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1、语言学流派 Schools of Linguistics语言学流派What is language?A lady was regarded as of slightly poor mentality. A doctor asked her to put some pictures into categories.She put flowers, trees, and a dog into the same category. “Because they are all around the house,” she explained.语言学流派What is linguistics?mindw

2、orldworld语言学流派What is the origin of language?The people of Earth, tired of pleasing a demanding God, decided to build a tall tower as an easy way to Heaven. Begun on the plains of Babel, the tower soon rose to great heights.God, viewing the audacity of His people, confounded their language, creating

3、 chaos and confusion. Unable to understand each other, the people scattered throughout the Earth, prevented from building another tower to Heaven. - a story from the Old Testament语言学流派语言学流派 语言学的三大发源地语言学的三大发源地Ancient China, India and Greece as the cradle land of linguisticsAncient China, India and Gr

4、eece as the cradle land of linguisticsPhilosophy, Anthropology and Philology. Religion (particularly for the determination of the religiously preferred spoken and written forms of sacred texts in Hebrew, Sanskrit and Arabic. )Contemporary Western linguistics is close to philosophy and cognitive scie

5、nce.语言学流派Ancient Great Thinkers Xun Zi (c313-238B.C.)Xun Zi (c313-238B.C.) A name was accepted through public A name was accepted through public agreement, and the appropriateness of agreement, and the appropriateness of naming a thing lay in convention.naming a thing lay in convention. 我国古代我国古代我国古代

6、我国古代哲学家关于哲学家关于哲学家关于哲学家关于“名名名名”“”“”“”“实实实实”问题的讨论问题的讨论问题的讨论问题的讨论 :“名固名固名固名固 无宜,约定俗成谓之宜。无宜,约定俗成谓之宜。无宜,约定俗成谓之宜。无宜,约定俗成谓之宜。” Plato (c427-347B.C.) Plato (c427-347B.C.) There is a universally correct and acceptable There is a universally correct and acceptable logic of language for man to follow in express

7、ing logic of language for man to follow in expressing his ideas.his ideas. Aristotle (384-322B.C.) Aristotle (384-322B.C.) Language is arrived at by convention and Language is arrived at by convention and agreement of the speakers of a given language.agreement of the speakers of a given language.语言学

8、流派 现代语言学发展流程图现代语言学发展流程图Development of Modern Linguistics 历史比较语言学 Linguistic & Comparative Linguistics 结构主义语言学 Structural Linguistics 布拉格学派 哥本哈根学派 伦敦学派 美国描写主义学派Prague School Copenhagen School London School American Descriptive School 系统-功能语言学 转换生成语言学Systematic-functional Linguistics Transformational-

9、generative linguistics语言学流派结构主义语言学创立的背景结构主义语言学创立的背景 第一阶段是由古希腊哲学家和语文学家创立的“语法”。这种“语法”是以逻辑为基础建立的一些规则,没有涉及到语言结构。第二阶段是到了十八世纪末出现的语文学。语文学派认为语言不是唯一的研究对象,相反他重视的是古文献,因此,语文学主要是确定、解读和评注古文献,币忽视活的、现时的语言研究。最重要的是第三阶段,比较语文学或称比较语法阶段。比较语法源于英国东方学家威廉琼斯,他曾在东印度公司任职,精通梵语和波斯语。在长期的语言实践过程中,他发现印度的古语言梵语,有许多语法形式和词根跟欧洲的一些语言有联系,17

10、86年他在印度.亚洲学会”宣读论文.阐述了这些新的看法。语言学流派Classical Chinese 中国传统的语文学中国传统的语文学小学,围绕阐释和解读小学,围绕阐释和解读先秦典籍来展开研究,从而诞生了分析字形的先秦典籍来展开研究,从而诞生了分析字形的文字学、研究字音的音韵学、解释字义的训诂文字学、研究字音的音韵学、解释字义的训诂学,所以中国的学,所以中国的“小学小学”被人们称之为经学的被人们称之为经学的附庸。抓住汉字,分析形体,讲求它的古代读附庸。抓住汉字,分析形体,讲求它的古代读音和意义,形成了统称音和意义,形成了统称“小学小学”的的文字、音韵、文字、音韵、训诂训诂的我国传统语文学。的我

