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1、备 注:本套试卷附有答案解析, 答案解析字体为白色,预览无法观看,如需观看试题的答案解析,请下载试卷CTRL+ A选中全部文字,然后将答案字体调整为黑色即可。【 自考英语】2022年 3 月吉林省前郭县英语( 一)模拟题( 解析版)第 1题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Two United Nations agencies warned on Tuesday that children aremost at risk of developing skin cancers as a result of the long-term decline in theearths protective oz

2、one layer. The agencies, the World Health Organization (WHO)and the UN Environmental Programme (UNEP) , issued the warning as theylaunched a global programme aimed at alerting schools to the dangers of exposureto the sun.Why does the risk of developing skin cancers in children become greaterand grea

3、terA、 Because they pay little attention to their skin health.B Because they are short of physical training.C Because the earths protective ozone layer declines year after year.D、Because the earth is getting warmer and warmer.【 正确答案】c第 2 题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】Gang Xiao and Ben Schrag at Brown University, vi

4、sualize the current by measuringsubtle ( 2田微的) changes in the magnetic field of an object and.A、to shrink it to the size of a desktop computerB、to make it capable of measuring very weak changes in magnetic fieldsC、as well as revealing microscopic defects in anything from aircraft to banknotesD conve

5、rting the information into a color picture showing the density of current at each point【 正确答案】D第 3 题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】The question of how healthy school food is was called attention to bythe professional cook, Jamie Oliver, who launched a campaign to improve childrensnutrition, after spending a year wor

6、king in a school kitchen. The TV series about thecampaign won a BAFTA award this week. We can learn from the passage thatA、Jamie never eats the junk foodB Jamie taught parents to cook healthy foodC Jamie once worked in a school kitchenD、in order to win a BAFTA award, Jamie launched a campaign【 正确答案】

7、c第4题 【 单选题】【 概括大意】Wignall calculated the killing efficiency for these volcanoes by comparing theproportion of life they killed off with the volume of lava that they produced. He found that size forsize, older eruptions were at least 10 times as effective at wiping out life as their more recentrivals

8、.The main idea of this paragraph is.A、Killing Power of Ancient Volcanic EruptionsB、Accounting for the Killing Power of Older EruptionsC、Calculation of the Killing Power of Older EruptionsD、A Mass Extinction【 正确答案】c第5题 【 单选题】【 完成句子】 Recent studies showed that the average high school student spends fi

9、fteen to thirtyhours a week watching television and only two hours a week in organized play or exercise. That isone reason why one-third of the 200, 000 pupils tested for the Presidents Council on PhysicalFitness failed a simple test of strength, stamina, and flexibility. Some of the boys and girls

10、could notraise themselves to a sitting position without using their hands! Some people have difficulties instanding up due to.A be overweightB lacking adequate exerciseC、hurt badlyD、not used【 正确答案】B第6题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】The typical person living alone is neither old nor l onel y. . The majority ofthese p

11、eople have chosen to live alone. They are responding to decreasing social pressure to getmarried and have a family.A、 This is a dramatic change from the extended families of just a couple of generations ago.B、The growing number of women with good jobs has done much to increase the number ofpeople li

12、ving alone.C、Theres more pressure to get married nowadays.D、In fact, a quarter of the 23 million single people in the U.S. are under the age of 35.【 正确答案】D第7题 【 单选题】such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.A、Having sufferedB SufferingC、To sufferD、Suffered【 正确答案】A第8题

13、 【 单选题】【 填句补文】The typical person living alone is neither old nor l one l y . . The majority ofthese people have chosen to live alone. They are responding to decreasing social pressure to getmarried and have a family.A、This is a dramatic change from the extended families of just a couple of generatio

14、ns ago.B The growing number of women with good jobs has done much to increase the number ofpeople living alone.C、Theres more pressure to get married nowadays.D、In fact, a quarter of the 23 million single people in the U.S. are under the age of 35.【 正确答案】D第9题 【 单选题】【 填句补文 Five-year-old Lani still tak

15、es seven medicines with her breakfast every morning. Shesvery good about it, says her father David. Lani is alive today because of her father David, in morethan one way; when she was one year old she received part of her fathers liver in alivertransplant operation. Lani was born with a liver i l l n

16、e s s . . Doctors advised that atransplant was the only way in which she would live.A、She had one operation when she was six weeks old, which was not successful.B、 David quickly recovered from the operation.C David was finally able to ride his bike again after about a year.D、Doctors hope that she wi

17、ll continue to get stronger and stronger.【 正确答案】A第10题 【 单选题】 填句补文 ln order to produce high quality products, the Tasmanian government understands theneed for getting high quality irrigation equipment at all times, such as travelling irrigators ( 灌溉车) ,pumps and other irrigation tools, which are the

18、key to the success of the growers. It is also nowonder why irrigation equipment makers and suppliers are making much money in the region.A、They play a key role in meeting the needs of the farmers.B、Through the years, people there have come up with long-term solutions that mainly focus ondeveloping o

19、r improving its various irrigation systems.C、 Travelling irrigators first appeared in the East Han Dynasty in China.D、Next on the list is drip irrigation and spray irrigation.【 正确答案】A第 11题 【 单选题】L 阅读理解】 A new study has found no evidence that sunscreen, commonly used toreduce the risk of skin cancer,

20、 actually increase the risk.Researchers from theUniversity of Iowa based their findings on a review of 18 earlier studies that lookedat the association between sunscreen use and melanoma ( 黑素瘤) . They said thatthey found flaws in studies that had reported associations between sunscreen useand higher

21、 risk of melanoma.The word “flaws“ in the 2nd paragraph most probablyme a n s .A、evidenceB、factsC、faultsD、failures【 正确答案】c第 12题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison deals specifically with thelegacy of slavery in her book Beloved. The main character in this novel, a formerslave call

22、ed Sethe, lives in Ohio in the years following the Civil War, but she cannotfree herself from her horrific memories. Through a series of flashbacks and bitterreminiscences, the reader learns how and why Sethe escaped from the plantationshe had lived on; the fate of her husband, who also tried to esc

23、ape; and finally,what happened to the child called Beloved. Morrisons scenes of torture andmurder are vivid and strongly convey the desperation of the slaves and the crueltyof their owners. Beloved is set.A、on a slave shipB、on a plantation before the Civil WarC、in Ohio after the Civil WarD、in an Afr

