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1、2011年职称英语( 卫生类)阅读理解中英文背诵模板. 3第一篇 Bringing Nanotechnology to Health Care for the Poor.3第二篇 Medical Journals.3第三篇 ( 新增)Cooking Oil Fumes Cause Tumor.4第四篇 Multivitamins Urged for All Pregnant Women. 4第五篇 U.S. Eats Too Much Salt. 5第六篇 Pushbike Peril. 6第七篇 Late-night Drinking. 6第八 篇 Attitudes to AIDS Now

2、. 7第九篇 U.S. to Start $3.2 Billion Child Health Study in January. 7第十篇 Cigars Instead?.8第7篇 Sleeplessness.8第十二篇 Common-cold Sense.9第十三篇 Drug Reactions-a Major Cause of Death.9第十四篇 Dreams.10第十五篇 Wann People Likely to Keep Cold at Bay.10第卜六篇 Sleep. 11.第十七篇 Eating Potatoes Gives Your Immune System a Boo

3、st.11第十八篇 ( 新增)Exercise Can Replace Insulin for Elderly Diabetics (JI B ) . 72我第十九篇 Adaptation of Living Things.12案第二十篇 FDA: Human, Animal Waste Threatens Produce.13*第二十一篇 Early or Later Day Care.13*第二十二篇 Egypt Felled by Famine.14寺第二十三篇 After-birth Depression Blamed for Woman rs Suicide.14十四篇 ( 新增)

4、Preventing Child Maltreatment.75* 第二十五篇 Medicine Award Kicks off Nobel Prize Announcements.16寺第二十六篇 Obesity: the Scourge of the Western World.16* 十七篇 New Attempts to Eradicate AIDS Virus. 17为 第二十八篇 Diseases of Agricultural Plants.77* 第二 十九篇 Obesity.18* 第三十篇 Silent and Deadly.18.第三十一篇 Spacing in Anim

5、als.19* 第三十二篇 Fruit and Vegetable Juices as Beneficial to Health as Fruits and Veggies.79十三篇 In-line Skating and Injuries.20+ 第三十四篇 ( 新增)Be Alert tol Antimicrobial Resistance (.卫 A ) .21+第三十五篇 Single-parent Kids Do Best.22+ 第三十六篇 Dangerous Sunshine to Children. 22中第三十七篇 Hypertension Drugs Found to C

6、ut Risk of Stroke.23+ 第三十八篇 Pregnancy Anomalies May Lower Breast Cancer Risk.23+第三十九篇 Pool Watch.24+ 第四十篇 Thirsty in Karachi. 24+第四千 篇 Kidney Disease and Heart Disease Spur Each Other. 25+ 第四十二篇 More about Alzlieitner s Disease. 25+第四十三篇 Education of Studen ts with Vision Impairments. 26+ 第四十四篇 Wate

7、r Pollution.26中第四十五篇 DNA Fingerprinting.27+ 第四十六篇 Malnutrition. 27中第四十七篇 Drug Resistance Fades Quickly in Key Aids Drug.28+第四十八篇 IQ-gene.29中第四十九篇 A Gay Biologist.29+ 第五十篇 15 Million Americans Suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder.292011年职称英语( 卫生类)阅读理解中英文背诵模板第一篇 Bringing Nanotechnology to Health Care f

8、or the Poor文章名称问题答案B r i n g i n gN a n o t e c h n o l o g yt o H e a l t h C a r ef o r t h e P o o rBringing nanotechnology to health care for the poor (卫 C)1) Which of the following uses of nanotechnology is NOT mentioned in thepassage?2) How can quantum dots be used to confirm diseases?3) How c

9、an nanotechnolOgy be used to make a drug more effective?4) The following developing countries are doing very wellscientific research on nanotechnology EXCEPT5) Which of the following is the possible risk in using nano materialsmentioned in the passage?Bringing nanotechnology to health care for the p

10、oor (卫 C)1) To produce better and lighter building materials.2) By lighting up in the presence of a targeted molecule.3) By making a drug target the focus of a disease.4) Iran5) D They may behave differently in the body and theenvironment.纳米保健技术走向贫困国家1 . 纳米保健技术走向贫困国家( 卫 C)关于纳米技术的用途下面哪个文中未提及?怎样能使量子点被

11、应用于确认疾病?纳米技术如何被用于提高疗效? 下 述 发 展 中 国 家 在 纳 米 技 术 方 面 没 有 做 很 好 的 科 学 研 究 的是。在利用纳米原料可能凉在的危险下面提到的一句是一 。1.纳米保健技术走向贫困国家( 卫 C)好的农产品和发光的建筑材料当靶分子存在的时候就能通过发光来诊断疾病使药物对准疾病的病灶伊朗纳米材料的颗粒在体内和在体外环境中作用可能不太一样第二篇 Medical Journals文章名称问期答案Medical Journals2. Medical Journals (卫 C)1) The main readers of medical journals ar

12、e2) Which of the following statements is NOT true?3) How many major types of articles are mentioned in the passage?4) An article dealing with results from different studies on the same topic iscalled5) Letters to the editor enable readers of a medical journal to express2. Medical Journals (卫 C)1) he

13、alth professionals.2) Most medical journals publish only online.3) Five.4) a review article.5) articles published in that ments on医学杂志2 . 医学 杂 志 ( 卫 C)医学杂志的主要读者是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 是错误的。文章类型有_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 种。讲述同一话题的不同研究结果的文章属于_ _ _ _ _。读者来信就

14、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 发表评论。2 . 医学 杂 志 ( 卫 C)卫生专业人士大多数医学杂志只在网上出版5综述性文章学杂志上的文章第三篇 (新增) Cooking Oil Fumes Cause Tumor文章名称问题答案Cooking Oil Fumes CauseTtimor3. Cooking Oil Fumes Cause Tumor (卫 C)1) What a new tendency in lung cancer is concluded by the researchers2) Which of the following dise

15、ases is the most common among the lo(residents in Shanghai?3) What symptoms may be complained of by most women with lucancer after long termClose contact with cooking oil fumes1?4) What was the local womens reaction when they learned that cookingoil fumes could lead to cancer?5) Which of the followi

16、ng has relatively little connection with womenslung cancer?3. Cooking Oil Fumes Cause Tumor (卫 C)1) Patients with lung cancer become younger, especially female2) Breast cancer.3) Irritated eyes and throat.4) Surprised5) Personal health and physical condition.厨房油烟可治癌3 . 厨房油烟可致癌( 卫 C)科学家指出癌症的趋势是_ _ _

17、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .在上海的居民中,最普遍的疾病是下列哪一项?长期和油烟接触的女性主诉的是什么症状?当他们知道了厨房油烟能够导致癌症的时候,当地女性的反应是下列哪一项和女性的癌症没有关系?3 . 厨房油烟可 治 癌 ( 卫 C )病人越来越年轻,尤其是女性。肺癌眼睛和喉咙惊讶个人健康和身体状况文章名称 题第四篇 Multivitamins Urged for All Pregnant Women文章名称问题答案M u l t i v i t a m i nsU r g e d f o r A l lP r e g na nt W o m e n4

18、. M u l t i v i t a m i ns U r g e d f o r A l l P r e g na nt W o m e n ( 卫 C )1) How many babies are born with low birth weight in the developedcountries every year according to WHO?2) A pill of multivitamins may contain all of the following substancesEXCEPT3 ) Which of the following is NOT one of

19、 the effects of multivitaminsmentioned in the passage.94) What a role do lymphocytes play in the human body?5) How many percent of babies were born with low birth weight to womenwho were not infected with the AID S virus and took the multivitaminsaccording to a new study?4 . M u l t i v i t a m i ns

20、 U r g e d f o r A l l P r e g na nt W o m e n ( 卫C )1) 2,000,000.2) antiviral substances.3 ) To reduce the rate of babies born too early.4) To raise the body*s immunity against infection.5) Less than 8%.所有怀孕妇女被劝服用多种维生素4 .所有怀孕妇女被劝服用多种维生素( 卫C)依照WHO估计在发达国家每年有_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 婴儿出生体重过低? 下

21、列 不是一片多维可以包含的物质。有关多种维生素的作用下面没提到的是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。淋巴细胞在身体中的作用是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _0在新的研究中,被没有感染艾滋病病毒且服用多维的妇女所生低体重婴儿占百分之_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. 所有怀孕妇女被劝服用多种维生素( 卫C)2 ,000, 000 ( 200 百万)抗病毒物质可以降低婴儿早产比例提高免疫性,抗击感染低于8%第五篇 U.S. Eats Too Much Salt文章名称问题答案U.S. Eats Too M

22、uch SaltU.S. Eats Too Much Salt ( 卫 C)1) Too much salt raises one* s risk for2) How much salt do most American adults eat per day?3 ) To improve their blood pressure, people should have a diet4) The high-risk groups include those5) Packaged, processed and restaurant foods are known to beU.S. Eats To

23、o Much Salt ( 卫 C )1) all of the above.2) Closer to 3 ,500 mg.3 ) rich in potassium and calcium.4) both A and B.5) rich in salt美国人吃盐过量美国人吃盐 过 量 ( 卫C)吃盐过多会增加_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 的危险。大多数美国成年人的日食盐量是多少?为了改善血压,人们应该如何饮食?_ _ _ _ _ _ _。高危人群包括_ _ _ _ _ _ 。一般认为包装、加工和饭店食物_ _ _ _ _ _ _。美国人吃盐 过 量 ( 卫C)以上全是( 高血压、心

24、脏病和中风)接近3 500毫克。采用低钠并富含钾、钙的饮食方式。A项和B项 ( 黑人、年龄超过40岁的人)富含盐量。第六篇 Pushbike Peril文章名称问题答案Pushbike Peril6 . Pushbike Peril ( 卫 C)1) . According to the passage, some engineers are trying toimprove the handlebars because2. ) In paragraph 2, the author mentions a study of seriousabdominal injuries3 .) Paragr

25、aph 3 mainly discuses4 .) The passage implies that5. ) In which of the following ways the handgrip work?6 . Pushbike Peril ( 卫 C)1) they may kill children.2)to tell us why K risty Arbogast began the project.3 )how serious injuries occur.4) it is not easy to persuade manufacturers to adopt the new de

26、sign.5) It reduces the dangerous forces in bicycle accidents.自行车的危害6.自行车的危害( 卫C)1)根据这篇文章,一些工程师努力提高车把,因为2)第二段中,作者提到严重的腹部受伤的研究3 )第三段主要讨论_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4)这篇文章暗示_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5)手把用下列哪种方式能起作用?6 .自行车的 危 害 ( 卫C)1)他们可能会杀死儿童2)来告诉我们为什么K . A开始这个项目3 )如何出现严重的受伤4)并不容易说服制造商去采取新设计5)它在自行车的事故中减少了危险的力第七篇 Late-nig

27、ht Drinking文章名称问题答案L a t e - n i g h t D r i n k i n g7. Late-night Drinking ( 卫 C)1) The author mentions “pick-me-up“ to indicate that2) Which of the following tells us how caffeine affects sleep?3 ) What does paragraph 3 mainly discuss?4) What does the experiment mentioned in paragraph 4prove?5) T

28、he author of this passage probably agrees that.7. Late-night Drinking ( 卫 C)1) Coffee is a stimulant.2) Caffeine halves the bodys levels of sleep hormone.3 ) D ifferent effects of caffeinated coffee and decaf on sleep.4) Caffeine drinkers produce less sleep hormone.5) We should not drink coffee afte

29、r supper.深夜喝咖啡7 .深夜喝咖啡( 卫 C)p i ck-up”表明咖啡是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。咖啡影响睡眠的方式是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。第三段主要在讨论_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。第四段的实验证明_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o文章的作者认为 7 .深夜喝 咖 啡 ( 卫C)刺激物咖啡因使得体内睡眠激素的浓度减半含咖啡因的咖啡和脱咖啡因咖啡对于睡眠的影响喝含咖啡因的咖啡的人产生更少的睡眠激素晚餐后不宜喝咖啡第八篇

30、Attitudes to AIDS Now文章名禄问题答案Attitudes to AID SNow8. Attitudes to AID S Now ( 卫 C)1) What do activists wony about?2) According to the passage, peoples attitude toward the cureof AID S is3 ) The Gallup Poll shows that the number of people4) According to the K aiser Poll, which of the following is NOT

31、correct?5) The word message“ in the last paragraph means8. Attitudes to AID S Now ( 卫 C)1) People may stop wonying about AID S.2) realistic.3 ) who think AID S is the countrys top health killer has fallen.4) More and more people die of AID S now.5) central idea.对待艾滋病的最新态度8. 对待艾滋病的最新态度( 卫C)活动家担心的事情是_

