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1、优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 六年级下期末阅读理解总复习 Unit 1 (一) ( A ) A hobby is something people like doing in their free time. Like the saying goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Work is important, but everyone needs to have a good time after that. Some people like playing sports, others like watching TV or

2、going to the movies. There are many other kinds of hobbies, such as drawing, traveling, growing vegetables or making model planes. Some dont cost anything at all, but others are very dear. Almost everyone has some kind of hobby. Most people take up a hobby for pleasure and friendship. Some hobbies e

3、ven can help people learn new skills. People of almost any age can enjoy hobbies of their own. Enjoying a good hobby for a while after hard work helps people relax. People with hobbies are not dull. They are interesting because they can talk about their free activities. Some work and some play make

4、you interesting, too. 根据短文内容选择正确答案。 ( ) 1. In the second sentence, “Jack” means _. A. a boy named Jack B. any boy C. any person ( )2. The underlined word “” in the passage means _ in Chinese. A. 活泼的 B. 聪明的 C. 愚钝的 ( ) 3. Which one of the following is NOT true? A. Some hobbies are free. B. You can onl

5、y get pleasure from hobbies. C. Not everyone has a hobby. ( ) 4. Which one is the thing that the writer may not agree(赞成)? A. Work is more important than hobbies. B. Having some hobbies may make you more successful(成功的) on work. C. Work and play make people happy and relaxed. ( ) 5. The main idea of

6、 the passage is _. A. what a hobby is B. introducing hobbies and their benefits( 益处) C. having a hobby will cost a lot of money ( B ) Students Hobbies in a Class Hobby Percentage The reason Playing sports 40% Make body healthy and strong Drawing pictures 10% Have more taste of art Reading books 20%

7、Let us learn more Traveling 20% Let us see and know more about the world There are forty students in Class Five. Word Bank: 百分比 鉴赏力 根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。 ( ) 1. Most students like _ in the class. A. playing sports B. drawing pictures C. reading books ( )2. _ students like reading books. A.Eight B. Four

8、C. Five ( ) 3. _ students dont like any of the four hobbies. A. Ten B. Three C. Four ( ) 4. _ can make you know more knowledge(知识). A. Reading books B. Traveling C. Both A and B ( ) 5. Which one is true? A. We can know three students have no hobbies in the class. B. You can learn to draw pictures to

9、 make you have more taste of art. C. Six students want to know more of the world. ( C ) Now many people take sports as their hobbies. There is a kind of team sports. Its very popular with the young. One team has three players. The basketball players are running and jumping in the hot sun with the mu

10、sic playing on. In only twelve minutes, the game is over. Then a new one begins. This is streetball(街头篮球). Its much like basketball. People play it outside and its interesting. Usually, children play streetball on an open court( 球场). They use only half of the court. Children love lots of things abou

11、t the game. “Its very nice to be outside in the sun. And the music is great,” said Bai Jing, thirteen, a girl in Harbin. Some people say it is from Europe( 欧洲), some say it is from America. But now, boys and girls in many countries like to play it. Streetball is a game for all. 根据短文内容判断句子正误。(正确的写 A,

12、错误的写 B) ( )1. Players often play streetball with music. ( )2. Streetball is much like football. ( )3. People usually play streetball outside. ( )4. Streetball is from China. ( )5. Only boys like to play streetball now. (二) ( A ) Do you like music? Does music make you happy? The right music can make

13、you feel good. Sometimes you may be unhappy. Then music can help a lot. With music, you can sing and dance. You can enjoy yourselves! Music can help you study. Do you know this? Before doing your homework, you can listen to music by Mozart. It can make you cleverer! Do you want to practice English?

14、Why not listen to some English songs? Aquas songs are good for you. They are childrens songs. So they are interesting and easy to learn. Try to learn some English songs . Im sure you can. Music is a gift for you. So take it, please. 根据短文内容选择正确答案。 ( )1. According to the passage, what can make you cle

15、verer? A. B. C. 优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 ( )2. What does the underlined word “gift” mean? A. 天才 B. 奖品 C. 礼物 ( )3. Music can make you _. A. unhappy B. smart C. sleepy ( )4. Which is right according to the passage? A. Everyone likes Aquas songs. B. Any music can make us happy. C. Music can also help you study Engl

16、ish. ( )5. Whats the best title of the passage? A. Good Hobby Listening to Music B. Only Listen to Chinese Music C. No Music, No Health ( B ) 根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。 ( )1. How many students like drawing? A. Forty B. More than twenty C. About fifteen ( )2. Which is the most popular hobby in his class? A. P

17、laying sports B. Growing plants C. Drawing ( )3. The students who like playing sports are _ more than growing plants. A. forty B. thirty C. ten ( )4. The _ students like hiking. A. most B. fewest C. least ( )5. The number of the students who like catching bugs is _ than that in drawing. A. more B. f

18、ewer C. smaller ( C ) There are many people on the bus. Some have seats, but some have to stand. At a bus stop, a woman got on the bus. An old man near the door tried to stand up. “Oh, no, thank you,” the woman forced( 强迫) him back to the seat. “Please dont do that. I can stand.” “But, madam, let me

19、,” said the old man. “I ask you to keep your seat,” the woman said. She put her hands on the old mans shoulder(肩膀). But the old man still tried to stand up, “Madam, will you please let me?” “Oh, no,” said the woman. She again forced the man back. At last, the old man shouted, “ I want to get off the

20、 bus!” 根据短文内容判断句子正误。(正确的写 A,错误的写 B) ( )1. All the people have seats on the bus. ( )2. The old man sat on the bus before the woman got on it. ( )3. The old man wanted to give his seat to the woman. ( )4. The woman sat on the old mans seat. ( )5. Actually, the old man wanted to get off the bus. Unit 2

21、 (一) ( A ) Almost every kid wants to be Superman( 超人). Some children think its good to wear Supermans uniform( 制服). Others think being Superman can help others at any time and at any place. In the book and the movie, when people need help, Superman will come up right away. He tries to “do good”. Whe

22、n children watc h the movie, many of them want to be like Superman in the future. It is because that every day, there are so many bad things happening, and a lot of people need help; every day, many elderly(年长的) people need others to take care of them; every day, many acc idents take peoples lives.

23、So they want to have superpowers to help those in need. Its impossible( 不可能的) for these children to have superpowers, but they want to help others. That is to say our world will be better. 根据短文内容选择正确答案。 ( ) 1. Why do children want to be Superman? A. Because they want to help others. B. Because they

24、want to wear Supermans uniform C. Both A and B. ( ) 2. The underlined word “superpowers ” in the passage means _ in Chinese. A. 超能力 B. 权力 C. 任务 ( ) 3. Picture _ is the character( 人物) which is mentioned( 提到) in the passage. A. B. C. ( ) 4. Which one is right according to the reading? A. We can see Su

25、perman only in the movies. B. If children study hard, their dreams will come true. C. A lot of people need help every day. ( ) 5. Which one is the best title for this reading? A. An Impossible but Good Dream B. Help Others C. What Superman Does ( B ) Place France USA Australia Note To enjoy holidays

26、 in the modern cities To see beautiful scenery around the states by plane Better than you think Tel 10834001 13409153 13041112 Price 9,406 RMB 31,000 RMB (July 5,15, 20) 11,950 RMB Word Bank: 景色 州 根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。 ( )1. If you only have 10,000,you can go to _. A. France B. Australia C. the USA ( )2

