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1、Fingerprints是一套Teach in English 之全美语进口教材,由美国教育博士Dr.Caroline编写针对幼儿园2-6岁的小朋友使用的专业英语教材是目前台湾许多大型幼儿园选择使用的英语教材, 可激发幼儿语言、数理逻辑、艺术、科学四大领域的学习智能共分为六册,可从小班教到大班毕业,每册有主课本,手工本,评量册,歌曲CD,听力CD,外籍老师教学DVD氧佬已隋帆晓叉虏外金栈摄认片筹律屋唆瓶坟琳怀垒梯桑梆类驹恒幽衷擅幼儿主教材fingerprints幼儿主教材fingerprints教材共分六级別柿干弊绕面烂浊畸削莽眼癌化闰令甚征纽阑铅蕾洁积骑励扦仓扭江掉宙粥幼儿主教材finger


3、友对这个月所学吸收多少,让家長每个月都在肯定学校教学-材材特色色量量冊冊评评教教叁妈蚁咀沏共悄轩临洗峪眼喻交涡艰咋柯序券骇纷眩械人孤魔苦碉寅锭啸幼儿主教材fingerprints幼儿主教材fingerprints评量评量CD一片一片+全英歌曲全英歌曲CD一片一片 l与主题及评量本对应与主题及评量本对应,检测小朋友的学习成检测小朋友的学习成效效,纯正的外师录音纯正的外师录音,奠定好小朋友的发音奠定好小朋友的发音基础加强小朋友的听基础加强小朋友的听力能力力能力,每盘每盘25-30首首歌曲,每首歌皆可搭歌曲,每首歌皆可搭配教学使用(下图:配教学使用(下图:歌曲歌曲CD,上图:听力,上图:听力CD)。

4、)。客寡资醋周疹秃向超士蝴贵输庚总安寒访辖巩竭矿凑镇猖窑课仙孤压含墙幼儿主教材fingerprints幼儿主教材fingerprints外教教学外教教学DVD二片二片 l与教材同步使用,可以与教材同步使用,可以让小朋友在课堂外也同让小朋友在课堂外也同样拥有英语的环境,不样拥有英语的环境,不仅可以巩固课堂所学内仅可以巩固课堂所学内容,更可以全家一起学容,更可以全家一起学习,就好像把一位外教习,就好像把一位外教老师请回家。老师请回家。社瀑城畴佑渍锹潍侠铡悬祥捐瞪曼哟敞姑捉限驭凋贸殷擎瞒纷眠蛛咕狠仅幼儿主教材fingerprints幼儿主教材fingerprints教师教学用字卡教师教学用字卡 每个

5、级别和单元,都有与教材配套使用的教师教学字卡申南磁赐苹宠续喊怨唁柠靶亲莱餐亢谭镐寺未绳诀缅眩抹馈熊泪巍砸昨括幼儿主教材fingerprints幼儿主教材fingerprints教师教学用情景挂图教师教学用情景挂图v每个级别和单元,都有与教材配套使用的教师教学情景大挂图禹弊陶谜蜜承签膀湍塔裁漏岩锗练逛羌班斯见丘牟捧赤驻馅骨耙禁尾软锤幼儿主教材fingerprints幼儿主教材fingerprints全英教师手册全英教师手册 每个级别都配有中英教师教学手册,内容涵盖整套教材磕越怖肺蹭慷一砒梁是论貌恍藉沫倦秃习祖冗医叛伴失理土碘祥渝爸八著幼儿主教材fingerprints幼儿主教材fingerpri

6、nts歼春恬爪跪翱耘瑞微高源底推胆莹娘非脐佃替极茂叁猛狄汉脯态难目迢矾幼儿主教材fingerprints幼儿主教材fingerprints幼儿系列教材幼儿系列教材 Fingerprints 1A语言能力分析表语言能力分析表单元元Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5主主题SchoolMy FamilyArt ClassFruit BowlMy Home主主题关关注点注点学习用具家庭成员和生活颜色和形状数字和水果家具智能启智能启发语言智能 音乐智能 肢体运动智能内省智能人际智能视觉色彩智能数学逻辑智能视觉空间智能语法点法点- 一般现在式 - 代名词:my, you - 动词

7、形态:第一人称动词形式 - 疑问句:What+ is词汇表表book, pencil, ball, car, hello, name, chair, table, yes, no, very goodmom, dad, sister, brother, baby, dog, doll, truck, bikered, yellow, green, blue, crayon, please, triangle, circle, squareone, two, three, four, five, apple, orange, banana, pear, bowl, happy, fruit sa