32、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。人们对于艾滋病治愈的态度是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o盖谱勒民意测验表明_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 与恺撒研究不相符。message的意思是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。8 .对待艾滋病的最新态度( 卫C)人们不关心艾滋病现实的认为艾滋病是全国头号健康杀手的人数F降了越来越多的人死于艾滋病central idea第九篇 U.S. to Start $3.2 Billion Child Health Study in January文章名称问

33、题答案U.S. to Start $3.2Billion Child HealthStudy in JanuaryU.S. to Start $3.2 Billion Child Health Study in January1) The aim of the study is to find new ways to2) Researchers will collect all the following EXCEPT3 ) It is expected that through the study the nations health care costs4) The babies of t

34、he participants will be followed5) Which is NOT true of the people in the study?U.S. to Start $3.2 Billion Child Health Study in January1) prevent or treat illness.2) samples of air and water from hospitals.3 ) Will be lowered in the long run.4) for more than two decades.5) TheyUl be from all age gr

35、oups.美国将在一月启动一项耗资三十二亿美元的儿童健康研究项目美国将在一月启动一项耗资三十二亿美元的儿童健康研究项目( 卫C)这项研究的目标是为发现一种新方法从而 。研究人员将丕收集下列哪项?希望通过这项研究使国家的保健费用_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o参加的婴儿们将被跟踪到_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。对于研究中的人,下列哪个是错误的?美国将在一月启动一项耗资三十二亿美元的儿童健康研究项目( 卫C)预防或治疗疾病从医院中( 收集的)空气和水的样品在长期的运作中隆低&大约20年他们将来自所有的年龄组第十篇 Cigars Instead?文章名称问题答案Cigars Instead?10

36、. Cigars I n s te a d ?( 卫 C)1) According to the report, smoking three or four cigars a day2) In the passage how many cancers are mentioned in relation tosmoking cigars daily?3 ) What is the main idea of the article Cigars: Health Effects andTrends, ?4) What is the doctors advice to those cigar-smok

37、ers?5) In the context of this passage, secondhand smoke“ may mean10. Cigars I n s te a d ?( 卫 C)1) greatly increases the risk of more than one cancer forsmokers.2) Seven.3 ) When it comes to cancer, cigars are not any safer thancigarettes.4) To give it up completely5) being near cigar smokers when t

38、hey are smoking.换抽雪茄1 0 .换抽雪茄( 卫C)一天吸三或四支烟会_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。提及疾病的种类是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。文章的中心是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o医生的建议是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。二手烟是指_ _ 1 0 .换抽雪茄( 卫C)增加癌症的可能7雪茄不比香烟更安全完全放弃离吸烟者近第十一篇 Sleeplessness文章名称问题答案Sleeplessness11. Sleepl

39、essness ( 卫 C)1) The word 4insomnia means2) How many possible causes of sleeplessness are mentioned in thesecond paragraph?3 ) The expression Second on the list” in the second paragraph means4) Concerning the use of sleeping pills, which of the followingstatements is true?5) Which of the following d

40、oes not fit with sleep hygiene?11. Sleeplessness ( 卫 C)1) having trouble falling asleep.2) Six.3 ) the second most important cause of sleeplessness.4) Sleeping pills should be used in a very small amount.5) Make a rule to go to bed at a specific time every day.失眠1 1 .失 眠 ( 卫失insomnia的意思是_ _ _ _文中第二段

41、提到了_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 种失眠原因。second on the lis t 的意思是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。安眠药片的使用应当是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 与睡眠卫生不相符。1 1 .失 眠 ( 卫c)睡不着或者入睡有困难6第二重要的失眠原因小量的每天规定好睡觉的确定时间第十二篇 Commomcold Sense文章名祢问题答案Common-cold Sense12. Common-cold Sense ( 卫 C)1) According to the e

42、ssay, you may have a cold because2) The best way to keep yourself from getting colds is3 ) Children have more colds because4) When you are having a cold,5) When one is having a cold, he often has some symptomsEXCEPT12. Common-cold Sense ( 卫 C)1) the spread of rhinoviruses gets people infected.2) to

43、keep yourself clean.3 ) they are not immune to many cold viruses.4) it is certainly not the same kind of cold that you had last time.5) having a stomachache.关于感冒的常识12. 关于感冒的常识( 卫C)感冒病毒是由于_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _引起的。预防感冒的最好方法是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。孩子们得感冒多的原因是_这次与上次得的感冒_ _ _ _ _ _ _

44、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _不是感冒的症状。1 2 .关于感冒的常识( 卫C)鼻病毒保持干净& 们对许多感冒病毒没有免疫力肯定不一样胃痛第十三篇 Drug Reactions-a Major Cause of Death文章名称问题答案D rug Reactions- aMajor Cause ofD eath13 . D rug Reactions- a Major Cause of D eath ( 卫 C)1) Researchers at the University of Toronto believe

45、 that2) The investigators say that3 ) An American research estimates that the total sum of moneyspent in treating AD Rs each year is as much as4) The Canadian investigators think that5) According to D r. D avid Bates, hospitals in America13 . D rug Reactions- a Major Cause of D eath ( 卫 C)1) AD Rs h

46、ave caused many deaths in America over the past 3 0 years.2) 6 . 7% of all hospitalized patients in American experience AD Rs each yearon average.3 ) $ 4, 000, 000, 000.4) the AD R incidence figures from their research are perhaps too low.5) are not paying enough attention to possibilities of AD R h

47、appenings.药反应至死的主要原因1 3 .药反应至死的主要 原 因 ( 卫C)研究者认为. _ _ _ _ _ _ _0调查者发现_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O每年花费在治疗AD R的金额是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。研究统计AD R患者的数目_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。美国的医院_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 3 .药反应至死的主要 原 因 ( 卫C)在过去的3 0年中,A D R导致了很多美国人死亡。在美国,每年平均有6 .7%住院病人经历过AD

48、 R。40亿美元A D R的发生率也许是太低了对可能发生的A D R没有太多关注第 十 四 篇 Dreams文章名称问题答案D reams14. D reams ( 卫 C)1) There are in general two opinions about what we experience in adream:2) According to this article, we3 ) In your dreams, you4) This essay tells us that5) Based on what is discussed in this writing, an adult may

49、 have atmost about_ of the time of his or her sleep dreaming.14. D reams ( 卫 C)1) one, dreams put new infonnation into our memories, and two,dreams have real meanings in pictures different from our logicalthinking.2) almost always see different pictures“ when we are dreaming.3 ) seldom feel fear now

50、 and joy later.4) people usually dream in an REM sleep.5) 25%梦1 4 .梦 ( 卫C)对梦里体验通常的两种观点_ _ _ _ _ _。由文章我们可知 一在梦里你会_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。这篇文章告诉我们的是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。成年人在他的睡眠中有_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 的时间在做梦。1 4 .梦 ( 卫C)一是梦带来新信息, 二是有图像语言的真实意义梦中能看到不同画面很少有喜怒的变换梦经常在REM阶段发生25%第

51、十五篇 Warm People Likely to Keep Cold at Bay文章名称问题答案Warm PeopleLikely to K eepCold at Bay15. Warm People Likely to K eep Cold at Bayl ( 卫 C)1) According to a study author, when people with a positive emotional styledo get a cold, they may think2) People with a positive emotional style may have all o t

52、he followingcharacteristics EXCEPT3 ) Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics that people with anegative emotional style may have?4) How did the researchers test their volunteers?5) Which of the following items is NOT included in the data that theresearchers collected?15. Warm Peopl

53、e Likely to K eep Cold at Bayl ( 卫 C)1) that their illness is not so serious2) selfish3 ) Warm-blooded.4) By giving everyone nasal drops containing either acold virus or a particular flu virus.5) Blood test.乐观情绪助你远离感冒1 5 .乐观情绪助你远离感冒( 卫C)根据作者研究,当人们得了感冒可以以积极的情绪,他们也许认为O以下哪个不是情绪乐观的人的典型特征?不属于情绪低落、消极的人所应有

54、的性格特征的是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。15. 乐观情绪助你远离 感 冒 ( 卫C)病情不那么严重 自私自利的人热情洋溢给每个人些含有感冒病毒或某种流感病毒的滴鼻剂研究者是通过_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 试这些志愿者的?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 不包含在研究者所收集的数据中。验血第 十 六 篇 Sleep文章名称问题答案Sleep16. Sleep ( 卫 C)1) The question raised in Paragraph 2 is “no mere academic one” .2) According to t

55、he passage, the main problem about night work isthat3) According to the passage, the best solution to the problem seemsto be4) In the second paragraph, t4the third, means5) In the last sentence of the second paragraph, ttanother means16. Sleep ( 卫 C)1) because shift work in industry requires people

56、to change theirsleeping habits.2) your life is disturbed by changing from day to night routines andback.3) to employ people who will always work at night.4) the third week.5) another routine.睡眠(1 6 .睡 眠 ( 卫 C)Sleep ( 理 C、卫 C)第二段提出的问题是“ 不仅仅理论的东西”根据本文,关于夜班的主要问题是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _根据本文,最好的解决问题的方法

57、是第二段的“ 第三”意思是第二段的最后一句话“ 另一个”的意思是1 6 睡眠( 卫 C)因为倒班制要求人们改变他们的睡眠习惯你的生活被日夜变化的工作干扰雇一直进行夜班工作的人第三周 另 个例行公事* 第十七篇 Eating Potatoes Gives Your Immune System a Boost文章名称问题答案Eating PotatoesGives YourImmune System aBoost17. Eating Potatoes Gives Your Immune System a Boost ( 卫 B)1) What form of potato is the most

58、nutrient to the human body?2) What does the reduction in leucocyte levels in the body mean?3) For what a purpose did the researchers use raw potato starch intheir experiment?4) All of the following foods are rich in resistant starch EXCEPT5) What a kind of starch is resistant starch after all?17. Ea

59、ting Potatoes Gives Your Immune System a Boost ( 卫 B)1) Potato salad.2) It may mean the reduced levels of inflammation.3) They wanted to simulate the effects of a diet high in resistantstarch.4) vegetables5) It cannot be digested in the small intestine and fennents in thelarge intestine.食用土豆可以促进我们的免

60、疫系统1 7 .食用土豆可以促进我们的免疫系统( 卫 B)食用土豆最有营养的做法是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _人体内的白细胞减少意味着 。17.食用土豆可以促进我们的免疫系统( 卫 B)土豆沙拉炎症水平下降研究者在实验中使用未经加工的土豆淀粉,是为了 。下面不富含耐久淀粉的食物是 。耐久淀粉的特点是 。模拟富含耐久淀粉的饮食所起的作用蔬菜不能在小肠中消化,而是分流到大肠,在大肠中发酵* 第十八篇 ( 新增)Exercise Can Replace Insulin for Elderly Diabetics ( 卫 B)文章名称腱答案Exercise CanReplace

61、Insulin forElderly D iabeticsExercise Can Replace Insulin for Elderly Diabetics1) How could most elderly type II diabetics stop taking insulin?2) Physical exercise may increase the body ability to utilise insulin by3 ) The subjects of the research tests conducted at the Copenhagen CentHospital inclu

62、ded4) To what a degree have diebetics to exercise in order to achieve the desireffect1?5 ) .According to D eta, among most diabetics the importance of exercise is timportanceExercise Can Replace Insulin for Elderly Diabetics1) By doing brisk exercise for half an hour at least three timesa week.2) 3

63、0 per cent.3 ) both A and B.4) lb the degree where they begin to sweat5) less understood than of watching their diet.人体心脏可产生新细胞人体心脏可产生新细胞( 卫B)大多数n型老年糖尿病患者怎样能够不用注射胰岛素?体育锻炼能够将身体利用胰岛素的能力提高到一肌肉研究中心的实验主题包括. _为了达到理想的效果,锻炼需要达到什么程度? 根 据 德 拉 医 生 的 说 法 ,在 老 年 糖 尿 病 患 者 看 来 ,锻炼的重要性人体心脏可产生新细胞( 卫B)每周坚持三次轻快的体育锻炼3

64、 0%A和B到达出汗的程度小于饮食的重要性* 第十九篇 Adaptation of Living Things文章名称问题答案Adaptation ofLiving Things19. Adaptation of Living Things ( 卫 B)1) Some plants and animals develop superior characteristics so that they may2) In the first paragraph, the word “environments“ could best be replacedby3 ) It can be inferred

