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1、M1U2Phrases Revision1_ 迫不及待地做迫不及待地做2_ 应该,应当当3_ 处理理,对付付4_ 一一团糟糟,乱七八糟乱七八糟5_ (灯灯)熄熄灭6_ 对苛刻苛刻,对严厉7_ 为和和争争辩8_ 熬夜熬夜,不睡不睡觉9_ 禁止某人做禁止某人做cant wait to dobe supposed to dodo within a messgo outbe hard on.argue with sb. about sth.stay upforbid sb. from doing/to do.10_ 经历,经受受11_ 与与一起一起12_ 往往往往,有做,有做的的倾向向13_ 在在这方

2、面方面14_ 在做在做方面有困方面有困难15_ 原来是,原来是,结果是果是16_ 既然既然17_ 混淆;混淆;搅匀;拌和匀;拌和18_ 坚持;持;坚持持认为19_ 目前;当前目前;当前go throughalong withtend to doin this regardhave difficulty (in) doingturn outnow thatmix upinsist onat presentLearning aimsAfter this class, we will be able to review some important phrases: cant wait to do

3、sth., forbid, insist that; feel like; be supposed to; do with; along with turn out 1. cant help doing sth.-How do you like the recorder?-It cant help _ (improve) my spoken English and I cant help _ (throw) it away.cant help (to) do. 对做做.没有用没有用处;My mother cant help doing anything for me, not asking f

4、or return, only because she loves me.禁不住做某事禁不住做某事我的妈妈可以为我做任何事,不是为了回报,而只是因为她爱我。我的妈妈可以为我做任何事,不是为了回报,而只是因为她爱我。improvethrowingIm sorry, but I cant help (to) clean the classroom.抱歉,我抱歉,我不能帮忙不能帮忙打扫教室了。打扫教室了。Far away from home, I cant do anything to help my parents.远离家乡,我远离家乡,我什么也帮不了什么也帮不了父母。父母。cant choose

5、 but _sth. have no choice but _ sth. can do nothing but _sth. 则表示表示_cant wait _ sth. 等不及做某事等不及做某事。doto dodo“不得不做某事不得不做某事”或或“除做某事外除做某事外别无无选择”to do2. forbidvt.禁止禁止 (forbadeforbidden)He even forbids me from chatting with my friends in the Internet cafe! 他甚至禁止我在网吧里和我的朋友聊天!他甚至禁止我在网吧里和我的朋友聊天!禁止禁止(做做)某事某事

6、禁止某人做某事禁止某人做某事 做某事是禁止的做某事是禁止的 “禁止禁止/不准某人做某事不准某人做某事”的其他表达:的其他表达: forbid (doing) sth.forbid sb. from doing sth./forbid sb. to do sth. Its forbidden to do sth. ban/ prohibit/ discourage sb. from doing sth.(2014高考重高考重庆卷卷完形填空完形填空)In some Middle Eastern countries, exposing your flesh is forbidden,especial

7、ly if you are a woman.在中在中东,是禁止把肌肤露在外面的,尤其是,是禁止把肌肤露在外面的,尤其是妇女。女。办公室禁止吸烟。公室禁止吸烟。Smoking is forbidden in the office.该驾驶员被禁止被禁止驾驶六个月。六个月。The driver _drive/_ driving for six months.was forbidden to from【活用活用】完成小片段完成小片段As parents,we do (1)_our daughter to surf the Internet too much.But we dont forbid (2)

8、_(look) up helpful information through the computer.Of course,she feels unhappy whenever she (3)_to chat with her epals online.Anyway,she is quite understanding.She knows that we dont really (4)_her to learn something good on the Internet.forbidlookingis forbiddenforbid3. insistv坚持;持;坚持持认为(教材教材P35)R

9、ecently, he has been refusing to do his homework, and instead insists on wasting his time watching DVDs and listening to foreign music.最近,他已最近,他已经不做家庭作不做家庭作业了,而了,而总是把是把时间浪浪费在看在看DVD和听外国音和听外国音乐上。上。 insist on/upon(doing) sth. 坚持持(做做)某事某事 insist that sb.(should)do sth. 坚决要求某人做某事决要求某人做某事 insist that sb.谓

10、语(用用陈述述语气气) 坚持持说(这时insist表示表示坚持一个事持一个事实)(2014高考湖南卷高考湖南卷阅读简答答)He also insisted that they should leave enough space for children.他他还坚持要求他持要求他们应该为孩子孩子们留有足留有足够的空的空间。Frank insisted that he was not asleep although I had great difficulty in waking him up.尽管我尽管我费了好大了好大劲才叫醒他,但弗才叫醒他,但弗兰克却克却坚持持说自己没有睡着。自己没有睡着。T

