawn at 45 days(at sight) after on ourselves

171、 accompanied by the followingdocuments marked X below:(X) Signed Commercial Invoice in triplicate(X)Full set of Clean On Board Bills of Lading made to order, blank endorsed, marked “FreightPrepaid, and notify the accountee.(X) One Original Marine Insurance Policy of Certificate for 10% of the invoic

172、e value coveringAll Risks, War Risk and TPND(no this coverage) with claims, if any, payable in Japan in thecurrent of drafts 5% more or less in quantity and invoice value are allowed.Partial shipments are permitted.Transhipment is prohibited(permitted).Shipment must be made not later than 30 April,

173、2008.Drafts drawn under this credit must be presented for negotiation in China on or before 16 May,2008.V Translate the following into English./1. This change would involve a lot of extra expenses.2. This problem would involve us in no small trouble.3. We find it necessary to request you to amend yo

174、ur L/C as allowing transshipment, failingwhich the delivery of this order will by force be delayed beyond the contractual date.4. Your request for D/P terms of payment is just under consideration, decision on which, wehope, will be made known to you in no time.5. As the amount in our Order No. . doe

175、s not exceed $1000 and the opening of an L/C willinvolve a lot of expenses, please agree to payment by D/P.6. In order to avoid subsequent amendments, pls see to the followings.7. As the amount of L/C No*4048 is incorrect, pls correct it to 4686, under advice to uso8. It is impossible to extend the

176、L/C because of import license restriction.9. We wish to draw your attention to(1) the changes in the conversion rate between Renminbi and Pound Sterling.(2) the fact that the price quoted in our proforma invoice is based on CIF Lagos net excludingcommission.(3)the fact that the quotations we got fro

177、m other directions are much lower than yours.Because the shipping space is insufficient for 10000 metric tons of Soya Beans, we are unable toadvance shipment of the whole lot to October. Please amend the covering L/C to allow partialshipment.VL Multiple Choice.l.B. 2. B. 3. A. 4. A. 5. A. 6. D. 7. C

178、. 8. A. 9. D. 10.D.11.B. 12.C. 13. A. 14.A 15.D. 16.B. 17.B. 18.B. 19. A. 20.D.V IL Translate the followinz letter into English.Dear Sirs,We have received your letter of June 28 and learned that you are interested in Absorbant Gauze.We are sorry to say that the Gauze of 19x15 enquired for is out of

179、production at present, but somecuttings of the nearest are enclosed, each marked with price and specifications. We hope that youwill make a choice from them. Shipment will be made within six weeks after receipt of your L/C.As requested in your previous letter, we are forwarding separately a copy of

180、our catalogue andwould draw your attention particularly to Pages 10 to 15, which describe fully the quality andspecifications of our Surgical Dressings. We are always willing to send you samples of any kindthat you may be interested in, and assure you that any enquiries you may send us shall have ou

181、rcareful and prompt attention.We look forward to your reply soon.Yours faithfully,VHL Fill in the contact forms in English with the following particulars.SALES CONTRACTContract No.08-331Sellers: Shandong Native Produce and Animal By-products Import and Export CorporationBuyers: Rotterdon Foodstuffs

182、Import and Export CompanyThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buyand the Sellers agree to sell the undermentioned commodity according to the terms and conditionsstipulated below:Commodity: Groundnut KernelsSpecifications: FAQ 2008 CropQuantity:

183、 50M/TUnit Price: At RMB 3550 per m/t CIF RotterdamTotal Valve: RMB 177500 (Say RMB One Hundred And Seventy-Seven Thousand FiveHundred Only)Packing: In double gunnubagsInsurance: To be covered by the Sellers for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and WarRiskTime of Shipment: During November

184、 2008Port of Shipment: Qingdao of ChinaPort of Destination: RotterdamShipping Mark: At Sellers, optionTerms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C available by draft at sightDone and signed in Qingdao of Shandong on this 10th day of May,2008.IX. Please fill in the contract according t。the info门nation you ha

185、ve got from the fc)n/vinqparts.CONTRACT No.08/1234Sellers: Guangzhou Garments Imp./Exp.Corp.Buyers: Messrs.J.Manderson & Co., New York City , USAThis contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buyand the Sellers agree to sell the undermentioned commodity

186、according to the terms and conditionsstipulated below:Commodity: Silk BlousesSpecifications: Colours: pink, blue and yellow equally assortedQuantity: 1 000 dozenUnit Price: At US $ 52.50 per dozen CIF3% New YorkTotal Valve: US $ 52 500( Say US Dollars Fifty-two Thousand Five Hundred Only)Packing: In

187、 cartonsShipping Mark: At Sellers, optionInsurance: To be covered by the SellerTime of Shipment: In November 2008Partial shipment(s) allowedTranshipment allowedPort of Shipment: China PortPort of Destination: New YorkTerms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight to remain valid for

188、negotiation inChina until the 15th day after the date of shipment.Done and signed in Beijing on this 3rd day of August, 2008.X. Fill in the Sales Confirmation for the transaction stated in the following lettei;Shanghai Silk Branch上海中山东一路十七号17 ZHONG SHAN ROAD (E.l) SHANGHAL. CHINA售货确认书SALES CONFIRMAT

189、ION TIONTo Messrs. 日期:Date:8th May 8, 2(X)8编号:No.: SSB9574签约地点:Signed at: Shanghai.兹经买卖双方同意成交下列商品订立条款如下:The undersigned Sellers and Buyers have agreed to close the following transactionsaccording to the terms and conditions stipulated below:( 1) 商 品 : Commodity: KKK Brand Mens T-shirt( 2 ) 规格:Specif

190、ication: white, L-size and M-size( 3 ) 数 量 : Quantity: 250 dozen(s?) with L-size & M-size equal number( 4 ) 单价:Unit Price: US$100.00( 5 ) 总值:Total Value: 50,000( 6 ) 装运期:Time of Shipment: September 2008(7) 包装:Packing: in cartons of 2 dozen each, 10 cartons to a wooden case( 8 ) 装运口 岸和目的地:Loading Por

191、t and Destination: Shanghai Port to New York Port( 9 ) 装船口麦头:Shipping Marks: at sellers option(1 0 )付款条件:Terms of Payment:TERMS of payment: By 100% value confirmed irrevocable letter of credit by draft at sight withtransshipment and partial shipments allowed, to reach the Sellers_30_ days before mon

192、th ofshipment, with shipment validity arranged till the 15th day after the month of shipment, andremain valid for negotiation in the loading port until the _ 15 day after the shipment validity.(1 1 )保险:Insurance:To be covered by the Sellers against All Risks and War Risk for 110% of the invoice valu

193、e.买方 卖方The Buyers The Sellers中国纺织进出口公司上海丝绸分公司China National TextilesImport & Export CorporationShanghai Silk BranchChapter Nine PackingSection One Introduction 概述包装在国际贸易中非常重要,可以这样说,商品的包装就像人们要穿衣服一样。包装的最终目的是为了使货物在运输途中保持量好,不受损失。好的包装可以经受住最粗鲁的搬运。国际贸易中的包装可分为运输包装(也可称为外包装) 和销售包装(也可称为内包装) 。运输包装的作用是保证货物在运输途中完

194、好无损,因此,这类包装要坚固,足以保护货物免遭任何损害,免遭盗窃,搬运方便,易于货物装卸。销售包装主要是为了方便销售,特别在销售日产用品时. ,销售包装的作用越来越重要。销售包装的方式多种多样,材料也丰富多彩,只要能让商品看上去具有吸引力就行,此外,销售包装还要注意简便易用,有助手销售。除了这两种包装以外,还有另外一种包装,叫中性包装,这种包装没有产地,也没有商标,目的是为了在进口国避税,或者是满足买方的特别需要。包装标识应清楚明了,外包装标识有运输标识,指示性标识,警告性标识三种。运输标识包括以下内容:1 ) 发货人或收货人单位名称的缩写;2 ) 合同号或者信用证号;3 ) 目的港;4 )

195、货物序号。有时也可以标明货物重量和大小尺寸,那些有助于货物识别的内容都可以,如易爆品。相对于外包装来说,内包装要求要高很多,颜色美丽鲜艳,设计具有创新性,外观吸引力,这些都是内包装必须考虑的问题,其主要目的是有利于促销。包装信函要写得清楚明了, 卖方可以向买方说明惯用的包装方式和材料, 此外也可告诉对方可以根据买方要求包装货物, 但额外费用应由买方负责。 买方则可以告诉卖方以前货物包装的情况,或者对货物包装的担心。如果要对合同中有关包装条款的修改,都要经过买卖双方同意方能修改。Section Two Specimen LettersSpecimen 1敬启者:销售确认书第99A/782号你 1

196、0月 10日的来信及附函附上的俏售合同一式两份均已收悉, 谢谢。 我方想指出的是其中的包装条款不够清楚,相应的条款应按下列要求:包装:用适合海运的出口包装,能适应海上远距离运输。为了避免以后的麻烦,我方希望按下列要求标明包装条款:标题合同项下的衬衫,要用塑料袋包装,5 打装一个纸板箱,2 0 箱装一个货盘,10个货盘装一个ECL集装箱。 在外包装请刷上我方的开头字母JH C L,其中包括目的港和订单号。此外,还请用三角形标明 勿压 等指示性用语。我们已在合同中就上述内容处做了注脚, 请及时会签后退还一份给我方。 愿你方认为一切准确无误,并请你方特别关注包装一事。吩望及快收到你方装船通知,在此先

197、谢为感。启Specimen 2敬启者:事由:439号定单兹通知你7 月 1 日运至悉尼的300箱手工锯子到达时情况良好, 这表明你方已进行包装改进。关于运给我方的手工钻头,我们希望每箱装2 打,每个木箱装50盒。我们相信你方会特别关注有关包装的要求,以避免在装运途中受损。能否满足我方装运要求,请传真我方。启Specimen 3敬启者:事由:88AJK/4763号销售合同你 方 10月 2 5 日来信及所附上述销售合同一式三份已收悉。 但得说明, 合同中有关包装条款不够清楚,相关条款是:支付: 凭保兑的、不可撤销的即期信用证支付。为了避免未来可能产生的麻烦,我们事先表明我们对支付的要求希望你方特

198、别关注此事并尽快收到你方装船通知。启Johnson & Harrison Co. LtdSpecimen 4敬启者:很遗憾通知贵方,贵方2 月 12日发往迪拜的200箱铁钉中,有 20箱受到严重损坏,当然,这不是贵方的过错。我方不得不写信于贵方谈论有关铁钉包装之事, 我方认为有必要向贵方表明我方今后交易的包装方法,以避免今后的交易中出现类似的损坏。发往迪拜的铁钉用木箱装,净 重 112磅,每箱内装重量各为7 磅 的 16袋铁钉。发往马耳他的铁钉用双层麻袋包装,每袋重50至 60公斤。英国市场上,客户喜欢装25公斤的纸板箱。请求贵方告知能否满足这些要求。启Specimen 5敬启者:参见798号

199、定单我们高兴地通知你方: 你们运往新加坡的1000箱手手工工具于5 月 12日完好抵达, 这表示贵方在包装方面做了很大改进。关于即将装运给我方的手锯,我们希望你们用盒装,每 5 打 1 盒,2 0 盒装一纸板箱。为避免运输过程中的损坏,我们坚信你方会特别注意包装问题的。如果你方能适应我方要求,请发邮件告知。启2007年月2 0 日Specimen 6敬启者:今函告, 你方未来在我处订购的外衣我们将用纸板箱而不用木板箱包装。 因为用纸板箱包装有下列优点:它可防止惯贼,因为被偷的迹象更容易被发现。它相当适合海运。纸板箱垫有一层塑料能防潮。纸板箱相当轻而且结实,便了搬运。上述意见是对纸板箱和木板箱两

200、种包装方式的特征进行比较研究而作出的, 也是按已经装运的结果为根据而做出来的。 我们希望你们能接受我们的纸板箱包装, 并向你方保证我们的真诚合作。谨致良好的祝愿!. 启湖南丝绸品公司Specimen 7敬启者:参见668号定单谢谢你方8 月 1 日来信, 我们立即将消息传给了我们的顾客, 他们正积极地设法说服客户接收你方的还价。同时,我们的顾客希望知道你方莲子的包装情况,那是:怎样对该货进行包装以吸引顾客?采取什么样的措施来保护货物免遭损失和雨淋?采取什么措施防止内包装被撕破?关于上述情况,望回函告知详情。急盼回信。你的忠诚的J.R Longfellow & Co.Specimen 8敬启者:

201、我们注意到你方9 月 2 9 日来信,关于包装一事我们已与客户进行了联系,而且经我们反复解释过, 他们认为如果你们保证若保险公司以用的纸板箱不适合海运为由而使他们得不到赔偿,一切费用由你方赔偿,那么他们将不反对你们把服装包装在纸板箱内。我们认为将此事告知你们是我们的责任, 并把这看作为一项默契, 即万一保险公司拒绝赔偿,你们将对我方客户因你方用这种纸板箱而遭到的损失负责。我们相信你们会理解,我们的坦言是出于我们双方的共同利益,因为包装是一项敏感的事,常常导致贸易纠纷。我们感谢你方的合作。启Section Five ExercisesL Fill in the blanks with the a

202、 Droper word.1. Marking 5 sales2. packing 6. sales3. containing 7. contract4. customers 8. handlingIL Translate the following sentences into English.l)The inside of the case may be lined with various materials to prevent damage by water, air orinsects.2)As you suggested, we have improved our inner p

203、acking to meet the customers, demand in yourmarket.3)According to the contract, the buyer should supply the packing materials and deliver them to usbefore September 22.4)They fear that the insurance companies will say, in case of damage or pilferage, that the goodsare not packed for ocean transporta

204、tion and will not pay compensation for such losses.5)Our cotton prints are packed in cases lined with draft paper and waterproof paper, eachconsisting of 30 pieces in one design with 5 colorways equally assorted. 6)In spite of every care inpacking, it sometimes happens that a few barrels are broken

205、in transit.7)Prices of goods usually include the cost of packing. The phrase “including export packing”means that the quotation includes the cost of package suitable for export. If the quotation does notinclude the cost of package, the phrase “Export packing is for buyers account” should be inserted

206、in the contract.8)The packing of our Mens Shirts is each in a poly bag, 5 dozen to a carton, lined with waterfrooppaper in the inner side and two iron strip strengthened outside.9)We will pack the goods as usual if we are not informed to the contrary.10)The cost of packing is subject to the mode pac

207、king, distance of transportation and the price.11) Cartons as a kind of packing container have been extensively used in international trade.Therefore, you need not worry about their seaworthiness.12) So far as we know, insurance companies accept goods packed in cartons to be insured againstTPND. Inc

208、ase of theft and pilferage, you may be assured that you will get indemnification fromthe insurance company concerned.13) The traces of pilferage are easier to be found out for the goods packed in cartons than inwooden cases. Therefore, they will help you to get compensation from the insurance compan

209、y.14) It is necessary to make transhipment at Hamberg for goods to be shipped to our port.Therefore, your packing must be seaworthy and can stand rough handling.15) The quality of your Ginseng Wine is fine, but its packing is rather poor. Bottles are subject tobreakage and paper boxes are very thin.

210、 Please put each bottle in a foam plastic casing and then ina thicker paper box for our future orders, otherwise, we shall be compelled to give up thisbusiness.16) In the construction of an export package, the important factors of efficiency and economymust be taken into consideration. The exporter

211、should bear in mind that the goods should bepacked in a manner which ensures their safe arrival at destination and facilitates their handling intransit.IH, Translate the following phrases into English.l)to be cased/to be encased2) to be bagged3) to be boxed4) to be matted5) to be baled6) casing extr

212、a7) cased free8) boxed free9) bagged free10) matted free11) baled free12) packed for export13) cases to be iron-hooped14) iron-hooping15) iron-banding16) roping17) caning18) in good condition/in good order/in good state19) in rotten condition20) in musty conditionIV. Write a letter in English accord

213、ing to the following particulars.In reply to your letter of 31 st August inquiring about the packing of our Trip Scissors, we wish tostate as below:Our export Trip Scissors are packed in boxes of one dozen each, 100 boxes to a carton. Thedimensions are 17 cm high, 30 cm wide and 50 cm long with a vo

214、lume of about 0.026 cubic meter.The gross weight is 23.5k, while the net weight is 22.5kg. As to the shipping marks outside thecarton, in addition to the gross, net weights and tare, the wording MADEIN THE PEOPLESREPUBLIC OF CHINA is also stenciled on the package. Should you have any special prefere

215、ncein this respect, please let us know and we would meet you to the best of our ability.Taking this opportunity, we would like to inform you that we used to pack our scissors inwooden cases but after several trial shipments in carton packing, we found our cartons just asseaworthy wooden cases. Besid

216、es, cartons are less expensive, lighter to carry and cost lowerfreight. So, nowadays more and more clients are preferring carton packing to wooden casepacking. We trust that you will agree to our opinion and accept our carton packing.We thank you in advance for your early reply.Yours faithfully,V, P


218、xporter:DATE: NOV. 2, 1997GUANGDONG TEXTILES IMPORT & EXPORTKNITWEARS COMPANY LIMITEDINVOICE NO.: 9703SP023B/LNO.: SA75214S/C NO.: DY-039L/C NO.: KRT2899302BY VESSELMarks& numbers 标记件数Quantity 货名description of goods 净重N.W毛 重 G W .尺码MeasurementN/M30DOZ/BALE24BALES CHILDRENS 65 PERCENT COTTON35 PERCEN


220、 Introduction 概述国际货物运输在国际贸易中发挥很重要的作用, 这是因为, 卖方的货物必须运送到买方的手中,这就要由运输服务来完成。货物运输可以由公路、铁路、海洋运输、航空运输来进行。最近几年,一种混合运输方式:公路一海路一铁路,很受欢迎。由 于 98%左右的货物运输都是海洋运输,因此,这一章重点放在海洋运输,目前,集装箱运输业发展越来越快。货物运输主要涉及三个当事人:发货人、收货人和承运人。如果由公路、铁路或航空运输货物, 那么运输合同形式为装运提单或空运提单。如果是海洋运输, 那么就要租船定舱。 那么船主与承运人之间鉴定的合同形式就是租船合同或是海运提单。装运包括一系列工作,如

221、:1) 买方寄出装运指示;2) 卖方寄出装运通知;3) 预定舱位:4) 租船;5) 指派代理;6) 安排装运;通知船名等。如果由班轮运输承担运输任务的话, 第一步要做的就是了解运费情况。 承运人提供的运费报价实质上就构成一个报盘,如果认为这一报价可行的话,要立即接受,这样承运人可以保留所需舱位,同时发出装运通知书( 装运单) ,寄给码头工作人员。当货物运抵码头后,装运通知书要换成码头收据或大副收据, 码头收据或大副收据用于表明收到货物时货物的情况如何,在货船起航前,这些收据要换成提单。海运提单是运输的重要单证,它有三个作用:第一,代表货物的收据。第二,在某种条件下履行某种义务的契约。第三,所述

222、货物所有权的证据。当提单上注有“ 指示”时,该提单则成了一种可转让的票据,用作货款担保或其他目的。以这种方式开立的提单为记名提单,而直运提单是开给特定收货人的,这种提单不可转让。随着国际贸易日益增长, 集装箱服务变得越来越多。 尽管大量的货物运输是由海洋运输承担,但集装箱的使用还是极大地提高了公路、 铁路和航空运输的运输效率, 并将运输成本降低一半左右。集装箱由刚铁制成,有固定的长度和宽度,从 10英寸到40英寸。货物装运完毕后,不管交易是按FOB, C FR ,还是CIF成交,卖方都应立即通知对方。如果货物的性质, 除非在合同中另有规定, 通常卖方可以根据合同中的货物情况, 分期分批装运。随

223、着国际贸易的高速发展,运输设备也得到极大改进,以满足日益增长的需求。除了海洋运输、公路和铁路运输外,现在为了加快装运速度,航空运输 业也发展很快,空运采用的不是海运提单,而是空运提单,象海运提单一样,空运提单可以表明收到货物时货物情况如何,但是,空运提单不象海运提单那样,对货物拥有所有权,因此,空运提单不可以转让。撰写装运信函通常有以下目的:催促早日装运;修改装运条款;发出装船通知;寄送装船单据等等。卖方应趁此通知买方货物已装船的机会,回顾一下交易的过程,并表示进一步发展业务的愿望。Section Two Specimen LettersSpecimen 1敬启者:按照你方上封来函的指示,现告

224、知你方装运的安排,4 月装核桃仁2 5 公吨,5 月装花生仁20公吨,6 月装核桃25公吨。请确认并即通知我方船名及轮船的估计到达时间。启Specimen 2敬启者:有关我FC0789号销售合同书确认书项下的1000打” 虎头” 牌手电筒的9891号信用证己收到。现确认该货已于8 月 3 日装“ 东风” 轮,在香港转船。现随函附去下列装运单据的副本一套:不可流通的提单经签署的889号发票装箱单1001号产地证保险单趁此机会,我们向你方保证,我方将密切合作。启Specimen 3敬启者:我们向你方提及关于订购6 吨经过加工的聚乙烯的4567号订单。该批货将于下月底才能装运。当订这批货时,我方认为

225、我们的存货足够用至12月份。然而, 最近市场对这种聚乙烯的需求量是如此之大以致于我方现在必须要求你方立即安排装运。- 收到上述货物,我们将能更准确的判断我方的需要,并将相应地向你方订货。. . .启Specimen 4敬启者:你 方 4 月 3 0 日询盘收悉,谢谢。我公司的集装箱有两种尺寸,它们分别为:2 0 英尺和30英尺长。集装箱两面开门,可同时进行装卸。由于装运的货物易于被湿气和水损坏,故这种集装箱具有密封不漏水、不透气之优点。如有必要,集装箱还可在工厂装货后锁闭,这样可避免偷窃事件发生。该箱有气温调控,可装需要特别照顾的任何货物。人们在装运时可充分利用( 或发挥)其优点。如同一集装箱

226、内,装有发往同一港口的几批货,可节省运费同时还可以节省保险费用,因集装箱运输保险费率较低。现随函附寄我公司费率表一份,请指示。. . .启Specimen 5敬启者:你定单134号的信用证第5757号我方感谢你延展第5757好信用证。我们已于今天将货物装上“Nellore” 号货轮,该轮定于明天驶往你港。随函附寄的装运单据如下:1)不可流通的提单一份2)发票一式两份3)包装单据一式三份4)厂家质量证书一份5)保险单一份经过长时间的延误之后,今天终于可以装运你方定单,相信该批货会按时到达你处。今后我们将迅速而认真地完成你方定单。启Specimen 6敬启者:我们从你方的装运通知中得悉, 我们于4