27、. If you want to travel to Australia on July 20, you should pay _. 写错误的写二根据短文内容选择正确答案天才奖品礼物根据表格所提供力权力任务人物提到景色州根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案训练难载国籍俄罗斯人瘫痪不顾工作室痛苦留下根据短文内容判断句子正误正优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 A. 9,406 B. 31,000 C. 11,950 ( )3. If Tom wants to go to America, he should call _. A. 1341112 B. 10834001 C. 13409153 ( )4. If

28、you travel to France, you can spend your holidays in the _. A. cities B. mountains C. schools ( )5. You can travel everywhere in the USA by _. A. train B. bus C. plane ( C ) When your dream is to be a football player, nothing should get in your wayeven if you have no feet. A kid, 11years old, from B

29、razil is invited to meet his favorite football star Lionel Messi and train(训练) with the Barcelona Football Club. Gabriel Muniz has no feet. His father and mother think he must have many difficulties in his life, but he starts walking before he is one year old. It takes him a while to make the jump f

30、rom walking to playing football, but he makes it. And, in fact, theres nothing he loves more than playing football. Watching him play is unbelievable( 难以置信的). Hes fast and hes very skilled(有技巧的). But he knows he cant play for a professional( 专业的) football team because of his disability(残疾). So Gabri

31、el is hoping that football will be a Paralympics(残疾人奥运会) sport one day. 根据短文内容判断句子正误。(正确的写 A,错误的写 B) ( )1. Gabriel Muniz comes from Barcelona. ( )2. Gabriel Muniz starts walking when he is one year old. ( )3. Gabriel Muniz can play football very well. ( )4. He can not play for a professional footbal

32、l team. ( )5 He is going to play football in the Paralympics right away. (二) ( A ) The Browns live in a small village( 村庄). They have one child, Peter. He is twenty. He works in the village, but he doesnt like working there. Then he gets a job in a town. The town is quite a long way from the village

33、. Peter likes his new job, but his parents are not happy about his working in a town. “Peter, youd better come back to work in the village and live with us,” Mrs. Brown says one day. “There arent any good jobs here, Mother,” says Peter. Peter continues to work and live in the town. Today Mrs. Brown

34、is very angry. She gets on the bus and goes to Peters house in the town. “Peter,” she says to him. “Why do you never call us?” Peter says, “But, mother, you dont have a telephone.” “No,” she says, “I dont. But you have one.” 根据短文内容选择正确答案。 ( )1. The underlined word “ continue ” in the passage means _

35、 in Chinese. A. 放弃 B.继续 C. 停止 ( )2. Peter _. A. doesnt like living with his parents B. works in a town near the village C. likes his new job ( )3. Peters parents want him to _. A. work and live in the town B. work in the village and live with them C. get a new job in another town ( )4. Mrs. Brown go

36、es to Peters house in the town by _. A. B. C. ( )5. Which of the following is NOT right? A. Peter works and lives in a town. B. Peters parents want Peter to work near them. C. Mrs Brown has a telephone at home. ( B ) Name Max Sally Alex Age 15 13 16 Nationality American British Russian Dreams To be

37、a famous table tennis player To be a good teacher To be a volunteer Word Bank: 国籍 俄罗斯人 ( )1. _ is the oldest of the three? A. Max B. Sally C. Alex ( )2. Sally comes from _. A. the USA B. The UK C. Russia ( )3. We can know _ of them can speak English very well. A. all B. two C. one ( )4. _ hopes to b

38、e a volunteer. A. Max B. Sally C. Alex ( )5. Which of the following is true? A. Max likes to play table tennis. B. Sally is good at teaching. C. Alex is the youngest of the three. ( C ) Although Henri Matisse was nearly 28 years younger than Auguste Renoir, the two great artists were dear friends. W

39、hen Renoir always stayed at home during the last ten years of his life, Matisse visited him daily. Renoir, almost paralyzed (瘫痪), kept on painting in spite of ( 不顾) his illness. One day, as Matisse watched the elder painter working in his studio(工作室), fighting pain while painting, he shouted, “Augus

40、te, why do you keep on painting when you are in such agony( 痛苦)?” Renoir answered, “The beauty remains(留下); the pain passes.” And so, almost to his dying day, Renoir kept on painting. One of his most famous paintings, , was finished just two years before his passing, 14 years after he was ill. 根据短文内

41、容判断句子正误。(正确的写 A,错误的写 B) 写错误的写二根据短文内容选择正确答案天才奖品礼物根据表格所提供力权力任务人物提到景色州根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案训练难载国籍俄罗斯人瘫痪不顾工作室痛苦留下根据短文内容判断句子正误正优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 ( )1. Matisse was Remoirs brother. ( )2. When Renoir was ill at home, Matisse visited him every day for almost ten years. ( )3. Renoir stopped painting when he was ill. (

42、)4. Renoirs famous painting, , was finished two years before he died. ( )5. From the passage, we know Renoir loved painting very much and wanted to remain the beauty. Key: Unit 1 ( 一) (A)CCBAB (B) AACCB (C) ABABB (二) (A) BCBCA (B) BACBC (C) BABBA Unit 2 (一) (A) CABCA ( B ) ACCAC ( C ) BBAAB (二) ( A)

43、 BCBAC ( B ) CBBCA ( C ) BABAA Unit 3 (A) Playing computer games is fun. It is very popular. Young people like to do it in their free time. Here are some important things you have to know when you play computer. First, you should learn English well. If your English is good enough., you can understan

44、d the computer games more clearly. Then you will play the games better than your friends. Second, you should not buy illegal software(盗版软件). They are much cheaper, but they will easily hurt your computers. Third, you should not spend too much time playing the games. That will make your eyes become w

45、eaker. Take a 10-minute rest after you play 50 minutes every time. Follow these things and you can be a happy computer game player. ( ) 46. A good computer game player should _ A. buy a lot of software B. spend a long time playing computer games C. learn English to understand the games better ( ) 47

46、. The underlined word “rest” in the passage means “_” in Chinese. A. 睡眠 B.剩余的 C.休息 ( ) 48. Picture _ shows us the time of test and playing computer games correctly. A. B. C. ( ) 49. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Some software hurts your computers. B. You should play 10 minutes after 50 minu

47、tes rest. C. Learning English is very important. ( ) 50. What is the best title for the reading? A. The most Popular Computer Games. B. News about Illegal Computer Software. C. Tips for Plauing Computer Games Well and Safely. 答案:CCBBC (A) We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It ma

48、kes your heart and body strong. And you will feel better about yourself. Its best to exercise twice( 两次) each week. Twenty minutes each time isnt enough. We need at least half an hour a time. There are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, play sports, or swim. Many people go to special places t

49、o exercise. They are called “fitness centers(健身中心)” There are some coachesteaching you to exercise in the fitness centers. Exercise can be fun. Friends can exercise together at a fitness center. Or, they can play sports together. Exercise is not only good for your body, but also good for making frie

50、nds. We can play sports with our friends. And we also talk and rest with our friends after we exercise. What do you think of exercise? ( ) 46. We should exercise _ A. every day B. 20 minutes a week C. twice a week ( ) 47. The underlined word “” in the passage means “_” in Chinese. A. 教练 B. 会员 C. 运动员

51、 ( )48. At fitness centers, you can _. A. draw some pictures B. play sports C. eat some food ( ) 49. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Exercising is expensive. B. Exercise is good for your health. C. Only doctors exercise. ( ) 50. Whats the mai n idea of the passage? A. Exercise is good for people

52、B. Exercise equipment( 器材) is expensive C. Every person should exercise. 答案:CABBA (B) HCB Programme List 5:30-7:30 Pingshu (story telling) 7:30-10:30 Ps Morning Show Use micro letters to communicate with the two funny comperes 10:40-14:40 Teen Dreams Listen to 10 teenagers from different schools tal