11、he only wonder is that so many states _ closing their ears to the message.唯一惊唯一惊讶的是的是这么多的国家都么多的国家都坚持持对这个消息充耳不个消息充耳不闻。insist on 【活用活用】根据根据汉语完成小片段完成小片段Tom broke Marys cup this morning. Mary (1)_ his apology,but Tom refused.He insisted that he (2)_(do) that.At last, Mary got angry and insisted that Tom

12、 (3)_(buy) her a new cup besides an apology.今天早晨今天早晨汤姆打碎了姆打碎了玛丽的杯子。的杯子。玛丽坚持要他道歉持要他道歉,但是但是汤姆拒姆拒绝了。他了。他坚持持说他没有打碎杯子。最后他没有打碎杯子。最后,玛丽生气了生气了,她除了要得她除了要得到道歉外到道歉外坚持要求持要求汤姆姆为她她买一个新杯子。一个新杯子。insisted onhadnt done(should) buy What did you do with the cash we left? The new teacher didnt know what to do with the n

13、aughty boys.do with 的意思是_【拓展】I dont know _to do with my spare time.I dont know _to deal with my spare time.处理,对待处理,对待howwhat4. do with【拓展】The book deals with the life in the future. 这本书是关于未来生活的。 He is hard to deal with. 他很难相处。deal with 还可以表示为还可以表示为“关于,涉及;和关于,涉及;和某人相处某人相处”cant do with 无法忍受无法忍受have so

14、mething to do with 与与有关有关do away with 废除除do up 扣上;修理扣上;修理do without 没有没有也行;凑合;将就也行;凑合;将就If we cant afford a car,well just have to _.我我们要是要是买不起汽不起汽车,也就只好不用了。,也就只好不用了。The school has _ the rules which are not proper for the students. 这个学校个学校废除了那些不适合学生的制度。除了那些不适合学生的制度。done away withdo without it我不知道如何我不

15、知道如何规划我的人生。划我的人生。【活用活用】用用do with,deal with填空填空I dont know how to (1)_the book (2)_politics,but you know what to (3) _it very well.deal withdealing withdo with5. along with连同;随同;与同;随同;与在一起;除在一起;除之外之外(教材教材P38) Along with these physical changes, there come many psychological changes.与与这些生理些生理变化同化同时而来的而

16、来的,还有很多心理上的有很多心理上的变化化。all along一直;始一直;始终 get along (with) 进行行,进展;相展;相处take along 随身随身带着着go along with 赞同;附和;支持同;附和;支持come along 过来来,跟我走跟我走,加油加油Along with the letter _ his promise that he would visit me this coming Christmas. 他在信中承他在信中承诺:在即将到来的圣:在即将到来的圣诞节来看望我。来看望我。The world trading system is changing

17、 _ technology. 世界世界贸易系易系统随着技随着技术的的发展不断展不断变化。化。提示提示:主主语后接由后接由along with, with, together with, besides, but, except, including, like, as well as, rather than等等词引出的短引出的短语时,谓语动词要与主要与主语保持一致。保持一致。The library along with bookstores_(provide) reading materials. 图书室室连同同书店一起提供店一起提供阅读材料。材料。along withwas provide

18、s【活用活用】完成句子完成句子(1)Lily along with her two friends _(要去爬要去爬)Mount Tai next week.(2)He is the last person that Ill_ (与之相与之相处)(3)He had been afraid of this _(一直一直)is going to climbget along withall along6. feel likefeel like doing sth. =want to do sth. 没有没有feel like to do这种用法种用法feel like的用法的用法. feel li

19、kedoing,意,意为“想做想做” 。 feel like物物质名名词,意,意为“摸上去像是摸上去像是”。 feel like名名词或从句,意或从句,意为“觉得好像得好像” 。 feel like反身代反身代词,意,意为“感到舒适;感感到舒适;感觉身体好身体好”,like可省略。可省略。It feels like rain soon_ Im holding something that feels like a potato. _I feel like a rest after the long journey. _She really feels like having a talk wi

20、th him about his study at school. _He felt(like)himself after doing exercise. _He feels like that he has never been to such a place. _ 好像马上就要下雨了。好像马上就要下雨了。我拿的东西摸上去像个土豆。我拿的东西摸上去像个土豆。长途旅行后我想休息一下。长途旅行后我想休息一下。她的确想和他谈一下他在学校的学习情况。她的确想和他谈一下他在学校的学习情况。锻炼之后他感觉很舒服。锻炼之后他感觉很舒服。他感觉好像从未到过这样一个地方。他感觉好像从未到过这样一个地方。7.