227、 月 10日订购的陶瓷古玩和瓷器已由“ 风涛” 轮装运。按照装运日程安排,预期一两天即可到达。然而,经与当地运输代理商多次联系,我方惊讶的得悉,该轮根本还未到达上海,更不用说完成装货并驶往大阪。你方寄给我们一式两份提单副本的日期是提前开出的。 事实上货物仍在上海码头等待装运。 这些单证对你方毫无好处,相反它将证明你方在处理这笔交易上的欺诈行为。你方也许记得,我们一而再地强调过,准时装运是至关重要的,因为这些陶瓷古玩和瓷器规定要在7 月 9 日东京国际展览会上展出。 我们认为, 现在正当时间紧迫之时与你方争执有关拖延装运之事是不值得的。 为避免我们未能履行与办展当局所签定的合同的唯一补救办法是立

228、即不惜任何代价用航空把货物运出。 请让我们说一句,你方必须就此事与我们合作,因为未能把该陶瓷古玩和瓷器在展览会上展出, 不仅给我们带来经济上的沉重损失, 而且将损害你方作为著名瓷器生产厂家的声誉和形象。为公平起见,我们愿意支付航空运费,而你方应当负担其他开支,例如把货物从码头搬运到机场。我们已指示我们的银行在信用证中加上” 海运或空运 字样, 并盼你方确认保证货物能准时到达东京,即于7 月 6 日或之前。启Specimen 7敬启者:我们十分重视你方5 月 2 1 日的来信。 对你方订购的陶瓷古玩和瓷器的延误装运以及由“ 风涛” 轮装运的不实信息表示歉意。该轮系外商运输代理行经营的航行于太平洋

229、的不定期货轮。 过去它的确令人满意地为我们服务过,例如需要特别小心的几次玻璃器皿的装运处理得比期望的好。鉴于这样的经验,故我们委托“ 风涛” 轮装运。不幸的是,它竟使我们的期望落空。据该运输代理商称, 那一式两份的提单副本是由于工作中混淆的结果而误寄的。 它决不意味着任何欺骗客户的意图。尽管如此,我们已取消了舱位,并坚决要求赔偿我们双方蒙受的损失。现在该货物已搬运至机场,等待明天由上海航空公司SHA-435班机运往东京。我们相信这是解决此事的最好办法。所有单证起准备完毕立即以特快邮件寄发。启2007年 6 月 2 9 日Specimen 8敬启者:参阅我方关于订购2,000公吨锡皮纸的第187

230、9号订单的信函和电挂,到目前为止,尽管在合同中规定这批货要在本月底之前装运, 但我方仍没有收到有关确切的装船信息。 我方信用证早在2007年 6 月就由中国银行开出。此次延误已给我方带来极大不便。请立即告知最早装运期。否则我方保留取消这次订单,以及向你方提出由此带来的损失的索赔权利。启Section Five ExercisesI. Shippinc instruction.2. destination; consigning the goods to Tianjin3. mode of transport; using normal export container4. receiving

231、goods; sending the goods to simons & Co.5. shipping marks; marking the goods as requested6. choosing a forwarding company; shipping the goods per s/s sunlight”.IL Shipping problems.2. amend the LC by extending its shipping date; impossible to book space; no vessel sailing toHamburg direct now3. have

232、 the goods carried by m/s Sea wolf; no shipping container sailing to your port during thetime requested; Unidentified4. amend the LC by deleting the special clause heading Partial Shipment not allowed; unable todeliver the order by one lot; lack of space of the carrying vessels.IH Fill in the blanks

233、 with the following words and expressions.l)effect2)transhipment3)allow partial shipment4)direct steamer5)advise6)shipment7)proved8)prompt delivery9)advice of shipment10)findIV. Translate the followinc sentences into English.1) We should be glad if you could manage to ship the goods by S.S East Wind

234、 sailing from July1st.2) Please ship the first lot number under Contract No. 123 by S.S Long March scheduled to sailon or about May 2nd.3) We shall appreciate it if you will effect shipment as soon aspossible, thus enabling our buyers to catch the brisk demand at the start of the season.4) We trust

235、you will see to it that the order is shipped with the stipulated time, as any delaywould cause us no little inconvenience.5) Our factories are fully committed for the third quarter. In fact, many of our clients are placingorders for delivery in the fourth quarter.6) We are sure you certainly realize

236、 that the time of delivery is a matter of great importance tous. If we place our goods on the market at a time when all other importers have already sold theirgoods at profitable prices, we shall lose out.7) Its like this. There are only one or two ships sailing a month from New York to Osaka, while

237、sailings from Hong Kong are quite frequent. If shipment were effected from Hong Kong, we couldreceive the goods much earlier.8) We check their production schedule against our orders almost every day. As new orders keepcoming in, they are working three shifts to step up production. Im sorry, but we s

238、imply can notcommit ourselves beyond what the production schedule can fulfill.9) Owing to heavy commitments, they cannot advance delivery from June to April but theyunderstand perfectly that July is the selling season for shirts in your market. They eventually agreeto make delivery in mid-May.V, Tra

239、nslate the following letter into English.Dear SirsYour S/CNo.1234Our L/C No. 9876With reference to the privious exchanges of letters covering the shipment under the captioned L/C,up till now we have not got any news from you about the goods. Please take good note of thismatter.We have told you in ou

240、r previous letter that our customers are in urgent need of the goods andasked us to promise early delivery. In such circusmtances, it is very clear that we cannot extendthe L/C any more. So we think we have the responsibility to mention you to pay more attention tothe shipment of the goods.All the p

241、arties in question hope you to arrange the shipment as soon as possible. We wish you tofax us telling us how about the shipment without any delay.Yours faithfully,VI. Write a letter according to the following particulars.Dear Sirs,Re: Cotton Jacquard Bath TowelsThank you for your telex of June 13 an

242、d letter of June 14 together with your Order SheetNo.98561. We enclose our S/C No. FC9789 in duplicate, a copy of which is to be returned to usafter being countersigned by you.We note that your Order stipulates direct shipment. As there are only a limited number ofdirect sails from here to Lagos, sh

243、ipment will probably be delayed under that stipulation. It isdesirable to have the goods transhipped at Hong Kong or elsewhere. For this reason, we wouldrequest you to allow transhipment in the relevant L/C so as to avoid subsequent amendments.Shipment will be effected within 30 days after receipt o

244、f your L/C.Yours sincerely,Chapter Eleven InsuranceSection One Introduction 概述保险U国际贸易关系密切,做国际贸易时,货物要从卖方的手中运到买方的手中,这期间货物要经历长途跋涉,无论是空运,还是陆路运输,还是海洋运输都是如此,在运输途中,还必须经历装、卸和仓储。在整个过程当中,货物很有可能会受到这样或那样的损害,也可能会丢失,也可能会灭失。为了避免这些情况的发生,在货物装运前,买方或者卖方会向保险公司为货物投保。鉴于大多数进出口货物采用的都是海洋运输, 本章所涉及的内容主要是海洋运输, 讨论的内容主要是各种常用的海洋运

245、输保险。此外,作为外贸业务,海洋运输保险是一项必须争取的业务项目,它属于无形贸易,可以增加外汇。Section Two Specimen LettersSpecimen 1敬启者:兹通知你方:我方已订好船舱位,你 方 2847号订单项下的100箱盐渍猪肠衣将于6 月 25日左右装“ 云南 号轮运至你港。我们相信你方一定能在你处即时投保该货。. . .启Specimen 2敬启者:关于214号销售合同项下的4000箱铁钉,很高兴通知你方,我方已向中国银行伦敦分行开出了保兑的,不可撤销的第231号信用证,金额为6, 813美元,有效期至5 月 15日截止。请注意:上述货物务必于5 月 15日前装运

246、,并将按发票金额的130%投保一切险。由于我方能理解, 按照你方惯例,你们只按发票金额的110%投保, 那麽额外的保险费将由我方负担。请按我方要求进行投保,期待你方装运通知。启Specimen 3敬启者:事由: 你方347号订单4000件黄麻袋你方要求我方对标题下货物按发票金额130%投保的1月 2 3 日来函收悉。尽管我们的惯例是按发票金额的110%投保, 但是,我们还是准备按照你方的要求, 按发票金额的130% 办理保险。不过,额外的保险费将由你方负责。务请注意上述内容。启Specimen 4敬启者:兹回复你方关于保险问题的6 月 2 5 日函,现很高兴告知你方如下:综合险: 一 般地,如

247、果没有接到我方客户明确指示前提下,我们只保水渍险和战争险。如果你方想保综合险,我们可按稍高一点的保险费率办理承保险别o破碎险:破碎险是一个特殊险别,要加额外费用。日前的费率大约为。破碎率超过5%才可以索赔损失。所保金额:我们获悉你方希望我方按发票金额的( 百分之一十)110%投保这批运至你方的货物,你方这要求得到我方的即时办理。 我们相信上述信息将满足你方需要。吩继续回音!启Specimen 5敬启者:我方第554号订单,贵方第S/C675号 1000箱电动玩具兹谈及我方第101号订单1000箱电动玩具,此笔交易按CFR成交。我方希望贵方在当地对此货物投保,如蒙贵方代表我方按发票金额的110%

248、投保切险,即4, 400美元,我方将倍感高兴。当然,一收到贵方的收款清单,我方将向贵方付清保费。若贵方愿意,也可向我方即期提取相同的金额。衷心希望贵方能满足我方的要求。启Specimen 6敬启者:我方通过国际航空公司的客轮或货轮定期向澳大利亚悉尼发送青岛啤酒。 烦请贵方告知能否对此货物投保一切险及其投保条件。 此外, 我方想知道贵方能否答应我方按月付的特惠保率。启Specimen 7敬启者:我方刚刚收到贵方用以支付上釉墙壁瓷砖的第157号信用证。务请注意,对此货物我方不投破碎险。因此,贵方必须将“ 破碎险” 从信用证中的保险条款中删除。此外,我方要指出的是,像窗户玻璃、陶瓷等货物,即使已投保

249、额外的破碎险,保险仍有5%的免赔率。换句话说,如果破损费低于5 % ,我方对此损失不作赔偿。 我方相信贵方已清楚地了解了这些情况,请立即电报修改信用证。. . .启Specimen 8敬启者:当 Eancastria” 轮 于 11月 10日到达的黎波里港时, 我们发现装有收音机的第7 号箱子有一边已经裂开。 因此我们在轮船公司代理在场的情况下请本地保险公司的货物检查员把箱子打开并检查了里面的货物。发票上列明该箱装有24台“ 熊猫” 牌收音机,其中6 台已严重损坏。现附上检查员的报告和轮船公司代理人的声明。因为我们是按C IF 订购的,由你方投保保险,所以如果你方能代我们向承保人提出要求处理此

250、事,我们将非常感谢。我们要求更换这6 台收音机。请安排供应,货款记在我方帐上。希望这一保险索赔不会给你方带来困难,井预先感谢你方合作。启2007年 11 月 2 0 日Section Five ExercisesL Fill in the blanks with proper words or phrasesThe international trade is subject to many risks. Ships may sink or consignments be damaged intransit, exchange rates may alter, buyers default o

251、r governments suddenly impose an embargo.Therefore, exporters and importers have to insure themselves against many of these risks.The history of insurance goes back as far as the twelfth century, when marine insurance wasknown to exist in North Italy. In the fourteenth century, Italian merchants cam

252、e to Britain andbrought their system of insurance to safeguard ships and cargo with them. In those days, of course,there were no insurance companies; merchants would group together and write their names undera promise to pay for ships or cargoes lost in storms or taken by pirates, and this is how th

253、e term“underwriters“ came into existence. If the ship was lost, the financial loss was spread and nosingle merchant risked all his money.H, Fill in the blanks with the foHowing words and expressions.l)cover 7). covered2)covers 8).insure3)cover 9).insurance4)covered 10).effected5)covering 11).insuran

254、ce6)cove ring 12).co verageHL Translate the following sentences into English.1. Please see to it that the above-mentioned goods are to be shipped before 5th June and insuredagainst All Risks for 150% of the invoice value. We know that according to your usual practice,you insure the goods only for 11

255、0% of the invoice value, therefore, the extra premium will beborne by us.2. An insurance claim should be submitted to the insurance company or its agent as promptly aspossible so as to provide the insurance company or its agent with ample time to pursue recoveryfrom the relative party at fault.3. We

256、 regret to inform you that Case No.8 was invoiced as containing 10 type writers, eight ofwhich were badly damaged upon arrival. We enclose an inspection certificate issued by theShanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau and the shipping agents statement and hope that nodifficulty will arise in the settle

257、ment of our above claim amounting to US$3,000.4. In the absence of your definite instructions regarding insurance, we covered your orderedgoods against W.P.A. for 110% of the invoice value according to our usual practice.5. If you desire to cover your goods against All Risks, we can provide such cov

258、erage, but at aslightly higher premium, the difference of which will be for your account.6. Weve covered insurance on these goods for 10% above the invoice value against All Risks.7. As our usual practice, insurance covers basic risks only, at 110 percent of the invoice value. Ifcoverage against oth

259、er risks is required, such as breakage, leakage, TPND, hook andcontamination damages, the extra premium involved would be for the buyefs account.8. Well, commodities insurance is one of the major items of an insurance corporation. There aredifferent means of commodities transportation: marine, land,

260、 aviation, and so on and so forth.IV MulitiDle Choice.l .a 2.a 3.c 4.c 5.a 6.d 7.b 8.b 9.b lO.bll .c 12.c 13.b 14.a 15.b 16.c 17.d 18.d 19.a 2O.b21.a 22.c 23.d 24.b 25.a 26.b 27.a 28. d 29.a 3O.bV Please write a letter in English according to the followine particulars.Dear Sirs,We refer to Contract

261、No. CT101 signed on December, 1 st,2007, under which we decided 3,000M/Ts of Green Beans will be delivered in March, 2008 and be covered for 110% of the invoicevalue against All Risks. However, up till now we have not heard any news about the delivery fromyou.As our clients are in urgent need for th

262、e goods, please see to it that you should deliver and insurethe goods against All Risks within the time stipulated in the contract, or we will have to lodge aclaim and reserve the right to cancel the contract.Yours faithfully,VI. Translate the following letter into English.Dear Sirs,We refer to our

263、Purchase Confirmation No.l 11 for 5,000 M/Ts of Cotton. We are notifying that wehave opened through XX Bank a confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit No.333, totaling USD88000, the L/C shall remain in force till 31st December;Please see to it that the above mentioned articles should be shipped befor

264、e the end of Decemberand the goods should be covered insurance for 130% of the invoice value against All Risks.We know that according to your usual practice, you insure the goods only at invoice value plus10%, therefore, the extra premium will be for our account.Please arrange insurance as per our r

265、equirements, and we await you advice of shipment.Yours faithfully,Chapter Twelve Complaints and ClaimsSection One Introduction 概述尽管在履行合同的过程中已做了精心安排和仔细工作,还是会出现抱怨或索赔。一般来说,投诉有两种情况:一种是真投诉;一种是假投诉。真投诉主要包括以下三个方面:a . 发错货物;b . 货物质量有问题;c , 货物受损,或短装,或迟到。假投诉主要是买方对货物吹毛求疵,以便找借口违约,这是因为,买方可能不再需要这些货物,或者可以从别的供货商处买到更便

266、宜的货物。假设你是一名购货商,别人的错误使你遭受损失,如果要提起索赔的话,你必须首先进行详细调查,调查的结果要让有关方都知道。有时可以提及以前令人满意的交易,以获得更多的理解和同情,以便能尽快解决问题。 。在处理投诉和索赔时,我们应遵循有理有据有节的原则,灵活理智地处理矛盾,让涉及的各方满意。有必要仔细调查情况,弄清楚具体原因,明白应承担责任的一方。在写投诉信时,要注意措词,选用合适的语言,避免误解。如果卖方首先发现自己错了,应该立即写信给买方承认错误,并提出解决办法,而不要等到买方写信来投诉、索赔。对投诉信的处理一定要谨慎认真,尽管有时投诉或索赔是毫无根据的,也应如此,在没有充分理由证明谁对

267、谁错时不要轻易拒绝对方投诉或索赔。Section Two Specimen LettersSpecimen 1敬启者:事由:你第4905号销货确认书我 第 1987号信用证请参阅我方先前的电传和传真关于标题信用证项下货物的装运事情, 至今尚未得到你方的任何消息,请予注意。我方已在先前的一封信中通知你方, 用户迫切要此货,并且已催促我保证早日交货,在此情况下, 很明显, 我方不可能将上述信用证再予展期。 我们认为有责任再次提醒你方注意此事。有关各方均切盼你迅速办理装运事宜。希望来电通知有关装运情况,不再拖延。. 启2008年 5 月 2 3 日Specimen 2敬启者:事由:我第538KZ-7

268、6E号销货确认书你第969号订单我已一再函电要求你赶快开立有关信用证,以便我按时装运,可是,非常失望,至今没有收到你方答复。你应知道, 你长期默不出声, 使我十分为难。 我们不可能让上述确认书长期搁置, 不予履行。为此,如果你不能在5 月 15日前将信用证开到我处,我没有别的办法,只好撤消该确认书,同时,保留向你索赔由此而招致的一切损失。这个问题望你认真予以考虑。启2008年 5 月 1 日Specimen 3Dear Sirs,敬启者:你 公 司 ( 指轮船公司)2 月 2 8 日第19号提单项下收货人,科伦坡Bombey & Sons公司刚通知我方:由 玛利亚 轮从黄埔运至科伦坡的100箱

269、货有两箱丢失了。 收货人在当地与你代理公司联系此事,你代理公司通知收货人要他直接和我公司联系调查。实际情况是:该提单是清洁提单,上面没有任何不良的批语,并清楚地注明该100箱货装上船时, 外表情况良好。 在我装货单上和该轮大副所出收据上也有同样的批注。 因此, 很明显,短交货物是由于你方的过错所造成。 如果丢失情况落实, 我方保留向你索赔短交货物的权利。请你早日澄清并处理这一事故。启2008年3月11日Specimen 4敬启者:你2008年3月11日函收到,谢谢。据我卡拉奇代理公司今日通知,你函所提到的两箱货已越载目的港而被运到卡拉奇,并在该港卸岸了。现我正在安排从速将该两箱货运回科伦坡,并

270、已指示我科伦坡代理通知有关收货人。所有费用,概由我方负担。事实经过是这样的:Maria”轮为了赶潮,提前几小时离港( 科伦坡) 。当时我船上理货人员,在海关官员监督下,匆忙盖上舱盖,未能清理货物,而把那两箱货留在舱里。但是,如果那两箱货是和其余98箱堆放在一起的话,也就不会发生这次漏卸事故了。因迟延交货,给你公司和收货人带来了麻烦,特此谨致歉意。保证在今后的交易中随时为你们提供我们的最佳服务。. . .启2008年3月2 8日Specimen 5敬启者:事由: 你 第667号销货确认书北京代理通知我方上述确认书项下200套茶具于7月8日由“ 红旗” 轮运抵路易港。 非常遗憾到货件数中约20%已

271、严重损坏,箱内货物粉碎,箱外铁皮断裂。当即请合格的验货人员到现场检验调查这事故,他们的结论是:货物受损,显然是由于包装不妥所致。等进一步检验每箱的损坏情况后,即将寄你详细的检验报告。按确认书规定,该批茶具应以适合远洋运输的坚固木箱包装,为此,我只好要你负责这次损坏事故,并向你索赔由此而遭受的损失。客户正在催我立即处理解决此案,因此,请告知你方决定如何赔偿我方的损失。侯早复。. . .启Specimen 6敬启者:事由: 我 第9870号信用证- 茶具你7月11日函悉。来函提及上述货物运抵你港时,有 约20%的包件损坏。十分遗憾。谅你了解,我茶具长期来广销国外许多市场,所有客户对我包装都感满意。

272、我出口的每批货物在装船前均经我装运部门严格检验, 每个包件须经仔细检查。上述销货确认书项下货物装船时, 情况良好, 每个包件均清楚地刷有 小心搬运 、“ 易碎物品” 以及其他必要的注意标志。船公司所签发的洁净提单,证明了这些事实。 经仔细研究,我估计这次货物损坏,可能是由于在运输途中或在卸货过程中遭受粗鲁搬运所致。 这样, 你应向船公司或保险公司交涉这个问题,保险公司已为你保了破碎险,责任应由他们之中的一方承担,我们没有理由赔偿你所提出的损失。. . .启2008年7月2 0日Specimen 7敬启者:事由:经由巴特利号货轮装运的2,000听中国产蜂蜜上述货物开舱后,发现其颜色不能令人满意,

273、大部分呈琥珀色,小部分甚至呈深琥珀色,无论如何,这样的颜色说成是浅琥珀色是没有理由的。由于到货不适合包装商( 食品商)的用途,客户拒绝收货,并将该货推给我们处理。即使亏损很大,我们也卖不出去。现随函附去检验报告一份, 用以证实上面所说情况; 井附去第221号收款通知单( 借方帐单) ,金额为500英镑,此数是对这次损失的最低限度的估价。请从速处理此案为感。启2008年 2 月 15日Specimen 8敬启者:事由: 装“Victoria”轮 100包白羊毛事上述货物一抵汉堡,即予过磅,现附去由合格的过磅员签发的重量单一份。 从该重量单,你会看到该货短重4 1 公 斤 ( 约 91磅 。近来,

274、我发现你运交的好儿批货都有短重的事情,而过去从未出现过这样的事情。这种短重损失更减少了我原已微薄的利润,以后不要在出现这样的短重事情了。对这次短重损失,你打算如何补偿,盼告。启2008年 3 月 15日Section Five Exercises1. b 2. c. 3. c 4. a 5. a 6. f 7. a 8. d 9. e 10. gIL When you receive a complaint, it may be wise to apoloeize (even it was not your fault)and promise to put things right in th

275、e following ways.1. ship the 3001bs immediately on receipt of this letter.We sincerely apologize for the shortage and have today shipped the 3001bs demanded in yourletter dated . We hope the accident hasnt caused you any inconvenience and will take measuresto prevent such trouble in the future.2. re

276、place all the records and deliver them to us at once?We are extremely sorry to learn that our gramaphone records were damaged when reaching you.We will certainly replace them and have in fact done so today.In view of the fragile nature of the goods, we Ye seeking the advice of packing consultants to

277、improve packing methods.We regret the need for you to write to us and hope the steps we are taking will ensure safe arrivalof your future orders.3. refund the difference, which I calculate to be $300?We wish to apologize fbr our mistake in overcharging you for the copper sheets you ordered fromus. T

278、ve looked into the matter and discovered that the overcharge is due to a computer error by anewly-employed clerk, Ive already refunded the money owed to your account and enclose therefund slip.I hope this will not effect our good relations in future dealings.4. check and correct it?I am sorry about

279、this. It is due to a typing error. I am now sending you a new one.III. Translate the Following Sentences into English.1) There has been so far no complaint of our packing.2) We are prepared to compensate you for the amount of 161.40 for the loss you sustained.3) The damage is obviously due to very r

280、ough handling, so you are requested to take up thematter with the insurance company.4) We are obliged to a claim against you for the loss we have thus sustained.5) Our manufacturers will not consider your proposal unless they are duly compensated for theloss incurred by the end of this month.6) We r

281、egret our inability to accept your claim because the goods were in apparent good orderand condition when they were loaded on board the ship.7) Obviously, the serious damage to the two cases was brought about during transit and that is amatter beyond our control.8) Since the gcx) ds have been deliver

