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1、解读中考阅读理解题【 命题特点】阅读理解题是中考英语测试中的重要题型。阅读题材丰富,涉及社会文化、 风俗习惯、日常生活、科学技术等各个方面。阅读材料体裁多样,包括记叙文、议论文以及应用文等多种文体。 阅读理解题主要是考查考生综合应用所学语言知识的能力, 包括阅读能力、理解能力、归纳概括能力、逻辑推理能力以及对材料的评估能力等。就题型而言,主要有细节理解题、词 义 ( 句意)猜测题、推理判断题、数字计算题、主旨大意题( 归纳概括题)等。【 解题技巧】1 . 抓要点,有针对性地进行阅读。在通读短文之前,把文后的问题浏览一遍,做到心中有数。然后带着问题去阅读短文,边读边捕捉文中与问题相关的信息点,这

2、样有助于抓住解决问题的关键。2 . 把握住五个“W”和一个“H”。对于叙事题材的文章,在阅读全文时,要尽快抓住五个 “W” ( who, where, when, what, why)和一个 H ” ( how) , 即何人、何时、何地、因何原因发生了何事,事情怎样发展和发展结果如何。把握住了这些,就抓住了事件进展的全过程,即文章的详情和具体细节,做题时就会收到事半功倍的效果。3 . 注意主题句,抓住关键句。一般来说,文章的开头或结尾往往是文章的中心思想所在。把握住全文的中心思想,这对理解全文是有帮助的。阅读中,不要因为个别生词而影响阅读速度和对全文整体意思的理解,可根据构词法知识和上下文意思

3、来猜测词义。对于文章中出现的与口常生活相关的知识,答题时,可利用已学过的自然、社会科学等知识加以理解。4 . 重点核对,加深理解。做完一篇短文后面的所有题目后,有必要回过头对答题有关的内容重新加以研读,或对个别理解模糊的关键词再次审核,以加深理解,澄清疑点,提高答题准确性。【 题型分析】一、细节理解题对于这种题型, 考生能直接从原文找到信息, 而且选项和原文在语言表述上也没有大的变化或仅仅在表达方式上稍作转化。在解这类题时,考生可以先看后面的题目,然后带着问题去阅读材料,最后采取“ 对号入座”的办法,把原文信息跟后面的题目对照,即可得到答案。下面以2013年河南省中考英语试题为例:Jessie

4、 felt her life so boring one summer day. She was tired of watching TV, shereah all her books, and her friends were on vacation. She wanted something different todo. Suddenly, she saw the lawn ( 害 !J堂: 机) sitting in the yard.“Mom,she shouted, think I will mow the lawn. Her mom ran into the yard andsa

5、id, “Oh no, you dont. You re too young to mow the lawn.”1. In order to do something different, Jessie decided to.A、read books B、travel C mow the lawn D、watch TV根据文中的 “Suddenly, she saw the lawn zower ( 割草机) sitting in the yard J 和 Ithink I will mow the lawn,可知,答案为 CoMom thought for a while and then

6、decided to let jessie give it a try. After all,she washome and would keen an eye on her, Jessie already knew how to start the lawn mowerfrom watching her dad. Jessie checked the gos( 汽油) to make sure it was full, and put onher gardening gloves to protect her hands. Mom watched from the kitchen windo

7、w. Jessiereally did know how to mow the lawn. She was very careful around the flowers and trees.When she finished, she felt so good, but she was so hot. Mom brought her soms ice tea andsaid, “You sure did a great job. Dad will be very surprised.”1. Before Jessie mowed the lawn, she.A、washed her hand

8、s B、bought some gasC、read some instructions D、put on her gloves根据文中的“Jessie checked the gos( 汽油) to make sure it was full, and put on hergardening gloves to protect her hands.”可知,在开始割草前,Jessie检查了汽油确保它是满的,然后戴上园艺手套保护手。答案为D。For example, you may see someone putting on a heavy jacket. This is the effect.