65、 from this passage that the feathers of a bird are colored19. Adaptation of Living Things ( 卫 B)1) become better adapted to the environments thanothers of their kind.2) surroundings.3 ) to match its environment.* 第二十篇 FDA: Human, Animal Waste Threatens Produce4) Which of the following is not directl

66、y mentioned in the passage?5) The author cites the behavior of warm-blooded mammals in order to that aliving thing may have the ability4) A living organism may adapt in its sleeping habit.5) to create an environment of its own.生物的适应性1 9 .生物的适应性( 卫B )动植物具有超强特征以至于_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。environments

67、 的意思是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。鸟的羽毛被着色是为了_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 没有直接提到。举出温血动物的例子是为了证明_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。19. 生物的适应性( 卫B)它们能够比其他的动植物更好的适应环境surroundings与环境相配生物体在睡眠习惯上的适应性生物体有能力创造内环境文章名称问题答案FD A: Human, Animal WasteThreatens Produce20. FD A: Human, Animal Waste Threate

68、ns Produce ( 卫 B)1) “Food-borne diseases in this essay means those diseases2) Some fruit grower groups believe that most food-bornediseases are caused by3 ) An FD A official said that putting the guidelines intopractice4) Consumer groups criticized the FD A guidelines becausethey didnt think that th

69、ese guidelines5) The last paragraph suggests that20. FD A: Human, Animal Waste Threatens Produce ( 卫 B)1) which people get by eating fruits which have been polluted2) people involved in distributing fresh produce.3 ) would not be very expensive.4) would surely be earned out.5) a good way should be f

70、ound to encourage foreign growersto follow the FD A guidelines.人畜排泄物危及农产品2 0 .人畜排泄物危及农产品( 卫B )由食物产生的疾病是指_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。一些水果蔬菜种植团体认为_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。FD A说把方针付诸实践_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。消费者协会批评方针的原因是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。最后一段表明_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。2 0 .人畜排泄物危及农产品( 卫B)人们

71、吃那些已经被污染的蔬菜和水果而得的病大多数由食物所引起的疾病与分配新鲜农产品的人有关不会很昂贵方针没有法律效力,不能保证实施好的方法是鼓励外国种植者遵守方针* 第 二 篇 Early or Later Day Care文章名称问题答窠Early or LaterD ay Care21. Early or Later D ay Car ( 卫 B)1) Which of the following statements would Bowlby support?2) Which of the following is derivable from Bowlbys work?3 ) It is s

72、uggested that modern societies differ from traditionalsocieties in that4) Which of the following statements is NOT an argumentagainst Bowlbys theory?5) Which of the following best expresses the writers attitude21. Early or Later D ay Car ( 卫 B)1) The first three years of ones life is extremely impor

73、tant to thelater development of personality.2) Mothers should not send their children to day care centers untilthey are three years of older.3 ) the parents-child relationship is more exclusive in modernsocieties.4) Parents find the immediate eifects of early day care difficult totowards early day c

74、are?deal with.5) The issue is controversial and its settlement calls for the use ofstatistics.早期或稍晚期的日托2 1 .早期或稍晚期的 日 托 ( 卫 B)Bowlby支持的观点是从Bowlby的研究工作中可以得知现代社会与传统社会的不同之处在于_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。与Bowlby观点相一致的观点是_ _ _ _ 。作者对于早托的态度是 。2 1 .早期或稍晚期的日托( 卫 B)一生中的头三年对孩子的个性发展极其重要母亲在三岁之前不应该把孩子送到日托中心去在现代社会中

75、亲子关系更加隔离父母们发现早托的后果难以处理这个问题还没有搞清楚,它的解决需要统计学研究* 第二十二篇 Egypt Felled by Famine文章名称问题答案Egypt Felled by Famine22. Egypt Felled by Famine ( 卫 B)1) Why does the author mention pyramid builders”?2) Which of the following factors was ultimately responsible forthe fall of the civilization of ancient Egypt?3) W

76、hich of the following statements is true?4) According to Krom, Egypts Old Kingdom fell5) 5.the word “devastating in the last paragraph could be bestreplaced by22. Egypt Felled by Famine ( 卫 B)1 )Because even they were unable to rescue their civilization.2)Change of climate.3)The White Nile and the B

77、lue Nile are branches of the RiverNile.4)immediately after a period of drought.5)“damaging”.埃及由于饥荒而灭亡2 2 .埃及由于饥荒而灭亡( 卫 B)1)为什么作者要提及“ 金字塔的建造者”2)下面哪个因素最终要为古埃及文明的灭亡负责?3)下面哪个说法是正确的?4)根据K rom ,埃及的古老王国衰败5)最后一段的单词“devastating” 能被替换的是埃及由于饥荒而灭亡( 理 C)1) 因为甚至他们不能挽救他们的文明2) 气候的变化3) White Nile 和 Blue Nile 是 River

78、 Nile 的分支4) 很快在旱灾期过后5) damaging* 第二十三篇 After-birth Depression Blamed for Womans Suicide文章名称问题答案A fter-birth DepressionBlamed for Woman, sSuicide23. A fter-birth Depression Blamed for Woman,s Suicide (卫 B)1) Which of the following is NOT a symptom of postpartumpsychosis?2) It was considered fortunate

79、 by Stokes mother in the miserableevent3) A patient suffering from “baby blues may present briefly one ormore of the following symptoms EXCEPT4) How many bearing women have experiences of after-birthdepression?23. A fter-birth Depression Blamed for Woman, sSuicide (卫 B)1) Inflamed breast.2) that Sto

80、kes had not taken her daughter with her.3) having an intention of suicide.4) About one fifth of them.5) Judy Kirby of Indianapolis.5) Who induced the most serious consequence among thepostpartum depression patients mentioned in the passage?产后抑郁症妇女自杀的罪魁祸首2 3 .产后抑郁症妇女自杀的罪魁祸首( 卫B ) 不是产后抑郁症的症状。Stokes感到幸

81、运的是 _ _ _ _o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 不是产后情绪低落的症状。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 妇女经历过产后抑郁症。 举出的病历最严重。2 3 .产后抑郁症妇女自杀的罪魁祸首( 卫B)乳房发炎没有带女儿去有自杀倾向大约1/5 K I* 第二十四篇 (新增) Preventing Child Maltreatment文章名称问题答案PreventingChildMaltreatment24 Preventing Child Maltreatment (卫 B )1) The difficult situation in the globa

82、l estimates of the child maltreatment is factors EXCEaccording to the passage.2) Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?3 ) Many homicide deaths in children under 15 are wrongly categorized into thefollowing types EXCEPT_according to the passage.4) Which of the following

83、is NOT mentioned as the bad impact caused bychmaltreatment?5) The maltreated children often bear all the following characteristicsEXCEPT_according to the passage.24. Preventing Child Maltreatment (卫 B)1) there is a shortage of the professional data collecto2) 25-50% of all children were reported to

84、have beenphysically abused.3 ) dianhea4) The child will behave badly in his memory of hischildhood when he grows up.5) they often try their best to meet the requiremeifrom their parents遏制虐待儿童现象2 4 . 遏制虐待儿童 现 象 ( 卫 B)根据短文, F列哪项不是造成评估全球儿童虐待蔓延程度的原因?根据短文,哪一项陈述是不正确的?很多15岁以下儿童遭到谋杀都被错误的归类于以下类型,除了有哪一项不是?儿童遭

85、到虐待造成的糟糕影响下列哪项没有提到?儿童遭到虐待经常要具备一些特征,下列哪项不属于_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.2 4 .遏制虐待儿童现象( 卫 B)由于缺乏些低收入国家的精确数据有25%到 50%的儿童曾经受到身体上的虐待。痢疾当他长大以后,他会因为他童年的记忆而表现很糟糕。他们经常会尽力如满足父母的要求* 第二十五篇 Medicine Award Kicks off Nobel Prize Announcements文章名称问题答案Medicine AwardKicks off NobelPrizeAnnouncements25. When fear takes control ofl

86、 the mind (卫 B)1) Who is NOT a likely candidate for this years Nobel Prize in medicine?2) Which is NOT true of Alfred Nobel?3) Which was NOT originally one of the Nobel Prizes?4) The word kicks in line 6 from the bottom probably means5) The research by Blackburn and Greider helps suggest the role of

87、25. When fear takes control ofl the mind (卫 B)1) Linda Buck.2) He gave clear instructions on how to select winners.3) The economics prize.4) excitement.5) telomerase in the growth of cancer cells.诺贝尔奖的宣布从医学奖开始诺贝尔奖的宣布从医学奖开始( 卫B)谁不可能是今年诺贝尔医学奖的候选人_ _ _ _ _。 关 于 “ 诺贝尔”下列错误的是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?下列哪项最初不是诺贝

88、尔奖_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。 倒数第六行的“kicks” ,其意思可能是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。该调查通过Blackburn和Greider的帮助,表明 ?诺贝尔奖的宣布从医学奖开始( 卫B)Linda Buck他给出了明确的说明如何选得主经济奖excitement ( 极度兴奋,极大乐趣)端粒酶在癌细胞中增长的作用* 第二十六篇 Obesity: the Scourge of the Western World文章名称问题答案O b e s i t y : t h eS c o u r g e o f t h eW e s t e r n W o r l d2 6 . O

89、b e s i t y : t h e S c o u r g e o f t h e W e s t e r n W o r l d ( 卫 B )1) It is estimated that there are_people suffering from obesity in theworld.2) It seems that the_ people are least affected by obesity among thedeveloped countries and areas mentioned in the passage.3) Which of the following

90、is most often accompanied by obesity?4) What is the correlation between body weight and heart disease and bloodpressure?5) From the last paragraph we may infer that one of the effective measuressuggested by Ludnik to prevent children from being obese would be26. O b e s i t y : t h e S c o u r g e o

91、 f t h e W e s t e r n W o r l d ( 卫 B )1) 250,000,0002) Japanese3) Diabetes.4) The more body weight one gains, the more risk of heartdisease and high blood pressure he has.5) to tell them to spend less time watching TV.肥胖症-西方世界的灾祸26. 肥胖症西方世界的灾祸( 卫B )全世界有_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _人患了肥胖症。_ _ _ _ _ _ _

92、 _ _ _ _ _受到肥胖症的影响最少。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _最容易伴随着肥胖症。体重每增加_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 得心脏病和高血压的风险就增加一。预防孩子变胖的建议是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o26. 肥 胖症西方世界的灾祸( 卫B)250, 000, 000日本糖尿病10%, 13 %少看电视* 第二十七篇 New Attempts to Eradicate AIDS Virus文章名称问题答案New Attempts toEradicate AID SVirus27. New Attempts to Eradicate AID

93、 S Virus ( 卫 B)1) According to the passage, the attempt to eradicate the AID S virus2) Which is NOT true about the study?3 )What do Hes words “Bear in mind undetectable does not equal absent“mean?4) How do we prove that the drugs have wiped out the remaining viruses?5)Other scientists are looking at

94、 experiments that are similar in that they are27. New Attempts to Eradicate AID S Virus ( 卫 B)1) continues to be hopeful.2) 16 patients did not go through the whole study.3 ) AID S virus can be undetectable in the blood.4) To stop the drugs to see if the virus comes back.5) bold.艾滋病治疗的新突破2 7 .艾滋病治疗的

95、新突破( 卫B)根除艾滋病病毒的尝试是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o研究者通过数粪堆的方法估计象数是因为_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。艾滋病病毒存在于血液中,但是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。证明艾滋病病毒是否已经根除的方法是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。科学家的态度是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。2 7 .艾滋病治疗的新突破( 卫B)有希望的16个病人没有做完整个研究未被发觉停止用药看艾滋病病毒是否会再次出现大胆的* 第二十八篇 Diseases of Agri

96、cultural Plants文章名称问题答案D iseases ofAgriculturalPlants28. D iseases of Agricultural Plants ( 卫 B)How many diseases are known to attack wheat?According to this passage, which of the following would a plantdisease result in if left unchecked?28. D iseases of Agricultural Plants ( 卫 B)1) Around 40.2) So

97、cial upheavals.3 ) Some plants have relative immunity to a great many diseases,What is the main idea of the second paragraph?According to the passage, some plant diseases can be prevented byWhich of the following statements is not true?while others have a susceptibility to them.4) Inoculation.5) Sym

