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1、Automobile Automotive applications for electricity Benz 奔驰HONDA 本田AUDI 奥迪兰博基尼The end Automotive Lighting The worlds first practical automobile was invented by Karl Benz in 1885. With a top speed of less than 10 miles per hour, only one major obstacle stood in its waydarkness. The “Benz Patent Motorw

2、agen,” for all of its technological achievements, didnt have headlights. Automotive lighting refers to the illumination systems of the automobile. From headlights to taillights, blinkers to side markers, dashboards to vanity lights, modern automotive lighting has come a long way from Karl Benzs solu

3、tionthe gas lantern. Lets look at the different types of bulbs that can currently be found in automobiles: IncandescentHalogen(Halogen).A halogen lamp also uses a (tungsten) metal filament, but it is encased inside a much smaller quartz bulb (the heated filament is so close to the walls of the bulb,

4、 that a bulb made of glass would melt). The gas inside the bulb is halogen, a gas that actually helps extend the life of the filament and bulb through a recycling process that allows the bulb to last much longer than the tungsten counterpart. Since halogen bulbs burn hotter, they emit more light. Th

5、eir visible light is also much whiter, allowing drivers to see further down the road. Under normal use, halogen bulbs will last approximately 60,000 miles of driving.High-IntensityDischarge(HID).The bluish tint you see on some vehicle headlights is created by a light technology that uses no filament

6、. High-Intensity Discharge (HID) bulbs, also commonly referred to as xenon headlights, create light by applying electricity to high-pressure gasxenon in this case. The gas is heated white hot, giving off visible light that appears nearly bluish-white in color. The color of the light is much closer t

7、o the color of sunlight, making it comfortable for the driver. The HID bulb uses less electricity, and lasts much longer than the other types of filament bulbs. HID bulb life is approximately 200,000 miles. Whatbulbswill IfindinmyvehicleWhatbulbswill?In 1898, the first electric headlights appeared a

8、s an optionon some vehicles, but their application was hardlywidespread. Cadillac introduced the first electrical lightingand ignitionsystemequipped with shock-resistant incandescent headlightbulbs in 1912. Shortly thereafter, nearly all vehicleswere exclusivelyusing incandescent bulbs, in headlight

9、s, interiorlightsand fordashboard illumination. Replacing bulbs wascommonplace, as they burned out frequently. Todays headlights are typically halogen bulbs, with standard or focused lenses, placed behind plastic covers (for aerodynamics and bulb protection). Upscale vehicles are often equipped with

10、 HID headlights with an auto-leveling feature to ensure that the light is directed properly for different vehicle-load conditions. Adaptive headlights, which were recently introduced, turn with the vehicle to aid illumination while cornering. Daytime running lights keep the headlights illuminated du

11、ring the day for increased vehicle visibility in traffic. ThefutureofautomotivelightingThough HID technology seems optimal for headlight use, it is the light-emitting diode, or LED, that will be commonplace on nearly all automobiles in the future. Their low cost, small size and extreme reliability w

12、ill allow them to become the “light of choice” for exterior and interior automotive lighting. As LED technology is still relatively new, advancements will soon increase light output by nearly 30 timesenough to even make LED headlights feasible. Like the gas lantern hung on the first automobile, it i

13、s just a matter of time before the traditional filament-based bulb burns out completely. backRain-Sensing Wipers Windshield wipers, which have been standard equipment on most vehicles since 1916, were developed to improve visibility during inclement weather. For nearly 100 years, drivers operated th

14、e wipers with manual controls mounted on the dashboard. Today, technology has made possible motorized windshield wipers that automatically recognize a developing visibility problem and clear the glass before the driver can react to the problem.The term “rain-sensing wipers” is commonly used for a sy

15、stem designed to clear the windshield of rain, snow, and debris without driver intervention. The system is programmed to automatically activate and alter the speed and rate of the wiper blades to keep outward visibility unobstructed at all times. A rain-sensing wiper system does not clean the windsh

16、ield any better than a manual system; it simply monitors outward visibility and automatically activates the wipers.Howdotheywork?Thetechnologybehindrain-sensingwipersisnotcomplicated.Asmallareaofthefrontwindshieldglassismonitoredbyanopticalsensor.Thesensorisdesignedtoprojectharmlessinfraredlightatth


18、sor. Whatarethebenefitsofrain-sensingwipers?Thebenefitsofarain-sensingwipersystemaremostobviousduringinconsistentrainorsnow,whenastandardwipersystemrequiresconstantattentionbythedrivertokeepthewindshieldclear.Undersuchconditions,therain-sensingsystemadaptstoperiodsofheavyrainorsnowandincreasesthespe

