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1、1 FRIENDS welcome to Southwark School! When you go to a new school, it can be scary. You worry about your studies. You worry about your studies. You also worry about making friends. You worry that no one will like you. But do not worry to much. Most of the time some people are friendly and some peop

2、le are not. Usually there are some people you like at once. These people often like you too. How do people make friends? What makes a person a friend? Heres what one student says: My name is Helen. Amy and Sally are my best friends. Amy has been my friend since my first day at nursery school. We wer

3、e three years old then. Were 14 now! I like her because she is happy almost all the time and very friendly. Sally is quiet person. She makes friends more slowly. However, she is just as good a friend as Amy. They are both interested in the same things as me, and we listen to each others problems. Am

4、y likes to talk and Sally likes to listen. We are all good at different school subjects. so we help each other with our homework too! WORD BANK scary 令人惊恐的 worry 担忧、担心 almost 差不多几乎 quiet 文静的、沉默寡言的 subject 科目 EXERCISES 1.Match the word with its correct meaning in the text. worry most often friendly t

5、hink that something bad might happen or has happened usually a thing that is difficult to do or to understand problem behaving in a kind and open way 2. Decide whether the following statements are true(T) or false (F). 1) You dont worry about anything when you go to a new school. ( ) 2) Most of the

6、time Amy is happy while Sally is quiet. ( ) 3) When Helen and Amy were three years old, they were at the same nursery school. ( ) 4) Helen, Amy and Sally are good friends, so they do homework for each other. ( ) 2 WE SPEAK DIFFERENT KINDS OF ENGLISH Ben: Hi, Sally! Sally: Hello, Ben! Ben: Oh, yes, t

7、hats right! You British people say Hello, not Hi. I forgot that. Sally: Actually, lots of British people say Hi these days. Its all the American TV we watch. I dont think people over in America say Hello much, do they? Ben: No, most people just say Hi, as Hello sounds very formal. Sally: Well, lets

8、be British and say Hello to each other for a change. Ben: OK, Sally! Sally: OK is not British. In Britain we say Alright. Ben: Thats not true. EVERYONE in the whole world says OK! Even the French say OK. Sally: Well, yes, thats true. But alright is proper English now. Ben: So it is a kind of old-fas

9、hioned English. But OK, I mean alright. Ill try it. But will anyone understand me? Sally: Yes, of course they will, Oh, look, here comes Tony. Hes from Australia. I wonder whether he says Hello or Hi. Ben: Hi, Tony! Sally: Hello, Tony! Tony: Gday, you two! Sally: Oh no! He speaks Australian English!

10、 WORD BANK forget 忘记 alright 还好、还可以 whole 整个的、全部的 French 法语、法国人 proper 正确的、合适的 old-fashioned 陈旧的 mean 想说、意指 try 尝试 EXERCISES 1. Find the following six words from the puzzle. start forget Proper English again English C A B A G A I N O M D H F X W V Z P N O E J O K D O R Y B S H I R C U S T A R T E N

11、G L I S H P Q R I A E F J G W Q O Y K J T P R O P E R C 2. Follow the example and find the information from the passage to fill in as much of the table as you can. British Australian American Hi Hello Gday Alright OK 3 AN INTERVIEW WITH MR BLACK Which class do you teach, Mr. Black? I teach Class 3.

12、The students are eight or nine years old. What do you teach them? Everything! I have them all day for whole year! By the end of the year you must know them very well! Yes. They know me pretty well too. What do you think your class would say about you as a teacher? This year, my class thinks I am gru

13、mpy! My wife and I have a new baby. The baby sleeps badly, so we are kept awake almost every night. No wonder you are grumpy in the morning! What is your favorite subject to teach? I like teaching maths. I like it when I explain something and the children can do things they could not do before, like

14、 adding fractions together. Do you like teaching English? Its OK. The Class 2 teacher, Mrs. Lewis, is good at telling stories. She doesnt like maths. Sometimes she tells my class stories and I do maths with her class! What do you like about teaching children of this age? They like learning new thing

15、s. Sometimes older children are more interested in their friends. They like to talk to each other, and they think some lessons are boring. WORD BANK pretty 相当 grumpy 脾气坏的 wife 妻子 awake 醒着 no wonder 怪不得 maths 数学 fractions 分数 learn 学习 boring 令人厌烦的 EXERCISES 1. Choose the correct words to put into the

16、sentences below. 1) Did you _ well last night? 2) I _ English in a middle school. 3) Who is your _ singer? 4) Eating the same thing every day is _ . 2. Answer the following questions. 1) How old are the students in Mr. Blacks class? 2) What makes Mr. Black grumpy? 3) Why does Mr. Black like teaching

17、 maths? 4 I LOVE HORSE-RIDING! Im Sue. Im 14 and I live in England. My father works in a horse-riding school. Ive been riding since I was six. I go horse-riding every Saturday. Now I can ride quite well. I spend all Saturday at the riding school. I help to get the horses ready. I help the new studen

18、ts. I feed the horses and give them water when the lessons are over. I also brush them and clean all the equipment. I do this because I like it. I also get to ride for free! When you start riding a horse, its very difficult! The first thing you learn is how to get onto a horse. Then yo have to learn

19、 how to move up and down at the same time as the horse. If you dont do this, it is very uncomfortable for you and the horse! At first you learn to walk the horse around. Then you learn to go faster. When your teacher thinks you are good enough, you learn to jump. Not everyone wants to learn to jump.

20、 Some people just want to learn to ride for the exercise. But I like jumping. It is exciting! WORD BANK quite 相当 spend 花费 feed 喂养、饲养 over 完结的、结束 brush 刷、扫 equipment 设备、器材 for free 免费的 difficult 困难的 fast 快地、迅速地 enough 足够地 jump 跳跃 want 要 想要 teach sleep boring favorite exercise 训练 exciting 令人兴奋或激动的 EXE

21、RCISES 1. Match the words with the pictures. 2. Answer the following questions. 1) Why can Sue ride very well? _ 2) What does Sue do at the riding school on Saturdays? _ 3) Is it difficult or easy to ride a horse? _ 5 MATTS MOTHER Matts mother, Julie, is a doctor in a hospital in the USA. Hospitals

22、are busy places. Every day people with broken legs, people who have had accidents, people who are sick and mothers who are sick and mothers who are having babies all come to the hospital. Often they stay in the hospital for days, or even weeks, before they are well enough to leave. Staying in hospit

23、al for a long time can be very boring. Patients sleep in rooms called wards, and nurses look after them. A doctor visits them every day to see if they are well enough to go home. Most doctors in hospitals look after just one type of patient. Julie looks after babies and small children who are sick.