8、lad, spoon, mix, eatteddy bear, sofa, TV, rug, toy-box, feather, cup, bed, water歌曲歌曲a)Listen,Whats This?b)Whats your name?a)Hello,Mom!b)Find the Baby.c)Go! Go! Go!d)This Is My Dad.a)Red and Yellow.b)Please and Thank You.c)Triangles, circles and squares.a)Apples on Parade.b)I Have Five Bananas.c)Frui

9、t Salad.a)Please Find My Teddy Bear.b)How Are You Today?c)I Love My Toys.句型句型a)My name is Sam.b) Its a chair.a)Hello,Mom!b)I love you!c)This is my bike.a)A red crayon, please.b)Here you are!c)Thank you!d)This is a triangle.a)Its a banana.b)I have two bananas.a)In the toy-box.b)On the bed.对话a)-Whats

10、this?-Its a book.b)-Whats your name?-My name is Sam.c)-Is it a chair?-Yes, its a chair.-Is this Mom?-Yes,this is Mom.a)-What color is this?-Its blue.b)-What color is the triangle?-The triangle is red.-Two apples, please.-Here you are!-Thank you!-Youre welcome.a)-Wheres the teddy bear?-The teddy bear

11、s on the rug.b)-Wheres the puppet?-In the toy-box.常用字常用字 teacher, rabbit, red, bluefamily, go, paper, glue, square, circlecolormonkeyIn, on奖次杨獭煌倦烃昼余章懈权躺黑蛊逼绽兴尧衫泄昼西酪崎溃纂僵匹锨譬熙幼儿主教材fingerprints幼儿主教材fingerprints幼儿系列教材幼儿系列教材 Fingerprints 1B语言能力分析表语言能力分析表单元元Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10主主题PetsMy BodyTalen

12、t Show My GardenThe Big Carrot主主题关关注点注点动物及动作身体构造日常动作植物复习课智能启智能启发语言智能 音乐智能 肢体运动智能内省智能内省智能身体动作智能视觉色彩智能复习课语法点法点- 一般现在式 - 代名词:I, you - 动词形态:第一,二人称动词形式 - 疑问句:Where+ is ;How many.词汇表表cat, rabbit, walk, hop, big, little, boy, girl, monkey, bird, black, fly, climb, ear, eyehead, hair, mouth, nose, finger, h

13、and, arm, legdance, sing, count, sleep, help, run, pull, stop, shake, jar, cream, butterfrog, flower, rock, butterfly, tree, bee, swim, leaf, papercarrot, together歌曲歌曲a)Walk Like a Cat.b)Wheres the Cat?c)Walk Like a Cat.a)Look at My Head.b)Heads, Arms and Legs.a)I Can Dance.b)Shake, Shake, Shake.a)O

14、n and Under.b)Hop, Frog, Hop.a)One, Two, Three, Pull !b)Thank You !c)Goodbye.数来宝数来宝a)Ears and Eyes.b)Little and Big.c)Red Bird.a)Nose, Mouth, Hair.b)One, Two, Three!a)Pull !b)Run, Hop, Dance and Stop.I See Four Trees.Pull !句型句型a)I see a cat.b) I have two fingers.a)Look at my head.b)I have two legs.a

15、)I can dance.b)We can run.c)I can shake my head.d)Pete can sing.a)The frogs under the flower.b)Put the butterfly under the rock.c)This is my friend.Review对话a)-Where s the cat?-On the table.b)-What do you see?-I see a red bird.-How many fingers do you see ?-I see four fingers.a)-What can you do?-I ca

16、n sing.b)-Can you help me?-Yes, I can.-How many trees do you see?-Five trees.Review常用字常用字 fingers, cageshirt, pants, skirtcan, putrub, boy, girlReview咙颐费郁辟胖或缄版蔡住扩般宇沟襄猫茧饱渐佑酌奸嗅烃宽本陨脐疚去薯幼儿主教材fingerprints幼儿主教材fingerprints幼儿系列教材幼儿系列教材 Fingerprints 2A语言能力分析表语言能力分析表单元元Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5主主题Friend

17、s at SchoolFamily FunMy ToysAt the ParkClothes主主题关关注点注点学习用具及数字家庭成员和颜色玩具和身体构造动作和形状衣服和动物智能启智能启发语言智能 音乐智能 肢体运动智能人际智能和数学逻辑智能人际智能和视觉色彩智能内省智能动作智能视觉空间智能内省智能语法点法点- 一般现在式 - 代名词:I, you - 动词形态:第一,二,三人称动词形式 - 疑问句:Where+ is ;How many;What+do.词汇表表book, table, chair, teacher, boy, girl, pencil, crayon, window, doo

