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1、A Guide to English-Speaking CountriesA Guide to English-Speaking CountriesA Guide to English-Speaking CountriesA Guide to English-Speaking Countries英语国家概况英语国家概况The United States of America1Chapter 8 History英英语语国国家家概概况况America Between 1600-1900vI. America in the Colonial EravII. The American War of I

2、ndependencevIII. The American Civil War3I. America in the Colonial EraA.Pre-Columbian period(前哥前哥伦比亚时期伦比亚时期) B.Colonial Period(殖民地时期殖民地时期,late 15th to 18th century)4Pre-colonial periodIndians: The “first Americans”IndiansvIn ancient times ,the Bering Strait was tied together ,it was possible for the

3、 Indians to walk from Asia to Alaska about 12,000 years ago. America Indian6The Discovery of the New WorldChristopher Columbus reached America in 1492.7The new continentvIn 1492, Columbus landed at one of the Caribbean islands.vColumbus believed that he had reached India and called the native people

4、 Indians.vAmerigo Vespucci discovered the continent of South America, the continent was named after him.8colonial period vIn 1607 the English established their first colony in America, at Jamestown, Virginia. Virginia is named in honor of Queen Elizabeth, the Virgin Queen. Jamestown was named for th

5、e ruler, King James. 91011The Founding of the 13 ColoniesvAfter the British founded the first colony in America in 1607vThe Pilgrims ,in 1620, sailed on a ship called Mayflower and arrived at Plymouth Massachusetts. vBetween 1607 and 1733 the British established 13 colonies along the east coast of N

6、orth America. 12Mayflower13The 13 coloniesvDelaware 特拉华特拉华vPennsylvania 宾夕法宾夕法尼亚尼亚New Jersey 新泽西州新泽西州Georgia 乔治亚乔治亚Connecticut康涅狄格康涅狄格Massachusetts 麻萨麻萨诸塞诸塞 Maryland 马里兰马里兰 vSouth Carolina 南卡南卡罗来纳罗来纳 New Hampshire 新新罕布什尔罕布什尔 Virginia 弗吉尼亚弗吉尼亚New York 纽约纽约North Carolina 北卡北卡罗来纳罗来纳Rhode Island 罗德岛罗德岛1

7、415The conflict between England and its coloniesvThe Englandv Imposed new taxes to defray the cost of the Seven Years War.v Expected Americans to lodge British soldiers in their homes .vThe colonistsv Resented the taxes and resisted the quartering of soldiers.16colonists sloganv“No taxation without

8、representation” PS:Colonists are resistant to pay taxes which become an important cause of independence war. 17Form a state ( 1776年年7月月4日)日)The Declaration of Independence (July4,1776)Announcing the birth of the United States21Form a state ( 1776年年7月月4日)日)22The contents of the Declaration of Indepen

9、denceFive chapters1 Foreword2 Preface3 Accused King George III4 Denounce British5 Conclusion23The Declaration of IndependencevWe hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Li

10、berty, and the pursuit of Happiness.vThat to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.24The Declaration of IndependencevWe hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by thei

11、r Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.v我们认为下面这些真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等,造物我们认为下面这些真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等,造物者赋予他们若干不可剥夺的权利,其中包括生命权、自由权者赋予他们若干不可剥夺的权利,其中包括生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权利。和追求幸福的权利。vThat to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, d

12、eriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.v为了保障这些权利,人类才在他们之间建立政府,而政府之为了保障这些权利,人类才在他们之间建立政府,而政府之正当权力,是经被治理者的同意而产生的。正当权力,是经被治理者的同意而产生的。25The Declaration of Independencevand accordingly all experience has shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than

13、 to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide

14、 new Guards for their future security. 26The Declaration of Independencevand accordingly all experience has shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and

15、usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. v过去的一切经验也都说明,任何苦难,只要是尚能忍受,过去的一切经验也都说明,任何苦难,只要是尚能忍受,人类都宁愿容忍,而无意为了本身的权益便废除

16、他们久已人类都宁愿容忍,而无意为了本身的权益便废除他们久已习惯了的政府。但是,当追逐同一目标的一连串滥用职权习惯了的政府。但是,当追逐同一目标的一连串滥用职权和强取豪夺发生,证明政府企图把人民置于专制统治之下和强取豪夺发生,证明政府企图把人民置于专制统治之下时,那么人民就有权利,也有义务推翻这个政府,并为他时,那么人民就有权利,也有义务推翻这个政府,并为他们未来的安全建立新的保障们未来的安全建立新的保障 27Whats the significance of The Declaration of Independence?You can think it from the following

17、aspects.Philosophy influencePractical influenceHistoric influence28Treaty of Paris巴黎条约巴黎条约 (1783年)年)vThe treaty was signed in Paris in 1783.vBritish recognized American independence. vThe peace treaty acknowledged the independence, freedom, and sovereignty(主权主权) of the 13 states.29The Civil War (186

18、11865)Do you know the origin of American slavery system?31vSouth- slavery economy 1. American slavery existed after the first immigrants from Europe founded their settlements. 2. In the South, the land was abundant and suitable for farming,and the planters had to manage their plantations using black

19、 African slaves, who were regarded as the property of the planters. 3. They could be bought, sold and were often treated cruelly. 32vNorth- capitalist economy 1.There is a growing demand for labor to work in factories. 2.Northerners supported the abolition of slavery, because they wanted to get slav

20、es from the South. 3.They asked the government to finance the building of railways and roads.33vSouth- Agricultural economy (plantations) 1.The abundant land was suitable for farming 1.The abundant land was suitable for farming and the planters had to manage their and the planters had to manage thei