11、国传统语文学。语言学流派Sanskrit in India波尼尼(潘尼尼、巴尼尼波尼尼(潘尼尼、巴尼尼波尼尼(潘尼尼、巴尼尼波尼尼(潘尼尼、巴尼尼 PniniPniniPniniPnini)八书八书八书八书是一部梵语语法著作。这部著作写在公元前是一部梵语语法著作。这部著作写在公元前是一部梵语语法著作。这部著作写在公元前是一部梵语语法著作。这部著作写在公元前600600600600前前前前300300300300年之前。布龙菲尔德称波尼尼的语年之前。布龙菲尔德称波尼尼的语年之前。布龙菲尔德称波尼尼的语年之前。布龙菲尔德称波尼尼的语法著作是法著作是法著作是法著作是“人类最伟大的里程碑之一。它极为人


13、现在语音学上。印度语言学最突出的成就表现在语音学上。印度语言学最突出的成就表现在语音学上。印度语言学最突出的成就表现在语音学上。语言学流派古今语言研究的区别:古今语言研究的区别:Distinctiveness between “Ancient” and Distinctiveness between “Ancient” and “Contemporary”“Contemporary” 在语文学时期,语言研究就和各种文献的研究密不可分,它在语文学时期,语言研究就和各种文献的研究密不可分,它在语文学时期,语言研究就和各种文献的研究密不可分,它在语文学时期,语言研究就和各种文献的研究密不可分,它的成



16、担的。中国是围绕阐释和解读先秦典籍来展开研究的。语言学的历史虽然悠久,但由于其研秦典籍来展开研究的。语言学的历史虽然悠久,但由于其研秦典籍来展开研究的。语言学的历史虽然悠久,但由于其研秦典籍来展开研究的。语言学的历史虽然悠久,但由于其研究的局限性,在古代语言学并没有成为一门独立的学科究的局限性,在古代语言学并没有成为一门独立的学科究的局限性,在古代语言学并没有成为一门独立的学科究的局限性,在古代语言学并没有成为一门独立的学科。语言学流派Traditional GrammarTraditional linguistics was practical in nature. People made

17、a study of language in order to understand the classic words of ancient times and to teach students. They gave priority to the written form and used words as their starting point. They often took a prescriptive approach when they discussed rules of language. 语言学流派神学的奴婢,经学的附庸神学的奴婢,经学的附庸语言学语言学1717世纪末世

18、纪末1818世纪初,历史比较语世纪初,历史比较语言学的诞生,使语言学走上了独立言学的诞生,使语言学走上了独立发展的道路。发展的道路。语言学流派Modern Linguistics语言学成为一门独立的学科是语言学成为一门独立的学科是1919世纪的事。语言学家吸世纪的事。语言学家吸收和使用比较方法来研究梵语和希腊语、拉丁语、日耳收和使用比较方法来研究梵语和希腊语、拉丁语、日耳曼语等的关系,创造了历史比较法,用来研究和揭示语曼语等的关系,创造了历史比较法,用来研究和揭示语言的发展规律。这时语言学家的视野扩大了,他们不但言的发展规律。这时语言学家的视野扩大了,他们不但研究书面语,也研究口语;不但研究本

19、国语,也研究其研究书面语,也研究口语;不但研究本国语,也研究其他语言,对多种语言的结构、特点进行比较分析,以历他语言,对多种语言的结构、特点进行比较分析,以历史的眼光去研究语言这样,语言研究有了自己独立的研史的眼光去研究语言这样,语言研究有了自己独立的研究对象究对象语言,同时也有了自己独立的研究方法语言,同时也有了自己独立的研究方法历史比较法,从而使语言学摆脱了过去的附庸地位而成历史比较法,从而使语言学摆脱了过去的附庸地位而成为一门独立的学科。为一门独立的学科。语言学流派 Modern LinguisticsThe modern field of linguistics dates from