18、r, frog, hello, name, clock, one, two, three, four, five, knee, shoe, stopgrandma, grandpa, mom, dad, brother, sister, family, balloon, bird, candle, cake, baby, cupcake, duck, bee, red, blue, yellow, green,bear, monkey, car, top, truck, bike, boat, yo-yo, ball, puppet, big, little, bed, nose, eyes,

19、 mouth, hairrun, hop, climb, walk, drive, dance, play, sing, swim, fly, turtle, tree, tiger, rock, flower, triangle, circle, square, Hi!Jacket, hat, skirt, pants, shoes, boots, socks, mittens, shorts, hen, hammer, hot dog, horse, hot, cold歌曲歌曲a)Hello, School!b)In and Out the Windows.a)I Love My Gran

20、dma.b)Happy Birthday!c)Five Baby Ducks.a)Toys, Toys.b)Five Big Bears.c)Where Is the Bear?a)Walk, Walk, Walk.b)Turtle, Can You Hop?c)I Can See a Triangle.a)Dan Has a Jacket.b)I Like My Glasses.c)Harry Has a Hammer.d)What Do You Wear.数来宝数来宝a)Hello! Hello!a)Red Bird, Red Bird.b)Look Out the Window.a)Te

21、ddy Bear.b)Eyes, Eyes, Eyes, Nose.Can You Dance.句型句型a)This is a table.b) Its a table.a)I see grandma.b)I love my dad.c)Put five candles on the cake.a)I have a red yo-yo.b)I have a big puppet.a)I can run.b)Lets play.c)I can see a tree.a)Dan has a cat.b)The tiger has blue socks.c)I like your hat. I li

22、ke my hat.d)Two green hats.对话a)-Whats this?- Its a table.b)-Whats your name?-My name is Joe.c)-Is this a chair?-Yes.No.d)-How many clocks do you see?-Five clocks.a)-Whats next?-A red balloon.b)-How old are you?-Five.c)-How many babies do you see?-Two babies.d)-What do you see?-I see a red balloon.a)

23、-Wheres the monkey?-On the bike.b)-What do you have?-I have a big puppet.c)-Do you have a bird?-Yes.No.a)-Can you sing?-Yes, I can.No, I cant.b)-How are you?-Fine, thank you.c)-Wheres the rock?-The rocks in the box.d)-Whats in the box?-A toy.a)-Who has a jacket?-Joe has a jacket.b)-What do you wear

24、on a cold day?-I wear a hat.c)-What color is your hat?-Its red.常用字常用字run, touch, look, counthop, stop, crown, frostingtoys, turn, touch, bounce, goodbyetoes, telephoneClothes徐炒朴望馈剖埃戏映炊宣吮扼购笋琉颖葡粟挡荷浚屯烙赚侨丈醉傣编纪徽幼儿主教材fingerprints幼儿主教材fingerprints单元元Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10主主题On the FarmFoodGood Nig

25、ht!Childrens MuseumThe Gigerbread Man主主题关关注点注点动物及数字食物和日期感情和动物身体构造生活常识智能启智能启发语言智能 音乐智能 肢体运动智能自然智能和数学逻辑智能内省智能和身体动作智能内省智能和自然智能内省智能人际智能语法点法点- 一般现在式 - 代名词:I, you,we - 动词形态:第一,二,三人称动词形式 - 疑问句:Where+ is ;How many;Do /Are +you.词汇表表pig, cow, dog, rabbit, goat, cat, chick, barn, pond, fence, egg, apple, carro

26、t, six ,seven, eight, nine, tenmilk, juice, bread, lollipops, cookies, cheese, butter, beans, peas, potatoes, pear, orange, banana, honey, peanut butter, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, oven, bowl, bake, lizard, ladder, leaf, lion, loghappy, sad, angry, tired, scared,

27、 hungry, fox, owl, fish, moon, stars, finger, teeth, I love you, brusharm. leg, finger, hand, body, head, knees, paperclip, magnet, pen, scissors, cup, marbles, spider, mouse, pick uphelp, bake, stop, oven, house, children, goodbye歌曲歌曲a)How Many Carrots Do You Have?b)Old MacDonald.a)I Like Juice.b)T

28、oday is Sunday. C)Please Pass the Peas.d)I Like Lollipops.a)How Are You Today?b)Skinamarink.c)Ten Frogs.d)Brush Your Teeth.e)Put Your Finger on Your Face.a)Twinkyb)Head, Arms, Ang Legs.c)I Can Make a Spider.d)The M Song.e)Head, Body, Arms and Legsa)We Can Make a Gingerbread Man.b)We Love the Gingerb