53、king about their dreams for the future 15:00-16:00 World News Programme The lastest news from all over the world. 16:30-19:50 English Club Improve English by listening to the stories about Chinese history. 20:00-20:30 Sports News Bring you news and stories about sports from all over the world. Word

54、bank: micro letters 微信 communicate 交流 compere 主持人 teenagers 青年 improve 改善 ( ) 51. If you want to listen to the whole pingshu, you must turn on the radio before _ 写错误的写二根据短文内容选择正确答案天才奖品礼物根据表格所提供力权力任务人物提到景色州根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案训练难载国籍俄罗斯人瘫痪不顾工作室痛苦留下根据短文内容判断句子正误正优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 A. 8:00 a.m B. 5:30 a.m C. 7:30 a

55、.m ( ) 52. How can we communicate with the comperes of PS Morning Show? A. With micro letters. B. with QQ C. With emails. ( ) 53. If you want to know something more about Chiese history and improve English, you should listen to _. A. Ps Morning Show B. English Club C. World News Programme ( ) 54. If

56、 you want to learn about sports news, you should turn on the radio at _ A. 8:00 a.m B. 8:00 p.m C.10:00 p.m ( ) 55. It takes about _ hours to listen to all the programmes one day. A. 10 B. 12 C. 17 答案:BABBC (B) Activities Name Liu Chang Roy Kite Robin Nationality China America America English Age 12

57、 years old 13 years old 2 years old than Roy 11 years old Club Football club Riding bike club Volleyball Club Basketball club Reason Play with my friends Make me Healthy Im in the school club My brother like it 根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。 ( ) 51. We can know that _ is the oldest students on the table( 表格) A.

58、Liu Chang B. Roy C. Kite ( ) 52. From the table, there are _ students and there are _ countries. A. three, four B. four, three C. four, four ( ) 53. Robin is in _ club and Roy is good at _ A. basketball, biking B. football, riding C. basketball, volleyball ( ) 54. Kite likes playing volleyball becau

59、se _ A. she is in the school club B. her brother like it C. it makes me healthy ( ) 55. According to the table, which is right? A. Roy and Kite are classmates from America. B. Robins brother like playing soccer too. C. The writer mentions four kinds of activities in the table. 答案:CBAAC (C) Alice is

60、my sister. We live in different cities in the United States. We dont see each other very often, but were in touch all the time. I often write to Alice and tell her about things that are happening at the company. Im the office manager. And Alice often writes to me about her work at the hospital. She

61、is a nurse there. We talk on the telephone once a week, either on Saturday or Sunday morning. There are also other ways we communicate with each other. Sometimes I call her on her car phone, or she faxes me on my fax machine. We also send emails to each other. Were really lucky. In this new age of c

62、ommunication, there are so many ways we can keep in touch with each other. We feel closer to each other. 根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写(A),错误的写(B) ( ) 56. Alice and the writer dont get in touch with each other very often. ( ) 57. The writer works as an office manager at the company. ( ) 58. The only make phone cal

63、ls on Saturday morning. ( ) 59. They will live closer to each other. ( ) 60. Alice is a doctor in the hospital. 答案:BABBB (C) My brother says that he joins a new club the Wild Camping. He tells me that there are lots of activities on the weekends. He usually go out with his friends to see the beautif

64、ul scenery. They often enjoy themselves. My brother and I, with his friends go out this weekend. All the members are from different places. We set off in the morning. Every one in the bus feels very happy. We talk and laugh all the way. When we get to the place, we have a big lunch. In the evening,

65、we have a party around the lake. I cant forget the beautiful scenery, delicious meal and friends during this camp. Camping wild is a wonderful way to experience the natural world and see many friends. ( ) 56. My brother favorite activity is to make lots of friends. ( ) 57. My brother and I, with his

66、 fiends set off in the morning. ( ) 58. We talk and laugh and enjoy ourselves during the camping. ( ) 59. We have a party on the bus in the evening after having a big lunch. ( ) 60. From the passage we know that camping is good to enjoy the natural world. 答案:BAABA Unit 5 (A) Mr. and Mrs. Green come

67、from Australia. They are in Beijing now. Mr. Green is a teacher in a high school. He teaches English. He likes reading and running. He isnt good at cooking. His son, Jim, is a student in his fathers school. He is on the school football team. He likes playing football very much. He is the best footba

68、ll player in his class. He likes singing, too. He often sings and dances after school. Jim also studies hard. He does his homework every day. Mrs. Green is a teacher, too. She can speak la little Chinese. She doesnt like Chinese food. She doesnt like doing housework at all, but she likes cooking and

69、 shopping. They all like China a lot. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案 ( ) 46. Jim is from_ A. Egypt B. France C. Australia ( ) 47. Jim is a _ A. middle school student B. high school student C. student is Mrs. Greens school ( ) 48. Whats the meaning of the underlined word “ housework” in Chine se? A. 作业 B. 家务 C. 房子 ( )

70、 49. Mrs. Green doesnt like _ 写错误的写二根据短文内容选择正确答案天才奖品礼物根据表格所提供力权力任务人物提到景色州根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案训练难载国籍俄罗斯人瘫痪不顾工作室痛苦留下根据短文内容判断句子正误正优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 A. doing housework B. Chinese food. C. cooking or shopping ( ) 50. Which is true about the reading? A. Mr. Green cant cook well but Mrs. Green is good at cooking B.

71、Jim is the best football player in his school. C. Jim and his parents all like Chinese food a lot. 答案:CBBAA (A) Sometimes, we talk about students are getting worse and worse now. Most young people dont agree( 同意). Teenagers( 青少年) always say they are growing up. They can have part-tine jobs(兼职工作). Th

72、ey can even drive a car. Their parents say. “Our children are very good. They like pop music but they play it in their rooms. They help in the house. You know they feel bored( 厌烦的) sometimes because theres nothing interesting, no clubs, and no sports. They have nothing to do.” Lewis, a sixteen-year-

73、old boy said, “I passed( 通过) all my exams but I cant get a part-time job because older people always th ing Im lazy.” A teacher says that he believes( 相信) most young people are very kind. He thinks that its not bad for young people to like loud music because it can give them lots of energy and make

74、them feel excited. Also, a lot of young people work very hard at school, and they can get good jobs later. 根据短文所提供的信息选择最佳答案。 ( ) 46. Most young people think _. A. they get worse and worse B. they dont get worse and worse C. they grow up ( ) 47. They underlined word “” in the passage means “_” in Chi

75、nese. A. 能力 B. 能量、精力 C. 营养 ( ) 48. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A. Lewis is 17 years old B. Theres nothing wrong with listening to music for young people C. Most young people are lazy like Lewis. ( ) 49. The young people like to _at home? A. listen to pop music B. clean

76、the room C. talk with their parents ( ) 50 The best title( 题目) of the passage is _ A. Young People and Music B. Give Young People Some Room to Grow Up B. Students Should Work Hard 答案:BBBAB (B) Julias Plan for Next Week Week Time Activity Monday 10:3011:00 a.m Visit Uncle Peter in General Hospital Tu

77、esday 2:004:00 p.m Swimming class Wednesday 12:006:00 p.m Part-time job Thursday 10:3011:30 a.m Appointment with Mr. Green 12:005:00 p.m Study in the library Friday 11:00 a.m Go to the airport to meet Sam Saturday 10:0012:00 a.m Meet Dave to study for a test Sunday 5:007:00 p,m Birthday party for Ka

