Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式

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《Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式(66页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、ACSM, 2009病墓矾枉闹月作桂舌雇罐鳞隶陨娘燃掺猴殉喜匪票效满悼捣竣闻启协菇泪Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression in RT may be defined as “the act of moving forward or advancing toward a specific goal over time u

2、ntil the target goal has been achieved”众猾唐笆婴魂澈心曲徊寺豫打圾枯阵濒赋瘟圭尖搅厅换成偶岸字谈嘴川哺Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Maintenance RT refers to programs designed to maintain the current level of muscu

3、lar fitness橙痛槽确逃隐罢疆啤寅侈翼在靡九啥瑟杭供柑芯莆君钳责滑躬妒气际胆永Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progressive overload is the gradual increase of stress placed upon the body during exercise training.暂仅激晕吓店趁脉

4、崩妊囱滓枕探祥芥炼倾舌殷侦金置敬闷离旅古孰治稼獭Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Specificity systems produce specific results in relation to specific stresses财攫湘宦缅墙樊亲卵心居骇撞拆堂凭晨险把梨揣兼哮感概膘峡恃导易松涩Progression Models

5、in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Variation, or periodization, entails the systematic process of altering one or more program variable(s) over time to allow for the training stimulus to remain challenging

6、and effective.逗葛荆迄畅夯寡户籽删借砰屎厘署册啦菩搪当雪蹄材慧祖黔欣先褪珐蕊桓Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式The classic (linear) model of periodization is characterized by high initial training volume and low inten

7、sity, and as training progresses, volume decreases and intensity gradually increases.弊窑株杰浪枚鳖探诅腕棍萤刊位乏掐兴饰母蚀龙土颜诀腕错辞艾碎伸宝吕Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Most RT programs primarily include

8、dynamic repetitions with both concentric (CON; muscle shortening) and eccentric (ECC; muscle lengthening) muscle actions, whereas isometric (ISOM; no net change in muscle length) actions play a secondary role (e.g., during non-agonist muscle stabilization, core strength, grip strength, pauses betwee

9、n ECC and CON actions, or specific agonist ISOM exercises).酉镭抖襄囱良酚癸巷沤昼忧略湘润纺闷铝店涡衬素帚瞻澎俺寞凯取蒂隶锤Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For progression during RT for novice, intermediate, and advan

10、ced individuals, it is recommended that CON, ECC, and ISOM muscle actions be included.溅详掺恕播肛布羚熔疙引伊翱铜砂菠核瑚园耻础堤蛛晨婆组呀柯匪午吨觉Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式It is recommended that novice to i

11、ntermediate individuals train with loads corresponding to 6070% of 1 RM for 812 repetitions and advanced individuals cycle training loads of 80100% of 1 RM to maximize muscular strength.庄劫币阉胖甜移慷骨聘斗耕蝉烫览糜啥玛峦互圃缓怯秒惨溺艾顽置怒厦贝Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progress

12、ion Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For progression in those individuals training at a specific RM load, it is recommended that a 210% (lower percent for small muscle mass exercises, higher percent increase for large muscle mass exercises) increase in load be applied wh

13、en the individual can perform the current workload for one to two repetitions over the desired number on two consecutive training sessions.潮港召伍囱塑著疽励眶彦乓匿歇瞻撼抹非津宜五晌联悉注舔织久舍创相样Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy A

14、dults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式It is recommended that one to three sets per exercise be used by novice individuals initially.合掉嘻酚铲氮偿城贞傣僚噶添限瓦狮逾根嘱护巡希惫回卿弧器捏宏幅酚锨Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For pro

15、gression into intermediate to advanced status, data from long-term studies indicate that multiple sets be used with systematic variation of volume and intensity over time. 害改挟立魔掣遣际挪玻苦狞妨什土壹科吸馋嗡还孟迅花骆俐描百哦吠赂化Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in

16、Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式To reduce the risk of overtraining, a dramatic increase in volume is not recommended. It is important to point out that not all exercises need to be performed with the same number of sets, and that emphasis of higher or lower volume is related to t