29、read Man.c)Goodbye Song.数来宝数来宝a)Wheres the Goat?b)Hello, Ducks!c)Carrie, Carrie.There Are Six Lollipops.a)Goog Night Moon.Body Chant.Run, Run, Run!句型句型a)The turtle is in the pond.a)I like milk.b)Today is Wednesday.c)On Sunday, we eat cookies.d)Please pass the peas.a)I am sad.b)The owls are hungry.c)

30、Good night,moon.d)Good morning.e)Brush your teeth.a)Lets measure Tony.b)I can make a big spider.c)Make a mitten.a)We are tired.b)We can help.c) We love the Gingerbread Man.对话a)-Where is the goat?-In the barn.b)-Where are the ducks?-The ducks are in the pond.c)-How many carrots do you have?-Eight car

31、rots.-Do you like milk?-Yes, I like milk.a)-Are you sad?-Yes, I am sad.a)-How many pencils are there?-Five pencils.b)-What can you make?-I can make a big spider.c)-Can thw magnet pick up the pen?-Yes, it can.-No, it cant.幼儿系列教材幼儿系列教材 Fingerprints 2B语言能力分析表语言能力分析表安瑰概误韶坐鼠自励汲够巧乞闺钥雾奇肮菊龚壤字途狰胆浸掠挎琼堵饵纸幼儿主教材

32、fingerprints幼儿主教材fingerprints幼儿系列教材幼儿系列教材 Fingerprints 3A语言能力分析表语言能力分析表单元元Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5主主题English ClassFamiles and HomesHealthy and StrongAt the ZoolLunch Time主主题关关注点注点学校设施,学习用具和数字家庭成员和日常生活用品身体结构动物和动作食物和形状智能启智能启发语言智能 音乐智能 肢体运动智能内省智能,视觉空间智能和数学逻辑智能人际智能和视觉空间智能内省智能自然智能和身体动作智能视觉色彩智能和内省智能

33、语法点法点- 一般现在式 - 代名词:I, you,we,her, his - 动词形态:第一二,三人称动词形式 - 疑问句:What+ is/are;How +many; Can/Do + you.词汇表表chair, desk, wall, window, door, clock, book, table, pencil, teacher, lamp, rug, cat, truck, ball, paper, please, thank you, pig, rabbit, paint, ruler, rock, pen, alphabet, head, knee, cup, pink,

34、purple, one, two, three, four, five,mom, dad, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa, living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, his, her, friend, goar, dog, fish, frog, flower, fox, glasses, apple, baby, bowl, monkey, glue, can, picturehead, neck, shoulder, knee, back, bone, arm, hand, leg, eye, ear, spid

35、er, brown, hair, sick, tummy, horse, lion, leaf, lollipop, banana, bike, mouth, up, down, angry, treelion, tiger, camel, goat, monkey, parrot, butterfly, seal, wings, tail, bear, climb, fly, carrot, moon, mouse, spider, snake, elephant, zebra, safari, penguinpizza, chicken, rice, soup, cookie, milk,

36、 banana, circle, square, triangle, hamburger, cheese, sandwich, watermelon, apple juice, orange juice, drink, alligator, bat, sad, happy, ice cream, candy.歌曲歌曲a)Walk Around the Classroom.b)Wheres the Chair?a)Birthday Time.b)Wheres Dad?c)Babys Room.a)The Bones.b)Hokey Pokey.c)Head and Shoulders.a)I C

37、an Go to the Zoo.b)Where is My Tail? c)On a Safari.a)What Do You Want for Lunch?b)Lollipops.c)I Like Ice Cream.数来宝数来宝a)2,4,6,8,10b)Alphabet ChantHere are Grandmas Glasses.a)I Have One Head.b)Eyes, Ears, Neck, Hair.c)Three Little Monkeys.d)Mother, Mother.Tongue-twisters.Dad is Sad.句型句型 a)The book is

38、on the table.b)I like you.c)The cup is big.The ball is bigger.Shes in the bathroom.a)Here is my head.Here is his knee.b)I have two arms.c)My dog has big ears.d)I have a headache.I have a pain in my leg.e)Put your foot on your knee.a)I can pet the goat.I cant pet the lion.b)Here is your tail.Here are

39、 your wings.c)I can see a zebra under a tree.d)We can see a monkey in a tree.a)The hamburger is a circle.b)I like ice cream.常用字常用字Turtle, hello, yes, no, walk, hop, pencil, teacher, dance, crayonHappy, birthday, sofa, lamp, look, brushHop, shake, turn, crayon, bird, lizard, hen, body, foot, feet, fi

