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1、【 小升初】外 研 版 ( 三起)2022-2023学年英语六年级下册秋季开学分班考冲刺特训卷( 二)一、图画作文1.in the morningin the afternoonin the evening1率1J婚 /Y Y 5 r 根据表格内容,模仿第十一题的信件帮助David回一封英文信件。要求: 1 .逻辑合理,语句通顺;2 . 50词左右,注意书写规范;3 . 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Xiao Jie,Thank you for your letter. Now let me tell you about my last Sunday.Yours,David二、单选

2、题2. are you going?( )A. Where B. WhatC. Which第1页/ 总17页3. Her two aunts are both. ( )A. doctor B. a doctorC. doctors4. It was summer holiday. There a lot of children in the swimming pool.( )A. were B. was C. are5. What will next?( )A. happened B. h叩pen C. h叩peningA. Yes, there is.B. No, there isnt.7.

3、 Is this your pencil?( )A. Yes, it isnt.B. No, it is.C. Yes, it is.8. My book is_ than Marys.( )A. thinnerB. smallerC. old9. I feel ill.I should_ this morning.A. eat some fruitB. go to schoolC. see the doctor10. Lily is ill. She should_.( )A. go swimmingB. drink cold drinksC. see a doctor三、汉译英:单词/ 短

4、语汉译英。1 1 .待在家里_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _第2 页/ 总17页1 2 . 看电影_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 3 . 喝茶_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 4 . 感冒_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 5 . 上周末_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _四、词形转换16. watch ( 第三人称单数)17. take ( 过去式)18. swim ( 现在分词)19. come( 现在分词)20. am ( 过去式)五、选词/ 短

5、语填空A. peopleB. quietC. neverD. petsE. friendlyF.playMy grandpa is very kind. He keeps two D .21. The cat is ve r y, but the dog is not.22. The dog always barks at.23. The cat is to everybody.第3 页/ 总17页24. The cat and the dog are good friends. They often together.25. They fight each other.六、对划线部分提问26

6、. My weekend was good. ( 对画线部分提问)_ your weekend?27. They are in Class Three. ( 对画线部分提问)are in?28. Ben wanted to make an aeroplane. ( 对划线部分提问)29. Thirty years ago, he listened to the radio for news.( 对划线部分提问)30. Its应匹22 today.( 对划线部分提问)What today ?七、完形填空3 1 . 完形填空( 每空一词)1 Miss Gaos class there are 2_

7、students. There are twenty-four boys, and twenty-two girls.3_of the boys is 4_ . His name is Jim. AH 5_boys are Chinese. All of the Chinese studentsare Young Pioneers. In the class there are two 6_girls. They are 7_ . 8_names are Lily andLucy. The other girls are Chinese. We are 9_friends. Theres 10

8、_difference, American-English- Chinese.()l.A. InB. AtC. OnD. About()2.A. forty sixB. forty and sixC. fourteen sixD. forty-six()3.A. AB. AnC. OneD. Ones第4 页/ 总17页() 4.A. EnglandB. EnglishC. EnglishesD. Englandman() 5.A. otherB. othersC. the otherD. the others() 6.A. AmericaB. americanC. AmericasD. Am

9、erican() 7.A. twinsB. twinC. twinesD. twinies() 8.A. TheyB. TheirC. ThemD. theirs() 9.A. AllB. allC. allsD. Alls() 10.A. notB. NotC. noD. No八、32.排序题将下列句子重新排列,组成一段通顺的对话,将序号填在横线上。1. I usually go to the farm to pick oranges. What about you?2. Whats the weather like in autumn?3. Ifs cool and cloudy. Ifs

10、 sometimes rainy.4. I usually go boating.5. What do you usually do in this season?九、阅读选择Singers, actors, painters and many other famous people all have to face the dangers of fame ( 名声) .Wherever they go, people turn up to greet them. Some fans even do something crazy just to seetheir well-known fac