21、r plantations using black African slaves.plantations using black African slaves. 2.Black slaves could be bought, sold and were 2.Black slaves could be bought, sold and were often treated cruelly.often treated cruelly. 3.The Southerners advocated free trade so that 3.The Southerners advocated free tr

22、ade so that they could purchase cheaper goods from they could purchase cheaper goods from foreign countries.foreign countries.34The causes of the Civil War1) The different economic systems in the north and the south2) The slavery problem in the south 3) The political conflicts between north and sout

23、hThe direct cause of the warLincoln was elected as the president of America.35Abraham Lincoln18091865 3637The process of the Civil WarvIn 1861, the Civil War was began.vIn 1863, Lincoln issued The Emancipation Proclamation , which granted freedom to all slaves.vIn July 1863, the turning point of the

24、 war came at Gettysburg.vIn April 1865,the Civil War was ended .38 The war resolved two fundamental issues. What are the two issues? 39Gettysburg Address40 The war resolved two fundamental issues. 1) Slavery was abolished . 2) America became a single ,indivisible nation.41World War42World War1. At t

25、he start of WW, the proclamation of neutrality;2. The USA entered the war in 1917 for several reasons:(1). Germany injured American trade;(2). Germany promised the Mexicans to regain its lost territory;(3). a good chance for the USA to successful influence the result of the war3.President Wilson: Fo

26、ur Points 43After WW1. the Great Depression2. President Roosevelts “New Deal”44WW1. In the early days of WW, the USA adopted a sit-on-the -fence policy. 2. the direct cause for Americas entrance into the war: the Japanese air raid on Pearl Harbor3. D-Day: Normandy Landing in June 19444. Germany surr

27、endered in May 19455. American airplanes dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki6. Japan surrendered and WWended.45WW46WW the high-ranking U.S. military officials47WW 48WW 49After WW 1. a conference in1945; the United Nations was established;2. The USA became the strongest power;3. the Co

28、ld War in the early post-war period the “Truman Doctrine”4. two Germanys5. the North Atlantic Treaty Organization6. the Korean War7. the Vietnam War50 Presidents of the USA1. Nixons achievements and the Watergate scandal(1). end the Vietnam War(2). two breakthroughs: reestablishing US relations with

29、 China; negotiating the first Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty with the Soviet Union51 Presidents of the USA2. Reagan: the advantages and disadvantages of the tight money policy; his achievements;(1). inflation under control(2). an increasing gap between rich and poor(3). social welfare curtailed(4)

30、. the longest recorded period of peacetime property without a recession or depression52the Presidents of the USA2. Reagan: 53the Presidents of the USA3. Bush Senior: the Kuwait War54the Presidents of the USA4. Clinton: (1) . one of the youngest Presidents(2). the North American Free Trade Agreement(

31、3). an affair with a young intern55the Presidents of the USA5.Bush Junior: son of the former President Bush(1). On September 11, 2001, the United States suffered the most devastating foreign attack ever against its mainland.(2). Osama bin Laden and the al-Queda(3). the Talinban regime in October 200

32、1(4). an invasion of Iraq in March 2003 (5). On May 2, 2011, the American army killed Laden.56the Presidents of the USA5.Bush Junior: son of the former President Bush(1). 57exercises.Read the following statement and decide whether they are ture(T) or false (F).1.American was named after Amerigo Vesp

33、ucci,who arrived on the new continent after Columbus.2.The Second Continental Congress was held in Phiadelphia,and the Continental Army and Navy was established under the command of Thomas Jerfferson.3.The Amemrican Civil War not only put an end to slavery,but also make American a single,indivisible

34、 nation.584.Most American people approved of the Vietnam War.5.In1990,American troops and the troops from allied nations took joint military action in order to drive Iraqi troops out of Kuwait.6.According to the American government,Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were responsible for the terroris

35、t event on Septemble11,2001.597.The Bush administration regarded Iraq a nation among the “axis of the evil”.8.On March 20,2003,American and United Nationstroops, supposed by several other countries,began an invasion of Iraq.60.Choose the best answer to complete each of the following statements.1. Th

36、e first successful English conoly in North America was founded atin.A.Jamestown,Louisiana B.Boston, MassachusettsC.Jamestown,Virginia D.Plymouth,Gergia 2. The Seven YearsWar occurred between.A.the French and the American Indians B.the French and the Spanish C.the French and the British D. the Britis

37、h and the American Indians613. “No taxation without representation”was the rallying slogan of.A.the settlers of Virginia B.the people of Pennsylvania C.the colonists in New England D.the people of the 13 colonies 4. In May 1775, was held in Phiadelphia and began to assume the functions of a provisio

38、nal government.A.the First Continental Congress B.the Second Continental CongressC.the Boston Tea Party D.the Congress of Confederation625. Abraham Lincoln issued the to grant freedom to all slaves.A.Declaration of Independence B.Constitution C.Emancipation Proclamation D.Bill of Rights 6. The polic

39、y of the United States was at the beginning of the two World Wars.A.nuetrality B.full involvement C.partial involvement D.appeasement637. President introduced the New Deal to deal with the problems of the Great Depression.A.Wilson B.Truman C.Roosevelt D.Kennedy 8. The Vietanam War was a long time su

40、ffering for Americans,and its continued throughout the terms of president.A.Johnson,Nixon and Ford B.Truman,Eisenhower and Kennedy C.Kennedy,Johnson and Nixon D.Eisenhower,kennedy and Johnson64.Give brief answers to the following questions.1.Why did American change its policy and enter World War ?2.

41、What were Nixons well known contributions during his presidency?3.What were the measures of Reagans economic program?65.State your understanding of the following questions. 1.What was the course of the American Civil War?2.What made the United States a powerful country by the end of World War ?66英英语语国国家家概概况况



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