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1、Language points: P 1 1. 是是的一部分的一部分2. 梦想梦想3. 在音乐会上在音乐会上4. 假装假装5. 实话实说实话实说6. 认为认为很重要很重要be part ofbe part ofdream of/aboutdream of/aboutat a concertat a concertpretend pretend to be honestto be honestattach importance to (doing) attach importance to (doing) sthsth. .pretend vt.佯装佯装; 假装假装;+(that)从句从句+to

2、 doHe pretended that he was friendly with me. He pretended that he was friendly with me. He pretended _.He pretended _.to be friendly with meto be friendly with meattachattachtoto1. Hell attach the label to your luggage. 装上装上,贴上贴上,系上系上2. This hospital is attached to the medical college nearby. 使依附使依

3、附;使附属使附属3. The government attaches great importance to agriculture. 认为认为非常重要非常重要 1. Have you ever 1. Have you ever dreamed ofdreamed of playing in front of playing in front of thousands of people thousands of people at a concertat a concert, , at whichat which everyone is everyone is clapping and ap

4、preciatingclapping and appreciating your your music.music.Language points: P 2 1. 作为作为开始开始2. 成名第一步成名第一步3. 路人路人4. 赚额外的钱赚额外的钱5. 为为付钱付钱6. 表演表演7. 用现金付钱用现金付钱8. 录制唱片录制唱片start asstart asthe first step to famethe first step to famepasser-bypasser-byearn extra moneyearn extra moneypay forpay forgive performa

5、ncesgive performancespay for pay for in cashin cashmake recordsmake records2. Sometimes they may play to 2. Sometimes they may play to passers-bypassers-by in the in the street or subway street or subway so thatso that they can they can earn some earn some extra moneyextra money for themselves or to

6、 for themselves or to pay forpay for their their instruments.instruments.pass by经过经过-passer-by路人路人-passers-by复数复数look on旁观旁观-_旁观者旁观者 _复数复数 looker-onlooker-onlookers-onlookers-onpay pay vtvt/vi./vi.付付钱给某人某人为了某物付了多少了某物付了多少钱为了某物付了某物付给某人多少某人多少钱pay sbpay sb (some money) (some money)pay (some money) for s

7、thpay (some money) for sthpay sb some money for sthpay sb some money for sth3. Later they may 3. Later they may give performancesgive performances in pubs or in pubs or clubs, for which they are clubs, for which they are paid in cashpaid in cash. .they are paid in cash for their they are paid in cas

8、h for their performancesperformancesperformance n. (c) 表演表演perform vtperform vt. .give a performance=give a performance= put _ put _ a performancea performanceonon你想要用现金支付还是信用卡?你想要用现金支付还是信用卡?Are you paying _ cash or _ credit card?ininbyby我花了我花了5000元买了这台笔记本电脑。元买了这台笔记本电脑。I paid 5,000 yuan _ the seller

9、 _ this laptop.totoforforLanguage points P 3: 1. 用不同的方式用不同的方式2. 作为作为开始开始3. 开某人的玩笑开某人的玩笑4. 以以为基础为基础5. 打算做某事打算做某事6. 能演能唱能演能唱7.在报纸上做广告在报纸上做广告8.用用代替代替 in a different way in a different waybegin asbegin asplay a joke/jokes on sbplay a joke/jokes on sb. .be based onbe based onplan to do/mean/ intend to do

10、plan to do/mean/ intend to docan act as well as singcan act as well as singput an advertisement in a put an advertisement in a newspapernewspaperuse use for for4. The musicians 4. The musicians were to play jokes onwere to play jokes on each each other other as well asas well as play music, most of

11、which play music, most of which was was based onbased on the Beatles. the Beatles. most of the music was based on the Beatlesmost of the music was based on the Beatlesbe to do 将要做某事将要做某事1. 明天我们将修理这台机器。明天我们将修理这台机器。 We are to repair this machine tomorrow.2. 没人喜欢被别人戏弄。没人喜欢被别人戏弄。 No one like to be playe

12、d jokes on by others.3. 这部电影是以一个真实的故事为基础的。这部电影是以一个真实的故事为基础的。 The movie is based on a real story.play jokes/tricks on sb= make fun of play jokes/tricks on sb= make fun of sbsbbe based on sth 以以为基础为基础Language points P 4: 1. 依靠某人依靠某人(做某事做某事)2. 假装做某事假装做某事3. 对对熟悉熟悉4. 大约大约5. 对对认真认真/严肃严肃6. 受受欢迎欢迎7. 解散解散8.