78、te Word bank: part-time 兼职的 appointment 约会 airport 机场 根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案 ( ) 51. Julia will _ at 11 a.m on Friday A. visit Uncle Peter in General Hospital B. go for a part-time job C. go to the airport to meet Sam ( ) 52. Julia will go to the library on _ A. Wednesday B. Saturday C. Thursday ( ) 53. I

79、f you want to find Julia at 6:30 p.m on Sunday, you should _ A. go to Kates party B. Visit Uncle Peter C. go to the swimming pool ( ) 54. Julia will meet Mr. Green for _ A. two and a half hours B. two hours C. one hour ( ) 55. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A. Uncle Peter

80、was ill. B. Julia wasnt interested in swimming. C. Julia goes for a part-time job twice a week. 答案:CCACC (B) Name Yao Ming Sun Yang From Shanghai, China Nanjing, China The year of birth 1986 1989 Height 226 cm 198 cm Sport Basketball Swimming Hobbies Computer games Singing, taking pictures Word bank

81、: birth 出生 ( ) 51. Yao Ming is _ Sun Yang A. younger than B. older than C. as old as ( ) 52. _ is taller than the other. A. Yao Ming B. Sun Yang C. Liu Xiang ( ) 53. Yao Ming and Sun Yang are from _ A. different places B. the same city, Shanghai C. different countries ( ) 54. Yao Ming does well in _

82、 A. basketball B. swimming C. 110 m hurdles ( ) 55. Sun Yang likes _ A. computer games B. singing C. singing and taking photos 答案:BAAAC (C) People always listen to MP3 when they walk on the streets. They enjoy their favorite songs. I am an iPod( 苹果音乐播放器) user. And I listen to the music after class e

83、very day. I never think it impolite( 不礼貌). But one day I was walking home, my friend behind me called me loudly. I didnt hear him and went on walking. I understand cell phone users can 写错误的写二根据短文内容选择正确答案天才奖品礼物根据表格所提供力权力任务人物提到景色州根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案训练难载国籍俄罗斯人瘫痪不顾工作室痛苦留下根据短文内容判断句子正误正优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 still hear

84、 the people around them. But MP3 players stop people from the noise outside. So I think it is not good to enjoy your music always, because you may not hear others when listening to your MP3 player. If I see my friend listening to the MP3, Ill feel he or she doesnt want to talk to me. Its impolite. 根

85、据短文判断正误,正确的写 A,错误的写 B ( ) 56. The writer doesnt have an MP3 player. ( ) 57. The writer is a student. ( ) 58. People with MP3 cant hear others when they are walking on the streets. ( ) 59. The w riter think it doesnt matter to listen to MP3 on the streets. ( ) 60. From the passage, we can know its po

86、lite to listen to MP3. 答案:BAABB (C) Leonardo da Vinci( 达。芬奇), a famous painter, was born on the 15th day of April 1452. He came from a farm house in Italy. He is one of the most famous painters in the world. (painted about in 1503 1506) and were his great works. Leonardo died at the age of 67. Willi

87、am Shakespeare(1564 1616)(莎士比亚) was born in late April 1564 in Britain. He is thought to be one of the greatest writers in the world. He created(创造) lots of works in his life. His four famous tragedies( 悲剧) are and is a well- known comedy( 喜剧) written(写) by this great man. 根据短文呢荣判断正误,正确的写 A,错误的写 B (

88、 ) 56. Leonardo da Vinci was born in a painters family. ( ) 57. Leonardo da Vinci died in 1519 ( ) 58. is Shakespeares tragedy. ( ) 59. From the reading, we know the writer thinks Leonardo da Vinci is the best in writing. ( ) 60. William Shakespeare came from Italy. 答案:BAABB Unit 6 (A) Several years

89、 ago, people found some plants could eat meat. One famous meat-eating(食肉的) plant is the Venus flytrap( 捕蝇草). The Venus flytrap is a very strange plant. It grows in dry parts of the United States. Its leaves are like the pages of a book. They can open and close very quickly. Inside the leaves, there

90、are three small hairs. If a fly touches one of the hairs, the leaf closes quickly. The fly cannot get out. About half an hour later, the leafpresses the fly until it is dead. Then, the plant covers the fly. Slowly, the plant eats the fly. We know most plants get what they need from the sun, the air,

91、 and ground. In some places, the ground is very poor. It doesnt have all these important things, especially nitrogen(氮). Animal meat has a lot of nitrogen, so some plants eat meat to get what they need. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案 ( )1. The Venus flytrap grows in _. A. most parts of the world B. some parts of Afri

92、ca C. dry parts of the USA ( )2. The underlined word “ presses” probably means “_”in Chinese. A. 挤压 B.关上 C.打开 ( )3. The Venus flytrap is a kind of _. A. B C. ( )4. Why do some plants eat animal meat? A. Because plants are dangerous to animals. B. Because animals are dangerous to plants. C. Because p

93、lants want to get what they need from animal meat. ( )5. From the passage, we learn that _. A. all plants can eat people B. all plants can eat animals C. some plants can eat animals Keys :CACCC (B) Time 8:00 a.m.-3:00p.m. September 12 Place On the playground Clothing Girls: blue T-shirt, white skirt

94、, black shoes Boys: white T-shirt, green pants, white shoes Others Chair, cap, water, flowers Don t need Food, books, fruit 根据表格提供的信息选择最佳答案 ( )1. The school sports meeting lasts _. A. seven hours B. two hours C. two weeks ( )2. All the students will wear _ . A. black shoes B. white skirts C. T-shirt

95、s ( )3. Girl students will wear white _. A. skirts B. shirts C. shoes ( )4. Students can bring _. A. books B. fruit C. flowers ( )5. The school sports meeting begins at _ on _ 12. A. eight, December B. eight, September C. three, September Keys : ACACB (C) 根据短文内容判断正(A)误(B) Tom likes playing the piano

96、 and clarinet( 竖笛). He likes playing the piano because he thinks it sounds nice. His mother thinks it is a good instrument to start with. So he started 写错误的写二根据短文内容选择正确答案天才奖品礼物根据表格所提供力权力任务人物提到景色州根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案训练难载国籍俄罗斯人瘫痪不顾工作室痛苦留下根据短文内容判断句子正误正优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 learning the piano when he was 7 and he had

97、 a lesson after school every Wednesday. When he was 8, he also wanted to learn the saxophone( 萨克斯), but the teacher said he was too small and it was better to learn the clarinet lessons at school. After learning the clarinet, he loves it and he doesnt change( 改变) to the saxophone. He loves dogs best

98、, but he thinks if everyone in his family is out all day, his dog will be lonely(孤独的). So he thinks its better to have a more independent( 独立的) pet like a cat. Now he care for his cat well. ( )1. Tom doesnt like the sound of the piano. ( )2. Tom started to learn the piano and clarinet when he was 7

99、years old. ( )3. Tom learned the clarinet first but changed to the saxophone later. ( )4. Tom didnt learn saxophone because he was too small. ( )5. Tom thinks its better to have a cat than a dog if you are busy all day. Keys : BBBAA (A) Mr. and Mrs. Smith come from America. They teach English in Xin

100、 Dongfang Middle School in China. They like their jobs. They have a son ,Tom and a daughter, Mary. They are all in China now. Mr. Smith can speak Chinese. He likes swimming and singing. Mrs. Smith likes swimming and running. Tom and Mary like playing chess(象棋). They often play games with Chinese boy