98、ptoms are always helpful in identifying diseases.农业作物的病害2 8 .农业作物的病害( 卫 B)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _袭击小麦。 农 作 物 疾 病 如 果 置 之 不 理 的 话 可 能 会 导 致O第二段的中心思想是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。通过_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _方式可以预防一些疾病。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _不正确。2 8 .农业作物的病害( 卫 B)大约40种疾病社会动荡有些植物对于许多疾病具有免疫力, 而有些植物容易感染疾病注射症状在确

99、定疾病方面总是很重要* 第二十九篇 Obesity文章名称问题答案Obesity29. Obesity ( 卫 B)1) What is obesity?2) If we say that “fat is critical for good health,M we mean that3) If a woman is 1.6m tall and weighs 49 kg, she4) A heavy man5) According to this article, fat people may be29. Obesity ( 卫 B)1) Obesity is being too fat.2)

100、fat is very important for people to keep healthy.3) should not be considered unhealthy.4) may have muscle tissue that weighs more than fat.5) looked down upon by others.肥 胖 症2 9 .肥 胖 症 ( 卫 B)肥胖指的是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .脂肪对于健康而言_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。身高1 .6 米,体重49 公斤的女子被认为是_ _ _ _ _ _ _。体重很重的人

101、有可能是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。胖人有可能_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o29. 肥 胖 症 ( 卫 B)太胖了很重要不会不健康肌肉组织比脂肪重被人瞧不起* 第三十篇 Silent and Deadly文章名称问题答案Silent and Deadly30. Silent and Deadly ( 卫 B)1) Which of the following is NOT true of mini-strokes?2) To prevent mini-strokes from turning into major strokes, it isi

102、mportant to30. Silent and Deadly ( 卫 B)1) The cause of them remains unidentified.2) seek prompt medical treatment.3) are frequently hard to recognize.3) The passage indicates that the symptoms of mini-strokes4) All of the following may be signs of mini-strokes EXCEPT for5) It can be inferred from th

103、e passage that mini-strokes are4) severe headache caused by external injury.5) silent and deadly.安静和致死3 0 .安静和致死( 卫 B)对小卒的阐述不正确的是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。为防止小卒引发症状最重要的是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。小卒的症状是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 不是小卒发生时的症状。文中

104、表明小卒是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。3 0 .安静和致死( 卫 B)未发现原因及时就医难以捉摸外伤引起的头疼不知不觉的极大伤害* 第三H 篇 Spacing in Animals文章名称问题答案Spacing inAnimals31. Spacing in Animals ( 卫 B)1) Which of the following is the most appropriate definition of Flight Distance?2) If an animaFs critical distance is penetrated, it wil

105、l3) According to the passage, social distance refers to4) Which of the following could best replace the word band in We can think ofit as a hidden band that contains the group” (in Paragraph 3)?5) The example of the children holding hands when crossing the street in the lastparagraph shows that31. S

106、pacing in Animals ( 卫 B)1) Distance between an animal and its enemy beforefleeing.2) begin to attack.3) psychological distance.4) Strip of land5) social distance is sometimes determined by outsidefactors.动物间的间隔距离3 1 .动物间的间隔 距 离 ( 卫 B)逃跑距离是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o如果越过动物的临界距离,它就会_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

107、 _ _ _。群居距离是一种_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。群居距离是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o孩子手拉手过马路的例子证明_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。3 1 .动物间的间隔 距 离 ( 卫 B)逃跑之前动物与敌人之间的距离开始攻击心理距离变化的群居距离会受到外界因素的影响* 第三十二篇 Fruit and Vegetable Juices as Beneficial to Health as Fruits and Veggies文章名称问题答案Fruit andVegeta

108、bleJuices as32. Fruit and Vegetables Juices As Beneficial to Health as Fruitsand Veggiesl ( 卫 B)1) What on earth in both fruits and vegetables and their juices plays the most32. Fruit and Vegetables Juices As Beneficial toHealth as Fruits and Veggiesl ( 卫 B)1) Fiber and antioxidant.B e n e f i c i a

109、1 t oHe a l t h a sF r u i t sa n dV e g g i e simportant role in reducing risk for diseases?2) The judgment that fruit and vegetable juices are less beneficial to reducingchronic disease development is3) The review of the literature has documented the important role of fruit andvegetable juices in

110、reducing the risk of various disease,_ in particular.4) A large epidemiological study also found that using various 100% fruit andvegetable juices contributed to a reduced risk for_ .5 ) People who drink 3 4 servings of fruit and vegetable juices weekly mayrisk of developing Alzheimers disease_those

111、 who drinkonly once a week.2) incorrect3) cancer and cardiovascular disease4) Alzheimers disease5) have three quarters lower, than水果和蔬菜汁与水果和蔬菜一样对健康有好处3 2 .水果和蔬菜汁与水果和蔬菜一样对健康有 好 处 ( 卫 B)究竟是什么使水果和蔬菜和他们的汁能起到减少疾病风险的重要作用果汁和蔬菜汁对减少腐性病没好处的论断是 _ 。文学评论记载了水果和蔬菜汁在降低各种疾病的风险的重要作用,特别是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

112、 _ _ _ _。一项大的流行病学研究也发现用各种各样100%水果和蔬菜汁可减少带来_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _风险。每周饮用3 -4 次水果和蔬菜汁人可能比每周只喝一次的人产生早老性痴呆的风险是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _O3 2 .水果和蔬菜汁与水果和蔬菜一样对健康有好处( 卫B)纤维和抗氧化剂不正确的癌症和心血管病早老性痴呆低于3/4* 第三十三篇 In-line Skating and Injuries文章名称问题答案In-line Skating andInjuries33. In-lin

113、e Skating and Injuries ( 卫 B)1) How many people took part in in-line skating in the US in 1995?2) Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the most common reasonfor injuries?3) What are the things experts might NOT advise youngsters to wear?4) “Truck-surfing“ means5) According to the last paragrap

114、h, bumping with a motor vehicle took upof the deaths reported since 1992.33. In-line Skating and Injuries ( 卫 B)1) Fewer than 17. 7 million.2) Skating with wrist and elbow wounds.3) Boots and thick clothes.4) skating while holding onto a moving truck.5) over 80%非运动场所滑冰与损伤 3 3 .非运动场所滑冰与损伤( 卫 B)3 3 .非

115、运动场所滑冰与损伤( 卫 B)1995年_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 人参与滑旱冰。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 未提到。滑旱冰时不能够_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OTruck-surf ing 指的是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。被车撞死的人占总死亡的_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。少于 17. /m illion带着腕伤和肘伤滑旱冰穿靴子和厚衣服滑冰时抓住迅速移动的卡车超过80%+ 第三十四篇 ( 新增)Be Alert tol Antimicrobial Resistance

116、 ( 卫 A )文章名称问题答案Be Alert tolAntimicrobialResistanceBe Alert tol Antimicrobial Resistance1) Why is the use of antibiotics arousing globally increasing interest?2) Which of the following is true of the article published in The Lan(Infectious Diseases?3) Who of the following is NOT mentioned in the pas

117、sage to take cautious aproper action about the AMR?4) All the following recommendations to the governments from WHO is trEXCEPT5 ) What can you infer from the passage?Be Alert tol Antimicrobial Resistance1) The misuse of the antibiotics has causedstronger bacteria resistance and no new drugsagainst

118、the bacteria are available at present.2) A new strain has been found to be highlyresistant to almost all antibiotics.3) Those who study in universities.4) Limit on the hospitals to store more antibioticdrugs than they can use.5) Even with the new strains against the existingantibiotics, the transmis

119、sion of multi-drugresistant organisms is still under control.警惕抗菌药物的耐药性警惕抗菌药物的耐 药 性 ( 卫A) 抗菌药物的使用之所以会不断引起全球兴趣的原因是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。 在 柳叶刀- 传染病期刊上出版的文章中,下列哪项是正确的O 关 于 A M R要采取谨慎和正确的方法,下列哪项在文章中没有提到_ _ _ _ _ _ 。下面是关于W H O 向政府提出的呼吁,下列哪项不包括在内 从 文 章 中 ,你能推测出_ _ _ _ _ _ _O警惕抗菌药物的前 药 性 ( 卫A)抗菌药物的滥用已经引起微生物的较强抗

120、药性, 目前没有新的药物来抵抗微生物。发现了一种新的药菌种类,它对几乎所有的抗菌药物都具有高度抗性。在大学里学习的那些人。限制医院储存过多抗菌药物,不允许超过他们的使用数量。虽然有对抗现存抗菌药物的新药菌种类,但多重抗药生物的传播依然处于控制状态。+ 第三十五篇 Single-parent Kids Do Best文章名称舸题答案Single-parent Kids DoBest35. Single-parent Kids Do Best ( 卫 A)1) With which of the following statements would the authorprobably agree

121、?2) According to the passage, in what way does family conflictaffect the quality of the offspring?3) What is the relationship between paragraph 4 and paragraph5?4) According to Hartley, which of the following is NOTinfluenced by sexual conflict?5) According to the passage, people believe that a fema

122、lesreproductive strategy is influenced by35 Single-parent Kids Do Best ( 卫 A)1 )Two-parent families produce less attractive children.2)The young males get less care.3)Experiment and result.4)The offsprings body size.5)Ecological factors.单亲幼儿最出色3 5 .单亲幼儿最出色( 卫 A)双亲家庭的孩子_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

123、 _ 家庭冲突会影响到后代的质量是因为_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。第四和第五段的关系是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 不会受到性别冲突的影响。雌性动物的繁殖策略会受到_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 的影响。35. 单亲幼儿最 出 色 ( 卫 A)不太吸引人孩子得到更少的照顾实验和结果关系身材的大小生态因素+ 第三十六篇 Dangerous Sunshine to Children文章名称问题答案Dangerous

124、Sunshineto Children36. Dangerous Sunshine to Children ( 卫 A)Why does the risk of developing skin cancers in children becomegreater and greater?How many people die from skin cancers including melanoma all overthe world every year?What people are more likely to develop eye cataracts?All of the followi

125、ng articles may use some chemicals unfavorable forthe preservation of the ozone layer EXCEPTThe phrase for good in the last paragraph can be best replaced by36. Dangerous Sunshine to Children ( 卫 A)1) Because the earths protective ozone layer declinesyear after year.2) An average of 66,000,3) People

126、 living near the equator.4) medicines5) permanently日光有害儿童健康3 6 . 日光有害儿童 健 康 ( 卫 A)为什么儿童患皮肤癌的风险越来越多。每年全世界有_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 人死于皮肤癌包括黑色素瘤。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 人最有可能的白内障。3 6 . 日光有害儿童健康( 卫 A)保护性臭氧层一年比一年减少合平均66000居住在赤道附近的根据文章下面除_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _外不赞成用化学制品保护 医学臭氧层。per

127、manently ( 永久) 短 语“ for good在最后一段能被取代。+ 第三十七篇 Hypertension Drugs Found to Cut Risk of Stroke文章名称问题答案Hypertension D rugsFound to Cut Risk ofStroke3 7. Hypertension D rugs Found to Cut Risk of Stroke ( 卫 A)1) How many people surviving the first stroke may suffer anotherattack during the following five

128、 years?2) Taking two blood pressure-lowering drugs may produce_ lessrisk of secondary strokes than taking only one such drug.3 ) Which of the following is NOT a symptom left by strokes?4) How many strokes may be reduced in a year if most of strokepatients can be treated in the way as the article rec

129、ommends?5) What patients among those who have had a stroke will benefitgreatly from taking blood pressure-lowering drugs?3 7. Hypertension D rugs Found to Cut Risk of Stroke( 卫A)1) 20% of them.2 ) about one fourteenth3 ) Habitual sleeplessness.4) 500,0005 ) All of the above.发现高血压药品可降低中风的危险3 7 .发现高血压

130、药品可降低中风的危险( 卫A )一 的人一次中风后会再次发作。服用两种比一种可减少_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 的危害。 _ 不属于中风后遗症。治疗可避免_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 次的中风。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 的病人得过中风对降压有益。3 7 .发现高血压药品可降低中风的危险( 卫A)20% 1/40习惯性失眠50万所有+ 第三十八篇 Pregnancy Anomalies May Lower Breast Cancer Risk文章名称问 题 .答案Pregnancy Anomal

131、iesMay Lower BreastCancer Risk3 8. Pregnancy Anomalies May Lower Breast Cancer Risk( 卫 A)1) Which of the following may have NOTHING to do with a decline inbreast cancer incidence?2) According to the study, what on earth may play an important role inlowering breast cancer risk?3 ) From the fifth para

132、graph we may infer that pregnant women whoseblood pressure_ may have the least risk of breast cancer.4) Which of the following is NOT a function of the placenta?5) It seems that Cohn is_ of finding out the exact mechanisms at3 8.Pregnancy Anomalies May Lower Breast CancerRisk( 卫 A)1) Experiencing se