24、ican town【 正确答案】C第 13题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】When do people decide whether or not they want to become friends? During theirfirst four minutes together, according to a book by Dr. Leonard Zunin. In his book, Contact: The firstfour minutes, he offers this advice to anyone interested in starting new f r i e n d

25、 s h i p s : . Alot of peoples whole lives would change if they did just that.A、That is not the time to complain about ones health or to mention faults one finds in otherpeople.B、 Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your undivided attention for fourminutes.C It is not the tim

26、e to tell the whole truth about ones opinions and impressions.D、He is eager to make friends with everyone.【 正确答案】B第 14题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】In 1994, United States Customs seized 204,391 pounds of cocaine;559,286 pounds of marijuana and 2,577 pounds of heroin. Just how much actuallyflows into the country is

27、 anyones guess. Some Customs officials estimate that only10 percent of the drugs coming into the country are ever seized. In Miami, theDistrict Attorney ( 检察长) wont even prosecute small fry. Its got to be over fivekilos of cocaine, above a kilo of heroin and more than 5,000 pounds of marijuana orits

28、 not something that were going to stop the presses on,“ says Tom Cash, a retiredagent.Which of the following could best replace the expression “small fry“ in theparagraph?A、Small dogsB Small sheep dogsC、Small smugglers ( 走私者)D Small ringleaders ( 主谋)【 正确答案】C第15题 【 单选题】【 概括大意 1 I love sunny days beca

29、use they are ideal for outings. I remember the sunny weekendwhen two roommates and I had a marvelous time in the old Summer Palace. Under the blue sky,the trees are bathed in golden light. On rainy days, I enjoy the sound of raindrops beating on thewindowpanes. I watch the rain washing the trees and

30、 grass clean, knowing they will glitter when itclears up and hoping a rainbow will follow. In winter, a heavy snowfall offers a different type ofpleasure. Cold as it often is, I always go outdoors and leave my footprints in the thick snow whilethrowing snowballs and making snowmen with my fellow stu

31、dents.The main idea of this paragraphis.A、A person should learn to be happy in all weathers.B Ones mood should not be affected by bad weather.C People usually prefer fine weather to severe weather.D、I enjoy both sunny weather and rainy or snowy weather.【 正确答案】D第16题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】We find that bright c

32、hildren are rarely held back by mixed-abilityteaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. Wefeel that there are many disadvantages in streaming pupils. It does not take intoaccount the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect onboth the

33、bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging tobe at the bottom of the top grade!The authors attitude towards mixed-abilityteaching1 1 is.A、criticalB、questioningC、approvingD、objective【 正确答案】C第 17题 【 单选题】L 阅读理解】The other side of a state legal apparatus is a state milita

34、ry apparatus.While the one protects the individual from violence, the other sacrifices theindividual to violence in the interests of the state. In war the state affirms supremepower over the individuals within its own borders. War is not simply a trial bycombat to settle disputes between states; it

35、is the moment when the state makesits most powerful demands upon its people for their commitment, allegiance, andsupreme sacrifice. The word “allegiance is closest in meaning to.A、loyaltyB、objectiveC、survivalD、motive【 正确答案】A第18题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants,

36、 and are known fortheir rolein pollination ( 授粉)and for producing honey and b e e s w a x . T h e best-known bee speciesis the European honey bee, which, as its name suggests, produces honey, as do a few other types ofbee.A、There is only one queen in a hive.B Every bee does a job without being told.

37、C There are nearly 20,000 known species of bees.D、Bees do not like ice and snow.【 正确答案】C第19题 【 单选题】【 概括大意】On October 19, 1911, Amundsen set out from his base in Bay of Whales, Antarctica,with four companions ( 同伴),52 dogs and four sleds. His success in reaching the South Pole wasaided by careful pla

38、nning. His use of sled dogs to carry supplies also helped. Amundsen and his men,along with 11 surviving dogs, made it back to the base on January 25, 1912, quicker than expected.The main idea of this paragraph is.A、Came up with the idea of reaching the South PoleB、An important race on Amundsens way

39、to his polar career in the early stageC、Armed to the teeth, Amundsen finished his trip to the South PoleD Amundsen got a great achievement in the field of polar expedition 100 years ago【 正确答案】c第 20题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】The other side of a state legal apparatus is a state military apparatus.While the one pr

40、otects the individual from violence, the other sacrifices theindividual to violence in the interests of the state. In war the state affirms supremepower over the individuals within its own borders. War is not simply a trial bycombat to settle disputes between states; it is the moment when the state

41、makesits most powerful demands upon its people for their commitment, allegiance, andsupreme sacrifice. Times of war test a communitys deepest religious and ethicalcommitments. What can we learn from the paragraph?A、Governments tend to abuse their supreme Power in times of war.B、 In times of war gove

42、rnments may extend their power across national borders.C In times of war governments impose high religious and ethical standards on their people.D、Governments may sacrifice individuals in the interests of the state in times of war.【 正确答案】D第 21题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 As part of their study, the researchers u

43、sed a special machine to take action photos ofthe students br a i ns . . This is the same part of the brain that becomes active when goodreaders read. This activated brain area appears to include a structure that helps people recognizefamiliar written words quickly.A、Do you have difficulty reading i

44、n class?B、The pictures showed an increase in activity in the back of the brain on the left side.C As part of the study, 37 struggling readers received special tutoring.D、By the end of the school year; these children could read faster than before.【 正确答案】B第 22题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 We all have our own comfor

45、t foods. Interestingly, they may vary according to moodsand gender. One study found that happy people seem to want to eat things like pizza, while sadpeople prefer ice cream and c o o k ie s .R e s e a r c h e r s also found that guys seem to preferhot, homemade comfort meals, like steaks and casser

46、oles. Girls go for chocolate and ice cream.A、 Bored people crave salty, crunchy things, like chips.B、 Emotional eating patterns can be learned.C、Dont let emotional eating disturb your weight.D But emotional eating can be linked to positive feelings too.【 正确答案】A第 23题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】The researchers also