13、用用.庆祝庆祝rely on sbrely on sb (to do) (to do)pretend to do sthpretend to do sthbe/ get familiar withbe/ get familiar withor soor sobe serious about sthbe serious about sthbe popular with sbbe popular with sbbreak up break up celebratecelebrate with with5. They were 5. They were so so popular popular t

14、hatthat their fans their fans formformed ed clubs clubs in order toin order to get get moremore familiar with familiar with them. them. form vt. 形成形成, 组成组成, 养成养成 n. 表格表格, 形式形式, 形态形态1. With the help of our PE teacher, we 1. With the help of our PE teacher, we formedformed a a basketball team.basketba

15、ll team.2. As a result, he 2. As a result, he forms the habit offorms the habit of hunting on hunting on weekends. weekends. 3. The band 3. The band is formed ofis formed of one girl and two boys. one girl and two boys.4. Ice, snow and steam are different4. Ice, snow and steam are different forms fo

16、rms of of water.water.5. Please fill the 5. Please fill the form.form. is made up of/consist is made up of/consist ofof组成成养成养成形形态表格表格be/ get familiar with 对对熟悉熟悉在中国住了在中国住了5年之后,年之后,Mr Black 已经熟悉了中国文化。已经熟悉了中国文化。After living in China for 5 years, MrAfter living in China for 5 years, Mr Black Black has

17、has got familiar withgot familiar with Chinese culture. Chinese culture.After living in China for 5 years, Chinese After living in China for 5 years, Chinese culture. culture. is familiaris familiar _ Mr _ Mr Black. Black.totobe familiar to 被被熟悉熟悉6. However, after a year 6. However, after a year or

18、soor so, in which they , in which they becamebecame more more serious aboutserious about their work, the their work, the they became more serious about their work they became more serious about their work in the yearin the year7. The band 7. The band broke upbroke up about 1970, but happily about 19

19、70, but happily reunitedreunited in the mid-1980sin the mid-1980s. .Their friendship has Their friendship has broken upbroken up. .The police The police break upbreak up the crowd by violence. the crowd by violence.The class has The class has broken upbroken up. .break up 破裂破裂, 解散解散,放假放假,身体垮掉身体垮掉1.

20、The thief 1. The thief broke in/intobroke in/into the palace last the palace last night. night. 2. The car 2. The car breaks downbreaks down suddenly. suddenly. 3. The war 3. The war broke outbroke out in 1943. in 1943. 破裂破裂驱散散放学放学闯进坏掉坏掉, 发生故障发生故障爆爆发1.她曾经梦想当一名医生。她曾经梦想当一名医生。She _ _ _a doctor.2.我将和你坦诚

21、相见。我将和你坦诚相见。I shall _ _ _ you.3.当年轻时一个人就应该养成良好的习惯。当年轻时一个人就应该养成良好的习惯。One should _ _ _when young.4.我以特别高的价格买下了这幅画。我以特别高的价格买下了这幅画。I bought the picture at an _ _ _.5.他总是喜欢拿我开玩笑,因为我们是朋友。他总是喜欢拿我开玩笑,因为我们是朋友。He likes to _ _ _ me because we are friends.6.你能不能借我十元来钱你能不能借我十元来钱?Can you lend me ten yuan _ _?7.警察

22、驱散了人群。警察驱散了人群。The police _ _ the _ .dreamedofbecomingdreamedofbecomingbehonestwithbehonestwithformform agoodagood habithabithighhighextraextrapricepriceplayplay jokesjokes ononorsoorsobrokebroke upupcrowdcrowdConsolidationoftheusefulwords&phrasesConsolidationoftheusefulwords&phrases1.Mozartisaverygr

23、eat1.Mozartisaverygreatmm_intheworld._intheworld.2.Itisveryimportantforacompanytoowngood2.Itisveryimportantforacompanytoowngoodr r_inthesociety._inthesociety.3.Whetherhewillcomeornotremains3.Whetherhewillcomeornotremainsu u_._.4.Onlyinthiswaycanyouearnsome4.Onlyinthiswaycanyouearnsomee e_money.money

24、.5.Hewasso5.Hewassoa a_thateveryonewasclappingfor_thateveryonewasclappingforhim.him.usicianusicianeputationeputationnknownnknownxtraxtrattractivettractive6.Hisvictoriesinthewar6.Hisvictoriesintheware e_himthetitleof_himthetitleof“TheGreat”.“TheGreat”.7.Actors7.Actorsp p_TwelfthNightTwelfthNightatthe

25、theater.atthetheater.8.listening,speaking,readingandwritingarefour8.listening,speaking,readingandwritingarefourimportantimportanta a_._.9.Therethey9.Theretheyf f_anarmyofabout5,000men._anarmyofabout5,000men.10.Theboat10.Theboatr r_soheavilythatweallfeltsick._soheavilythatweallfeltsick.arnedarnederformederformedbilitiesbilitiesormedormedolledolled



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