24、Sometimes she works in the daytime and sometimes at night. So sometimes Matt doesnt see his mum for a few days. She is working when he is asleep. She is sleeping when he is awake! When this happens, they write each other notes to say Hi! Matts father is a writer. He works from home. So he does all t

25、he cooking and the housework for the family. Matts 14. Hes old enough to help with the housework. His sister, Shelly, is only two. She cant help yet! WORD BANK busy 忙碌 even 就算、甚至 Patient 病人、患者 ward 病房 look after 照顾、照料 type 种类、类型 happen 发生 cooking 烹饪、烹调 horse-riding cleaning rock climbing EXERCISES 1

26、. Choose the correct words to put into the sentences below. 1) His sister works in a _. She is a nurse. 2) Watch out! Theres _ glass on the floor. 3) I cant _ long. 4) We often _ friends on Saturdays. 2. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) 1) Everyone goes to the hospit

27、al every day. ( ) 2) All the doctors in hospitals look after one type of patients. ( ) 3) Often Julie doesnt see her son for a few days. ( ) 4) Matt can help his father with the housework. ( ) 6 GOING TO A CONCERT Anna and Jane had tickets for a pop concert in London. They were very excited about th

28、e concert. They had planned their day out in London very carefully. They worked out which trains to catch, where to eat and where they wanted to go shopping. Then they got some really exciting news. A friend of Janes was working with the sound equipment backstage. He said he could get them special p

29、asses so they could go backstage. He promised to ask the group if the girls could come to say Hello. He said that he was sure he could get them the groups autographs. The girls could hardly wait! Then two days before the concert, Anna got a cold. It got worse and worse, even though she stayed in bed

30、 and took medicine. One the evening before the concert, she had a fever and was very sick indeed. Annas mother rang Jane. Annas too sick to go to the concert, she said. You had better find someone else to go with. The next day, Anna was feeling very sorry for herself. Then she had a visitor. It was

31、Jane! She came with a big bag of fruit and a pile of their favorite CDs. I gave the tickets to Jill and Sue in the end, she said. Well go to another concert when youre well. It wouldnt be much fun without you. WORD BANK pop 流行音乐 carefully 细心地 backstage 在后台、在幕后 cold 感冒 fever 发烧 indeed 确实、当然 pile 叠、堆

32、another 另一个 EXERCISES 1. Put the letters in the right order to form a word from the passage you just read. The first two letters of each word have been given below. 1) ca_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2) ex _ _ _ _ _ 3) fr _ _ _ 4) co _ _ _ _ _ 2. Complete the following sentences according to the passage. u f a e l

33、y c l r t e x c i d e i r f r t e c o n r c t broken stay visit hospital 1) Anna and Jane were very glad to _ in London. 2) One of Janes friends could get them _. 3) Anna got a cold, so she couldnt _. 4) Jane brought Anna _. 7 MY NEW SCHOOL Hi Ben, How are you? Im writing to tell you about my new sc

34、hool. Im a bit nervous. It is called Senior High School. In England you change schools when you are about 11 years old, dont you? Here in America, most students change schools at about 10 and again at about 13. At 10 we move from elementary school to Junior High. That is when we move from having one

35、 teacher for all our subjects to having a different teacher for each subject. But our school is still quite small, though not as small as our elementary school. We move to Senior High at 13. This time some of my friends are changing schools with me. Some of them are going to a different Senior High.

36、 Sometimes a Junior High School is next to a Senior High School. My Senior High is in a different place from the Junior High. I have to take the bus and it takes longer to get there. It is a lot bigger too. There were about 900 students in my Junior High, but there are about 3,500 students in Senior

37、 High. Wish me luck on my first day! Eric WORD BANK bit 稍微、有点 nervous 紧张的、不安的 elementary school 小学 still 仍、还是 though 尽管 EXERCISES 1. Choose the correct words or phrases to put into the sentences below. 1) I cant run _ fast _ you. 2) Wed all like to wish you _ in your new job. 3) Youll have to wait _

38、 longer. 4) Hes always been a little _ of change. 2. Match the sentences according to the passage. 8 SCIENCE IS MY FAVOURITE SUBJECT In England the students go to Senior High School at 13. the students go to Junior High School at 11. In America There are 2,600 more students in Senior High School. in

39、 elementary School. We have one teacher for all our subjects a bit asas luck nervous Hi Eric, Good to hear from you. I remember when I changed schools, I was nervous on the first day too. Almost all the students were nervous! But now most of us like it. There are about 2,000 students in my school an

40、d about 80 teachers. The big difference between our old school and the new one is that our new school has a lot more equipment. In our science classes we can do experiments using chemicals and complicated equipment. I feel like a real scientist! Science is my favorite subject. We have two lessons to

41、gether every Friday afternoon. This is when we do experiments. We have to write them up carefully afterwards, but the best part is doing the experiments. Often we set fire to things (on purpose, for the experiment!). It is amazing how chemicals react with each other! Even when that doesnt happen, yo

42、u do interesting things. For the last three weeks we have been growing a crystal on a piece of string. It seems to come from nowhere. It gets bigger and bigger. Our teacher says that if we had a beaker the size of the science lab, we could make a crystal bigger than me. That would be cool, dont you

43、think so? I must go, let me know how your first day went. Ben WORD BANK remember 记得 experiment 实验 chemical 化学药品 complicated 复杂的 feel like 感觉自己是某种人 together 一起 afterwards 后来、其后 set fire to 使燃烧 on purpose 故意、蓄意 amazing 令人惊奇的 react 起化学反应 EXERCISES 1. Match the word with its correct meaning in the text.

44、 2. Complete the following sentences according to the passage. 1) Bens new school has more equipment than _. 2) _ is Bens favorite subject. 3) Every Friday afternoon Ben has _. 4) Ben has been growing a crystal and it gets _. 9 PUT YOURSELF IN MY SHOES! change in the space or time that separates two

45、 things or people have a picture in your mind of people, events, places etc. from the past science between have one thing in place of another the study of the physical world and natural laws remember I think I am going to explode with boredom! Its our first day at school and they expect us to sit do

46、wn and start to work at once. The examinations are years away! Were confused by the size of the school. Were too worried about making friends to concentrate on work. I think they should give us a day to get used to the timetable and find our way around the school. Maybe even spend the day with our f

47、orm teacher. That way we would get to know each other and the form teacher, at least. But no! We go round different classes and teachers all day. Its crazy! I hate the first day with the new students! They just dont settle down. They have to learn that they are starting to prepare for examinations.

