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1、 *正 文成堂忆录Unit 1 How often do you exercise ?Teaching goals:1. Words &phrases: how often , hardly , twice , once ,difference , look after , although ,etc .2 . Learn to talk about how often do you do things .3 .一班表承频率的副词:always , usually , often , never ,hardly ever , sometimes .4. 句 3 给构:What do you u

2、sually do on weekends ?How often ?及命 答 .Important and difficult points :What does she /he do on weekends ?She often goes to the movies .How often do you shop ?Once a week / Twice a weekTeaching aids : cards , pictures and a tape recorder.Period 1Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading-in1. Greetings:Tal

3、k about something the students did on款 正 文成堂祀泰summer vacation .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 1 , la .1. Look at the picture 或钠囹) .2. Name each activity .T: What are they doing ?They are shopping /reading /exercising /watching TV/skateboarding .(Help the students to answer)3. Write the activities on the lin

4、e .4. Check the answers on the Bb .Correct their ownactivities.5. Practise reading.SB Page 1,1c.1. Focus on the conversation in the box .2. Practise reading.3. Pairwork : What do you do on weedends ?1 .4. Groupwork :Divide the class into groups of four orfive .Make conversations .First SI to S2:S1 :

5、What do you do on weekends ?款 案 正 支成堂也录S2:I - .S l:What does she /he do on weekends ?S2:She /He .5. Act out their own dialogues .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 1 , lb .1. Look at each picture in Ic.Tell what the person does onweekends .Check the Ss orally.2. Make sure what they will hear and do .3. Read t

6、hese adverbs and explain.4. Play the tape twice .Write the letters on the line.SB Page 2 , 2a & 2b .1. read the activities and the answers of “how often first.2. Practise reading.3. In 2a we should know the activities you hear .In 2b weshould know the answers of how often he does theactivities.4. Pl

7、ay the tape for a first time .Ss only listen .5. Play the tape a second time .Ss do 2a .秋 橐 正 义成堂也录6. Play the tape a third time .Check the answers .7. Play the tape .Ss do 2b .8. Check the answers .In this part ,we should pay attention to how often 引起的特殊疑问句及 答.Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 2 , 2c .1. Foc

8、us on the conversation .2. Practice reading.3. Read the activities in the left box .4. Fill in the chart.5. Pairwork: Make conversations .款 案 正 交康堂也录Period 2Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading-in1. Greetings2. Drills:T: What do you usually do on weekends ?SI: I usually play soccer .T: How often do y

9、ou play soccer ?SI: I play soccer twice a week .T: How often does he play soccer ?The other Ss: He plays soccer twice a week .Repeat for three times .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 2 , Grammar Focus .1. Review the grammar box .Ss say the questions andanswers .2. Practise reading.Step 3 While-taskSB Page 3 ,

10、 Part 3 .款 案 正 支成堂也录1. Call attention to the survey .Make sure the Ssunderstand the chart.T: What activity do ninety-five percent of Green Highstudents do every day ?Ss answer .If necessary , give them help .2. Review the information in the green box with Ss .3. Read the article first by the Ss .4.

11、Read it to the class .5. Look at the survey and fill in the blanks in the article .6. Finish the activity individually .7. Check the answers .8. Practise reading.Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 3,Part 4 .1. T: What can you do to improve your English ?(e.g. readEnglish books, practice reading and speaking )

12、Howoften do you ?2. Think of more things you can do to improve yourEnglish and write them here .款 案 正 支成堂也录3. Ask several Ss each question .4. See: Who is the best English students in the classHomework:Revise the new words .款 案 正 交康堂也录Period 3Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in1. Greetings & free

13、 talk .2. Practise reading the article in Page 3.3. Check the homework.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page4 , la .1. Point out the five phrases .2. Ss read after the teacher .3. Make sure the Ss understand what do they mean .4. Call attention to the pictures .Say something about thepictures .5. Match the words w

14、ith the pictures .6. Check the answers .7. Practice reading.Step 3 While-taskSB Page 4 , lb .1. pay attention to the conversation in the box on theright.2.秋 橐 正 义成堂也录2. Read it to the class .3. Explain : be good fbr means : 帝盘孑,对市肠处 .4. Pairwork. Choose a new partner .Use the words inActivity la to

15、make conversations .5. Share the students conversations.SB Page 4 ,2a&2b .1. T : Now you will hear a reporter interview twopeople ,Katrina & Bill .Read the two names for the Ss.In 2a ,well know who is healthy , Bill or Katrina ?2. Read the questions in 2a .3. Listen to the tape carefully twice .Circ

16、le yes , noor I dont know“ in the chart.4. Before we check the answers in 2a,weH read throughthe questions in 2b .Pay attention to Katrinas andBiirs answers .5. Play the tape again .This time ,if we have heard onequestions and we have a pause .Make sure Katrinasand Bilfs answer.款 案 正 支成堂也录6. From th

17、e answers in 2b ,we can tell who is healthy Billor Katrina ?Step 4 Post-taskRole-play .Groupwork .Divide the Ss into groups of three .SI isinterview,S2 is Katrina ,S3 is Bill.S1: How often do you exercise ?S2:1 exercise every day .S3: .With the help of 2b .Homework错 同 学 们 用2 b里面的冏敢倜至馀巍恚的两位同学,写出答案算做比

18、较.款 案 正 交康堂也录Unit 2 Whafs the matter ?Teaching goals:1 .词汇.在老2莪祀送的单词,健就很麴称地播出衰东身体喜假的床盛单祠.2 .健怨用所考的单词篌信身体并且健合出中苟的文衩.3 .通过听力在打, 争取健掇梃方名女的听力怩力.4 .攵化做贵,中国攵化.Important and difficult points:1. words .2. How to talk about the health and give the advice .Period 1Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading inl .T :Ho

19、w many parts of the body can you name ?Whats this ?(head , mouth etc.)Today we5ll learn some parts of the body .2 .This is my head .Oh ,1 have a headache .Step 2 Pre-task1. Read the new words by the Ss first.教 案 正 次 馥堂也隶2. Then check the Ss if they can read the new words bythemselves correctly .if t

20、here is a mistakes ,correct.3. Practice reading the new words .Give them 6 minutes .4. Have a competition between boys and girls .Write thewords you remembered just now on the blackboard .5. Page7,la.Do this part by the Ss first. Write the correctletter after the name of each body part on the list.6

21、. Check the answers .7. Play a game .All the Ss close your books ,weH have ainstructor to say : Touch your nose /head /rightear . .Lefs see which student do it correctly andquickly .First all the Ss do this game .Then havecompetitions between boys and girls .5 boys and 5girlsto the front to do what

22、the instructor said .if you arewrong ,please go back to your seats ,the last one whostands at the front is the winner .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 7, lb .Listen and check the answers .SB Page 7,1c .Work in pairs and act out.款 案 正 支成堂也录SB Page 8, 2a .1. Point out the eight items in this activity .Read t

23、he itemto the class .Ss repeat.2. There are different conversations .Listen carefully .people are talking about health problems they have andgetting advice .3. Match the problems with the advice .4. Play the tape twice .5. Check the answers .Step 4 Post-task同事之间核花一个医或与病人之间的对话.Step 5 Homework1. Remem

24、ber the name of your body part.2. Write conversations between the doctor and thepatient.赦 案 正 文康堂忆录Period 2Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in1. Free talk.2. Revise playing the game .3. Practice reading the dialogues .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 8, 2b .1. Pay attention to the four pictures .Each of th

25、esepictures illustrates one of the conversations .2. Play the tape ,write the missing words on the blanklines .3. Play the tape again and check the answers .4. Pairwork .Practice reading the dialogues in thepictures .Take turns having the problem and giving theadvice.5. Practice reading the dialogue

26、 in 2c ,and make their onwconversations .6. Act out the dialogue .款 案 正 支成堂也录Step 3 While-taskSB Page 9, 3a .1. Point out the picture and ask Ss to describe it .(There isa boy sitting on a bench .Hes sick .A teacher is talkingto him)2. Pay attention to the dialogue and the blanks in thedialogue .3.

