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1、Where did you go on vacation ?教材分析教材分析 1、 教学背景和内容教学背景和内容 本单元的中心话题“holidays and vacations”。在前一单元一般过去式的基础上继续学习如何谈论发生在更远的过去的事情。功能语法是Talk about past events。语法结构是Past tense of regular and irregular verbs, was /were and How questions. 目标语言是Where did you go on vacation? We went to New York City. Did you go

2、 to Central Park? Yes, I did. How was the weather? It was humid. 教材分析教材分析2、教学重、难点、教学重、难点 真正理解一般过去时态与现在时态在含义上的区别,落实be动词和一些基本的规则和不规则的实义动词在一般过去时里的用法。熟练会话Where did you go? I went to summer camp. 等。学会用beautiful, delicious, awful, fantastic, expensive,cheap, crowded等描述过去的事物。掌握写日记的格式并运用所学的知识写日记。 难点是be动词和实义

3、动词的过去式的运用。 教学目标教学目标1、语言知识目标、语言知识目标词汇 掌握一些关于活动的词组如 go to the beach, go to Summer camp, visit museum, go to New York City, go to mountains, stay at home等; 描述性的词汇如 fantastic, delicious, awful,crowded,cheap, expensive等。语法 一些规则和不规则的动词过去式。功能 用简单动词的过去时态写日记。会话 询问去过何地以及感受 Where did you go? I went to the beac

4、hes. How was it? It was awful.教学目标教学目标2、语言技能目标、语言技能目标听 能听懂关于过去活动的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句以及简单描述语言的对话。说 能熟练运用所学知识就过去活动进行描述。读 能读懂有关的对话和日记。写 能自编对话,写简单的日记。教学目标教学目标3、情感态度目标、情感态度目标 增进学生对国内外风景名胜的认识,陶冶热爱大自然的情操。 增强集体意识,培养合作精神。 学会关心他人,助人为乐。教学策略教学策略任务型教学策略任务型教学策略学生在一个个的合作任务中完成教学目标自主学习的策略自主学习的策略充分尊重学生的认知规律和能力水平,从实际出发发挥他们的潜在

5、能力。课时安排课时安排Period 1 Section A 1a 1b 1c 3aPeriod 2 Section A 2a 2b 2c 3b 4Period 3 Section B 1a 1b 2a 2b 2cPeriod 4 Section B 3a 3b 4 Self checkPeriod 1 Section A 1a 1b 1c 3a How was your last weekend / summer vacation? It was Ask and answer What did you do last night /last weekend? I What did he / s

6、he / they do?Look ! Regular verbs Irregular verbs Present PastPresent Past staystayed do did cleancleaned go went studystudied have had visit visited give gave Where did you go? I went to Beijing City. Where did you go? I visited the museum. I went to the mountains Where did you go? She went to the

7、beach. Where did she go? Where did he go? He stayed at home.Listen. Number the people【15】in the picture.(1b)1. Tina 2. Brad 3. Sally 4. Xiang Hua 5. Tom12345 Where did they go? They went to summer camp.Where did the people in activity 1a go on vacation?Make conversations like this: (1c) Where did Ti

8、na go on vacation? She went to the mountains How was your last summer vacation?Report like this: Miss Mao went to mountains on vacation last year. They were beautiful.NameWhat/whereWhenHowMiss Maowent to the mountainslast yearfantasticWhere did I go?waterThe train trip was boring.The animals were fr

9、iendly.The trees were green.The food was delicious.It was cloudy. Present Past am was is was are wereLook ! How was Lins vacation?(3a)Fill in the blanks in the conversation. Use “was” or “were”. Amy: How was your vacation, Lin? Lin: It pretty good. Amy: How the weather? Lin: It hot and humid. Amy: H

10、ow the beaches? Lin: They fantastic (great). Amy: How the people? Lin: They unfriendly (not friendly).waswaswas werewerewere wereAsk your parents when and where did they ever went,and what they think of their vacations. Then make a recording. ( 问问你的父母曾经何时去过什么地方, 感觉如何,并作好记录。)Period 2 Section A2a 2b 2

11、c 3b 4Ask like this:Did he watch TV last night?What did you they do last Sunday?Look at the pictures and ask like this: Did you / he / she / they go ? Yes, I / he / she / they did. ( No, I / he / she / they didnt.) Did he go ? Yes, . / No, .Where did your parents go? Did they go shopping? No, they d

12、idnt. Did they visit the museum. Yes, they did. Draw a picture or show a photo and guess like this:Where did Nancy, Kevin, and Julie go on vacation?Listen and match the person with the place.(2a) People Places1. c Nancy a. the beach 2. Kevin b. hone3. Julie c. New York City abListen again. For each