47、 gave the students tests to tell whether thestudents believed that a math superstar had to be a boy. Then the researchersturned to the teachers To find out which teachers were anxious about math, theresearchers asked the teachers how they felt at times when they came across math,such as when reading

48、 a sales receipt. A teacher who got nervous looking at thenumbers on a sales receipt, for example, was probably anxious about math.According to the experiment, those teachers were probably anxious about mathwhen they f el t .A nervous memorizing the numbers of a sales receiptB helpless saving the nu

49、mbers of a sales receiptC、uneasy reading the numbers of a sales receiptD、hopeless filling in the numbers of a sales report【 正确答案】C第 24题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Writing for the content sites such as the Yahoo! Contributor Networkalso interests me. Ive been trying creative writing, news, reviews and numerouslife

50、style issues. And all of these topics have been of my own choosing. Then there isthe opportunity to meet other writers. The Yahoo! Contributor Network has awonderful in-house messaging system that allows its writers to communicate easilywith one another. Not all your tries are rosy and easy when you

51、 write for a contentsite, but you will get much benefit if you try it. What is the benefit that the Yahoo!Contributor Network offers according to the author?A、You can have all your articles published.B、You can get a lot of rewards from the site.C You can easily communicate with other writers.D、You c

52、an use its information and messages free.【 正确答案】C第25题 【 单选题】【 概括大意】Volunteering gives you an opportunity to change lives, including your own. If yourefeeling frustrated or overwhelmed by the news of a disaster, volunteering to help can be a great wayto cope. If youd like to support a cause but cant

53、afford to donate money, you can donate your timeinstead. Helping others in need is such an important part of the American way of life that many highschools require their students to spend a certain number of hours volunteering in order to graduate.Volunteering is a great way to learn new skills from

54、 working as part of a team to setting andreaching goals. It gives you a chance to discover what kinds of things youre best at and enjoy themost. A volunteer job that you love can even help shape your ideas about your career goals.Themain idea of this paragraph is.A、Support a health-related causeB、Te

55、ach in CountrysideC、Volunteer in Special FestivalD、Goodness of Volunteering【 正确答案】D第26题 【 单选题】【2009.7 Why dont you start out early you dont have to hurry?A、so asB、so thatC、as suchD as well as【 正确答案】B第 27题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】We all have our own comfort foods. Interestingly, they may vary according to moods

56、and gender. One study found that happy people seem to want to eat things like pizza, while sadpeople prefer ice cream and c o o k ie s .R e s e a r c h e r s also found that guys seem to preferhot, homemade comfort meals, like steaks and casseroles. Girls go for chocolate and ice cream.A、 Bored peop

57、le crave salty, crunchy things, like chips.B、 Emotional eating patterns can be learned.C、Dont let emotional eating disturb your weight.D But emotional eating can be linked to positive feelings too.【 正确答案】A第 28题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】The withdrawal of Nevadas Yucca Mountain as a potential nuclearwaste reposit

58、ory has reopened the debate over how and where to dispose of spentnuclear fuel and high-level nuclear waste. In an article in the July 10 issue of Science,University of Michigan geologist Rodney Ewing and Princeton University nuclearphysicist Frank von Hippel argue that, although federal agencies sh

59、ould setstandards and issue licenses for the approval of nuclear facilities, local communitiesand states should have the final approval on the siting of these facilities. Theauthors propose the development of multiple sites that would service the regionswhere nuclear reactors are located. Which of t

60、he following words can bestsubstitute the word “withdrawal“ in the first paragraphA Retirement.B、Canceling.C、Replaced.D、Disposal.【 正确答案】B第29题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】He has also included symbols to show which ions are nutrients, and which arecommon in soil or wa t e r . .A There have been many attempts to rede

61、sign the periodic table since Dmitri Mendeleev drewit up in 1871.B、And the size of elements symbol reflects how much of it is found in the Earths crust.C、Railsback has still ordered the elements according to the number of protons they have.D Raisback has listed some elements more than once.【 正确答案】B第

62、30题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 Some 20,000 tons of antibiotics are used in the European Union and the US each year.More than half are give to farm -animals to prevent disease and promote g r o wt h . .A、 The warning comes from a researcher in Switzerland who looked at levels of the drugs in farmslurry.B The drug

63、s could be getting into our food and water.C、Many drugs given to humans are also excreted unchanged.D、But recent research has found a direct link between the increased use of these farmyarddrugs and the appearance of antibiotic - resistant bugs that infect people.【 正确答案】D第 31题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】You play

64、the lottery ( 彩票)each day and there are two options ( 选择): either you hit the jackpot and your life changes greatly or you lose and youhave to start it from the very beginning. On the contrary, its well known that if youdont take risks, you cant win, so the best solution is always to think over and

65、overagain, to see what your decisions could represent in your future and onlyafterwards to make up your mind.While making a decision, you are advised toA、refer to your experienceB、think twice before you leapC turn to parentsD prepare to take a risk【 正确答案】B第 32题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】 Finally, many great play

66、ers come from the same kind of neighborhood- a poor, crowed area where a boys dream is not to be a doctor, lawyer, orbusinessman, but to become a rich, famous athlete or entertainer. For example,Liverpool, which produced the Beetles, had one of the best English soccer ( 英式足球)teams in recent years. P

67、ele practiced in the street with a ball made of rags. AndGeorge Best learned the tricks that made him famous by bouncing the ball off awall in the slums of Belfast.AII great players have a lot in common, but that doesntexplain why they are great. Hundreds of boys played in those Brazilian streets, b

68、utonly one became Pele. The greatest players are born with some unique quality thatsets them apart from all the others.ln the last paragraph the statement . but onlyone became Pelew indicates t hat .A Pele is the greatest soccer player.B、the greatest players are born with some unique quality.C、Peles

69、 birthplace sets him apart from all the others.D、the success of a soccer player has everything to do with the family back ground.【 正确答案】B第 33题 【 单选题】【 完成句子】In the United States, credit card fees have become a political issue. Congress hasthreatened to take action against some bad behavior by lenders

70、. But getting a credit card hasbecome a lot easier for most people. And many cards offer low rates at first, especially if peopleagree to move their money from another card. In the USA, Congress has threatened to take actionagainst some bad behavior to.A、the interest charge on buying somethingB、to s