282、ed on CIF basis, you are requested to refer the claim to theinsurance company concerned.9) We register a claim for US$500 and enclose herewith a survey report issued by SCIB.10) We cannot but express our surprise at this unfortunate incident.11) In spite of the unfortunate incident, we shall quote y

283、ou favorable prices as usual.12) Not only have you been unpunctual in effecting shipment, but also the goods you suppliedare not up to the standard as well. We think it necessary for you to take measures to make up forthe defects.13) We shall take every step necessary to prevent a repetition of simi

284、lar incidents in future.14) Upon its arrival in London on board the S.S. Cornea, it was found, much to our regret, thatabout 50% of the cases were leaking. Closer inspection by the Health Officers showed that thecontents were considered unfit for human consumption.15) I have to remind you that our t

285、erms are CIF port of London. While we have full confidence inyour Commodities Inspection Bureau, this is a case that occurred after their sampling and analysisat the factory. And the broken tins through careless handling and deterioration of the contents enroute brought about this state of affairs.I

286、V Write a letter of claim to the supplier covering the following contents.Dear Sirs,We have just received the 50 cases of Chinaware shipped by M/S “President under Order No. 123,but regret to inform you that 7 cases were broken and their contents badly damaged.As you see our Survey Report stating th

287、e damage was attributed to improper packing. We musttherefore lodge a claim against you for damage and inspection fee of the goods amounting toUS$10,000. We hope the matter will call your best attention.Yours faithfully,V Write an English letter according to the following particulars.Dear Sirs,We ar

288、e pleased to enclose a Credit Note No.985 for US$95.00 in full payment of your claim fordamage to your Order No.105. We realize only too well that we cannot make up for theinconvenience caused to you, but we will endeavor to satisfy and please you in every futuretransaction.We have been making every

289、 effort to see to it that the quality of the goods shipped from ourfactory merits your confidence by giving the best service, but difficulties sometimes do arise inspite of all precautions to prevent them.We again appreciate your cooperation and we are certain that our friendly relation will continu

290、e todevelop as in the past.Yours sincerely,Chapter Thirteen AgencySection One Introduction 概述众所周知,国际贸易的大量交易可用各种代理方式来达成,当一家公司欲发展国外市场时,便经常借助于代表该公司的代理商去推销产品。 现在, 大多数发展中国家都愿意委托外国代理商和中间人来帮助开发海外市, 因为这些代理熟知那些货物在什么地方有销路, 什么价格最合适,因此,我们说代理商在国际贸易中扮演着越来越重要的作用。在选择代理人时,不管是公司还是个人,公司应对未来的代理就其资格、经验和品行进行调查了解,如必须知道:1)

291、 他们的可靠性和财力情况;2) 他们的市场联系状况以及销售机构效率情况;3) 他们经营即将投放市场商品的技术能力;4) 他们所担任的其他代理的性质及范围,尤其要注意是否与竞争产品之销售有联系。在写代理这类信时,要注意以下几点:1) 代理性质和期限;2) 涉及的地区;3) 代理人和委托人的责任;4) 购货及销售方法。Section Two Spedmeii LettersSpecimen 1敬启者:从贵国商会得悉,贵方是一家经销印花棉床单的公司。据悉,你方在纽约尚未有直接代理。今写信告知,我们愿为贵方效劳,担当你方的独家代理。我们在此地有一个组织良好的销售机构, 在全国各地有代表我公司的大量职员

292、。 经研究他们所提供的报告后, 我们发现, 因我方市场对你方产品要求甚殷, 所以此地获利市场前景甚佳。鉴于在推销此类产品方面我方有广泛联系并有多年经验, 你我双方定能建立起令人满意的业务关系。我们认为,销售净额上给予我方5%的佣金较为合理。如能达成令人满意的条款,我方准备支付所有贷款,对此,我方要求给予2%的保付佣金。如贵方欲了解我方的财务状况和信誉情况,请向中国银行纽约分行及我国其他商会咨询。盼你方佳音。我方相信,就条款事宜,定能达成协议。启( Reply)敬启者:兹确认由双方反复商谈达成的代理协议,希望这只是你我双方良好合作的开始,并期待与你公司合作愉快。在未拟订准备签订的合同之前,我们愿

293、意确认双方达成的协议要点,即:1) 代理处自1月 1 日起开始营业,为期2 年,可以续约延长。2) 我方将给予5%的佣金。3) 代理处不能为你方自己的利益或其他商号或公司的利益,推销与我公司相竞争的产品。4) 所有客户定单需尽快送给我公司,以便直接供应货物。5) 未经我公司同意,不得给予或承诺任何客户赊帐条件。6) 加信用担保代理佣金2%。7) 所有运往英国Torquay的货物,均按船上交货价给佣金6%。8) 协议项下的异议,由仲裁解决。一俟收到你方来函确认上述各点,当即拟定合同,寄送你公司会签。Specimen 2敬启者:从驻贵国我方商务处得知贵公司名址, 他们推荐公司为推销我方产品的代理。

294、 最近我们新开发了一种电动玩具,因而需要在贵地寻求一位代理。从商务处得知, 贵公司在推销方面有很高声望和良好信誉, 故写信商讨代理事宜。 我们希望,年营业额不低于500000美元, 在执行所有定单时,我方愿以CFR价计算,给予5%的佣金。如贵方有意担当我方代理, 并认为卜. 述营业额值得担当我方独家代理, 敬请告知, 不胜感激。我们相信,有你方作为我方代理,我们定能在贵国各地迅速建立起良好的市场一俟受到贵方肯定答复,我方将草拟协议,并立即给贵方寄去,以供考虑。Specimen 3敬启者:在去年秋交会上,我们对贵公司的商品质量之高、设计之佳及价格之合理,颇有好感。看过贵公司的商品插图目录之后,

295、深信贵公司的产在我地会有良好的销路。 如果贵公司在此地还没有代理,我们有意做贵公司的独家代理。我公司是本地主要家电用品进口商之一,已经营20多年,十分熟悉英国市场,与本地区许多批发商有密切的业务联系。深信,如给我方以经营你方货物的机会, 将可获得双方都极为满意的结果.请告货价、佣金率及支付条款,以便与客户洽淡定货事宜。. . .启Specimen 4敬启者:经由ABC公司介绍,我们得知你公司有可能接受我们300打男式衬衫的销售委托,并能以优惠价出售。我们获知你公司在本地有着广泛的业务联系,并有良好的信誉,为此,我们打算发运下列300打男式衬衫, 委托你公司寄售,请尽可能以有利的价格出售:编号

296、1-40 100打 男式衬衫 白色编号 41-70 100打 男式衬衫 奶油色编号 71-100 100打 男式衬衫 混合色上列货物, 已于今日装上由本港直航你港的“ 唯多利亚”轮运往你处。随函附上寄售发票及提单副本, 请在货物受出之前予以投保,我们不想冒任何风险.我们很想知道该货在你地的销售情况, 因此,货物到达后, 请尽可能告知有关情况。Specimen 5敬启者:兹告知你方,由维“ 多利亚”号货轮运来的100箱寄售的男式衬衫已按时抵达,连同所附寄售发票及提单,均已收到。货物到达后,经开箱发现非常适合我地市场销售,因此,相信我们定能很快找到合适的买主。无论如何,我们将尽最大努力予以销售,深

297、信结果一定会使你方满意。货物销出后,一定尽早告你有关情况启Specimen 6敬启者:贵方5 月 2 2 日来函收悉。为在贵方市场试销,对于发票,提单以及附带的其他单据副本上详细记述的商品,我们以通过轮船“ 玛利亚号”寄运。同时. ,应贵方的要求,对发票金额五十万六美元,我方已于本日向贵公司客户,西雅图市史密斯公司开出见票后3 0 日付款的汇票。我们希望该商品能状况良好地到达贵地, 并能以好的价格售出。 静候贵公司来函告知上述商品的销售情况。. . .启SDecimen 7敬启者: 长征 货轮所载的5 0 箱供圣诞节用的礼品,已全部售出,特此通知。从所附销售清单中可以看出,所有商品的售价均高于

298、预估金额。一开始,就能向贵公司提供如此满意的报告,我们也很高兴。应付贵公司的净款,暂由我公司代为保管,听候贵公司的处理。我们希望贵公司对此能有所指示。恭候来函。启Specimen 8敬启者:贵公司2008年 4 月 2 3 日函悉,通知寄售的60箱杂货,已 由 “ 玛利亚王子号”装运,并附有寄售发票及提单副本,已收悉。开箱后,我们发现该货物完好无损,非常适合我地市场。因此,相信我们定能很快找到合适的买主。无论如何,我们将尽最大的努力予以销售,相信结果一定会令贵公司满意。货物销出后,我们一定尽早向您报告结果。启Section Five ExercisesI. Fill in the blanks

299、 with proper prepositions.l .fbr, of, for 2.to, in 3.for, in, for, on 4.by, from5.of, of, on, by 6.in, for, with 7.for, in, to 8. With, to, for, for, for, in9.on, at, of 10.With, to, for, to, by 11.of, at, for 12.in, of, from13.with, of, in 14.of, to, of 15.of, in, to, to 16.on17.in 18.on 19.against

300、 20.about, against21.at 22.by, on 23.by, for24.at 25.of 26.to27.for 28.under, at 29.under, covering 30.of, withIL Fill in the missing words in the foHowinq blanks with the first letter given.(1) appreciate, appear, accept, articles, allowance, introduce, decline, parcels, consider,acceptance(2) book

301、ed, herewith, duplicate, favor, established, stipulations, conform, amendments, assured,effectHL Translate the foHowing expressions into English.1 to apply for sole agency 2 general agent/agent general3 manufacturer export agent 4 proposal for sole agency5 to employ an agent 6 to entrust sb. with ex

302、clusive agency7 to offer sb. as our sole agent 8 to seel an agent9 clearing and forwarding agent lOcredence commissionIV Translate the following into Chinses.1 . 本协议于1992年 9 月 2 0 日在中国青岛由有关双方在平等互利基础上达成, 按双方同意的卜列条件发展业务关系:2 . 甲方指定乙方为其独家代理,为第三条所列商品从第四条所列区域的顾客中招揽订单,乙方接受上述委任。3 .基于本协议授予的独家代理权,甲方不得直接或间接地通过

303、乙方以外的渠道向新加坡顾客销售或出口第三条所列商品, 乙方不得在新加坡经销、 分销或促销与上述商品相竞争或类似的产品,也不得招揽或接受以到新加坡以外地区销售为目的的订单,在本协议有效期内,甲方应将其收到的来自新加坡其他商家的有关代理产品的询价或订单转交给乙方。4 . 为使甲方充分了解现行市场情况,乙方承担至少每季度一次或在必要时随时向甲方提供市场报告, 内容包括与本协议代理商品的进口与销售有关的地方规章的变动、当地市场发展趋势以及买方对甲方按协议供应的货物的品质、包装、价格等方面的意见。乙方还承担向甲方提供其他供应商类似商品的报价和广告资料。5 . 乙方负担本协议有效期内在新加坡销售代理商品做

304、广告宣传的一切费用,并向甲方提交所用于广告的声像资料,供甲方事先核准。V. Translate the following lettr into English.Dear Sirs:We thank you for your letter of July 10th.After paying due consideration to your proposal and investigating your business standing, we havedecided to appoint you as our sole agent for the sale of Gold Brand Bi

305、cycles in the district youdefined.We are enclosing a draft agreement. Please go over it and let us have your comments. We assureyou of our full cooperation.Yours faithfully,Chapter Fourteen Trade FormsSection One Introduction 概述随着我国改革、开放政策的深入实施,对外经济合作业务不断开拓,井日趋频繁。为此,本章收集下列九类有关对外经济合作的书信,使学生在这方面有一个比较清

306、楚的概念:来料加工补偿贸易6、合资企业7、承包合作“ 交锁匙”工程租赁8、投标寄售9、向国外派遣中国专家代理显然,本章所涉及的业务活动范围很广,但我们对这一章不能安排太多的教学时间,这一章也不能占本书太多的篇幅,我们只能在这里提供一些各级外贸公司面对的这方面的业务实例。Section Two Snecimen LettersSpecimen 1 (PROCESSING GOODS FROM BUYERS RAW MATERIALS)( 来料加工)敬启者:劳动手套现通知:我方于今日航邮灰色二层革五块,请按所附样品制作P98252货号的手套。这种手套是澳大利亚最大的B.H.P.公司所要。该公司是矿

307、产公司,在所属的PortKembla炼钢厂生产钢材。该公司需要一种符合澳大利亚标准的一定规格的手套。该项手套的皮面手掌从中指尖到手腕的尺寸为:205毫米。请用我方所寄的皮革, 按上述式样制作10副劳动手套。 该手套的手面和手背的宽度均为125毫米,请告知制作者记住。上. 述规格的手套,我们很可能获得40000打的订货。我们将从日本装运皮革给你。由于我们得知你们的新办工厂有能力生产该项手套,所以将尽力促成该批皮革的供应。请速将制成的样品手套寄来,以便提供给澳大利亚的客户。对这种式样的手套,我们最少需要 20000打,深信你们工厂一定很有兴趣为我们制作这批手套。样品手套制成后,请告知生产费用。盼早

308、复。启2008年 7 月 15日Specimen 2 ( COMPRENSATION TRADE)( 补偿贸易)敬启者:窗玻璃的补偿贸易写本函的目的是想谈谈你我之间有关窗玻璃的业务问题。 在过去, 由于你我双方的共同努力,窗玻璃的业务进行得十分顺利。但是, 产品的质量不适合我们的需要。 我们想在补偿贸易的基础上和你进一步开拓这种产品的业务。对美国市场来说,对窗玻璃的需求量很大,我们深信在你们的协作下,窗玻璃在这里的销售量,必将迅速大量地增长。我们正在尽最大的努力和你们协作, 使窗玻璃的 业务大幅度开展, 以期达到我们双方共同的目标。我们已为你们工厂购买各种设备,增加品种、改进质量,并提高生产率

309、;我们愿意以回购玻璃的方式,接受对该项设备的支付;我们也已与你方工厂协作,建议改良包装、做到运输集装箱化,该工厂显示协作精神,欣然接受我们的意见。下次访问中国期内, 我们愿意和你们讨论有关指派我方为在美国市场经销中国窗玻璃独家代理的问题。由于对这个问题过去已有讨论,因此,期望在下次访问期内能得到你们的正式任命。启2008年 3 月 8 日Specimen 3 (LEAS IN G)( 租赁)敬启者:我们有兴趣向你公司租赁设备和技术,在本市筹建一条水果加工生产线。我们愿意在维修租赁的基础上和你公司签订租赁合约,即在合约期内,由你公司承担维修、保养、替换零部件、保险以及其他有关费用。此外,租赁满期

310、后,我们有权延长租赁期或买下有关的设备,价格由双方的专家共同核定,但不得超过原价的10%。盼寄详细资料及优惠报价。. . .启2008年 4 月 5 日Specimen 4 (CONSIGNMENT)( 寄售)敬启者:我们得知你公司与本市的伊东公司有着广泛的业务联系, 该公司向我们推荐, 认为你公司有可能接受我们的销售委托,并能以善价出售。为此,我们打算发运下列30箱毛巾,委托你公司寄售,请尽可能以有利的价格出售:编号1-101000 打纯棉毛巾白色编号11-201000 打纯棉毛巾奶油色编号21-301000 打纯棉毛巾混合色上列货物,已于今日装上由本港直航你港的“ 玛丽亚”轮运往你处。随函

311、附上寄售发票及提单副本,请在货物售出之前予以投保,我们不想冒任何风险。我们很想知道该货在你地的销售情况,因此,货物到达后,请尽可能告知有关情况。启2007年 9 月 15日Specimen 5( 合资企业)敬启者:你 方 10月 2 3 日函已收到, 谢谢。 从来函得知你方有兴趣以合资企业形式在中国建设汽车零件制造厂并承询这项意愿的可行性。谅你知道,中国贯坚持开放政策,并积极主张吸收外资,以便在平等互利的基础上扩大和其他国家的经济合作和技术交流。中国许可外国公司、 企业以及其他经济实体或个人和中国公司、企业以及其他经济实体共办合资企业。当前现行的有两类合资企业,一类是股权式合资企业( 即合资企

312、业) ;另一类是契约式合资企业( 即合作企业) 。此外,尚有中国近海石油的联合勘探。合资企业的主要特点是:双方共同投资、共同管理、共负盈亏,从而也加强双方的业务合作关系。我国政府于2007年 7 月 8 日公布了 “ 中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法” 。后来在1990年 4 月 4 日,经第七次三届全国人民代表大会的修改。为了使你了解有关合资企业的条文,随函附上该企业法一份,以供细阅,并希望能得到你方的意见。你方若有兴趣和我们合办合资企业,请告知你方有关商品类型、生产数量、原料销售渠道以及主要机器、设备等方面的尝试性意见,以便我们仔细研究你们的计划,并进一步探讨合资经营的事宜。切盼答复。.

313、. .启2007年 11月 2 日Specimen 6 (COOPERATION ON “TURN-KEY” BASIS)( 承包合作“ 交锁匙”工程)敬启者:感谢你们为我方建设汽车装配厂有关合同草案所提出的意见和建议。现在通知你们:经研究后,我们完全同意你们所提意见并准备将其列入合同。同时,我们想再次指出:根据总承包建设汽车装配厂的我方合同草案,承包人承担组织和完成所有工程的全部责任。建筑工程将由中国专家和根据分包合同雇用的地方公司联合完成。 由这些公司完成的工程将接受中国高级专家的监督。专家的劳务费列入合同价格。我们已了解了这些公司,认为他们具备丰富的经验、一定的技术能力利足够的设备,以完

314、成我方准备委托的工程。综上所述,请你方研究本函内容,如果同意,请电告何时签订合同。盼早复。启2008年 7 月 3 日Specimen 7 (TENDERING)( 投标)敬启者:确认我方今年2 月 15日致电你方,通知:我国政府已宣布就变电站的设计、设备的提供及其建筑工程举行公开招标。我们认为你方将会有兴趣参加招标。请研究本函所附的招标文件。按代理协议规定,购买招标文件的费用由你方自理。需要注意的是: 提交报价的最后期限为今年5 月 2 1 日。 我们必须在最后期限10天内得到你方的报价,使我们能及时办理当地手续,并将你方报价提交招标委员会。为了中标,希望你方提供为期7 到 10年年息不超过

315、6%的商业贷款。希望你方会对这方面的事务感兴趣。. 启2008年 3 月 1 日Specimen 8 (SENDING CHINESE SPECIALISTS ABROAD)( 派遣中国专家出国)敬启者:为答复你方询问并确认与你方代表XXX先生的洽谈,现通知你方:我方应你方请求,派遣高级专家小组, 为建造重型机器制造厂、 完成工厂车间设备的调试和投产准备工作予以技术协助。因建筑和安装工程必须完全符合交货人的设计, 我方可以派遣进行设计人监督的专家, 包括在上述专家小组内。我方通常向国外派遣专家的基本条件如下:你方应补偿我方的专家费用有:专家月工资( 用美元支付) ,每位专家的安置费,按旅游标准

316、计算的专家以及其家属从北京到某地往返机票费。为专家在保险公司投保生产风险和事故风险。此外,你方应保证供应中国专家,翻译及其家属的公寓住房。你方还应保证提供中国专家在你国出差时所用的交通工具, 并向他们提供免费医疗, 包括住院治疗。我方还想约定,若专家在某地工作期间患病,不应暂停支付患病期间的月工资。所派遣专家的人数根据工程量而定,专家在贵国的工作期限将在洽谈时商定。期待答复。启2008年 4 月 3 日Section Five ExercisesI. Choose the best answer.d / c /b /d /a /c /a /c /a /aIL After reading the

317、 following materials, you are required to find the Chinese/Enzlishequivalents in the tables below. Then you should put the corresDonding letters in thebrackets.Material 1E /K /L /M /O /P /T /U /W /YMaterial 2D /G /I/L /M /R /T /U /X /ZIH Fill in the blanks with Diwer words.Dear Ms. Wan,We have recei

318、ved your samples for the T-skirt you sent us.On careful examination, we find everything satisfactory except for the Stitches, which are notwhat we expected. We attribute this shortcoming to the old type of sewing machine used by yourmanufacturers. You will notice from our sample that the shirt was s

319、ewn with a new type of sewingmachine, the stitches being not only neat and fine but also attractive. Our clients in America arevery particular about the quality of the shirts to be supplied. We feel sure the problem of stitchescan easily be solved if the new type of machine is installed. The cost of

320、 the machine may be repaidby resultant products and the whole transaction can be carried out under compensation tradeagreement. Enclosed is a catalogue and price list for Model BQ-496 sewing machine. We have instock 100 machines, which can be shipped to you promptly. This is the very machine suitabl

321、e formaking our shirts, and the present price is HK $ 15,000 each CIF Shanghai, which we can assureyou is the lowest obtainable. We wish to say this is a most advantageous deal you can ever have.Please let us know if this proposal is acceptable to you and in the mean time let us have your bestoffer

322、for the shirts based on our order of 3,000 to 3,500 dozen per month.We await your early reply.Yours faithfully,IV. Fill in the blanks with proper preuositions.1) into, with, about, of 2) Regarding, as, in, at3) as, for, in 4) to, for, Without, for5) in, for, for,A fter, as 6) to, as7) on, in 8) to,

323、for, in, of9) in, for, with, to 10) in, in, on, inV Translate the following passage into English.Counter-trade is an umbrella* (general) term covering all forms of trade whereby a seller (e.g. anexporter) or an assignee is required to accepted goods or services from the buyer (e.g. the importeror th

324、e importing country) as either full or partial payment. International counter-trade is a practicewhereby a supplier commits contractually as a condition of sale to reciprocate and undertakecertain specified commercial initiatives that compensate and benefit the buyer. While the mannerin which the tr

325、ansaction is structured and the assets are exchanged may vary in differentcompensatory transactions such as barter, buyback, counter-purchase, and offset the distinctivefeature of these arrangements, which is the mandatory performance element that is either requiredby the importer or is made necessa

326、ry by competitive considerations. It is a peculiar form oftransaction allegedly popular in less developed countries and in centrally planned economies. It isthen often associated with policy objectives in these economies.VI. Translate the following sentences int。Chinese.1) 为了吸收外资,引进先进技术和设备,改进经营管理以及发

327、展国家经济,我们将采用国际经济合作中通常采用的形式来为我们国家的社会主义建设服务。2) 在合营期间,你们掌握的技术必须毫无保留地向我方公开。而且,任何有关技术转让的新技术或经过改进的技术必须交给我们的技术人员。3) 我们欣悉你们考虑以补偿贸易的方式向我们供应设备及技术。 在这方面, 我们认为引进到我们国家的设备和技术必须按国际标准来衡量是真正先进的; 并以回购的方式, 用直接生产出来的产品支付该项设备和技术的费用。4) 补偿贸易是当今国际贸易的最新方式之一。按照这种方式,机器、设备或技术的进口方式采用直接生产出来的产品用来全部或部分支付该项机器、设备或技术的费用。5) 正如你所知,近来已形成惯