133、rious morning sickness during the earlyperiod of pregnancy.2 ) The changes in the levels of hormones and othersubstances in the mothers body.3 ) increases the most4) Protecting the mother against breast cancer.5) confidentwork.怀孕异常会降低乳腺癌发生率3 8 .怀孕异常会降低乳腺癌发生率( 卫A )与降低乳腺癌无关的是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

134、_ _ _ _。在降低乳腺癌方面,起到重要作用的是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _的妇女乳腺癌下降的最多。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _不是胎盘的功能。Cohn对于搞清楚确切机制的态度是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o3 8. 怀孕异常会降低乳腺癌发 生 率 ( 卫A)怀孕期间早晨恶心这些异常所引起的体内激素以及其他物质水平发生变化血压升得最高保护母亲预防乳腺癌自信的+ 第三十九篇 Pool Watch文章名称问题答案Pool Watch39. Poo

135、l Watch ( 卫 A)1) AI means the same as2) What is required of AI software to save a life?3 ) How does Poseidon save a life?4) Which of the following statements about Trevor baylis is NOT true?5) The word “considered“ in paragraph 5 could be best replaced by39. Pool Watch ( 卫 A)l)artificial intelligenc

136、e.2)It can distinguish between a swimmer anda shadow.3 )It alerts the lifeguard.4)He runs.5) “rated”.泳池监护3 9 .泳池监护( 卫A) A I的意思是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o智能软件挽救寿命的方式是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。P同志挽救生命的方式是 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _0关于TB同志的观点不正确的是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。consider 的意思是

137、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。39. 泳池监护( 卫A)人工智能它能够区分游泳者与阴影提醒救生员他跑步rated+ 第四十篇 Thirsty in Karachi文章名称问题答案T h i r s t y i n K a r a c h i4 0 . T h i r s t y i n K a r a c h i ( 卫 A )1)According to the passage, people in K arachi today suffer from ashort supply of water because2)Now people in K ar

138、achi do not hide or disguise the suction pumpsthey use to steal water because3 )Confronted with a severe shortage of water supply, the citys Waterand Sewerage Board4 0 . T h i r s t y i n K a r a c h i ( 卫 A )1) old networks can not meet the need of the citysgreatly-increased population.2) many hous

139、eholds have them and there are very fewinspectors around to try to find them.3 ) tries to improve the water supply system with borrowedmoney.4)Which of the following is true of the owners of the suction pumps, iftheir neighbors have equally powerful pumps as they do?5)Which of the following is true

140、about the author when he is backhome in London?4) They only pay more for electricity.5) He is content with the water supply in London.卡拉奇的干渴4 0 .卡拉奇的干渴( 卫 A)如今卡拉奇人水资源短缺的原因是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。卡拉奇人不再隐臧或伪装抽水泵的原因是_ _ _ _ _。市排污委员会用_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 来改进供水系统。如果邻居们都使用同样功率的抽水泵的话,抽水机的主人们就要花更多的_ _ _ _ _

141、 _ _ _。回到伦敦后,作者对于伦敦的水供应的态度是_ _ _ _ _。4 0 .卡拉奇的干渴( 卫 A)人口太多多家都有,而且检察官很少来查借来的钱电费比较满意+ 第四 H 篇 Kidney Disease and Heart Disease Spur Each Other文章名称问题答案Kidney Diseaseand HeartDisease SpurEach Other41. Kidney Disease and Heart Disease Spur Each Other ( 卫 A)l)How can one learn earlier whether he or she suf

142、fer simmering kidney disease?2)How many Americans suffer chronic kidney disease according to anestimation?3)How many Americans suffered end-stage kidney failure and required dialysisor a transplant to survive twenty years ago according to an estimation?4)What did the Archives Of Internal Medicine ca

143、ll for doctors caring for heartpatients to do?5)Which of the following is NOT one of the three markers of kidney function?41. Kidney Disease and Heart Disease Spur EachOther ( 卫 A)1) By urine and blood tests.2) 19,000,000.3) 100,000.4) To start rigorously checking out their patients1kidneys5) Levels

144、 of the white blood cells in the blood.肾病和心脏病相互刺激41. 肾病和心脏病相互刺激( 卫 A)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _使一个人早知道患了肾病。根据推测,有_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 美国人患有慢性肾病。20 年前,根据一项评价有_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 美国人患晚期肾衰要求透析和移植存活了下来。内科档案要求医生照顾心脏病人_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。不是肾功能标志的是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o41. 肾 病和心脏

145、病相互刺激( 卫 A)尿液和血液测试19, 000, 000100, 000开始严格检查出他们病人的肾脏白细胞水平+ 第四十二篇 More about Alzheimer* s Disease文章名称问题答案More about Alzheimer, s 42. More about Alzheimer, s Disease ( 卫 A)42. More about Alzheimer1 s Disease ( 卫 A)Di s e a s e1) The newly developed skin tests may be used in the future isto allow docto

146、rs to2) The passage indicates that Alzheimers is a disease3) Which of the following statements about the Alzheimersdisease is NOT true?4) Which of the following about the relationship betweenAlzheimers and dementia is true?5) The last paragraph implies that the diagnostic test1) predict who might ge

147、t Alzheimers disease.2) not easy to be diagnosed.3) There are many ways to deal with and cure the diseasenow.4) Dementia is one of the signs of Alzheimers5) may not be proven valid smoothly.早老性痴呆研究的新进展4 2 . 早老性痴呆研究的新进( 卫 A)皮肤测试可以_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。早老性痴呆是一种_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 的病。关于早老性痴呆的

148、不正确描述是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O早老性痴呆和痴呆的关系是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。诊断测试可能是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。4 2 . 早老性痴呆研究的新进展( 卫 A )预测早老性痴呆不容易诊断的病有很多种方法可以处理和治疗该病痴呆是早老性痴呆的一种症状不会有效+ 第四十三篇 E d u c a t i o n o f S t u d e n t s w i t h V i s i o n I m p a i r m e n t s文章名称问题答案E d u c a t i o n o f S t u d

149、e n t sw i t h V i s i o n I m p a i r m e n t s4 3 . E d u c a t i o n o f S t u d e n t s w i t h V i s i o n I m p a i r m e n t s ( 卫 A )1) Various adaptive aids are used to2) Large-print books are those books which3) Many blind students like to listen to books because4) Orientation and mobility

150、 training“ is meant to teach blindand partially sighted children5) It may be good for children with vision impairments to livein special schools because these schools4 3 . E d u c a t i o n o f S t u d e n t s w i t h V i s i o n I m p a i r m e n t s ( 卫 A )1) help children see more clearly and rea

151、d books and so on.2) have large words in them.3 ) this can save time.4) how to move around without other peoples help.5 ) can save the trouble of their coming from and going back homes.视力损伤的学生的教4 3 . 视力损伤的学生的教育( 卫 A)各种各样的适应性辅助装置用于_ _ _ _ _ _OL a r g e - p r i n t b o o k s 是指_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

152、_ _ _ _ _。许多盲人喜欢听书的原因是定位和移动训练是帮助孩子_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。住在特种学校的好处是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。4 3 . 视力损伤的学生的教育( 卫 A )帮助孩子们看得更清楚和读书字很大的书节约时间在没有别人帮助的情况下移动免去回家和离家的麻烦+第四十四篇 W a t e r P o l l u t i o n文章名称问题答案W a t e r P o l l u t i o n 4 4 . W a t e r P o l l u t i o n (卫 A )4 4 . W a

153、 t e r P o l l u t i o n (卫 A )1) According to this passage, which of the following statementsis true of yearly water consumption?2) Paragraph 2 suggests all of the following EXCEPT that3 ) Water runoff causes fish to die partly because4) An important idea of paragraph 4 is that5) The main subject o

154、f the last paragraph is1) Most water is used for farming.2) EPA is responsible for causing serious water pollution in America.3 ) the fast-growing algae have used up the oxygen in the water wherethey live.4) cutting down too many trees may also cause water pollution.5) Oil Spills and Pollution of th

155、e Sea.水污染4 4 .水污染( 卫A )每年水的消费主要是用于_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o第二段未提到的是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。水域引起鱼死亡的部分原因是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。第四段的中心思想是一 。回最后一段的主题是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。4 4 .水 污 染 ( 卫A)种地EPA要对美国的严重水污染负责快速增长的水藻用光了水里的氧气树木砍伐过多也会引起水污染石油泄漏造成的海洋水污染+第四十五篇 D NA Fingerprinting文章名称问题答案D NAFinger

156、printing45. D NA Fingerprinting(卫 A)1) According to the essay, we can find chromosomes2) D NA fingerprinting is more often used for3 ) When your brother looks exactly like you, your complete D NAmay be4) Some people believe that using a D NA fingerprint may not be soreliable because5) This essay tal

157、ks about D NA fingerprinting concerning thefollowing aspects EXCEPT45. D NA Fingerprinting(卫 A)1) in a sheep.2) providing evidence in court investigations.3 ) exactly like his.4) mistakes are possible when researchers explain what have come oftheir tests.5) possible danger in drawing a D NA sample f

158、rom the human body.D N A指纹45. D N A指纹( 卫A )我们能够发现_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 中的染色体。D NA指纹技术的作用_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。当你的兄弟像你时,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o有些人认为使用D NA指纹技术不是很可靠,那是因为o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _未提及。45. D NA指 纹 ( 卫A)绵羊为法庭调查取得证据你全部的D NA完全相像当研究者解释研究结果时错误

159、是难免的从人体内取得D NA样品时可能的潜在危险+第四十六篇 Malnutrition文章名称同题答案Malnutrition46 . Malnutrition(卫 A)46 . Malnutrition(卫 A)1) What is the cause of much of the sickness and death?2) What is the writers attitude toward the serious situation?3 ) How many countries have made plans of action for nutrition?4) Which of th

160、e following is NOT the harm of lacking iron?5) Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a remedy for irondeficiency?1) Malnutrition.2) We should act.3 ) 98.4) Traffic accidents.5)D rinking coffee soon after meals.营养不良4 6 .营养不良( 卫 A)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _导致了更多的疾病与死亡。面对如此情境,作者的态度是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。_ _ _

161、 _ _ _ 个多家采取了营养行动计划。缺铁的危害不包括_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。缺铁性贫血的补救措施不包括_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。46. 营养不良( 卫 A)营养不良我们应该采取行动98交通事故吃药后立即喝咖啡+第四十七篇 Drug Resistance Fades Quickly in Key Aids Drug文章名称问题答案D rug ResistanceFades Quicklyin K ey Aids D rug47. D rug Resistance Fades Quickly in K ey Aids D rug (卫 A )1) What ef

162、fect does nevirapine have?2) Why does HIV resistance against nevirapine build very quickly evenwhen the drug is used alone just once?3 ) When may a woman start her nevirapine-based treatment if she gets thesingle does of nevirapine at delivery?4) We may learn from this passage that HIV resistance ag

163、ainstnevirapine_.5) Generally speaking, the authors attitude towards the use of nevirapineis .47. D rug Resistance Fades Quickly in K ey Aids D rug (卫 A )1) It may prevent passing HIV infection from mothers on to theirnewborns during delivery.2) Because other drugs are not present to kill the virus

164、particles thatsurvive nevirapine.3 ) She has to wait at least six months after that nevirapine exposure.4) lasts only for about a half year and fades quickly.5) positive治疗AIDS药物的抗药性会很快消失4 7 .治疗AID S药物的抗药性会很快消失( 卫A )Nevirapine ( 乃韦拉平)的作用是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。当作用一次后为什么H1V对Nevirapine ( 乃韦拉平

165、)形成非常快的抗药性。如果在妇女分娩时仅给一个剂量的Nevirapine ( 乃韦拉平)为基础的治疗_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o我们可以从这篇H1V抗药性的消退与Nevirapine ( 乃韦拉平)的对比得知_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。一般而言,作 者 对 于 使 用Nevirapine ( 乃韦拉平)的看法是_ O4 7 .治疗AID S药物的抗药性会很快 消 失 ( 卫A)它可以预防母亲在分娩期间H1V病毒传递到新生儿没有其他药可以杀死Nevirapine ( 乃韦拉平)没有杀死而继续存