71、how people the negative effects that credit cards bring to peopleC restrain the phenomenon of credit card feesD、A key board【 正确答案】c第 34题 【 单选题】2005.4 or not youre conscious of it, youre constantly valuing items in dollars.A、AsB、WhetherC、HoweverD、If【 正确答案】B第 35题 【 单选题】2005.4 Many of the younger buyer

72、s say they are turned off by the poor of moderngoods.A、securityB、quantityC、 safetyD quality【 正确答案】D第 36题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】One of the most common types of nonfiction, and one that manypeople enjoy reading, is stories about people/s lives. These stories fall into threegeneral categories autobiography, mem

73、oir, and biography.This passage is mostlya bout .A、the characteristics of autobiographies, memoirs, and biographiesB famous autobiographiesC、why biography can be difficult to writeD、differences between autobiographies and memoirs【 正确答案】A第 37题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】longer life would give us a chance to recove

74、r from our mistakes andpromote long term thinking/ says Dr Gregory Stock of the University Of CaliforniaSchool Of Public Health. It would also raise productivity by aciding to the year wecan work. Longer lives dont just affect the people who live them. They also affectsociety as a whole. XNe have wa

75、r, poverty, all sorts of issues around, and I dontthink any of them would be at all helped by having people live longer/* says USbioethicist Daniel Callahan. MThe question is What will we get as a societys suspectit won/t be a better society/Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of thething

76、s that living longer might enable an individual to doA、Spending more time with his family.B、Having more education.C、Realizing more dreams.D、Working longer.【 正确答案】B第 38题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 More and more Americans are living alone. Some live alone because of divorce or thedeath of a p a r t n e r . . Accor

77、ding to a recent U.S. census ( 人口普查), 25 percent of allhouseholds in the U.S. are made up of just one person.A、 It seems that many grown-ups today are realizing that childhood dream.B、He says, /zl like being by myself/C、However, even more people are living alone because they have chosen to.D、Theres

78、more pressure to get married nowadays.【 正确答案】C第 39题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Jamie was worried about the junk food which he saw being servedwhich included burgers, pizzas and chips. So he decided to ban the junk and startedcooking some good soup and curries for the children instead. So he improved theschool din

79、ners in that particular school, and trained the dinner ladies to cookhealthy food. Then he put pressure on the government to improve the standards ofschool food across the country. And it looks like the changes have takenplace.Generally, schools didnt serve to students before.A、soup and curriesB、hot

80、 cooked mealsC、drinks and chipsD、burgers and pizzas【 正确答案】A第 40题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Another problem the village people face is the destruction caused bywild animals such as the elephant. Elephants will walk through and destroy theircrops, trees and huts in just one night. The cheap and easy solution is to

81、 soak ropein chili water and put it up around their fence and it will keep the elephants andother wild animals away.In the local village, ElephantsA、are important for farmingB、are the only wild animalsC、often cause trouble to villagers cropsD、can be found in each family【 正确答案】c第 41题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 Th

82、e black robin ( 旅鸦) is one of the worlds rarest birds. It is a small, wild bird, and itlives only on the island of Little Mangere, off the coast of New Zealand. In 1967 there were aboutfifty black robins there; in 1977 there were fewer than ten. .A、These are the only black robins left in the world.B

83、、 Those that fail to meet the challenges will disappear early.C Both represent orders in the classification of life.D、Detailed studies are going on, and a public appeal for money has been made.【 正确答案】A第42题 【 单选题】【 完成句子】Amongst the most popular books being written today are those which are usuallycla

84、ssified as science fiction. Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kinds ofpeople. Furthermore, some of the most successful films of recent years have been based on sciencefiction stories.People enj oy.A、a recurrent themeB、reading books of science fictionC read worldwideD、po

85、litical implications【 正确答案】B第43题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 Mothers Day is a special day for everyone! We use this day to honor our mothers allover the w o r l d ! I t is held on the second Sunday of May in many countries, such as Australia,Canada and the United States. It is held exactly three weeks before East

86、er Sunday in the UnitedKingdom. Sundays are usually non-school and non-working days in these countries.A、She wanted to memory her mother, Ann Jarvis.B When is the earliest Mothers Day celebrationC、 Many families begin Mothers Day with breakfast in bed.D、Mothers Day falls on different days in differe

87、nt the countries.【 正确答案】D第44题 【 单选题】2005.4 The moon merely the light of the sun, like a huge mirror hung in the sky.A、reflectsB、demonstratesC、transmitsD、launches【 正确答案】A第45题 【 单选题】2008.10 Police Chief Timothy told reporters that the police officers wounded in the rescueoperation were r a p i d l y .

88、A、curingB、treatingC、healingD、recovering【 正确答案】D第46题 【 单选题】I do not wish to your sincerity.A、reflectB、reflect onC、reflect inD、reflect about【 正确答案】B第 47题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Redemption ( 拯救) is a practical necessity. How can value berestored to young lives distorted ( 扭曲) by acts of violence? The boys inJone

89、sboro and in Chicago will be confined in institutions for a relatively short time.Despite horror at what was done, children cannot be-dealt with as adults, notif a people wants to consider itself civilized. Thats why politicians cries for adulttreatment of youthful criminals ultimately miss the poin

90、t.According to politicians,when children commit crimes, they should be treated in the same way asA、murderers.B、criminals.C、victims.D、 adults.【 正确答案】D第 48题 【 单选题】2010.4 George has just bought a fancy sports car. It about $45,000.A、might cost himB、should cost himC、must have cost himD would have cost h

91、im【 正确答案】C第 49题 【 单选题】2004.04 For a week she worked with us in the village,_ her poor health.A、as a result ofB、on account ofC、in spite ofD、despite of【 正确答案】C第 50题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】 Two thousand years ago the Chinese had already developed a workingcompass. A piece of lodestone ( 天然磁石) would be cut into t

92、he shape of a ladle( 长柄勺). Placed on a stone board with a smooth surface, the lodestone wouldmove round until the handle of the ladle pointed south while the bulk ( 主体)ofthe ladle was attracted to magnetic north. This interestingly shaped device ismentioned in a book from about 80. Other ancient boo