101、s and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Smith like Chinese food very much, but Tom and Mary dont like it. They like French fries and hamburgers. Mrs. Smith wants them to eat more vegetables and fruit. One day, Mrs. Smith cooks some vegetables for them. Tom sees them and says, “I am full.” And Mary says, “I have s

102、omething to do.” and she runs away. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案 ( )1. The Smiths live in _ now. A. America B. China C. England ( )2. Mr. Smith is a(n) _ teacher. A. Chinese B. P.E. C. English ( )3. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have _ children. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 ( )4. What does Mr. Smith like? A. Swimming and running. B. Swimmi

103、ng and singing. C. Playing chess. ( )5. Which one is NOT true? A. Only Mary doesnt like eating Chinese food. B. Tom and Mary like playing games with Chinese children. C. Mrs. Smith wants her children to eat more vegetables and fruit. Keys : BCBBA (B) Name Yao Ming Sun Yang From Shanghai, China Nanji

104、ng, China The Year of birth 1986 1989 Height 226cm 198cm Sport Basketball Swimming Hobbies Computer games Singing, taking pictures Word bank: birth 出生 根据表格提供的信息选择最佳答案 ( )1. Yao Ming is _ Sun Yang. A. younger than B. older than C. as old as ( )2. _ is taller than the other. A. Yao Ming B. Sun Yang C.

105、 Liu Xiang ( )3. Yao Ming and Sun Yang are from _. A. different places B. the same city, Shanghai C. different countries ( )4. Yao Ming does well in _. A. basketball B. swimming C. 110m hurdles ( )5. Sun Yang likes _. A. computer games B. singing C. singing and taking photos Keys : BAAAC (C) 根据短文内容判

106、断正(A)误(B) A girl longed ( 渴望) so much for love. One day she sound two birds that would die when she was walking in the forest ( 森林). She took them home and put them in a small cage(笼子). She looked after them with love and the birds grew strong. One day the larger and stronger of the two birds flew f

107、rom the cage. The girl was so sad that the other would fly away. So she caught him. But when she opened her hands and she found the bird had died. Her love killed( 杀死) him. She saw the other bird moving again. She knew the bird needed to fly into the clear, blue sky. Then she took him from the cage

108、and threw him into the air. The girl watched happily at the bird. She wanted the bird to be happy. Suddenly the bird flew closer to her. It sang the sweetest song that she had never heard(听过). The fastest ways to lose( 丢失) love is to hold on it too tight( 紧). The best way to keep love is to give it

109、free. ( )1. One day a girl found two birds when she was walking in the street. ( )2. She took the two birds home and put them in a small cage. ( )3. She looked after the birds with love and the birds grew strong. ( )4. She was sad when she found the bird had died. ( )5. She let the other bird fly in

110、to the clear blue sky. 写错误的写二根据短文内容选择正确答案天才奖品礼物根据表格所提供力权力任务人物提到景色州根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案训练难载国籍俄罗斯人瘫痪不顾工作室痛苦留下根据短文内容判断句子正误正优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 Keys: BAAAA Unit 7 (A) Many animals do strange( 奇怪的) things before an earthquake( 地震). This news may be important. Earthquakes can kill people and knock down houses. The an

111、imals may help to save lives. Some animals make a lot of noise before an earthquake. Farmers told about this. Dogs start to bark(吠). Horses on farms run around in circles. Mice leave their holes (洞) and run away,. Cows give less milk. In a town in Italy, cats raced down the street in a group. That h

112、appened only a few hours before an earthquake. In San Francisco, a man kept small pet frogs ( 青蛙) . One Sunday, the frogs jumped around more than ever. They make loud noise, like bigger frogs. That night, an earthquake struck the city. People want to know when an earthquake is coming. Then they coul

113、d get away safely. Right now, there is no sure way to know ahead of (提前) time. Maybe the best idea is watching the animals. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案 ( )1. Before an earthquake, _ starts to bark. A. B. C. ( )2. The underlined word “struck” in the passage means “_” in Chinese. A. 撞击 B.袭击 C.敲打 ( )3. This passage i

114、s mostly about _. A. how animals act before an earthquake B. how an earthquake starts C. how mice leave their homes ( )4. Earthquakes happened in _ in the passage. A. most countries B. Taiwan, China C. Italy and San Francisco ( )5. People want to _. A. be in earthquakes B. find out when an earthquak

115、e is coming C. follow the animals to run quickly Keys : BBACB (B) 根据表格提供的信息选择最佳答案 There are more than 4,000 students in No. 3 Middle School. The following table is about the club activities in this school. Club activities Time Place The number of students Chorus 4:00 p.m. Mondays Room 307 120 Instru

116、ment group 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays Room 307 60 Art interest group 4:20p.m. Fridays Room 208 40 Traditional Chinese music show Sunday morning School hall All the students Word bank: table 表格 chorus 合唱团 ( )1. There is a(an) _ at 4:00 on Mondays. A. chorus B. instrument group C. art interest group ( )2. T

117、here are _ club activities in the same place. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 ( )3. _ students will go to enjoy the traditional Chinese music show. A. 60 B. 120 C. 4,000 ( )4. The percentage( 百分比) of students in the art interest group is about _. A. 1% B. 2% C. 3% ( )5. Which of the following is NOT true? A. There a

118、re 3 club activities in the afternoon. B. All the students will join in the four club activities. C. There are two outdoor( 户外的) activities. Keys : AACAC (C) A French writer tells a story about a cat and a parrot. A friend of his came to visit him one day. The friend said, “Im going away for a short

119、 time. Will you please look after my parrot for me?” The writer said he would do so, and his friend brought the parrot to the house. The cat saw the parrot and wanted to know if it was a bird or not. If so, it would be nice to eat. Very slowly the cat came nearer and nearer. It was thinking it would

120、 be nice to have this animal for its meal. The poor parrot was very much afraid. It didnt know what to do at first. It kept quiet and didnt move until the cat was near enough to jump on it. Then , suddenly, the parrot asked, “Havent you had your breakfast? ” The cat was scared. It ran away as fast a

121、s it could. Maybe it was saying to itself,“That thing can speak. It cant be a bird. It must be a man.” 根据短文内容判断正(A)误(B) ( )1. One day, a friend asked the writer to look after his cat. ( )2. The cat wanted to eat the parrot very much. ( )3.The parrot was so afraid that it spoke to the cat like a man.

122、 ( )4. The cat didnt eat the parrot because the parrot was much stronger than the cat. ( )5. In the story, both the cat and the parrot were afraid of each other. Keys : AAABA (A) In London, people dont usually talk much. You can go on a bus, or in a train(火车), and everyone sits looking out of the wi

123、ndow. Often they read books and newspapers. But they 写错误的写二根据短文内容选择正确答案天才奖品礼物根据表格所提供力权力任务人物提到景色州根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案训练难载国籍俄罗斯人瘫痪不顾工作室痛苦留下根据短文内容判断句子正误正优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 dont talk much. Englishmen are not like Americans. They show cooler than others. But actually, they are not really cool, They are too shy to s

124、peak to others. They dont want to disturb(打扰) others. When you meet people in London, they often talk about one thing- the weather( 天气). So when you meet somebody in London, you can say, “Nice weather! But it was a little warm the day before yesterday, ” somebody may answer, “But it got a bit colder

125、 later,” you can say. Talk like this, and the people will think, “How friendly you are!” “Oh, He is so nice to talk.” 根据短文内容选择最佳答案 ( )1. English people often _ on a bus. A. talk much B. sleep C. read newspapers ( )2. The underlined word “friendly” in the passage means “_” in Chinese. A. 朋友 B.幸运的 C.友

