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1、 ABB Group - 1 -23-Aug-24 ACS800-67 Trouble Shooting现场常见问题分析及处置现场常见问题分析及处置 ABB Group - 2 -23-Aug-24 预备任务预备任务柜体序列号模块序列号缺点景象缺点时间地点 ABB Group - 3 -23-Aug-24 缺点记录器缺点记录器(Fault logger)n警告和缺点信息指示n当有缺点产生时,它会记录在缺点历史里n最近的警告及缺点会有时间显示的n缺点记录器将保管64个最近的缺点 ABB Group - 4 -23-Aug-24 4It is possible clear the selected

2、 driveFAULT LOGGEROFF-LINE or COMM. BREAKNOT RUNNINGRUNNING (forward)FAULTWARNINGDRIVE STATUSSelect the row(s) and update items Click theFault Logger1Fault or Warning messages32Desktop preferences:From Cache: values are pick up from the OPC Server cacheFrom Device= “all actual values are pick up fro

3、m the drive with separate commands.It is not on-line and causes less load for the communication than other selections. Thus the contents of the fault logger are not updated even it is open on the desktop. By double-clicking with mouse the fault logger icon or by the Update Items-button the contents

4、will be updated.PUT ON-LINE= is full time and real on-line connection. This is applicable also with the parameters and signals.But this causes more load for the communication, which should take into consideration in case by case. See more information from DriveWindow ONLINE HELP缺点记录器缺点记录器(Fault logg

5、er) ABB Group - 5 -23-Aug-24 You can set x-axis length of the monitor or a datalogger at any time. X-axis length of a datalogger can also change automatically when the datalogger is uploaded. Note! If a datalogger has never been uploaded, DriveWindow does not know for sure the size of a datalogger c

6、hannel buffer. Thus DriveWindow does not do any checking about the x-axis length, until it knows more about the datalogger. When size of the datalogger channel buffer is known, DriveWindow does not accept improper setting of x-axis length.Interval, where you can change the logging interval of the cu

7、rrent datalogger.Pre-Trig (ms), where you can change the number of values kept in the current datalogger before the triggering event. The value is given and shown as time, but the datalogger actually uses a count.Trig Hysteresis, where you can change the triggering level hysteresis, which is used in

8、 triggering the current datalogger.Trig Level, where you can change the triggering level, which is used in triggering the current datalogger.Trig Conditions (fault, warning, level etc).Trig Variable, where you can change OPC address of the variable, which is used in triggering the current datalogger

9、.Status shows the state of the datalogger. Double-clicking toggles it on-line/off-line. Trigged By shows the triggering reasonScale channel 1; Two scaling methods available. Same method selected for Monitoring and Datalogger from FILE-menu:Graph/Preferences. Change the scale by double-click channel

10、number.数据记录器数据记录器(Datalogger) ABB Group - 6 -23-Aug-24 Select the new signal by the mouse Add the signal into the datalogger. Repeat points 2 and 3 with all four channels. Note! You cannot specify used channel. DriveWindow defined used channel automatically 345Start datalogger6When FILLED, upload da

11、ta271Delete existing signals from Datalogger one by one Make your datalogger settings.Scalings, like X-axis length can be done after the uploading8数据记录器数据记录器(Datalogger) ABB Group - 7 -23-Aug-24 主开关主开关MCB无法并网无法并网能够缘由:转子接线相序错误K4、K5控制继电器松动编码器信号未反响或反响错误PC上的DriverWindow显示:GRID SYNC FAILED缺点无缺点或MCB ACK F

12、AULT缺点 ABB Group - 8 -23-Aug-24 主开关主开关MCB无法并网无法并网如何处置:更改转子接线相序检查继电器能否松动,接线能否正确检查编码器接线能否正确 ABB Group - 9 -23-Aug-24 MCB并网后迅速跳闸并网后迅速跳闸能够缘由:定子互感器接线错误检测开关F8、F9未合闸定子限流值设定太小转速太低变频器参数下载不全PC上的DriverWindow显示:STATOR OVERCURRENT缺点无缺点显示 ABB Group - 10 -23-Aug-24 MCB并网后迅速跳闸并网后迅速跳闸如何处置:检查定子互感器接线闭合检测开关F8、F9检查参数30.