27、Fill in the blanks in the conversation .4. Go over the answers.5. Practice reading the dialogue with a student, then workin pairs .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 9 , 3b .1. Look at the picture with activity .A: Whafs the matter ?B: Im not feeling well . I have a toothache /fever/sorethroat /sore back .2. P

28、airwork.Make your own dialogues setting 3a as an example .款 案 正 支成堂也录3. Act out the dialogue .Ask some pairs to come to thefront to act out their onw dialogues .SB Page 9, Part 4.1. Read the instructions and demonstrate what a mimeis .2. Read the dialogue by the Ss .3. Ask a student to come to the f

29、ront and mime anillness ,the other Ss guess what the illness is .4. Ask one student to give advice .5. Give several students an opportunity to come to thefront and mime an illness .Step 5 Homework1. When you had some problems.please remember whatthe doctor said.2. Remember the new words .款 案 正 交康堂也录

30、Period 3Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in1. Free talk.2. Play the game :One student mimes an illness , the otherstudents guess the illness and give advice .Whats the matter? Do you have a sore throat ?Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 10 ,1a .1. Look at the picture .Point out the four new words andexpress

31、ions .Say each word and ask Ss to repeat.2. The first picture .Explain something about it using oneof the four words and expressions .3. Match the words with the pictures by the Ss .4. Check the answers .5. Practice reading and make sure the Ss understand themeaning of the words .Step 3 While-taskSB

32、 Page 10,1b .款 案 正 次成堂也录1. Read the four sentences ,Ss practice reading .2. Look at the picture and match each picture with advice.3. Check the answers .SB Page 10 ,2a & 2b .1. First ,make sure the Ss understand what they will hear .2. Then read the four names3. Listen and write the problems on the

33、bland lines .Ifpossible ,write what each person “should” and“shouldnt do for their problem.4. Check the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 10,2c .1. Ask two students to read the conversation to the class .2. Pairwork .Make conversations with your partner .3. Act out the conversations for the class .4.

34、 Write two dialogues in the exercise book .SB Page 11, 3a &3b .1.3a .Read the article and underline the things you shoulddo . Check the answers .款 案 正 支成堂也录2.3b .Let the Ss read the paragraph and fill in theblanks .Check the answers .SB Page 11 ,Part 4.Play the gameStep 5 SelfcheckSB Page 12 ,Part 1

35、 .1. Fill in the blanks on their own .2. Make your own sentences with the words .SB Page 12,Part 2.Read the letter .Make sure Ss can understand it.Step 6 Homework1. Remember the words in this unit.2. Do the exercises on Pages 6-8of the workbook .款 案 正 交康堂也录Unit 3 What are you doing forvacation ?Teac

36、hing goals :1 . Words & phrases: babysit ,get back , fishing , rent ,think about, decide(on), tourist etc.2. How to talk about future plans .3 .现在曲行时表示将来必刻或行劭.4. 特 殊 疑 问 句(where , when , how long 引导)Important and difficult points :Drills :What are you doing for vacation ?Im watching TV.When are you

37、going ?Im goingHow long are you staying ?Were staying for five days .Teaching aids : cards and a tape ,a large wall calendar .Period 1Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in款 案 正 支成堂也录1. Free talk.2. Put up the wall calendar .T: Im staying home on Saturday (pointing to nextSaturday ). Ss repeat.Ss: I

38、m staying home on Saturday .T: OK. Today well learn how to talk about futureplans.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 13 , la .1. Look at the picture carefully and tell what you see inthe picture.2. Write the activities from the pictures in the box and addsome more .3. Practice reading .Step 3 While-task1. Using

39、 the activities we write in la to makeconversations .For example :What are you doing forvacation ? Im visiting my uncle .2. Pairwork .Practice in pairs .款 案 正 支成堂也录3 . 用第三人称依司对话.4. Groupwork . Divide the Ss into groups of four orfive .Make conversations .5. Listening Page 13,1b. Check the answers .S

40、B Page 14 ,2a & 2b .1. First ,read the names of the people .2. Play the recording and let Ss fill in the chart.3. Check the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 14,2c .Read the conversations first.Groupwork and fill in the chart.Step 5 Homework1 .电累没嫉完上面的表格去接房做完.2 .忆单词.赦 案 正 文康堂忆录Period 2Teaching proced

41、ures :Step 1 Leading in1. Free talk.2. Revise : Make conversations with the setences what areyou doing for vacation ?When are you going ?Who are you going with?Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 14,Grammar focus .1. Call attention to the sentences together .Read them bythe Ss .Ask a student to say the question

42、using the wordhe and then again using a boys name .2. Do in the same way with she and a girls name.Step 3 While-taskSB Page 15, 3a .1. Read the conversation by the Ss and practice reading .2. Listen and fill in the chart.3. Check the answers .SB Page 15, 3b .款 案 正 支成堂也录1. Look at the conversation in

43、 the box .2. Practice reading.3. Pairwork . Make conversations using the information in3b.4. Act out your conversations .Step 4 Post-taskVacation Dreams .Imagine your dream vacation .Write something on a piece of paper using what we learnt.Share the dreams .Step 5 HomeworkWrite 2 conversations about

44、 3b in the exercise books .Ifyou dont finish your dream writing, do it at home .款 案 正 交康堂也录Period 3Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in1. Free talk.2. Check the homework :Ask one or two Ss to saysomething about their dream vacation .畀箔/ 公逶的评价.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 16, la .1. Say each phrase and a

45、sk Ss to repeat.2. Call attention to the pictures .Say something about thepictures .Match each phrase with a picture .3. Check the answers .Step 3 While task1. Make conversation. Work with your partner .Talk aboutwhat you would like to do on vacation .2. Share their conversations.SB Page 1 6 ,2a&2b

46、.1. Read the reporters questions together.款 案 正 支成堂也录2. Play the recording and check the answers .Step 4 Post-task1. Find a new partner.Student A is the reporter .Student B is He Yu . Ainterview B .2. Read the conversation in 2c and with the help of thelistening.Step 5 Homework1. Remember the new wo

47、rds .2. Write the conversations about your interview .款 案 正 交康堂也录Period 4Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in1. Greetings .2. Make an interview with a student.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 17 ,Part 4 .T: What are you doing this weekend ?1. Ask each other ,write down their answers .2. One student to prese

48、nt his /her exercise .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 17,3a.1. Read the article about Ben Lamberts vacation plans bythe Ss .Tick out the new words .2. Read the article to the class .3. Explain the new words .4. Play the tape .Ss listen and repeat.5. Point out the five numbered pictures .Ss identify theitem

49、s .款 案 正 支成堂也录6. Check the answers .7. Play the tape again .Practice reading .SB Page 17, 3b .T: This is an article about Julias vacation plans .Callattention to the blanks in the paragraph .Read theparagraph to the class ,saying blank each time when wecome to a bland line .Read the paragraph and fi

50、ll in the blanks .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 1 7 ,3c .T: We read about Julias vacation and Bens vacation .Ifyou are a famous singer or football player ,What are yourvacation plans ?Write about your vacation plans .Givethem help if they need .Step 5 HomeworkComplete the Selfcheck.教 案 正 文成堂祀泰Unit 4 How d