328、例,即 在 “ 交钥匙”承包工程的基础上,承包工程完成后,在客户国内出售建筑设备以及未使用的材料。 我们也打算在你国出售部分设备和材料。 所有的设备都是适用的,并将附带成套的零部件一并出售,价格公道,并对设备进行适当折旧计价。Chapter Fifteen Job-Application Writing in EnglishSection 1 Introduction 概述求职信的目的是帮助你得到那份你想要得到的工作,通常信中表明申请人想要得到的位置,告知对方你的能力, 你可以做写哪些工作, 申请人应该简单明确地告诉对方你所具有的资格、资历、成绩和目标,将自己最优秀的一面展现给对方。封好的求职

329、信不一定要求必须得到某个职位, 但要力争面试机会。 不可能将申请人的全部情况都写进封求职信中,但是,可以提供足够多的信息让潜在老板尽可能了解你,想要见你,想要与你交谈,希望发现你更多的优点。一封求职信远不仅仅只是希望得到一份工作,它可以表现你的能力,你的特殊经历,你的优秀个性和为人出事。这样一封信有可能为申请人提供机会,就象是在“ 销售自己” 。求职信要写得简洁易懂,亲切友好,但又不能省略重要部分,读起来能吸引人,版面清楚美观,一般化的东西尽量少用或不用,取而代之的是更加具体,符合你的特点和优势。求职信尽量打印,即使不能打印,也要写的整齐、清楚,以避免由于看不清而被忽视。英语简历和汉语简历大有

330、不同,下面几点有助于写好英文简历:1简历一开始就要在简历顶部写明你的全名、地址、电话号码、传真或者电子邮件地址。2 列出教育背景。包括学历或证书,专业或主修课程,学校名称和与职业目标相关的课程。3 列出工作经验一有没有工资的都算上,全职的兼职的也都算上。写下职责、职位以及公司简单介绍。反正能包括的都包括!4 列出其他成就。包括曾参加过什么机构,服军役记录以及其他优秀成就。5 从这些列出来的东西中,挑选出和你现在申请的职位最相关的,然后突出这些内容,这些才是你简历的重点。6 写明职业目标。就用一句话来表达你想找一个什么样的工作就可以了。7 从你最近的工作经验写起。注明所在公司的专营和你的职责。尤

331、其要写明和你申请的工作相关的那些职业技能。8 继续以时间倒序列出所有工作经验。记得突出那些和你现在工作相关的技能。9 总结你的教育经验,包括一些重要信息,如学历、课程、等这些可以和你申请的工作相关的信息。10在特长这个栏目下,记得要写一些其他的相关信息,比如语言、计算机水平等。11结尾要用这样的语句:REFERENCES Available upon request ( 如需其他信息,请与我联系 )12整个简历不要超过一页。 如果你有好多好多年的工作经验都和现在申请的这个工作相关,那两页也可以接受。(6 个简历的翻译省略)( 自荐信封的翻译省略)Section 3当跨出校门,第一封你所要写的信

332、,可能就是一封求职信。多数选择商业为事业的年轻人,即热切地希望开始工作。由于这种想法而发现自己正面临一项寻找职业的工作中, 因为寻找工作本身就是一项“ 工作” 。事实匕这项工作已成为高度专业化的职务。.你的求职信本质上就是一封推销信推销你个人的信函, 以此方式你希望将自己推销给一位未来的雇主,尤其是你的信函以你的条件、特质及人格将你个人的服务提供出去。你的求职信应该排除一切向雇主表示你是多么适合于此职务的所有无关资料。 你是你自己的产品,你将自己放在这一市场上,试图以你对雇主的价值而说服他。你越是以销货者的立场出发,那么你的书信越是获得推销的吸引力。Specimen Letter 1敬启者:本

333、人获悉贵公司正在招聘名具备般商业经验的工程师,特备函申请此空缺。我今年2 3 岁,一九九七年毕业于密执安州州立大学。过去两年中受雇于美国食品公司,担任总工程师助理,职责是为主任工程师编写各生产部门的报告。因希望节省交通时间,故想在纽约谋得一职。随函寄上简历表及近照各一份。如获面试,则感幸甚。如需保证人,本人也可提供。. . .启Specimen Letter 2敬启者:我希望能在贵公司谋得一份职业。我毕业于上海商学院,主修商业管理。我今年刚满24岁,三个月前离开校门。求学期间还曾努力训练速记与打字,现在速记及打字各为每分钟90字和70字。我相信我可以担任贵公司的任何工作,如蒙录用,愿意随时接受

334、阁下指派。承蒙阁下的关怀和礼遇,至此表示感谢。启Specimen Letter 3敬启者:就象其他今年6 月即将跨出校门的高中毕业生一样,我正在寻找我的第一份全天候的工作,我知道好的工作很少而且竞争极为激烈, 但我相信我所具备的资格和下一个求职一样。 在贵公司制造工厂内是否有给予勤勉负责而想学习有关轮胎 业的年轻男人的机会?在过去4 年,我在洛克维尔高级中学曾修过大学课程,直至最近我一直计划上工程大学, 但此时发现除非我能够负担自己的经费,否则我不得不放弃深造的机会。我明白想要在贵公司升级,必须有大学教育程度,但你可能需要一位聪明有头脑的人。坦白地说,我希望能获得份差事, 最好是在本区的制造公

335、司内,这样可以允许我在东北大学夜间部进修工程学。虽然我在高中并非是极出色的学生,但我通过所有的课程,某些课程还获得B , 我所缺少的奖学金可以由勤勉、上进及决心中获得补偿,最后,我并非正在寻找容易的工作!如能拨冗,我将非常高兴与你谈及我对公司的抱负与期望,在此附上履历表。启Section Six ExerciseL Fill in the blanks with proper words:Dear Sir,I am a typist, but not an ordinary one! I like typing. I thoroughly enjoy it. I take pride in t

336、urningout clean, attractive, well-spaced copy.Its said England Bank wants a typist, I offer my qualifications in the hope you will consider mefbr the job.I am 24 years of age, a high school graduate and a graduate of the National Business Institurewhere I studied stenography as well as typing. I can

337、 take dictation when required, and I canoperate a teletype machine; but I specialize in typing.For 2 years I typed manuscripts for Mr. Charles Weston, writer of mystery stories.When Mr. Weston went to Hollywood, I joined the typing staff of Fred Olcott Associates, where Ityped play scripts, synopses

338、 and reports. I was there for 3 years, then accepted the job I now holdwith Lehn and Fisher, attorneys, where I am required to do the most exacting kind of legal typing.It would be fascinating to type scripts again after a year of nothing but dull legal documents. Idbring more than speed and efficie

339、ncy to the job. I would bring a delightful new interest andenthusiasm - and that, of course, would mean more and better work for you.Please check my former employers, including Lehn and Fisher who know about this letter. Theywill tell you I am conscientious, that I have an agreeable personality and

340、appearance and that I getalong well with everyone.My telephone number is Lincoln 5-2046. I can start at once, if you like, as my present employershave known for some time that I plan to make a change.Sincerely yours,IL Fill in the blanks with appropriate Drepositions.1. after / of2. w ith/in/of/of3.

341、 of / to / in / to / against / on4. to / in / to / to / of / to / forIIL Translate the foHoMine sentences int。 English,Keys:1 I am applying for a position which will utilize my educational background in biology, withprospects of promotion.2 I have got four years of experience in marketing, in additi

342、on to a bachelors degree inmanagement with major in marketing. I also like to be challenged with a responsible job.3 I have got three years of successful job experience ranging from sales responsibilities tomanagement of marketing department. Now I am qualified with the adaptable, versatile,industri

343、ous capability.4 With good university education in Japanese and experience of my major combined with practicalexperience in translating business documents I can worked as an interpreter in Japan for a Chineseinvestigation group for three months.5 I have got to know from your advertisement that your

344、company needs an accountant. Youindicated that you require the services of a competent person, with thorough training in the field ofcost accounting. Please consider me an applicant for the position. Here are my reasons forbelieving I am qualified for this work.6 If my application has convinced you

345、of my ability to satisfy you, I should welcome theopportunity to talk with you so that you may judge my personal qualifications further.7 Because I am very desirous of receiving actual experience in accounting during July and August,I am writing to inquire whether you will need the services of a you

346、ng man with 3 years ofeducational training and some part-time experience. Perhaps 1 could fill in for one of your officestaff during the vacation period.8 I want a job. Not any job with any company, but a particular job with your company. Here aremy reasons: Your organization is more than just a bus

347、iness house. It is an institution in the mindsof the American public. It has a reputation fbr fair play and honesty with both employees andcustomers alike.IV Translate the foHowini letter into English.Dear Sirs,On my graduation form college this fall, I am desirous of securing a position that will o

348、ffer meopportunity in the field of import and export trading. Knowing something of the scope andenterprise of your huge export department, I thought perhaps you would keep me in mind for apossible opening.I am strong and alert, and shall be twenty years of age in July next year. At present I am a st

349、udentin the college of but I shall graduate from the college this coming July, finishing therequirements in three years. I have had no business experience, but my college record has beengood. A copy of my antecedents is enclosed for your reference.Dr.B.Zhao, President of the college o f. will be gla

350、d to tell you more about my character andability, I shall be glad to call at any time fbr an interview.Very truly yours,V Write a resume according to the following particulars.Yunfei ZhaoApt. 302183 Taojin RoadGuangzhou 510095Tel: 7783456Bom: April 23, 1979Height: 178 cm.Weight: 60kg.Birth Place : Y

351、unnanMarital Status: SingleJob Objective: To apple experience and education to position In personnel administration in aSino-American Joint venture.Experience Pertinent To ObjectiveFrom August 2002 to Present Personnel Manager, Wanbao Electric Appliance Group Company.Responsibilities Include Conduct

352、ing salary surveys, establishing salary ranges and progressionrates for each level, making job evaluation plans, questionnaires, application forms, etc., recruitingnew employees, formulating and revising training Programs, initiating and implementingprograms to improve and utilize potential of staif

353、 members.Education:From September 1998 to July 2002, Majored in Personnel Administration at GuangdongEconomic Management Cadre Institute.Special Skills:Fluent English ( reading / writing/speaking)Experienced In operation of IBM PC ( 0520) microcomputer.References: Upon requestChapter Sixteen Interna

354、tional Business Contracts in WritingSection One Basic Concept of Contract 合同的基本知识假如没有合同或协议去约束买卖双方, 我们今天所说的商业就不可能成立。 国际货物买卖合同是指营业地处于不同国家或地区的当事人之间所订立的货物买卖契约, 合同双方都可受益。 在国际贸易中, 商务合同通常是指约束双方并具有法律效力的种协议, 根据该协议,卖方向买方承诺销售某种商品, 买方向卖方承诺购买某种商品、 转让或者接受某种工业产品或技术、或者提供还是接受某种服务,这种协定可以是正式的,也可以是非正式的,书面的或口头的,明了易懂。通常来

355、讲,在国际贸易中所采用的合同都是正式的文字合同,这类合同一般由三部分组成:约首、约文和约尾。约首通常包括合同名称、合同号码、缔约日期、缔约当事人、缔约地点、当事人的合法依据、缔约缘由等。约文通常包括定义条款、 般条款、基本条款、有效期、终止、让与、不可抗力、适用的法律、仲裁、诉讼管辖、通知手续、完整条款、修改等。约尾通常包括文字效力、份数、见证人、附件、当事人签字、盖印等。一份涉外合同所涉及到的内容可以归纳如下:* 合同名称及其编号;* 序 言 ( 约首)* 商品名称* 品质条款* 数量条款* 价格条款* 包装条款* 交货条款* 支付条款* 保险条款* 检验条款* 索赔条款* 仲裁条款* 不可

356、抗力条款* 违约及解除契约条款* 其他条款合同正文部分包括:1)买卖双方的全名和地址;2)所涉及的商品;3)双方同意的所有条款;4) 合同正本的分数,所使用的语言,有效期和合同可能的延期。在国际贸易中,进出口贸易书面合同的名称和形式,均无特定的限制。经常出现的名称有合同、确认书、协议书和备忘录。合同和确认书可以由双方任何一方起草,分别称为售货合同/ 确认书、购货合同/ 确认书。不管它们有怎样的叫法,对双都有约束力。销售或购货合同或购货确认书正式,并且含有更多的细节。前者通常包含商品名称、规格、数量、包装、唆头、价格、装船、装运港、目的港、付款方法以及有关保险、 商检、 索赔和不可抗力等条款,

357、而后者只包含主要几项条款。 再说,售货或购货合同对价值和数量较大的交易较为合适, 因为合同制定了详细的条款以免产生争议。 如果数量不大或交易是通过代理或独销协议来进行的话, 人们就经常使用销售或购买确认书。( 参见合同样板)Section Two Main Features of International Business Contract 涉夕卜合同的作用商务合同是自然人或法人之间为实现一定的商务目的, 按一定的合法手续达成的, 规定相互权利和义务的契约,它对契约各方都具有法律约束力。值得注意的是,合同并不一定具有Contract或 Agreement字样。在商务活动中,只要一方当事人对某

358、项合法交易提出条件,即发出要约,而另一方当事人明确地接受了该要约, 一项具有法律约束力的合同即告成立。因此,您在商务交往中所写的信函,所发的传真等都很有可能是即将达成的合同的有效部分。一个承诺或者协议就是报盘和承诺达成一致的结果。当一个协议达成,一个合同形成,就意味着产生了强制性的法律责任。合同的重要性在国际销售活动中不可轻估。 这份合同通常是双方提及到各自清晰的责任、 在争议时的解决方法等的文件。这合同同时也是维持双方所定义的关系的一种“ 存在证明” 。所以出口商应该避免将合同仅仅看成是交易开始和开展的文件而忽略了合同的重要性。 合同应该由一个在当地有熟悉法律背景的人起草, 并且要有一个清晰

359、的概念关于不同服务的实施等等。例如,合同会有一个条款保护出口商免于索赔,如果该商品的变化是由于出口商不能他控制的原因而引发的, 同时, 还有另个条款保护出口商因其他国家的印刷资料而引起的免于赔偿或责任或其他诉讼。Section Three Categories of International Business Contract 涉外合同分类我 国 合同法所说的合同,以是否有涉外因素,分为国内合同和涉外合同两类。所谓涉外合同,是指具有涉外因素的合同,即合同的当事人、合同的客体或者产生、变更、终止合同关系的法律事实小任何 个具有涉外因素的合同。 在涉外合同中, 最主要的是具有对外贸易性质的涉外合

360、同( 或称为对外贸易合同) ,它是指我国法人或者其他组织同外国的法人、其他组织或者个人之间为实现一定的经济目的而订立的合同。与国内合同相比,涉外合同主要具有下列主要特征:1) 合同具有涉外因素。涉外合同具有涉外因素这一特征,是涉外合同与国内合同最显著的区别。涉外合同的涉外因素一般包括下列三种情况:合同的主体( 即当事人)至少一方是外国 人 ( 含法人、其他组织和个人) ;合同的客体位于本国境外或者超过本国国境:合同的某种法律事实发生于境外。2) 合同中我方当事人多为我国法人或者其他组织:至于我国公民个人,在目前条件下除了可以成为国际客运合同的当事人外, 一般只能作为非对外贸易性的涉外合同的当事

361、人, 如作为涉外赠与合同的一方当事人等。首先需要指出的是,在涉外合同分类问题上, 合同法分则规定的十五种基本类型的有名合同同样适用于涉外合同的划分。除 了 合同法分则规定的有名合同外,涉外合同还有其他种类的合同。随着对外开放政策的贯彻落实和对外经济技术交流与合作的发展, 我国的涉外合同不仅数量增长快,而且种类也在不断增加。根 据 合同法和其他涉外法律的规定,结合涉外合同当事人权利、义务内容的不同,可以把我国目前的涉外合同( 其中主要是涉外合同) 分为以下主要种类:国际货物买卖合同( 含成套设备供应合同) 、中外合资经营企业合同、中外合作经营企业合同、中外合作勘探开发自然资源合同、涉外借款合同、

362、涉外租赁合同、涉外技术合同( 包括涉外技术转让或者引进合同、涉外技术服务合同等) 、国际工程承包合同、涉外承揽合同、国际劳务合同、补偿贸易合同、涉外保险合同、涉外仓储合同、涉外保管合同和涉外委托合同、涉外赠与合同、国际运输合同等。Section Four Language Features in the Contracts1 The use of words 用词方面(1) Often use of formal or legal terms, e g .多用正式或法律上的用词,比如:At the request of Party B, Party A agrees to send techn

363、icians to assist Party B to install theequipment.应乙方要求,甲方同意派遣技术人员帮助乙方安装设备。In the sentence, t4assisf is more formal than help”. More examples:在这句中,assist比help更常用。再如:1) The personnel shall not to partake in any political activities in Iraq, (take part in )所有人员不得参加伊拉克国内的任何政治活动。2) The Employer shall ren

364、der correct technical guidance to the personnel, (give)雇主应该对有关人员给予正确技术指导。3) Party A shall repatriate the patient to China and bear the cost of his passage to Guangzhou,(send back)甲方应将病人遣返中国并负责其返回广州的旅费。4) In case one party desires to sell or assign all or part of its investment subscribed, the other

365、partyshall have the preemptive right, (transfer)如一方想出售或转让其投资的全部或部分,另方有优先购买权。5) In processing transactions, the manufacturers shall never have title either to the materials or thefinished products, (ownership)加工贸易中,厂方无论是对原料还是成品都无所有权。Different with oral statements legal contract is a formal written do

366、cument, the use of formal andlegal terms is necessary. Drafters of the contract should pay much more attention to this area ofstudy与口头表述不同,合同是法律性的正式书面文件,使用正式的、法律的用词是必要的。合同起草者应多加强这方面的学习。(2) The prefix of “here , there,“where” is often used.多使用 “here”,“there,“ where” 等前缀。hereafter = after this time 今后

367、hereby = by means/reason of this 特此herein = in this 此中,于此hereinafter = later in this contract 在下文thereafter = afterwards 止 匕 后 ,后来thereby = by that m eans因此;由此;在那方面therein = from that在那里; 在那点上thereinafter = later in the same contract 以下; 在下文whereby = by what; by which 由此;凭那个wherein = in what; in whi

368、ch 在哪里;在明B 点上(3 ) “ Shall and will or “ should “ are often used to mean strengthening tone.多 用 “shall” 代 替 “ will” 或 “should” 加强语气和强制力。This Contract shall be written in English in four copies. Each party shall keep two copies.本合同应以英文写成,一式四份,双方各持两份。合同中,shall并非单纯表示将来时,而常用来表示法律上可强制执行的义务,具有约束力,宜译为“ 应” 、

369、 “ 应该” 、 “ 必须 ;will无论语气还是强制力要比shall弱,宜译为“ 将” 、 “ 原” 、“ 要” ;should通常只用来表示语气较强的假设,比 如 “ 万一” 。2 The expressions of words 用语方面(1) To be rigorous and clear力求严谨,明白无误1) The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as an integral partof this Contract.下列文件应被认为、读作、解释为本合同的组成部分。2) T

370、his Contract can only be altered, amended or supplemented in accordance with documentssigned and sealed by authorized representatives of both parties.本合同只能按照双方授权代表签名盖章的文件进行修改或增补。3) All activities of ABC Co., shall be governed by the laws, decrees and pertinent rules andregulations of China.ABC公司的一切活

371、动必须受中国的法律、法令和有关规章条例的管辖。(2) Active voice is more used than passive voice.多用主动语态,少用被动语态。Party B is hereby appointed by Party A as its exclusive sales agent in Singapore. (Worse)乙方被甲方委托为在新加坡的独家销售代理商。( 不宜)Party A hereby appoints Party B as its exclusive sales agent in Singapore. (Better)甲方委托乙方为在新加坡的独家销售

372、代理商。( 适宜)(3) Present tense is used instead of future tense even though many article stipulations are to beset forth for future matters.多用现在时,少用将来时,尽管很多条款规定的是合同签订以后的事项。1) Licensee may terminate this Contract 90 days after a written notice thereof is sent to Licensorupon the happening of one of the fo

373、llowing events:当有下列事件之一发生,被许可人提前90天向许可人发出书面通知后,可以终止合同。2) Licensor becomes insolvent or a liquidator of Licensor is appointed.许可. 人无力偿付债务或其破产清算人以被指定。3) The patent described in Article 2 is not issued within 30 days from signing this Contract.第二条规定的专利未在签约后30天之内发布。(4) Direct expressions are used more t

374、han indirect expressions.直接表达方式用得多,间接表达方式用的较少。1) This Article does not apply to bondholders who have not been paid in full. (Less used) 本条款不适用于尚未全部偿付的债券持有者。2) This Article applies only to bondholders who have been paid in full. (More used) 本条款只适用于已全部偿付的债券持有者。(5) Try to use verbs and avoid using “ ve

375、rb+noun+preposilion“ structure.尽量使用个动词,避免使用“ 动词+ 名词+ 介诃”的同意短语飞1) Party A shall make an appointment of its representative within 30 days after signing theContract.甲方应于签约后30天内指派其授权代表。(It is better use “appoint, not use “make anappointment of )2) Party A will give consideration to Party B s proposal of

376、 exclusive agency.甲方愿意考虑乙方独家代理的建议。(To replace give consideration tov with consider) .Section Five Sample Contracts涉外合同样本1 Purchase Note日期:Date:买方:The Buyers:卖方:The Sellers:双方同意按下列条款由买方售出下列商品:The Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the following goods on terms and conditionsas set forth

377、 below:( 1 ) 商品名称、规格及包装 Name of Commodity, Specifications and Packing( 2 ) 数量 Quantity( 3 ) 单价 Unit Price(4 )总值 Total Value( 装运数量允许有 X X %的增减。 ) ( Shipment QuantityX X % more or lessallowed o)(5 ) 装运期限 Time of Shipment( 6 ) 装运口岸 Port of loading( 7 ) 目的口岸 Port of Destinations( 8 ) 保险由卖方负责,按本合同总价110%投

378、保 险。Insurance to be covered by the seller for 110% of the invoice value a g a i n s t .( 9 ) 付款凭保兑的、不可撤销的、可转让的、可分割的即期有电报套汇条款。出票一天期付款信用证,信用证以 为受益人并允许分批装运和转船。该信用证必须在 前开到卖方,信用证的有效期应为上述装船期后第15天,在中国 到期,否则卖方有权取消本售货合约,不另行通知,并保留因此而发生的一切损失的索赔权。Terms of Payment:By confirmed, irrevocable, transferable and divi

379、sible letter of credit in favour o f payable atsight with TT reimbursement clause/_days7sight/date allowing partial shipment andtransshipment. The covering Letter of Credit must reach the Sellers before and is to remainvalid in. China until the 15thday after the aforesaid time of shipment, failing w

380、hich theSellers reserve the right to cancel this Sales Contract without further notice and to claim from theBuyers for losses resulting therefrom.( 1 0 ) 商品检验 Inspection以中国 所签发的品质, 数量( 重量) 包装卫生检验合格证书, 作为卖方的交货依据。The Inspection Certificate of Quality/Quantity/Weight/Packing/Sanitation issued by of Chi