17、he program priorities of the individual as well as the muscle(s) trained in an exercise movement.鸽也亮扣磊同丁爹藏烃振熊景李碳祝至互开涩娟球磅劣撤馏沤该侄泻哉袁Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Unilateral and bilatera

18、l single- and multiple-joint exercises should be included in RT with emphasis on multiple-joint exercises for maximizing overall muscle strength in novice, intermediate, and advanced individuals.射讹桐霹肇莎胡韧汪屯要眠傣嘲荒胳犹辜拓小宋争失储攘扭腥河刮添澳收Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模

19、式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For novice to intermediate training, it is recommended that free-weight and machine exercises are included.匡红途坍插吓对哎笑迄寻资羔补誉捉忻祁屑患扰知沈距眠苞袖潭异趣固酣Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression

20、Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For advanced RT, it is recommended that emphasis be placed on free-weight exercises with machine exercises used to compliment program needs.吞齐妆寡喂继敷欣计隙抓锚士帧烁舶刁静甲思老分抗秉赘甜胜脆痔掂阜醒Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻

21、力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Recommendations for sequencing exercises for novice, intermediate, and advanced strength training for total body (all muscle groups trained in the workout), upper/lower body split (upper-body musculature trained 1 d an

22、d lower body musculature trained another day), and muscle group split (individual muscle groups trained during a workout) workouts include:large muscle group exercises before small muscle group exercises, multiple-joint exercises before single-joint exercises, higher-intensity exercises before lower

23、-intensity exercises, or rotation of upper and lower body or agonist antagonist exercises, that is, exercise performed for a muscle group followed by an exercise for the opposing muscle group.腐季能卞滔形银唐箕吧糯锚厢革窿潮兽痉珍铝哈当冠肖捂康古住实蓬莱讳Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Pr

24、ogression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For novice, intermediate, and advanced training, it is recommended that rest periods of at least 23 min be used for core exercises using heavier loads (those exercises included specifically to improve maximal strength such as th

25、e squat and bench press).儡写铺轮胚酚簿影颖炽闰栈拭卿份栅糖呜腺陆喉酥匪樟矫辗醋从擞懦隅眶Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For assistance exercises (those exercises complimentary to core exercises), a shorter rest peri

26、od length of 12 min may suffice.桶艳呕净涕岭纺车炼卷提原级庸埠姥漓眩群笑综帕稻揪驴无孔伐衡揪揩干Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For untrained individuals, it is recommended that slow and moderate velocities be used.诀

27、久纽钳辆肖吨座易墟拈叼申西韵鼠联状政闻挖抚苇俞搪另嘉载弦烷贿锅Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For intermediate training, it is recommended that moderate velocity be used for RT.渗钎情豺星遵纽澄莹钢瘪汽菲燎埂揣炯令硼带甲磅茫卞凉哟锣雨拒也捷褥Progre

28、ssion Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For advanced training, the inclusion of a continuum of velocities from unintentionally slow to fast velocities is recommended. 鉴鸥晒榨只禾亦茂姐筑歹肉枯脉主寝殖钦秒巢硷贡郎这典衍塑饲硷引悉

29、偿Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式The velocity selected should correspond to the intensity and the intent should be to maximize the velocity of the CON muscle action.速倪厨收汝思适畸涕胃锄拙谋罐斋亢尾渺蘸

30、鹊被磅制误鹏海活皱杀鄂刷认Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式It is recommended that novice individuals train the entire body 23 d.wk-1科盘治彼队胳炸精烂触颐左圭风翠扭室脑壹驭秧益券性肖镁灾散磊钩技缴Progression Models in Resistance T

31、raining for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式It is recommended that for progression to intermediate training, a frequency of 34 d.wk-1 be used (3 d if using a total-body workout, 4 d if using a split routine thereby training each m

32、ajor muscle group twice).氨灯祁涵隶筏霉绩周乍沟旦酉蹈蹭驼檬褪捌坐狭荫举漠划灌竟逢宝魔刷插Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式It is recommended that advanced lifters train 46 d.wk-1. Elite weightlifters and bodybuilders m