51、o you get to school?Teaching goals :1. Words & phrases: get to , how far , bicycle , subway ,minute , mile , bus stop .2. Talk about how to get to places ( 镂至 2 行方式)take the bus /subway /train /taxi, ride a bike /walk .3. how引导的特殊疑冏句,表示乘坐何种会通工具的方式.how far ,how long引导的特殊疑冏句.4 .复 灯基数词及时间的表示方法.5. 了解中外次

52、化的差异.Important and difficult points :1. how /how far /how long引导的特殊疑冏句.2 . 乘坐次遍工具的表示方法.3. It takes /will take/took sb some time to do sth .Teaching aids: cards and a tape-recorder .Period 1Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in1. Greetings and free talk .激正次成堂也录3. T: How do we get to school ? Some s

53、tudentswalk ,some students take the bus ,some students ride abike .Does anyone take the subway ? No , we have nosubway .OK ,today we will learn Unit 4 .Explain : get toStep 2 While-taskSB Page 19 ,la&lc .1. Write down how you get to school.2. Look at the picture .Write down how the students get tosc

54、hool.3. Make dialogues with the phrases .4. Groupwork: Divide the students into groups of three orfour .Practice reading the dialogues.5. Act out their dialogues .SB Page 19 , lb .Listening1. Make sure the Ss know what ot do .Give them anexample orally if possible .2. Read the names .3. Play the tap

55、e and check the answers .款 案 正 支成堂也录SB Page 2 0 ,2a&2b .1. Revise the numbers .2. Teach the new word :minute .3. Play the tape for the students to finish 2a&2b .Thenplay again and check the answers .Step 3 Post-taskIf there is time ,make conversations .Step 4 Homework用对话的形式告诉老帅你是怎么到达老收笄需要多执时 间,then

56、please tell me how you get to school and howlong it takes .款 案 正 交康堂也录Period 2Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in1. Greetings .2. Check the homework .3. Go over the dialogue in Page20 ,2c .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 20 ,Grammar focus .1. Review the grammar box .Ask students to say thestatements and r

57、esponses.2. Practice reading.3. Explain the usage of take in take the train and“take sb some time to do sth” .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 21,3a .1. Pay attention to the speech bubbles .Read thequestions .2. Read the passage by the Ss. Find the answers to thequestions and write the answers on the lines

58、.款 案 正 支成堂也录3. Check the answers .SB Page 21, 3b .1. Show Ss the example in the box .Two students read itto the class .2. Pairwork: Make your own conversations using theinformation in the left box.3. Ask some pairs to present the conversations to the classStep 4 Post-taskSB Page 21 ,Part 4 .Groupwor

59、k.Divide the Ss into groups of three .In eachgroup ,one is A,who look at Page 21.One is B,who look atPage 85,the other is C,who look at Page 86 .Fill in the blanks .The group who fill in the blanks first wins .Step 5 HomeworkWrite two conversations in 3b in the exercise books .裁 案 正 次康堂忆录Period 3Tea

60、ching procedures :Step 1 Leading in1. Greetings and free talk .2. Check the homework.3. Go over the passage in 3a Page 21 .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 22 ,1a .1. Say the four new phrases and Ss repeat.2. Match the words with the pictures .3. Check the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 22,2a&2b .1. Play t

61、he tape for the students to finish them .2. Point out the two sets of pictures with a blank line infront of each .3. Check the answers .SB Page 22, 2c .Talk about how Nina gets to school.Step 4 Post-task款 案 正 支成堂也录SB Page 23, 3a .1. Read the instructions to the class and read through thestatements a

62、but the article .2. Read the article again by the Ss .Write if the statementsare true or false in your exercise books.3. Do the activity individually and check the answers .SB Page 23 ,3b .Read the article and fill in the blanks .Check the answers.Selfcheck Part 2 .1. Look at the picture .Make sure

63、what the people in thepicture doing.2. Finish the conversation .3. Practice reading.Step 5 Homework1. Write a newspaper article .2. Go over this unit.教 案 正 文成堂祀泰Unit 5 Can you come to myparty ?Period 1Teaching contents :Section A: la , lb ,1c ,2a ,2b.Teaching goals :1 . vocabubary: lesson , hey , ba

64、seball game ,test, piano ,guitar, aunt, concert, party .2 . Patterns: Can you come to my party ?zSure, Ed love to .Sorry ,1 can5t . I have to .3 .悦力目标: 学会邀错别人“4及命卷的方式.4. 情感目标: 楮泰学代礼貌用语的酎惯.Teaching procedures :Step 1 leading inPlay the song : Happy birthday .Say ,today ifs Meimeis birthday .She wants

65、 to invite youto her birthday party .Can you tell me what she shouldsay ?Ask students to say .秋 橐 正 义成堂也录Step 2 Pre-taskPage 25 ,1a ,1b .Ask ,Can you come to my party ?Ask some students to answer .Ask the students who say Icant go to say why .Call attention to the words in Activity la. Read together

66、 .Say ,look at the picture .Ask Ss to tell what they see ineach scene.Match the words with the picture and check the answers .Say ,now listen to the recording .Write the name of eachperson next to his or her picture .Play the recording .Ask Ss to complete the activityindividually .Correct the answer

67、s .Step 3 While-taskSB Page25 , 1c.Point to the example in the box .Ask Ss to do a practicewith partners .Ask some groups to act.Game:款 案 正 支成堂也录One student invite some students to his/her party .Theother students answer.SB Page 26, 2a .Point to the five sentences .Say ,listen to each conversation a

68、nd then circle the wordthat makes the sentences correct.Play the recording .Check the answers.SB Page 26 ,2b .Call attention to the five sentences in activity 2a ,ask astudent to read these sentences to the class saying thecorrect word can or cant.Say ,now listen to the recording again .Write the nu

69、mberof the conversation (1 through 3) in front of the reasons .Play the recording .Write down these answers .Check the answers.Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 26 ,2c .Call attention to the points listed in activity 2b .款 案 正 支成堂也录Ask students to make their own conversation like theexample .As students work

70、,move around the room and monitor .Ask some students to present their dialogue .Step 5 HomeworkPractice :Invite your friends to come to your party .Write down theiranswers .款 案 正 交康堂也录Period 2Teaching contents : Section A Grammar focus , 3a ,3b, 4.Teaching goals :1. vocabulary : whom , start, join ,

71、 practice , math test,mall, calendar.2 . Patterns : Can you go to the mall this week ?Can she/he/they go to movies ?3 .犍 力 目 标 吟 会 写 褶 贴 ,会制做日程表.4. 情 感R春 噌 会 人 际 会 枝 的 基 本 多Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inAsk :How many people did you invite yesterday ?Whatdid they say ?Ask one student to show

72、his answer .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 26 , Grammar focus .Review the grammar box .Ask Ss to say the questions andanswers .款 案 正 支成堂也录Talk about the two ways people give reasons for saying noto an invitation .Call attention to “has to and have to,5 ,under the wordswrite Tm _ing , and shes _ingStep 3 Whi

73、le-taskSB Page 27,3a .Call attention to the invitation .Ask questions aboutit .eg.What kind of invitation is it ?Call attention to the dialogue .Ask a pair of students toread it to the class ,saying blank each time they come to ablank line.Ask students to fill in the blanks according to theinvitatio

74、n .Check the answers.SB Page 2 7 ,3b .Ask two students to act the conversation you justcompleted.Call attention to the blank invitation card .Complete this card.款 案 正 支成堂也录Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 27 ,Part 4 .Read the instructions for this a

75、ctivity to the class .Read the dialogue with a student.Point out Elizas calendar on page 27 and Lu Qingscalendar on Page 87.Ask students to make conversations.Discuss the answer with the class .Step 5 Homework1. Make your own calendar .2. Make an invitation .款 案 正 交康堂也录Period 3Teaching contents: Sec

76、tion A la,lb,lc,2a,2b,2c.Teaching goals:1. vocabulary: Sunday ,Monday ,Tuesday ,Wednesday ,Thursday ,Friday ,Saturday .tomorrow .2. Pattern: Can you play tennis with me ?Whafs today ?3 . 健力目标:犍钢在地用英语打别人曲行会际.Teaching aids :Step 1 Leading inAsk the student who is on duty to say something to theclass .