381、nashall be regarded as evidence of the Sellers* delivery.(1 1 )装运唆头: Shipping Marks其他条款:OTHER TERMS:1 . 异议:品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起30天内提出,数量异议须于货到目的口岸之日起 15天内提出,但均须提供经卖方同意的公证行出具的检验证明。如责任属于卖方者,卖方于收到异议20天内答复买方并提出处理意见。Discrepancy: In case of quality discrepancy, claim should be lodged by the Buyers within 30 da

382、ysafter the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, while for quantity discrepancy, claimshould be lodged by the Buyers within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at the port ofdestination. In all cases, claims must be accompanied by Survey Reports of Recognized PublicSurveyors agreed to

383、 by the Sellers. Should the responsibility of the subject under claim be foundto rest on the part of the Sellers, the Sellers shall, within 20 days after receipt of the claim, sendtheir reply to the Buyers together with suggestion for settlement.2 . 信用证内应明确规定卖方有权可多装或少装所注明的百分数,并按实际装运数量议付。( 信用证之金额按本售货

384、合约金额增加相应的百分数)The covering Letter of Credit shall stipulate the Sellerss option of shipping the indicatedpercentage more or less than the quantity hereby contracted and be negotiated for the amountcovering the value of quantity actually shipped. (The Buyers are requested to establish the L/C inamount

385、 with the indicated percentage over the total value of the order as per this Sales Contract.)3. 信用证内容须严格符合本售货合约的规定,否则修改信用证的费用由买方负担,卖方并不负因修改信用证而延误装运的责任,并保留因此而发生的切损失的索赔权。The contents of the covering Letter of Credit shall be in strict conformity with the stipulations ofthe Sales Contract. In case of a

386、ny variation there of necessitating amendment of the L/C, theBuyers shall bear the expenses fbr effecting the amendment. The Sellers shall not be heldresponsible for possible delay of shipment resulting from awaiting the amendment of the L/C andreserve the right to claim from the Buyers for the loss

387、es resulting therefrom.4 . 除经约定保险归买方投保者外,由卖方向中国的保险公司投保。如买方需增加保险额或需加保其他险,可于装船前提出,经卖方同意后代为投保,其费用由买方负担。Except in cases where the insurance is covered by the Buyers as aiTanged, insurance is to becovered by the Sellers with a Chinese insurance company. If insurance fbr additional amountand/or for other

388、insurance terms is required by the Buyers, prior notice to this effect must reachthe Sellers before shipment and is subject to the Sellers, agreement, and the extra insurancepremium shall be for the Buyers account.5 . 因人力不可抗拒事故使卖方不能在本售货合约规定期限内交货或不能交货,卖方不负责任,但是卖方必须立即以电报通知买方。如果买方提出要求, 卖方应以挂号函向买方提供由中国国

389、际贸易促进委员会或有关机构出具的证明, 证明事故的存在。 买方不能领到进口许可证,不能被认为系属人力不可抗拒范围。The Sellers shall not be held responsible if they fail, owing to Force Majeure cause or causes, tomake delivery within the time stipulated in this Sales Contract or cannot deliver the goods.However, the Sellers shall inform immediately the Buy

390、ers by cable. The Sellers shall deliver to theBuyers by registered letter, if it is requested by the Buyers, a certificate issued by the ChinaCouncil for the Promotion of International Trade or by any competent authorities, attesting theexistence of the said cause or causes. The Buyers, failure to o

391、btain the relative Import Licence isnot to be treated as Force Majeure.6 . 仲裁:凡因执行本合约或有关本合约所发生的切争执,双方应以友好方式协商解决;如果协商不能解决,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,根据该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。Arbitration: All disputes arising in connection with this Sales Contract or the execution thereofshall be settled by way of amicab

392、le negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case atissue shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and TradeArbitration Commission in accordance with the provisions of the said Commission. The award bythe said Commission shall be deemed as final and bi

393、nding upon both parties.7 . 附加条款( 本合同其他条款如与本附加条款有抵触时,以本附加条款为准。 ) 。Supplementary Condition (s) (Should the articles stipulated in this Contract be in conflict with thefollowing supplementary conditions, supplementary condition(s)should be taken as valid andbinding.卖 方 ( Sellers): 买 方 (Buyers):2 Consi

394、gnment ContractABC公司,注册地在中国上海XX ( 以下称寄售人) ,与 XYZ公司,注册地在* * ( 以下称代售人) ,按下列条款签订本协议:This Agreement is entered into between ABC Co., (hereinafter referred to as the Consignor),having its registered office at, Shanghai, China and XYZ CO., (hereinafter referred to asthe Consignee), having its registered o

395、ffice at, on the following terms and conditions:1 寄售人将不断地把XX ( 货物) 运交给代售人代售。货物价格为市场C IF市价,约 隔 90天运交一次。The Consignor shall from time to time ship _ (commodity) to the consignee onConsignment basis at the prevailing international market prices on CIF terms. The intervalbetween each shipment shall be a

396、pproximately ninety days.2 代售人在征得寄售人对价格、条款等同意之后,必须尽力以最好价格出售寄售商品。The Consignee must try to sell the consignments at the best possible prices after obtaining theapproval of the Consignor as to price, tenns, etc.3 开始阶段, 每次船运货物的价格不得超过X X 美元, 代售人未偿付的货款不能超过X X 美y L * Each shipment by ship at the initial s

397、tage will not exceed US $and the outstandingliabilities on the Consignee shall be in the vicinity of not more than US $only.4 寄售人对赊销造成的坏账不负任何责任,代售人在任何时候均负有支付寄售人货款的义务。The Consignor shall at no time be responsible for any bad debts arising out of credit sales to anybuyers. Making payments to the Consi

398、gnor shall at all times be the sole responsibility ofthe Consignee.5 代售人将接受寄售人开立的以代售人为付款人的90天远期汇票,年利X%。The Consignee shall accept the Bills of Exchange drawn by the Consignor on him at 90 dayssight with interest payable at% per annual.6 代售人以签字信托收据从寄售人银行换取包括提单在内的装运单据。The Consignee shall collect the s

399、hipping documents including B/L from the Consignors bankagainst Trust Receipt duly signed by the Consignee.7 寄售人负担货物售出之前的保险费和仓储费。The Consignor shall absorb insurance premium and warehousing charges up to the date ofdelivery to customers.8 寄售人必须遵守X X 政府的规章。The consignor shall observe the regulations

400、of the government of.9 本协议英文正本两份,双方各持一份。This Agreement is written in English, in two originals; each Party retains one copy.1 0 双方确认上述内容,并于2003年 3 月X 日签字立约,以资证明。As a token of acceptance, both parties have set their respective hands on this day ofMay ,19 with understanding and knowledge of the conten

401、ts stated hereinabove.ABC公司: XYZ公司:( 签字) ( 签字)ABC Co.XYZ Co.(signature) (signature)Section Eight ExercisesI. Translate the following sentences into English.1 A lawfully formed contract is legally binding on the parties. The parties shall perform theirrespective obligations in accordance with the con

402、tract, and neither party may arbitrarily amend orterminate the contract. A lawfully formed contract is protected by law.2 A contract may be made in a writing, in an oral conversation, as well as in any other forms. Acontract shall be in writing if a relevant law or administrative regulation so requi

403、res. A contractshall be in writing if the parties have so agreed.3 The terms of a contract shall be prescribed by the parties, and generally include the followings:1) names of the parties and the domiciles thereof;2) subject matter;3) quantity;4) quality;5) price or remuneration;6) time, place and m

404、ethod of perfomance;7) liabilities for breach of contract;8) method of dispute resolution.The parties may enter into a contract by referencing a model contract for the relevant contractcategory.4 The parties may prescribe a term for a contract. A contract subject to a time of commencementbecomes eff

405、ective at such time. A contract subject to a time of expiration is extinguished at suchtime.5 An invalid or canceled contract is not legally binding ab initio. Where a contract is partiallyinvalid, and the validity of the remaining provisions thereof is not affected as a result, theremaining provisi

406、ons are nevertheless valid.6 Parties to a foreign related contract may select the applicable law for resolution of a contractualdispute, except otherwise provided by law. Where parties to the foreign related contract failed toselect the applicable law, the contract shall be governed by the law of th

407、e country with the closestconnection thereto. For a Sino-foreign Equity Joint Venture Enterprise Contract, Sino-foreignCooperative Joint Venture Contract, or a Contract for Sino-fbreign Joint Exploration andDevelopment of Natural Resources which is performed within the territory of the PeoplesRepubl

408、ic of China, the law of the Peoples Republic of China 叩plies.IL Fill in the contact forms in English with the following particulars.CONTRACT No.AC4789Sellers: Beijing Light Industrial Products Import and Export CorporationBuyers: General Trading Company , New YorkThe undersigned Sellers and Buyers h

409、ave agreed to close the following transaction according tothe terms and conditions stipulated below:Commodity: Meide” Brand Air-conditionerSpecifications: Model W30Quantity: 1 000 SetsUnit Price: At US $ 90 each CIF New YorkTotal Valve: US $ 90 000 ( Say US Dollars Seventy Thousand Only)Packing: In

410、carton casesShipping Mark: At Sellers5 optionInsurance: To be covered by the Sellers for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and WarRisk as per CIC dated 1st January , 1981.Time of Shipment: To be effected not later than 31st March, 2008, allowing partial shipments andtransshipment.Port of S

411、hipment: China PortPort of Destination: New YorkTerms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C at sight to reach the Sellers a month prior to the time ofshipment and remain valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the final date ofshipment.Done and signed in Beijing on this 11th day of October,

412、 2007.III. Fill in the contract form with information gathered from the followin口 coiresDondences.NO. 07/GT/21SELLERS: Beijing Garments Imp/Exp Corp.BUYERS: London Trading Co. Ltd.This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the agree to buy andthe Sellers agree to sell t

413、he under -mentioned commodity to the terms and conditions stipulatedbelow:Commodity Size Quantity(daz) Price per doz CIF LondonWomens Nylon Garments SmallWomens Nylon Garments MediumWomens Nylon Garments LargeTotal Value:US$5360.00Amount15 US$80.00 US$120016 US$120.00 US$192014 US$160.00 US$2240Pack

414、ing: In boxes of half dozen each and 10 dozen to a cartonShipping Mark: At Sellers optionInsurance: To be covered by the Sellers against All Risks and War Risk for 110%of the invoicevalueTime of Shipment: In December allowing transshipment and partial shipments(During Decemberwith transshipment and

415、partial shipments allowed)Port of Shipment: China portPort of Destination: London U.K.Terms of Payment: By D/P60 days (By D/P at 60 days after sight)Done and signed in Beijing on this 28th day of November 2007IV. There are 20 sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices markedABC

416、 and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.1.C2.B3.B4.A5.D6.C7.C8.A9.D10.D11.A12.B13.D14.A15.A16.B17.D18.C19.C20.DChapter Seventeen Telex, Fax and E-mail电传,传真和电子邮件Section One Telex 电传通过电传机交往的信息就叫电传。实际上,“TELEX” 就 是 “TELERPINTER EXCHANGE”两字的缩写。通过电传打字电报机从一地传送到另一地或从另一地收到的信息被称为电传。国际电传服务系统是由世

417、界各国的邮电局提供操作的。 通过这个服务系统, 各国之间就能收、发电传信息。电传装置的主件是电传机,可安装在用户的办公室, 一天24小时都可以操作。只要接通线路,收、发双方就可以交流信息而无需前往电报局。你在机上一打信息,在线路另一头的机上, 也会同时打出相同的信息, 而且在收、 发两头的机上会同时打出信息的文本。因此,在无人看机的情况下,电传机同样会自动接收信息,从而在晚间接收下来的信息,就可能在第二天一早即予办理, 大大加速了信息的处理。 特别是加速了具有时差国家间交流信息的处理。但是,随着英特网的快速发展,电传已经越来少地用于国际贸易。Specimen Telex 1Notes这是发往国

418、外的电传。1)517252 LECBR1G是对方的应答电码,表示线路已通。2 ) 对方的应答电码经核对无误,即发自己的应答电码。3 ) 发送信息。你 7 月 15日 190/9890号电传已收到,谢谢。邀请卡一事已悉。请告预计到达广州日期。致后 、 o4 ) 如不需要对方答复,即可按数字键和D 键,以便再次获得对方的应答号码,作再次的核对。5 ) 按应答电码键,再次发出自己的应答电码。Specimen Telex 2Notes这是发来的电传。1) 44079是受方的电传号。“44” 代表广州。2) KCACB是受方的应答电码,是广州工艺品进出口分公司的代号。3) CN 是 “ 中国”的缩写。4

419、) 65606是发方的电传号。5) LEON是发方的公司电码。6) HK是 “ 香港”的缩写。Some tips for telex writing草拟电传:由于电传按时计费,所以应尽量简明以求节省。从国外发来的电传,可以找出一些简化电传的规律与技巧,供我们草拟电传时参考:1 ) 非必需的结构词和修饰词可以省略,有时甚至连系动词也省去,例如:由于订货已投产,订单不得取消。2 ) 用被动代替主动, 例如.(1 )你 39883号电传已悉(2 )下列商品已予接受。 3985号信用证已修改。(4) 998号订单项下的货已装船。3 ) 使用前缀或后缀以求电文简短。例如:(1)如价格可以接受,请即告之。

420、( ACPTABL是带后缀的ACCEPTABLE)(2)如何装船,请即通知。(SHIPBL是带后缀ABLE的 SHIPABLE)(3)你方报盘,不能接受,( UNACPTBL是带前缀UN和后缀ABLE的 UNACCEPTABLE)(4 )你方没有履行30987号合同,使我们遭受许多麻烦( NONFULFLMENT是带前缀NON的 NONFULFILMENT)4 ) 使用祈使句,使用语言直接并简化。例如:(1 )请速开证。(2 )请传真回复。(3 )请告纸板箱的尺寸。5 ) 使用分词,以求省字。例如:(1 )现报闹钟如下:(2 )有关信用证即将开立。(3 )样品正在航邮中。(4 )样品已于2 3

421、 日寄出。6 ) 用缩写代替单词或短语。Section Two Business Fax 商务传真作为个良好的通信手段,在现代商业社会,由于其简单,快捷,方便和灵活性,传 真 机 直得到广泛的应用。普通的传真机代理了电话:将 张传输用的硬纸放入传真机,发送机发出信号给接收机,两台机器连接在起,发送和接收传真,然后断开。除了花费书写传真内容的时间外,传真机的速度与电话一样快,而且相对而言,就其速度来说,花费更便宜。较电子邮件来说,传真更方便,因为任何一张A4纸张,可以通过一部传真机。公司可以随时使用传真机而毋须用电脑或上网。传真也灵活,因为它们有能力发送文本和图形。不需要特殊的硬件或软件就可以编

422、写文件,其中包括图表,照片或图片,所有这些只需要复印到 张A4纸张。书信、电传及电话都各具其功能,但都不及传真,能更有效地传递文字和图画。电话传递信息虽快,但不能留下底稿供日后查考;书信传递信息虽准确,但推延费时;电话传递信息快捷正确,但不能传递图片资料;只有传真才能既正确、迅速传递文字信息,又能传递照片、图片资料p FAX是 FACSIMILE 一字的简写。 它是电信快速发展的见证。 传真机是办公设备,用以随时收发任何地区的信息。 但是为了使传真的信息更有效, 必须使有所草拟的业务书信、业务电传更有效。1 Layout ( 格式)相对于记事本而言, 传真的格式有很大的不同, 但主要取决于公司

423、的偏好,或所使用的传真机质量。 大部份的公司有自己的官方传真形式, 传真文件上都有公司的标识或至少有公司的名称,这些都印刷得非常醒目。此外,除有公司标识、名称和其他的电传标题外,所有传真都有几行字,用来表示地址、写信人和日期,这与备忘录的形式一样,传真的格式如下图所O2 Linguistic Features ( 语言特点)传真的文体风格类似于信函的文体风格。偶尔也会用事由,如,Re.: and Ref.:就常用来说明传真信息的标题或用来指以前的合同。在大多数情况下使用的称呼也是“Dear + first name”or Dear + Mr/Mrs + last nam e,最典型的结束语就是

424、Best regards”。在前面几章的商务信函中所使用的词句也被用于传真。信函与传真的不同之处有时只在于传达信息的手段不同。不过,传真有时更为正式。3 Tips for Writing Faxes ( 注意事项)(1) Addresses are not always written out in full in the same way in faxes as in letters.传真中的地址有时不像信函那样写得完整。(2) Each page of a fax will be clearly numbered.每页传真上都应有页码。(3) Faxes sent through a no

425、rmal fax machine will include a full signature, not just initials.普通传真机传出去的信函都应签全名。(4) Faxes sent through a modem will not include signatures because of the difficulty of “ gettingthem into “ the computer。如果是通过调制解调器传出去的信函就不用签名,因为通过电脑签名不太容易。(5) Handwritten faxes may also be acceptable in some lines o

426、f business or in certain situationsbecause faxes are primarily used to transmit written messages quickly.有时手写传真也可以接受,因为传真机主要是用来快速传达书面信息的。(6) Impressions are made when sending faxes, as with any other type of business communication.So care about details may be equally important when sending faxes!与任何

427、其他类型的商务沟通方式一样, 传真同样也会给读者留下印象, 所以发出的传真也应当注意内容!4 Specimen Faxe Complaint adjustment 理赔尊敬的布郎先生:您好!感谢5 月 12日的来信,告知您使用我们Clearview双层玻璃窗户中遇到的问题。窗户没能让您满意, 我们表示由衷的抱歉。 听到不满意的反馈信息, 我们的确也感到意外, 因为,我们收到众多满意用户的来信,都反映窗户挡风强,给他们节省了电费。我们将派代表菲利普格林先生前往贵处, 进一步探讨该问题。 如果窗户密封不严的话,格林先生也能够检查出来。也许是些小毛病导致的。如果您能尽早给这个办公室打电话,安排格林先

428、生合适的访问时间,将不胜感激。同时,也请放心,我们将尽最大努力确保您对我们产品的满意。顺此致意。B. Davis( 签名)用户服务部经理2008年 5 月 2 0 日Section 3 Email写 e-m ail和写英文信相差不多,主要由称呼、正文和落款三部分构成。写电子邮件时要注意以下几点:1 写电子邮件要直接,并多用短句,使意思清楚。2 使用标题标题可以使读信人一目了然知道信函内容,要简短,无需写得长而复杂,让人一看就知道是一封什么邮件。在这个范例中,标题的使用很好地表达了邮件的主题内容。3 注意邮件格式在电脑屏幕上的字与写在信纸上的字有时看上去会有写差异,有些人看屏幕会觉得很不舒服,因

429、此,就必须注意邮件的格式。邮件要写的尽量简短,清楚,没人愿意看又长又复杂的句子,如果内容很多,可以使用附件,或表格,图表等。Specimen Email杰夫,你好!感谢你咨询在自己的我的好邻居连锁店安装新型“ 盒式银行”事宜。你很快就会收到一份产品手册, 里面介绍了我们首先在得克萨斯州和佛罗里达州建立我们的连锁店银行服务亭试行性计划。这些八英尺高的隔离间能够使得客户保密地处理银行事务。客户可以购买汇票、电子汇兑、兑现支票、支付账单、提取现金。我们希望在8 个月内为你地区的我的好邻居安装亭子。你的小手册子中有详细的介绍。如果到3 月 1 FI还没有收到的, 发信告知你的通信地址,我再给你寄一份。

430、祝一切都好简Section 6 ExerciseI. Read the following passage about telex, fax and e-mail and then find a word or hrase in itthat means.1) abbreviations, 2) further; 3) similar; 4) subscriber; 5) numerous; 6) accurately; 7) transmitted; 8)requires; 9) convert; 10) mailboxIL The foHowine is an extract from a

431、n e-mail message. Change the numbered points intodirect questions, and then you will most probably eet a more clear and ready “yes/no”answer than originally framed.The power of e-mail is fast speed When you make requests, direct questions will improve yourchances of getting a yes/no reply than other

432、wise. Learn to use more direct requests in theelectronic communication. Generally, direct requests are realized in either the imperative or theinterrogative form; indirect alternatives realized in the modal initial or vatious want/desirestatements, e.g.,Direct request1) (Please) comment on this.2) (

433、Kindly) check it.3) Could you please comment on this?4) What was the outcome of your discussion with Mr. Smith?Indirect request1) I would appreciate your comments on a few questions.2) Answers to these questions and any other information you can provide will help us decidewhich conference facility t

434、o choose. Your response before November 15 would be mostappreciated since our planning committee meets November 19.3) We look forward to your order by 30 June, 2004.Suggested answers:1) Do you have any service engineers in Guangzhou?2) Is this model compatible with IBM PCs?3) Do you offer any specia

435、l discounts for large orders?III.The following is an extract from a telephone conversation. Write a brief fax to Eva givingher the required information from this extract. Use non-phrasal verbs.Faxes have a more formal style than telephone talks. The degree of formality can be realized bychanging phr

436、asal verbs into a verb word, for example, put off, delay, run down summarize, cropup,emerge, etc.Fax messageKron Qvist Pyrolavagen 28Lidingo SwedenTelephone: 46 87 465873Fax: 46 87 465877To: 33(1) 43245678Attention: Eva von HeijneFrom: JeanDear Eva,You can visit Jean any time next week to examine re

437、sults. Tom is going to arrive tomorrow.Mondays sales meeting has been cancelled.Regards,IV Here is an extract from a telephone conversation between a fashion desij/cr. Marianne,and a clothes manufacturer, Juan. Write an e-mail messace to Rina telling her the details ofthis conversation bv following

438、an outline as siiDDlied below.This is a practice on reported speech. In business, telephone talks are normally followed by a notefor later reference, or passed on by a memo, an e-mail, or a fax. These purposes involva aconversion from direct speech to reported speech. Pay attention to the proper ten

439、se forms. Notethat Cial is an Italian word, meaning Hi/Hello“ as a greeting and “best/cheers” as acomplimentary close.Subject: JS/23/04Dear Rina,I spoke to Marianne yesterday. I told her (1). I liked/had liked) the photographs. She said (2).she would come/was coming) to Milan at the end of next mont

440、h. She also said (3). she wouldbring) the designs and the finished colthes. She (4). asked) me to remind you that (5). you stillowe her some money.) She said you (6). said/promised) the money (7). would be in her bank lastTuesday but (8). it hasnt/hadnt) arrived.Finally, she (9). asked) if you (10).

