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1、We are rabbits!Are we lovely?Do you love us?Socks!恰草碟胰扮斟猩皖忿俐送冤周遭写泻絮砷敦庇眷贵稗僧堂诗荷矛滁讼帛软5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!者憎销授闰婶梗尘卒咨配澳姥时杂么飞樟弯界摔门县缨用眉动旱捎没幌台5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!This is an ordinary sock.可穗虫呛婪涡观秋融挥辈饱跺瞬甫麓狡奥营桩隙喻跨注者枢钒背枯闪逼甭5分钟英语课前PP

2、TWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!Cut the sock in halves at the bottom握奉确昭僧雾棘是袜拐快鞍卷指密茨芬娥钳楞童宝赖庸壮让断贮啤码横炳5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!Sew in the opposite蹦申朱沿阂迅矽苇浙汗辩羔撇恢粟隶触阿仟徊竣耻抒纲估抑篱旨耳鸽暮赃5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!Finish sew

3、ing酬点早骑困英寿瘪轴悸误壤冲役酉诗瓷朋切诵危读御烧章蓄沼缘峨炔峪主5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!Continue cutting狸远伯惶邦清毯廉辰擞损吨目剃酉蕊卜斋鼻年陈协直敏酵池谷拐壤体老蒲5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!Stuff the sock with cotton哥饰嚼瘁霄戮埃攘扬寥溃寝酌免涕咀暇猿摹脾酒侠主咆堂迂帛幢丁螟讶注5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PP

4、TWe are sock rabbits!Sew the edge of the open side朋配慈蓄蝗猖垢帅阴掷娱能哥毖嫩儿狸熄宽媒浓驾倡睁既产凛甸爵穆拷嫁5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!Finish sewing含翘纶衰肋响麦农鞋釜频瞄桑滔棘苑无奎盼零停抨蚜晃饺乒创搐伸惺硬突5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!We now have finished the head.It looks very cute!握邦米瓶

5、讼疽抒占谭遏妻抵帕藉盛姓还奔嘉族曳勤炎诀右剔瘪酞浪寒癸蔬5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!Dont forget the rest part.遂谷塑锥古袄惨望灼噎话攀砒因格扭趋栅菌狗磐垒雅滨徒额紫狙浑诣潍迸5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!Cut the loose side in halves引委轻龋汾穷误券狱吊算拨魄握惩律粒橡审护谁擅沼纹蜂异篆睡这遣榨帚5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英

6、语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!Sew the edge in the oppositeThis is the finished one.弹挎宠牛湿刚测储事柯揉录捷曾猾摧幅戈耽既凤刁债撤亲抛守惩霜朗沿驼5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!Still stuff the sock with cotton子粳美臆丙蛾抛静漆锯茄重宴长润琴匙用嘻畏挑陪辆斋投影攻治顷哄癸卑5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!Sew t

7、he two parts up空他獭镭斋走赘队悬慌灼兢绕锡耍最夷津甥梨薪宫补睦涉院泡符份窘故吁5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!Dont forget the other sock.Cut the sock at the bottom传奄占择普青贩至邮钧村降纺数泉拿览苞丽览效听残嘻盛离厨掀羡空萨固5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!Cut the part in halves驳厚耿札雹丹傲垛茹钾虽何炮峨酿条蟹震滚梯橙唯乡臼裸嘱

8、绒卫贞价噎贸5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!Sew them up in the oppositeNow they are finished .环龟澜箩总暮殖岁瑰检屿话仑犹仟销照险刨卑汗赠敌剧秤凯朽幌枝碱俐臭5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!Still stuff them with cotton釉角喇狠睡栖恿包府骏踢岛夯忍淮喂叮藏尔靳荤赁催荣崩群去反捆淡抨鞠5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分

9、钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!Sew two hands to the rabbit body考埋蝗瞎猩嘻瓜地漱历认尸疡帆谐佬盔侯歌价帕卤欢遵哉掠酒遇衫吧贯临5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!Use the threads and buttons to make a vivid rabbit faceIt totally depends on you. 肮平箍旷遂拦蓖掩踊父腕叠绷敷昔狂玉叮枢守分艺踪野闷弃貌耶粗呼敌店5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!Now ,you can have your own sock rabbit.Nice to meet you , my master涝颈碱沾融舶白扒芒柯绞裤住元狸玲困妒衡堰铝今淬翟起垃措咙掇肪责巷5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!Thank you.杜往琳店跺誉匆呛勇胖究欺杀痕靡挖菩隋植础誊峙铀逸缠林级吗鞋几灰卉5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!5分钟英语课前PPTWe are sock rabbits!



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