13、question check(or “No, I didnt.” as you hear them.(2b) “Yes, I did.”Did you Yes, I did.No, I didnt.HowNancygo to Central Park? Kevinplay volleyball?swim?Juliego to the movies?study for exams?Really niceWater/ reallywarmWhat did these people think of their vacations?Make conversations like the exampl

14、e.(3b)mountains / high / beautiful How were the mountains? They were high and beautiful. Look at 2a and 2b.Role play conversations between Nancy, Kevin, and Julie.Here is the example :(2c)A: Nancy, where did you go on vacation?B: I went to New York City.A: Oh, really? Did you go to Central Park?B: Y

15、es, I did. A: How was it?B: It was really nice.Take out a photo album of your family members trips.Show them to your partners and about their trips.(4)(拿出一本家庭成员或朋友的旅游相册,和同学谈论他们的旅游情况)A: This is / These are my B: Where did he / she / they go?A: He / she / they went .C: Did he / she / they ?A: Yes, / N

16、o, .D: How was / were the ?Work like this:假设你的笔友来温州旅游假设你的笔友来温州旅游, 晚上你帮他或她回忆一天的晚上你帮他或她回忆一天的经历并询问感受经历并询问感受, 编一段对话。编一段对话。Period 3 Section B1a 1b 2a 2b 2c Hows it going? How was it going last night? Its great. It was terrible. is wasNow Before How are you today ? How were you Im fine. I was not fine. ar

17、e were am wasNow Beforeyesterday? Now How is the weather? Its rainy. Before How was the weather last Monday? It was cloudy.is was Now How old is your mother ? She is 36. Before How old was your mother in 1985? She was 16. is was Now Where are Lily and Jack? They are at school. Before Where were Lily

18、 and Jack last Sunday? They were in the park. Present Past am was is was are were 3,000,000expensive(昂贵的昂贵的)How was the car last year? 50,000cheap (便宜的便宜的)How is the car now?crowded (拥挤的拥挤的)How was the bus yesterday?not crowdedHow is the bus today?How was his food last week?awful(极坏的极坏的)delicious(可口

19、的可口的)How is his food this week?How was the water three years ago(以前以前)?cleandirtyHow is the water now?Write words on the left. Write words on the right(1b). words words clean dirty(delicious awful crowded not crowded clean dirty)How was your pen pal vacation in Wenzhou?Present your conversation for

20、us.How was Veras vacation?Listen and answer the questions.(2a)1.Where did Vera go on vacation?2. Did Vera like her vacation?She went to Tokyo.Yes, she did.Listen again and fill in the chart.(2b)What does Vera think about: her vacation the peoplethe stores foodthe museumsgreatinteresting but crowdede

21、xpensivefriendlydeliciousVera has just come from Japan. Her friends are askingher some questions.(3c)Divide the class into several groups. In each, Student Ais Vera, the others are her friends.Ask like this:Where did ? What did ?Did you ?How was / were ?Where did you ever go? Write a passage to desc

22、ribe it.( 你曾去过什么地方你曾去过什么地方,写一篇短文描述你的写一篇短文描述你的旅途经历旅途经历).Period 4 Section B 3a 3b 4 Self checkTell us the experience of your vacation. How was Bob vacation?Read Bob travel diary and fill in the chart.(3a) Day DateWeatherWhat/WhereHowMondayBeautifulcrowdedJuly 16thWent to a museum CoolJuly 15thSunny/ h

23、otWent to a beachwent shoppingTuesdayRainedBoringWednesdayJuly 17Played tennisFun /deliciousWhich are good things, which are bad things.Help the people who is in trouble.帮助有困难的人是做人的美德。帮助有困难的人是做人的美德。Tianan Men Squarethe Great Wallthe Palace Museuma Beijing HutongImagine you are an American student on

24、 vacation in Beijing. Write a travel diary. (3b)Group work.(4)Imagine you are all foreigners on vacation in China.You meet each other at the airport on your way home.Talk about what you did on your vacation. (假设你们是来假设你们是来中国旅游的外宾,回家的路上在机场相遇,互相谈起了旅行经历)中国旅游的外宾,回家的路上在机场相遇,互相谈起了旅行经历)合作任务合作任务:假设你是一位旅行社的导游,另外几位同学是顾客,他们向你咨询旅游路径。请你根据他们的需要查询各种资料获得相关信息,为他们提供最佳旅游路线。Name Sex(性别)Age Weather FoodActivitiesPlaceJim Green Male 52 WarmSeafood Go thethe beachWenzhou



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