9、 Tolook for a cause, think to yourself, t4What would make someone put on a heavy jacket?”Maybe the person is going outside into very cold weather. Maybe the person works in thepenguin pe ( 企鹅圈养土也) at Sea World. Maybe the person is going to visit an ice skatingrink where the air is kept very cold. Al

10、l of there things could be a cause for putting on aheavy jacket.1. According to the second paragraph, which of the following is an effect?A、 Someone puts on a heavy jacket.Someone works in the penguin penC、 Someone will go outside into cold weather.D、 Someone will go to visit an ice skating rink.根据文

11、中的“For example, you may see someone putting on a heavy jacket. This is theeffect.可知,看见某人穿上厚夹克衫,这是一个结果。B 项、C 项、D 项都是推测产生这种结果的原因。答案为A。Now, think about a second example. The effect is a boy named Abi has to go to thehead teachers office. What are the possible causes? Maybe he bidlied(欺负)anotherstudent.

12、 Maybe he is just being picked up early. Maybe he is being given a prize!2. Abi has to go to the head teachers office. Which of the following isnt the possiblecause?A、He bullied another student. B、He is going shopping.Cs He is being picked up eaily. D、He is being given a prize.根据文中的Maybe he bullied(

13、欺负)another student. Maybe he is just being pickedup early. Maybe he is being given a prize! A 项、C 项、D 项表述的原因文中都提到T ,B项*中没有提到。答案为B。The Search for Life:Are yVe Alone?Time: Thursday,July 4, 2013, 2:00 pmCost: Adult: $ 14.50Children( under 15 yeais) : $ 8.70Bookings: Phone the booking office: 3403 7689A

14、ddress: Brisbane Botanic GardensNote: Are we truly alone in space? Is there any life out there?These are the questions asked in this show.4. Alec is strongly interested in space life. He may go to.A、Magic Class B、Science with MeC、Secret of the Dragon D、The Search for Life根据 The Search for Life. Are

15、We Alone?11 Note 里面的Are we truly alone in space?Is there any life out there?w可知, 此活动是关太空生活的。答案为D。Magic ClassTime: Friday, July 12,2013, 10:00 amCost: FreeBookings: Please call 3403 8470 to book your place.Address: Centenary Community hub, 171Dandenong RdNote: Would you like to be a magician? Then jo

16、in David,The magician, to learn about real magic withPlaying cards, coins, ring ropes and DIY projectsand be able to become the life of the party.5. Rita plans to join Magic Class. She may learn a b o u t .A real magic B、making conisC、magic stories D、holding parties根据 Mogic C74ss.中 Note 里 面 的to lear

17、n about real magicw 可知,在 Magic Class能学到真魔术。答案为A二、词 义 ( 句意)猜测题词 义 ( 句意) 猜测题就是要求考生对画线部分的单词、 短语、 指示代词以及句子,根据上下文的语境和逻辑推理猜测其大致的含义。 答题方式可分两大类: 一类是通过上下文猜测词义, 另一类是根据生词本身的构词特点猜测词义。 通过上下文就是根据词所处的具体的语言环境,运用有关线索,如同义词、反义词、举例、重述、定义等猜测词义,也可运用逻辑推理或其他知识,如生活经验、普通常识等猜测词义。以2013年河南省中考英语试题为例:Mom thought for a while and t

18、hen decided to let Jessie give it a try. After all, she washome and would keep an eye on her. Jessie already knew how to start the lawn mowerfrom watching her dad.6. What does ,lkeep an eye on mean?A、保护 B、注视 C、培养 D、瞄准根据文中的Mom thought for a while and then decided to let Jessie give it a try 可知,画线词语所在

19、句子的句意是:毕竟,她在家,她会看着她的。答案为B。三、推理判断题推理判断是一种创造性的思维活动, 要求考生对文章的表面信息进行加工,由表及里,由浅入深,从具体到抽象,从特殊到一般,通过解析、综合、判断等,进行深度处理,符合逻辑的推理。命题内容十分丰富灵活,可以是文章的隐含意义、作者的态度、文章的写作目的,文章的体裁出处、人物的性格特点等。答题时要做到:体会文章的言外之意,挖掘文章隐含的信息;要做到有理有据,需要把握相关的信息,从已知获得未知;要学会用已有的经验或常识进行推理判断。以2013年河南省中考英语试题为例:“Wow, our little girl is growing up!” D