77、Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 28 ,1a , lb .Show the days of the week in a large monthly calendar .Point out the days of the week at the top of the calendarand ask a student to read these words aloud .Ask a student to point out today?s date .tomorrowsdate ,the day after tomorrows date and yesterdays date秋 橐

78、 正 义成堂也录Complete activity la ,check the answer .Ask students to write the words today .tomorrow ,yesterday and the day after tomorrow in the correct spaceson the calendars in their books .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 28, 1c .Call attention to the example in the box .Ask two studentsto read it to the cla

79、ss .Ask Ss to work in pairs .Ask :What do you want to do on Monday , Tuesday . ?Write down your answers .Make some conversations with your partner.Ask some Ss to present their conversations .SB Page 28, 2a, 2b .Point to the picture .Listen to the conversation .Can Vince play tennis withAndy ?CircIe

80、yes or no.Play the recording .Ask what can Vince do today .Pay attention to the list of five activities ,and the three款 案 正 支成堂也录lettered words .Point out the sample answer ,say, Number 1 is b ,thatmeans that Vince is playing soccer tomorrow .Play the recording .Correct the answers .Step 4 Post-task

81、SB Page 28, 2c .Help student find partners .Say ,one student is Andy ,theother is Vince .Ask the pairs to practice for a few minutes like theexample.Ask some pairs to present their conversation .款 案 正 交康堂也录Period 4Teaching contents :Section B 3a, 3b ,3c ,4, selfcheck .Teaching goals :1 . vocabulary:

82、 e-mail message , invitation , science ,match ,whole ,come over to ,till2. Patterns: Thank you for your invitation. Im sorry Icant. I have to .3 .惋力目标:学会“4 邀错” 名豆观的本面表达形式,界槿E -m ail的写作法.4 .情感目标: 理解义务”涵义.Teaching aids : tape , tape-recorder , cards .Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading inShow an articl

83、e to the class .Say ,this is a e-mail message .Call attention to the form .Read the article individually .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 29 ,3a .秋 橐 正 义成堂也录Say ,there is another e-mail message .Ask a student to read it to the class .Call attention to the blank calendar .Say ,Now read it again .Then complete

84、 Sonias calendar .Check the answers.Step 3 While-taskSB Page 29 ,3b .Point out the e-mail message .Ask a student to read italoud.Say ,Fill in the blanks in the e-mail message ,useTm+verb+ing or I have to +verb”.Ask students to complete the activity on their own .Ask some Ss to present the answers to

85、 the class .SB Page 29 ,3c .Say ,now write your own e-mail message to a friend .saywhy you cant visit next week , give some reasons youwish .As Ss work ,move around the room monitoring their work.Ask some Ss to read their message to the class .秋 橐 正 义成堂也录Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 29 ,Part 4 .Read the

86、instruction to the class.Complete the calendar on Page 88 .Say ,now go around the class .Ask Ss if they can come toyour party at the time you are free .Step 5 ExerciseSelfcheckThen ask some students to present their answers .Check the answers.款 案 正 交康堂也录Unit 6 Im more outgoing than mysister.Period 1

87、Teaching contents : Section A la , lb, 1c ,2a ,2b ,2c .Teaching goals :1. vocabulary : outgoing , more , than , calm , wild ,athletic , twin ,tall, short, thin .2. Pattern: He has shorter hair than Sam .Is Tom smarter than Tim ?3 . 优 力R标: 健对人物的外表进行描徐,小嘏曲行比较.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading inAsk a

88、 student to introduce herself/himself.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 31 , la .Show some pictures to Ss .Say ,They are stars .Ask Ss to tell what they see .Ask Ss to use the words :tall ,wild , thin , long hair , shorthair , heavy , calm , short and so on .秋 橐 正 义成堂也录Then ask Ss to repeat these sentences :Ya

89、o Ming is tallerthan Ronaldo .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 31 , 1c , lb .Call attention to the picture .Point out the sample conversation in activity 1c .Say ,Now work with a partner .Make your ownconversation about the twins .Ask several pairs to say one or more of theirconversations .Then listen to th

90、e recording .Ask Ss to number the twins .Check the answers.SB Page 32 ,2a .Point out the two columns and read the headings :-er , -ierand more .Then point out the words in the box .Read .Say ,now listen and write the -er and -ier words in thefirst column and the words that use more in the secondcolu

91、mn .Play the recording and check the answers .款 案 正 支成堂也录SB Page 3 2 ,2b .Point out the picture and the two boxes with the headingsTina is and Tara is .Say ,listen to the recording .Write word in the boxes .Thewords are from the list in activity 2a .Play the recording and check the answers .Step 4 P

92、ost-taskSB Page 3 2 ,2c .Point out the chart in activity 2c and on Page 89 . Say ,Make your own conversations according to theinformation. Ask pairs to continue on their own .Correct the answers.Step 5 HomeworkHow are you and your sister /brother different ?Writedown .赦 案 正 文康堂忆录Period 2Teaching con

93、tents: Grammar focus , 3a , 3b ,4 .Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading inAsk ,How are you and your mother/father different ?Ask some Ss to answer.Step 2 Pre-taskGrammar focus . Review the grammar box .Ask Ss toread the sentences to the class .Call attention to the word tfunny,circle y and say whena w

94、ord ends in y ,change y to an i and add -er .Write the phrases “more athletic than” .Say,when youcomplete things using words with three or moresyllables ,you use the word more .Practice : happy , outgoing , short, thin , good .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 33 , 3a .Call attention to the letter .Ask astud

95、ent to read it to the class .Say, now read thearticle ,then answer the questions .款 案 正 支成堂也录Write if the statements are true ,or false ,or dont know”if you dont know the answer .Check the answers.SB Page 3 3 ,3b .Say ,tell your partner about things that are the same anddifferent between you and a m

96、ember of your family or afriend .You can make a conversation like the example .Ask two Ss to read the sample conversation in the box .Have Ss work and ask some pairs to say their dialogues .Step 4 Post-taskRead the instruction to the class .Ask pairs of Ss howmany same and different examples they fo

97、und .Work in pairs and ask some pairs to read their lists .Step 5 HomeworkWrite down the same and different between you and afriend .教 案 正 文成堂祀泰Period 3Teaching contents : Section B la , lb , 2a , 2b , 2c .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inShow a maxim to Ss : A friend indeed is a friend in need

98、 .Ask ,What kind of things are important in a friend ?Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 34 , la .Read each description to the class and ask the Ss to repeat.What kind of things are important in a friend .Rank thethings below 1-6(1 is most important)Ask different Ss to copy the six phrases on the Bb .Thenread t

99、he phrases together .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 34 , lb .Say , Now make your own statements about friends usingthe phrases in activity 1 a .Ask some Ss to tell the class what they look for in afriend .And say ,who is your best friend ?款 案 正 次成堂祀隶SB Page 34,2a.Play the recording and check the answers .