48、They have to start taking work seriously, right from the first day. They dont realise how quickly the time will pass. Every day counts. Now it is the time to set the high standards of work and behavior we will expect from them all through Senior High. These students are quiet enough. However, I can

49、tell they are not thinking about the work at all. Its crazy! WORD BANK explode 爆炸 expect 预料 examination 考试、考查 confuse 使混乱 concentrate 专心致志、集中精神 maybe 也许、可能 crazy 荒唐的 hate 憎恨 settle down 安静下来 prepare 准备 seriously 严重地 认真地 realize 知道、了解到 count 很重要 EXERCISES 1. Choose the correct words to put into the s

50、entences below. 1) They are _ people with the same name. 2) I was surprised at the _ of the hotel. 3) I dont want to _ too much time on it. 4) There is a bus _ on the desk. 2. Answer the following questions. 1) What do the students want to do on their first day in a new school? _ 2) Why does the tea

51、cher hate the first day with the new students? _ 10 ANNE: A GP Anne Weatherley is a doctor in England. Shes a general practitioner (GP). A GP is a doctor who works in a surgery and looks after the local people. GPs see lots of patients every day. Yesterday Anne saw two babies with sore ears, one old

52、 lady with a bad leg, six people with coughs, two people who couldnt sleep, two people with sore backs and one old man with a burn on his arm. So as you can see, she is very busy! Anne doesnt have a big family. She and her husband, Andrew, have three children: Chris, Jon and Katie. They live in a sm

53、all village called Elmstone in England. Annes surgery is in a nearby village, Ash. Andrew is a doctor, like Anne, but he works at a hospital in Canterbury, which is home of the world famous Cathedral. It takes him about an hour to get to work. Anne has a sister and a brother. Andrew has a brother, b

54、ut he doesnt have a sister. So Chris, Jon and Katie have two uncles and one aunt. Anne and Andrews brothers and sister live in different parts of the country. Annes parents live in England, but not near Anne and Andrew. Andrews size timetable spend different parents live in France. They often only s

55、ee each other at Christmas. Then they have a lot to talk about! WORD BANK surgery 诊所 local 当地的 cough 咳嗽 burn 烧伤 husband 丈夫 village 村庄 cathedral 大教堂 country 国家 EXERCISES 1. Find the following six words from the puzzle. 2. Follow the example and find the information to fill in the table. Anne Andrew J

56、ob Work place Sister Brother Place where Parents live 11 MY GRANDPARENTS My grandparents can be good fun. They are retired, so they dont work anymore. My grandfather is 68 and my grandmother is 67, but they are not too old to be active. They exercise by playing golf and they go out for meals and to

57、the theatre. Sometimes they take me out too. We have a good time. They also go on great holidays. Last year, they went to China and walked along the Great Wall! Sometimes, my grandparents like to criticize me. They think that children today have an easy life. Life was very different when they were y

58、oung and there are many things about my life that they do not understand. They tell me, over and over, how they had to start work at 16. They know that I will go on to university and wont be getting a job until I am about 22! They also think that I have too many possessions, such as mobile phones, c

59、omputers and PSPs. When they were young, they did not have anything like that. What they do not realize is that they cannot compare our generations. They had the same sorts of things as the rest of their generation- so do I. It would be very strange if I only had the possessions that they had when t

60、hey were my age! WORD BANK husband Village hospital live A C H O S P I T A L D H U I E C M K C I J K S G B F S C F V M N B V I L L A G E D S A J L J K H F K X Q N H G L P R W I Q W D T U K M N J T retired 退休 active 积极的、活跃的 meal 一 theatre 剧院 criticize 批评 possession 所有物财产 EXERCISES 1. Match the words

61、and phrases with the pictures. 2. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1) My grandparents dont work anymore because they want to enjoy their life. ( ) 2) When they were young they didnt have as many things as we have today. ( ) 3) When they were young grandparents had t

62、he same kinds of things as their friends. ( ) 12 DOES ANYONE WANT MY SISTER? Sam: I hate my sister. I wish she were living on the moon! I wish I were an only child, like you! do you want my sister? Jane: What on earth has your sister done to upset you? Sam: She wont let me watch the TV programmes I

63、want to watch! I have to watch her silly TV soap operas. She lies on the sofa, the best place to watch TV from, and I have to sit on a chair. All because shes older than me! Jane: I can see why you are annoyed. I can watch whatever TV programmes I like. That I until Mum and Dad want to watch somethi

64、ng. Grown-ups get first pick in our house. Sam: My parents have their own TV. They bought one for me and my sister because they were sick of us arguing over the family TV. Jane: At least you dont have to fight for the TV with the whole family. Sam: No, but I still dont get to watch what I want. I te

65、ll you, its better not to have a sister. Jane: I thought she cooks for you sometimes? I have to cook for myself all the time. And I remember that she made you a great cake for your birthday! Shes a good cook, isnt she? Sam: Yes, she makes popcorn sometimes too, when were watching the wildlife progra

66、mmes on TV, which we both like. Jane: There you are! Having a sister isnt all bad, is it? Sam: Maybe not. Maybe Ill keep her after all! WORD BANK programme 节目 grandparents computer mobile phone silly 愚蠢的 soap opera 肥皂剧 annoyed 生气的、恼怒的 Grown-up 成人 pick 挑选、选择 own 自己的 argue 争吵、争论 after all 毕竟、终究 EXERCI

67、SES 1. Choose the correct words or phrases to put into the sentences below. 1) His father is _. He died two years ago. 2) She cant understand. She is only two years old_. 3) You can have any one you like, take your _. 4) His mother cooks _ every day. 2. Answer the following questions. 1) Why did Sam

68、 hate his sister? _ 2) How did Sam change his mind? _ HEALTHY FOOD Whats your favorite food? Our reporter showed these two pictures and asked 50 students which they would prefer to eat 42 chose that picture with fast food. The eight who chose the vegetables were vegetarians. They dont eat meat. So t

69、hey do not like hamburgers. Then our reporter asked the students which picture showed the most healthy food. All the students chose the picture below! So we know what food is good for us, but it isnt our favorite food. Our favorite food isnt healthy. Vegetables and fruit are healthy food, but that i

70、s not what we want to eat. I eat an apple each day because my mother gives it to me. I eat vegetables for my dinner because my mother cooks them. She wants me to be healthy. Your mother wants you to be healthy. She probably cooks you healthy food, just like my mother cooks it for me. I want to be he

71、althy but I want to eat hamburgers, not fish! Our reporter asked two of the students he interviewed what they were having for lunch. Read on, you will see what they said. WORD BANK reporter 记者 show 展示 prefer 更喜欢 vegetarian 素食主义者 probably 大概可能 EXERCISES 1. Match the word with its correct meaning in t

72、he text. healthy choose lunch decide which thing you want let someone look at something good for your body and able to make you strong dead pick supper after all 2. Which of the following are Not healthy food? Place a tick () in the brackets. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) WHATS IN YOUR LUN

73、CHBOX? (Sue is 13. Shes in Class 1.) What do you eat for lunch, Sue? I often eat a packed lunch. My mother gives me healthy food for lunch. She doesnt want me to eat school meals. Why doesnt she want you to eat school meals? Because she thinks they arent healthy. So what does your mother put in your

74、 lunchbox, SUE? She gives me different things every day. I always have a sandwich, but the bread is different. The food inside the sandwich is different too. What is in your sandwich today? Cheese, lettuce and tomato. What else is in your lunchbox, Sue? I always have some fruit. Today its an apple.

