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1、Text A Exercises Reading AloudUnderstanding the TextReading AnalysisVocabularyStructureTranslationTA-mainRead the following paragraphs until you have learned them by heart. If youve done your best, then you will have had some accomplishments along the way. Not everyone is going to get the entire pic

2、ture. Not everyone is going to be the greatest salesman or the greatest basketball player. But you can still be considered one of the best, and you can still be considered a success. Thats why Ive always set short-term goals. Whether its golf, basketball, business, family life, or even baseball, I s

3、et goals realistic goals and I focus on them. I ask questions, I read, I listen. I did the same thing in baseball with the Chicago White Sox. Im not afraid to ask anybody anything if I dont know. Why should I be afraid? Im trying to get somewhere. Help me, give me direction. Nothing wrong with that.

4、Read the followingReading AloudAnswer the following questions.Understandling-AnswerWhats Michael Jordans ultimate goal?How did he approach his goals?What did he think of everyones suggestion that he shouldnt go to the University of North Carolina after high school?What did he learn when he got cut f

5、rom the varsity team in high school?How did he achieve his goal of becoming a starter on the varsity?What did he visualize each time?What did he gain every time he reached his goal?What does the writer think of success?Why does he always set short-time goals?Whats the best way of accomplishing somet

6、hing? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.10.Understanding the TextTopics for Discussion.1.The text is an excerpt of Michael Jordans book I cant Accept Not Trying. Discuss how the title of his book applies to his experience.2.In the text the writer says that each time he set a goal, he visualized where he wan

7、ted to be, what kind of player he wanted to become. Do you think it was of some help to his success? Why?3.The writer says that if youve done your best, then you will have had some accomplishments along the way. Do you agree with the writer? Use examples to illustrate your opinion.Understandling-Top

8、ics-1Read text-1 My own agenda Part Topic Paragraphs Main IdeaRead Text A again and complete the following table.1-2Although everyone had a different agenda for me, I .3-4I set short-time goals and focused on them. When a goal was achieved, I . set another How I set and tried to achieve them short-t

9、erm goals _had my own_realistic goal_ _Reading AnalysisRead text-3 My for setting and achieving short-term goals Part Topic Paragraphs Main Idea8-14Take small steps and try your best, and you will have the way.5-7I where I wanted to be and gained confidence every time .visualized_I reached my goal_r

10、easons _ some accomplishments along _Now retell the main idea of the passage by using the information in the table you have completed. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.Vocabulary-Fill in1-1Challenge failure level mental otherwise puzzle realistic reason

11、able salesman taste1.Making a living as a door-to-door demands a thick skin, both to protect against the weather and against having the door shut in your face.2. I have a very clear picture of what happened to me when I took my first examination in primary school.3. After having a of life in a big c

12、ity, Mary returned to her quiet life in the country.4. She never tries anything new because shes afraid of .5. He offered a to anybody to come and beat him at chess.failure_salesman_mental_ taste_challenge_VocabularyVocabulary-Fill in1-2The kid was so smart that he finished a 500-piece within half a

13、n hour.I thought her request for more information was , but it was rejected.Dont eat so much chocolate, youll be sick.Its not to expect my parents to lend us any more money.The goal is to raise the cultural and technical of workers to that of technicians.

14、ble_level_Challenge failure level mental otherwise puzzle realistic reasonable salesman tasteFill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.Vocabulary-Fill in2-1apply to build up come through concentrate onhave in mind lead to move on to step by step A foreign

15、language cannot be learned quickly; it must be learned .Tomorrow is Helens birthday. Do you anything for her present? The new rules will help the local workers somehow, but do they part-time workers, too?She will complete her book soon and some new and exciting work. on to _step by step_

16、 have in mind _apply to _Vocabulary-Fill in2-2This doctor has a good reputation over the years.If we environmental protection, we can save the earth for mankind.The bank has offered a reward (奖赏) for any information the arrest of the thieves.6.7.8.leading to _concentrate on _built up _apply to build

17、 up come through concentrate onhave in mind lead to move on to step by step Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English, using the structure “thats why/what/how/when/where”.Structure-complete1-11.Michael Jordan always set short-term goals and focused on them.