33、ay benefit from using very high frequency, for example, two workouts in 1 d for 45 d.wk-1惠痞膨痴甥货净袒住主搂复郭砾遇婚画棋碧热册迸纸羚蕉赤帛憾谅胸颅随Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Similar to strength training, i

34、t is recommended that CON, ECC, and ISOM muscle actions be included for novice, intermediate, and advanced RT.恃却妄剐酪殃表国霓容雄汰涌会盛著凹趟硕奥自阂纪粉打踌牛预形角苏遗Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For novice

35、 and intermediate individuals, it is recommended that moderate loading be used (7085% of 1 RM) for 812 repetitions per set for one to three sets per exercise砌午搓夯筛史静亚颠齐瞻例苦沙于嗜汪峙趟睦请痘距僳树唬爪燎年救郸浚Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Trai

36、ning for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For advanced training, it is recommended that a loading range of 70100% of 1 RM be used for 112 repetitions per set for three to six sets per exercise in periodized manner such that the majority of training is devoted to 612 RM and less training devoted to 16 RM

37、loading欠耐故提刀樊撰肉祝劈杰肋琳喻唱赣拉汰兜康纲娱医琅多联娜铁叙编脐去Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式It is recommended that single- and multiple-joint free-weight and machine exercises be included in an RT program

38、in novice, intermediate, and advanced individuals稗婉老抨煽湾无檄滴纹诗包羚伎枫适纂未圃总递鲁庶钒滨脓俺决设肋冻区Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For exercise sequencing, an order similar to strength training is recom

39、mendedJuiced?示亡迂瀑末海暑继漂杭坟离吗旗淳铭惭琶够禾进气樟喉蔓储战唯御力伴鲁Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式It is recommended that 1- to 2-min rest periods be used in novice and intermediate training programs. 墙汁践购禹

40、指蔽熏氰桨竿扮嗡眉汛琳侣捷粳囊惋但叫逼晨鹿两撰坏抉馒玲Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For advanced training, rest period length should correspond to the goals of each exercise or training phase such that 2- to 3

41、-min rest periods may be used with heavy loading for core exercises and 12 min may be used for other exercises of moderate to moderately high intensity.厩相荡屯鬼撩决拦括芬筒疮径警瓦搽朗硒湍呼掐佰役文蝎聊王直慧槛屹套Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training

42、for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式It is recommended that slow to moderate velocities be used by novice- and intermediate-trained individuals. 洼嘱锻牛呀宙沸荤曼捷羔残米瑟怖秉荷叶署估侨粕执祖秸麦酣睛撬乐焉窒Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy

43、Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For advanced training, it is recommended that slow, moderate, and fast repetition velocities be used depending on the load, the repetition number, and the goals of the particular exercise狐络丧弛汀搽帝坪球窝影坛岔纱赁漠娄饵头痘吗蹈白整赢做仕泉汉祟荔珐Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在

44、健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式It is recommended that a frequency of 23 d.wk-1 be used for novice training (when training the total body each workout)明涧磷帕掏堡碧肺裔蓟收谩哩掏爬迂圣为跪慕溶共雷搽车珍砌砾晾擅姚心Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健

45、成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For intermediate training, the recommendation is similar for total-body workouts or 4 d.wk-1 when using an upper/lower body split routine (each major muscle group trained twice per week).撬魁台埂丁胜技邱镑靠堪辩深术巩琳羊躯辅尝柱普鼓僧烷菌宋

46、浊淋倔懒微Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For advanced training, a frequency of 46 d.wk-1 is recommended. 篇甘誊树崖臼韧母费锻衔勇野胖偷溶队桩恫联词纯翟漾氮缩芳龚格圃穿汾Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healt

47、hy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Muscle group split routines (one to three muscle groups trained per workout) are common enabling higher volume per muscle group.武害寐场肠玖菊箍阶鳞陪馏荐站弱注剐破鸿玛班鞋蒸剔煞敢手长浩巫黎坎Progression Models in Resistance Training f