166、在的病毒颗粒。她可能等待Nevirapine ( 乃韦拉平)失效至少6个月以后仅仅持续大约半年并且很快消失肯定的+ 第 四 十 八 篇 IQ-gene文章名称问题答案IQ-gene48. IQ-gene ( 卫 A)1) In the beginning of paragraph one we are told that scientists cannot agree2) What does some ”in the second sentence of paragraph onestands for?3 ) A gene for chopsticks flexibility is found

167、 to be4) Plomins IQ-gene study is similar to the chopsticks genefinding in that5) What does Feinberg mean by saying “I would take thesefindings with a whole box of salt”?48. IQ-gene ( 卫 A)1) How much of IQ comes from genes.2) Genes.3 ) Unrelated to the ability to use chopsticks.4) There may not be a

168、 causal link between gene and intelligence.5) He doubts the findings very much.智商和基因4 8 .智商和 家 因 ( 卫 A)科学家还不能确定_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。some代表_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o筷子灵活性的基因与使用筷子的能力_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o智商和基因之间没有_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _with a whole box of salt 的意思是 。4 8 .智商和基因( 卫A)多少基因来自遗传Genes ( 基因)无关因果关系do

169、ubt ( 怀疑)+ 第四十九篇 A Gay Biologist文章名称问题答案A Gay Biologist49. A Gay Biologist ( 卫 A)1) The first paragraph describes Hamers2) Hamer was a3 ) What is Hamer doing now?4) What happened to Hamers research interest?5) According to Hamer, what was one of the main reasons forhim to choose homosexual behavior

170、as his research subject?49. A Gay Biologist ( 卫 A)1) looks, hobbies and character.2) biologist.3 ) He is exploring the role of genes in deciding ones personality.4) He turned to behavioral genetics.5) He was curious about it as a scientist.同性恋生物学家4 9 .同性恋生物学家( 卫 A)第一段描述了_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。哈默是一位

171、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 哈默现在在研究_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 。哈默的研究兴趣转移到了_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。之所以选择同性恋作为研究对象是出于_ _ _ _ _。49.同性恋生物学家( 卫A)哈默的长相、爱好和性格生物学家基因在决定性格方面的作用行为基因学作为科学家的好奇心+ 第五十篇 15 Million Americans Suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder文章名称问题答案15 Million Americans15 Million Americans Suffer fro

172、m Social Anxiety Disorder 15 Million Americans Suffer from Social Anxiety DisorderSuffer from SocialAnxiety Disorder1) People with social anxiety disorder are known for their fear of2) What do people with social anxiety disorder think of their fear?3) Which is NOT true of people with social anxiety

173、disorder?4) The symptoms of social anxiety disorder include all thefollowing EXCEPT5) It can be seen from the last paragraph that treatment of thedisorder1) facing social or performance situations.2) They think its beyond their control.3) They tend to judge or criticize other people:4) sore throat.5

174、) can lead to improvement in the sufferers lives.一千五百万美国人患有社交焦虑症一千五百万美国人患有社交焦 虑 症 ( 卫A)得社会焦虑症的人害怕 。 得社会焦虑症的人认为自己_ _ _ _ _ _ _?关于得社会焦虑症的人表述不正确而是。社会焦虑症的症状不包括 。从最后一段可看出该症的治疗 ?一千五百万美国人患有社交焦 虑 症 ( 卫A)社交场合或社交活动他们认为无法自我控制他们常常会评判或批评他人嗓子疼会使患者们的生活改善提高2011年职称英语一综合类一阅读理解新增文章中文译文综合类C级第八篇 当代婚姻如今的婚姻出什么严重问题了吗?在过去50

175、年中,美国的离婚率暴涨:现在几乎50%的婚姻以离婚告终,证据显示,情况还将持续恶化。据美国国家联合会的发言人称,如果这种趋势持续下去,将导致家庭的破裂。 一些未来学家预测,100年后的美国人将平均至少结四次婚,而婚外恋甚至将比现在更为普遍。那问题的原因是什么?现状真的如此糟糕吗?第个问题的答案十分简单:婚姻早已不像它过去那样非有不可了。从好些年前开始,经济需求已经只是婚姻的部分基础。过去,由于女性除了家庭以外没有任何工作,她们常常在经济上依赖丈夫。现在,随着高薪女性的增多,情况也已经改变。因此,她们觉得没有必要被一段失败的婚姻捆住手脚。回答第二个问题,前景似乎不像它看起来那么令人悲观。尽管离婚

176、率升高,但世纪结婚率并没有下降,所以说结婚还是挺流行的。除此之外,现在许多恋人同居但并不急着领证。这些人事实上已经结婚,但他们却是统计结婚与离婚率的盲区。超 过 50%的第一次婚姻实际上是成功的。之前数据的欺骗性在于二度与三度婚姻的离婚率要高于首次婚姻。婚姻真的过时了吗?大多数人仍会结婚,这一事实证明不是这样的。而且事实上婚后夫妻比单身过着更健康的生活:他们压力较小,因压力产生的诸如心脏问题也相应减少。而且,婚后男性总体上较之配偶更为满意。也许,关键在于找出成功婚姻背后的秘诀并把它运用到我们所有人与人的关系中去。综合类一B级第三十八篇 对年轻人的过高期望许多人对能同时兼顾几样工作的本领赞誉有加

177、。然而最近研究却发现,八岁到十八岁,被 称为“ 多媒体时代”的年轻人在同时进行多种任务的过程中常常事倍功半、了无成果。研究认为,正像依次完成各个任务一样,这些年轻人仍旧浪费了一半时间。有些年轻人在学习时还同时使用着很多电子产品。在学习的同时,他们还在上网、给朋友发邮件、打电话、听 MP3或者另一台电脑上的歌。随着新产品的出现,他们的电子设备的数量还会不断增加。另一项调查还显示:封闭的自身孤立世界里的年轻人,他们与周围人越发疏于交流。这 种 “ 兼顾”甚至影响了正常的家庭生活年轻人到家后不再向家人问号,吃饭时也不同家人坐在一起。人们认为在电子产品中的如鱼得水还严重影响了年轻人的在学业和工作上的表

178、现。但当被问及现代科技产品对于他们工作表现的影响,绝大多数都认为是都是正面的.然而不论学校公司都对此去没有好感。前者认为同时使用多种电子设备会影响儿童日后学习能力的发展,比如由缺乏完成任务的集中力而导致的写作水平下降。他们认为许多本科生都需要恶补学习技能这一课。与此相似,雇主也认为作为职场新人的年轻一代因为能力欠缺需要重新培训。即使以上都是现实情况,也必须承认今天的年轻人被寄予越来越高的期望,实际上是太高了。他们能够应对老一辈对他们的任何要求,对此我们更应该赞许而非批评。综 合 类 A 级第四十七篇 多不胜选通常我们认为选择是一种权利。在日常生活中,人们已经习惯了在数不胜数的情境中做出种种选择



181、界范围内,人U流动性的增强使人们对于生活、工作地也有了更多选择这是一个最近才有的现象。过去,国家为探险、寻找食物或更适宜的环境,会举国穿越广袤的土地。当所有国家穿越大陆,历史的面貌便改变了。因此人口流动不是什么新鲜事儿。国家和疆界的建立有效减缓了这一过程,但不同仅在于迁移的速度。2011年职称英语一理工类一阅读理解新增文章中文译文理工类C 级第 二 篇 世界原油产量可能提前十年达到峰值科威特科学家预测世界常规原油产量将在2014年达到峰值,这一发现可能会促进储存石油的努力。这一预测比其他预测提前了将近十年,已经发表在美国化学 学 会 能量与燃料杂志上。伊布赫姆纳夏威和同事们指出,全球石油消耗的

182、快速增长使人们对“ 石油峰值”预测的兴趣越来越浓。“ 石油峰值”指的是石油产量达到最大值后开始下降的时间点。科学家已经构建了几个模型来预测这时间,有些模型认为这一时间在2020年或更晚。其中最著名的预测模型之是赫伯特模型。赫伯特模型认为世界石油产量呈钟形曲线,与此相关的概念是“ 石油峰值二这一术语指的是世界石油产量达到峰值的那一刻,之后将呈现无法逆转的下降趋势。赫伯特模型精确地预测到美国石油产量于1970年达到峰值。这一模型从此受到欢迎,已经用于预测世界石油生产。但是,最近研究表明,这一模型不足以解释某些国家更加复杂的石油生产周期。科学家称,这些生产周期受到技术变化、政策和其他因素的很大影响。

183、最近研究描述了赫伯特模型的新版本,提供了更加实际、更加准确的石油生产预测。科学家使用新模型评估了 4 7 个主要产油国家的石油生产趋势,这 4 7 个国家是世界常规原油的主要提供者。科学家预计全球常规原油产量将于2014年达到峰值,比之前预计的要早很多年。科学家还指出,世界石油储量正在以2.1%的速度逐年减少,他们认为新模型会帮助做出与能源相关的决定,帮助进行国家政策辩论。第六篇 编制灯光在墨西哥中西部的马德雷山脉,维克人过着与祖先类似的生活他们不是用电,因为在他们居住的偏远山区架设电线成本太大。维克人以制作精美的工艺品为生,他们到几百英里以外的城市去销售工艺品。因为家里和路上都没有电,他们只

184、能白天工作,天一黑就不得不停下手中的活计。如今,一个由科学家、设计师和建筑师组成的团队正在利用新技术为维克人在太阳下山之后提供光亮。科学家的技术将小小的电晶体编入纺织品内,纺织品可以做成衣服、袋子和其他物品。这些纺织品白天收集太阳能,晚上可以发出明亮的白光。发明者将这些纺织品命名为“ 移动光源” 。项目负责人希拉肯尼迪称,移动光源有可能改变全世界用不上电的人们的生活。肯尼迪说,“ 这一发明的动力是我们可以改变美国日常所见的技术,用来服务那些不富裕的人们。 ”移动光源技术的核心是高亮度发光二极管,已经在电子钟、电视和路灯中得以应用。发光二极管与电灯泡完全不同,玻璃灯泡大多是白炽灯,内部用电将金属

185、丝加热到2,200摄氏度以上。这种温度下,灯泡发出我们能看到的光。但是,白炽灯散发的能量90%都是热量,而热量是不可见的。因为浪费了很多能量,白炽灯消耗能量的速度很快。另外,白炽灯也很容易损坏。而发光二极管如同由按照晶体结构排列的分子组成的小块石头,电流通过发光二极管时,晶体结构就会发光。而白炽灯不同,发光二极管可以发出各种颜色的光。发光二极管内部的分子类型和排列方式决定了光的颜色。理工类B级第三十四篇 病毒电池水痘、普通感冒、流感和艾滋病有哪些相似之处呢?这些都是由病毒引起的疾病。病毒是能够在人与人之间传染的微生物。难怪大部分人一提到病毒,首先想到的是如何躲避病毒。然而, 并不是每个人都躲避

186、这些病毒携带者。在马萨诸塞州剑桥市,科学家发现有些病毒能起到非同寻常的作用。他们使病毒开始工作,使病毒构成世界上最小的充电电池。病毒和电池的搭档似乎并不常见,但这对于工程师安吉拉贝尔彻来说却并不陌生。安吉拉贝尔彻最早产生了这一想法。在位于剑桥市的麻省理工学院,她和合作者一起用新方式融合了不同的科学领域。在由病毒构成的电池里,科学家融合了他们在生物、技术和生产工艺方面的知识。贝尔彻的团队包括帮助组装微型电池的宝拉 哈蒙德和以电池形式存储能量的专家蒋业明。哈蒙德说,“ 我们现在从事的行业是传统中不会想到的。 ”许多电池已经很小了。A 型、C 型 和 D 型电池都可以握在手里。硬币形状的手表电池通常

187、比分币还小。然而,个人音乐播放器和手机等新型电子设备变得越来越小。这些设备变小了,普通电池就无法安装进去了。理想的电池应当体积小、储能多。 ,贝尔彻的电池模型是完全由病毒构成的金属圆盘,看起来就像普通手表电池。但里面的部件却非常小小到用高倍望远镜才能看到。这些电池部件到底有多小呢?从头上拔一根头发,把它放到白纸上,看看头发的宽度是不是很细呢?尽管每个人的头发宽度不同,每个头发上可以并列排放大约10个病毒电池部件。这些为电池能会改变我们对病毒的看法。第 三 十 八 篇 野 生 大象寿命更长人们通常认为动物园对于动物来说是安全的,因为他们没有猎食的困难,也不受其他肉食动物的威胁,所以动物园内的动物

