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1、lesson 12Goodbye and good luck luck lk captain kptn sail sel harbour h:b(r)proud prad important mp:tnt n. 运气,幸运运气,幸运n. 船长船长v. 航行航行n. 港口港口adj. 自豪自豪adj. 重要的重要的luck n. 运气运气, 幸运幸运good luck 祝你好运lucky adj. 幸运的unlucky adj. 不幸的不幸的 lucky dog 幸运儿幸运儿 lucky day 幸运日幸运日 luckily adv. 幸运地幸运地 sail sel v. 航行航行I want

2、to sail around the world.横渡大西洋横渡大西洋sail across the Atlantic水手水手sailorsailseilv.航行航行sailtosomewhere航行去某地航行去某地sailfromsomewhere从某地航行出发从某地航行出发sailfromsomewheretosomewhere从某地航行出发前往某地从某地航行出发前往某地proud adj. 自豪,自满自豪,自满be proud of 以以为自豪,为为自豪,为(某人某人)感到自豪感到自豪Parents are proud of their children.proudlyadv.自豪地自豪

3、地Heshoutedproudly,“”priden.自豪,骄傲自豪,骄傲takepridein=beproudof+名词名词/doing他以帮助他人感到骄傲他以帮助他人感到骄傲Heisproudof/takesprideinhelpingothers.1.What is Topsail? 2.Topsail is a .3.2.What time will the captain set out(出发)?(出发)?3.How long will he be away?1.What is Topsail? 2.Topsail is a .3.2.What time will the capta

4、in set out(出发)?(出发)?3.How long will he be away?famouslittleboatAt80clock.Fortwomonths.Our neighbour Captain Charles Alison,will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow.Well meet him at the harbour early in the morning.He will be in his small boat, Topsail.Topsail is a famous little boat.It has sailed across t

5、he Atlantic many times. CaptainAlisonwillsetoutateightoclock,sowellhaveplentyoftime.Wellseehisboatandthenwellsaygoodbyetohim.Hewillbeawayfortwomonths.Weareveryproudofhim.plentyoftime=enoughtime非常充裕的时间非常充裕的时间plentyof+可数名词可数名词/不可数名词不可数名词plentyofwaterplentyoftreesHewilltakepartinanimportantraceacrossth

6、eAtlantic.takepartin参加某项活动参加某项活动=enterforbeproudofsb/sth./takeprideinsb./sth.因某人或某事感到自豪因某人或某事感到自豪【Key structures】一般将来时一般将来时.一般将来时表示一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态将要发生的动作或存在的状态. 基本结构基本结构: shall/will + 动词原形动词原形shall常用在常用在第一人称第一人称I或或we的后面的后面,而而will可用于所有人称,缩略为可用于所有人称,缩略为ll,否定式中,否定式中,willnot可缩略为可缩略为llnot或或wont,shal

7、lnot缩略缩略shant(在美语中很少用在美语中很少用shall)begoingtodosth打算做某事打算做某事; Be +Be +形容词、副词形容词、副词be away 不在,离开了,远离不在,离开了,远离be in 在家,在该在的地方在家,在该在的地方be on 运行着运行着; 上映,上演;上映,上演; 穿戴着穿戴着;持续持续be off 关着,停止状态;离开关着,停止状态;离开 状态(不接触)状态(不接触)【speciallydifficulties难点难点beup结束,达到要求结束,达到要求beout外出,不在,过时了外出,不在,过时了beover结束了,重复结束了,重复bebac

8、k回来了地,归还回来了地,归还set out set out / / set off set off / / set set upupset out; set off; 出发出发set off 发生;发生; 起爆;起爆; 闹响闹响set off fireworks燃放烟花燃放烟花set up 组建;装配;创立组建;装配;创立return =be backis being performed(表演表演)=is onended= was overleave= set off/outbe not capable of = be not up to kepb()l 可能可能be absent= be

9、awaycreated /kriet / 创造创造= set up We shall seeshall see his boat and then we shall shall saysay goodbye to him. He will bewill be away for two months. We are very proud of him. He will will take parttake part in an important race across the Atlantic.告别告别saygoodbyeto“为(某人)感到自豪为(某人)感到自豪”表示表示“参加参加”、“参与

10、(某项活动)参与(某项活动)beaway+时间段时间段-离开一段时间离开一段时间leave+时间点时间点-几点几分离开的几点几分离开的Luck & Fortuneluck: n. fortunelucky: adj. fortunate luckily: adv. fortunately fortune除了有除了有“幸运幸运”的意思外还指的意思外还指“财富财富”Fortune Weekly 财富周刊财富周刊cost a fortune 花一大笔钱(带有感慨、抱怨,划不来的暗示)花一大笔钱(带有感慨、抱怨,划不来的暗示)sailsail vi. 航海,航行,出航航海,航行,出航; n.帆船帆船s

11、ailing n. 出海,航行出海,航行sailor n. 水手水手sail for 驶向驶向sail from 从从驶来驶来sail off 驶离驶离sail across 驾船跨越驾船跨越take part in take part in / / join (in) join (in) / / enter entertake part in加入加入(临时性的临时性的)活动活动;参加参加=enter forWill you take part in the English Speaking Contests?How many students entered for the competio

12、n? join 参加(有固定组织的)参加(有固定组织的)团队团队join the Army; Join the Partyjoin in 参加(临时性的)参加(临时性的)团队团队Our class will go to climb the mountain, will you join in? be + to do sth. 表示计划安排计划安排在某事或用来征求意见用来征求意见 eg. I am to have a holiday. be about to do sth. 即将做某事即将做某事. will be doing 表示将要做某事 be doing (瞬间动词) 用进行时进行时表示将来

13、时态将来时态.动词有:go,come,arrive,leave,die,join1. Well for you at the school gate. A. waits B. waitingC. wait2. Each of the students will _ a computer on the desk. A. have B. has C. having3. I _ my aunt tomorrow evening. A. visit B. will visit C. will visits 4. he have a picnic next week? A. Does B. Is C.

14、Will 5. We do some sightseeing tomorrow and well plant trees. A. dont B. arent C. wont CABCC6.There a football match tomorrow afternoon. A. was B. is going to be C. will be 7. a lot of books for your classmates next term? A. Are there will B. Will there be C. Will there are 8.-Will there be a computer on your desk? - . A. Yes, there is B. No, there arent C. No, there Wont 9.There any cars on the road in the future. A. will be B. wont be C. wont CBCB



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