441、 would) call her. She said (11). she would be in all day)Friday.JuanV. Translate the Chinese fax messages into English.Re: Our Order No. 527 for Sewing MachineWe have recived your faxes dated 5, 7 and 10th June, and your letter of 12 by Express Mail,urging us to establish the L/C for the subject/cap

442、tioned order.We are very sorry for the delay in opening the L/C, which was due to oversight of our staff.However, receiving your fax of 5, we immediately opened the relative L/C with the Bank of China,and trust that the same is now in your hand.Please allow us to express again regret for the inconve

443、nience that has been caused to you.Best regards,B.Notes: The expressions “on the receipt of and acknowledge the receipt of “ are notrecommended in the electronic messages or even modern business letter writing.It is highly recommended to end your message with an action request and a dateline.VL Tran

444、slate Chinese e-mail message into English.Subject: Coming Shipping DocumentsDear Mr. Smith,We 1 1 send you a full set of non-negotiable copies of shipping documents by S.S. “ HeP ing( 和平 号轮) separately. They are estimated to reach you on or before May 30. Please seeto their arrival.Thanks.Chapter Ei

445、ghteen Other Letter Writing 其他形式的信函Section One Invitation 邀请函严格地说,此部分的信函并非商业信函,但我们大多数的商务人员却必须写这种信函,并且次数也相当频繁。虽然无须遵循任何设计或大纲,但须清晰、明确、机敏而诚恳,应注意写你自己风格的信函,无论他人如何正确适宜,不要抄袭他人。当你自己写信时,感谢信或祝贺信也好,都应该表达你自己最深刻的思想与感情。事实上,商业社交信函的格式是有规律可循的,不要太追求独特,因循这些规律是可取的。写商皿社交信函时应注意下面儿点:1 突出各种社交聚会如约见、会议、宴会等的目的。所有的社交信函都有其特定的目的,

446、应在信函中直切要的。2 在写商业社交信函时不要提及一些不相干的话题, 也不要错误地将业务和社交事宜放在同一封信函中。3 提供收件人所有参加社交活动所必要的细节如日期、时间、地点等。4 让读信人感到自己的出席是让人期待的。5 要求对方的反馈,必要时要求对方在特定日期确认。1 Formal InvitationSpecimen 1 Invitation to an opening ceremony ( 邀请参力口开幕典礼)温切斯特合作银行敬邀光临于新成立大厦举行的开幕典礼时间:星期六上午8 点正,6 月 6 日在下星期一营业前开幕Specimen 2 Invitation to a dinner

447、reception为会见尊敬的中国外贸部吴仪部长, 特设宴兰卡斯特宫, 国家贸易秘书处及戴尔先生恭请约翰史密斯先生出席这一招待宴。时间:11月 2 8 日下午8 点。请回复。要求正式的着装。2 Informal InvitationSpecimen 1 Invitation to product presentation ( 邀请参加产品介绍会)敬启者:2008年 5 月 5 日我公司诚邀您参加新产品DX700s声像系统的专业展示会,该展示会将于5 月 15 日星期二下午2 点在绿地金大街300号的威尔森展览中心举行, 届时于下午4 点还将有招待会, 我们希望您和您的同事可以出席。马可技术公司

448、是高品质声像设备的主要生产商。 正如你们所知, 最新的技术进步己经使得声像系统逐渐能为老百姓所接受, 我们的这一新产品在满足经济性的同时也提供极高的品质和复杂的功能,其新特性使其在其他厂商的同类产品中具有明显的优势。希望在星期二看到您的出席。只要打我们办公室的电话123-4567,我们很乐意为您保留位子。凯丝玲科提斯谨上市场部马可技术公司卫季密尔大道143号洛山矶2 8 ,加利福尼亚Specimen 2 Invitation to a fair ( 邀请参加交易会)尊敬的先生/ 小姐,在上述地址, 我们想请贵公司参加于八月二十九日到九月四日举办的2008国际商品交易会,关于交易会的详情我们一周

449、内将寄给你。希望不久能收到你的来信,并能来参加。. . .启3 Letters of Acceptance 应邀信Specimen 1 Accepting a Formal Invitation ( 接受正式的邀请)Accepting invitation to a ceremonv ( 接受出席典礼的邀请)约翰史密斯夫妇感谢张国先生在7 月 11日星期举行的剪彩仪式的邀请,并乐意接受。Specimen 2 Accepting a Informal Invitation ( 接受非正式邀请)Accepting invitation to a fair ( 接受参加交易会的邀请)尊敬的先生/ 小

450、姐,感谢6 月 2 8 日来信邀请我们公司参加20-年国际商品交易会。我们乐于参加并计划展示我们前几年生产的电子设备。 李先生将于7 月 2 日至7 日去你市做具体安排, 非常感谢你的协助。启4 Letters of Decline 谢绝信Specimen 1 Declining a formal invitation ( 拒绝正式邀请)由于弗兰克先生离开本镇出差,弗兰克罗斯夫妇很遗憾地不能接受本腾伉俪参加为其女儿安尼塔小姐于11月 8 日星期四举办的化妆舞会的盛情邀请。Specimen 2 Decline an invitation to a fair ( 拒绝参力交易会的邀请)尊敬的先生/

451、 小姐,非常感谢您邀请我们参加20-国际商品交易会。 由于我们将于同一时间到你市新开一家维修店,非常抱歉我们不能前去。希望在未来有机会再见你。Section Two Introduction 介绍信Specimen To be sent by mail ( 采用邮寄方式的介绍信)我的小舅子鲁平整个下周都会待在波士顿的科伯利广场, 我一直希望你们俩会面, 这 次 是 个理想的机会。我之所以建议这次会面,完全是因为我知道你们俩一定会喜欢与彼此为伴并交换意见。Specimen 2 Tb be presented in person ( 亲自递交的推荐函)亲手交给你这张条子的年轻女士是我的最要好的老朋

452、友的女儿谢玉小姐, 她将在明年在纽约待上大约一年来研究服装的流行设计。谢玉是一个可爱并有能力的女孩, 我觉得你肯定会喜欢她, 所以我坚持要她拜访你并呈交这张条子。她以前没有来过纽约,我会非常感激你给予她的任何帮助和建议,我知道她也会深深地感谢你的任何接待。Specimen 3 Business letters of introduction ( 公事介绍信)兹以此函向贵方介绍, 正在旧金山访问客户的本公司新任出口部经理王艾伦先生。 他将为贵方说明本公司新近的产品,并乐意协助您所需要的任何技术资料。Specimen 4 Introducing new sales manager ( 介绍新上任的

453、销售经理)我们最近新任命了一位海外销售经理托马斯先生, 他将在下个月底出访中国特别是上海, 特将此事函告给你,如果你能接待他,并提供你曾经给予他上一任海顿先生同样的帮助,我们将十分感激。托马斯先生时中国市场有全面的了解, 并愿意就他认为对我们双方都有利的各种事项同你方进行探讨。Section Three Letters of Appointment 约晤信Specimen 1 Appoint for Meeting Time ( 预约见面时间)尊敬的先生/ 小姐谢谢来函告知我方六月2-7 FI格林先生的来访。 不巧, 我们的总经理艾得华先生现正在巴黎,到六月中旬才能回来。但他回来后愿意在任何时

454、间会见格林先生。希望收到您的来信。. . .启Specimen 2 Appoint for Discussion Time ( 预约磋商时间)你为我们今年初所供应给你的货物所遭受的困难,我们深感关切。我非常愿意亲自和你讨论此事,因为在4月7日星期四那天,我将来利物浦,我秘书会在明天大电话给你,商议我在何时前往拜访比较方便。Section Four Letters of Thanks 感谢信Specimen 1 Thanks for Courtesies ( 感谢接待)亲爱的格拉汗先生:敝人访卡文工厂时承蒙接待大开眼界,欣慰之至,请接受我的谢意。敝人也致函司密斯先生,感谢其盛情款待, 表达对阁下

455、博学广识印象之深。没有比你更好的向导和更令人愉快的主人了。Specimen 2 Thanks for hospitality (感谢款待)敝人已返中国,对您在我停留贵国期间所施与的优厚款待,谨致以最热切的感激之情。 有机会会见您本人与贵公司董事,是我长久以来的期待。我现在只能希望,有一天可以迎接贵方莅临本地。非常感谢您以及带我参观贵方新工厂的彼得威廉森先生的善意。再致谢忱。Section Five Letters of Congratulations 祝贺信Specimen 1 Congratulation upon New Year ( 贺新年)一年将终,兹愿籍此机会感谢朋友及顾客给予的信赖

456、爱顾。祝福您及府上圣诞快乐、新年好运。Specimen 2 Congratulation on promotion ( 道贺调职高就)亲爱的罗素:当你离开我们公司另就高位, 迪波贝纳特公司的主管经理人员希望你接受我们为你另一成功而致上最诚挚的祝福。我不须再度告诉你我们对你的离去多么失望, 但我们对这项职位的改变非常满意, 因为它代表在汽车工 业界你到达成功境界的另 阶段, 你所留下的这些可信记录, 更能证实我们这些看法。祝福你的好运!爱德华莱恩副 董事长谨上Section Six Letters of Reservation 订位信Specimen 1 A Letter making a ho

457、tel reservation 响旅馆订位)敬启者:请于7 月 2 日至7 FI于贵处为我保留一间价格适中的双人床套房, 我将感谢你方通知我此项保留,并告知价格。哈罗德尼可斯上Specimen 2 An Acknowledgment of a LetterRequesting Reservations ( 同意订位的函)尼可斯先生含鉴:按照您最近来函的要求, 极乐意为您于 7 月 2 日至7 日保留一间相当大的双人房, 并连有浴室,价格为每天12元。我们盼望您的光临。Section Seven Notice and Announcement 通告信函Specimen 1 Opening of

458、a sales office ( 开立新的销售办事处的通知)尊敬的先生/ 小姐,我们已在纽约上述地址为我们的产品开设了 家办事处。 我们雇有个谄询人员和支受过良好训练的服务队伍,可以为从我处购买的设备进行日常检查。如果你能充分利用我们的服务和良好的购物环境, 我们会很高兴。 我们全面保证产品的质量。启Specimen 2 Opening of new business ( 开业通知书)敬请贵方注意,我方已经开、 也为贸易公司,名称及地址如下:广州贸易股份有限公司广州市东风东路88号我方担任伦敦的伦敦贸易股份有限公司广州区代表长达15年以上,堪称对英国及广州市场两方面都有丰富的经验。本公司可以极

459、具竞争力的价格提供非常繁多的第一流的广州杂货、电气机械及衣料。Section Eight Ineroffice Menos 办公室便笺Specimen 1 Defining a Problem ( 说明问题)致:人事部由:维修部事项:一些工人蓄意旷工我部昨天向你部申请解雇常常蓄意旷工的梁泰、王小强和林棠。这一申请是接到顾客的众多的投诉所致。 据他们称, 这 3 名工人前往他们的住宅进行修理工作时经常很迟才到。他们要花半小时或整个一小时才到顾客家里,而通常只需要1 0 或 20分钟。 而且他们也常常整日旷工。 根据我们的记录, 光是在本月内, 梁就旷工3 天, 王四天,林 6 天,屡教不改。故我

460、部不能容忍该等人破坏我部的纪律,我们必须尽快把该等人解雇。Specimen 2 Justifying an action ( 解释某行动正确)致:经理大卫布朗由:采购员李致名事由:采购X X 电动打字机上个月,我买了一架X X电动打字机代替普通的X X打字机。我是在你不在公司的时候, 根据秘书陈丽枫小姐的要求并经副经理李天山先生的批准买下该部打字机的。由于具备下列优点,我相信这种打字机十分适合我们这一规模的公司:(1)打得更快,增加工作效率。(2)打出与印刷字体无异的漂亮字母。在过去的一个月内,该打字机已证明了其优点,也证明我的行动是正确的。Section Nine Business Repo

461、rts 商业报告书Specimen 1 An investigation report ( 调查报告)监督室2008年1月9日罗依金士顿先生董事长室敬启者:奉 你1月7日的要求,调查减低部门营运成本一事,已对运输服务部门完成调查。1、调查所有的卜车以及其他运输设备。2、研究过去12个月内运输系统每一单位上的维护及营运成本。3、仔细分析现在的卡车调度方法。4、人事方面的调查。根据上述各方面的各项调查结果,我认为采用下列建议可节省笔可观的成本:第一,以交换方式,将3辆卡车换成新设备,这3辆卡车的行车里数已超过100 , 000里,每一辆的维护成本阻碍经济营运。第二,4辆卡车须作稍微修护,以增其效能

462、。第三,星期二、四、六的城镇往来接收运送服务,应缩为星期二、六,以免减损司机效率,此计划如付诸实行, 可节省大量营运成本, 并将3位司机能力, 在支配下作其他方面的运用。谨此结束报告, 我很高兴就我的观点提出报告, 所有运输部门的职员以极佳的精神执行工作,如你愿意,我将更清楚完整地与你讨论有关问题。启Specimen 2 An instruction or authorization to the report writer (指示或委任写报告的信函)致秘书们以及部J助理:我希望各位给我有关在公司一切活动的简短报告,关于:(1)你执行的各项任务并估计每项工作分配的时间。(2)部门名称以及给予的

463、工作指示或命令的执行人员(3)笔录及打字时间的比例,以及与信函的关联如何?与其他类型文件的关系。(4)关于工作及环境,任何自己认为可以改善工作环境的建议。我希望此报告不迟于4月12日。Section Ten Agenda and Resolutions 日 历及 日 程安排Specimen 1 Daily Schedule (日程安排)Seciton 11 Letter of Notes( 便条)Specimen 1亲爱的派克先生:非常抱歉,我因今晨突然生病不能前来上课。现附上医生证明,医生担心我也许要几天后才能上课。希望我这次身不由己的缺勤不致给您带来很大的麻烦。忠实于您的杰克Specime

464、n 2亲爱的彼特:我在这里的事情已经全部办好。这次麻烦你了,我万分感激。我定于今天下午两点乘火车返家,特来辞行,并请代向你的妻子问好。杰克Seciton 12 ExercisesLWrite a letter of Invitation according to the following particular.Kevs:R.J. RogerGeneral director of the Canadian Trade Exhibitioncordially invites the pleasure of Victor Henrys companyat a buffet party in Bai

465、 Yun Hotelon Monday, August 21st, at 7 oclock p.m.Regrets onlyTel. 020 38451234IL Write a letter of Introduction according to the following particular.Keys:Dear Paul,A friend of mine, Mr. David Li, would very much like to meet you. He is a researcher of businessadministration at xx.Meanwhile, he is

466、making a study trip to the USA, in order to contribute to a book which is inpublication entitled “Business Administration in the USA”You were kind enough to offer me your assistance when you were here in Guangzhou. I wouldvery much appreciate it if you find time to see Mr. Li, or give him an introdu

467、ction to someone onyour staff. Thank you.Yours faithfully,Yi FanHL Write a letter of Coneradulation according to the foHowing particulars and then give areply:Keys:Dear Mr. MinisterAllow me to convey my congratulations on your promotion to Minister of Trade. I am delightedthat many years service you

468、 have given to your country should have been recognized andappreciated.We wish you success in your new post and look forward to closer cooperation with you in thedevelopment of trade between our two countries.Sincerely(Reply)Dear Mr. / Ms,Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations on my app

469、ointment. I wish also to thank youfor the assistance you have given me in my work and look forward to better cooperation in thefuture.Sincerely yours,IV Write a letter of Negative Reply to an Appointment according to the foHowingparticulars:Kevs:Dear Sirs,We thank you fbr your letter of 14th May, an

470、d regret that owing to his absence in the USA, ourExport Manager will be unable to see Mr. Pennington.Yours faithfully,V, Write a letter of Thanks according to the following particulars.Keys:Dear Mr. Williamsons,I must write to you to say how much we appreciate the promptness with which you settled

471、youraccounts with us during the past year, especially as a number of them have been for very largesums. It has been of great help to us at a time when we ourselves have been faced with heavycommitments connected with the expansion of our business. We hope you will continue to give usthe opportunity

472、to serve you.Sincerely yours,VI. Write a letter of Reservation according to the following 口articulars.Kevs:NEW LIFE TRUST COMPANY705 Washington Avenue, Dennis, IllinoisMarch 26, 2008Marketing ManagerKalasta HotelMannerheimintie 46Helsinki, FinlandDear Sir,Please reserve three rooms for following gen

473、tlemen, preferably with eastern exposure.Mr. Michael Sudbury ETA March 31 at 7:00 pm.ETD April 04 at 6:00 am.Dr. Bob Milmo ETA March 31 at 7:00 pm.ETD April 05 at 10:00 am.Mr. Tom Mckinley - ETA April 01 at 6:00 pm.ETD April 06 at 11:00 am.Please confirm reservation by return fax at number 426-6055.

474、Sincerely yours,Sherri CarrollExecutive SecretaryTests In this part there are five tests for teachers, which can be used as classroom practice orfinal examinations.Test 1/ Fill in the missing words in the fallowing blanks with the first letter given.(每空 1 分, 共 40 分)1 On the r of the chamber of comme

475、rce, we have 1 with pleasure that you are a1 exporter s in Machinery and Equipment in your country and shall be glade toenter i business relations w you.2 F our credit s, please r to the following bank, as a r.3E please find samples o our grade A 3.5 Microfloppy disks. If you are able tos us w 5000

476、packs, each pack c 10 pieces, please q us the mostf price CIF Shanghai.4 We should highly a it if you would let us know what discount you may g us ifwe p an order f 20000 pieces.5 All quotations are s to our final c. Unless o stated or agreed upon,all prices are n without commission.6 Please s to it

477、 that the above m goods are be shipped before the 15th May and thegoods are be c fbr 150% of invoice value a All Risks. We know that according toyour usual practice, you i the goods only for 10% a invoice value, therefore theextra p will be fbr our a.7 We have today instructed our Bank, the Frank Ba

478、nk in London, to o in your f aconfirmed, i letter of credit with partial shipment and t allowed clause, availableby d at sight, against s the full set of shipping documents to the n bank.H Make ihe best choice (每题 I 分, 共 20 分)l .We attribute our business successes ( ) our mutual effort.a. to b. for

479、c. on d. at2 .We are now ( ) a position to supply any quantity of the captioned goods from stock ( )the exact specification of your sample.a. in, to b. at, with c. at, fbr d. in, of3 .Damage ( ) the goods was caused by heavy rain in transit.a. of b. for c. to d. on4 .( ) our S/C No. 9215 dated Augus

480、t 8, we wish to say that the goods will be shipped by theend of next month.a. As refer tob. Refer toc. With refer to d. With reference to5 .Please see that the L/C stipulations are in strict accordance ( ) the terms of the contract.a. for b. with6.1 f the first shipment (a. will prove satisfactoryc.

481、 turns out a satisfactionc. in d. against) , we guarantee that we shall send you many repeat orders.b. proves satisfactoryd. turn out satisfied7.The covering L/C must be confirmed by ( ).a. the bank acceptable for us b. a bank accepted by usc. the bank to accept us d. a bank acceptable to us8 .We al

482、ways ( ) stress on the quality.a. make b. get c. lay d. as9 .The amendment advice should reach us by December 15, ( ) which you must extend thevalidity of the L/C to the end of next January.a. for b. against c. failing d. fromlO.The seller should, if necessary, ask the buyer to make an amendment ( )

483、 the L7C (shipment.a. of. of b. to. before c. of. after d. in. with)ll. As we are (a. in badly need12 .With regard (a. to.to) of these goods, please expedite shipment after receiving our L/C.b. in urgent need c. urgent in need d. in urgently need) Contract No.202, we are agreeable ( ) D/P terms.b. f

484、or.to c. to.for d. in.toa. in effect b. take effect form c. be effected d. go into effect14.Please do your utmost to expedite the covering L/C, so that we may ( ) the order13.The newly adjusted prices will () on the first next month.16.1f you fail to make punctual shipment, we will have to ask you t

485、o compensate us for any lossarising ( ).smoothly.a. take delivery of b. execute15. What we have done is quite in (a. way b. complyc. book d. work out) with the contract.c. compliance d. touch) to the sellers, informing them of thea. therefrom b. thereofc. therein d. thereafter17.Before shipment, the

486、 buyers generally send their (packing and mark, mode of transportation, etc.a. shipping documents b. shipping requirementsc. shipping advice d. shipping marks18.We believe the goods will reach you ( ).a. in perfect condition b. in perfect conditionsc. with a good condition d. under good conditions19

487、. According to the contract stipulation, shipping marks are ( ).a. for the buyers option b. on account of the buyersc. at the buyers option d. to stencil by the buyers20.Rubber Gloves are packed ( ) cartons ( ) 100 pairs each.a. in.of b. of.for c. with.of d. to.forIII Translate fheJbllowEg into Engl

488、ish ( 共20 分)Part A: Please trcmslale ihe following expressions phrases ( 福题 1 分, 共 0 分)1. 医疗器械2 . 开证申请人3. 起订量4 .称呼5. 安装手册6 . 最挑剔的买主7. 银根紧8 .购货确认书9. 仲裁1 0 .阉品检验检疫Pari B: Please iranslaie ihe following sentences with the phrases ov sentence simciiire havelearned in the text book: ( 每题 2 分, 共 10 分)1 .