75、Do you like apples? Theyre not my favorite. My favorite fruit is bananas, but there arent any bananas today. What do you have to drink, Sue? I have orange juice today. Is that all you eat for lunch? It is all my mother gives me, but I buy sweets. I often buy chocolate. Its my favorite, but it isnt h

76、ealthy! So, Sue, your mother gives you healthy food and you buy food that isnt healthy? Yes, but I eat a lot of healthy food before I eat the chocolate! WORD BANK packed lunch 自备午餐、自带饭盒 inside 在里面 lettuce 莴苣、生菜 else 另外 sweet 糖果 EXERCISES 1. Choose the correct words to put into the sentences below. 1

77、) I want to go to the shop to _ some milk. 2) Would you like something to _? 3) I _ see her there. 4) Do you _ its going to rain? 2. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1) Sue doesnt have lunch at school. ( ) 2) Sues mother thinks school meals arent healthy. ( ) 3) Sue

78、 has a different kind of sandwich every day. ( ) 4) Before Sue has lots of healthy food, she often eats chocolate. ( ) SCHOOL MEAL (Tony is 13. Hes in Class 2.) What do you eat for lunch, Tony? I often eat school meals. My mother is a nurse. She often goes to work very early and doesnt have time to

79、make me a packed lunch. She thinks the school meals are mostly healthy and she makes sure I eat a healthy dinner. So what do you eat for your school meal, Tony? I eat different things every day. The cooks make different food, I choose my favorite things. Whats your meal today? Noodles and meat sauce

80、, an apple, a cookie and a glass of milk. I am eating while I talk. Or my food will go cold. Thats OK, Tony, eat your meal. Do you always drink milk? Its not my favorite. Juice is my favorite, but they havent got any juice today. What do you always have, Tony? I always have a cookie. It isnt healthy

81、 food, but it is my favorite part of my school meal. Do you always eat your apple? No, Apples are not my favorite fruit, but they havent got any oranges. Sometimes I give my apple to my friend Sam. Sam gives me some chocolate for the apple. Doesnt Sam like chocolate? Yes, but he likes apples too. Hi

82、s mother gives him lots of chocolate! WORD BANK early 初期 noodle 面条 sauce 酱、调味汁 think drink buy often EXERCISES 1. Match the words with the pictures. 2. Answer the following questions. 1) Why does Tony eat school meals for lunch? _ 2) How does Tony get chocolate? _ WEATHER SAYINGS English people have

83、 many sayings about the weather. Perhaps this is because English people talk about the weather a lot. English weather is hard to predict, so there are many sayings that are supposed to help you decide what the weather will be like. Many of them are about the possibility of rain. It rains a lot in En

84、gland. When it rains, many young children sing: Rain, rain, go away, Come again another day! Little Johnny wants to play, Rain, rain, go away. So, how can you tell if it is going to rain? Here are a few sayings to help you: Red sky in the morning Shepherds warning. Red sky at night, Shepherds deligh

85、t. (This rhyme also works if you replace shepherds with sailors. Anyone working outdoors would be glad if it did not rain!) Other sayings include: Rain before seven; fine before eleven. A sunshiny shower wont last half an hour. Perhaps, of all weather sayings, this one is the truest (although it is

86、very difficult to say). It is a tongue twister. It is meant to be difficult to say quickly, and makes a joke of the fact that weather and whether sound the same. Whether the weather be fine Or whether the weather be not whatever the weather Well weather the weather Whether we like it or not! WORD BA

87、NK perhaps 可能 predict 预测 possibility 可能性 cook nurse juice shepherd 牧羊人 warning 警告 delight 喜悦 rhyme 押韵诗 sailor 水手 although 尽管 tongue twister 绕口令 EXERCISES 1. Match the word with its correct meaning in the text. 2. Answer the following questions. 1) Does it rain a lot in England? _ 2) What does it mea

88、n by saying Rain before seven, fine before eleven? _ AUTUMN POEMS There are many English poems about the seasons, and about the way the seasons change. LEAVES All join hands and circle round While we watch the leaves fall down See them twirling to the ground, See them dancing all around. See them sk

89、ipping here and there, See them flipping in the air. Autumn leaves so peacefully Falling, falling from the tree. THE LEAVES ARE GREEN The leaves are green, the nuts are brown, They hang so high they wont come down. Leave them alone till frosty weather, Then they will all come down together. WORD BAN

90、K twirl 转动 skip 跳,蹦 flip 掷, 弹 perhaps decide predict warning Say what you think will happen in the future An action or statement telling someone of a possible problem or danger Possibly, maybe make a choice about what you are going to do peacefully 平静地 nut 坚果 frosty 结霜的,严寒的 EXERCISES 1. Choose the c

91、orrect words to put into the sentences below. autumn leaves weather seasons 1) He was late because of the bad_. 2) Im starting a new job in the _. 3) Wind blows and fills the skies with many gold and brown _. 4) There are four _ in a year. 2. Have you ever read any Chinese poems about seasons? Write

92、 down their names in Chinese. A LESSON THAT SAVED LIVES On 26th December, 2004, a young girl called Tilly Smith was on holiday with her family in Phuket, Thailand. No one knew what was about to happen - a tsunami that would kill about 200,000 people. Tilly had studied tsunamis in her geography class

93、 and had seen a video of a tsunami. My mum didnt realize what was happening, said Tilly. But Tilly did. I saw this bubbling on the water, at the edge; the water and the foam looked as if they were boiling, and were making a strange noise. The water was coming in, but it wasnt going out again out aga

94、in. It was coming in, and in, and in, towards the hotel. She turned to her mother and sister and told them that it was a tsunami. At first they did not believe her. She was only 10 years old. Maybe she was just hoping to see a tsunami because she had studied it? Tillys father went back to the hotel

95、with her sister. They told the people who worked in the hotel what Tilly had said. Tilly ran out to the beach, to warn the people there. The hotel workers believed Tilly. They began to get people off the beach. Only a few minutes later a huge wave swept over the beach. This beach was one of the few

96、beaches in Phuket where no one was killed or seriously hurt. This was all because of 10-year-old Tilly Smith. She and all her family escaped. The picture shows Tilly a year after the tsunami at a church service to remember the people who died. WORD BANK tsunami 海啸 geography 地理 video 录像带 bubble 冒泡 ed

97、ge 边缘 foam 气泡 boil 沸腾 noise 噪声 towards 朝向 believe 相信 hope 希望 huge 巨大 wave 波浪 sweep 席卷蔓延 hurt 受伤 escape 逃离 避免 EXERCISES 1. Match the word with its correct meaning in the text. huge sweep holiday time when you do not have to go to work or school cause someone or something to die very large 2. Decide w