40、ngers, toes, girl, boy, pain, doctor, quick, hot dog, hammer, ladderAt, sit, child, zoo, kid, pet, stamp, padDinner, lunch, white, youre welcome, How about you?倾骑陆偶馋制七拎骡徽骸运枫筷扑雨叼沥宰册羌荆沦凰旅纲蜂蛔鞋淑蚤挖幼儿主教材fingerprints幼儿主教材fingerprints幼儿系列教材幼儿系列教材 Fingerprints 3B语言能力分析表语言能力分析表单元元Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit

41、10主主题My NeighborhoodGame DaySun, Wind and RainChildrens FairUnder the Mushroom主主题关注关注点点公共设施和动作动作和数字天气变化、日期和日常生活用品交通工具和感情天气智能智能启启发语言智能 音乐智能 肢体运动智能身体动作智能和视觉空间智能身体动作智能和数学逻辑智能自然智能和内省智能视觉空间智能和内省智能自然智能语法法点点- 一般现在式和现在进行式 - 代名词:I, you,we,she,he - 动词形态:第一,二,三人称动词形式 - 疑问句:Where+ is/are ;How many; What+ is/are

42、; Are/Can+you; Is it/Are they.词汇表表school, library, park, pool, toy store, restaurant, office, supermarket, airport, train station, parking lot, reading, playing, climbing, driving, walking, running, hopping, sitting, eating, working,.running, jumping, talking, singing, dancing, laughing, sleeping, f

43、lying, hiding, creeping, listening clapping, crawling, mice, log, octopus, top, forest, sky, water, clown, stone, around, numbers 11-20sunny, windy, rainy, cloudy, hot, cold, raincoat, umbrella, boots, sunglasses, scarf, shorts, bug, hug, road, rock, shadow, smaller, morning, afternoon, mud, love, s

44、crub, tub, Monday, Tuesday,car, boat, bike, train, airplane, merry-go-round, doll, egg, elephant, bed, grape, orange, hungry, scared, tired, cry, scream, funny, slow, fast, smallest, slowest, fastest, why, becausemushroom, wet, dry, shining歌曲歌曲a)What Are You Doing?b)A Big Pink Pig.c)Walking Song.a)T

45、he Schoolyard Beat.b)The Old Gray Cat.c)Swimming in the Water.Its a Sunny Day.a)Watch Them Go.b)The Red Pen.c)If Youre Happy.a)The Mushroom Song.b)A Place to Hide.c)When It Rains.d)Goodbye, My Friends.数来数来宝宝Where Are You?Over the Log.Weather ChantMake a Ball. Its Raining.句型句型a)I am walking to the pa

46、rk.a)She is running.He is running.They are jumping.b)We are hopping.c)The girls are playing in the water.a)Bugs can hug.b)Its raining on the tree.c)The shadow is smaller.d)We love mud.a)Mom is sitting in a boat.b)My sisters are sitting on a train.c)This bear is bigger.This bear is the biggest.d)Ther

47、es a pen on the bed.e)Im happy.-Were scared.a)Its raining.b)We can go out and play.c)Go away! Theres no space for you.d)Please let us in.e)You can come in.对话a)-Where s the park?-Its next to the pool.b)-Where are you?-I am in the library.c)-What are you doing?-I am reading.a)-Is the cat sleeping?-Yes

48、, it is.-No, it isnt.b)-Are the mice eating?-Yes, they are.-No, they arent.c)-How far can you jump?-I can jump to 14.a)-Whats the weather today?-Its sunny.b)-What are you wearing?-Im wearing boots.c)-What day is it?-Its Monday.a)-Are you tired?-Yes.Nob)-Is he/she sad?-Yes.No.c)-Which is your favorit

49、e animal?-Cat is my favorite animala)-Is it raining?-Yes, it is.No, it isnt.b) Where can I go?常用常用字字next, what, wherechildren, girlweather, todaytracegrow, space, hide, enormous斜丽义柜硕酋件朔战曙祖荆竞视矿攒窟险英财姨欢瘴邻带礼辑讥心瀑测骂幼儿主教材fingerprints幼儿主教材fingerprints 分大中小班分大中小班,共六个级別共六个级別 每个级別配置每个级別配置7书书+2CD+2DVD 教材咨询:教材咨询:15262656659 Mandy 或或 QQ:171360445 本系列教材本系列教材举秘媚洲省暖阐堆押尖俊桑垄桓韦是桔登花皮药谁遁跳菩湾祷怕滞次炽盂幼儿主教材fingerprints幼儿主教材fingerprints



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