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1、 高中英语阅读理解 解题技巧 阅读理解一定要先从题目看起,做到先题后文 ,文-题-文题目类型:1.细节查询题猜测2.词义猜测题3.概括主旨题4.推理判断题细节查询题v技巧:网络搜索法。抓住问题中关键词(时间,地点,人物等),在文章中迅速定位。但是,往往照抄原文的句子并不一定是正确选项。这类题的正确答案,应该是与原文意思和所问问题相符的才对。2009年江苏卷v62. It can be inferred that before the little girl finally went out to enjoy the first snow of winter,the teacher had to

2、 help her put on her boots . vA. once vB. twice vC. three times vD. four times2009年江苏卷 vFinally it was time to have Miss Finlayson help me with my boots. -After mush wiggling and pushing, she managed to get first one into place and then, with a sigh, worked the second one on too. I announced,“Theyre

3、 on the wrong feet. ” With the grace that only experience can bring,she struggled to get the boots off and went through the joyless task of putting them on again. Then I said,“These arent my boots. you know. ”词义猜测题v以上下文内容为参考,尝试理解文中出现的生词。而文章中出现这个生词的位置的下(上)句中出现的内容往往是对这个词的解释、说明、举例等。2009年重庆卷v“When thing

4、s are getting hard,a voice inside my head tells me that I cant achieve something. Then , there are other distractions, such as family and hobbies. The key is to concentrate.-” v62. What does the underlined word “distractions” probably refer to?v A. Ways that help one to focus. v B. Words that help o

5、ne to feel less tense. v C. Activities that turn ones attention away.v D. Habits that make it hard for one to relax. 概括主旨题v解题方法:抓住文章的第一段的第一句把文中每段的首句串起来考虑。 2009年上海卷 The latest research suggests that the key factor separating geniuses from the merely accomplished is not I.Q., a generally bad predictor

6、 of success. Instead, its purposeful practice. Top performers spend more hours practising their craft. It you wanted to picture how a typical genius might develop, youd take a girl who possessed a slightly above average language ability.vPara. 2 This contact would give the girl a vision of her futur

7、e self. vPara. 3 Then she would practise writing. Her practice would be slow, painstaking and error-focused. vPara. 4 The primary quality our young writer possesses is not some mysterious genius. Its the ability to develop a purposeful, laborious and boring practice routine;2009年上海卷v 76. The passage

8、 mainly deals with .v A. the function of I.Q. in cultivating a writerv B. the relationship between genius and successv C. the decisive factor in making a geniusv D. the way of gaining some sense of distinction标题的选择v遵循“精、准、全”三原则:v精:用精练的语言概括出文章的中心v准:准确表达作者观点v全:包含文章的主要内容及作者的观点,排除片面选项2009年江苏卷vWhen women

9、 sit together to watch a movie on TV, they usually talk simultaneously(同时的)about a variety of subjects, including children, men, careers and what s happening in their lives. When groups of men and women watch a movie together, the men usually end up telling the women to shut up. -Besides, women cons

10、ider that the point of all getting together is to have a good time and develop relationships - not just to sit there like couch potatoes staring at the screen.2009年江苏卷v 59. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?v A. Women Are Socially Trained to Talk v B. Talking Maintains R

11、elationships v C. Women Love to Talk v D. Men Talk Differently from Women推理判断题v常含有infer,imply,convey,conclude,learn/know from the passage等词。v有些错误的干扰选项只是对原文的简单重复,而非推断出来的结论v有些选项根据我们已有的常识是正确的,但却不是基于文章v一些选项因果倒置、手段多变,看似从原文中推导出来的结论,实际却与原文不符。遇到推理引申题注意以下几点:v一、以原文为基础,依据已知的信息推导未 知的信息v二、保持正确的逻辑思维过程和严密的逻辑 性,进行合

12、情合理的推论v三、某些推论的结果可以与文中的相关事实 和作者的观点互相印证,尤其是回答某 些关于结论的推理题时,把握作者的写 作意图很重要2009安徽卷v Remembering names is an important social skill. Here are some ways to master it. Recite and repeat in conversation.2009安徽卷v 59. What does the text mainly tell us?v A. Tips on an important social skill. v B. Importance of attending parties.v C. How to make use of associations. v D. How to recite and repeat names.训练建议v一、提高阅读速度 计时和限时阅读训练v二、改变阅读习惯 指读 出声读 回读v三、掌握阅读技巧 先题后文 文-题-文v四、积累文化背景知识和生活知识 关注中西方文化差异v五、注重长难句的理解 原因:修饰语过多、并列成分多、 语言结构层次多 方法:1.抓句子主干 2.分析从句和短语的功能 3.分析词、短语和从句的关系Practice makes perfect.



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