20、ad told Jessie what a great job she had done.7. How did Jessies father feel when he knew Jessie had mowed the lawn?A、Proud B、Angry C、Relaxed D、Worried根据文中的“Wow, our little girl is growing up!”可以判断,父亲为女儿所做的事情感到骄傲。答案为A。四、数字计算题数字计算题通常涉及的信息是时间、年龄、价格等。这类题目的答案需要在理解文章大意的基础上, 通过简单的运算才能选出, 而文章中直接出现的数字通常是干扰选项

21、。文章一般有两个或两个以上的数字信息,这些数字在文中的位置比较分散,考生要注意数字信息之间的紧密联系, 运用正确的计算公式或换算单位, 计算出的正确答考是一个“ 新 ”数字。以2013年河南省中考英语试题为例:Secret of the DragonTime: Monday, July 1, 2013, 10:30 amCost: Adult: $ 7. 40Bookings:Phone the booking office: 3403 2578Address: Brisbane Botanic GardensNote: Secret of the Dragon is a magical st

22、ory about two children who aretaken on a dragon ride to explore the universe.8. John and his 1 O-year-old son want to watch secret of the Dragon. How much shouldthey pay?A、$7.40 B、$ 11.10 C、$ 14.80 D、$ 23.20根据 Secret of the Dragon 中 Cost 里面的Adult: $ 7. 40 Children(under 15years):half,可知,成人每张票价为7.40美

23、元,15岁以下的孩子票价减半,即 3.70美元, 所以John应付钱数为7 4 0 +3.70=11.10美元。答案为B。8. John and his 10-year-old son want to watch secret of the Dragon. How much shouldthey pay?A、$7.40 B、$ 11.10 C、$ 14.80 D、$ 23.20根据 Secret of the Dragon 中 Cost 里面的Adult: $ 7. 40 Children (under 15years):haf 可知,成人每张票价为7.40美元,15岁以下的孩子票价减半,即

24、3.70美元, 所以John应付钱数为:7.40+3.70=11.10美元。答案为B。五、主旨大意题主旨大意题主要考查考生的归纳、概括等能力。记叙文、议论文常考文章的主旨大意。一般来说主旨大意常出现在文章的开头, 有时也出现在文章的结尾。当然更重要的是从全文内容去把握。常见问题形式有:1. What does the text mainly tell us?2. Which of the following best expresses the main idea?3. Which is the subject discussed in the text?4. Whats the best t

25、itle for this passage?以2013年河南省中英语试题为例:9. What does the text mainly tell us?A、Neighbors should learn to help each other.B、Mowing the lawn is a good way to make money.C Doing something helpful can make people happy.D、Children should help their parents at an early age.通读全文可知,本文通过讲述Jessie的故事来说明一个道理:做有用

26、的事情会让人快乐。答案为C。10. What is the best title for the text?A、 Truth and lies B、 Work and sleep C、 Cause and effect D、 Life and dreams通过全文可知,本文主要是阐述了起因和结果之间的关系。所以C项最符合文章的标题。答案为C。五、主旨大意题主旨大意题主要考查考生的归纳、 概括等能力。记叙文、议论文常考文章的主旨大意。一般来说主旨大意常出现在文章的开头,有时也出现在文章的结尾。当然更重要的是从全文内容去把握。常见问题形式有:5. What does the text mainly

27、 tell us?6. Which of the following best expresses the main idea?7. Which is the subject discussed in the text?8. Whats the best title for this passage?以2013年河南省中英语试题为例:9. What does the text mainly tell us?A、Neighbors should learn to help each other.B、Mowing the lawn is a good way to make money.C、Doi