126、好的 ( )3. English people often talk about _. A. B. C. ( )4. Talking about weather with English people , they will think you are _. A. kind B. bad C. beautiful ( )5. Which of the following is TRUE? A. English people like to talk on a bus. B. English people dont enjoy the best weather. C. English peopl

127、e dont talk much. Keys:ACAAC (B) Kates Clothing Store Clothes socks pants sweater T-shirt hat Color white, blue red, white, black red, white red, green, black black, red Price 4 11 18 7 6 Word bank: price 价格 根据表格提供的信息选择最佳答案 ( )1. _ are the cheapest of all. A. Socks B. Pants C. T-shirts ( )2. Two swe

128、aters and a hat cost (花费) _. A. 24 B. 42 C. 22 ( )3. You cant buy _in Kates clothing Store. A. black pants B. a white sweater C. a green hat ( )4. You like red and you only have 6. You can buy _. A. a sweater B. a hat C. a T-shirt ( )5. You only have twenty dollars. You can buy_. A. a sweater and a

129、pair of pants B. two T-shirts and a pair of socks C. one sweater and two pairs of socks Keys: ABCBB (C) Tim is a famous doctor of Vienna( 维也纳) . He is a good son. He often visited his old mother. His mother usually spent her summers in a small mountain town in Austria. The king Josef usually spent h

130、is summers there, too. One day in the summer, a band was playing a lively tune( 调子) when Tims mother was sitting at the window and watching the people singing and dancing on Main Street. The old woman had a poor memory (记性) . She heard the band playing, but forget it was the kings birthday. Tim was

131、visiting his mother on her 95thbirthday. He told his mother, “Mom, the band is playing for your birthday.” She believed ( 相信) him and had a good day. 根据短文内容判断正(A)误(B) ( )1. Tim sometimes visited his old mother. ( )2. His mother usually spent her summers in a small mountain town in Australia. ( )3.Th

132、e people were singing and dancing on Main Street. ( )4. Tims mother forgot it was the kings birthday. ( )5. The band was playing a lively tune for Tims mother. Keys : BBAAB Unit 9 第一套 (A) One day a young mother was piaying with her five-year-old son. Sudden he grabbed(抓住) her baii pen and swallowed(

133、 吞) it. “Oh, no!” cried the woman. “We must find a doctor.” She took her son , ran out of the house , put him in their car,and drove quickly to the nearest doctors office. Talking her son by the hand,she ran into the waiting room and shouted to the nurse, “I must see the doctor immediately”. “Im sor

134、ry .”Said the nurse , “but the doctor is busy.” “But nurse ,” she said , “Please , my son just swallowed my ball pen!” “Well,”said the nurse, “Im very sorry, but youll just have to use a pencil.” 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 ( )1.A young mothers son swallowed a _. A. pencil B. pen C. ball pen ( )2.The young mother

135、 needed_. A. her husband B. a nurse C. a doctor ( )3.In the waiting room , the mother met_. A. a nurse B. a doctor C. her husband ( )4.The nurse said the doctor is_. A. free B. out C.busy ( )5.Which of the fllowing sengence is ture? A. The ball pen is delicious. B. T.he mother had no ball pen to use

136、 , so she wanted to get the ball pen. C. The boy was very dangerous. (B) 写错误的写二根据短文内容选择正确答案天才奖品礼物根据表格所提供力权力任务人物提到景色州根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案训练难载国籍俄罗斯人瘫痪不顾工作室痛苦留下根据短文内容判断句子正误正优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 Summer Camp Wrlcome! Enjoy the fun of summer camp in beautiful sunshine! Time Things to do Piace 7:30 Get up 8:20-8:50 Hav

137、e breakfast Room 522 9:00-10:50 Watch birds Ruby Park 11:00-12:30 Have lunch Room 522 13:30-15:30 Computer classes Room 101 15:40-16:40 Swim The beach 17:00-18:00 Have dinner Room 522 18:30-20:30 TV Time:We Have Only One Earth The theater 21:30 Bedtime Word Bank: 夏令营阳光 根据表格内容,选择正确答案。 ( )1.Peter is a

138、 student of summer camp,then he_at 8:30. A.gets up B.watches birds C.has breakfast ( )2.lf(如果)Peters leg gets hurt,what can he do in the free time today? A.Go dancing. B.Swim C.Play computer games. ( )3.Miss Gao wants to show john how to send emails.They are_. A.in Room 101 B.at the beacf C.in the t

139、heater ( )4.The students can go to the beacf_. A.during 15:40-16:40 B.before 7:00 C.after 17:00 ( )5.Whicf of the following is NOT true? A. The students can wantcf TV in the theater for two hours. B. The students go to bed at 22:00. C. The students have three meals in the same room. (C) A man lives

140、in a very tell building. He has a lot of money and he has a parrot at home. Its a clever bird. Every morning, after the man gets up, the bird says, Hello! When the man comes back from thework, Is than you ?Come here. I can see you. One evening, whan the man is asleep, a thief (贼) comes into the hous

141、e by cIimbing up the buiIding. When he finds some money and begins to leave(离开) the house by cIimbing down through(穿过) the window again. He hears a voice in the dark. Hallo!Is that you? Come here. I can see you. The thief is so frightened(害怕) that he falls down from the window. 根据短文内容判断正(A)误(B) ( )1

142、.The man is very poor and he doesnt have much money. ( ) 2.The parrot is a kind of bird. ( ) 3.The parrot says nothing to the man when he comes back. ( ) 4.The thief wants to sleep in the mans house. ( ) 5.The thief thinks he is found by( 被发现) the man. 第二套 (A) Jim is ten years old. One day his frien

143、d,Tom, says to him. I am going to have a birthday party on Saturday. Jim, can you come to my party? Ill be glad to. Answers Jim. Before Jim forget goes to the party on Saturday afternoon, his mother says to him. Now,Jim, dont forget to be polite(有礼貌的). Dont ask for good until (直到) someone gives it t

144、o you. All right ,Mum. Jim answers, and he goes to Tims house on his new bike. There are a lot of children at the party. They play together(一起) for an hour. Then Toms mother gives them some food. But she forgets to give Jim any. He waits politely for ten minutes and then he holds his piate up in the

145、 air and says loudiy (大声地). Does anyone want a nice and clean piate? 根据短文内容选出最佳选项。 ( ) 1.How old is Jim? He is _. A.eight B.ten C.twenty ( ) 2.Tom is going to _ on Saturday. A. have a meeting B. have a talk C. have a birthday party ( ) 3. Jim goes to Toms house _. A. by bus B. on foot C. by bike ( )

146、 4.Which of these sentences is right ? A.There are few children at the party. B.Jim throws his plate out of the window. C.Toms mother forgets to give Jim any food. ( ) 5. We can see that Jim is _. A.clever B. old C. tall (B) Country Capital Language India New Delhi Hindi and English Canada Ottawa En

147、glish and French Russia Moscow Russian Egypt Cairo Arabic Singapore Singapore City Malay, Chinese, Tamil and English 写错误的写二根据短文内容选择正确答案天才奖品礼物根据表格所提供力权力任务人物提到景色州根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案训练难载国籍俄罗斯人瘫痪不顾工作室痛苦留下根据短文内容判断句子正误正优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。 ( )1. If you go to _, maybe some people in the country can u

148、nderstand you. A. India B. Singapore C. Russia ( )2. How many American countries are there in the form? A. Two B. Three C. Only one ( )3. If an American goes to Canada, _. A. he must speak French B. he doesnt usually need an interpreter ( 翻译) Che must speak Chinese ( )4. From the form, which languag