18、 Thats how he became a world famous basketball star I told Mr. Smith you were shy (害羞) and upset, and(这就是你不能唱歌的原因就是你不能唱歌的原因) 2. for people outside their family to tell them apart from each other_. (他就是他就是这样成成为一个世界著名的一个世界著名的篮球明星的球明星的) _.He went to New York City in 2001, and .(那就是麻那就是麻烦真正开始的真正开始的时候候)3

19、. thats when the trouble really began _StructureStructure-complete1-1“Look at the old building over there,” he said. “ .”(那就是我童年学那就是我童年学习的地方的地方) 4. Thats where I studied in my childhood _He has to go back to his room, do his assignments and hand them in as soon as possible. . (这就是他就是他现在在应该做的事情做的事情)5

20、. Thats what he should do now_Rewrite the following sentences according to the model.Structure-complete2-1Model: You wont become a doctor unless you try as hard as you can.If you tried as hard as you could, you would become a doctor. You wont come first in the 100-meter dash unless you run as fast a

21、s you can. She wont catch up with her classmates unless she works as hard as she can.You wont overcome the difficulties unless you try as hard as you can.2.1.If you ran as fast as you could, you would come first in the 100-meter dash._If she worked as hard as she could, she would catch up with her c

22、lassmates._3.If you tried as hard as you could, you would overcome the difficulties._TL1Translate the following sentences into English.1.为了集中精力了集中精力练跳跳远,他已,他已经放弃了跑步。放弃了跑步。He has given up running in order to focus on the long jump.在我不能接受不努力一在我不能接受不努力一书中中迈克克尔 乔丹回丹回顾了他是如何了他是如何对付他所面付他所面临的挑的挑战的。的。2.In hi

23、s book I Cant Accept Not Trying, Michael Jordan looks back on how he approached the challenges he faced.3. 如果你当初尽了自己最大的努力,你早就如果你当初尽了自己最大的努力,你早就实现了成了成为校校队首首发队员的目的目标。If you had tried as hard as you could, you would have long achieved your goal of becoming a starter on the varsity._TranslationTL2即使你没有通

24、即使你没有通过期末考期末考试,也不要自也不要自责,因,因为下学期开学下学期开学时你你还可以再考一次。可以再考一次。Even if you fail the final examination, dont get down on yourself, because you can take the examination again at the beginning of next term.如果你的最如果你的最终目目标是做一名英是做一名英语教教师,那就首先要做的就是把英,那就首先要做的就是把英语学好。学好。5.If your ultimate goal is to become an Engl

25、ish teacher, then the first thing you have to do is (to) learn English well.6. 并不是每个人都能并不是每个人都能闻名世界。但如果你尽了全力,你仍可以被名世界。但如果你尽了全力,你仍可以被认为是一个成功者。是一个成功者。Not everyone is going to be world-famous. But if you have done your best, you can ustill be considered a success._4.GR1Grammar Review动词-ing形式与不定式的比形式与不定

26、式的比较(2)有些有些动词能直接能直接带不定不定式作它式作它们的的宾语,而不,而不能能带-ing形式,如形式,如agree, choose, decide, expect, hope, plan, prepare, learn, refuse, wish, fail, manage, neglect, offer, promise, threaten等。等。Making history in my family is yet another important thing I hope to gain from my college education. 在我的家庭中在我的家庭中创造造历史是我

27、希望从大学教育中得到的又一史是我希望从大学教育中得到的又一样重要的重要的东西西。From a college education I plan to pursue higher learning, to begin a career and to make history in my family. 我我计计划从大学教育中追求更高深的知划从大学教育中追求更高深的知识识,开始一种,开始一种职业职业生涯生涯并在我的家庭中并在我的家庭中创创造造历历史。史。One must learn to do such things as applying math skills as well as being

28、 responsible and independent. 一个人不一个人不仅仅要学会如何要学会如何应应用数学技能,用数学技能,还还要学要学习习成成为负责为负责、独立的人。独立的人。1.GR2He promised to keep the secret. 他承他承诺诺保守秘密。保守秘密。We tend to get caught up in everyday business and concerns and forget some of the things that are most important. 我我们们往往被日常事往往被日常事务缠务缠住而忘住而忘记记一些最一些最为为重要的事情。