28、ng something helpful can make people happy.D、Children should help their parents at an early age.通读全文可知,本文通过讲述Jessie的故事来说明一个道理:做有用的事情会让人快乐。答案为C。10. What is the best title for the text?A、 Truth and lies B、 Work and sleep C、 Cause and effect D、 Life and dreams通过全文可知,本文主要是阐述了起因和结果之间的关系。所以C项最符合文章的标题。答案为C

29、。备战中考题型专练When I was young my father used to grow carnations- a kind of flower that was red,pink or white, He took care of then with much love and devotion. When he came homefrom work every day, he would enjoy watching them. And he used to tell us, “No oneshould touch my flowers.”One day, my younger

30、sister Clemence, who loved Dad very much, wanted to help him.So she cut the carnations from their sfems( 枝 二 F)one by one and arranged them on theground. She believed that Dad would be very pleased to see them that way. When Momand I realized what my sister had done,we became completely speechless.

31、However, mysister had no idea why no one showed her any appreciatioM欣赏),When Dad came back,he went straight to watch the flowers as usual. Seeing his flowers lying on the ground likedead animals, he was surprised at first. He looked towards the street to see if it was any ofthe neighbors, children w

32、ho could have done it. Then he looked at Mom in silence. FinallyMom, who always taught us to tell the truth, said, uNo bad neighbors did this great job,only your lovely daughter Clemence. Dads face changed into a smile and then he said,“Do I have better flowers than my lovely daughter?” My younger s

33、ister smiled and huggedDad strongly.根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 1. How many kinds of colcrs do carnations have according to the writer?A One B、Two C、Three D、Four.( ) 2. Why did Clemence cut the carnations from their stems?A、Because she didnt like them. B、Because Dad told her to do soC、 Because Mum told her to

34、 do so D、 Because she wanted to help her dad( ) 3. Whats the Chinese meaning of the nuderlined word ttspeechless,7A、无语的 B、伤心的 C、惊奇的 D、无助的( )4 . What did father feel after hearing what the mother said?A、Angry Excited C、Pleased D、Sad( ) 5. Whats the best title for this passage?A、My Cleverest Sister B、

35、My Dads Best FlowerC My Dads Carnations D、My Honest MotherBThe Mayan Indians lived in Mexico for thousands of years. The Maya were so hrightthat they achieved a lot. They had farms, temples and cities with many great buildings.They knew much about nature and the world around them. The knowledge help

36、ed them tolive a better life than most people of that time.In ancient Mexico, there were many small ( 空地) in the forests. Eachclearing was a village with fields of crops around it. The Maya planted seeds after theycleared the land. A fanner was able to grow crops that produced food for several peopl

37、e.So not every Maya had to be a farmer. Some were builders or priests(祭司) .The Mayabelieved in many gods( 神) . They built large temples to honor them. Skillful workers builtcities around these temples. It was difficult because they had to carry all the buildingmaterials themselves. Today, many of th

38、ese ancient Mayan cities and temples are stillstanding. Altthough the Maya worked hard to build the beautiful cities, very few of themlived in them. Usually, only the priests lived in the cities.The other people lived in smallvillages in the forests. Their houses were much simpler. Most Mayan Indian

39、s lived asimple life close to nature.The Mayan Indians made a calendar. The year was divided into18 months of 20 days each with five days left over as festivals. Around the year 800, theMaya left their villages and beautiful cities and never returned. No one knows why thishappened. They may have die

40、d from a deadly disease. They may have left because the soilcould no longer grow crops. The lost secrets of the Maya are still beyond the reach ofmodem people. They are still one of our greatest mysJeries( 神秘)()根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。1. Where did the Mayan Indians live?A. In India B. In Egypt C. In Mexico2.