20、the beginning of the 19th century. While ancient India and Greece had a remarkable grammatical tradition, throughout most of history linguistics had been the province of philosophy, rhetoric, and literary analysis to try to figure out how human language works.语言学流派 历史比较语言学历史比较语言学 Linguistic & Compar

21、ative Linguistics19世纪历史比较语言学从前又称比较语法,通过语言亲属关系的比较研究语言的发展规律,拟测它们的共同母语。历史比较语言学是在19世纪逐步发展和完善的,主要是印欧语系的历史比较,19世纪之前,这种研究不是没有,但都是孤立的分散的研究,到19世纪才进入系统的研究,并使语言学走上独立发展的道路。19世纪历史比较语言学家为语言学的发展做出了重要贡献。他们收集了丰富的语言材料,进行了广泛深入的调查和比较,不仅提出了人类语言演变过程的假设,画出了世界语言的譜系,而且还创造出比较科学的研究方法,提出了有关语言起源、语言本质的新理论,为后来结构主义和描写语言学的产生和发展创造了有

22、利条件。语言学流派1919世纪历史比较语言学在理论和方法上大世纪历史比较语言学在理论和方法上大致可以分为三个阶段:致可以分为三个阶段:在初始阶段在初始阶段( (Proto-Indo-EuropeanProto-Indo-European) ),丹麦的拉斯克、德丹麦的拉斯克、德国的格里姆和葆扑国的格里姆和葆扑被成为历史比较语言学的奠基者。被成为历史比较语言学的奠基者。1919世纪中期,历史比较语言学发展到第二阶段,世纪中期,历史比较语言学发展到第二阶段, 最有代表性的人物是最有代表性的人物是德国的洪堡特(德国的洪堡特(HumboldtHumboldt) 和施莱歇尔。和施莱歇尔。1919世纪的最后

23、世纪的最后2525年是历史比较语言学的年是历史比较语言学的“新语法学派新语法学派”(Neogrammarian School Period)(Neogrammarian School Period)时期。这个学派的代表人时期。这个学派的代表人物是物是德国的奥斯特霍夫和布鲁克曼德国的奥斯特霍夫和布鲁克曼,他们在自己创办的,他们在自己创办的刊物形态学研究上正式宣布:语音的演变规律不允刊物形态学研究上正式宣布:语音的演变规律不允许任何例外。许任何例外。语言学流派Wilhelm von Humboldt He is credited with being the first European He i

24、s credited with being the first European linguist to identify human language as a linguist to identify human language as a rule-rule-governed systemgoverned system, rather than just , rather than just a collection a collection of words and phrases paired with meaningsof words and phrases paired with

25、 meanings. . This idea is one of the foundations of Noam This idea is one of the foundations of Noam Chomskys theory of language. Chomsky Chomskys theory of language. Chomsky frequently quotes Humboldts description of frequently quotes Humboldts description of language as a system which language as

26、a system which makes infinite use makes infinite use of finite meansof finite means, , meaning that an infinite meaning that an infinite number of sentences can be created using a number of sentences can be created using a finite number of grammatical rules. However, finite number of grammatical rul

27、es. However, Chomskys use of Humboldt has been criticized Chomskys use of Humboldt has been criticized as being highly misleading.as being highly misleading. 语言学流派Wilhelm von HumboldtIn recent times, Humboldt has also been credited as an originator of the linguistic relativity hypothesis (more commo

28、nly known as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis), approximately a century before either Edward Sapir or Benjamin Whorf but Humboldts view of the differences between languages was more subtle and less rigid.语言学流派SapirWhorf hypothesis In linguistics, the SapirWhorf hypothesis In linguistics, the SapirWhorf hy

29、pothesis (SWH) (also known as the linguistic relativity (SWH) (also known as the linguistic relativity hypothesis) postulates a systematic hypothesis) postulates a systematic relationship between the grammatical relationship between the grammatical categories of the language a person speaks categori

30、es of the language a person speaks and how that person both understands the and how that person both understands the world and behaves in it. Although known as world and behaves in it. Although known as the SapirWhorf the SapirWhorf hypothesishypothesis, it was an , it was an underlying axiom of lin

