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1、Seeking Steady Arm to Lean on*Seeking Steady Arm to Lean Onp Aging p Old people living alone and with disease or disabled*Someone needs help.*Someone needs help for some time, not just for a moment.*What kind of people need help most?*Who will be most probably referred to in the text?* Do all the ol

2、d need help?* Introductory part l opinionl introductionl details* Subtitles*conclusion*Grace McCabe*Roberta Van Laven*Barbara. R. *Elvia Moran*Frank Dakin*Carol Kaimovitz*Charlotte Frank*Various kinds of friends*Cristina MartinezPatientsThe help* A new kind of need Help in a crisis Fear of being a b

3、urdenLead inThree ways of help for people in needStory of Grace McCabe *Comprehending the text*1-7 d d b c d d c*Case 1 Grace McCabeucomprehensionWhat is her problem?Why did she choose Frank?uDifficult sentences para2 line 2(paraphrase) para7 line 2(paraphrase) line 5(translation) para8 line 3(trans

4、lation) para13 line3(paraphrase) para14 line2(translation) But now Ms. M. gradually loses her sight and almost sees nothing clearly. In 2003, almost 27% of American families are made up of one person living by himself or herself, which was up in percentage form 18% in 1970. as far as these families

5、are concerned, what they really value is friendship, a relationship that has no lawful status or social position belonging to their relatives.人口统计学家警告说,生育高峰期出生的人逐步老年化,疾病和残疾成为老年不可避免的必然结果,这将使独居者家庭队伍壮大。他说,任何病人或残疾人,在医院里或出院后都需要有人负责照料他们,但独居者在特别脆弱的时候却是自己照顾自己。Give good news or bad to the relatives living in

6、 faraway places但紧急情况联系人表格没有明显近亲可以填写的独居者,必须依靠从专职人员和朋友那里临时获得支持。独立多年以后,且不说请求帮助,就是接受帮助,到时候也可能不那么自然。*Case 2 Roberta Van Laven*What could the story of Roberta Van Laven tell us?Its just so hard to accept help*Case 3 Barbara Ru comprehension what is her profession?What was her goal to release her friends b

7、urden? And how to achieve the goal?u difficult sentencesPara1 (translation)Para5 line1(paraphrase)Para11 line 1(translation)So + adj. + Inverted order + that clauseSo hard is the wish to give up that getting unconditional care from a family member must be the first choice for a patient.希望得到家人无条件的照顾肯

8、定是首选,要放弃它很难。 Barbara knew that she had a lot of advantages while she became a patient.芭芭拉认为,这些新生的团体和自己那个被称为“友谊曼陀罗”的关系网,是日益庞大的疾病患者和老年孤独者队伍的榜样。*Case 4 Elvia MoranncomprehensionWhats the difficulty for Cristina Martinez when she helped Elvia out? Whats Elvias attitude towards the endless help from Cris

9、tina?ndifficult sentencePara 5 line 1Para11para12Emphatic structureIt isthat去年冬天,莫兰女士拿到诊断后,马丁内斯女士停止了寻找工作,打那以后,她拿不出来的是钱。*Case 5 Frank DaykinucomprehensionWhat is his problem?According to Frank, what kind of characters does Carol have? And in fact what is it?What could be the greatest fear of Frank?udifficult sentencePara1 line 3* d b c c d * b d a d d * b a d c d*uGroup work: imagine some mechanism to help those living alone in need of help(class 1 to 4)uWrite a summary based on this text.(class 7 to 10) ID:290379



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