41、Where did the Mayan Indians grow crops?D. In Cuba()A. Among the forestsC. On the beaches3. Who lived in the cities?A. All the Mayan IndiansC. The farmersB.D.In the mountainsOn the tops of the mountainsB.D.The priestsThe skillful builders)4. How many days are there in a year in the Mayan Indians cale

42、ndar?A. 800B. 200C. 365D. 360()5. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The Mayan Indians built large temples to honor many gods.B. There are still many ancient Mayan cities and temples standing today.C. Most Mayan Indians lived a simple life close to nature.D. Now we have found out the lost secrets

43、 of the Mayan Indians.cResowwes( 资源) are things that we use. Natural resources mainly come from theearth. Many of our natural resources are limited. This means that they will not last forever.Some resources are renewable. This means the resources can be replaced or grown. Yoncan plant a new tree whe

44、n you cut one down. Other resources are not renewable. Thismeans that cannot be replaced or grown. You can dig coal out of the ground. Once the coalis used, it is gone.Many of the earths natural resources are limited, but people can help protect thoseresources. When you try to protect a natural reso

45、urce, you use less of it, so it does not getused up so fast. One way that people protect 加 7(燃料) , like gasoline, is by riding abicycle or walking. This works well when the distance is short. We dont have to driveeverywhere.Water is a very important natural resource. We all need it to live. We can s

46、ave waterby making sure that our pipes and taps do not leak(漏).We can also save water by makingsmart choices One choice is to use the dishwasher and washing machine only when theyare foil. Another choice is to turn off the water when you brush your teeth. We can allmake a difference!根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。(

47、) 1. There are kinds of natural resources according to the first paragraph.A. two B. three C. four D. five( ) 2. What does the underlined word ttrenewable mean in Chinese?A . 可开采的 B . 可利用的 C . 可找到的 D . 可再生的( ) 3. Why does the writer ask us to ride a bicycle?A. Because its a good way to save money.B.

48、 Because ifs a good way to protect natural resources.C. Because its a good way to keep healthy.D. Because ita a good way to make the roads less crowded.( ) 4. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?A. The importance of water. B. The importance of brushing teeth.C. Some ways to save water D. How

49、 to use the dishwasher( ) 5. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Some natural resources are renewableB. Water is the most important resourceC. Gasoline is a kind of fuelD. Coal cant last forever.DKitty was a student in a small town. It was going to be her mothers birthday. Shewanted to buy her a p

50、resent that would be nice and useful, but not expensive.She went shopping after a quick and simple lunch. After she looked for about fortyminutes.she found a shop that was selling cheap umbrellas.and she decided to take a blackone. She thought, “Mon can use it when she is wearing clothes of any colo

51、r. So shebought a lovely black umbrella and took it to school with her until her classes finished.On her way home on the train she felt hungry, so she went to the bujflt c。 ” 餐车) . Sheput the umbrella on the table. After the meal, she left without it. When she remembered itand returned for it,it was

52、 gone. Kitty began to cry. The other passengers folt very sorry forher and asked what the matter was. She told them the black umbrella she bought for hermother was gone, and she had to get off at the next station. After the passengers heard this,they asked her for her mothers address so that they co

53、uld send the umbrella to her motherif someone took it by mistake and brought it back.And now a week passed. Kitty got a letter from her mother. It said, “ Thank you verymuch for your lovely gift, but why do you send me three black umbrellas?根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 1. When did Kitty go shopping?A. In the m

54、orning. B. In the afternoon.C. In the evening D. At night.( ) 2. What color umbrella did Kitty buy?A. Red B. Green C. Yellow D. Black( ) 3. How did Kitty go home that day?A. By bus B. By bike C. By train D. On foot( ) 4. What does the underlined word kiif* refer to ?A. The train B. The umbrella C. T

55、he seat D. The buffet car( ) 5. Who sent the three umbrellas.to Kittys mother?A. The passengers on the train B. Kitty herself.C. Kittys classmates D. The person who took Kittys umbrella by mistake.EThe Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is thinking of aciding the Chinese word tuhaoto its 2014 edition.