489、每台包在塑料袋内,然后装入标准出口纸箱,箱内填充泡沫塑料。2 . 为解决该项索赔,我方将立即派人对此事进行调查。如果责任在我方,我方将立即做出补偿。3 . 在我方客户没有具体要求时,我们通常投保水渍险和战争险。如果你方想要投保平安险请事先告知。4 . 随函附寄了有关装运单据的副本,因此,货物抵达后,贵方提货不会遇到问题。5 . 发往马耳它的货物,用双层麻袋包装,每袋重50-60公斤。四、Trcmslaie the following underlined parts into Chinese ( 每题 l 分, 共 5 分)1. It is expected that the consignm

490、ent will be ready for shipment in the early part of May and weare arranging to ship it on s.s. Red Star sailing from Shanghai on May 10。目前我方正在安排由“ 红星”轮装运,该轮将于5 月 10日启航离开上海。2. We can only cover insurance for 110% of the invoice value according to the contractstipulations and there fore we regret bein

491、g unable to comply with your request.我们只能根据合约规定按照发票金额的110%进行投保,o3. In order to pave the way fbr your pushing the sale of our products in your market, we willaccept payment by D/P at sight as a special accommodation.为了你方在市场推销我方产品铺平道路, 我方将接受即期付款交单方式付款,O4. The damage is obviously due to very rough hand

492、ling, so you are requested to take up the matterwith the insurance company.很明显,货物损坏是由于 造成的,请将此问题向保险公司提出。5. In order to meet your requirements, we can reduce our price by 2% as an exception. We hopethis will help you introduce our products into your market.为了满足你方需要,我们 允许减价2%。相信这将有助于你方把我商品介绍到你们市场。五、Fi

493、ll in the Sales Confirmation for the transaction stated in the following letter: ( 每空 I 分,共15分)敬启者:很高兴从贵方7 月 3 0 日来信中得悉已接受我方6 月 18日的报盘。 作为答复, 我们确认向贵公司出售KKK牌白色男式T 恤 衫 500打。大号、中号各一半。价格每打100美元C IF 纽约。2 打一纸盒,十纸盒装一标准出口纸箱。由我方按发票金额110%投保一切险和战争险。2006年 9 月由上海港口运往纽约,允许转船和分批装运,唆头由我方选定,以不可撤消的即期信用证付款,信用证必须在装运期前3

494、0天到达我方。按照惯例,信用证议付有效期为最后装运期后15天在中国到期。兹随函将我方7 月 8 日在上海所签第SSB9574号售货确认书一式二份寄给你方, 望查收。请会签并退回我方一份。此致敬礼( 原来分行)China National Textile Import & Export CorporationGuangdong Silk Branch17 ZHONG SHAN ROAD (E.l) SHANGHAL. CHINA售货确认书SALES CONFIRMATION TIONTo Messrs. 日期Date :_编号No._签约地点Signed at_兹经买卖双方同意成交下列商品订立条

495、款如下:The undersigned Sellers and Buyers have agreed to close the following transactions according tothe terms and conditions stipulated below:(1)商品:Commodity:_(2)规格:Specification: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 数量:Quantity: _(4)单价:Unit

496、Price : _(5 )总值:Total Vai ue : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(6 )装运期:Time of Shipment: _ 包装:Packing: _(8 )装运口岸和目的地:Loading Port and Destination: _(9 )装船唆头Shipping Marks: _(10)付款条件:Terms of Payment :TERMS of payment: by 100% value con

497、firmed irrevocable letter of credit by draft at sight withtransshipment and partial shipments allowed, to reach the Sellers days beforemonth of shipment, with shipment validity arranged till the 15th day after the month of shipment,and remain valid for negotiation in the loading port until the day a

498、fter theshipment validity.(11)保险Insurance: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _买方卖方The Buyers The SellersI Fill in the missing words in fhe following blanks with the first letter given.(每空1 分,共 40 分)1 .recommendation; learned; leading; speci

499、alized; into; with2 .For; standing; refer; reference3 .Enclosed; of; supply; with; containing; quote; favorable4 .appreciate; grant; place; for5 .subject; confirmation; otherwise; net6 .see; mentioned; covered; against; insure; against; premium; account7 .open; favor; irrevocable; transshipment; dra

500、ft; surrendering; negotiating Make the best choice.(每题 1 分, 大20 分)1 a 2 a3c 4d5b 6b 7d8 c9c 10b11 b 12 a 13d 14b 15c 16a 17b 18a 19c 20a111 Translate the following into English.( 共 20 分)Part A: Please translate the following expressions or phrases ( 每题 1 分,共 10 分)1. Medical Apparatus and Instruments

501、 2. Applicant3. Minimum Quantity 4. Salutation5. installation ( guide) manual 6. the most selective buyer7. tight money 8. Purchase Confirmation9. Arbitration 10. Commodity Inspection and QuarantinePart B: Please translate the following sentences with the phrases or sentence structure you havelearne

502、d in the text book.( 每题2 分,共 10 分)l. Each set is wrapped in a poly bag and packed in a standard export cardboard carton lined withfoam.2. In order to settle the claim, we will immediately send a representative to investigate this matter.If our party was at fault, the compensation will be made at onc

503、e.3. In the absence of definite instructions from our clients, we generally cover insurance againstWPA and War risks; if you desire to cover FPA please let us known in advance.4. Copies of the relative shipping documents are enclosed, thus you may find no trouble in takingdelivery of the goods when

504、they arrive.5. The packing for Malta, we would like you to have the goods packed in double gunny bags of50/60 kilos each.IV Translate the following underlined parts into Chinese ( 每题 1 分,共 5 分)1. It is expected that the consignment will be ready for shipment in the early part of May and weare arrang

505、ing to ship it on s.s. Red Star sailing from Shanghai on May 10。预计货物将在5 月匕旬备妥待运。目前我方正在安排由“ 红星”轮装运,该轮将于5 月 10日启航离开上海。2. We can only cover insurance for 110% of the invoice value according to the contractstipulations and there fore we regret being unable to comply with your request.我们只能根据合约规定按照发票金额的11

506、0%进行投保,因此抱歉很难按照你方要求办理。3. In order to pave the way for your pushing the sale of our products in your market, we willaccept payment by D/P at sight as a special accommodation.为了你方在市场推销我方产品铺平道路, 我方将接受即期付款交单方式付款,以示特别照顾( 融通) 。4. The damage is obviously due to very rough handling, so you are requested to

507、take up the matterwith the insurance company.很明显,货物损坏是由于十分粗鲁( 野蛮)的搬运造成的, 请将此问题向保险公司提出。5. In order to meet your requirements, we can reduce our price by 2% as an exception. We hopethis will help you introduce our products into your market.为了满足你方需要,我们破 例 ( 作为例外)允许减价2%。相信这将有助于你方把我商品介绍到你们市场。V Fill in th

508、e Sales Confirmation for the transaction stated in the following letter.( 每空 1 分,共15分)17 ZHONG SHAN ROAD (E.l) GUANGDONG. CHINA售货确认书SALES CONFIRMATIONTo Messrs. 日期Date 8th July, 2006编号No: SSB9574签约地点Signed at: Shanghai兹经买卖双方同意成交下列商品订立条款如下:The undersigned Sellers and Buyers have agreed to close the f

509、ollowing transactions according tothe terms and conditions stipulated below:(1 )商品:Commodity: KKK Brand Mens T-shirt,(2 )规格:Specification: white, L-size and M-size 数量:Quantity: 250 dozen with L-size & M-size equal number(4 )单价:Unit Price: US$ 100.00 CIF New York(5 )总值:Total Value: US$50,000(6 )装运期:T

510、ime of Shipment: September 2006 包装:Packing: in cartons of 2 dozen each, 10 cartons to a wooden case(8 )装运口岸和目的地:Loading Port and Destination: Shanghai Port to New York Port(9 )装船唆头Shipping Marks: at our option(10)付款条件:Terms of Payment:TERMS of payment: by 100% value confirmed irrevocable letter of c

511、redit by draft at sight withtransshipment and partial shipments allowed, to reach the Sellers_30_days before month ofshipment, with shipment validity arranged till the 15th day after the month of shipment, andremain valid for negotiation in the loading port until the _ 15 day after the shipment vali

512、dity.(11)保险Insurance: To be covered by the Sellers against All Risks and War Risk for 110% of the invoicevalue.买方 卖方The Buyers The SellersTest 2I Fill in the missing words in the following blanks with the first letter give九( 每空 I 分,共 40 分)1 We write to you i ourselves as one of the leading exporters

513、 of a wide r_ of electric goodsfrom the United Kingdom.We a a list of products we are regularly exporting and t_some of these i_ will be of i_to you. We would be i in r_your inquiries for all types of electric goods against w_ wewill send you our q_.We look forward to hearing from you soon.2 We are

514、informed that you are 1 importers of textiles. Please be advised that we are a scorporation dealing in the export of such commodities. If you are in_in establishing businessrelations with us in this 1, we shall be pleased to f_samples and catalogs as well as dinformation upon r of your inquires.We a

515、ssure you o_our best attention to any enquiries f_ you and anticipate your promptresponse in this r.3 We thank you for your letter of 25th September for the booklets you very kindly sent us. Wea the good quality of your raincoats, but unfortunately your prices a_ to be on the high side.To a the pric

516、es you quote would leave with only a small profit on our sales since this is anarea in which the principal demand is for a_in the medium price-range.May we suggest that you made some a of, say, 8% on your quoted prices, that would helpto i your goods to our customers. If you cannot do so, then we mu

517、st regretfully d_youroffer as it stands. For your information, some p_of Japanese make have been sold here at amuch lower price. We hope you will c our counter-offer most favorably and fax us youra as soon as possible.4 We have b_ your Order No.233 for bed sheets and pillowcases and are sending you

518、h ourSales Confirmation N.BP-103 in d. Please sign and return one copy to us for our file.It is understood that an L/C in our f covering the above-mentioned goods will be eimmediately. We wish to point out that the s in the relevant credit should strictly c tothe terms stated in our S/C in order to

519、avoid subsequent a. You may rest a that we shalle shipment with the least possible delay upon receipt of the credit. Make the best choice ( 每题 1 分, 共 20 分)1. The goods shipped already if your L/C had arrived by the end of Dec. lest.a. would be b. must have been c. had been d. would have been2. The b

520、uyer suggested that the packing of this article improved.a. be b. was to be c. would be d. had to be3. We have drawn a on you at sight for the in invoice amount.a. cheque b. B/L c. draft d. policy4. As our factory is at present fully occupied with orders, we regret having to yours.a. refuse b. cance

521、l c. reject d. return5. Your claim for the damage is to be with the insurance company.a. met b. filed c. satisfied d. compensated6. We are a loss to understand why we havent heard from you.a. in b. by c. at d. of7. The introduction of containers in transport greatly carriage of goods.a. facilitate b

522、. speeds c. facilitates d. economizes8. We look forward to the goods in the fourth quarter.a. delivery of b. your delivery c. deliver d. delivery9. We shall be glad if you will the matter at once and let us know the reason for thedelay.a. look on b. look for c. look after d. look into10. The two fir

523、ms agreed to a joint venture in China.a. embark on b. intend c. engage d. enter into11. The agreement may be 6 months before its expiry.a. renewed b. prolonged c. expanded d. postponed12. Please see to it that the is suitable for a long sea voyage.a. packing b. package c. pack d. packed13. We shall

524、be pleased to send you the necessary information our machine toolsaccording to request.a. on b. about c. of d. in14. The delayed shipment of the goods on your part our heavy losses.a. resulted to b. arose from c. brought d. resulted in15. We are willing to renew the agreement on the same terms last.

525、a. like b. as c. with d. to16. If you are interested, we will send you a sample lot charge.a. within b. for c. in d. free of17. Quality of the present shipment is equal to of last consignment.a. this b. these c. that d. those18. The shipment time is July at our and the goods will be shipped in one l

526、ot.a. choice b. disposal c. option d. opinion19. The documents will be sent to you under s epar at e.a. covering b. cover c. coverage d. covers20. As soon as the are available, we will cable you.a. goods b. cargo c. cargoes d. commodity三 、Trcmslate the following info English ( 共 20 分)尸A; Please iran

527、slale ihe following expressions or phrases ( 每题 1 分, 共 10 分)1. 净价2 . 实盘3. 商会4 .特别折扣5. 形式发票6 .预约保单7. 报价单8 .短重9. 供你方参考10.插图目录Part B: Please translate the following sentences with the ph rases or sentence structure haveleamed in the text book: ( 每题 2 分, 共 10 分)1 . 箱内可以垫不同材料以防止水,空气或昆虫可能造成的损坏。2 . 在没有得到你方

528、明确的保密要求情况下, 我们按惯例把你所订购之货按发票金额110%投保了水渍险。3 . 请立即开立以我方为受益人的信用证,以便尽早安排装船。信用证中的条款必需与我方销货确认书中列明的完全相符,以免不必要的修改。4 . 我们确认已向你方电传下列商品的实盘,以此8 月 10 FI前复到为有效。5 . 我们的付款方式,一般是以保兑的、不可撤消的、以我公司为受益人的、按发票金额见票即付的信用证支付。四、Translate the following underlined parts into Chinese ( 每题 T 分, 共5 分)1. Our cotton prints are packed

529、in cases lined with craft paper and water-proof paper, eachconsisting of 30 pieces in one design with 5 colorways equally as sorted.我们的印花棉布系用木箱包装, 内衬牛皮纸和防潮纸。 每箱30匹,o2. If you wish to secure protection against TPND, it can be easily done upon the payment of anadditional premium.如你方想,非常容易办到,只要支付附加保险费就

530、行了。3. We very much regret that we are not in a position to supply you with your requirements direct,as we are already represented by ABC Company for the sales of this commodity in your district.因,我们抱歉不能直接向你供应所需货物。4. We are glad to tell you that the samples you sent us have been proved to be of satis

531、factoryquality, and therefore we are interested in regular supplies from you direct.所寄样品巳证实品质良好,因此我们对 感兴趣,特此奉告.5. We are willing to enter into business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutualbenefit and exchanging each others needed goods.我们愿意 与你方建立贸易关系。五 、Fill in the Sales Confirmati

532、on for the trcmsaction stated in the following letter ( 每空 1 分 ,共15分)阁下:兹确认售予你方下列货品,其成交条款如下:(5)包装;每双用塑料袋装,每 15双装一纸箱:(6)装运:于 2007年 6 月 15日前自中国口岸运至香港;允许转船,不得分装:(7)付款条件:买方须于2007年 4 月 3 0 日前将保兑的,不可撤销的可转让的30天期信用证开到卖方. 并注明有关成交合同号码及可在上述装运日期后15天内在中国福州议付有效。(8)保险:由卖方按惯例办理。兹随函将我方2007年 1 月 8 日在上海所签第XX A-0784号售货

533、确认书一式二份寄给你方,望查收。请会签并退回我方一份。此致敬礼China National Textile Import & Export CorporationShanghai Silk Branch上海中山东一路十七号17 ZHONG SHAN ROAD (E.l) SHANGHAL. CHINA售货确认书SALES CONFIRMATION TIONTo Messrs. 日期Date:_编号No._签约地点Signed at_兹经买卖双方同意成交下列商品订立条款如下:The undersigned Sellers and Buyers have agreed to close the f

534、ollowing transactions according tothe temis and conditions stipulated below:(1)商品:Commodity:_(2)规格:Specification: _(3)数量:Quantity :_(4)单价:Unit Price:_(5 )总值:Total Value: _(6 )装运期:Time of Shipment : _ 包装:Packing: _(8 )装运口岸和目的地:Loading Port and Destination: _(9 )保险Insurance: _(10)付款条件:Terms of Payment

535、:TERMS of payment: by confirmed irrevocable letter of credit by draft a t sight, toreach the Sellers days before date of shipment.买方The BuyersI Fill in the blanks ( 每空 l 分, 共30 分)卖方The Sellers1 introduce, range, attach, trust, items, interest, interested receiving, which, quotations2 large(leading),

536、 specialized, interested, line, forward, detailed, receipt, of, from, respect3 appreciate, appear, accept, articles, allowance, introduce, decline, parcels, consider, acceptance4 booked, herewith, duplicate, favor, established, stipulations, conform, amendments, assured,effectII Make ihe best choice

537、 ( 每题I 分, 共 20 分)1 d 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 a 6 c 7 c11 b 12b 13 a 14 d 15 b 16d 17 cIII Translate I he following iruo English.1每题 1 分,8a 9d 10 d18c 19b 20 c共2 0分)Part A: Please translate ihe following expressions or phrases1. net price3. Chamber of Commerce5. proforma invoice7. price list9. for your referen

538、ce2. firm offer4. special discount6. open policy8. short weight10. illustrated cataloguePent B: Please Iran slate i he following sentences with the phrases or sentence structurelearned in the text book:1 The inside of the case may be lined with various materials to prevent damage by water, air orins

539、ects.2 In the absence of your definite instructions regarding insurance, we covered your ordered goodsagainst W.P.A. for 110% of the invoice value according to our usual practice.3 Please establish immediately an L/C in our favor so as to enable us to arrange shipment as earlyas possible. The terms

540、in the L/C should be in strict conformity with those specified in our S/C soas to avoid unnecessary amendments.4 We are making you, subject to your reply reaching here before the end of this month.5 Our usual mode of payment is by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit, available by draft atsight f

541、or the full amount of the invoice value to be established in our favor through a bankacceptable to us./V Translate the following underlined parts into Chinese ( 每题 1 分, 共 5 分)1. Our cotton prints are packed in cases lined with craft paper and water-proof paper, eachconsisting of 30 pieces in one des

542、ign with 5 col or ways equally as sorted.我们的印花棉布系用木箱包装,内衬牛皮纸和防潮纸。每箱30匹, 花五色,平均搭配,2. If you wish to secure protection against TPND, it can be easily done upon the payment of anadditional premium.如你方想投保偷窃提货不着险, 非常容易办到,只要支付附加保险费就行了。3. We very much regret that we are not in a position to supply you with

543、 your requirements direct,as we are already represented by ABC Company for the sales of this commodity in your district.因此类产品已委托你地ABC公司代售,我们抱歉不能直接向你供应所需货物。4. We are glad to tell you that the samples you sent us have been proved to be of satisfactoryquality, and therefore we are interested in regular

544、 supplies from you directly.所寄样品巳证实品质良好,因此我们对从你处获得定期供应感兴趣, 特此奉告.5. We are willing to enter into business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutualbenefit and exchanging each others needed goods.我们愿意作平等互. 利、互通有无的基础上与你方建立贸易关系。V Fill in ihe Sales Confirmaiioti for the transaction stated in

545、 the following ietier ( 每空 1 分, 共1 5分)Shanghai Silk Branch上海中山东一路十七号17 ZHONG SHAN ROAD (E.l) SHANGHAL. CHINA售货确认书SALES CONFIRMATION TIONTo Messrs. 日期Date: 8th January, 2007编号No: XXA0784签约地点Signed at: Shanghai兹经买卖双方同意成交下列商品订立条款如下:The undersigned Sellers and Buyers have agreed to close the following t

546、ransactions according tothe terms and conditions stipulated below:(1 )商品:Commodity: Mens/Boys PCV Lace up Jogger(2 )规格:Specification: size 10-3, size 6-11(3 )数量:Quantity: 1,400 pair with size 10-3 & 4,000 with size 6-11(4 )单价:Unit Price: US$2.50 for size 10-3 & US$3.50 for size 6-11 CIF HONG KONG(5

547、)总值:Total Value: US$17,500(6 )装运期:Time of Shipment: To be effected before 15 June 2007, transshipment to be allowed and partialshipment not permitted. 包装:Packing: one pair to be packed in a poly bag, 15 pairs to one carton(8 )装运口岸和目的地:Loading Port and Destination: From China Port to Hong Kong(9 )保险I

548、nsurance: at the sellers option as usual practice(10)付款条件:Terms of Payment:TERMS of payment: by confirmed irrevocable transferable letter of credit by draft at _ 30_ dayssight, to reach the Sellers_15_ days before date of shipment.买方 卖方The Buyers The SellersTest 31 Fill in the blanks with appropriat

549、e prepositions. (1X30=30 points)1 To acquaint you 1.our products, we are sending you 2.separate cover severalcopies of our catalogue.2 The L/C has been opened 3.your favor.3 Thank you 4. your quotation 5. October 8th 6 .1 0 0 0 0 pieces 7.the captionedgoods.4 We offer you 200 cartons of “sunflower b

550、rand candle 8._ US$7 per carton 9 ._the usualterms.5 This offer is firm subject 10. your reply here before June 19th.6 We have covered insurance 11._the 100 metric tons of wool 12._110% 13. theinvoice value 14. F.P.A. 15. PICC 16. a slightly higher premium.7 The extra premium will be 17. our account

551、.8 18. reply to your inquiry No. 13, we are pleased to offer you as follows.9 If you could make a reduction of 10% 19. quotation, we have confidence in securinglarge orders 20.you.10 We are pleased to inform you that the item you requested can be supplied 21. stock.11 We are 22. the market for Table

552、 cloth, we should be glad if you would send us your bestquotation.12 We shall be glad if you will look 23. the matter at once and let us know the reason for thedelay of shipment.13 We are looking forward to your specific inquiry 24.which we will send you our mostfavorable quotation.14 We are not 25.

553、 a position to accept D/A payment.The goods 26.L/C No. 123 have arrived in good condition.15 Hey will compensate you 27. the loss according to the provisions of the insurance policy.16 We should be pleased to send you a sample 28.our own expense.17 The buyer should establish an irrevocable L/C 29. r

554、eceipt of the buyers SalesConfirmation.18 Shipping documents have to be presented for negotiation 30. 14 days after thedate of issue. Part 八vo; Multiple Choices lX20=20points)l .Your full cooperation_a. is to be appreciated b. will be highly appreciatedc. will be appreciated it d. is appreciated.2.

555、If any items is to you, please let us know.a. of interest b. interested c. interest d. interesting3. We allow a proper discount according to the q u a n t i t i e s .a. offered b. ordered c. produced d. delivered4. Risk of Breakage is a special coverage which is a franchise of 5%a. according to b. c

556、harged for c. subject to d. due to5. This offer is firm, subject to your here before June 19th.a. reply reaches us b. answer c. reply reaching d. reply accepted6 Provided we receive your order before 30 October, we make you a firm offer delivery inNovember_ the price quoted.a. for, on b. for, at c.

