冀教版九年级英语Unit 9 Lesson 56《Manage Your Time》

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1、Lesson 56: Manage Your Timebesidesweekdayprimaryasleepnotebookreviewitselfbsadz prep. 除之外wikde n. 平日 pram()r adj. 主要的;初级的;基本的slip adj. 睡着的 ntbk n. 笔记本 rvju n. 回顾;复习;vt. 回顾;检查;tself pron. 它自己;它本身Listen and fill in the blanks.Read and tick1.She just started primary school and has some difficulties in

2、maths.2.她刚上小学,学习数学有困难。她刚上小学,学习数学有困难。3.表达表达“在(做)某方面有困难在(做)某方面有困难”还可用还可用have/find difficulty (in) sth./doing sth. 结结构。构。4.She had/found no difficulty (in) math/learning math.5.她学习数学没有困难。2. On top of all that, I have classes in dance, piano, art.除此之外,我还上舞蹈课、钢琴课、美术课.on top of 在本句中的意思是“除.之外(还)”。On top of

3、 his poverty, he had heart disease.除贫穷外,他还患有心脏病。表示“在顶端” 这种意思时,on (the) top of 和at the top of 都可以使用, on 侧重“面上”,at 侧重“位置”。The old woman once lived in a house standing on (the)/at the top of a hill.那位老太太曾住在一座山顶上的房子里。但是,若表示“重叠”情况的“上面”或“紧挨在一起”的情况,多用 on top of。They came out of the woods with their hands o

4、n top of their heads.他们把双手放在头上从树林里走出来。I have a habit of wearing one shirt on top of another.我习惯把两件衬衫套着穿。The all lived on top of each other.他们彼此住得很近。3. Yesterday, I fell asleep during class.昨天,我上课时睡着了。Fall 在本句中的意思是“变得,变成”。When he heard the surprising question, his mouth felt open.他听到那令人吃惊的消息时,变得张口结舌。

5、The classroom suddenly felt quiet.教室里突然静下来。4.Sorry to hear about your trouble.得知你的麻烦我很难过。hear的意思是“(直接)听见,听到”I heard the news over the radio.我从收音机里听到了那个消息。hear about/of 的意思是“听说;得知”。I heard about/of the artist, but havent seen him.我听说过那位艺术家,但还没见过他。hear from 的意思是“收到.的信”I expect to hear from my parents

6、soon.我盼望很快收到父母的来信。5. You are such a busy kid!你是个那么忙碌的孩子呀!such和so都可以用来表示“这样(的);那样(的);如此(的)”。such 后可以直接跟单数可数名词、复数名词或不可数名词;so 则不可以。He has never seen such a film.他从来没看过这样的电影。Such people have no right to speak.那样的人没有发言权。Why is there such resistance?为什么存在这样的阻力?单数可数名词有形容词修饰时,such 位于a/an 之前,而so 则是“so+形容词+ 名

7、词”的顺序。He is such a handsome boy.(=He is so handsome a boy.)他是那么英俊的男孩。有一般形容词修饰的复数名词和不可数名词词组之前,用such,不用so。They are such nice people.他们是那么善良的人。I heard such good news on/over the radio.我从收音机里听到那么好的消息。 such 用于 all, many, no, some等之后;so用于many, few, much, little 等之前,且此时不能用such。All such possibilities must b

8、e considered.所有这些可能性都必须考虑到。There is no such animal now.现在这样的动物不存在了。I have so many books.我有如此多的书。There is so little water in the bottle. 瓶子里的水这么少。so 可以修饰形容词和副词。The flowers are so beautiful.那些花如此美丽。He runs so fast.他跑得那么快。6. I think you should take some time to think carefully about your plan.我认为你应该花点时

9、间仔细想想你的计划。Take a few minutes every evening to check how your plan is going.每天晚上用几分钟时间检查你的计划的执行情况。cost, take, spend和 pay 都有“花费”的意思。cost的用法:句中的主语是表示物或所做的事情,不用于被动语态。The book cost me ten yuan.我买这书花了10元钱。The work cost her a lot of care.这项工作使她付出了很多心血。spend 的用法:指人花费时间、精力、财力等在某事或某物上,行为主体只能是人,所跟介词为on或in。在spe

10、nd tome/money (in) doing sth.中,介词常可以省略。They spent $800 on/for the computer.他们买这台计算机花了800美元。She spent three days (in) reading this novel.她花了三天时间读这部小说。Ive spent two years wandering the world.我用了两年时间周游世界。We spent so much labor on it.我们为它消耗了很多劳动。pay 的用法:指人为买到或得到某物付出钱或报酬,常和介词for搭配。The boss paid me ten yu

11、an for my service.老板支付给我十元钱的服务费。How much did you pay for the car?你买这辆车支付了多少钱?He paid a high price for his success.他付出了很大代价才取得了成功。take 的用法:常用于it 作形式主语的句式,真正的主语是动词不定式。It took us three days to finish the work.我们花了三天时间完成了这项工作。It took me two yuan to buy the magazine.我花了两元钱买这本杂志。take 的主语也可以是某种活动或人,后面接宾语或双

12、宾语。The work will take three weeks.这项工作要花费三个星期的时间。The journey took me two months.路上花了我两个月的时间。I took ten minutes solving/to solve the problem.我花十分钟解出了这道题。7. Organize your notes right after classes.就在下课后立即整理笔记。right 在本句中用作副词,强调精确的地点或时间,意思是“正好”。When I found the boy standing right behind me, I felt surpr

13、ised.发现那个男孩正好站在我背后时,我感到吃惊。They got to the top of the hill right at noon.就在中午,他们到达了那座小山的山顶。8. Best of luck!祝你好运!祝你好运!本句属于表示“感叹”的一种方式。表示强烈的感情,有多种多样的手段,比如陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、甚至一个词组、一个词都可以通过强势语调、加强重音、修饰音色、甚至伴以相应的动作和表情变成感叹句,以表达强烈的感情。I wish I was as clever as you!但愿我有你那样聪明呀!Arent those flowers beautiful?难道那些花不漂亮吗

14、?How careless he is!他多么粗心啊!What a big box (it is)!一个好大的盒子啊!Wonderful!妙极了!一周两次一周两次小学小学在(做)某方面有困难在(做)某方面有困难除此以外除此以外入睡,睡着入睡,睡着从从.除去除去一个好的计划能事半功倍一个好的计划能事半功倍祝你好运祝你好运twice a weakprimary schoolhave/find difficulty (in) sth./doing sth. on top offall asleepdrop from.Making a good plan is half the work itself

15、.Best of luck!1.-_ do you go to the sports club?2.- At least once a week.A.How long B. How often C. How much D. How farB.2. It _ me two weeks to finish the task.C.spend B. cost C. took D. payD.3. Tom is _ to schoolE.old enough going B. enough old to goF.C. old enough to go D. enough old goG.4. All o

16、f us went to the park _Bob. He had to look after his sister.H.A. besides B. with C. except D. and1.go, a , once, the, he, week, to, club2._.3.2. isnt, he, to, go, old, enough, to, school4._.5.3. he, me, walk, I, school, to, said, with, could6._.7.4. be, a, he, man, such, kind8._.9.5. decide, car, yesterday, new, to, a, they, buy, do10._?He goes to the club once a week.He isnt old enough to go to schoolI said he could walk to school with meHe is such a kind manDid they decide to buy a new car yesterday



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