188、应该寿命较长。但世界上最大的陆地动物却并非如此。科学家已经发现大象面临着很多健康问题,例如生病、关节问题和行为改变等,有时甚至会失去生育能力。为了了解禁闭生活对大象的影响, 队国际科学家将在动物园出的雌象与生活在自然环境中的雌象的寿命进行了对比。动物园保留了所饲养动物的详细记录,包括出生日期、疾病、体重的死亡等因素。有了这些记录,研究人员能够分析全欧洲800头非洲象和非洲象历时40年的数据。科学家将动物园出生的大象与同一时间段的几千头非洲野生雌象、在伐木场劳动的亚洲象进行了寿命对比。这些科学家发现,动物园出生的非洲雌象平均寿命是16.9年,而自然死亡的野生大象平均寿命是56年是动物园大象的3


190、 动物园现在不是大象的纯粹生产者,二十纯粹消费者。 ”理工类一A级第四十五篇 咸度味感因人而异宾州州立大学农学院食品科学家进行的一项研究表明,有些人很难喜欢含盐量低的食物。该研究指出,遗传因素导致我们对咸度的不同喜好。该研究负责人、食品科学副教授约翰海斯指出,这些结论非常重要,因为近期对减少食物含盐量的大力宣传使得许多人努力去接受适合其他人而不适合自己口味的食物。含盐量高的饮食会增加高血压和中风的风险,这就是公共健康专家和食品公司共同努力、通过可口的食品帮助消费者减少盐摄入量的原因。该研究使人们更加理解对盐的喜好和摄入的差异。该研究包括87 名经过仔细筛选的参与者,他们在几周的不同时间品尝了汤

191、和薯条等含盐食物。参与者包括4 5 名男性和4 2 名女性,身体健康,年龄在20岁到40岁之间。参与者不会主动改变自己的饮食习惯,且不吸烟。他们通过l种常用的科学量表来区别咸度味感,分 为 “ 最轻微味感”到 “ 最强烈味感”等级别。海斯说,“ 大部分人都喜欢盐的味道。但是,有些人吃盐较多,这不仅是因为他们更喜欢咸味,也因为他们需要咸味来遮盖食物其他讨厌的味道。口味超重的人比口味清淡的人消耗更多的盐。因为快餐食品的主要味道就是咸味,而且咸度越高,味道越好,所以口味超重的人更喜欢快餐。 ”海斯还提到,口味超重的人还需要盐来遮盖奶酪等食物中讨厌的苦味。“ 例如,奶酪是牛奶味和发酵苦味的完美结合,而

192、盐可以遮盖苦味。口味超重的人不喜欢低盐奶酪,因为苦味太明显了海斯举出了化学家福克斯和遗传学家布雷克斯里75年前进行的研究,该研究表明,人们品尝特定化学制品的能力是不同的。海斯解释说,由此我们知道每个人的味觉敏度是不同的,这一差异和头发眼睛颜色的差异一样正常。海斯说,“ 口味超重的人觉得苦味混合物非常之苦,而口味清淡的人会觉得同样的苦味混合物没有味道,或稍微有些苦。对苦味混合物的反应只是确定在食物偏好方面生物差异的众多方法之一,因为口味超重的人不只是对苫味敏感。 ”第四十六篇 不可思议的超材料如果尚未开发超材料的话,隐形衣可能永远不可能,只能在科幻小说中看到。在希腊语中,“meta” 的意思是“

193、 超越” ,超材料能完成我们在自然界无法看到的事,例如将转移某物体周围的光波,然后将光波全部收回。如果科学家能够做出完全成熟的隐身衣,那很可能是有超材料制成的。工程师Dentch。Genov说,“ 我们创造的是大自然不存在的材料,这些材料的物理现象在自然中也不存在。这最令人激动J Genov在位于拉斯顿市的路易斯安那理工大学设计和制作超材料,例如能运用到隐身衣中的超材料。隐身衣可能不是超材料领域的第一个重要成果,其他应用也同样令人振奋。例如,很多实验室的科学家正致力于建造超透镜。透镜通常由玻璃制成,能够改变光波的方向。显微镜和照相机中的透镜能够聚光,因此研究人员能够看到微小的物体,摄影师能够捕

194、捉远处的影像。而超透镜是由超材料构成。由于超材料能够完成普通材料无法做到的事情,超透镜会成为强大的工具。研究人员能够利用超透镜看到想象当中最微小的事物例如和可见光的波长一样小的事物。Genov指出,超材料科学是由想象力推动的:如果能够想到光的新行为,工程师就有办法来设计使用超材料的设备。他说,“ 我们需要想象力丰富的人。 ”从 2006年起,许多实验室开始探索不仅仅利用可见光的其他超材料。事实上,科学家发现几乎所有种类的波都对超材料有反应。西班牙瓦伦西亚理工大学的Jose Sanchez-Dehesa在研究声学。和隐形衣移动光波的原理类似,“ 隐声衣”会以自然界不存在的方式来移动声波。例如,“

195、 隐声衣”会改变音乐厅内声波的方向这样,坐在柱子后面的人和其他观众收听音乐会的效果一样,不会受到任何干扰。最近,工程师Sanchez-Dehesa表示有可能制成“ 隐声衣” ,但他怀疑能否很快实现。他说,“ 这在理论上是可能的。 ”但他补充说,实际上可能无法制成。其他科学家正在研究用更大的超材料为岛屿和石油钻塔进行防护的方法,以使它们免受海啸的侵害。海啸是强大的破坏性波浪,超材料可以让钻塔和岛屿周围的海啸改变方向,波浪会沿着相反方向继续前进,不会造成任何破坏。2011年阅读理解新增文章理工类第二篇 World Crude Oil Production May Peak a Decade Ear

196、lier Than SomePredict【 C 级】In a finding that may speed efforts to conserve oil, scientists in Kuwait predictthat world conventional crude oil production will peak in 2014. This prediction isalmost a decade earlier than some other predictions. Their study is in ACS* Energy &Fuels 1.Ibrahim Nashawi an

197、d colleagues point out that rapid growth in global oilconsumption has sparked a growing interest in predicting peak oil1. Peak oil isthe point where oil production reaches a maximum and then declines. Scientists havedeveloped several models to forecast this point, and some put the date at 2020 orlat

198、er. One of the most famous forecast models is called the Hubbert model2. Itassumes that global oil production will follow a bell shaped curve3. A relatedconcept is that4 of Peak Oil. The tenn nPeak Oil* indicates the moment in whichworld wide production will peak, afterwards to start on iiTeversible

199、 decline.The Hubbert model accurately predicted that oil production would peak in theUnited States in 1970. The model has since gained in popularity and has been used toforecast oil production worldwide.However, recent studies show that the model is insufficient to account for5more complex oil produ

200、ction cycles of some countries. Those cycles can be heavilyinfluenced by technology changes, politics, and other factors, the scientists say.The new study describes development of a new version of the Hubbert modelthat provides a more realistic and accurate oil production forecast. Using the newmode

201、l, the scientists evaluated the oil production trends of 47 major oil-producingcountries, which supply most of the worlds conventional crude oil6. They estimatedthat worldwide conventional crude oil production will peak in 2014, years earlierthan anticipated. The scientists also showed that the worl

202、ds oil reserves? are beingreduced at a rate of 2.1 percent a year. The new model could help informenergy-related decisions and public policy debate, they-suggest.1. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word sparkedappearing in paragraph 2?A. flashedB. stimulatedC. changedD. ended2. Th

203、e term a bell shaped curve appearing in paragraph 2 indicates thatglobal oil production willA. take the shape of a flat curve.B. keep growing.C. keep declining.D. start to decline after global oil production peaks.3. Which of the following is NOT true of the Hubbert model?A. It successfully predicte

204、d that oil production peaked in the U. S. in 1970.B. It has been used to predict oil production in many countries.C It is insufficient to explain oil production cycles in some countries.D. It provides a very realistic and accurate oil production.4. What is the major achievement of the new study ment

205、ioned in the lastparagraph?A. It predicts global oil production will peak in 2014.B. It predicts oil production will decline in 47 countries.C. It confirms further the effectiveness of the Hubbert model.D. It discovers a new trend of worldwide oil production.5. Who develop the new version of the Hub

206、bert mode!?A. American scientists.B. Kuwaiti scientists.C. British scientists.D. Scientists of 47 major oil-producing countries.第六篇 Weaving with Light【 C 级】In the Sierra Madre mountain range of west central Mexico 1, the native Huicholpeople2 live much the way their ancestors didwithout electricity.

207、 Thats becauseits too expensive to string power lines3 to the remote mountain areas where they live.To help support themselves, the Huichol create beautiful artwork. They sell their artin cities hundreds of miles away from their villages. And without electricityathome or on the road, they can only w

208、ork during daylight hours. When it gets dark,they must stop whatever theyre doing.Now, a team of scientists, designers, and architects is using4 new technologiesto provide the Huichol with light after the sun sets. The scientists* technique involvesweaving tiny electronic crystals into fabrics that

209、can be made into clothes, bags, orother items.By collecting the suns energy during the day, these lightweight fabricsprovide bright white light at night. Their inventors have named the fabricsPortable Lights. Portable Lights have the potential to transform the lives ofpeople without electricity .aro

210、und the world, says project leader Sheila Kennedy.Our invention, Kennedy says, came from seeing how we could transformtechnology we saw every day in the United States and move it into new marketsfor people who didnt have a lot of money.At the core of5 Portable Light technology are devices called hig

211、h-brightnesslight-emitting diodes, or HB LEDs6. These tiny lights appear in digital clocks,televisions, and streetlights.LEDs are completely different from the light bulbs. Most of those glass bulbsbelong to a type called incandescent lights. Inside, electricity heats a metal coil toabout 2, 200 deg

212、rees Celsius. At that temperature, bulbs give off light we can see.Ninety percent of energy produced by incandescent lights, however, is heat一 and invisible. With all that wasted energy, bulbs burn out quickly. They are alsoeasily broken.LEDs, on the other hand, are like tiny pieces of rock made up

213、of moleculesthat are arranged in a crystal structure. When an electric current passes through anLED, the crystal structure produces light. Unlike incandescent bulbs, they canproduce light of various colors. Within an LED, the type of molecules and theirparticular arrangement determines what color is

214、 produced.1. To make a living, the Huichol create artwork andA. sell it to tourists in their villages.B. sell it in cities far away from their villages.C. display it in their village museum.D. keep it in their homes to attract tourists.2. Why can Portable Lights emit light?A. Electronic crystals are

215、 woven into fabrics.B. Items such-as clothes and bags are used to can*y lights.C. The suns energy is collected during the day.D. All of the above.3. What does Sheila Kennedy say about Portable Lights?A. This invention can change the lives of people, both rich and poor.B. They are widely used in the

216、United States.C. Portable Lights can help poor people around the world to get light.D. They are expensive to make but easy to carry.4. What is the most important part of the Portable Light technology?A. HB LEDsB. Glass Bulbs.C. Incandescent lights.D. Heated metal coils.5. LEDs are different from lig

217、ht bulbs in thatA. LEDs are incandescent lights while light bulbs are not.B. LEDs have a metal coil while light bulbs have not.C. LEDs emit colored light while most light bulbs dont.D. LEDs are made up of tiny pieces of rock while light bulbs are not.* 第三十四篇 Batteries Built by Viruses【 B 级】What do c

218、hicken pox, the common cold, the flu, and AIDS have in common?Theyre all disease caused by viruses, tiny microorganisms that can pass from personto person. Its no wonder 1 that when most people think about viruses, finding waysto steer clear of2 viruses is whats on peoples minds.Not everyone runs fr

219、om the tiny disease carriers, though3. In Cambridge,Massachusetts4, scientists have discovered that some viruses can be helpful in anunusual way. They are putting viruses to work, teaching them to build some of theworlds smallest rechargeable batteries.Viruses and batteries may seem like an unusual

220、pair, but theyre not so strangefor engineer Angela Belcher, who first came up with5 the idea. At the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, she and her collaborators bringtogether different areas of science in new ways. In the case of the vims-built batteries,the scientists combine

221、 what they know about biology*, technology and productiontechniques.Belchers team includes Paula Hammond, who helps put together the tinybatteries, and Yet- Ming Chiang, an expert on how to store energy in the form of abattery. nWere working on things we traditionally dont associate with nature, say

222、sHammond.Many batteries are already pretty small. You can hold A, C and D batteries6 inyour hand. The coin-like batteries that power watches are often smaller than a penny.However, every year, new electronic devices like personal music players or cellphones get smaller than the year before. As these

223、 devices shrink, ordinary batterieswont be small enough to fit inside.The ideal battery will store a lot of energy in a small package. Right now,Belchers model battery, a metallic disk completely built by vinises, looks like aregular watch battery. But inside, its components are very small - so tiny

224、 you canonly see them with a powerful microscope.How small are these battery parts? To get some idea of the size, pluck one hairfrom your head. Place your hair on a piece of white paper and try to see how wideyour hair is pretty thin, right? Although the width of each persons hair is a bitdifferent,

225、 you could probably fit about 10 of these virus-built battery parts, side toside, across one hair. These microbatteries may change the way we look at viruses*.1. According to the first paragraph, people try toA. kill microorganisms related to chicken pox, the flu, etc.B. keep themselves away from vi

226、ruses because they are invisible.C. stay away from viruses because they are causes of various diseases.D. cure themselves of virus-related diseases by taking medicines.2. What is Belchers team doing at present?A. It is finding ways to get rid of viruses.B. It is mass-producing microbatteries.C. It i

227、s making batteries with viruses.D. It is analyzing virus genes.3. What expression below is opposite in meaning to the word shrink”appearing in paragraph 5?A. Broaden.B. Spread.C. Extend.D. Expand.4. Which of the following is true of Belchers battery mentioned inparagraph 6?A. It is made of metal.B.