98、hether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1) Tilly knew a tsunami was about to happen. ( ) 2) When Tilly told her mother what would happen, her mother believed her. ( ) 3) Tilly and her sister told people to leave the beach. ( ) 4) Tilly was 10 years old that year. ( ) HOW DOES YOUR

99、 MOBILE PHONE WORK We all know that mobile phones are very useful. Its easy to make plans, and to change them, if you have a mobile phone. So how do mobile phones work? Mobile phones are also called cell-phones. This is because of the way they work. Cells are small parts of living things that all wo

100、rk together for the living thing to survive. In the same way, a mobile phone network cant survive without lots of their kind of cells. Mobile phone companies divide countries into areas they call cells. Each cell has a base station that sends signals to your mobile phone inside that cell. The base s

101、tation also picks up signals from your mobile. This lets you make calls. Cells need to be touching each other for a mobile phone network to work. As you travel, you move from one cell to another. As you move out of a cell, its base station no longer reaches your mobile. But, if the cells are touchin

102、g, you move into another cell at once. So its base station keeps your mobile working. Your mobile doesnt work in any gaps between the cells. WORD BANK cell-phone 蜂窝电话手机 cell 细胞 survive 幸存继续存在 divide 分划分 base station 基站 signal 信号 gap 缝隙 缺口 EXERCISES 1. Choose the correct words or phrases to put into

103、the sentences below. touched gaps pick up 1) My mother has a new radio, and she tries to _ Joy FM every night. 2) Be quiet! Beth said, and she _ her finger to her lips. 3) - My room is cold in winter. - Did you fill in the _ around the windows and doors? 2. Decide whether the following statements ar

104、e true (T) or false (F). 1) You can make calls because a base station can pick up signals from your cell-phone. ( ) 2) As you move out of a cell, its base station no longer reaches your mobile. ( ) 3) A lot of gaps between cells can make mobile phones work well. ( ) LETS GO OUT! Tom: Hello, Milly! W

105、here are you? Milly: Im at home. Im bored! Lets go out! Ill ring Amy, John and Tony. You ring Kathy, Raj and Lu. Lets go to the cinema. Tom: OK. Milly: Its me again. John and Tony can come, but Amy cant. Shes going to see her aunt in hospital. Tom: OK. Well, Raj and Lu are going to the cinema, but t

106、hey want to go on their own. On a DATE! But Kathy can come. Milly: A date! Well! That will be something to tell the others! See you there. Tom: Milly, the bus has broken down! They dont know how long it will take to fix it. Im going to walk. Its only about 15 minutes from here. Where are you? Milly:

107、 Were outside the cinema. Well wait for you. We could go to see the new Harry Potter film or a horror film or an American comedy about high school kids. Tom: What does everyone want to see? Milly: John, Kathy and I want to see the high school film. Tony doesnt. He wants to see the horror film. Weve

108、all seen the Harry Potter film. Tom: Well, I dont want to see the high school film. It would be silly for us to see different films. Its a nice day. Lets just go to the park. Milly: OK. See you there. WORD BANK ring (给) 打电话 on ones own 独自的 horror film 恐怖片 comedy 喜剧 EXERCISES 1. Match the word with i

109、ts correct meaning in the text. 2. Answer the following questions. 1) Why did Milly and Tom decide to go out? _ 2) How many friends can go out with Tom and Milly? _ 3) Where did they decide to go in the end? _ DINNER DECISIONS! Sally: The boss has asked me to dinner. What do I do? Should I take a gi

110、ft? Bob, Joe and Ellen: Yes! Sally: OK, what should I take? What about wine? Bob: No! It is too hard to pick the right wine. It is difficult because you dont want to spend too much or too little. You have to pick a wine he likes. Plus, you have to pick a wine that will go with the dinner! Dont even

111、think about it! Get some chocolates for his wife instead. Ellen: No! What if shes on a diet? Anyway, it is too hard to pick the right chocolates. You have to pick chocolates she likes. Some people like plain chocolate, while others like different fillings. So, not chocolates, Sally. Sally: Flowers,

112、then? fix outside comedy horror funny film something that is very frightening not inside make something work again Joe: No! I think he has an allergy to flowers. They make him sneeze. Or maybe thats Phil from downstairs. Im not sure. But dont risk it. Take some good coffee. I know he LOVES coffee. E

113、llen: Anyway, Sally, thats not the most important question. What are you going to wear? You mustnt be better dressed than his wife. But you still have to look smart enough, or it is disrespectful. Sally: Oh no! Its too hard! I dont want to go! Bob: Well, that would be rude! WORD BANK filling (蛋糕或馅饼中

114、的)馅 allergy 过敏反应 sneeze 打喷嚏 smart 时髦 EXERCISES 1. Match the following words with their Chinese meanings. 2. Answer the following questions. 1) What gifts did Sallys friends advise her to take? _ 2) Do you think Sally knows what gift to take after hearing her friends advice? _ LATE FOR SCHOOL! One mo

115、rning it was very sunny when I woke up. I looked at the alarm clock. It said 3:50! It had stopped! What time was it? I climbed out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen. The kitchen clock said 8:30-I was late! My parents were away. My aunt had gone to work without checking if I was up. The schoo

116、l bus went at 8:00. I had missed it. I rang my friend Tony on his mobile phone. Tell the teacher Ill be in as soon as I can! I said. Come on your rollerblades, Tony said. It will be faster than the bus. I washed and dressed in a hurry. I grabbed an apple to eat on the way. That was breakfast today!

117、Then I put on my rollerblades and set off for school. It took half an hour to get to the school. I went across the parkeven through some backyards! When I got to school, I was very hot and my legs ached. I had missed maths, our first lesson of the morning. But I made it just in time for history, our

118、 second lesson. I was very happy because history is my favorite subject. WORD BANK kitchen 厨房 miss 错过 rollerblade 一字轮旱冰鞋 grab 抓 set off 动身出发 ache 痛 EXERCISES disrespectful 冒之险 失礼的无礼的 葡萄酒 wine risk 1. Choose the correct words to put into the sentences below. 1) Let me know when you get _. 2) Ill _ so

119、mething to eat before I go out. 3) My mother cooks in the _ every day. 4) - Do you think you can _ that tree? - No, I dont think so. 2. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1) I woke up late because it was dark in the morning. ( ) 2) I went to school on my rollerblades

120、because it was faster than the bus. ( ) 3) I missed maths and history. ( ) I LIKE DRAMA Hi Ben, How was your week? Today we started drama. Our drama teacher, Miss Smith, was sick in the first week. All we did was look around the Drama Building and talk about the work for this semester. So today was

121、our first real class. Monday is drama day. We only have drama once a week, and music once a week. But we have each of them for two lessons together. Most lessons are only an hour. But when we get back from lunch at half past one , we have drama all afternoon! I like drama. It is my favorite subject.

