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1、初三英语中考阅读复习本文由pepf 18贡献PPt文档可能在WAP端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。yuanjinli Zhongbei Middle SchoolWhat kinds of sports do you know?Which one of these sports do you think is the most popularin the word?a football matchthe World CupDiscuss these questions: 1. How many kinds of footballs doyou know? What

2、 are they? Which one is more popular in the world?2. How many players are there in a team? 3. How often is therea World Cup game? 4. How many times has Chinese football teamtaken part in the World Cup game? Can you guess where footballstarted?2.) Football is a popular sport. Many games are held indi

3、fferentplaces every year. World Cup is a game that all the goodplayers want to play most. It is held every four years. Onlythe best team can win the last game. The 2002 World Cup was inKorea and Japan. Hundreds of thousands of people went to thegames or watched them on TV day and night. They all got

4、 excitedand hoped their favourite team would became the world s bestone. Football is team sport. There are eleven players in eachteam of a game. The earliest games of football were not likethat we know today. Games were played between two towns. Eachteam of the town had more than five hundred player

5、s, and eachteam tried to carry the ball to the other team s town. Todaysome towns in England still play games like this.True or false questions: 1.Only some players want to playthe World Cup game. ( F) 2. The World Cup game is held every year.( F ) 3. The best team will get the World Cup. ( T)4. To

6、win the game, the players must have good teamwork. ( T)5. Thousands of people go to watch the World Cup game when itis held. (T ) 6. Playing football between two towns is verypopular all over the world now. ( F )Fill in the blanks with the words in the passage: 1 . Footballis a very game all over th

7、e popular world. 2. Only the best teamcan the World Cup. win eleven 3. There are players in each teamof the game, between 4. Games were played two towns in the olddays, team 5. Football is a sport. They players must playtogether.1. Where was the 2002 World Cup? It was in Korea and Japan.2. How often

8、 is the World Cup held? It is held every four years.3. How many players are there in each team? There are eleven.4. How many players were there in each team in the earliest gamesof football? There were more than five hundred. 5. Are thereany people still playing the game as it was played in the oldd

9、ays? Yes, there are.Listening practice: B 1. Tom is a . A. worker C. teacherB. college student D. doctorB 2. Tom Is in hospital because . A. he is ill C. he has gota headache 3. Tom fell down. C A. this Monday C. the day beforeyesterday B. yesterday D. today B. his leg was broken D. he worksthere4.

10、He has to stay in hospital for . B A. three days C. threeweeks B. three months D. Three hoursA 5. His classmates often go to the hospital . A. to helphim with his lessons B. to bring him something to eat C. to visithim and give him some books and newspaper D. to tell him storiesMr. Li wants to watch

11、 the football World Cup in Germany in2006. Must he go to Germany? Why? He doesn t need to go toGermany. He can watch the games on TV at home. The manmadesatellites will send him the messages.a man-made satellite travels around the earthChinese Spacemen:Yang Liwei the first Chinese spacemanFei Junlon

12、g and Nie Haisheng were in Shenzhou VIWhat is the man doing in the picture? He is forecasting theweather.How do they know what the weather will be like? They usethe man-made satellites to help them.2.) Now satellites are helping to forecast the weather.They are in space, and they can reach any part

13、of the world.The satellites takes pictures of the atmosphere( 大气 becausethis is where the weather 大气) ,大气 forms. They send thesepictures to the weather station. So the scientists there cansee the weather of any part of the world and tell how the weatherwill change. Today, nearly five hundred weather

14、 stations insixty countries can receive satellite pictures. When theyreceive the new pictures, they compare them with the earlierones. Perhaps they may find that the clouds have changed duringthe past few hours. This may mean that the weather on the groundmay soon change, too. In their next weather

15、forecast, they cantell people about it. So the weather satellites are of greathelp to the scientists at the station. In the past they couldonly forecast the weather for about 24 or 48 hours. Now theycan make good forecasts for 3 or 5 days. Soon, perhaps, theymay be able to forecast for a week or ahe

16、ad.Choose the right answers according to the passage: ( C ) 1.The weather forms . A. in any part of the world C. in theatmosphere B. in space D. on the ground( B ) 2. Changing clouds in the atmosphere means . A. a rainyday C. a windy day B. the weather will change D. a sunny day( A )3. Without satel

17、lites, scientists could forecast theweather for . A. one or two days C. only three days B. threeor five days D. a week or more( D )4. What does the word “ forecast“ in the passage mean?A .知 道B.认 识 认 识C .研 究D .预报( D )5. The main idea of this passage is that satellites .A. can take pictures of the atm

18、osphere B. are helpful in manyways C. are often used for receiving pictures of the atmosphereD. are now used in weather forecastingDiscuss: What else can satellites help us to do? 1. Theycan help us to send and receive messages; 2. They can help usto make telephones; 3. They can help us to know more about theuniverse; 4. They can help us to know more about the earth, andso on.Homework:Finish reading Passage 3 on the paper.1



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