149、e do you think is the most important? A. English B. Russian C. Arabic ( )5. How many kinds of language are mentioned(提及) in this form? A. Nine B. Eight C. Five (C) Mrs.Black has a shop in a town .There she s ells all kinds of fuirts. Shes kind to the buyers and never fools( 愚弄) anybody. So they like

150、 to buy something in her shop and she gets much money. One day she sold some pears in her shop. They were all fresh(新鲜的) and nice. She remembered her son Mike liked pears best , so she brought some home for him. After lunch she went to her shop again and left the pears in the basket . That afternoon

151、 Mike came back from school and flet hungry . He wanted to look for something to eat in the room ang found the pears. He was happy and ate a lot . And that evening,when Mrs. Black finished her work and got home , she told her son to eat the pears. “I ate many this afternoon ,”said the boy. “Did you

152、wsah them?” “Oh ,I forgot it!” Ten minutes later the woman c ame in Mikes bedroom and found her son kept on(不停地)drinking. “Whats wrong with you, Mike ?” asked the woman . “Nothing, mummy ,” answered the boy . “I m drinking some water to wash them in my belly.(肚子).” 根据短文内容判断句子的正误,正确的填(A),错误的填(B)。 ( )

153、1.Mrs. Black has book shop in the town. ( ) 2.Mrs. Black gets rich because shes a kind woman. ( ) 3.Mrs. Black brought some apples home for her son. ( ) 4.Mike wanted to find something to eat in the room. ( ) 5.Mike can wash the pears his belly. Uit10 第一套 (A) People say the lion is the King of Anima

154、ls because they are very strong. So people watch them live in zoos behind bars or in parks when they drive in cars. But lions are not happy there. They should live on grassy land in Africa. They live in families, too In a lions family, there are usually about 12 members. Thry live and work together

155、to get food and help the small ones. The mother lions usually get food for the baby lions. The father lions sleep most of the day. But you dont think they are la- zy. They are listening and watching all the time. Now there are only a few thousand lions in the world. People are killing them. That is

156、wrong. The animals are our friends. We should protect them. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 ( )1. How many members are there in the lion families? A. Twelve. B. About twelve. C.About fourteen. ( )2. What does grassy mean in Chinese? A. 花草 B. 多草的 C.丛林 ( )3. How do the lion families live? A. They live alone. B. The mot

157、her lion lives alons. C. They live together. ( )4. Who sleeps most of the day in the lion family? A. Father lions. B. Mother lions. C. Young lions. ( )5. Which is right? A. There aer a thousand lions in the world. 写错误的写二根据短文内容选择正确答案天才奖品礼物根据表格所提供力权力任务人物提到景色州根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案训练难载国籍俄罗斯人瘫痪不顾工作室痛苦留下根据短文内容

158、判断句子正误正优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 B. Some father lions are very lazy during the day. C. The lion is the King of Animals. (B) NAMES AGES CITIES COMMENTS Zhang Rong 14 Beijing I think girls are usually more patient than boys.And they can deal withchanging moods more ersily than boys. Xiong Feng 15 Jiangxi Girls take

159、 part in almost every match and get many prizes. Shen Jiyang 14 Zhejiang Boys love sports,especially basketball. Word Bank: 有耐心的 处理 变化的心情 奖 根据表格内容,选择正确答案。 ( )1.are more patient. A.Boys B.Girls C.The old ( )2.andmay be in the same grade. A.Zhang Rong;Shen Jiyang B.Shen Jiyang;Xiong Feng B.C.Xiong Fen

160、g; Zhang Rong ( )3. often get the prizes. A.Grils in Zhang Rongs class B.Grils in Xiong Fengs class C.Boys in Shen Jiyangs class ( )4.Which sentence is True? A.Shen Jiyang is in Beijing. B.Grils can deal with changing moods ersily. C.Basketball is not the most popular sport in Xiong Fengs class. ( )

161、5.If you are a girl in Xiong Fengs class,you kan. A.practise basketball B.take good care of others C.be good at taking part in matches (C) Some cats are yellow. Some cats are black. Some cats are black and white. But no cats are green. I have a cat as a pet. Its name is Mimi. Mimi is a mother cat. S

162、he has five babies. She takes care of them carefully. Baby cats cant see. But they can find their mother. They can find their milk. Do you know these? Cats eat meat and fish. Cats drink milk. They drink water, too. Cats like catching mice. They like catching birds or mice. They like sleening and sta

163、ying with their mothers. Cats have paws. Cats paws help them to catch things. Cats paws help them to climb trees, too. When baby cats grow up, they can catch things and climb trees. Do you like cats? If you like, you can keep a cat as your pet. It can bring happiness to your life. 根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写(A)

164、错误的写(B). ( )1.The writer has a baby cat. ( )2.There are some green and white cats. ( )3.Baby cats can find their mothers. ( )4.Cats like catching mice, but they dont like catching birds. ( )5.Cats paws can help them catch things. 第二套 (A) There is a new park near Andys home. Its fine today. Andy and

165、his family are in the park now. On their left, there is a cafe. On their right, there is a big lake. There are many flowers and trees around the lake. Theres a small hill behind the lake. Near the lake, there are two signs. One says, Dont swim in the lake !The other says, No fishing! But you can go

166、boating on the lake. There is a beautiful garden in the middle of the park. There is green grass and beautiful flowers in it. There are some small shops between the lake and the garden. The park is so nice. Andy and his family like it very much。 ( ) 1. The park near Andys home is _ 。 A. new and beau

167、tiful B. old and beautiful C. clean and new ( )2.Is there a cafd in the park? _ 。 A. Yes, there isnt. B. No, there isnt. C. Yes, there is. ( )3. People can _ on the lake. A. swim B. fish C. boat ( )4. The shops in the park are not_. A. small B. big C. good ( )5. Do Andy and his family like the park?

168、_ 。 A. Yes, they dont. B. No, they do. C. Yes, very much. (B) Feture(特征) Be Popular in Countries Other information Snakes Longest The UK Eat once a month Ants Smallest Germany Are busy Dogs Most popular The UK, China, Germany Play with people Birds Most interesting China Can singlive in cages 根据表格所提

169、供的信息选择最佳答案。 ( )1. are the longest animals in the world. A. Snakes B. Dogs C. Ants ( ) 2. Dogs are more popular in than any other country. A. Germany B. The UK C. The UK, china, Germany ( ) 3. Birds but they live in cages. A. play with people 写错误的写二根据短文内容选择正确答案天才奖品礼物根据表格所提供力权力任务人物提到景色州根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答

170、案训练难载国籍俄罗斯人瘫痪不顾工作室痛苦留下根据短文内容判断句子正误正优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 B. are busy C. can sing ( ) 4. If you hawe a snake, you can giwe it food . A. every day B. once a month C. once a week ( )5. China people like better. A. snakes B. ants C. Birds (C) Almost everyone likes to eat apples. Apples grow in nearly every part o

171、f the world. The United States produces more apples than any other country except France. The states of Washington and New York grow the most apples. New York is on the east coast and Washington is on the west near Canada 。 Apples are red, yellow or green. They are very popular in the United States.