93、ks may have dated it as farback as the fourth century Jade ( 玉石) finders played an important role in theinvention of the ladle. They travelled great distances to look for jade. In order notto lose directions, they would take a ladle with them.Which of the followingabout the ladle-shaped compass is t

94、rue?A、The handle of the ladle pointed south.B、The handle of the ladle pointed north.C、The bulk of the ladle was attracted to south.D、The bulk of the ladle remained unmoved on the board.【 正确答案】A第 51题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Until recently, the science of the future was supposed to beelectronics and artificial i

95、ntelligence. Today it seems more and more likely that thenext great breakthroughs in technology will be brought through a combination ofthose two sciences with organic chemistry and genetic engineering. Thiscombination is the science of biotechnology.According to the passage, the scienceof the futur

96、e is likely to be.A、electronicsB biotechnologyC、genetic engineeringD、nuclear technology【 正确答案】B第 52题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】 Finally, many great players come from the same kind of neighborhood- a poor, crowed area where a boys dream is not to be a doctor, lawyer, orbusinessman, but to become a rich, famous at

97、hlete or entertainer. For example,Liverpool, which produced the Beetles, had one of the best English soccer ( 英式足球)teams in recent years. Pele practiced in the street with a ball made of rags. AndGeorge Best learned the tricks that made him famous by bouncing the ball off awall in the slums of Belfa

98、st.AII great players have a lot in common, but that doesntexplain why they are great. Hundreds of boys played in those Brazilian streets, butonly one became Pele. The greatest players are born with some unique quality thatsets them apart from all the others.ln the last paragraph the statement . but

99、onlyone became Pelew indicates t hat .A、Pele is the greatest soccer player.B、the greatest players are born with some unique quality.C、Peles birthplace sets him apart from all the others.D、the success of a soccer player has everything to do with the family back ground.【 正确答案】B第 53题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Jamie

100、 was worried about the junk food which he saw being servedwhich included burgers, pizzas and chips. So he decided to ban the junk and startedcooking some good soup and curries for the children instead. So he improved theschool dinners in that particular school, and trained the dinner ladies to cookh

101、ealthy food. Then he put pressure on the government to improve the standards ofschool food across the country. And it looks like the changes have takenplace.Generally, schools didnt serve to students before.A、soup and curriesB、hot cooked mealsC、drinks and chipsD、burgers and pizzas【 正确答案】A第 54题 【 单选题

102、】【 阅读理解】During work Tom always thought of the girl and felt as if he had mether somewhere, but he couldnt remember when. Tom concluded that the girl wasin love with him and he was very excited. This girl maybe looked not as beautiful asthe girl he had dated the other day, but she had a grand ( 豪华的)c

103、ar. She must bevery rich. So he chose to love this girl. When his work was over; Tom called the girlwho had elated him. He said, “After several days, thinking, I think I am not suited forbeing your boyfriend, so I hope you will forget me. We can learn from this passagethat Tom.A、was very poorB didnt

104、 like the biscuitsC walked to work every morningD、compared the two girls carefully【 正确答案】D第55题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】The basic tools for an interview are paper and two or three well-sharpened pencils.But keep your notebook or paper out of sight until you need it. Theres nothing less likely to relax aperson t

105、han the arrival of someone with a note-taking pad. . Take a while just to chat,judging what sort of person youre dealing with, getting him or her to trust you.A、This fear is almost 100 percent unnecessary.B Come back another day; it will go better.C The rest is instinct, which can all be learned wit

106、h experience.D、Both of you need time to get to know each other.【 正确答案】D第56题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】Once upon a time there was a rich village. The wealthiest of the villagers decided tohide a huge lump ( 堆) of gold to protect it from robbers.A A poor old farmer decided to plow the field.B、 When you are always

107、ready to share your own things with others, you are doomed to benefitfrom it.C And I will receive the honor with the fourth by giving it to the needy.D So he buried it in a nearby rice field.【 正确答案】D第 57题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】We are so used to our life on the surface of the earth that it can bequite an effo

108、rt for our mind to break free of all the ideas that we take for granted.Because we can feel that things are heavy, we think of weight as being a fixedquality in an object, but it is not really fixed at all. If you could take a one-poundpacket of butter 4, 000 miles out from the earth, it would weigh

109、 only a quarter of apound.How much would four pounds of tea weigh if it was taken 4,000 miles outfrom the surface of the earth?A、1 pound.B、2 pounds.C、3 pounds.D、4 pounds.【 正确答案】A第 58题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 Mothers Day is a special day for everyone! We use this day to honor our mothers allover the w o r l d

110、! I t is held on the second Sunday of May in many countries, such as Australia,Canada and the United States. It is held exactly three weeks before Easter Sunday in the UnitedKingdom. Sundays are usually non-school and non-working days in these countries.A、 She wanted to memory her mother, Ann Jarvis

111、.B、When is the earliest Mothers Day celebrationC Many families begin Mothers Day with breakfast in bed.D、Mothers Day falls on different days in different the countries.【 正确答案】D第 59题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】Some 20,000 tons of antibiotics are used in the European Union and the US each year.More than half are gi

112、ve to farm-animals to prevent disease and promote g r owt h. .AThe warning comes from a researcher in Switzerland who looked at levels of the drugs in farmslurry.B、 The drugs could be getting into our food and water.C、Many drugs given to humans are also excreted unchanged.D But recent research has f

113、ound a direct link between the increased use of these farmyarddrugs and the appearance of antibiotic resistant bugs that infect people.【 正确答案】D第 60题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】The other side of a state legal apparatus is a state military apparatus.While the one protects the individual from violence, the other sac

114、rifices theindividual to violence in the interests of the state. In war the state affirms supremepower over the individuals within its own borders. War is not simply a trial bycombat to settle disputes between states; it is the moment when the state makesits most powerful demands upon its people for

115、 their commitment, allegiance, andsupreme sacrifice. The word allegiance1 1 is closest in meaning to.A、loyaltyB、objectiveC、survivalD、motive【 正确答案】A第 61题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】The basic tools for an interview are paper and two or three well-sharpened pencils.But keep your notebook or paper out of sight until

116、you need it. Theres nothing less likely to relax aperson than the arrival of someone with a note-taking pad. . Take a while just to chat,judging what sort of person youre dealing with, getting him or her to trust you.A This fear is almost 100 percent unnecessary.B Come back another day; it will go b