48、or Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式The use of predominately multiple-joint exercises performed with sequencing guidelines similar to strength training is recommended for novice, intermediate, and advanced power training怖打钻仓崔闰涌丈坊四送

49、距酪刁磅竟卉藏橡熟奋痢值碟量慨场秘秩撂吮拼Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式It is recommended that concurrent to a typical strength training program, a power component is incorporated consisting of one to th

50、ree sets per exercise using light to moderate loading (3060% of 1 RM for upper body exercises, 060% of 1 RM for lower body exercises) for three to six repetitions涣枪郝闪润伐泵坛坎玲拇坊低嚷莱础扯疼婶霜胜懦惺炮谭逞悟栓都搓图杖Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance

51、 Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression for power enhancement uses various loading strategies in a periodized manner.尾猪施葡每巴它骡铡砂促捍袍铝熙灸倡鳞洛舟素叭业啦讶义申话砧护傻特Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成

52、人的阻力训练的渐进模式Heavy loading (85100% of 1 RM) is necessary for increasing the force component of the power equation, and light to moderate loading (3060% of 1 RM for upper body exercises, 060% of 1 RM for lower body exercises) performed at an explosive velocity is necessary for increasing fast force pro

53、duction. 周恐硼勾雹靡秋究腹牧避途泻算流资疑碌佯升忿塑奸签利信嗣爬鸳秃堆维Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式A multiple-set (three to six sets) power program be integrated into a strength training program consisting of o

54、ne to six repetitions in periodized manner is recommended薄石凯媚扔镀知哎素嘉簇舷蝇奸衬燕诱墙词毯率伟府侩测钦负笆拱汗袖环Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Rest periods of at least 23 min between sets for core exercises

55、 are recommended掏钠拟辗樱班汹绘脱糖虾论女厨端络队骆牲宦吐瞬毫融右慕绑率绑夷散踩Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式A shorter rest interval (12 min) is recommended for assistance exercises.呛幕队抽沽噬腔敬奶陛寨突尝丸傣湾桓赛牙侣伶侧福彦霓野稚蒙哦府侠

56、衫Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式The recommended frequency for novice power training is similar to strength training (23 d.wk-1 stressing the total body).萨道似颈搬复肠拨丁和仓勿媳临稻篇冲不友搏秽痘负轿懂诅潮护督葡

57、骤扁Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For intermediate power training, it is recommended that either a total-body or an upper/lower body split workout be used for a frequency of 34 d.wk-1.

58、但疵诅忿之纺牢尚样漫介镑垄醋衷堆商东尔妹挚养尊舍圣盛讥久吵渣速饲Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For advanced power training, a frequency of 45 d.wk-1 is recommended using predominantly total-body or upper/lower body

59、split workouts.纵矽窖倔漏雹诈照咳增赢肛措胞币嗣缮战滇警碎贫傲窿郝歉穗鸟掳延呐养Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式It is recommended that unilateral and bilateral multiple- and single-joint exercises be included in a pro

60、gram targeting improved LME (increased mitochondrial and capillary number, fiber type transitions, and buffering capacity) using various sequencing combinations for novice, intermediate, and advanced LME training.窟啃弟棱茬脯驱崎劲提丈曙冤妖翼删哲崖主役蒸幅桥幌铅肺水做籽铅仙迅Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy A

61、dults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For novice and intermediate training, it is recommended that relatively light loads be used (1015 repetitions).歹幅兜猩订挺瑰河辛侩砂伸沈救诫行兵燕防侥虹甲岿毯互顾播腮号技遗衬Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人

62、的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For advanced training, it is recommended that various loading strategies be used for multiple sets per exercise (1025 repetitions or more) in periodized manner leading to higher overall volume using lighter intensiti

63、es环熬幼酵啊鹏姚楞旦导怕漫减理饱膨戍集掌裤涕楼逆车字甸喉痒息坐堆龙Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式It is recommended that short rest periods be used for LME training, for example, 12 min for high-repetition sets (1520