13、04 STATOR CURR TRIP正式并网是应将其设置为0重新下载对应电机的参数 ABB Group - 11 -23-Aug-24 同步失败同步失败GRID SYNC FAILED能够缘由:定子相序错误转子相序错误电网和定子电压检测不正确Crowbar缺点如何处置:正确衔接定子转子的接线检查电压电流检测线路,改换NUIM-6X板检查/改换Crowbar ABB Group - 12 -23-Aug-24 同步失败同步失败GRID SYNC FAILEDn常见定子相序错误波形 ABB Group - 13 -23-Aug-24 同步失败同步失败GRID SYNC FAILEDn常见转子相序

14、错误波形 ABB Group - 14 -23-Aug-24 变频器报变频器报Crowbar Trip缺点缺点能够缘由:中间直流电压高于1210V参数20.21、20.22、30.09、30.10设置不正确Crowbar缺点发电机缺点如何处置:启动后检查中间直流电压合理设置20.21、20.22、30.09、30.10参数检查Crowbar检查发电机 ABB Group - 15 -23-Aug-24 变频器报变频器报ISU TRIPPED缺点缺点能够缘由:转速太高或者太低呵斥中间直流电压高于1210VINU振荡发电机尾部编码器缺点或者受干扰Crowbar缺点发电机缺点如何处置:启动后检查中间

15、直流电压检查编码器电缆到我柜体端子的接线及屏蔽层,改换编码器检查Crowbar检查发电机 ABB Group - 16 -23-Aug-24 变频器报变频器报ISU TRIPPED缺点缺点n常见编码器干扰波形 ABB Group - 17 -23-Aug-24 变频器报变频器报ISU CHARGING FLT能够缘由:充电后中间直流电压不够高PPCC link缺点中间直流电压为0进线保险熔断充电电阻或者充电保险熔断发电机缺点如何处置:检查中间直流环节能否有短路检查PPCC link相关环节检查进线保险检查充电保险和充电电阻约5欧姆检查发电机 ABB Group - 18 -23-Aug-24

16、变频器报变频器报ISU CHARGING FLT ABB Group - 19 -23-Aug-24 变频器报变频器报EARTH FAULT缺点缺点能够缘由:发电机有接地漏电流变频器有接地漏电流电缆、滑环等绝缘不好如何处置:在允许的情况下,将30.03的值放大检查发电机、变频器的绝缘检查电缆和滑环的绝缘 ABB Group - 20 -23-Aug-24 现场总线通讯错误现场总线通讯错误n由于在AMC-33送电之前给通讯适配器送电,呵斥了51组参数无显示n重新下载参数后没有更改70组参数的节点地址n错误的通讯配置 ABB Group - 21 -23-Aug-24 变频器报变频器报PPCC L

17、INK1缺点缺点能够缘由:光纤未接好或者不纯真光纤分配单元NPBU缺点AMC-33缺点模块的AINT板、APOW板或者IGBT缺点环境温度过低,NRED不正常如何处置:检查光纤改换NPBU改换AMC-33改换模块内的AINT或者APOW或IGBT等待加热器任务,并使模块内部温度到达任务温度范围 ABB Group - 22 -23-Aug-24 变频器在送控制电后主控板不得电变频器在送控制电后主控板不得电能够缘由:环境温度太低24V控制电源缺点AMC-33主控板缺点如何处置:等待加热器加热完成后自动上电改换24V控制电源改换AMC-33主控板 ABB Group - 23 -23-Aug-24 变频器报变频器报SPEED/POS/NTAC能够缘由:NTAC适配器光纤或AMC-33光纤插错编码器缺点AMC-33控制板缺点如何处置:重插光纤改换编码器改换AMC-33主控板 ABB Group - 24 -23-Aug-24 环境要素环境要素n湿度过大或者温度过低,在变频器没有加热完全前启动变频器呵斥不可预测的缺点n滑环太脏,导致INU earth fault缺点Wind PowerWind Power



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