117、etter.C、 The rest is instinct, which can all be learned with experience.D、Both of you need time to get to know each other.【 正确答案】D第 62题 【 单选题】【 阅读判断】The first principle is that people are more likely to follow someone who is similar tothem than someone who is not. Wise managers, then, ask peers to h

118、elp make their cases. Second,people are more willing to cooperate with those who are not only like them but who like them, aswell.Q: People are more likely to cooperate with those who like them.A、TrueB、FalseC、Not Given【 正确答案】A第 63题 【 单选题】( 完成句子】There are many other traps to avoid. The has found litt

119、le awareness among driversabout safe parking. Most motorists questioned made no efforts to avoid parking in quiet spots- justthe places thieves love. The A.A. advises drivers to park in places with people around- thieves dontlike audiences.Car drivers are found to be careless in c h o o s i n g .A、s

120、afe parking spotsB、increase in the number of cars stolenC、non-professional thievesD、lack of parking space【 正确答案】A第 64题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】 Once the characteristics for surviving salty soil are known, Flowers andYeo will try to breed the appropriate genes into all manners of crops and plants.Land that has

121、been abandoned to nature will then be able to bloom again,providing much needed food in the poorer countries of the world.The attitude ofthe author towards the research project is.A、 positive.B、 negative.C、suspicious.D、indifferent.【 正确答案】A第 65题 【 单选题】( 完成句子】There are many other traps to avoid. The h

122、as found little awareness among driversabout safe parking. Most motorists questioned made no efforts to avoid parking in quiet spots- justthe places thieves love. The A.A. advises drivers to park in places with people around- thieves dontlike audiences.Car drivers are found to be careless in c h o o

123、 s i n g .A、safe parking spotsB、increase in the number of cars stolenC、non-professional thievesD、lack of parking space【 正确答案】A第 66题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】The structure of a family takes different forms around the world andeven in the same society. The familys form changes as it adapts to changing socialand e

124、conomic influences. Until recently, the most common form in North Americawas the nuclear family, consisting of a married couple with their minor children.The nuclear family is an independent unit. It must be prepared to fend for itself.Individual family members strongly depend on one another. There

125、is little help fromoutside the family in emergencies. Elderly relatives of a nuclear family are cared foronly if it is possible for the family to do so. In North America, the elderly often donot live with the family; they live in retirement communities and nursing homes.The information in the first

126、paragraph is presented mainly t h r o u g h .A、listing statisticsB、telling a storyC pointing out similaritiesD、pointing out differences【 正确答案】C第 67题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】I was searching for just the right word to describe this book; a wordthat describes something that is perhaps somewhat sad, but in a good

127、way. Icouldnt find quite the right word, but I do know the feeling.This book does makeme feel a bit sad. Sad for the way that childhood passes so quickly, sad for days thatgo by, faster than wed like them to. But it also makes me feel the sweetness ofthese things and helps me remember that childhood

128、 imagination, freedom and joyare things that we can carry with us still, long after our days as children havepassed.Which of the following is true about the authors feeling of the book?A、It makes him feel sad for his childhood is sad.B、It makes him feel sad because he didnt remember his happy childh

129、ood.C、 He couldnt describe the book, for he doesnt know the feeling.D He realizes that childhood imagination, freedom and joy are things that he can carry evenwhen he is an adult.【 正确答案】D第 68题 【 单选题】2004.04 The actor was almost_most audience before he played that part.A、known ofB、unknown toC、known f

130、orD、unknown for【 正确答案】B第 69题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Two United Nations agencies warned on Tuesday that children aremost at risk of developing skin cancers as a result of the long-term decline in theearths protective ozone layer. The agencies, the World Health Organization (WHO)and the UN Environmental Program

131、me ( UNEP) , issued the warning as theylaunched a global programme aimed at alerting schools to the dangers of exposureto the sun.Why does the risk of developing skin cancers in children become greaterand greaterA、Because they pay little attention to their skin health.B、Because they are short of phy

132、sical training.C、Because the earths protective ozone layer declines year after year.D、Because the earth is getting warmer and warmer.【 正确答案】C第 70题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Writing for the content sites such as the Yahoo! Contributor Networkalso interests me. Ive been trying creative writing, news, reviews and n

133、umerouslifestyle issues. And all of these topics have been of my own choosing. Then there isthe opportunity to meet other writers. The Yahoo! Contributor Network has awonderful in-house messaging system that allows its writers to communicate easilywith one another. Not all your tries are rosy and ea

134、sy when you write for a contentsite, but you will get much benefit if you try it. What is the benefit that the Yahoo!Contributor Network offers according to the author?A、You can have all your articles published.B、You can get a lot of rewards from the site.C You can easily communicate with other writ

135、ers.D、You can use its information and messages free.【 正确答案】C第71题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】Once upon a time there was a rich village. The wealthiest of the villagers decided tohide a huge lump ( 堆) of gold to protect it from robbers.A、A poor old farmer decided to plow the field.B、When you are always ready to sha

136、re your own things with others, you are doomed to benefitfrom it.C And I will receive the honor with the fourth by giving it to the needy.D、So he buried it in a nearby rice field.【 正确答案】D第72题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 Five-year-old Lani still takes seven medicines with her breakfast every morning. Shesvery good

137、 about it, says her father David. Lani is alive today because of her father David, in morethan one way; when she was one year old she received part of her fathers liver in alivertransplant operation. Lani was born with a liver i l l ne s s . . Doctors advised that atransplant was the only way in whi

138、ch she would live.A、She had one operation when she was six weeks old, which was not successful.B David quickly recovered from the operation.C、David was finally able to ride his bike again after about a year.D、Doctors hope that she will continue to get stronger and stronger.【 正确答案】A第73题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】

139、I was searching for just the right word to describe this book; a wordthat describes something that is perhaps somewhat sad, but in a good way. Icouldnt find quite the right word, but I do know the feeling.This book does makeme feel a bit sad. Sad for the way that childhood passes so quickly, sad for

140、 days thatgo by, faster than wed like them to. But it also makes me feel the sweetness ofthese things and helps me remember that childhood imagination, freedom and joyare things that we can carry with us still, long after our days as children havepassed.Which of the following is true about the autho