11、e, touch their clothes or see them smile. The stars are always surrounded bynewpermen, TV reporters and photographers ( 摄影师) .Fame brings them quite a lot of money, so they can have easier lives than other people. They livein beautiful houses with housekeepers ( 管家) ,gardeners and cooks, but the mon

12、ey does not bringthem happiness. The next thing is stress ( 压力) .The more money they get, the more stress they feel.Being stressed for long makes many of them sick. In other words, fame can make a man happy, but itcan also destroy ( 摧毁)him. There are also some famous people that have quiet lives wit

13、hout any第5页/ 总17页serious problems. It depends ( 取决于)on the person.33. According to the passage, some fans of famous people do crazy things to.( ) look at their well-known face touch their clothes see them smile sing their songsA. B . C. D. 34. What does the underlined word surrounded“ mean in Chines

14、e?( )A.围绕 B .拥抱 C.袭击 D.伤害35. Famous people can easily get all the following things EXCEPT.( )A . much money B. happinessC . comfortable lives D. beautiful houses36. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?( )A . Famous people are usually rich.B. Not all famous people live happily

15、.C . Some famous people get sick because of stress.D. It is impossible fbr famous people to have a quiet life.37. What does the writer think of fame?( )A . Fame is bad for ones health.B. Fame can make ones life harder.C . Fame can always make a man happy.D. Fame can make a man happy, but it can also

16、 destroy him.十、阅读判断阅读理解。根据短文内容判断,正确写( T ) ,错误写(F)。Schools in the U.S.A are a little different from schools in China. Usually, there is no schooluniform. In many Chinese schools, students have school uniforms. Classes start at 8:30 each morningand the school day ends at 3:30 or 4 oclock in the U .S.A

17、. And in China, classes usually start at 8:00第6页/ 总17页in the morning and the school day ends at 5:30 in the afternoon. Students have one hour for lunch andtwo 20-minute breaks each day in U.S.A. One break is in the morning, and the other is in theafternoon. In China, students have two hours break du

18、ring lunchtime and ten minutes break for eachclass period. In U.S.A, students often go to the school cafeteria at lunchtime or at break. They buysnacks and drinks there. The most popular after-school activities are baseball, football and basketball.38. Students do not usually wear school uniform in

19、U.S.A. ( )39. Students do not have a break in the morning in U.S.A. ( )40. The school cafeteria sells food to students in U.S.A. ( )41. Baseball is not a popular after-school activity in U.S.A. ( )十一、任务型阅读A monkey lives on a berry ( 浆果) tree and eats delicious berries every day. There is a riverbehi

20、nd the tree. There is a crocodile ( 鳄鱼) in the river and the monkey gives the crocodile someberries.“Thank you!” the crocodile says, “They are so delicious!” And soon they become good friends.One day, He gives the crocodile more berries and the crocodile takes ( 带) some to his wife ( 妻子) .She enjoys

21、 the sweet berries and wants to eat the sweeter “beiry“一the monkeys heart ( 心脏) . Atfirst, the crocodile is upset ( 难过) .“Hey, my friend! Come to my home for dinner. the crocodile says the next day. Then themonkey jumps onto the back of the crocodile.“My wife wants to eat your heart., says the croco

22、dile.“Oh, Im sorry! My heart is not here. Its in the tree. says the monkey, tuPIease carry me back tothe tree and get it.”The monkey climbs onto the tree and says, “You betray my trust ( 辜负了 我的信任) . We cant befriends again.,4 2 . 将短文中划线的句子翻译成中文。第7 页/ 总17页43. Who is clever?44. Choose a title for the

23、story.( 选择故事的标题) ( )A. The sweet berries B. The tree and the monkey C. The monkey and the crocodile45. What does the story tell us?( 故事告诉了我们什么道理?) ( )A. Never betray your fHends.( 永远不要辜负朋友的信任。)B. A friend in need is a friend indeed.( 患难见真情)C. A friend is a second self.( 朋友如另一个我。)第8 页/ 总17页答案:1 . 范文:

24、Dear Xiao Jie,Thank you for your letter. Now let me tell you about my last Sunday. I had a good day lastSunday. In the morning, I made the bed and washed my clothes. I saw a film in the afternoon. Itwas interesting. Then I went boating with my friend. In the evening, I did my homework and reada book

25、, I was happy.Yours,David【 详解】1 . 题干解读:该题目要求用第一人称写自己上个周日的情况。以书信的形式。根据图片提示描述一天做的事情,最后写完一天可以总结自己的心情。注意文章为一般过去时态。2 . 参考词汇和句型:参考单词:make the bed 铺床,wash my clothes 洗衣服,see a film 看电影,go boating 去划船,do homework做作业参考句型:I did my homework;1 washed my.; I saw a film.2. A略3. C【 详解】句意:她 的 两 个 阿 姨 都 是 A 医生,可数名词单

26、数;B 一位医生;C 医生,可数名词复数;根据句中的both两者都,其后接可数名词复数形式,doctor的复数形式为doctors,故选 C。4. A答案第1 页,共 8 页【 详 解 】那是暑假。游泳池里有许多孩子。根据第一句中系动词was可知句子是一般过去时,动词要用过去式,排 除C选 项 ;children是可数名词复数形式,所以 系 动 词 用w ere,故 选A。5. B【 详 解 】句 意 :接下来会发生什么呢?句子中有了 w in ,后面动词用原形,故 选B。6. A【 分 析 】【 详 解 】句 意 :一这里有一所学校吗?一 A是的,有 。B不 ,没有。图片是学校,答语为肯定回

27、答,故 选A。7. C【 详解】句 意 :一这是你的铅笔吗? 根 据句意可知问句为is引导的一般疑问句,其肯定回答为Yes, it is.否 定 回 答 为No, it isnt.故 选C8. B【 分 析 】【 详 解 】句 意 :我 的 书 比 玛 丽 的。A更瘦的,B更小的,C旧的。根 据than可知横线处应填比较 级 ,B选项更小的,符合语境。故 选B。9. C【 详 解 】答 案 第2页,共8页10. c【 详解】句意:莉莉病了。她应该。A 去游泳,B 喝冷饮,C 去看医生。根据她病了,可知应该看医生。故选C。11. stay at home12. go to the movies/

28、see a film13. drink tea14. have a cold15. last weekend11 . 待在家里是动词短语,home家,英文表达为stay at hom e,故答案为stay at home。12 . 看电影是动词短语,英文表达有两种方式go to the movies或 see a film ,故答案为go tothe movies/see a film。13 . 喝茶是动词短语,drink喝,tea茶,英文表达为drink te a ,故答案为drink tea。14 . 感冒是动词短语,英文表达为have a c o ld ,故答案为have a cold。

29、15 . 上周末是表示时间的短语,weekend周末,英文表达为last weekend,故答案为lastweekendo16. watches17. went18. swimming19. coming20. was16.watch以 ch结尾的,第三人称单数加e s , 故答案为watcheso17.take的过去式是to o k ,故答案为took。18.swim的现在分词要双写m 加 in g ,故答案为swimming .答案第3 页,共 8 页e现在分词去e 加 in g ,故答案为coming20.am 过去式是w a s ,故答案为was。21. B22. A23. E24.

30、F25. C【 导语】本文主要讲述了我爷爷养的两只宠物,猫很安静,对人友好,狗总是朝人大叫。但是他俩从不打架是好朋友。21.句意:这 只 猫 非 常 ,但是这只狗不是。根据图片及文章大意可知这只猫很安静。所给选 项 B. quiet安静的符合语境,故选B。22.句意:这只狗总是朝着 大叫。根据图片可知狗总是朝着人大叫。选项Apeople人,符合语境,故选A。23.句意:这只猫对每个人都 o 根据图片可知猫对每个人都很友好。选项E.fiiendly有好的,符合语境,故选E。24.句意:这只猫和这只狗是好朋友,他们一起 o 根据图片可知他们经常一起玩。选项Fplay玩, 符合语境,故选F。25.句