100、SB Page 3 4 ,2b .Play the recording and check the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 3 4 ,2c .Say , Now work with your partner .Make a conversationusing information in the chart.Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class .Step 5 Homework遂词附句:1. Tom , Sam , intellectual, more , than , is

101、 .2. her sister , as . as . not, sports , at, good, is ,Liu Ying.3. me , same , as , the , friend , my , is .4. makes , laugh , a , me , good , I , think , friend .5. outgoing , are , both , we .裁 案 正 次康堂忆录Period 4Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inGreeting .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 3 5 ,3b .Read t

102、he instruction to the class .Ask Ss to look at thechart on Page 34 .Ask a student to read the example to the class .Say ,now write your own sentences .Ask students who finish first to write sentences on the Bb.Ask some Ss to read the sentences ,each student read onesentence one by one .Step 3 While-

103、taskSB Page 3 5 ,3a .Read the instruction .Point out the sample answer .Say , Now read the article .Explain the words andsentences in your own words .Listen to the recording .款 案 正 支成堂也录Say ,Now read the article again .Underline all the wordsthat describe what people are like .Check the answers .SB

104、Page 35 ,3c .Ask Ss to choose a friend to write about .Ask Ss to try totell the truth .Say ,Now finish the activity on your own .Ask some Ss to read their sentences to the class .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 35 ,Part 4 .Write the names of two outgoing students on theBb .Say ,Who do think should get the j

105、ob , A or B ?Ask Ss to work in pairs .Ask some pairs who they thoughtshould get the job and why .Step 5 ExerciseSelfcheck .Ask Ss to work on their own .Check the answers.教 案 正 文成堂祀泰Unit 7 How do you make a bananasmoothie ?Period 1Teaching contents :Section A la ,1b ,1c ,2a ,2b , 2c .Teaching goal :1

106、. vocabulary :blender , yogurt , turn on , cut up , peel ,pour , put into , ingredient , cinnamon , teaspoon ,amount,watermelon .2 . Patterns: How do you make a banana smoothie ?How many bananas do we need ?How much cinnamon do we need ?3 .健 力 目 标 噌 会 使 用how many勿how m uch今别对可鼎名词和不可披名词的量提冏.4. 情 感R标:

107、 楮聚老皮拉爱劳劭的灯惯.Teaching aids : tape , tape-recorder , cards .Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading inGreeting.Step 2 Pre-task款 案 正 支成堂也录SB Page 41 , la .Look at the picture .What can you see ?Point out the blank likes in the picture .Ask Ss to write thenames of the actions .Choose the correct words .Ask

108、Ss to fill in the blanks on their own .Check the answers.SB Page 41, lb .Point out the actions in the picture and the list of actions inactivity 1 b .Play the recording and check the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 41 , 1c .Point out the instructions in activity lb .Ask Ss to talkwith a partner.SB

109、 Page 4 2 ,2a .Point out the two columns in the chart and read theheadings .Say , Maria and Katie are talking about makingfruit salad .Listen carefully .What do they need ?Write thenames of the ingredients .款 案 正 支成堂也录Play the recording and check the answers .SB Page 4 2 ,2b .Say ,Now listen again .

110、This time listen to the amout ofeach ingredient the girls talk about .Write the name of eachingredient next to the correct amount.Ask a student to read the amounts in the first column .Play the recording .Ss work .Check the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 42 ,2c .Read the instruction for the activi

111、ty .Point to the sample conversation .Ask two students to readthe questions and answers to the class .Have Ss work in pairs .Ask some pairs to present their conversations .Step 5 HomeworkMake a banana smoothie or fruit salad with your friends .教 案 正 文成堂祀泰Period 2Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading i

112、nGreeting .Ask two students to present their conversationabout how to make a banana smoothie or fruit salad .Step 2 Pre-taskGrammar focus .Review the grammar box .Ask Ss to say the questions andanswers .Write the words countable and uncountable on the Bb .Ask one or two students to explain what thes

113、e words meanCall attention to the verb .Say , there are imperativesentences .Ask some students to say sentences like these .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 4 3 ,3a .Point out the picture and ask Ss whatthe boy and girl are doing .Point to the four words at the beginning of the activity .Ask Ss to number th

114、e words to show the order .Read the conversation .Ask Ss to complete it.秋 橐 正 义成堂也录Check the answers .Ask Ss to read the conversation with their partner .SB Page 4 3 ,3b .Point out the picture .Ask Ss to tell what is happening in each picture. Reviewthe words :popcom , popcorn popper ,salt, bowl.Ask

115、 a student to read the directions in the box .Ask Ss to work with partner ,then ask one or two studentsto tell the class how to make popcorn .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 43 , Part 4 .Ask Ss to work in teams of three .Read the instructions.Ask Ss to work in pairs .Then ask some pairs to presenttheir ques

116、tions and answers to the rest of the class .Step 5 HomeworkWrite your own recipe about a sandwich .赦 案 正 文康堂忆录Period 3Teaching contents :Section B la , lb , 2a, 2b , 2c .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inReview how to make fruit salad .Ask Ss to answer .Step 2 Pre-taskSay ,Lets make a sandwich .

117、Ask Ss that what ingredients they need .Ask two studentsto say and write the ingredients on the Bb .Then ask ,How do you make your favorite sandwich ?Ask one student to answer .Say , lefs make it together .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 44 , la ,1b .Point to the sandwich ingredients in the picture .Say ea

118、chword and ask Ss to repeat it.Read the instructions and point to the lines where Ss writethe things they like in a sandwich .Students work .After that .Say, Now ask and answer .Point秋 橐 正 义成堂也录out the conversation in the box .Ask Ss to work with apartner .As Ss work ,move around the room monitoring

119、 .Ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class .SB Page 4 4 ,2a .Read the instructions to the class .Point to the foods inactivity la .Play the tape the first time .Ss only listen .Playthe tape again .Ss circle the words in activity 1 a .Check the answers.SB Page 44 ,2b .Listen carefully a

120、nd write the ingredients on the correctlines in the chart .Check the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 4 4 ,2c .Ss work in pairs .Ask several pairs to act out.Step 5 HomeworkMake a sandwich .教 案 正 文成堂祀泰Period 4Teaching contents :Section B 3a,3b ,3c , 4 , selfcheck .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading

121、 inAsk some students to show the sandwiches they made .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 4 5 ,3a .Read the instructions to the class .Have a student to readthe recipe to the class .Point to the words vegetables ,meatand others in the chart .Point to the exampleanswer .Say ,Now read the recipe and write the ing

122、redientsunder the correct words in the chart.Check the answers.Step 3 While-taskSB Page 4 5 ,3b .Read the instructions to the class .Read the recipe to the class .Say “blank“ each time whencoming to a blank line .Say ,Now write a word in each blank .Check the answers .秋 橐 正 义成堂也录SB Page 4 5 ,3c .Rea

123、d the instructions to the class .Then ask students to write their recipes .As studentswork ,move around the room offering assistance asneeded .Ask students to read their recipes to a partner .Asksome students to read their recipes to the class .Step 4 Post-taskSelfcheck .Ask students to finish the w

124、ork .Ask some students to present their answers to the class .Check the answers.Step 5 HomeworkSB Page 45 , Part 4 .Ask students to work with a partner .Tell your partner how to make a sandwich with theingredients in your list.教 案 正 文成堂祀泰Unit 8 How was your school trip ?Teaching goals :1. words & ph

125、rases : shark , seal , ate , win , won , got ,visitor , drive , at the end of.2 . Use the past tense to talk about things .3 .蒙 握 由there b e精 构 和 行 名 劭 词 构 戚 的 一 领 过 去 时 .4. 蒙 提 规 则 和 系 规 则 劭 祠 的 过 去 时 .Important and difficult points :How to use the past tense correctly .The form of the past tense .