141、rs feeling of the book?A、It makes him feel sad for his childhood is sad.B It makes him feel sad because he didnt remember his happy childhood.C He couldnt describe the book, for he doesnt know the feeling.D、He realizes that childhood imagination, freedom and joy are things that he can carry evenwhen

142、 he is an adult.【 正确答案】D第 74题 【 单选题】For a week she worked with us in the village, her poor health.A、as a result ofB、on account ofC、in spite ofD、despite of【 正确答案】C第 75题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】I have learnt of a plan to build three hundred houses on the landcalled Parsons Place by the football ground. Few peopl

143、e know about this new planto increase the size of our town. For me, Parsons Place is special because it is abeautiful natural area where local people can relax - the small wood has manyunusual trees and the stream is popular with fishermen and bird-watchers. It*s veryquiet because there are few hous

144、es or roads nearby. I think that losing this area willbe terrible because we have no other similar facilities in the neighbourhood.Why isParsons Place particularly important, in Alans opinionA、Because it is near the football ground.B、Because lots of people live near it.C、Because it is a place near t

145、he town where people can enjoy nature.D、Because local people can get there easily by car from the town.【 正确答案】C第 76题 【 单选题】The book was sold 50 dollars.A、in the price ofB、at the price ofC、with the priceD of all the price in【 正确答案】B第7 7题 【 单选题】2004.10 It is impolite to in others private affairs.A、inv

146、olveB、 invadeC、integrateD、interfere【 正确答案】D第7 8题 【 单选题】【 概括大意 1 Take the case of Eta Carinae, one of the most explosive stars in the universe. This starproduces ultraviolet laser rays ( 紫夕卜线) and it will destroy itself in a few million years time. It isfive times brighter than the sun and when it ex

147、plodes it is going to be a sight worth waiting forlThemain idea of this paragraph is.A、Power of the telescopeB Details of Eta CarinaeC、 Invention of a time machineD、Biggest telescope【 正确答案】B第7 9题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Until recently, the science of the future was supposed to beelectronics and artificial inte

148、lligence. Today it seems more and more likely that thenext great breakthroughs in technology will be brought through a combination ofthose two sciences with organic chemistry and genetic engineering. Thiscombination is the science of biotechnology.According to the passage, the scienceof the future i

149、s likely to be.A、electronicsB biotechnologyC、genetic engineeringD、nuclear technology【 正确答案】B第 80题 【 单选题】2004.10 Jean didnt have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy forthe examination.A、to prepareB、to be preparedC、preparingD、being preparing【 正确答案】C第 81题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】Bees are fly

150、ing insects closely related to wasps and ants, and are known fortheir rolein pollination ( 授粉) and for producing honey and b e e s w a x . T h e best-known bee speciesis the European honey bee, which, as its name suggests, produces honey, as do a few other types ofbee.A、There is only one queen in a

151、hive.B Every bee does a job without being told.C There are nearly 20,000 known species of bees.D、Bees do not like ice and snow.【 正确答案】C第82题 【 单选题】The ancient Egyptians are supposed rockets to the moon.A、to sendB、to be sendingC、to have sentD、to have been sending【 正确答案】c第83题 【 单选题】2005.10 plastics, th

152、e washing machines is light in weight.A、Made ofB、Making ofC、Being made ofD、Having made of【 正确答案】A第 84题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】 Finally, many great players come from the same kind of neighborhood- a poor, crowed area where a boys dream is not to be a doctor, lawyer, orbusinessman, but to become a rich, famous

153、athlete or entertainer. For example,Liverpool, which produced the Beetles, had one of the best English soccer ( 英式足球)teams in recent years. Pele practiced in the street with a ball made of rags. AndGeorge Best learned the tricks that made him famous by bouncing the ball off awall in the slums of Bel

154、fast.AII great players have a lot in common, but that doesntexplain why they are great. Hundreds of boys played in those Brazilian streets, butonly one became Pele. The greatest players are born with some unique quality thatsets them apart from all the others.ln the last paragraph the statement . bu

155、t onlyone became Pelew indicates t hat .A、Pele is the greatest soccer player.B、the greatest players are born with some unique quality.C Peles birthplace sets him apart from all the others.D、the success of a soccer player has everything to do with the family back ground.【 正确答案】B第85题 【 单选题】2005.4 It w

156、as long supposed that the main difference between animals and plants was that theformer could move about while the could not.A、otherB、latterC anotherDx later【 正确答案】B第86题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】We all have our own comfort foods. Interestingly, they may vary according to moodsand gender. One study found that ha

157、ppy people seem to want to eat things like pizza, while sadpeople prefer ice cream and c o o k ie s .R e s e a r c h e r s also found that guys seem to preferhot, homemade comfort meals, like steaks and casseroles. Girls go for chocolate and ice cream.A、 Bored people crave salty, crunchy things, lik

158、e chips.B、 Emotional eating patterns can be learned.C、Dont let emotional eating disturb your weight.D But emotional eating can be linked to positive feelings too.【 正确答案】A第87题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 The black robin ( 旅鹑) is one of the worlds rarest birds. It is a small, wild bird, and itlives only on the isla

159、nd of Little Mangere, off the coast of New Zealand. In 1967 there were aboutfifty black robins there; in 1977 there were fewer than ten. .A、 These are the only black robins left in the world.B、Those that fail to meet the challenges will disappear early.C、 Both represent orders in the classification

160、of life.D、Detailed studies are going on, and a public appeal for money has been made.【 正确答案】A第88题 【 单选题】【 概括大意】A good rule of thumb ( 好的做法)is to take your body weight in pounds and dividethat number in half. That gives you the number of ounces ( 盎司)of water per day that you need.For example, if you

161、weigh 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces of water per day. If youexercise you should drink another 8-ounce glass of water for every 20 minutes you are active. If youdrink coffee or alcohol, you should add at least an equal amount of water. When you are travelingon an airplane, it is goo

162、d to have 8 ounces of water for every hour you are on board the plane.Themain idea of this paragraph is.A、Ounces of Water Needed Per DayB、A Good Rule of ThumbC、Different People Drink Different Ounces of WaterD、How to Drink Water【 正确答案】A第89题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 The black robin ( 旅鸦) is one of the worlds ra