122、 At Senior High we have a proper theatre to perform in. Today we started to work on a play we will perform in. Today we started to work on a play we will perform at Thanksgiving. We talked about the story and we tried acting out different parts. Miss Smith walked around watching us and helping us. I

123、 hope she gives me a big part! I am reading the play again and thinking about it a lot. I want to get the part of the stupid policeman! I like parts where I can make people laugh. My dream is to act in the Globe Theatre in London. Do you enjoy drama at you school? Will you be performing in any play

124、for Christmas? Eric WORD BANK drama 戏剧 semester 学期 real 真正的 once a week 一周一次 perform 表演 Thanksgiving 感恩节 EXERCISES 1. Fill in the blanks according to the text. 1) Eric likes drama. Its his _subject. 2) They talked about the story and tried acting _ different parts. 3) Miss Smith walked around watchi

125、ng us and _ us. 4) My _ is to act in the Globe Theatre in London. 2. Answer the following questions. 1) Did Eric start drama in the first week? _ 2) Why does Eric want to choose the part of the stupid policeman? _ SCIENCE RULES! Hi Eric, get back climb kitchen We do drama at our school, but I dont l

126、ike it. I dont like being on the stage and everyone looking at me! I cant sing or dance. I cant learn a part quickly. So I dont like drama. I think it is good that we only have one drama lesson a week. I expect you wish that you had more drama lessons! My favorite subject is science. I really enjoy

127、doing experiments. We have science five times a week. We have biology on Monday morning at 9 oclock. It lasts for an hour. We are studying the human body. We have chemistry for two lessons together on Wednesday, in the afternoon. We are studying the chemistry of the Earth. Then from 9 oclock until 1

128、1 oclock on Thursday we have a physics lesson. We are studying electricity. Our school teaches us biology, chemistry and physics as three different subjects and we have three examinations. Lots of schools now teach all the subjects together as science and have just one examination. You still learn m

129、ostly the same things. I think you probably dont like science. Lots of my friends who like science subjects dont like subjects such as English and drama. Most of my friends who like English and drama dont like science or maths! Ben WORD BANK stage 舞台 quickly 很快地 biology 生物 last 持续 chemistry 化学 physi

130、cs 物理 electricity 电 EXERCISES 1. Match the word with its correct meaning in the text. 2. Answer the following questions. 1) Does Ben like drama? Explain your answer. _ 2) What is Bens favorite subject? _ 3) How many science subjects are there in Bens school? What are they? _ THE BEST PRESENT FOR MUM

131、 It was December and Sues friends were talking about Christmas. They talked about the presents they wanted and about the presents they were going to buy. Sue thought about the presents she was going to buy for her family. Her dad was easy to buy for. He loved history books and detective stories. She

132、 could look at the books he had, and buy something similar. She would have to ask her mum what she was going to buy for him, just so science Earth expect examinatiothink something will happen a subject such as chemistry, physics and biology The planet( 星球) on which we live an important test they did

133、nt get the same one! Her younger brother was also easy to buy for, He loved sweets! All she needed to do was buy him lots of sweets. Of course, that would make Mum angry, but people always eat sweets at Christmas. Sues problem was what to buy her mum. Her mum didnt read many books. She loved gardeni

134、ng, but she already had all the tools she needed for the garden. Also, she liked to choose her plants and seeds herself. Sue could buy her a book with pictures of beautiful gardens in it. But her mum liked to be in her own garden, not looking at pictures in books. Sue spent a lot of time looking for

135、 a present for her mum. But nothing was perfect. Mum always said that the best presents were the ones that you put time and effort into. Suddenly Sue had an idea. Why not knit a scarf for Mum? That way she could wear it to keep warm when she was in the garden on cold days. Shed love it! So Sue bough

136、t some pink and orange wool. They were Mums favorite colors because they reminded her of the flowers she liked. Sue spent many hours knitting when her mum was not around. She wanted it to be a surprise. She finished the scarf just in time. When Mum opened the present on Christmas morning, she was ve

137、ry grateful. She knew that Sue had spent a long time knitting the scarf. She took Sue in her arms and gave her a big kiss! WORD BANK detective 侦探 angry 生气的恼怒的 gardening 园艺 seed 种子 perfect 完美的理想的 Suddenly 突然地 knit 编织 scarf 围巾 wool 羊毛/毛线 remind 提醒使想起 grateful 感激的,感谢的 EXERCISES 1. Choose the correct wo

138、rks to put into the sentences below. 1) You can _ where we eat - I dont mind. 2) Tom _ two hours doing homework. 3) Dont eat too many _. It isnt good for your teeth. 4) Ill call Sue to _ her that were meeting at 8 oclock. 2. Answer the following questions. 1) Why was Sues dad easy to buy for? _ 2) W

139、hy did Sue knit a scarf for Mum? _ 3) Did Sues mum like the present? _ A SHOPPER WHO NEVER BUYS My friend Beth loves to go shopping. Lots of people are like that. What is different about Beth is that she NEVER seems to buy anything. Ive stopped going shopping with her its embarrassing! This is the s

140、ort of thing that happens: Shop assistant: Can I help you? Beth: Im starting a new job. I need a new suit. I want to look efficient and smart. sweets choose spent remind Shop assistant: You have come to the right place. We have lots of suits. What about this nice yellow one? Summers coming! Beth: No

141、, I need a suit that I can wear year after year. Yellow is fashionable this year, but next year Shop assistant: Youre right. What about this blue one? Beth: Its a very pretty color. But isnt the skirt too short? That isnt very business-like! Shop assistant: Youre right. What about this grey one? The

142、 skirt isnt too short and greys smart enough for work. Beth: But its boring. It will make me look boring. Shop assistant: You could wear a bright, fashionable blouse under it. Maybe yellow? Beth: OK, Ill try it on. With that yellow blouse, over there. Later Shop assistant: That looks lovely. It is v

143、ey smart, very business-like. Beth: Im not sure. I dont think these shoes go with it. I dont think I have any shoes that go with it. I think I will just keep wearing my old suit. Shop assistant: What about a new blouse for it? Beth: No, I think Ill just wear my old ones. Seeing all of these makes me

144、 realize how nice my old clothes are! WORD BANK embarrassing 尴尬的 efficient 高效的 fashionable 流行的,时髦的 blouse 上衣 EXERCISES 1. Choose the correct words to put into the sentences below. 1) - I watched TV at home all day. - But thats so _. 2) - Where did you go for your birthday? - We went to Hard Rock for

145、 a party. It was a _ evening. 3) - Did you go to that new _ restaurant? Its vey popular. - Not yet. 2. Answer the following questions. 1) Why doesnt Beth choose the yellow suit? _ 2) Do you think Beth really wants to buy a suit? Explain your answer. _ AMYS PRESENT Milly: Hi, Tom! Are you going to Am