172、 Many people like to carry apples to work or to school to eat with their lunches. Most American people are often too busy or too tired to cook, so they often have their lunches very simply. Apple juice is also a popular drink and apple pie is the favorite dessert of many Americans。 The state of Wash

173、ington is proud of its apples. The trees there produce nearly five billion apples every year - one apple for every man, woman and child in the whole world。 ( )1. Only children like apples in USA. ( ) 2. The United States produces the most apples in the world. ( )3. Many Americans like to eat apples

174、during lunch because they always eat simple food at noon。 ( )4. The state of Washington is proud of its apples because they think their apples are better than any other fruit . ( )5 The apple trees in the word produce nearly five billion apples every year . 答案 Unit 9 第一套 CCACC CCAAB BABBA 第二套 BCCCA

175、BCBAB BAAAB Unit10 第一套 BBCAC BABBC BBABA 第二套 ACCBC ACCBC BAABB Unit 11 (A) My uncle lives with his wife.He has no parents and no children.He likes sports very much and often goes shooting at weekends.He often comes home with a bag of birds.Last Sunday he came home at seven oclock in the evening and

176、felt very sad.“Look at this bag,”he said to his wife.“Theres only one bird and I paid a lot of money for it.”“Why?”his wife asked.“You dont have to pay a lot of money for only one bird.” “I shot( 射) my first bird at five this morning,after that I tried to shoot(射)at another bird but I dont know why

177、I hit a cow and killed it. It was the cow of a farmers.He was angry,and I quarreled( 争吵)with him for a long time.At last I had to pay him $50!” 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 ( )46.There are _ people in my uncles home. A.two B.three C.four ( )47.My uncle likes _ very much. A.music B.cooking C.sports ( )48.My uncle l

178、eft home _ last Sunday. A. at five oclock in the morning. B. before five oclock in the morning. C. after five oclock in the morning. ( )49.Last Sunday my uncle had to pay the farmer_. A.a cow B.some money C.some time ( )50.My uncle took _ home last Sunday. A.a bird B.a cow C. a bag of birds (B) The

179、most Popular Pets in the World Animals Dog Bird Snake Ant Features(特点) Most Popular Most interesting Longest Smallest Countries UK,China, Germany China UK Germany Other details Fun/play with people Sing songs/live in cages Eat once a month/easy to look after Aways busy The ways to look after it Go f

180、or a walk with it very day Feed seeds and fruit daily Hold it gently No care for it 根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。 ( )51._ and _ are both popular in the UK. A.Snake, ants B.Dogs, snakes C.Dogs,birds ( )52.Among these pets, _ may be the busiest pet. A. ants B. snakes C.dogs ( )53.We dont feed _to the birds. A. me

181、at B. seeds C.apples ( )54. _can often walk with people in the street. A. Snakes B. Ants C.Dogs ( )55. From this charts,we know _. A. birds eat food once a month B. dogs are popular in the two countries at the same time 写错误的写二根据短文内容选择正确答案天才奖品礼物根据表格所提供力权力任务人物提到景色州根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案训练难载国籍俄罗斯人瘫痪不顾工作室痛苦留下

182、根据短文内容判断句子正误正优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 C. snakes are one of the most popular pets in the world (C) We go on a trip to the zoo this Saturday.We arrive there at 7:30 in a.m. First, we see some monkeys.They are given some bananas by the zookeeper(动物管理员).Sometimes the monkeys make throw thing at you.They are very fun

183、y.Sometimes the monkeys make faces to the people.Some students are taking photos with the monkey.Next,we see the Indian(印度的) elephants and the new tigers from America.They are much bigger than the monkeys.But they dont like walking.They only stand there.They are more dangerous than monkeys.Some stud

184、ents are afraid of them.Threre are few students near the cage.Finally,we see some penguins.They are very cute.After the trip,we all go home together.All the students feel very happy. 根据短文内容判断正、误。(注意:正确的填“A”,错误的填“B”) ( )56.We go on a trip to the zoo this Saturday in the afternoon. ( )57.The monkeys l

185、ike eating bananas and sometime make faces. ( ) 58.Some students are scared of elephants and tigers. ( ) 59.Many students are standing ear the cage in the zoo. ( ) 60.From the passage we know we feel happy after the trip. 46-50 ACBBA 51-55 BAACC 56-60 BAABA (A) I am very interested in music.My best

186、po singer is Jay Chou(周杰伦).His songs always sound wonderful.When he was not very famous,he worked hard to creatgood songs. I admire him for his hard work. My brother likes music very much,too.He likes Lin Junjies( 林俊杰)songs best.His songs are very beautiful.My brother can sing his many songs,such as

187、 “Always Online”,“Di Er Tian Tang”and some other songs.When he is sad,if he can hear his songs,he will forget the sadness.When he is happy,if he can listern JJs songs,and he will be very happy,too. My parents like music,too.But their favorite singers are different from us.They usually like Song Zuyi

188、ngs( 宋祖英)songs.We all think music is the best way to rest and relax.We all love music.Sometimes, we watch music TV.We sing together at home. ( )46. We know Jay Chou_. A.isnt very famous B.studies on line C.works hard ( )47. The word “ creat” in the passage means “_”in Chinese. A. 打破 B.创造 C.歌唱 ( )48.

189、We know that my brothers favorite singer is _. A. B. C. ( )49. Which of the following is NOT true? A. My brother can sing Lin Junjies many songs. B. My parents like Jay Chous songs,too. C. Different people have different favorite singer. ( )50. The best title is _. A. FAVORITE JOB B. FAVORITE SINGER

190、 C. FAVORITE FAMILY 答案:CBCBB (B) Activities Name Liu Chang Roy Kite Robin Nationality China America America English Age 12 years old 13 years old 2 years older than Roy 11 years old Club Football club Riding bike club Volleyball club Basketball club Reason Play with my friends Make me Healthy Im in

191、the school club My brother likes it 根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。 ( )51. We can know that _ is the oldest students on the table( 表格). A. Liu Chang B.Roy C. Kite ( )52. From the talbe( 表格),there are _ students and there are _ countries. A. three,four B.four,three C. four,four ( )53. Robin is in _ club and Roy is

192、 good at _. A.basketball ,biking B.football,riding C.basketball,volleyball ( )54.Kite likes playing volleyball because _. A. she is in the school club. B. Her brother like it C. it makes me healthy ( )55. According to the table( 表格),which is right? A. Roy and kite are classmates from Americ. B. Robi

193、ns brother like playing soccer too. C. The writer mentions four kinds of activities in the table. (C) Many people like music.It has many kinds:soft music is graceful,rock music fast,classical music great,light music relaxing,and children music interesting.You can pick and choose whatever you like.No

194、w popular songs are in fashion(流行).If you like music, you usually like singing,too.My brother and I like pop songs,and my parents like to listen to soft music.During the holiday, we will have a big party at home.Every one in my family will sing and dance together.My father can play flute.It sounds v

195、ery relaxing. I can play the flute too. I learned it from my father.My brother likes playing the guitar.He can play any pop songs with the guitar. We are a musical family.Do you like music?Is your family full of music,too?Music is really great! I like it very much. 根据短文内容判断正、误。(注意:正确的填“A”,错误的填“B”) (

196、 )56. There are five kinds of music mentioned in the passage. ( )57. My brother and I like listening to soft music. ( )58. There are two members in my family who can play the flute. 写错误的写二根据短文内容选择正确答案天才奖品礼物根据表格所提供力权力任务人物提到景色州根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案训练难载国籍俄罗斯人瘫痪不顾工作室痛苦留下根据短文内容判断句子正误正优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 ( )59.During the holiday,we often have a big dinner in the evening. ( )60. We can know that I have a musical family. 答案:ABABA 写错误的写二根据短文内容选择正确答案天才奖品礼物根据表格所提供力权力任务人物提到景色州根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案训练难载国籍俄罗斯人瘫痪不顾工作室痛苦留下根据短文内容判断句子正误正



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