19、edofthewipers.Duringdryperiods,whenthewindshieldisclear,thewiperscompletelystop.Ifothervehiclessplashorspraywaterordebrisonthewindshield,therain-sensingsystemautomaticallyintervenesbystartingthewiperstokeepvisibilityunobstructed. 广告小插曲 backElectronic Stability Control Intheearlydaysoftheautomotivein





24、ioncontrol Following the modern development of automotive anti-lock brakes (ABS) in the 1980s, and traction control in the 1990s, the development of stability control was the next logical progression. All three share the same technology, and all operate in conjunction with one another in an automoti

25、ve environment. In a typical electronic stability control system, the anti-lock brake system monitors wheel spin at each wheel. The traction control system controls any wheel spin. As both of these sensors monitor the vehicles longitudinal (front-to-back) movements, a third sensor monitors lateral (

26、side-to-side) movements, determining if the vehicle has strayed from its intended course, as indicated by the position of the steering wheel.DoyouneedElectronicStabilityControl? Electronic stability control is an active safety feature; it helps you avoid an accident. In an emergency, even the most e

27、xperienced drivers may find themselves in a situation where they are driving outside the normal limits of their vehicle, and a loss of control is imminent. An ESC system will recognize this impending situation, even before the driver can take evasive action, and take corrective action before vehicle

28、 control is lost. back 附录:ABS-Anti-lockBrakeSystem制动防抱系统制动防抱系统这是一项在这是一项在80年代末才兴起应用的新技术,但发展得很快,现在已经成为许年代末才兴起应用的新技术,但发展得很快,现在已经成为许多轿车的必装件了。多轿车的必装件了。据统计,汽车突然遇到情况发刹车时,百分之九十以上据统计,汽车突然遇到情况发刹车时,百分之九十以上的驾驶者往往会一脚将刹车踏板踩到底来个急刹车,这时候的车子十分容易的驾驶者往往会一脚将刹车踏板踩到底来个急刹车,这时候的车子十分容易产生纯粹性滑移并发生侧滑,即人们俗称的产生纯粹性滑移并发生侧滑,即人们俗称的“甩



31、容易方向失控。有ASR时,汽车在加速时就不会时,汽车在加速时就不会有或能够减轻这种现象。在转弯时,如果发生驱动轮打滑会导致整个车辆向有或能够减轻这种现象。在转弯时,如果发生驱动轮打滑会导致整个车辆向一侧偏移,当有一侧偏移,当有ASR时就会使车辆沿着正确的路线转向时就会使车辆沿着正确的路线转向. back本田汽车广告小插曲本田汽车广告小插曲本广告一共拍摄六百零五次,没有使用任何电脑绘图辅助,花费四天四本广告一共拍摄六百零五次,没有使用任何电脑绘图辅助,花费四天四夜在巴黎一个工作室拍摄而成。夜在巴黎一个工作室拍摄而成。东京总部的大头目们第一次看到东京总部的大头目们第一次看到Cog这这段广告的反应是



34、,拍成功的那次是那一段唯一成功的一次。一成功的一次。轮胎里放的是镙丝和镙帽,平衡之精细,连摄影组员走动时都轮胎里放的是镙丝和镙帽,平衡之精细,连摄影组员走动时都得小心翼翼。常常一个大一点的动作或是不小心轻推一下什么,就得重覆好几得小心翼翼。常常一个大一点的动作或是不小心轻推一下什么,就得重覆好几小时的工作。小时的工作。拍到三四百,甚至第五百多次时,制作人开始称呼这些零件为拍到三四百,甚至第五百多次时,制作人开始称呼这些零件为ourfriends,theparts(零件,我们的朋友们零件,我们的朋友们)。更有一些组员几天没睡後被。更有一些组员几天没睡後被其他人要求离较精细的部份远一点。其他人要求离较精细的部份远一点。当问及他花在这个广告的时间有多长时,当问及他花在这个广告的时间有多长时,广告导演尖声一笑,回答:五年?还是八年了?广告用的这两台广告导演尖声一笑,回答:五年?还是八年了?广告用的这两台Accord是是全世界仅有的六台中的两台,全是全世界仅有的六台中的两台,全是Honda工程师手工打造的。工程师手工打造的。(可见当初拆掉一可见当初拆掉一台时那些工程师有多心疼台时那些工程师有多心疼)backThe endThank you



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