29、重要的事情。有些有些动词动词后面常跟后面常跟“宾宾语语+不定式不定式”,这这些些动词动词包括包括allow, advise, ask, cause, consider, enable, encourage, force, invite, order, show, teach, tell 等。等。Though in great pain, he forced himself to exercise daily and finally took a few painful steps.虽虽然疼痛然疼痛难难熬,但他仍然熬,但他仍然强强迫自己每天迫自己每天锻炼锻炼,最后,最后终终于痛苦于痛苦地走了几步

30、。地走了几步。We invited Miss Smith to attend our party. 我我们们邀邀请请史密斯小姐参加我史密斯小姐参加我们们的晚会。的晚会。Learning allows us to be familiar with our environment and everyone in it, and it allows us to maintain assurance of ourselves.学学习让习让我我们们熟悉我熟悉我们们的的环环境和境和环环境中的每一个人,它境中的每一个人,它让让我我们们对对自己保持信心。自己保持信心。2.GR3Our teacher enco

31、urages us to speak English whenever theres a chance.我我们们的老的老师师鼓励我鼓励我们们一有机会就一有机会就讲讲英英语语。有些有些动词动词后面可以跟后面可以跟“ 疑疑问问词词”(WH-word) + 不定不定式式”,这这些些动词动词包括包括 ask, explain, imagine, learn, understand, decide, forget, know, remember, wonder 等。等。I didnt know what to call him. 我当我当时时不知道不知道该该怎怎样样称呼他称呼他。She had forg

32、otten how to do it. 她已忘了如何做了。她已忘了如何做了。Its up to you to decide where to have the party.由你决定在哪里聚会。由你决定在哪里聚会。3.GR4I asked him what to do. 我我问问他他该该怎么怎么办办。Well show her how to use the dictionary. 我我们们会教她如何使用会教她如何使用这这本本词词典。典。Our teacher taught us how to write personal letters in English. 我我们们的老的老师师教教过过我我们

33、们怎怎样样用英用英语语写私人信件。写私人信件。有些有些动词后面可以跟后面可以跟“宾语+疑疑问词+不定式不定式”,这些些动词包括包括ask, remind, show, teach, tell 等等。 4.GR5Put the verbs in brackets in the right forms, using either the -ing form or the infinitive.1. Mr. Thomas doesnt allow (smoke) in his office. 2. His parents wont allow him (stay) out late. 3. A te

34、acher should encourage his or her students (think) independently. 4. The guard didnt permit me (bring) my camera and tape recorder.5. When he got the news, he felt like (burst) into tears. 6. Id advise (buy) your tickets well in advance if you want to travel in August. 7. Police are advising fans wi

35、thout tickets (stay) away. 8. She is wasting her time (try) to explain it to him. 9. She cant believe that people still risk (travel) without insurance. 10. I want to travel because I enjoy (meet) people and seeing (see) new places.smoking_to stay_to think _to bring _buying _to stay _trying_travelin

36、g_meeting_ bursting_PW1Practical Writing Notes Asking for a Leave of Absence How to write a request for a leave of absence An employee or a student who is going to be absent from his/her duties because of planned hospitalization or other personal affairs must make his/her request for leave in advanc

37、e. The request should be made in writing by letter or on an appropriate form, as required. The written request for leave should explain the reason for the request, and be forwarded to his/her supervisor immediately. Things to include in a request for a leave of absenceThe date that you are actually

38、writing the letter/note, the name and title of the recipient of the note, the name of the student/employee, etc.: To: Robert Stone, Manager From: Rainy Zeng, Sales Department Date: July 2nd, 2004 Subject: Casual Leave of Absence1.PW2Ask for leave at the beginning of the letter/note, stating clearly

39、the time for leave: Mr. Stone, I would like to ask for a casual leave of absence for one day on July 4th, this Wednesday. Explain the reason for the request and apologize for any inconvenience your absence might cause: This morning I received a telephone call from my dentist, urging me to go for imm

40、ediate treatment of my teeth. I have been experiencing a severe pain, depriving me of my sleep during the past nights. The situation could worsen, should infection occur. Concerning my workload: As Wednesday is not as busy as the other weekdays, I think a one day leave this Wednesday may be the best

41、 solution. I apologize for the inconvenience my absence from work may cause.Express your wish for approval at the end of the letter/note: Im looking forward to your kind answer.2.3.4.PW6Read the following notes asking for leave and complete the information by filling in the blanks below. To: Mr. Ste