21、be supposed to应该;应当当(教材教材P22)But,but.you werent supposed to come home until tomorrow!但是但是,但是但是你你们不是不是应该明天才回家的明天才回家的吗!(1)be supposed to do / have doneshould do / have done本本应该做做(实际未做未做)(2)be supposed to be 被被认为是是It is supposed that. 被被认为(3)suppose/supposing 引引导条件状条件状语从句从句,相当于相当于if表示表示“如果如果,假假设”(2014高

22、考山高考山东卷卷阅读理解理解)After a few moments Peter said,“Maybe Odie_ find you,maybe you should keep it.” (suppose)过了一会彼得了一会彼得说:“或或许小狗小狗Odie应该找到你找到你们,或,或许你你们应该收收养它。养它。”(2016高考山高考山东卷卷阅读理解理解)While waiting for a bus to the office where he _ be interviewed,he saw an elderly man wildly kicking the tyre of his car.当

23、他正在等公交当他正在等公交车去他本去他本应该去参加面去参加面试的的办公室公室时,他看到一位,他看到一位老人在用力地踢他汽老人在用力地踢他汽车的的轮胎。胎。You_ stay home during the weekend. 你不你不应该周末周末还待在家里。待在家里。was supposed to was supposed to are not supposed to【活用活用】完成句子完成句子(1)我想你并不是当真的我想你并不是当真的,对吗?I dont suppose youre serious,_?(2)假定我假定我们没有帮助他没有帮助他,那么会出那么会出现什么情况?什么情况?_we ha

24、dnt helped him, what would have happened? (3)你本你本应该昨天把作昨天把作业交上。交上。You were supposed to _your homework yesterday.are youSupposehave handed inStep 6. Consolidation1. You _ pay the bill by Friday.2. Shes busy _, and cant speak to you.3. _ you are grown up, you should not rely on your parents.4. Childre

25、n shouldnt often _ for their favourite TV programmes.5. Dont _ the boy; he didnt mean to do it. Besides, he is only five years old.are supposed toat presentNow thatstay upbe hard onTranslation1. 她很累,想要好好睡一觉。(feel like)2. 这汤闻上去真香!我都等不及要尝尝了。(cant wait to do)3. 我们不会讲意大利语,那我们到了意大利该说什么语言呢?(now that, be s

26、upposed to)She was very tired and felt like having a nice sleep.The soup smells delicious! I cant wait to taste it.What language are we supposed to speak when we get to Italy now that we cant speak Italian? turn out turn out( to be )+adj. 结果是;证明是;结果是;证明是; 原来是原来是The party _ very successful.晚会结果开得很成功。

27、晚会结果开得很成功。 The good-looking man _ a thief.那个长相很好的男子原来是个贼。那个长相很好的男子原来是个贼。turned out (to be)turned out to be 拓展:turn的相关词组1. He asked her to marry him but she turned him down.2. Please turn off the television before you go to bed.3. Turn on the lights and youll see the words on blackboard clearly.4. We

28、 arranged to meet at 7.30, but she never turned up.5. As a newcomer, she has nobody she can turn to for help.6. If you turn over you might find it easier to get to sleep.拒绝拒绝关闭关闭打开打开出现出现向某人求助向某人求助转身转身练练吧1 1)I willI will not wait any longer, he might not _at not wait any longer, he might not _at all.

29、all.A)turn over B)turn upA)turn over B)turn upC)turn on D)turn down C)turn on D)turn down 练练吧2 2)Faced with all the difficulties, the girl Faced with all the difficulties, the girl _her mother for comfort._her mother for comfort.A)turned over B)turned formA)turned over B)turned formC)turned to C)tur

30、ned to D)turned up D)turned up 3 3)Under the present system, state Under the present system, state enterprisesenterprises( (国有企业国有企业国有企业国有企业) ) must_ all profits to must_ all profits to the governmentthe governmentA) turn down B)turn upA) turn down B)turn upC)turn out C)turn out D)turn inD)turn in练练

31、吧4)I was so surprised that he_my invitation.A)turned in B)turned outC)turned down D)turned into5) The Browns have not _ yet and I doubt whether they will come.A)turned in B)turned out C)turned up D)turned to7) I can hardly hear the radioCould you please turn it ?A)up B)downC) on D)over 8) Nothing co

32、uld make the brave man turn his motherlandA) in B)upC) against D)offStep 6. Consolidation1. If a teacher is too hard _ his students, they wont tell him the truth.2. You stepped into the lab with your shoes on?You were _ to take them off before you enter it. (suppose) on supposed3. The teacher was _

33、with him because he was late. (annoy) 4. I think I must watch TV now, Dad. I cant wait _ which team will win the game. (know) annoyed to know5. If you stay _ for your favourite TV programmes, you will feel sleepy.6. _ there are only ten minutes to go, why not start off at once?A. As ifB. Even ifC. Now thatD. Ever sinceup7. He put on an innocent look, insisting that he _ (steal )Johns money. But all the signs suggested that he _ a thief. (be) hadnt stolen was8. Considering his poor health condition, the doctor insisted on his _ (take) a good rest before going back to work.taking



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