31、意:他们互相之间打架。根据图片和文章大意可知他们从不打架。选项C. never从不,符合语境,故选C。26. How was答案第4 页,共 8 页略27. What class they【 分析】【 详解】句意:他们在三班。画线部分Class Three是班级,对画线部分提问:他们在几班?询问班级用what class,放于句首,首字母大写,主语不变,故答案为What; class; theyo28. What did Ben want to do?【 分析】【 详解】句意:本想制造一架飞机。划线部分是make an aeroplane,就是提问本想做什么,所以用What提问,原句中want

32、ed是 want的过去式,可知句子是一般过去时,所以问句中助动词用 did, wanted 改为原形。故答案为 What did Ben want to do?29. What did he do fbr news thirty years ago?略30. is thedate【 分析】【 详解】原句句意:今天是六月二十九日。划线部分是Ju n e2 9 ,故问句提问日期,句型为Whatisthe date today?今天是几月几号?故答案为is; the; date。31. l.A 2,D 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.C答案第5 页,共 8 页【 详解】

33、l.In Miss Gaos class意为“ 在高小姐的班上“ 。2. 基数词表示几十几时,先说几十,再说几,中间要加短横,应选D。3.0neo f .表示“ . . .之一4 . English可以作为形容词直接放在be动词后面作表语,意为“ 英 国 人 主 语 可 以 是 单 数 ,也可以是复数,应选B。5 . the other可以修饰复数名词,表示除前面提到的以外的“ 全部其余的“ 。6 . 修饰名词用形容词American. A 项为名词,意为“ 美国” 。B 项没有大写。 C 项为错误表达法。应 选 D。7 . 句子单复数应保持一致, They are twins他们是双胞胎。8

34、 . 名词前面要用形容词性物主代词作定语,they为主格作主语。B 项为形容词性物主代词作定语,C 项为宾格作宾语,D 项为名词性物主代词可作主语、宾语、表语。应选B。.9 . all为副词,没有单复数变化形式,应选B。10 .n o 用作形容词时,可直接置于名词前面,但如果前面已有a, this, his, much, any等词时,则用no t,应选Co32. 4 1 2 5 3【 分析】所给句子含义为:1 . 我通常去农场摘橙子。你呢?2 . 秋天的天气怎么样?3 . 天气是凉爽多云的。有时下雨。4 . 我总是去划船。5 . 在这个季节你总是做什么?根据所给句子含义,可知对话大意为:两个

35、人谈论秋天的天气以及在秋天经常做的事情。【 详解】首句应为一个人询问秋天的天气怎么样。Whats the weather like in autumn?另一个人描述秋天的天气。It,s cool and cloudy. It5s sometimes rainy.一个人询问另一个人秋天总是做什么? What do you usually do in this season?另一个人回答总是摘苹果,并反问对方。I usually go to the farm to pick oranges. What about答案第6 页,共 8 页you?对方回答总是去划船。I usually go boat

36、ing.故答案为4; 1: 2; 5; 3o33. C34. A35. B36. D37. D【 分析】33.略34.略35.略36.略37.略TFTF【 详解】略42. “ 谢谢你!太好吃了! “ 鳄鱼说道。43. The monkey is clever.44. C45. A答案第7 页,共 8 页【 导语】本文讲述了猴子和鳄鱼的故事。42.Thank you 谢谢你,the crocodile says 鳄鱼说,They 它们,are 是,so 那么,delicious 美味的,故答案为“ 谢谢你!太好吃了! ” 鳄鱼说道。43.谁很聪明?根据Oh, Im sorry! My heart is not here. Its in the tree.” says the monkey, Pleasecarry me back to the tree and get it.”可知猴子说它的心脏在树上,它让鳄鱼把它带回到树上取心脏。可推断猴子很聪明。故答案为The monkey is clever.44.A 甜浆果,B 大树和猴子,C 猴子和鳄鱼,根据短文内容可知C 选项符合。故选C。45.根据短文最后一段可知是永远不要辜负朋友的信任。故选A。答案第8 页,共 8 页答案第9 页,共 1页



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