146、ys birthday party? Tom: Yes. Have you bought her a present yet? I dont know what to buy her. Milly: No, I havent bought a present yet. Im in town now, looking for something good. Tom: I thought Id buy a book, but she doesnt often read books, does she? Milly: No, she never reads unless she has to! To

147、m: What about music? The new Arctic Monkeys CD? Milly: Good idea, but John is already getting that. Tom: What else is she getting? boring fashionable lovely Milly: Raj and Lu are getting her some CDs and I think Kathy is too. Toneys away, so hes not going to the party. Tom: Maybe not CDs then, or th

148、at is all she will have. Milly: I know she really wants to spend a day at the new spa, but its too expensive for me. Not too expensive for her parents though, Im sure. Tom: Is there anything else thats not too expensive that we could get her? No make-up or anything too childish! Milly: Is a bag too

149、girly? Tom: Im not sure. But it saves me a trip into town before the party OK, thatll do. Milly: OK, Ill buy it and wrap it then. You owe me a favor. See you there! WORD BANK spa 温泉区 make-up 化妆品 childish 孩子气的,幼稚的 wrap (用纸布等)包. 裹 EXERCISES 1. Match the following words with their Chinese meanings. 2.

150、Answer the following questions. 1) What presents will Amy get at her birthday party? _ 2) What present will Tom and Milly give Amy? _ LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE The universe is huge. It seems to have no end. People who study the universe find out more about it all the time. Until 2006, students were taugh

151、t that our solar system had nine planets that moved around our Sun. Among them, Mercury come: Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. In August 2006, scientists declared that Pluto is a dwarf planet, which means it is not an ordinary planet. So in fact there are only eight pl

152、anets in the solar system! Pluto is not the only dwarf planet in the solar system. Earlier in 2005, American scientists discovered a dwarf planet. This dwarf planet is further from the Sun than Pluto. It was given a new name Eris in September 2006. We know that Pluto is very cold and consists mostly

153、 of ice and rock. Think how cold Eris must be! Can anything live on dwarf planets? Is there life on any of the planets? Lets look at the two planets closest to Earth Mars and Venus. Because they are the closest, we have studied them more, so we have more evidence about them, Satellites have photogra

154、phed Mars and Venus from space. Some satellites have landed on Mars and Venus, and collected evidence of what they are like. WORD BANK solar system 太阳系 planet 行星 scientist 科学家 trip monkey town 城镇 旅行 猴子 dwarf planet 矮行星 consist 由组成 evidence 证据,证明 Satellites 人造卫星 EXERCISES 1. Fill in the blanks accord

155、ing to the text. 1) The universe seems to have no _. 2) We know that Pluto is very cold and _ mostly of ice and rock. 3) Because Mars and Venus are the closest to Earth, we have studied them more and have more _ about them. 2. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1) The

156、 more we study the universe, the more we find out about it. ( ) 2) Eris is closer to the Sun than Pluto. ( ) 3) People use satellites to take pictures of Mars and Venus from space. ( ) MARS Its 2050, the Earth is dying, and moving to Mars seems to be the only way out for mankind. A team of American

157、astronauts begin to search on Mars. This is what the movie Red Planet begins with. Known as the Red Planet, Mars is the favorite of science fiction writers and filmmakers. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the next planet beyond the Earth. Mars is the only planet whose surface can be seen f

158、rom Earth. It is about half the size of our planet. The ancient Romans named it after their god of war because of its red color. The surface of Mars is more like the Earth than any other planet. However, because it is further from the Sun than the Earth, temperatures on Mars are much lower. Most of

159、the time the temperatures are far below freezing. Plants and animals could not live now on Mars. However many scientists believe that such life may have existed long ago. On 6th August, 1996, scientists discovered a piece of rock from Mars, which fell to the Earth 13,000 years ago, and in which evid

160、ence of simple fossile creatures has been found. However, 10 years later, some scientists still dont accept the conclusion that there was life on Mars. People may not be so sure about life on Mars until a sample of life is brought back. WORD BANK astronaut 宇航员 science fiction 科幻小说 beyond 越过 surface

161、表面 ancient 古代的 Roman 罗马人 freezing 冰点 fossile creature 动物化石 sample 标本,样品 EXERCISES 1. Match the words with their Chinese meanings. piece filmmaker conclusion 温度 temperature 一片 结论 电影制作人 2. Answer the following questions. 1) Why does no life exist on Mars? _ 2) What happened in 1996 that made scientist

162、s think there might be life on Mars? _ VENUS At first, scientists thought that Venus was the planet most likely to have other living creatures. They made some discoveries which made them think this. Venus is the closest in size to the Earth. It seemed to be made in a similar way. It was covered by a

163、 layer of cloud. Later, scientists made more discovered, which made them think there has never been life on the planet. The layer of cloud is made from sulphuric acid droplets. The surface of the planet is so hot it can melt metal. Any water on the surface would boil away in the heat. Now, once agai

164、n scientists are beginning to think that there was once life on Venus, and that maybe some still exists. About 50 km above the surface of the planet, it is cooler and there is some evidence of water droplets in the clouds, as well as acid. The chemicals in the atmosphere of the planet are different

165、from what scientists had expected. Some scientists say the difference can only be explained by living things changing the atmosphere. Other scientists are less certain. They say it is too soon to understand chemical reactions on another planet. So, is there life on other planets? We still dont know!

166、 WORD BANK likely 很可能的 layer 层 sulphuric acid 硫酸 droplet 小滴 melt 熔化 metal 金属 boil away 汽化 chemical 化学物质 atmosphere 大气(层) reaction 反应 EXERCISES 1. Fill in the blanks according to the text. 1) Venus is the closest in _ to Earth. 2) It was covered by a layer of _. 3) About 50 km above the surface of th

167、e planet, it is _. 2. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1) From the passage, we know scientists have different opinions(观点) on life on other planets. ( ) 2) The surface of Venus is hot and water would boil away in the heat. ( ) 3) There are no water droplets in the c

168、loud. ( ) A TRIP TO LONDON ZOO Last week, Class 1 went on a trip to London Zoo. They had a wild day out! Almost everyone had a favorite animal. But they were almost all different! Many people liked soft, furry animals like pandas. Some people liked funny animals like monkeys which jump around and pl

169、ay with each other. But almost every animal was somebodys favorite even the snake! The trip to the zoo was for study, as well as a day out. But Class 1 didnt go there to learn about science, they were there for an art lesson! Their art teacher, Mr. Hall, takes the class on a trip to the zoo every ye

170、ar. Its good for the students to get out of the classroom and do art, he said. It helps them see that you can draw and sketch anything, anywhere. Many students do their best work on this trip. The trip gave Class 1 something else to talk about. They argued about whether zoos were cruel. The zoo anim

171、als were from all around the world. How could they all be comfortable? How could they be happy fenced in and watched by lots of people? What do you think? What did Class 1 think? One of our reporters is in Class 1 and she interviewed two students while she was there. WORD BANK soft 软的,温柔的 furry 有皮毛的