126、Teaching aids : card , picture and a tape recording .Period 1Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inGreeting : talk about something the Ss did last week .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 47 , la , 1c .T: What did you do on your last school trip ?Look at thepicture .Guess :What did Tina . do ?秋 橐 正 义成堂也录Pairwor

127、k : Did Tina buy a souvenir ? No , .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 47 , lb .Listen and check the answers .SB Page 4 8 ,2 a, 2b .Play the recording and correct theanswers.Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 4 8 ,2c .Pairwork : Make conversations .Ask several students to present their conversations .Step 5 ConclusionGr

128、ammar focus .Review the grammar box .Ss say the questions andanswers .Practice reading.款 案 正 交康堂也录Period 2Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inGreeting : talk about what last day off was like .Was it agood day off or a terrible day off ?Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 50 , la , lb .Look at the pictures .say

129、 something about the pictures .Point out the five phrases .Ss read after teacher .Make sure Ss understand what they should do .Rank themfrom 1-5 .Pay attention to the conversation in the box onthe right .Read.Pairwork : make conversations .Share the students? conversations .Step 3 While-taskSB Page

130、5 0 ,2a , 2b .Say , Now you will hear a conversation about what Tinaand Tony did on their last day off.Point out the sample answer in 2a .款 案 正 支成堂也录Listen carefully twice .Fill in the chart.Read the sentences in 2b .Pay attention to who said thesethings .Play the tape again .Listen carefully .Check

131、 the answers.SB Page 4 9 ,3a .Ask one student to read the article .Ss read and work : correct the statements below .Listen to the recording .Read after it.Ask Ss to read together .Step 4 Post-taskPairwork: Make conversations with your partner usingthese phrases : Were there . ? Did you see . ? Did y

132、ougo . ?Step 5 HomeworkMake up a story .教 案 正 文成堂祀泰Period 3Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading inFree talk.Check the homework .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 51, Part 4 .Say ,Here are some photos of your last vacation .What didyou do ?Ask and answer with your partner .Question like this : Did . ? What. ? Wer

133、e there . ?Where . ? How was . ?Pairwork.Step 3 While-taskSB Page51 ,3a .Read the letter about the things Nick did by Ss .Explain the new words .Play the tape .Ss listen and repeat.Point to the number 1-5 .Point out the sample answer秋 橐 正 义成堂也录Ss work .Then check the answers .Play the tape again .Pr

134、actice reading .SB Page 51 , 3b .Say , Imagine you are Tony and youll give Nick a letter .Point out the letter .Read the letter to the class .sayingblank each time when come to a blank line .Read the letter and fill in the blank .Ask one student to present the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 51, 3c

135、 .Say :We read about the things Tony and Nick did .Whatdid you do on your last day off .Lefs write a letter aboutthem .Give them help if they need .Ss work .Step 5 HomeworkComplete the selfcheck.教 案 正 文成堂祀泰Unit 9 When was he born ?Teaching goals:1. Learn to use “be born“ to ask sb sth2. 蒙握一板过去时态的。ho

136、w long , when , where等疑冏词开灵的持殊蕤冏旬.3 .优用有美的形容词来描述人,不怩用一皴过去时未微信莪知的、款通的人物.Period 1Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inGreeting .Ask Ss when they were bom and which sportsstars they like.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page53,la &lb.Ask Ss to make a list ofinternational sports stars they know.Show some sportsstars

137、photos to SsAsk :T: Whos that ? S: ThafsT:When was he bom ? S: She was bom in .Pairwork :make conversations .款 案 正 支成堂也录Step 3 While-taskSB Page 53 , lb .Look at the pictures .Read the namesand the occupation .Make sure what Ss should do .Listen carefiilly.Complete the exercise .Check the answers.SB

138、 Page 5 3 ,2a & 2b .Point out the columns and readthe headings to class .Explain the meaning of the words atthe top of each column if necessary .Say ,this time fill inthe information under How long .Play the recording,Sscomplete activity 2b .Correct the answers .Step 4 Post-taskPoint to the chart in

139、 activity 2a .Point out the fill-in lines inthe conversation in activity 2c .Show Ss how to do theactivity .Ask Ss to work in pairs .Then make their ownconversation .Correct the answers .Step 5 Homework Collect the information aboutsports stars.Then make cards .教 案 正 文成堂祀泰Period 2Teaching contents:

140、Grammar focus , Section A 3a,3b , 4a,4b.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inRevise the past tense .Step 2 Pre-taskSBPage54,Grammarfocus. AskSs to say the questionsand responses .Answer the questions the Ss might have .Step 3 While-taskSB Pag3 5 5 ,3a .Ask Ss to point to the names in thechart below

141、 the article .Read the name to the class .Explain the word achievement.Divide the class into two groups - A and B .Have themcontinue filling in their own charts , on their own .SB Page 55 , 3b .After Ss have finished reading andfilling their answers , ask Ss to work in pairs .Draw the chart on the B

142、b .Ask the Ss who finish first towrite the answers in the chart.秋 橐 正 义成堂也录Correct the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 5 5 ,4a .Write this sample question on the Bb .Then ask two Ss toask and answer these questions .Ask Ss to talk to several other Ss .Move around the roomchecking their progress .SB

143、 Page 55 , 4b .Ask Ss to tell the class what theylearned about a student. Allow other Ss to ask questions ifthey dont understand something another student says .Askeach student to read at least one statement from his chart.Step 5 Homework(改4t )1. I went to the classroom , but no one were there .2. L

144、ast summer I go to HongKong .3. Lucy and Lily didnt late for school last week .4. Did your friend bought a new watch yesterday ?教 案 正 文成堂祀泰Period 3Teaching contents : Section B la , lb ,2a, 2b , 2c .Teaching procedures :Step 1 RevisionCheck the homework .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 56 , la .Write on the

145、Bb the eight words at the top of the page .Aska student to the names of the people in the pictures .Ask Ss to write one or two words from the list under eachpersons picture.SB Page 56 , lb .Ask several Ss to read the class the words they wroteunder each picture .Say , Now work with a group .Makeyour

146、 own statements about the people in thepictures ,using the words you wrote in your book .Ask Ssto tell the class what they said about some of the people.Step 3 While-taskSB Page 56, 2a .款 案 正 支成堂也录Read the instructions and point out the words in the list inactivity la .Play the recording .Ss listen

147、and circle the words they hearCheck the answers.SB Page 5 6 ,2b .Point out the eight sentences .Ask two Ss to read them .Play the recording and have Ss write down the answers .Correct the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 5 6 ,2c .Ask two Ss to read the sample conversation .Have Ss work with a partne

148、r .Ask and answer questionsusing the sentences in activity 2b .Ask several pairs to say a conversation to the class.Step 5 HomeworkRemember the words learned in this class .裁 案 正 次康堂忆录Period 4Teaching contents: Section B 3a ,3b ,3c ,4 , selfcheck .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inAsk some Ss so

149、me questions :When were you born ?When did you get to school yesterday ? etc .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 57, 3a .Ask Ss to read the phrases in the chart.Then have Ss to read the article on their own ,ask Ss tocircle any words or phrases they dont understand .Ask Ss to read to the class any words or phra

150、ses theycircled .Write them on the Bb .Ask other Ss to explainwhat they mean .Ask Ss to read the article again and fill in the informationin the chart.Correct the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 5 7 ,3b .秋 橐 正 义成堂也录Ask Ss to use these sentences to start their articles .Ask Ss to use the article ab

151、out Midori as an example .SB Page 5 7 ,3c .Read the instructions and ask Ss who they write about.Ask Ss to work on their own .When they finish,ask the Ssto read the article to a partner and to talk about the personin the article.Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 57 , Part 4 .Ask Ss to work in groups of four .