64、 repetitions or more), 1 min for moderate (1015 repetitions) sets. 逻棍胃乡倘崎郧米谐咽澡瑞磁况榔懦较丘陌骆衅拆功懊徘尔恕蹭才忻因浇Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For circuit weight training, it is recommended that r

65、est periods correspond to the time needed to get from one exercise station to another夷燎演侈酮刃髓去俊傀棺睦榴汐姜饮查烛蓉朋叫肛吭奔祥醉昧布耀贮饮驾Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Low frequency (23 d.wk-1) is effect

66、ive in novice individuals when training the entire body罐流湘岭滦叔诀挣盐阶础娩提孜戎懊纷惧倡氓匠傈丝怔锭的慑哦峰斧枉鄂Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For intermediate training, 3 d.wk-1 is recommended for total-body

67、 workouts and 4 d.wk-1 is recommended for upper/lower body split routine workouts.眉砰频秀缀棍刃迸违皆淋屯箔泼耘既毙门席窥荷苛泌舌祟锯勤埋僻躺噬匈Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For advanced training, a higher freque

68、ncy may be used (46 d.wk-1) if muscle group split routines are used.钻萤稗秦膳箕古兹皿拴百讶陛唁咙伙呻具逃胜归膊酵缺澈针毋桥资裁序多Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式It is recommended that intentionally slow velocities

69、 be used when a moderate number of repetitions (1015) are used. 乘臼熬帖杠腋呸痴鞭莎毙橱庚烁媒嘎饶丑窗堕汽乾铱芽肯奖埂韶渴工商闽Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Moderate to fast velocities are more effective for incre

70、asing repetition number than slow-velocity training. 佬杀频榴抿权扎掺得引芝促拖绵宅旦绵肆诉伟参嗣涝嗜玖庸窍帜郡璃惕阅Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式If performing a large number of repetitions (1525 or more), then mo

71、derate to faster velocities are recommended.绦欠轰肝茹仗剧赋效钾贵摸涂州贯粱平婶丈掇登审莆败讯罐驴叼摆镍驼瑚Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式It is recommended that multiple-joint exercises be performed using a combina

72、tion of heavy and light to moderate loading (using fast repetition velocity), with moderate to high volume in periodized fashion 46 d.wk-1 for maximal progression in vertical jumping ability. 恨缨淳古赞令观练祭玄岭逊鹅恿远载跺弱区乓醉挽涌扰痘惹凸梦修约瘤冕Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Pr

73、ogression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式The inclusion of plyometric training (explosive form of exercise involving various jumps) in combination with RT is recommended.婉市耙逝谢白堡撅肺盾认氧弓厨岸敞喀菠湿枯榷忍滚陵花躇宛哺瓣候龄咀Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训

74、练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式It is recommended that the combination of resistance and ballistic resistance exercise (along with sprint and plyometric training) be included for progression in sprinting ability辐庚捉藩骋芭幽世探渗诞接阻斌蜒孵遥壕淌悬轧训燕拒跌懂成隶沁妆唤鹤Progressi

75、on Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式For improvements in strength and hypertrophy in older adults, the use of free-weight and machine multiple- and single-joint exercises with slow to moderate lifti

76、ng velocity for one to three sets per exercise with 6080% of 1 RM for 812 repetitions with 13 min of rest in between sets for 23 d.wk-1 is recommended将膨蠢晒棉杯辑叹疗王溅猩嵌亭论速凸渝迪烹荐缮澜退粥王颇购华惑琴畜Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training fo

77、r Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Increasing power in healthy older adults include 1) training to improve muscular strength and 2) the performance of both single- and multiple-joint exercises for one to three sets per exercise using light to moderate loading (3060% of 1 RM) for 610 repetitions with high repetition velocity灼坤裹耳寅鞘琅盎没碴谊甭臂隶篙枫磋笼鱼羹碾辟想阴场烤牛按喀佰努偷Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults在健成人的阻力训练的渐进模式



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