42、ve Anderson, General ManagerFrom: Brian Xu, Sales Department Date: January 22, 2003 Subject: Application for annual (年度的) leaveDear Mr. Anderson, I would like to apply for annual leave from January 25th to February 7th. As you may know, Spring Festival falls on February 1st this year. Its the most i

43、mportant holiday in China and offers the best occasion forPW6family reunion (团圆). However, over the past 2 years I have missed the reunions due to my tight work schedule. Now that I have finished my work for this year, I would like to go back to my hometown to visit my parents and help my brother pr

44、epare for his wedding on January 28th. Its indeed double happiness for my family. I hope I can have two weeks off, which will definitely gear me up (激励) for better work in the new year. Im looking forward to your kind answer. Best regards, Brian XuPW71. This request for leave will be sent to . 2. Th

45、e reason for asking for leave is that 3. The time of writing this letter is . 4. The time that Mr. Xu is applying for leave is . Mr. Steve Anderson, General Manager_ Brian wishes to go back home to spend Spring Festival with his family. _ _January 22, 2003_from January 25th to February 7th_PW8 March

46、 16, 2004Mr. Wang, Im sorry to tell you that I have a sudden conflict with attending your class today. My brother has just called saying that my father is seriously ill and has been taken to the hospital. I would like to ask for leave today in order to see my father in the hospital. Thank you in adv

47、ance for your consideration. Wei DaxingThe reason for asking for leave is that5. Wei Daxings father is seriously ill and he wants to see him in the hospital_.PW10Write a request for leave based on the information given below in Chinese.假假设你叫王英,因患重感冒而你叫王英,因患重感冒而给你的上司史密斯先生写一你的上司史密斯先生写一张请假条。注意你需在假条。注意你

48、需在请假条假条中中说明明请假的理由。假的理由。 June 5, 2004Dear Mr. Smith, Im sorry to tell you that Im not feeling well today and had best not come to work. The doctor has told me that I have caught a bad cold and has advised me to stay in bed for a few days. Now Im writing to ask for several sick leave days. Ill come ba

49、ck to work as soon as I feel better. I appreciate your understanding. Yours truly, Wang Ying Suggested Answer:Exercises Answer the following questions.1.What will you have to do if you decide to learn a new language?2.What is real enthusiasm?3.What pushes people to become a better person?4.How does

50、enthusiasm about a job translate into positive energy?5.What kind of people usually take positions of leadership? Why?6.What does a leader need to do to inspire his troops?7.How can one increase ones enthusiasm?8.What trait do successful people share?9.What should one do if he wants to succeed?TextB

51、_Exc1_a.11.Few people here are to give up their cars and use buses and trains 2. instead.2. I was rather about the children when they didnt come home from school.3. She will have a place on the school team next year if she works as hard as she can.4. Tom has a good eye for he notices everything.Text

52、B_Exc2_awilling Fill in the following blanks with the words or expressions given below. Change the form where necessary.anxious definitely detail furthermorepartly perform type willing_anxious_definitely_detail_5. The development of this land will destroy an area of outstanding natural beauty. , it

53、will make quite unreasonable demands on the local water supply.6. The accident happened because they were having an argument in the car.7. There is probably no life of our in the solar system (太阳系) outside Earth itself. But is there life on planets revolving around other stars?8. Our students poorly

54、 on science and mathematics tests when compared with students of the same age in other countries.TextB_Exc2_b partly _Furthermore_type_ perform _anxious definitely detail furthermorepartly perform type willing1.Research on how to protect the environment has been at the 2. University of Leeds.2. The

55、kids are their vacation theyve never been to California before.3. , technology has not saved time but has enabled us to do more things.4. As soon as he set eyes on the girl, he her.5. at work is the most important thing to her at the moment.6. Luck and a good family background his success.TextB_Exc3

56、_aFill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the form where necessary. carry out contribute to dedicate oneself to fall in love withget ahead in most cases look forward to stand outIn most cases_ carried out _looking forward to _fell in love with Getting ahead _contributed to _7. He

57、 told us the secret of what qualities an employer was looking for, and gave four tips on what can help you to from the crowd.8. She herself the fight for equal rights.TextB_Exc3_bstand out _dedicatedto_carry out contribute to dedicate oneself to fall in love withget ahead in most cases look forward to stand out



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