152、Point out the sample conversation .Ask three Ss to read itto the class .Then ask Ss to work with their groups .Step 5 HomeworkGet Ss to finish the selfcheck on their own .赦 案 正 文康堂忆录Unit 10 Pm going to be abasketball player.Teaching contents: Section A la ,1b ,1c ,2a , 2b ,2c .Teaching goals:1. voca

153、bulary :programmer ,engineer ,pilot professional2. Pattern: I am going to do sth .3 . 健力目标: 净握一板将来时的用法.Important and difficult points : be going to 的 用法.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in复酎一般就在时表示计刻、打算做票亭的用法.Step 2 Pre - taskSB Page 59 , la .Read each of the words to theclass .Teach the new word

154、sHave Ss complete activity la .Check the answers .SB Page 59 , lb .Play the recording .Ss listen and writedown the answers .Correct the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 59,1c .In pairs ,Ss look at the jobs in activity秋 橐 正 义成堂也录1 a and have conversations about these jobs .SB Page 60 , 2a .Point to

155、the picture .Ask Ss to saywhat they see .Play the recording .Ss listen and write downthe answers .Check the answers .SB Page 60 , 2b .Ask a student to read the samplequestion and sample answer to the class .Play the recording .Ask Ss to write their answers in thechart .Correct the answers .Step 4 Po

156、st-taskSB Page 60 , 2c .Ask two Ss to read the sampleconversation to the class .Point to the questions and answers in activity 2b .Ask Ssto make conversation about Cheng Han .Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class .Step 5 HomeworkPreview the grammar box .教 案 正 文成堂祀泰Period 2Teachin

157、g contents : Grammar focus,Section B 3a,3b,4.Teaching goals:1 . vocabulary :sound like , fashion show , part-time ,save , at the same time , hold , rich ,retire .2 .惋 力 目 标 :钱 卷 未 来 自 己 与 他 人 的 理 怨 职 业 及 原 因 .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inHave Ss make sentences with “be going to” .Step 2 Pre

158、-taskSB Page 61, 3a .Call attention to the diary .Read the paragraph to the class.Then read the instructions to the class .Have them knowwhat to do .Ask Ss to finish the activity on their own .Correct the answers.Step 3 While-taskSB Page 6 1 ,3b .Point to the questions .Say , Answer these questions

159、.Tellthe truth about your life .What do you plan to do ?款 案 正 次成堂祀隶As Ss write ,move around the room offering help if neededPoint out the sample conversation .Ask two Ss to read it tothe class .Ss work in pairs .Ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 61 ,Part

160、 4 .Write the year 2008 on the Bb .Ask the class why that isan important date for Beijing and China .(China is hostingthe Olympic Games in 2008)Divide the class into small groups .Ask them to talk aboutwhat they are going to do for the Olympics and make alist.Step 5 HomeworkWrite the sentences in Pa

161、rt 4 on the exercise books .教 案 正 文成堂祀泰Period 3Teaching contents :Section B la , lb , 2a , 2b , 2c .Teaching goals:1 . vocabulary :resolution , instrument, fax .2 .犍力目标: 微於名实现理怨所做出的的打点介妥神.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inAsk some Ss to say the statement on their exercise books.Step 2 Pre-taskSB

162、 Page 62, la.Point to the resolutions and ask differentSs to explain in their own words what each one means .Point out the box next to each picture and ask some Ss toread the phrases .Ask Ss to match the phrases and pictures on their own .SB Page 62, lb .Ask two Ss to read the sampleconversation to

163、the class .Then ask Ss to find partners to have a conversation .Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class .Step 3 While-task款 案 正 支成堂也录SB Page 62, 2a .Read the instructions and point out the phrases in the listin activity 1 a .Play the recording .Ss listen and circle the phrases on t

164、helist in activity la they hear .Check the answers.SB Page 6 2 ,2b .Play the recording .Ask Ss to write their answers on theblank lines after each persons name .Ask three Ss to write one answer each on the Bb .Check the answers.Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 62, 2c .Ask two Ss to read the sampleconversatio

165、ns .Then ask Ss to work with a partner .Step 5 HomeworkHave Ss write their resolutions on the exercise books .教 案 正 文成堂祀泰Period 4Teaching contents: Section B 3a,3b,3c,4 ,selfcheck.Teaching goals:1 . vocabulary: reader, keep , fit, keep fit, build .2 .健 力R标 老 司 刷 金 未 来 一 段 时 间 的 行 刻 .Teaching procedu

166、res :Step 1 Leading inCheck homework.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 6 3 ,3a .Call attention to the magazine article .Ask a student toread it.Ask Ss to make a list of the New Years resolutions in thisarticle.Check the answers.Step 3 While-taskSB Page 63, 3b .Have Ss turn back to Page 62 and call on some indi

167、vidualsto say each persons name and what that persons款 案 正 支成堂也录resolution was .Then ask some other Ss to tell how eachperson was going to make his or her resolution work .Point to the magazine article in activity 3a .Ask Ss to writean article like this one .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 6 3 ,3c .Ask some

168、 Ss to tell the class about their New Yearsresolutions .Then ask Ss to write about their resolutions on their own .SB Page 63 , Part 4 .Divide Ss into small groups to do the activity .Ask some groups to write their plans on the Bb .Step 5 SelfcheckAsk Ss to finish the selfcheck on their own .Step 6

169、HomeworkWrite the article in activity 3c on the exercise books .教 案 正 文成堂祀泰Unit 11 Could you please cleanyour room ?Period 1Teaching contents: Section A la ,1b ,1c ,2a ,2b ,2c .Teaching goals :1. vocabulary : trash , chore , do chores , dish , sweep ,fold , hate , meeting .2. patterns : Could you pl

170、ease + do sth ?Could you + do sth ?3 . 犍 力 目 标 吟 司 帝 礼 貌 地 提 出 错 点 .Important and difficult points : 端点允许做某事.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inGreetings .Step 2 Pre-taskTeach the new words .Step 3 While-taskSB Page65,la & lb.Point to the items and ask someoneto read the each one to the class . P

171、lay the款 案 正 支成堂也录recording and let Ss fill in the chart .Check the answers .SB Page 65 , 1c .Point out the sample conversation in activity 1 c .Ask twoSs to read it to the class .Have Ss work in pairs .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 66 , 2a & 2b .First point to the chart inactivity 2a and get Ss to know w

172、hat to do ,then play therecording and ask Ss to check yes or no” .Correct theanswers .Do with activity 2b in the same way .Step 5 PairworkSB Page 6 6 ,2c .Ss work in pairs , then ask some pairsto act out their conversations .Step 6 HomeworkIn pairs make a conversation using “Could you please .?Could

173、 you教 案 正 文成堂祀泰Period 2Teaching contents: Section A Grammar focus,3a ,3b,4 .Teaching goals :1. Vocabulary :work on , laundry , do the laundry , wash .2. Master and use : I like doing sth because .I dont doing sth because .3. 情感态度目标: 敖背身或在人际会精中要/ 礼貌.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inRevise the pa

174、ttern : Could you please . ? Could you . ?Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 66 , Grmmar focus .Ask Ss to say thequestions and answers .Explain :the questions use theword could and the answers use the words can and cant.Step 3 While-taskSB Page 6 7 ,3a .Read the conversation to class with astudent .Say blank ev

175、ery time you come to a blank .Ask Ssto fill in each blank with the work make or do .Correct the answers .秋 橐 正 义成堂也录SB Page 67 , 3b .Ask two Ss to read the samplephrases . Say ,Now write a list of chores you have todo ,you can use the list of chores in la .Ask a student to say the name of a chore .T

