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1、1.1 数学八年级上册同步练习:12.2.1 三角形全等的判定 SSS 3 1v 1. Mr. Smith is a teacher. He is very strict. 2. The girl is called Mary. I saw her yesterday. 3. There are two other sharks. They are fierce. 4. This is the factory. I visited it last year. 5. This is the most exciting moment. I will never forget it. 6. I ha

2、ve found such books. They are beneficial to us. 7. I bought the same dress. You wore the dress yesterday. 8. He is such a kind teacher. We all like him. 9. The house is Toms. Its door faces south. 10. The house is Toms. The door of the house faces south. 11. Workers built shelters for the survivors.

3、 Their homes had been destroyed. 12. Workers built shelters for the survivors. The homes of them had been destroyed. 13. Tom has a gold watch. Its hands are made of diamond. 14. He has two sons, and both of them are teachers. 15. There are many old buildings, and many of them have been pulled down.

4、16. There is a beautiful house, and in front of it sits a little girl. 17. He is a hero, and we are all proud of him. 18. We have no money. We buy food with money. 19. This is the book. I am interested in it. 20. This is the village. I visited last week. 21. This is the village. I was born in the vi

5、llage. 22. I will never forget the day. I spent it with you last summer. 23. I will never forget the day, and on that day I joined the army. 24. The house has been pulled down. I grew up in it. 25. The reason is proper. He gave us the reason. 26. The reason was that he missed his train. For that rea

6、son he was late. 27. I dont like the way. He explains the way to us. 28. I dont like the way. She treats her children in that way. 1.1 数学八年级上册同步练习:12.2.1 三角形全等的判定 SSS 3 2v 29. Shell never forget her stay there. She found her lost son during her stay. 30. After graduation she reached a point in her c

7、areer. She needed to decide what to do. 31. Later in the chapter cases will be introduced to readers. In these cases, consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law. 32. The pilot ran into a situation. He may have lost the control of the plane. 33. We arrived at noon. The play was over by t

8、hen. 34. He was a student at this school from 1999 to 2003. He studied hard and was elected chairman of the Students Union then. 35. The capital city of Greece is Athens, and it has a long history. 36. He was killed on Oct., 1949, and on that day he joined the Party. 37. He completed college at 15,

9、and I could hardly believe it. 38. He failed the exam again. We had expected it. 39. He is one of the students. They are often late for school. 40. He is the only one of the students. He was often late for school. 销售代理协议 合同编号: 甲 方: 乙 方: 甲乙双方本着平等自愿、互惠互利、诚实守信的原则,经充分友好协商,就乙方销售代理甲方 的相关事宜,订立如下合同条款,以资共同恪守

10、履行。 一、代理区域 乙方的代理区域为: 二、代理产品 乙方销售代理甲方的产品为: 三、代理权限 1、甲方授权乙方为 地区的独家代理商,全面负责该地区的销售和经销商管理。 2、甲方不得在乙方代理区域内另设其他代理或经销商。如出现上述情况,甲方须退还 乙方保证金,乙方有权立即终止代理合同及得到相应补偿。 3、乙方严禁跨区域窜货,对有跨区域窜货行为的乙方,甲方有权要求乙方无条件收回 发出的全部货物,费用乙方全部承担;如果乙方不收回货物,甲方将取消其代理资 格,本合同将自动终止,一切后果由乙方承担。 4、对于乙方代理的销售区域,乙方可以根据实际情况制订销售政策,原则上甲方不予 干涉,但乙方对于自己以

11、及下属经销商的经销行为负无限连带责任。 四、代理期限 1.1 数学八年级上册同步练习:12.2.1 三角形全等的判定 SSS 3 3v 1、本合同的代理期限为壹年,从本合同签订之日起至 年 月 日止。 双方可根据本合同的约定提前终止或续期。 2、乙方要求对本合同续期的,应至少在本合同期限届满前提前壹个月向甲方书面提出。 甲方同意的,与乙方签订续期合同。 3、甲、乙双方约定,在本合同期限届满时,乙方满足以下条件可以续约: (1)较好地 履行了本合同的义务,没有发生过重大违约行为; (2)已经向甲方支付了到期的全 部款项; (3)签署放弃可针对甲方提起诉讼和仲裁的文件。 五、最低代理销售量乙方承诺向甲方的订货量为每月平均 ,如果壹年内不能完成销售指标的,甲方有 权取消乙方代理资格。 六、代理商品价格 1、配送价格:甲方向乙方统一配送产品的价格。 2、销售价格:乙方应当按照甲方建议(规定)的零售价格销售产品(服务) 。如果甲方 建议(规定)的零售价格不符合本地区市场情况,乙方需调整销售价格时,应当向 甲方报告。甲方应当根据系统的统一性要求和乙方所处地区的市场情况综合考虑, 作出调整价格的决定。 七、奖励乙方年销售量达到 ,甲方赠送给乙方 ;年销售量达到 ,甲方赠送乙方 八、商情报告 1、乙方有权接受客户对产品的意见和申诉,并及时通知甲方,以关注甲方的切身



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