56、The word has become popular in China during the past few months todescribe newly rich people who spend money in e x tr a v a g a n t ) ways. Tuhao hasbecome popular in Western countries, too, to describe similar people in their countries.The adoption(接至 of the word by foreign countries is an example

57、 of Chinasspreading influence in the world not only economically, but also socially and culturally.People are paying attention to what is happening in China and are picking up someChinese words, especially those words that express 叫 ( 独特的) Chinese ideas thatcannot be easily translated into English.T

58、he OED is also thinking of adding hukou and dania to the already 120 Chinesewords in its dictionary. Hukou refers to Chinas system of residency 居住许可)and darna refers to middle-aged Chinese women whose gold buying habits influence theglobal gold markets.The idea that OED is adding these words has met

59、 with some criticism. Some peoplesay the words embarrass China, but others insist that in a globalized society its natural forwords to be spread and adopted elsewhere. In fact, a word like tuhao expresses the humorof China. Its easy to pronounce and very accurate at making fun of rich people who hav

60、emore money than taste.So,welcome to the English language, tuhaoAets be friends!根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 1. The adoption of the word by foreign countries shows that China is.A. strong B. big C. rich D. wide( ) 2. The OED is going to add Chinese words to its 2014 edition.A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 120( ) 3. What doe

61、s the underlined word “criticism“ mean in Chinese?A . 同情 B . 支持 C . 赞扬 D . 批评( ) 4. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The OED has added the Chinese word tuhao to its 2014 edition.B. Dama refers to very old women.C. Some people dont want to add the Chinese words to the OED.D. Hukou can be easily tran

62、slated into English.( ) 5. Whats the main idea of this passage?A. Tuhao has the similar meaning in China and the Western countries.B. The OED is going to add some Chinese words to its 2014 editionC. Why Western people like Chinese words.D. The OED already has 120 Chinese words in it.FReview( 评论) by

63、Rose at midwestbookreview, comWritten by John Bluedom, My Mommy, My Teacher is an enjoyable, full-color,childrens picture book about a little girl who learns from her family how to word on afarm, Its very interesting.Review by Dena Wood at My Mommy, My Teacher is a pleasant story about a little girl

64、 who shares the events ofher daily life as she works, learns and plays with her family. The beautiful country life ofthis home-schooling family offers a feeling of peace, safety to the readers. Love, respect( 尊重) , r e s p o n sib ility and joy are very easy to find as we follow this little girlthro

65、ugh her day.Review by Britta Coll at morningstarlearning,comI just read it to my daughters and my som last night, and we all enjoyed it so much. Myson who was listening said. t4We should have home school like that!” There are severalthings that appealed to ( 【吸 弓 I) him; the farm,the parrot,the love

66、 and joy. This is really awonderful book for children.Review by Rebecca wilson at If you have ever had a hard home-schooling day, and if you are ever unhappy andready to cry, take out this simple little book and allow the story and pictures to wash yourheart clean. Think again why you do what you ar

67、e doing, and open your heart to yourchildren once more.Then you will feel much better.根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 1. My Mommy, My Teacher is mainly for.A. girls B. children C. boys D. babies( ) 2. Who is the writer of My Mommy, My Teacher?A. Rose B. John Bluedom C. Dena Wood D. Britta Coll.( )3 . You can get

68、a feeling of when you read this book.A. peace and safety B. peace and successC. safety and silence D. safety and happiness( ) 4. What things 叩pealed to Britta Coifs son?A. The beautiful pictures in the book.B. The interesting stories in the book.C. The farm, the parrot, the love and the joy.D. The s

69、imple life described in the book.( ) 5. Whats Rebecca Wilsons review about the book?A. The book can wash your heart clean.B. The book is wonderful for children.C. Love, respect,responsibility and joy can be easily found in the book.D. Its an enjoyable, full-color, childrens picture book.WONDERFUL EV

70、ENTSHORSE RACINGRaces start at 3 pm every SundayRacetrack only 20 miles awayAll year roundLots of free parking spaceFree presentsNo children allowed100 YEARS OF PICTURESTHEN AND NOW(photo Show)See the Taj in History from 1900 to 2000February April 30City Art Museum, 750 High StreetTuesday to Sunday