176、hen ask anotherstudent to say I like or I dont like .Then ask a thirdstudent to give a reason .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 67 , Part 4 .In groups of five , give each groupa set of blank cards .Ask Ss in each group to write onecore onto a card .In turns , one student turns over a cardand asks the person

177、next to him to do the chore , thatperson must say no and give a reason .Step 5 HomeworkMake some sentences with “I like doing sth because or I dont like doing sth because赦 案 正 文康堂忆录Period 3Teaching contents :Section B la ,1b,2a,2b,2c.Teaching goals :1. vocabulary: snack ,borrow ,invite ,disagree ,te

178、enager2 .健 力R标: 莪恚并健灵活运用Could you (please). ?Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inAsk some Ss with questions :Could you please . ? Couldyou . ?Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 68 ,1a . Say , Look at the items on the list ,askSs to complete the writing on their own .Correct the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Pa

179、ge 68, lb . Read the instructions and point out thesample conversation.Ask Ss to work with a partner and make their ownconversations about the items in activity 1 a .Call several pairs to say one or more of their conversations秋 橐 正 义成堂也录to the class.SB Page 68, 2a & 2b . Read the instructions and ha

180、veSs know what to do .Play the recording and ask Ss to writetheir answer on their own .Ask two Ss to write their answers on the Bb .Correct the answers.Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 68, 2c . Point out the sample conversation andask two Ss to read it to the class .Then point to the phrases in the box .Ask

181、Ss to ask andanswer with a partner .Ask several pairs to say their questions and answers to theclass .Correct any incorrect questions or answers .Step 5 Homework英 汉 及 锌 :1. 洗餐具 2. 处 理 以 事 , 干 家 务3. 购物4.take out the trash 5.make the bed 6.fold your clothes裁 案 正 次康堂忆录Period 4Teaching contents:Section

182、B 3a, 3b , 3c, 4 , Selfcheck .Teaching goals :1 . vocabulary :take care of,feed ,mine ,weren,t=were not2 .健力目标老刃与留言条“4错求他蹄助.Important and difficult points :留言条的不写.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inAsk Ss to translate some Chinese phrases .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 6 9 ,3a .Read the instructions and

183、 have Ss know what to do .Ask Ss to read the letter on their own and complete thechart.Ask two Ss to write their answers on the Bb .Correct the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 6 9 ,3b .Ask a student to read the beginning of the e-mail message.款 案 正 文成堂忆录Have Ss finish the message .Tell them they c

184、an look at theChart in activity 2b for ideas .Ask some Ss to read their message to the class.SB Page 6 9 ,3c .Ask Ss to finish the e-mail message on their own and callsome Ss to read their messages to the class .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 69 , Part 4 .Point out the sample conversation and read the inst

185、ructionsto have Ss know what to do .Divide Ss into groups of three and ask them to makeconversations .Ask several groups to say their conversations to the class .Step 5 HomeworkFinish the selfcheck .散 案 正 次成堂祀泰Unit 12 Whafs the best radiostation ?Period 1Teaching contents: Section A la ,1b ,1c ,2a ,

186、2b , 2c .Teaching goals :1 . vocabulary: comfortable , seat , screen , close , closeto , quality , theater, cinema , radio , radio station .2 .健力目标: 季振一些形容词的比较然和景为然.Difficult points : 特殊招客词的比较您和素为您.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inRevise the comparative forms and superlative forms ofsome adject

187、ives .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 71 , la . Ask Ss to explain what the wordor phrases means in their own words .Then ask Ss todecide which of the things are important or unimportant.Step 3 While-taskSB Page 71 ,1b .Ask some Ss to read the sentences,then秋 橐 正 义成堂也录play the recording .Correct the answers .

188、SB Page 71, 1c . Ask Ss to make a list of real movietheaters they know .In pairs ,Ss read the conversation inthe box ,then get them to make their own conversationsaccording to the list of real movie theaters .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 72, 2a & 2b . Ask some Ss to read the phrasesand sentences .Play th

189、e recording ,Ss listen and writedown their answers.Check the answers.Step 5 Role playSB Page 72 , 2c . Have Ss work in pairs .Check theprogress and offering help as needed .Ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class.Step 6 HomeworkPreview the grammar box .教 案 正 文成堂祀泰Period 2Teaching cont

190、ents :Grammar focus, Section A 3a,3b,4.Teaching goals :1 . vocabulary :teen ,bargain , delight, by bus .2 .健力目标: 老灯进行简单的比较不表达自己的略怒.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading inAsk a student to say something about the comparative andsuperlative forms of adjectives .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 72, Grammar focus .A

191、sk a student to read the sentences to the class .Say ,thesesentences show different grammar points .Explain the two grammar points .Answer questions the Ssmight have .Step 3 While-taskSB page 7 3 ,3a .Point to the chart .Ask Ss what they will write in the chart.Ask Ss to read the article on their ow

192、n .款 案 正 次成堂祀隶Ask Ss to read the article again and complete the chart ontheir own .Correct the answers .SB Page 73,3b .Point out the sample conversation and ask two Ss to read itto the class .Ask Ss to say the names of stores in your town and writethe names on the Bb .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 73, Par

193、t 4 .Ask the class for the names of three places to have lunchnear the school and write them on the Bb .Divide the classinto small groups .Ask them to choose three restaurantsand fill in the chart.Step 5 Homework写出下列单词的叱较然和素为被:happy , late , good ,bad , beautiful, heavy , big , wet, small, much .教 案

194、 正 文成堂祀泰Period 3Teaching contents :Section B la , lb, 2a , 2b , 2c .Teaching goals :vocabulary: positive , negative , dull, performerTeaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inCheck the homework.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 74, la .Point to the sample answer in the chart and ask a studentto read the pair of wo

195、rds to the class.Ask Ss to complete activity la on their own .Correct the answers .SB Page 74 , lb .Explain that positive words are words that you can use tosay good things about people ,ask Ss to say only goodthings about people as they talk with partner .Ss work in pairs to talk about the people t

196、hey know .Ask several Ss to say their sentences to the class .款 案 正 支成堂也录Step 3 While-taskSB Page 7 4 ,2 a .Ask Ss what a talent show is and askSs to tell what people do at talent show .Point to the five pictures .Ask different Ss to say what thepeople are doing in each picture .Play the recording .

197、Ss listen and write the correct name .Check the answers.SB Page 7 4 ,2b .Play the recording and ask Ss to writewhat different people say about the performers .Correct the answers.Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 74 ,2c .Ask two Ss to read the sampleconversation to the class .Then Ss work in pairs .Step 5 Hom

198、eworkAsk Ss to write their questions and answers in activity 2con the exercise books .教 案 正 文成堂祀泰Period 4Teaching contents: Section B 3a ,3b ,3c ,4 , selfcheck.Teaching goals :1. vocabulary: province , still, enough , distance , farthest2 .健力目标: 老司还行简单的碉套Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inGreetin

199、gs .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 75, 3a .Read the instructions and point out the words in the box .Point out the sample answer for number 1 .Ask Ss to writeone work from the box on each blank line .Correct the answers .SB Page 7 5 ,3b .Say ,Now write an article about the other people in activity2b .Write

200、about Vera , Dennis ,and the math teachers ,youcan use information in the chart to help you.Ask Ss to complete the article on their own .秋 橐 正 义成堂也录Ask some Ss to read what they wrote to the class .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 75, 3c .Ask Ss to say the names of famous performers they mightwrite about.As

201、k Ss to write their article on their own .Ask some Ss to read their articles to the class .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 75 , Part 4 .Point out the chart where the Ss can write the answers .Ask two Ss to read the sample conversation to the class .Ask Ss to interview three classmates .Ask several Ss to read the information from one column tothe class.Step 5 HomeworkReview the grammar focus on Page 72 .2 7



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