172、 sketch (给)画素描 cruel 残酷的 fence 用栅栏围起 interview 采访 EXERCISES 1. Try to find the correct meaning of the underlined word in each sentence. A. exciting and enjoyable B. not raised by people C. bad weather, with heavy rain and strong winds 1) He never forgets his wild students days. 2) I was born on a wi

173、ld night. 3) Dont get close to wild animals. 2. Answer the following questions. 1) What animals are soft and furry? Give an example. _ 2) Why did Class 1 take a trip to London Zoo? _ WHAT IS BETHS FAVORITE ANIMAL? Whats your favorite animal, Beth? I love penguins. I went to draw them at once. They l

174、ook so cute! So what do you know about penguins? Well, they all live south of the equator. Most live in Antarctica. The penguins there live on the ice, but they go in the water too. They are good swimmers. Well, it can get cold in London. But not as cold as the Antarctica! Dont you think it is cruel

175、 to bring penguins to England? No. Penguins can live in all sorts of climates. They are one of the best animals in the world at adapting to do this. There are penguins living in Africa and Australia, as well as Antarctica! Wow! Thats amazing! But do they like living in zoos, rather than in the wild?

176、 That is more of a problem. In the wild, penguins move around much more. They eat fish and other sea creatures and they often move around to catch them. Here in the zoo, they are fed so they dont have to catch their food. And there is less space for them to move around. So do you think this is cruel

177、? Well, being in a zoo just isnt the same as being in the wild. But then, there are problems with the wild. Here they are safe from being hunted. Their lives are different. Penguins are vey good at adapting. So maybe zoo penguins are happy, although they live differently from wild penguins! WORD BAN

178、K penguin 企鹅 cute 可爱的 equator 赤道 Antarctica 南极洲 Adapt 适应 EXERCISES 1. Match the country with the continent(大陆) it is in. 2. Choose the correct answer. 1) Penguins eat _. A. sea grass B. fish C. meat 2) Penguins can live in Antarctica as well as Africa and Australia because _ . A. they like warm wate

179、r B. they are very good at adapting to climates C. they can find more food there WHAT IS TOMS FAVORITE ANIMAL? Whats your favorite animal, Tom? I like lots of animals. I like lions, tigers, monkeys and giraffes. All for different reasons. Weve had lots of people say that they like lions, tigers and

180、monkeys! But youre the first to say giraffes. Why giraffes? They look so strange, dont you think? They have such long, long necks! And they have really long legs too. Its true. They do look strange. How tall do they grow? About 18 feet tall. They can run fast too, because their legs are so long. The

181、y can run up to 35 miles an hour. Thats pretty fast! They must need to eat a lot to be able to run that fast. Do they eat a lot of meat? No, they dont eat any meat. They eat leaves. Thats the only thing they eat. Beth says penguins live in lots of places. Do giraffes live all over the world too? No,

182、 they dont. They live only in Africa. But Africa is a lot hotter than Europe! Do you think it is cruel to bring giraffes over from Africa all the way to London Zoo? Do you think it is cruel to put them in zoos? Yes, I do. I have enjoyed seeing them today. But in Africa they would have miles and mile

183、s of grassland to live on and here they only have the giraffe house. Im sure the zoo looks after them very well. But I dont think they should be in zoos. WORD BANK reason 原因 China Australia England America Europe Asia Oceania North America feet 英尺 mile 英里 EXERCISES 1. Match the following words with

184、their Chinese meanings. 2. Answer the following questions. 1) How fast can giraffes run? _ 2) Does Tom think it is cruel to put them in zoos? _ A NEW COMPUTER Grandma: Tom, its Grandma. I have a problem. Tom: Hi, Grandma! Whats the matter? Grandma: I bought a computer. But now Ive taken it home I do

185、nt know what to do. It isnt like your computer. Tom: Whats different? Grandma: Its all in one piece. The monitor is like a lid over the keyboard. There isnt a separate keyboard. Tom: I think you have bought a laptop computer, Grandma! Its a lot smaller than my computer, isnt it? Thats OK- it works t

186、he same way. Grandma: Yes, its smaller and lighter than yours. Ive plugged it in and found the power button, but wheres the mouse? I cant do anything without a mouse! Tom: It wont have a mouse like my computer. Look at the front part. Can you see a pad under the keyboard, with two large keys under i

187、t? Grandma: Where? Under the keyboard? Yes, Ive found that. What do I do now? Tom: You move your finger around the pad and that moves the cursor around the screen. You click the keys under the pad like the keys on a mouse. Grandma: Where am I? I cans see where I am on the screen! Oh, now I can. I un

188、derstand now. Thanks, Tom! Tom: Youre welcome, Grandma. Send me an e-mail when you get it going. WORD BANK monitor 显示器 lid 盖子 keyboard 键盘 separate 分开的 laptop 手提电脑 plug 插上 power button 电源开关 pad (也作 touch pad)触摸板 cursor 光标 click 点击 Pretty(adv.) leaf grassland different 非常,很 叶子 不同的 草原 EXERCISES 1. Choo

189、se the correct words to complete each sentence. 1) Please _ here to find out how to download (下载) the music. 2) A _ is so small that you can carry it with you. 3) I cant print the article at home because I havent got a _ yet. 4) For more information, please log on(登录) our _ at http:/ . 2. Decide whe

190、ther the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1) Grandma had never seen a computer before she bought her laptop. ( ) 2) A laptop is smaller and lighter than a computer. ( ) 3) Grandma switched on the computer by herself. ( ) GRANDMAS PROBLEM Grandma: Tom, its Grandma. I have a problem. To

191、m: Hi, Grandma! Whats the matter? Grandma: Grandpas got my laptop. He wont give it back! He thinks it is wonderful! But I want to use it too! What can I do? Tom: Where is he now? Grandma: In the garden. Hes playing games on the laptop. Tom: Just ask him to give it back. Its your laptop. Grandma: He

192、wont give it back. Tom: Why not? Grandma: Hes having too much fun. He says that I can use it later! Tom: Ok, Grandma. I have an idea. Tell Grandpa Im on the phone and want to talk to him about what games there are on the laptop. Grandma: Thats a good idea, Tom. He always likes talking to you. Lets s

193、ee if it works. Dear Tom, Your idea worked! I have my laptop back. Grandpa and I have talked about the laptop. We both like it and we both like it and we both want to use it. So we have an agreement(协议) now. He can use the laptop in the morning and I can use it in the afternoon. We dont want to argu

194、e about it all the time! Thank you for telling me how it worked. Love Grandma EXERCISES 1. Match the following words with their Chinese meanings. 2. Answer the following questions. 1) Why did Grandma call Tom? _ 2) How did Tom help Grandma? _ printer click website laptop on the phone have an agreement 在通电话 give back 返还,归还 达成协议



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