71、10 am5 pmWEEKEND SALESThis Saturday 2 pm6 pmEverything 20%40% offVisit us at Blook Grandview MallRealize your dreams-save time and moneyFall in love with prices we offerDANCE PARTYCelebrate a special dateBring your sweetheartSunday night, Country ClubLive band from 9 pm 1 am$25 A couple$15 A single

72、person根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 1. Which one isnt allowed for children?A. HORSE RACING B. THEN AND NOWC. WEEKEND SALES D. DANCE PARTY( )2. On what day cant you go to see the Taj in History from 1900 to 2000?A. On Friday B. On Saturday C. On Sunday D. On Monday( )3. Where is WEEKEND SALES?A. At City Art Muse

73、um B. At 750 High StreetC. At Block Grandview Mall D. At Country Club( )4. How much do they have to pay if Mr Green goes to DANCE PARTY with hiswife?A. $50 B. $25 C. $15 D. $30( )5. It you have time on Sunday night, you can go to .A. HORSE RACING B. THEN AND NOWC. WEEKEND SALES D. DANCE PARTYH根据材料内容

74、,将短文后面A一E 五个句子填入空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确,并将其标号填写在题号后的横线上。My chance came at last. Our school was going to hold a sports meeting. I knew what itmeant to me. so I got up very early to prepare for it. When I was tired, Iremembered what I had promised and went on.As the time came, I felt quite confident, On the fi

75、rst day I came fourth in the1,500-meter race, but I was far from pleased because what I wanted most was the mostexciting event of the sports meeting一the relay race. 2 .With a shot,the race began. All the students were cheering for their teams. Thecompetition was so close that I began to feel nervous

76、. Before my turn came, my team wasfalling behind the others. 3 .But after that, there was nothing in my mind except to run as fast as possible, Justwhen I was near the finishing line, my legs gave 02 ( 筋疲力尽) . Then my promise came tomind again and encouraged me to go on. 4At last, I had proved to my

77、self and those who had often laughed at me that I was notweak at all! My classmates greeted my warmly.From the sporls meeting. I learned that sometimes things were not as difficult as theyseemed to be. 5A. I would run the last /eg( 一段赛程) for my team.B. To my surprise, I was the first to cross the fi

78、nishing line!C. Just try your best without fear and you might be surprised at the result.D. I practiced running and jumping.E. Whats worse, I almost dropped the stick when I was trying to take it.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .根据材料内容,将短文后面A一E 五个句子填入空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确,并将其标号填写在题号后的横线上。The Green Belt Movement is a commun

79、ity-based group in Kenya. It aims to helpprotect the environment, mainly through planting trees. When Wangari started the Green Belt Movement, she thought much about bothpeople and the environment. She thought that if people grew the trees themselves,it wouldhelp them to understand the environment a

80、nd develop their local cultures.2 Members from the movement go to communities to talk about tree planting andstarting 加 “ se万 es( 苗圃) . If the local people are interested, they can join the movement as agroup. When they join, they receive a lot of information about how to prepare the so ( 土壤) , and

81、collect and grow seeds. When the people know what to do,they can collect seedsand plant them into nurseries. 3 The Green Belt Movement pays the nurseries moneyfor each seedling that is still alive after three months.The Green Belt Movement now has over 6,000 community nurseries in Kenya,andmany more

82、 in other African countries. Over the last 30 years, it has planted more than 30nil lion trees in parks and on farms.4 This means that many communities can now take care of almost all their ownfood needs And they can often make extra income as well.5 Giving the prize to wangari shows that peace does

83、nt just mean stopping wars.It can also mean making the world a better place to live in._A. The Green Belt Movement also runs programs to help people start gardensand grow plants that are local to their area.B. The Green Belt Movement was started in 1977 by Wangari Maathai.C. When the ( 幼苗) are big enough, they will be planted on farmsD. In 2004, Wangari Maathai won the Nobel Peace Piize.E. Today, the Green Belt Movement works like this._1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



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