163、rest birds. It is a small, wild bird, and itlives only on the island of Little Mangere, off the coast of New Zealand. In 1967 there were aboutfifty black robins there; in 1977 there were fewer than ten. .A、 These are the only black robins left in the world.B Those that fail to meet the challenges wi

164、ll disappear early.C、Both represent orders in the classification of life.D、Detailed studies are going on, and a public appeal for money has been made.【 正确答案】A第 90题 【 单选题】 阅读理解】 I entered the hotel managers office and sat down. I had just lost 50and I felt very upset. I left the money in my room, I s

165、aid, and its not there now.The manager was sympathetic, but he could do nothing. Everyones losing moneythese days. he said. He started to complain about this wicked world but wasinterrupted by a knock at the door. A girl came in and put an envelope on his desk.It contained 50. I found this outside t

166、his gentlemans room. she said. Well, Isaid to the manager, there is still some honesty in this world!What did the writerbelieve had happened to his money?A、 He had left his money in the managers office.B、Someone had stolen his money.C、The manager had the money.D The girl had stolen the money.【 正确答案】

167、B第 91题 【 单选题】 阅读理解】 Some people told me that it was too late. Some told me that I was tooold. Others told me that I would never be able to pull it off. I had to work full timeand take care of my son. But inside I was told something different.The underlinedsentence “But inside I was told something di

168、fferent“ in the passage probably meansA、what others told her was not trueB、someone told her something differentC、the author would have a different life if she triedD、the author decided to return to school for a college degree【 正确答案】D第 92题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Two United Nations agencies warned on Tuesday th

169、at children aremost at risk of developing skin cancers as a result of the long-term decline in theearths protective ozone layer. The agencies, the World Health Organization (WHO)and the UN Environmental Programme ( UNEP) , issued the warning as theylaunched a global programme aimed at alerting schoo

170、ls to the dangers of exposureto the sun.Why does the risk of developing skin cancers in children become greaterand greaterA Because they pay little attention to their skin health.B Because they are short of physical training.C、 Because the earths protective ozone layer declines year after year.D、Bec

171、ause the earth is getting warmer and warmer.【 正确答案】c第93题 【 单选题】【 完成句子】Amongst the most popular books being written today are those which are usuallyclassified as science fiction. Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kinds ofpeople. Furthermore, some of the most successful

172、films of recent years have been based on sciencefiction stories.People enj oy.A、a recurrent themeB、 reading books of science fictionC、read worldwideD political implications【 正确答案】B第94题 【 单选题】【 阅读判断】On March 27, the US Government scientists made a decision after they predicted theeruption of Mount Sa

173、int Helens; they telephoned all states and local officials in the area and toldthem that a serious eruption was possible at any time.Q: American scientists predicted that MountSaint Helens was to erupt soon.A TrueB、FalseC、Not Given【 正确答案】A第9 5题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 We all have our own comfort foods. Intere

174、stingly, they may vary according to moodsand gender. One study found that happy people seem to want to eat things like pizza, while sadpeople prefer ice cream and c o o k ie s .R e s e a r c h e r s also found that guys seem to preferhot, homemade comfort meals, like steaks and casseroles. Girls go

175、for chocolate and ice cream.A、 Bored people crave salty, crunchy things, like chips.B Emotional eating patterns can be learned.C、Dont let emotional eating disturb your weight.D、 But emotional eating can be linked to positive feelings too.【 正确答案】A第9 6题 【 单选题】【 概括大意 1 Deaf peoplepeople who cant hear-a

176、re still able to communicate quite well, with aspecial language. Its called sign language. The speaker of sign language uses hand gestures in orderto communicate. Basic sign language has been used for a long, long time. But sign language wasntreally developed until about 250 years ago. In the middle

177、 of the 1700s, a Frenchman named Epeedeveloped sign language. Epee was able to speak and hear, but he worked during most of his life asa teacher of deaf people in France. Epee developed a large number of vocabulary words for signlanguage. Epees system used mostly picture-image signs. We call them pi

178、cture-image signsbecause the signs create a picture.The main idea of this paragraph is.A、Actually Deaf People Can SpeakB、Deaf People Can CommunicateC、Something about Sign LanguageD、Sign Language is Invented by a Deaf People【 正确答案】c第 97题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】The great sea voyages of Europes Age of Discovery,

179、 such asChristopher Columbuss trip to the West Indies in 1492, would have beenimpossible without the use of a compass. This great device for sea voyages wasintroduced to the West from China during the thirteenth century We have tothank ancient Chinese for their invention of the compass.What is the p

180、aragraphmainly about?A、Columbus was a great sailor and discoverer.B The compass was invented by Columbus.C The invention of the compass is important in human history.D、Columbus introduced the compass to the West Indies.【 正确答案】c第 98题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】The typical person living alone is neither old nor l o

181、ne l y . . The majority ofthese people have chosen to live alone. They are responding to decreasing social pressure to getmarried and have a family.A、 This is a dramatic change from the extended families of just a couple of generations ago.B、The growing number of women with good jobs has done much t

182、o increase the number ofpeople living alone.C、 Theres more pressure to get married nowadays.D、In fact, a quarter of the 23 million single people in the U.S. are under the age of 35.【 正确答案】D第 99题 【 单选题】( 填句补文】As part of their study, the researchers used a special machine to take action photos ofthe s

183、tudents br a i ns . . This is the same part of the brain that becomes active when goodreaders read. This activated brain area appears to include a structure that helps people recognizefamiliar written words quickly.A、Do you have difficulty reading in class?B、 The pictures showed an increase in activ

184、ity in the back of the brain on the left side.C、As part of the study, 37 struggling readers received special tutoring.D、By the end of the school year, these children could read faster than before.【 正确答案】B第 100题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】It had been boring hanging about the hotel all afternoon. The roadcrew were

185、playing a game with dollar notes. Folding them into small planes to seewhose would fly the furthest. Having nothing better to do, I joined in and won five,and then took the opportunity to escape with my profit. Despite the evil-lookingclouds, I had to get out for a while. Why did the writer want to leave the hotelA、To enjoy the good weather.B、To have a change of scene.C To spend all his winnings.D、To get away from the crew.【 正确答案】B



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