31、guist and anthropologist underlying axiom of linguist and anthropologist Edward Sapir and his colleague and student Edward Sapir and his colleague and student Benjamin Whorf.Benjamin Whorf.语言学流派SapirWhorf hypothesisThe hypothesis postulates that a particular languages nature influences the habitual

32、thought of its speakers: that different language patterns yield different patterns of thought. This idea challenges the possibility of perfectly representing the world with language, because it implies that the mechanisms of any language condition the thoughts of its speaker community. The hypothesi

33、s emerges in strong and weak formulations.语言学流派The Study of Language Structure At the beginning of the 20th century, attention shifted to the fact that not only language change, but language structure as well. It is believed that the world is systematic and governed by regular rules and principles.

34、语言学流派The Study of Language StructureBy the 1920s, the program of structural By the 1920s, the program of structural linguistics, inspired in large part by the ideas linguistics, inspired in large part by the ideas of the Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure, of the Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussu

35、re, was developing sophisticated methods of was developing sophisticated methods of grammatical analysis. This period also saw an grammatical analysis. This period also saw an intensified scholarly study of languages that intensified scholarly study of languages that had never been written down. It

36、had by then had never been written down. It had by then become commonplace, for example, for an become commonplace, for example, for an American linguist to spend several years American linguist to spend several years working out the intricacies of the grammars working out the intricacies of the gra

37、mmars of Chippewa, Ojibwa, Apache, Mohawk, or of Chippewa, Ojibwa, Apache, Mohawk, or some other indigenous language of North some other indigenous language of North America.America. 语言学流派Linguistic Autonomy 语言自主观According to Saussure, According to Saussure, internalinternal and and externalexternal

38、 linguistic elements are distinctively against linguistic elements are distinctively against each other, with the former the object of each other, with the former the object of study and the latter not. study and the latter not. 语言系统的自主性是科学抽象的必然结果。将内外语言系统的自主性是科学抽象的必然结果。将内外语言系统的自主性是科学抽象的必然结果。将内外语言系统的

39、自主性是科学抽象的必然结果。将内外因素隔绝开来才能建立一个性质单纯、界限清晰的因素隔绝开来才能建立一个性质单纯、界限清晰的因素隔绝开来才能建立一个性质单纯、界限清晰的因素隔绝开来才能建立一个性质单纯、界限清晰的语言系统。符号之间形成的互相对立与制约关系就语言系统。符号之间形成的互相对立与制约关系就语言系统。符号之间形成的互相对立与制约关系就语言系统。符号之间形成的互相对立与制约关系就是决定语言系统的重要因素。是决定语言系统的重要因素。是决定语言系统的重要因素。是决定语言系统的重要因素。 宋宣结构主义语言学思想发微宋宣结构主义语言学思想发微语言学流派Sign Value语言符号的价值决定于语言系

40、统的整体语言符号的价值决定于语言系统的整体性质。从单个符号内部来看,符号的价性质。从单个符号内部来看,符号的价值取决于所指(语义内容)和能指(语值取决于所指(语义内容)和能指(语音形式)之间的对立关系;从符号之间音形式)之间的对立关系;从符号之间的相互关系来说,则又是这个所指和能的相互关系来说,则又是这个所指和能指统一体与另一个所指和能指统一体之指统一体与另一个所指和能指统一体之间的对立关系。即语言系统是一种间的对立关系。即语言系统是一种“形形式式”(form)而非)而非“实质实质”(substance);是具有特定模式的结构,是具有特定模式的结构,而不是有具体成分简单相加。而不是有具体成分简单相加。语言学流派Linguistic Formalization 语言形式观语言形式观Two steps of formalization are expected , they are abstraction and formularization.数学科学是研究方法形式化的最佳典型。早在古希腊黄金时代,欧几里德就把人们对图形的认识通过公理化的方法十分完美的表达了出来,更不必说数学中的代数系统、数论系统和数理逻辑系统,因此,数学被誉为“科学的皇后”。



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