228、It is a kind of watch battery.C. It can only be seen with a microscope.D. It is a metallic disk with viruses inside it.5. How tiny is one battery part?A. Its width is one tenth of a hair.B. It equals the width of a hair.C. It is as thin as a piece of paper.D. Its width is too tiny to measure.* 第三十八篇

229、 Longer Lives for Wild Elephants【 B 级】Most people think of zoos as safe places for animals, where straggles such asdifficulty finding food and avoiding predators dont exist. Without such problems,animals in zoos should live to a ripe old agel.But that may not be true for2 the largest land animals on

230、 Earth. Scientists haveknown that elephants in zoos often suffer from poor health. They develop diseases,joint problems and behavior changes. Sometimes, they even become infertile, orunable to have babies.To learn more about how captivity affects elephants, a team of internationalscientists compared

231、 the life spans of female elephants born in zoos with femaleelephants living outdoors in their native lands. Zoos keep detailed records of all theanimals in their care, documenting factors such as birth dates, illnesses, weight anddeath. These records made it possible for the researchers to analyze

232、40 years of dataon 800 African and Asian elephants in zoos across Europe. The scientists comparedthe life spans of the zoo-bom elephants with the life spans of thousands of femalewild elephants in Africa and Asian elephants that work in logging camps3, overapproximately the same time period.The team

233、 found that female African elephants born in zoos lived an average of16.9 years. Their wild counterparts who died of natural causes lived an average of 56years 一 more than three times as long. Female Asian elephants followed a similarpattern. In zoos, they lived 18.9 years, while those in the loggin

234、g camps lived 41.7years.Scientists dont yet know why wild elephants seem to fare so much better thantheir zoo-raised counterparts. Georgia Mason, a biologist at the University of Guelphin Canada who led the study, thinks stress and obesity may be to blame4. Zooelephants dont get the same kind of exe

235、rcise they would in the wild, and most arevery fat. Elephant social lives are also much different in zoos than in the wild, wherethey live in large herds and family groups.Another finding from the study showed that Asian elephants bom in zoos weremore likely to die early than Asian elephants capture

236、d in the wild and brought to zoos.Mason suggests stress in the mothers in zoos might cause them to have babies that areless likely to survive.The study raises some questions about acquiring more elephants to keep in zoos.While some threatened and endangered species living in zoos reproduce successfu

237、llyand maintain healthy populations, that doesnt appear to be the case with elephants.“Currently, zoos are net consumers of elephants ,not net producers. Mason says.练习:1. According to the first two paragraphs, unlike other zoo animals, zoo elephantsA. have difficulty eating food.B. live to a ripe ol

238、d age.C. are not afraid of predators.D. develop health problems.2. Which of the following about the international scientists research on the lifespans of elephants is NOT true? (See paragraph 3)?A. They compared zoo elephants with wild elephants.B. They kept detailed records of all the elephants in

239、their care.C. They analyzed the records of the elephants kept in zoos.D. The zoo-born elephants they studied are kept in European zoos.3. What do the scientist find in their research?A. Female elephants live longer than male elephants.B. Female zoo elephants live longer than their wild counterparts.

240、C. Female zoo elephants die much earlier than their wild counterparts.D. Elephants in zoos and those in the wild enjoy the same long life spans.4. What are the possible causes of stress and obesity Zoo-raised elephantsgenerally suffer from?A. They do not like living in herds.B. They do not get enoug

241、h exercise.C. They do not live with their families.D. Both B and C.5. Which of the following does the author suggest in the last paragraph?A. It may not be a wise policy to keep elephants in the zoo.B. Elephants are no longer an endangered species.C. Zoo-born elephants should be looked after more ca

242、refully.D. Zoos should keep more animals except elephants.+ 第四十五篇Some People Do Not Taste Salt Like Others【 A 级】Low-salt foods may be harder for some people to like than others, according to astudy by a Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences 1 food scientist. The researchindicates that genetic

243、factors influence some of the difference in the levels of salt welike to eat.Those conclusions are important because recent, well-publicized efforts to reducethe salt content in food2 have left many people struggling to accept fare that simplydoes not taste as good to them as it does to others3, poi

244、nted out John Hayes, assistantprofessor of food science, who was lead investigator? on the study.Diets high in salt can increase the risk of high blood pressure and stroke. That iswhy public health experts and food companies are Working together on ways to helpconsumers lower salt intake through foo

245、ds that are enjoyable to eat. This studyincreases understanding of salt preference and consumption.The research involved 87 carefully screened participants who sampled saltyfoods such as soup and chips, on multiple occasions, spread out over weeks5. Testsubjects were 45 men and 42 women, reportedly

246、healthy, ranging in age from 20 to 40years. The sample was composed of individuals who were not actively modifyingtheir dietary intake and did not smoke cigarettes. They rated the intensity of taste on acommonly used scientific scale, ranging from barely detectable to strongest sensationof any kind.

247、Most of us like the taste of salt. However, some individuals eat more salt, bothbecause they like the taste of saltiness more, and also because it is needed to blockother unpleasant tastes in food/ said Hayes. Supertasters, people who experiencetastes more intensely, consume more salt than nontaster

248、s do. Snack foods havesaltiness as their primary flavor, and at least for these foods, more is better, so thesupertasters seem to like them more.However, supertasters also need higher levels of salt to block unpleasant bittertastes in foods such as cheese, Hayes noted. For example, cheese is a wonde

249、rfulblend of dairy flavors from fermented, milk, but also bitter tastes from ripening thatare blocked by salt, he said. A supertaster finds low-salt cheese unpleasant becausethe bitterness is too pronounced6.Hayes cited research done more than 75 years ago by a chemist named Fox and ageneticist name

250、d Blakeslee, showing that individuals differ in their ability to tastecertain chemicals. As a result, Hayes explained, we know that a wide range in tasteacuity exists, and this variation is as normal as variations in eye and hair color.Some people, called supertasters, describe bitter compounds as b

251、eing extremelybitter, while others, called nontasters, find these same bitter compounds to be tastelessor only weary bitter, he said. Response to bitter compounds is one of many ways toidentify biological differences in food preference because supertasting7 is not limitedto bitterness. (476)练习:1. In

252、 paragraph 2, John Hayes points out thatA. it is good to health to eat food without salt.B. many people reject low-salt food completely.C. many people accept low-salt tasteless food reluctantlyD. food with reduced salt tastes better.2. The fourth paragraph describes brieflyA. how to select subjects

253、and what to do in the research.B. how to identify supertasters and nontasters.C. why to limit the number of subjects to 87 persons.D. why to select more male subjects than female ones.3. The article argues that supertastersA. like the taste of saltiness to block sweet tastes in food.B. like snack fo

254、ods as saltiness is their primary flavor.C. consume less salt because they dont like intensive tastes.D. like to share salty cheese with nontasters.4. Which of the following applies to supertasters in terms of bitter taste?A. They like bitterness in foods as well as saltiness.B. They like high-salt

255、cheese as it has intense bitter taste.C. They prefer high-salt cheese, which tastes less bitter.D. They prefer high-salt cheese as it is good to health.5. What message do the last two paragraphs carry*?A. Taste acuity is genetically determined.B. Taste acuity is developed over time after birth.C. Ta

256、ste acuity is related to ones eye and hair color.D. Taste acuity is still a mysterious subject in science.+ 第四十六篇 Marvelous Metamaterials【 A 级】Invisibility cloaks 1 would have remained impossible, forever locked in sciencefiction, had it not been for the development of metamaterials2. In Greek, meta

257、 meansbeyond, and metamaterials can do things beyond what we see in the natural world 一like shuffle light waves around an object, and then bring them back together3. Ifscientists ever manage to build a full-fledged invisibility cloak, it will probably bemade of metamaterials.We are creating material

258、s that dont exist in nature, and that have a physicalphenomenon that doesnt exist in nature, says engineer Dentcho Genov. That is themost exciting thing. Genov designs and builds metamaterials such as those used incloaking at Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, Louisiana4.An invisibility cloak will

259、 probably not be the first major accomplishment to comefrom the field of metamaterials. Other applications are just as exciting. In many labs,for example, scientists are working on building a hyperlens. A lens is a device 一usually made of glass - that can change the direction of light waves. Lenses

260、are usedin microscopes and cameras to focus light, thus allowing a researcher to see smallthings or a photographer to capture image of things that are far away.A hyperlens, however, would be made of metamaterials. And since metamaterialscan do things with light that ordinary materials cant, the hype

261、rlens would be apowerful tool. A hyperlens would allow researchers to see things at the smallest scaleimaginable as small as the wavelength of visible light.Genov points out that the science of metamaterials is driven bY the imagination: Ifsomeone can think of an idea for a new behavior for light, t

262、hen the engineers can find away to design a device using rnetamaterials. nWe need people who can imagine, hesays.Since 2006, many laboratories have been exploring other kinds of metamaterialsthat don*t involve just visible light. In fact, scientists are finding that almost any kind ofwave may respdn

263、d to metamaterials.At the Polytechnic University of Valencia in Spain5, Jose Sanchez-Dehesa isworking with acoustics, or the science of sound. Just as an invisibility cloak shuffleswaves of light, an acoustic cloak would shuffle waves of sound in a way thats notfound in nature. In an orchestra hall,

264、 for example, an acoustic cloak could redirect thesound waves so someone sitting behind a column would hear the same concert asthe rest of the audience, without distortion.Sanchez-Dehesa, an engineer, recently showed that its possible to build such anacoustic cloak, though he doubts well see one any

265、 time soon. In principle, it ispossible, he says, but it might be impossible to make one, he adds.Other scientists are looking into ways to use larger metamaterials as shieldsaround islands or oil rigs6 as protection from tsunamis. A tsunami is a giant, destnictivewave. The metamaterial would redire

266、ct the tsunami around the rig or island, and thewave would resume its journey on the other side without causing any harm.练习:1. What is true for metamaterials?A. They will always remain in science fiction.B. They are already a reality.C. They are nonexistent in nature.D. Scientists begin to use them

267、to build invisible cloaks.2. A hyperlens is a more powerful tool than a traditional lensA. as it can allow scientists to see small things.B. as it can help photographers to capture images far away.C. even if it is made of ordinary materials.D. as it can help scientists to see even the wavelengths of

268、 visible light.3. Scientists at the Polytechnic University of Valencia try to inventA. an acoustic cloak that can shuffle waves of light.B. an invisible cloak that can shuffle waves of sound.C. an acoustic cloak that can shuffle waves of sound.D. a cloak that is made of materials found in nature.4.

269、According to Sanchez-Dehesa,A. it is of great possibility to build an acoustic cloak soon.B. it is possible to build an acoustic cloak in theory but far from reality.C. it is totally impossible to build an acoustic cloak.D. it is theoretically impractical to build an acoustic cloak.5. What ways are

270、some scientists looking into to protect the island and oil rigfrom tsunamis?(Read the last paragraph.)A. Sunound them with metamaterials as protective shields.B. Stopping the tsunami with metamaterials hours before it reaches them.C. Building them with larger metamaterials to keep away tsunamis.D. Using the equipment made of metamaterials to forecast arrival of a tsunami.第二篇1. B 2. D第六篇1. B 2. D第三十四篇1. C 2. C第三十八篇1. D 2. B3. D 4. A 5. B3. C 4. A 5. C3. D 4. D 5. A3. C 4. D 5. A第四十五篇1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A第四十六篇1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A



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