557、of, according d. of, at7 .we hope to come_ terms you this trial ordera. to, between, for b. to, with, for, c. on, with, on d. to, with, on8 .we find your terms and now send you our order No.la. favorable b. satisfied c. are acceptable d. satisfying9. We regret our inability to with your request for

558、shipping the goods in early November.a. meet b. comply c. arrange d. satisfy10. We thank you for your letter of May 5 t h , y o u r purchase from us for 5000 tons ofGreen Beans.a. confirm b. to confirm c. confirming d. confirmed11. We have been with that firm for many years.a. contacting b. supplyin

559、g c. dealing d. delivering12. The design of the pillowcase is very nice, but its color does not to me.a. attract b. appeal c. suit d. satisfy13. Damage the goods was by heavy rain in transit.a. to, caused b. to, due c. of, caused d. to, attributable14. Quality of the present shipment is equal to las

560、t consignment.a. that of b. that c. those d those of15. , we are airmailing you our latest quotation sheet.a. as requested b. as request c. as requesting d. at request16. We our readiness to cooperate with you in the future business.a. assure you of b. ensure you c. ensure you of d. assure you17. Fr

561、esh supplies are early next month.a. due to arrive b. schedule to arrive c. due to arriving d. to be arrived18. We have made this special accommodation we would like to receive regular ordersfrom you.a. because b. Unless c. though d. despite19. We suggested you file a claim against the shipping comp

562、any for all the losses duringthe transportation.a. happened b. sustain c. incurred d. resulted20. Your claim for shortage of weight USD 10000 in all.a. accounts fbr b. is amount to c. amounts to d. amounting toIH Fill 加 the blanks with aDpropriate verbs. (1X16=16 points )a. expand, b. enjoy c. submi

563、t d. engage e. reach f. settle g. turn h. conformi. amend j. expire k. extend 1. allow m. indicate n. lodge o. draw p. negotiate1) We are anxious to 1.the overseas markets.2) Our Products 2. great popularity in world market.3) Our company 3.in the import and export of Art and Crafts.4) We hope the g

564、oods will 4.out to your entire satisfaction.5) Your L/C No.001 does not 5._ to the relevant contract, please 6.it as follows:1) amount to be increased by $10000; 2) validity to be 7.to 30th September;3) partial shipment should be 8. .6) Our Survey Report 9.that the damage was attributable to imprope

565、r packing. We musttherefore 10.a claim against you.7) Drafts 11. under this L/C must be 12. on or before July 15, after which date thiscredit 1 3 . .8) All disputes in connection with this contract should be 14. through negotiation. In case noresults can be 15._between the two parties, the case unde

566、r disputes should be 16. fbrarbitration./V Complete the following sentences in English. (20 points )1) We trust you will accept 1.( 我们所报的价格 ) .2) We must stress that this offer 2.( 只有效 5 天) because of the heavy demand for thelimited supplies of these products in stock.3) Shipment will be made 3.( 接受

567、订单后 3 周内) .4) Our customers 4.( 急需 止 匕 货) , we have to request you to effect the shipment5.( 在规定时间内)5) In order to 6.( 达 成 交 易 ) ,we are prepared to accept payment of 50% by L/C andthe balance by 7.( 即期付款交单) .6) We are sorry to inform you that the terms of payment in your order do not correspond to

568、our8.( 商业惯例)7) In view of the amount of this transaction being very small, we agree to9.(I句贵方开具即期汇票) through a bank for the value of the goods ordered.8) Please telex us the detailed information of your 10.( 可供出 口 的产品) .4 The following sentences are not so good, please make proper imDrovements. 16 P

569、oints)1. We have received your letter of June 4, we are giving you the information you want.现寄给你方在6 月4 日来函中所要求的资料.2 . Allow us to state is closing that we sincerely hope you will give your careful consideration toour proposals.我们希望你方能考虑我方建议.3 . Samples will be sent and offers will be made upon recei

570、pt of your specific enquiries.收到你方具体询盘, 就发盘并寄送样品.4 Thank you for your quotation dated 5/5/08. We intend to place a trial order with you.你方2008年 5 月 5 日来的报价收悉, 我们打算向你试定购.5 We enclose herewith a copy of our price list for the above items for your reference.随函附上我方上述商品的价格表一份,共你方参考。6 We find it be diffic

571、ult to cut down our price to 5%, because the freight and the cost of rawmaterials are going up.我们觉得很难减价5 % , 因为原料的成本运费都在上涨。V 7. 所Me a letter E English asking for amendments to each of the following letters of credil bychecking it wiffi the give几 contract term$.(8)Commercial BankMelbourne, AustraliaI

572、rrevocable Documentary Credit No. F-07567Date and place of issue: August 20, 2007 MelbourneDate and place of expiry: November 15, 2007 MelbourneApplicant: T. G. Saigo & Co. Melbourne, AustraliaBeneficiary: China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Import and Export CorporationAdvising Bank: Bank o

573、f China, BeijingAmount: US$15 000.00(Say US Dollars Fifteen Thousand Only)Partial shipment and transshipment are prohibited.Shipment from China Port to Melbourne, latest October 2007.Credit available against presentation of the documents detailed herein and of your draft at sight forfull invoice val

574、ue.一Signed commercial invoice in quadruplicate.-Full set of clean on board ocean Bills of Lading made to order of Commercial Bank marked“freight prepaid”.一Insurance certificate of policy endorsed in bland fbr full invoice value plus 10%, Covering AllRisks and War Risk.Covering 50 (X)0 tins of 500 gr

575、ams of Ma Ling Brand Canned Lichee at USD3.00 per tinCFRC2% Melbourne.As per Contract No.SP5432合同主要条款:卖方:中国粮油食品进出口公司买方:T.G Saigo & Co., Melbourne, Australia商品名称:“ 马铃”牌荔枝罐头规格:450克听装数量:50 000听单价:C F R 墨尔本每听3 美元,含佣2%总值:150 000.00美元装运期:2007年 10月自中国港口至墨尔本,在香港转船付款条件:凭不可撤销即期信用证付款合同号码:SP5432/ Fill in the bl

576、anks with appropriate prepositions. (0.5X30=30 points)“ Part Two: Multiple Choices. (lx20=20points)1-b 2-a 3-b 4-c 5-c1-with2-under 3-in 4-for 5-of6-for7-of8-at 9-on 10-to11-on12-for13-of14-against15-with16-at17-for18-in19-on20-for21 -from22-in23-into24-against25-in26-under 27-for28-at29-upon30-with

577、in6-b 7-c 8-a 9-b 10-cH-cl2-bl3-al4-al5-d16-c 17-a 18-b 19-c 20-cIII Fill in the blanks with appropriate verbs. (1x16=16 points)1-expand2-enjoy3-engages4-tum5-conform6-amend7-extend8-aIlowed9-indicates10-lodge11-drawn12-negotiated13-expires14-settled 15-reached16-submitted评分标准:答错一个扣1 分IV ComDleie th

578、e following sentences in English. (20 points )1. the price we quoted / our quotation2. Will remain valid only for 5 days3. within 3 weeks after receipt of the order4. are in urgent need of the goods5 . within the stipulated time6. the losses we sustained owing to improper packing (conclude the trans

579、action)7. To be packed in wooden cases of 10 dozens each (D/P)8. general business practice9 draw on you at sight10 our products available for exportV The following are not so good, please make proper improvements. (6 Poims)1 We are sending you the information you asked for in your letter of June 42

580、We hope you will consider our proposals.3 Samples will be sent and offers made upon receipt of your specific enquiries.4 Thank, you for your quotation dated May 5th, 2008. We intend to place a trial order with you.5 We enclose a copy of our price list for the above items for your reference.6 We find

581、 it difficult to cut down our price by 5%, because the freight and cost of raw materialsare going up.V 7. a letter in English asking for amendments to each of the following letters of credit bychecking it wi? the given coniractDear Sirs,Thank you very much fbr your L/C No. F-07567. However, upon che

582、cking, we have foundsome discrepancies and would request you to make the following amendments:1) The place of expiry should be in China instead of Melbourne.2) The amount both in figures and in words should respectively be USD150 000.00 and SayOne Hundred And Fifty Thousand Only.3) Transshipment sho

583、uld be allowed.4) Delete insurance clause.5) The specifications should be tins of 450 grams instead of 500 grams.Please make amendments as soon as possible so as to enable us to arrange shipment.Yours faithfully,Test 4/ MiUliple Choices (1X30=30 poinis)1. The packing must be strong enough rough hand

584、ling.a. withstand b. withstanding c. to withstand d. to be withstood2. If any items is to you, please let us know.a. of interest b. interested c. interest d. interesting3. If your prices and qualities are satisfactory, we will place a order on you.a. considerate b. considerable c. much d. few4. The

585、shipment was delayed because you had failed the necessary space.a. to order b. order c. book d. to book5. The offer is confirmationa. made b. bound to c. subject to d. used for6.our customers are now urgently needing the goods, we must ask you to make the earliestpossible delivery.a. As b .The place

586、 c .That d .Whether7. We are afraid that we have to charge more for the designated packing, as it extralabor and cost.a. calls on b. calls off c. calls in d. calls for8. We find your terms and now send you our order No. 1a. satisfying b. satisfied c. are acceptable d. favorable9. We regret our inabi

587、lity to with your request for shipping the goods in early November.a. meet b. comply c. arrange d. satisfy10. We thank you for your letter of May 5 t h , y o u r purchase from us for 5000 tons ofGreen Beansa. confirming b. to confirm c. confirm d. confirmed11. We have been with that firm for many ye

588、ars.a. supplying b. contacting c. dealing d. delivering12. The design of the pillowcase is very nice, but its color does not to me.a. appeal b. suit c. attract d. satisfy13. Damage the goods was by heavy rain in transit.a. to, caused b. to, due c. of, caused d. to, attributable14. Quality of the pre

589、sent shipment is equal to last consignment.a. that of b. that c. those d those of15. , we are airmailing you our latest quotation sheet.a. as requested b. as request c. as requesting d. at request16. We our readiness to cooperate with you in the future business.a. assure you of b. ensure you c. ensu

590、re you of d. assure you17. Fresh supplies are early next month.a. due to arrive b. schedule to arrive c. due to arriving d. to be arrived18. We have made this special accommodation we would like to receive regular ordersfrom you.a. because b. unless c. though d. despite19. We suggested you file a cl

591、aim against the shipping company for all the losses_during thetransportation.a. happened b. sustain c. incurred d. resulted20. Your claim for shortage of weight USD 10000 in all.a. accounts for b. is amount to c. amounts to d. amounting to21. Your full cooperation_a. is to be appreciated b. will be

592、highly appreciatedc. will be appreciated it d. is appreciated.22. Provided we receive your order before 30 October, we make you a firm offer delivery inNovember _ the price quoted.a. for, on b. for, at c. of, according d. of, at23. We allow a proper discount according to the quantities_ .a. offered

593、b. ordered c. produced d. delivered24. Risk of Breakage is a special coverage which is a franchise of 5%a. according to b. charged for c. subject to d. due to25. This offer is firm, subject to your here before June 19th.a. reply reaches us b. answer c. reply reaching d. reply accepted26. Please rush

594、 your L/C; otherwise shipment wi l l .a. delay b. be delaying c. delayed d. be delayed27. In order to start a concrete transaction between us, we take pleasure in making you a specialo f f e r , o u r final confirmation.a. under the condition b. with respect toe. subject to d. with reference to28. I

595、f our client the sample, we can get from him a large order.a. approves of b. confirms of c. informs of d. aware of29. Unfortunately, we cannot send you immediately a full range of s a m p l e s .a. free of payment b. with payment c. free of charge d. without charge30. We have the pleasure of your le

596、tter of Oct. 6.a. confirming b. confirm c. acknowledging d. acknowledgeH Fill in the blanks with aDDropriate prepositions: (1X30=30 points)1. We have been told that you are_the market textiles.2. Should any the items be_interest you, please let us know as soon as possible.3. Please let us know what

597、price and what terms you can close the business.4. We have sent you samples airmail.5. We are pleased to learn that you hope to enter trade relations this corporationthe line canned goods.6. We learn your letter November 20 that you are interested establishingbusiness relations us the basis equality

598、 and mutual benefit.7. Your letter of December 16 addressed our head office in Shanghai has been passed_us attention, because the goods you want fall our business scope.8. As our financial standing, we refer you the Bank of China, who, we feel sure, willbe glad to furnish you any information you req

599、uire.9. Please inform u s the date shipment order that we can effect shipment asrequired.10. We are now writing to you in regard the packing of these nails.Ill Translate the fb【lowings into English.( 共 20 分points)A; Translate the followings into English. (1X10=10 poinis)1 插图目录 2 虚盘3 付款条件 4 付款交单5 中性包

600、装 6 剪样7 装船通知 8 特惠保率9 商务参赞 10 一式两份B: Translate the followings into Chine se( 1X10=10 points)1 L/C payable by draft at sight 2 in ones favor3 direct steamer 4 for ones consideration5 force majeure 6 book shipping space7 for ones account 8 repeat order9 under separate cover 10 be ready for shipment/V C

601、omuleie the following sentences in English: (5X2=10)1) We trust( 你公司将接受我们所提供的价格)2) We must stress that( 此报价仅有效 5 天) because of the heavy demand for thelimited supplies of this velvet in stock.3) Shipment will be made_ ( 接受订单后 3 周内)4) We trust the above will be acceptable to you and( 等待你前来试定)5) Pleas

602、e write us by return your(成本加保险费,运费到纽约最低价) for theenclosed specification of bicycle parts.a letier according io the following particulars: (10 points)1)女式皮靴2)式样新颖,有 20余种款式,颜色有黑棕及大红色( 详见目录)3)材料选用高级牛皮4)价格:CIF价,按照不同式样,没每双95美元至300美元不等5)由装船前30天开立的保兑的、不可撤消的即期信用证支付6)包装由买方决定7)回复对方12月 2 0 日来信1 Muhiple Choice

603、s. (lx30=30poiiUs)1、 c 2 a 3、 b 4、 dIk b 12、a 13、d 14、b21、 b 22、 b 23、 c 24、 d5、c15 c25、b6 a 7、 d16、 a 17、 b26、 d 27 c8、 c 9、 c 10 a18、a 19、c 20、a28 a 29 c 30 c Fill in the blanks wifh apDropriaie prepositions. (1X30=30 poi心)1. in, for 2.of, in, to 3.at, on 4.by 5. into, with, in, of 6. from, of, in

604、, with, on, of7. to, on, to, for, in 8. for, to, with 9. of, of, in 10.to/ Translale he followings inio English, f 1X10=20 points)A; Translate the followings into English. (1X10=10 points)1. illustrated catalogue3 payment terms and conditions5 neutral packing7 shipping advice9 commercial councillor2

605、.non-firm offer4D/P6 sample cutting8 special rate10 in duplicateB: Translate the followings into Chinese. 1 1X10=10 points)I 即期汇票 2 以某人为受益人3 直达船5 不可抗力7 由某人支付9另封航邮4 供某人参考6 预定船舱8 重复订单/ 长期订购1 0 备妥待运/V Complete the following sen tences in English. (5X2=10)1) you will be able to accept our offer2) this o

606、ffer is/remains firm/valid/open/effective for three days only3) within 3 weeks from acceptance of your order4) await with keen interest your trial order5) lowest price CIF New YorkV V V W fe a letter according to the following particulars: 110 points)Dear Sirs,In reply to your letter of December 20t

607、h, were giving/offering you a firm offer, subject to yourreply here by 5 p.m. our time, Thursday, July 27, as follows:Commodity: Boots for ladiesSpecifications: More than 20 assortments with new designs of dark brown or red colors(details in catalogue)Quality: the leather used is superior qualityPri

608、ce: CIF Tianjin USS 95 to 300 according to various designs.Payment: by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft at sight to be opened 30days before the time of shipmentPacking: at the buyers optionShipment: (in) SeptemberWe hope the above terms will be of interest to you and receive

609、your order as soon as possible.Yours faithfully,Test 51 Translale fhe fbl/owinw into English. 0%)I 预约保单3 独家经营5 装运代理人7 中止合同9 短装2 商会4 记名提单6 形式发票8 运费回扣1 0 无追索权 Translate the切lowi” in。Chinese. (10%)1. regular supply3. few and far between5. in triplicate7. payable by draft at sight9. bilateral trade2. fo

610、rwarding instruction4. elude the tariff6. three-player paper bags8. net shipping weight10. pay by installments111 Fill in ihe blanks with proper words and phrases. (70%)1 We wish to to our Quotation Sheet No. 234 dated March 14 for Walnutmeat.2 Your early reply will us to arrange supply from stock.3

611、 We hope to the business to our mutual benefit.4 We_ you of our readiness to serve you in this end all future business.5 We thank you_ your letter of 10th July.6 Thank your for your letter of June 3, but we that we can not accept it unless the quotedprice reduce by approximately 7%.7 We refer to you

612、r letter of May 6, we are pleased to give you an order for t he.8 Enclosed is our order for 500 sets of Transistor Radios A691. We wish to effect in nextJanuary.9 This offer is to the goods being unsold on receipt of your reply.10 We must stress that this offer is for two days only because of the he

613、avy demand for thelimited supplies./V Translate the fb/lowing sentences from Chinese into English. (75% )1我们将努力与各国扩大经济合作和技术交流,灵活地运用通常而合理的国际惯例。2 据我们所知,保险公司接受投保纸箱装的货物的偷窃、提货不着险。万一发生偷窃,你们可以放心,保险公司将给予赔偿。3 我方的主要负责人在催促我们尽快将拖欠的发票付了。有些项目拖欠的太久了,我们要求你方尽量早日解决。4 在货损发生后,被保险人可向保险公司或其他代理递交保险单和检验报告提出索赔。5 在装运港,中国进出口商

614、品检验局所签发的品质检验证书应作为最后依据,此依据对双方具有约束力。/ 十 Translate the following sentences from English Mio Chinese. (75% )1 We have received your telex of May 7th. This offer for 300 Forever Brand Bicycles on CFRC3%Singapore basis for September Delivery by sight L7C will be firm till May 15th. As the goods arein grea

615、t demand, we wish you will telex us your acceptance as soon as possible.2 Under separate cover, we have airmailed samples of our new articles for your reference. Thesenew articles are moderate in price and excellent in quality. We think it will be to your advantage topush sales of them at an early d

616、ate.3 Your order for 85 for 100,000 yards of Cotton Prints Art. No. 1002 has been booked. Please let usknow the color assortment at once and open the covering L/C in our favor according to the termscontracted.4 The commission allowed for this transaction is 3% as clearly stipulated in our Contract N

617、o. 135,but we find that your L/C No557 demands a commission of 5%. This is obviously not in line withthe contract stipulations. We shall therefore be grateful if you will instruct your bankers to amendthe L/C to read commission 3%”.5 We learn from ABC Company of New York that you are exporters of Pu

618、re Cotton Bedsheets andPillow-cases. For your information, there is a steady demand here for such goods of superiorquality at moderate prices.V Please fill in the contents according the Commercial Invoice given below. 120% )(1) 出票人名称:(2) 发票抬头人:( 3) 发票号码:( 4) 发票日期:(5) 合同号码:( 6) 信用证号码:( 7) 付款方式:(8) 装运

619、港:(9) 目的港:(10) 转运港:( 11) 运输方式:( 12) 运输工具名称:(13) 货物名称:( 14) 商品编码:(15) 价格术语:(16) 数量:(17) 总值:( 18) 唆头:(19) 原产国:(20) 证明文句:Commercial InoiceIssuerGAWEN COMPANY LIMITED, AUSTRALIACOMMERCIAL INVOICEToJIANGXI JIANGHAI GARMENTS IMPORT ANDEXPORT CO., LTD.NO.25 CHANGDAI ROAD, NANCHANGCITY, JIANGXI, CHINANO. GA

620、289Date 20/05/2004Transport detailsFROM: SYDNEY, AUSTRALIAW/T:TO: FUZHOU, CHINAVESSEL: Northern WIND S/C No. J0254L/C No. ZJJ04LC0300135Terms of payment D/P At SightMarks and Numbers Number and kind of packages; Quantity Unit priceAmountDescription of goodsLEATHER GARMENTS H.S.CODE:62011210USD26,000

621、.00GAWENART1212/100200 PCSUSD52.20USD10,440.00SYDNEYART 1212/32500 PCSUSD54.20USD27,100.00NO.1-160ART1213/00400 PCSUSD56.40USD22,560.00ART1214/00350 PCSUSD58.20USD20,370.00ART1215/00500 PCSUSD62.00USD31,000.00ART1216/00400 PCSUSD65.20TOTAL: 2,350 PCS CFR FUZHOU USD137,470.00TOTAL: US DOLLARS ONE HUN



624、, KOBE,JAPANHUIZHOU TEA IMPORT & EXPORT CORPORATION(1)开证行名称(2)信用证号码(3)开证日期:(4)出票人:(5)付款人:(6)收款人:(7)付款期限:( 8) 汇票大写金额:(9) 议付时间:(10) 汇票号码:V/ Translate the following letters into English. (10%)先生:事由:你方的由“ 长江”轮装运的2478号订货你方5 月 5 日来函收悉,谢谢。很高兴得知该批货及时到达,但非常遗憾的是23号箱内所装的货与你方所订的不符。通过调查此事,我们发现确实是在包装时出现了差错:把号码搞混了

625、。我方已安排好了正确的货物立即发给你方,一旦一切备妥即寄你方有关单据。我们已电告你方此事,先随函附寄电报一份。请保留好第23号箱以及箱内货,到时我方商务参赞处将会索取,我们已将此事告知他们。由于差错而给你造成的麻烦,在此我方深表歉意。启 Translate the following into Chinese: (10%)/ Translaie the fol lowing Eto EnMish. 1 70%)lopen policy2 Chamber of Commerce3 sole/exclusive agent4 Straight B/L5 shipping/forwarding ag

626、ents6 proforma invoice7 repudiate a contract8 freight rebate9 short-shipment10 without recourse9 .双边贸易1. 长期订购2 .装运指示3. 稀少4 .逃税5. 一式三份6 .三层纸袋7. 即期汇票8 .离岸净重10.分期付款III Fill in the blanks with pvopev wo Ms and phrases. (“)1. refer2. enable3. conclude4. assure5. for6. regret7. following8. shipment9. subj

627、ect10. open/valid/effect/K Trcmslate the following senie trees from Chinese huo English. (15% )1 We are striving to expand economic cooperation and exchange of technology with foreigncountries and will utilize common and reasonable international practices in a flexible way.2 So far as we know, insur

628、ance companies accept goods packed in cartons to be insured againstTPND. In case of theft and pilferage, you may be assured that you will get indemnification fromthe insurance company concerned.3 Our principal is pressing us to get the outstanding invoices paid soonest possible. Some of theitems are

629、 being outstanding for long time, we request you to manage to settle the matter at yourearliest convenience.4 After damage has incurred, the insured may file a claim supported by the insurance policy and asurvey report with the insurance company or their agent at his end.5 The certificate of quality

630、 is issued by the China Import and Export Commodity InspectionBureau at the port of shipment shall be final and binding upon both parties./V Translate the foil owing sentences from English into Chinese: (75% )1 你 方 7 日电悉,报实盘到15日为止,300辆永久牌自行车,成本加到新加坡运费价含佣金 3%每辆 50美元,9 月份装运,即期信用证支付。需求甚殷,请尽早来电接受。2 我们另由

631、航空寄上一新品种的样品供你参考。该新品种价格公道,品质极好,我们认为及早推销对你们有利。3 我已接受你方85号定单订购货号1002号印花布十万码。 请告颜色搭配并按合同规定的条款开立我方为抬头的有关信用证。4 在我方第135号合约内明确规定该笔交易的佣金为3%。但发现你方第557号信用证要求佣 金 5 % ,这显然与合约条款不符。为此,请通知你方银行把信用证修改为佣金3 % ,不胜感激。5 从纽约ABC公司获悉,你公司出口纯棉床单和枕套。对上述品质优良、价格公道的商品,本地需求稳定。V Please fill in the contents according the dociunent gi

632、ve及 below: (20%)(1) 出票人名称:GAWEN COMPANY LIMITED, AUSTRALIA(2) 发票抬头人:JIANGXI JIANGHAI GARMENTS IMPORT AND EXPORT CO.,LTD.(3) 发票号码:NO. GA289(4) 发票日期:20/05/2004(5) 合同号码:J0254(6) 信用证号码:ZJJ04LC0300135(7) 付款方式:D/P At Sight(8) 装运港:SYDNEY(9) 目的港:FUZHOU( 10) 转运港:无转运(11) 运输方式:BY VESSEL(12) 运输工具名称:Northern WIN

633、D(13) 货物名称:LEATHER GARMENTS( 1 4 ) 商品编码:62011210(15) 价格术语:GFR FUZHOU(16) 数量:2,350 PCS(17) 总值:USD137,470.00( 1 8 ) 陵头:GAWENSYDNEYNO. 1-100(19) 原产国:AUSTRALIA(20) 证明文句:WE CERTIFY THAT THE GOODS ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITHPURCHASE ORDER NUMBER 8803.V7 Please fill in the contents according to the following dr


635、EE HUNDRED AND TWENTYONLY. 议付时间:JUNE 5,2008(10)汇票号码:SHEO 1/7203V Translate the following letters into English:Dear Sirs,Re: Your order No. 2478 per S.S “Changjian”We thank you fbr your letter of May 5. We ware glad to know that the consignment was deliveredpromptly, but is was with our much regret t

636、hat we heard Case No 23 did not contain the goods youordered.On going into the matter we find that a mistake was indeed made in the packing through aconfusion of numbers, and we have arranged for the right goods to be dispatched to you at once.Relative documents will be mailed as soon as possible as

637、 they are ready. We have already telexedto inform you of this, and we enclose a copy of the telex.Please keep Case No. 23 and its contents until called fbr by our Commercial Councilors Office.We have informed them of the matter accordingly.We are very sorry for the trouble caused by the error.Yours sincerely,



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